The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 18, 1895, Image 1
Win $mil Bmik turn- UimiUn VOL. XI. TATmtT TT 4 rPfl? ATPDP A SIT A PPTnivT TMrTiTTTri T 4 ATTT 4 HV m inn- lUIlin XUiLlXJJ, nuunnuiva, a iuuai Xj mi 111 J, OAiLAIXl 10, LOUD. NO. 5. JANUAEY CLEARANCE SALE!! BRRGHINS UNLIMITED! -AT THE- BOSTON -:- STORE. Come everybody and for once in your life, see what it means, hverything goes at liock bottom Trices Read Our Price List! DRY GOODS. i To close out 10 dozen regular sizes, ' nil i-rr! pnmol li:?r Hnn :ic cillr former Jjight prints at I cents per yard; dark ,,rico S1.2.J per garment, at this salo for priuiB .) cc:jl5 purjiiru. i 1 cents per garment. The very best Amoskctg ginghams at ' Ladies white and pray merino under f cents per yard. wear going at .'50 cents per garment. Shirtings at S cnts per yard. Varus in all colors at 72. cents per lb. The very best Ticking, warranted So Wo liavo abollt 40 children's cloaks hold feathers, at U eorstsper yard. jefl? ruut,-n,j u sjzes from 1 to 12, not a Frciu Sacn7forne7prico Scents. f 1 ' for th.ssalo at lti cents. our choice of tlnslot-o American Sateens at cents a vard To close ont-a line of blankets at 50 : . cents on the dollar. wool French Sorgo, in all colors, i lU-inches wide, former price. ?l and 81.2i5 ijow Eo!d at '2.. cents per yard. All wool Ladies cloth, '5G-in wide, for-' ti:er pric ."? cents, for this rale rJ2'2' c is. i-- i l r n i; ,. .i, r-...n e have just received a beautiful lino Jfi-iB ad wx! loathes cloin. loriner . , . .. , ... , . (i - f,. ,i ,., of ladies whito muslin underwear which Dnco cent?. ::t liiiR s;ile for 1 '.. cents. .... , , , , 1 - will be so d dirt cheap. To close out A few shawls at DO cents on the dollar. To closo out All our knit goods at 50 cents on the dollar. Frederick Arnold's silk finish Ilenri- eitn -JO-incher. wide, in ali colors, former To closo out All our Men's. Boy's and i:iou 6J l l-'2', for llii sale 77' . cents Children's Overcoats at 50 cents on the I I , dollar. Thtee-fourihs v.ool Henrietta, in all colon-, former nrico i I cent, at tliis sale 2") ceutrf. SHOE DEP'T. Our stock of Shoes is of the very best makes handled lv western merchants. UKDERWEAR. , , i - i Our spring line of shoes will s on arrive, To closc-la uozon regular sizes ladies fmil ,mist Iuakc mQm QD Qur 8hoIvos French ribbed all v.ool suits, former , ,Mfjro b.lvu ,,olHOwhero conie and Q.iim. price .-1.2., per garment, at this sale at iuo QUr st.k and 4i. cents per garment. This sale will commence Saturday Jaivy 12th, and continue the remainder of the month. Yours for Great Bargains. TH8 BOSTON STORG. County Correspondence. 3STO. 3496. jTirsi Rational Ban, NORTH PLATTE, jSTIlIB. Ife, Capital, - m o -i A. $50,000.00. 822,500.00 gSr-' E. M. F. LEFLANG, Pres't., Ijh ARTHUR McNAMi RA, Cashier. 5f A General Banking Business Transacted. x mi i l 1 c 0 in 1 1 1 j miff 11 3F. Don't pay other people's debts. DAVIS Js the ONLY Hardware Man in North Platte that NO ONE OWES. You will always find my price right. Yours for Business, A. L. DAVIS. HE A lei: jx Still Sellim Hardware, Tinware, fcs, Sporting Goods, Etc. Dr. N. McCABE. Prop. J, B. BUSH, Manager. NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY, 3STOKTJ-L PLATTE, -- jSTTSKASIvA. WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. QrTJ-sr'ig PLACE FINEST SAMPLE E00M - IN NORTH PLATTE Having rpfittcd our rooms in the finest of style, the public is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables and competent attendants will supply all your wants. KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE THE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT Nicliol Nuggets. About two inches of snow fell in this country Tuesday night. Chas. Burke, of the Platte, pur chased a number of swine in this neighborhood Monday. A little son of Mr. and Mrs. X. B. Spurrier is seriously ill at this writing. Al Moshier is hauling corn to the hub at fifty-five cents per bushel. A large herd of cattle was driven from the south side over north by this place on AVednesda-. We did not learn their destination. AY. K. Miner returned from Mis souri the front end of the week. A large number of porkers were taken to the Platte market from this locality Monday and Tuesday. 4Lige" Harris returned from Missouri the first of the week to attend the funeral of his brother John and wife, which was held on "Wednesday. Considerable sickness is reported among the children in this section of the county at present. " The trade between W. K. Miner and S. H. Phiiucie is said to have matured, and that Mr. Phinacie now owns isir. Aimers interest in the Ilostetter farm. Hogs at S3.50 per hundred pounds and corn at fifty-five cents per bushel, is not venT encouraging for the horn handed granger who has party by those who were present. As a purveyor of scientific news J The Tribune will keep abreast of the times, if its form doesn't get pied. A lady asks how to make hens lay in winter. , Tliis is a subject to which I have "given considerable thought. The eggs a hen lays dur ing the hot summer days, when filed away for future reference, are so inclined to lose their self respect on or prior to the winter months that they frequently remind one of the deficit in the gold reserve and other melancholy events. I have often thought how much pleasanter it would be to eat a nice, fresh, highly esteemed egg- than to be compelled to swallow one about which the odor of neighborhood scandal has hung for several months. I have seriously con sidered the subject in all its bear ings. I have tried to reason from a lien's standpoint, to put myself in sympathetic relation with a hen's train of thought, so to speak, and thereby ascertain what line of ar gument one ought to take to con vince hens of thelmportance of a radical change in their social and moral life. A hen, you sce.has consci encious scruples against raising a large and exacting family during the cold months, and this deters her somewhat from the attempt. Considering the subject from this WE PAY CASH 100 CENTS OX THE DOLLAR AND SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY. KENMFS SLAUGHTER SALE --1895. THE NEW TARIFF On All Imported Woo en Goods and Silks IS IN OPERATION JANUARY 1ST. We must close out our stock of nice line goods and make room for our new stock under the new tariff regulations. : : : $1.75 Silk Henrietta at SI. 10; $1.50 Silk Henrietta at S5 cts.: $1.00 Henrietta at (o cts.; $1.25 Bedford Cords at 85 cents: $1.25 French Serges at 85 cts.: $1.00 French Serges at 65 cts.: all wool 1.1 vd. wide $1.25 Broad Cloth at 75 cts.; 65 ct Flannels, 46 in. wide at 5t cts. : : : In our Shoe department we offer the choicest line in the west. C. D. and E. widths, in line new goods. : : : Call and see for yourself the Wonderful Bargains at Rennie's for January and February in 1S95. : . : Amoskeag Ginghams at5 cts. per yard. Lawrence LL Muslin at 4 'cts. per yard, Lonsdale Muslin at 6 cts. per yard, at " RENNIE'S. both on hand, or for the one who i standpoint it will be readily seen i - has to buv the corn. that two things are necessary. Tiff Bros., of the hub, are load- First: To impress upon the hens ing baled hay at this station. It is the fact that the are not living being shipped east. for themselves but for the good Jerry Dwyer has been hauling- tliey imiy do others: Let a hen corn to the Platte lately. . once comprehend her responsibili- North Platte butchers are scour- tv: let her once understand that the ing this country at present in search of fat cattle, which are not very plentiful at this season of the year more especially this year. whole world is earnestly calling for newly manufactured eggs in January the same as in July; let her understand for once and all The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. John i that public sentiment is against Harris, who committed suicide at i strikes particular!- in the cold their home southwest of Paxton on Sunday morning of this week, took place from the residence of her parents. Mr. anil Mrs. I. V. Zook, at this place, on Wednesday fore noon. It was attended by a large concourse of sympathetic friends and neighbors. The interment took place at the O'Pallons ceme tery. Rev. Cruzen, of North Platte, officiated. Revival meetings, we understand, are in progress at the new school house in Iiiumau precinct at present. Rev. Graves will expound the j gospel to the citizens of Hershey on Tuesday evening next. Pat. WILL YOU BELIEVR IT? HV FRANK SAISREKA. The mince pie party given to a few personal friends by Col. II. M. Grimes last Saturday evening was prolific of results that will be ex tremely interesting to ps-chologists throughout the world. The party was given for a purpose purely scientific and was one of the most unique social events that history chronicles. The participants call it a "socio-psychologic part," be cause of the happy blending of social and philosophic pleasures which belonged to it. The under; lying motive prompting the party was a firm and unalterable deter mination to investigate mince-pie dreams with the object of classify ing mince-pie effect upon a strictly scientific basis. The "hypnotic season: and the battle is half won. Second: Make the lives of your hens more pleasant. Give them three square meals a. day and put up a base burner in thejehicken house. No one need expect any hen to have aspirations tjIead a different life wh'en she is'coitipcllcd to' rus tle for a living every day in the year. Besides the poet has said, "A litllo solace now anil Uien Is relished by the wie't hen."' IRRIGATION NOTES. A minct's inch of water-is equal to nine gallons per minute. A cubic foot of water contains 7.4S gallons and weighs 62A pounds. One gallon of water contains 231 cubic inches and weighsS'j pounds. Doubling the diameter of a cylin der increases its capacity four times. It has been ascertained that 27, 154 gallons of water will cover one acre one inch in depth. The wind blows at a pumping velocity on an average of ten hours per day for the entire year. For Nebraska, from five to ten inches of water should be applied each season, varying according to the rainfall. Windmills will furnish water pro fitably from wells as deep as 200 feet for irrigating all kinds of fruit and vegetables. Square the diameter of the cylin der, multiply by length of stroke in inches and then multiply by .0034 influence of mince pie upon gray , d you have the capacity per matter" was the subject under con- j stroke in gallons. sideration. Col. Grimes made the pies himself and nothing but A reservoir containing one acre of ground filled with water four feet chopped porterhouse and apples i in depth contains 1.303,392 gallons were used, these being mixed with London layer raisins and the re quisite spices, and properly lubri cated with brandy of the vintage of sixty-nine. Those present from which is sufficient to cover forty eight acres one inch in depth. It is estimated that three and a third millions acres of arid lands in South Dakota have been reclaimed A state irrigation policy, superin tended by expert ability and faith fully persevered in over a series of years, would put into the hands of Nebraska-'s people irrigation facili ties that would seem fairly astound ing if predicted now. The following clipping was taken from The Lamar Sparks a paper published down in Arkansas valley, Colorado, in Prowers county, where they used to howl drouth and starv ation as loud as anybody. They have quit it, and now they are on the other side of the market: Al falfa is the greatest staple of the valley, and Prowers county pro duced a splendid crop last yeay. The vield of seed was generous and of high quality and the hay crop is roughly estimated at 150.000 tons, and will probably exceed that figure. Thousands of cattle and horses have been driven here from less favored localities for feeding, and over 30,000 head of sheep are being cared for on the alfalfa lands near Lamar. Very little of the vast aniunnt of hay raised here will be shipped out of the county. Let us assume that Nebraska means business this time, says the Irrigation Age. What will be the character of thecltauges in her economic life by the adoption of irrigation? It will be a revolu-j tion. The quarter section will come down to 80 acres, then to 40 I acres, and ultimately to 2J acres, j The Nebraska farm will no lonrer : be merely an insignificant segment! of the corn belt. It will be in a I modest sense a sovereign republic. I for within the limitations of his own little farm the land proprietor will be independent. He will learn from Utah the philosophy of diver sified crops and will try to produce , nearly everything h family con-1 smiles. Then he will laugh in the J face of panics as well as in the face j of dry years. He will learn from j southern California scientific methods of irrigation, and so will ' intensify the product of each acre : to the last degree. He will learn j from New England the social j advantages of thickly populated communities. The result will be a j new kind of civilization and the ' gradual evolution of an American J commonwealth, which will with-( stand every shock and strain that can come with time. The people of Nebraska should look forward to the next ten years as altogether thej the brightest in their history. ; There should be no faltering this, time. All sections of the state! should stand shoulder to shoulder. ' and the best talent of the people ! should be consecrated to the work j from this time on. i Poor old Coxey and poorer old , Waite both want to be populist nominees for president in 1S96. j Thus far Waite seems to be ahead, j c economy: is iv&tfiii GOXjUY" Cl-I ILE la te None o1 Dem Yer Byecotts HAVE 1IEEN RUN OX PILLSBURY'S BEST" PATENT FLOUR! Same wuz run on de Washburn's Superlative Flour bv the National Board of Federated Labor at Denver in December. Union Made and up to the Highest Standard. For sale by all Grocers Take no other. abroad were win. jjrvan. x nomas I bv irrigation at a low cost. The B. Keed. J. u. Carlisle and -b. J value of these lands before irriga-' Pluribus Rosewater. The latter'j-: ,..t i err r,rn nnn - -i .-.w1 4?tit ..null f irtf ' The latter , tion was estimated at $77,000,000, while now thev are rated at nearly superior, to the pies the B. & M. is ,300.000,000. dispensing at Lincoln. The even-, of all the semi-arid states, bv ing was a most enjoyable one and wh;dl we inean the two DaUotas"t the pies melted away like a Chinese army. The writer, who was pres ent, is sorry to make note of the fact that Secretary Carlisle was detected secreting half a pie in his overcoat pocket as he was about" to leave. Being charged with this breach of departmental courtesy he excused himself by declaring that Grover had bade him do it, and while he was himself irrevocably opposed to kleptomania, he was obliged to do as the president said or resign. He had his family to care for, he said, and could not resign. He was permitted to keep the pie. The Tribune expects to lay before its readers in future issues some of the scientific dis coveries made subsequent to the Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, Nebraska is most fortun ately endowed with water supplies, says the Irrigation Age. The amount of land that can ultimately be irrigated will be a large total in acreage, as nearly all of the state would be fit for cultivation if suffi ciently watered, the area reclaimed may seem small in comparison to the whole. The amount of water flowing in its surface streams, such as the North Platte, Republican. Frenchman, Loup. Niobrara and Missouri, is immense in the aggre gate. The possibilities for indivi dual irrigation plants from under ground sources are also very large ndeed. The storage of storm waters i- feasible to a considerable degree. It is reported that a stroke of j good sense has come to General j Weaver, of Iowa, and that "he will' quit politics and move to Missouri j and go to farming." , The folly of prejudice is fre quently shown by people who prefer to suffer for years rather than try an advertised remedy. The mil-! lions who have no such notions, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla for blood diseases, and are cured. So much for common sense. Tun American people are not! taking kindly to the president's, generous proposal to give Great Britain a cable station in the I Hawaiian Islands. He could just as well assign the British lion grounds in Alaska or a naval sta tion at San Erancisco. The people did not elect President Cleveland to build up English prosperity at the expense of American interests. Inter Ocean. Thurston's Speech of Acceptance. Following is a synopsis cohering the salient points in Hon. John M. Thurs ton's speech of acceptance in the joint, j convention which elected him United j States senator from Nebraska: ( Words are impossible in which to ad-j """-'J in; lll'Ullll'lL lilLltulIU for tiio great honor you have- to gener ously bestowed upon me. It will bo my ambition,as your representative!) merit and retain tiio full measure of that confi dence, friendship and esteem with which j I am so signally favored. f j-ue people or AeorasKa have been pub licly and thoroughly advised as to how I stand upon nearly all of tho important tjuestions of the hour. I wish the legislature to know my views: for if you should differ with me I respectfully ask that you direct mo by appropriate resolutions as to your wishes. So long as I boar tho commission of the people of Nebraska I shall hold mvself as their servant and subject to their di rection. I desire, albo, to bo thoroughly understood, in order to invito criticism 1 in advance. While I havo doep-seatod convictions upon most public questions,' I have no pride of opinion which would stand in the way of giving full consider ation to tho views, arguments and sug gestions of othors. I am in favor of tho speedy enactment of a protective taritr law modeled upon tho general lines of tho McKinley act, and embodying tho reciprocity ideas of James G. Ulaino. Whatever labor is to bo dono for tho people of tho United States, shall bo done by tho people of tho United States under tho stars and stripes. I would put a stop to tho outflow of gold from tho treasury, lirst by requir ing that all import duties should be aid in gold at the option of tho treas urer of tho United States; and, second, by insisting upon the right of redemp tion, iu either gold or silver, of our out standing notes, whenever it become ap parent that redemption is being de manded for speculative purposes. It is said that such a policy would drive gold to a premium. In my judgment we can better afford to have gold at a premium than prosperity at a discount. There should bo no resurrection of wild cat money by the general govern-, ment or by any state in the union. Our national banking system should bo pre served. It is tho best that human in genuity has yet devised. I favor amendments, however, in the following particulars: The substitution of a lower interest bond as security for the na tional bank issue this substitution would of itself refund to that extent the government bonded indebtedness au thority to issue bank notes to tho full amount of the bond dpoiit; tho collec tion of a tax on tho entire authorized issue, and the imposition of a heavy penalty, or forfoitdroflf charter, for failure to zeop it-all :a escalation. -I am in favor of American bi-mettal-ism, and in this tho United States should lead tho world. I do not admit the claim so persistently made by advocates of free and unlimited coinage of silver, that our present evils aro the result of so-called silver demonetization; nor do I believe that the remonetization of silver would produce any startling changes in existing conditions. I am satisfied, however, that tho demonetization of one-half of tho world's supply of tho ul timate money of redemption was not for tho best interests of tho people of tho world, and I think wo should do every thing in our power to hasten tho re turn of bi-metalism among tho nations of tho earth. My position upon tho American silver question has been thoroughly understood by the people of this state, and I accept my election, by tho united vote of tho great republican majority in this legisla ture, as an endorsement of my ante-eloc-tion declaration in favor of tho coinage of tho American product of gold and silver into honest dollars. I heartily favor tho establishment of a labor commission, or bureau, or depart ment. which shall have general super vision of all matter pertaining to labor interests. I have lived in the stato of Nebraska for moro than a quajter of a century. I am thoroughly familiar with its people, its industries, its resources, its necessities and its possibilities. I yield to no man in loyalty to tho interests of this great commonwealth and this splendid west in which Nebraska is so centrally located. In tho senate of the United States it will bo my aim to labor for Nebrabka and for tho west. But in striving for their ad vancement and prosperity, I Bhall not lose sight of the fact that they are apart of the United States of Amencr. I havo no patience with those men who seek to array the west against tho east, or tho east against tho west. Whoever attempts to stir up sectionalism iu tho United States is a traitor to his country. This great agricultural and mineral west of which wo are so justly proud, cannot grow and thrivo and prosper as it ought and should without tho cordial friend ship, co-operation and assistance of tho mighty seaboard east, which represents the acoummulated capital of two centur ies and a half of American enterprise and thrift;and that mighty seaboard east cannot grow acd thrive and prosper as it ought and should, without the cordial co operation, friendship and assistance of this great pioneer west. Sectional selfishness should ee subordinated to na tional good. Nebraska put one star in tho azuro of our flag, and New York put another, but when they took their places in this flag, they were no longer stars of New York and Nebraska, but stars of tho greatest nation of the earth, shining for tho protection and happiness of every American citizen. Let it bo the ambi tion of all good and patriotic men I pledge you, my countryman, it shall bo mine to stand for tho prosperity and welfare of tho best government that has ever blessed mankind, and for the up lifting and K'orification 0f the dearest Hag that ever kissed the skv. '9