The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 15, 1895, Image 4

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served Exclusively u u
OverTwenty-One Million People
niiirtiittwWorld'A Fair Grounds
Universally accected a tte
Leading Fine coffee or the WorkL
Sells the above Coffee
together with a complete line of
Prices Always Reasonable.
Paid For Country Produce.
Nichol Nuggets.
Kev. Franklin. ofC the Platte,
preached at Hershey Sunday even
ing. A. M. Stoddard of Hinman was
birymg swine in this locality one
day last week.
J. A. Elli.-on formerly of this
vicinity but now of helper Utah is
at work in the railroad shops at
that place again after1 a short lay
up with a sore hand.
I. X. Hall had a toe mashed by a
cake of ice a few days ago while as
sisting in putting up a summer's
supply for a neighbor.
.Mrs. i. . aook was reported on
the sick list Sunda
A new barbed wire fence encloses
the section house and other U. P.
buildings at this place.
There is strong talk among the
fanners of this immidiate vicinity
at present of forming a stock com
pany in the spring for the purpose
of erecting a large store" building
with a hall over it and putting in
a general stock of merchandise. etc.
If this i done they will handle
farm produce, stock, farm machinery
etc. "We consider the above as a
move in the right direction, and
hope that it will mature, as there
is a large class of well-to do farm
ers in this locality who will be
greatly benefited by it.
Several parties in this neighbor
hood are la3ing in a -supply of ice
for the coming season.
C. S. Darner and J. W. Williams,
of Cozad, canvassed the schools in
this section last week for a patent
desk tablet. They met
success in this precinct.
John Toillion h
crushed recently
ice falling upon itj
T- -if 4t
For information rejard-
: ing the Great Irrigation !
Belt of Lincoln Co., write
: the Lincoln Co. Immigra-
tion Association, Aorth;
Platte, Nebraska. j
The adult members of Masonic
families will hold a sociable at the
Baldwin residence this evening.
Herrod, the grocer, presents
two handsomely trimmed store win
dows which cannot help but attract i the application of Wm. Coleman for
mi r i i f acinc notei nas a new
dav clerk by the name of Albert
Hope, vice. Will Stewart, resigned
John B. Johnson, of the Third
ward, was made happy last night
over the arrival of a bouncinr jSov
baby at his home.
The Kansas Citv Hav Press
Co., through Harrington & Tobin,
are donating $2 5 worth of provisions
for the relief of Lincoln county's
J. S. Hoagland left for Lincoln
last night for the purpose of inter
viewing Gov. Holcomb in regard to
the attention of passers-by.
Revival services began
Methodist church last evening
so long
at the
as the
will be continued
proper interest is manifest.
Tickets for the Kirmess, to b
given on the 29th inst., are now on
sale at Clinton's, where the can
also be reserved,
so desires.
And still the
if tlie purchaser
subscription list
of The Triiiune increases, an evi
dence that the people will obtain
the news while they are fresh, even
if times area trifle close.
Special meetings of the K. O.
T. M. were held yesterday after
noon and to-day for the purpose of
obligating new members. This in
dicates a prolific growth.
The members of the Good
Templars' lodge will serve supper
in the Ottman building for those
:siring the same in attendance at
the Red Men's dance on Friday
- The floral
funeral of Judge
1V Tl
at the
Church last Fri
day were ver profuse. Beautiful
designs were contributed by the G.
A. R. post, the W. R. C. and Jno.
E. Evans, and several wreaths b
others. The treasurer of this count'
collected $25,000 of state taxes in
1894. Had Lincoln county this
amount to expend in the way of
relieving her destitute people it
would go a long way toward accom
plishing this end.
Yes," said North Platte's
greatest street Ananias, "I have
been the death of two policemen,
and caused the crippling of two
more " when his audience broke
out with a "horse laugh" that
loosened the cornices of the sur
rounding, buildings.
We most respectfully protest at
the action of the eastern charitable
individual who sent several crates
iluvian plug- hats for the
raska sufferers. This
uch of the way ill
lous charitable per-
asea to treat the
ly sending them this
.ead gear, and strings
ie ds to cover the squaws.
oCcld1iiuuilus,uuu, - j roads, onj-the 4th inst. while V. V
the funeral of Judge Church F5J,-R;th
Henr- Brown is down fpowthe
ranch, andJ is rapidly recovering
from his recent illness.
Rev. Graves, of North Platte,
will preach to the people of Hershey
and vicinity on Tuesday evening of
next week.
A union Christian Endeavor So-ciet-
has lately been organized at
A Miss Stone, from the south
side, is stopping with Mrs. J. M.
Dwyer and attending school.
Y. K. Miner transacted business
in Missouri last week.
Archie Strickler is still reported
to be on the gain. His father from
Iowa is with him at this writing.
li. R. Gibbens left Tuesday for a
trip through Missouri and Arkan
sas with a view of locating if the
country suits him.
Mrs. Andy Anderson, of the hub,
is visiti ng at the section house.
Charles Toillion was surprised
on Saturday by his relatives com
ing in upon him. without warning,
to celebrate his thirty-sixth birth
day. All report an enjoyable time.
A series of Methodist revival
meetings are in full blast this week
at the Platte valley school house.
The tragedy enacted south of
Paxton Sunday is deeply
deplored by the people of this sec
tion, where Mr. and Mrs. Harris
formerly resided. Relatives of
both parties, with caskets for the
remains, started for the scene of
the tragedy Monday morning. The
bodies will be brought to this
place for interment as soon as ar
rangements can be made. The
relatives have the sympathy of
many friends in this their sad hour
of affliction. Pat.
In search of a good cigar
will always find it at J.
F. Schmalzried's- Trv
them and iudp-e.
t 4
Riteyour's daughter was bringing
In "tne herd of horses, she rode up
and tried to hurry them in and in
striking one with a whip it kicked
her on the right leg, breaking it.
This family lives in Lincoln count',
and the father is away working for
bread, while the girl, about 16 years
old, was looking after the stock.
In the distribution of aid we im
agine a little assistance in behalf of
this family would be appreciated.--Gothenburg
- The Tribune has discovered a
new local lady flutist who nightly
soothes her soul to slumber.with the
sad strains of this sweetly sympa
thetic instrument. It must have
been the seductive cooings of the
a pardon.
W. C. Elder is this week bend
ing all his energies to the prepara
tion of the docket for the next term
of the district court which convenes
February 4th.
The Nebraska house dining
room is being remodelled this week.
and in the future this hostelry will
have enlarged accommodations for
the comfort of its guests.
It is said that progessive
euchre is again becoming the fash
lonable game in the east. Here in
North Platte it is different, for
quite a respectable contingent pre
fer -'penny-ante."
A couple of stranded
from some minstrel venture which
fell to pieces in Colorado, struck
the town vesterdav morning antl
have been making the air melodi
ous (?) in the vicinity of the saloons
ever since.
Manager Lloyd is perfecting
arrangements whereby the opera
of Faust will be presented by a
competent company in his house
Feb'y 19th. Due notice will be
given when the negotiations are
Four noted Brule Sioux chiefs
will be present at the Red Men's
dance Friday evening, namely.
Chaw Log. Iron Leg, Sit-on-the-Log
and one other whose name has
escaped our memory. Old timers
will recognize these names.
A brother of Joe Hershey, liv
ing in the east, who has some in
vestments in this country, ordered
the latter to expend S25 for him in,
the relief of the destitute. Mr,
Hershey wisely purchased that
amount of flour which he is distri
buting out to those in want.
The beautiful began softly and
steadily falling at about six o'clock
this morning, and has been faith-.
Always makes a pretty and useful present. We have a
nice line of Hair Pins, Side Combs, Collarettes, Muff
Hoiders, Emery Balls, Spool Holders, Hat Marks, Coat
Hangers, Slipper Buckles, Garters, Key Rings, Match
Boxes, etc. When you need any little token you can
surely find it at our store.
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Jeweler Clinton received a little
testimonial of affection last Friday
night in the shape of a bright little
girl baby.
The relief supplies from eastern
people were in great demand Sat
urday, and many persons were
made happy thereby.
Rev. Kuhlman and wife, of
Grand Island, formerly of this city,
were made the victims of a pleas
ant '-pound" party one night last
Programme for teachers' meet
ing, North Platte, Jan. 26th, 1S95:
What are we reading; reports from
all. The art and value of story
telling, report from Mary E. Burts'
paper at state association. Miss
Bertha Thoelecke. Language and
reading in Primary grades. Miss
Fannie Clayton: in Intermediate
grade. Miss Rachel Caress; in
Grammar grades, J. C. Orr. Tom
and his teachers, report from Bishop
Vincent's lecture, state association.
Miss Eunice Babbitt. General
notes from the association. Miss
Emma Peckham.
To show the brave, optimistic
spirit which pervades some natures.
and their disposition to make light
of even the most serious situations.
we publish this brief excerpt from
one of the relief blanks prepared by
a Lincoln county citizen over date
of Oct. 23d. Ages of members in
amily "38, 34. 8, 6. 4 and to be
continued; amount of hay on hand
:ons; flour 1 H lbs: others provi
sions, about six bits worth; money
in bank .'; credits, notes, etc., : I:
remarks the above is a true state
ment. I do not make it expecting
aid, I have been so long without
The great interest manifested
throughout the United States in
irrigation and
VLwM flour mil
When Buying
irrigation districts.
and the unrest existing
in eastern
states among the farmers on ac
count of repeated crop failures has
prompted the organization of the
Lincoln County Immigration As
sociation. This association was
organized at the office of the North
Platte Land and Water company
in this city last Saturday afternoon.
The object is to promote immigra
tion and to assist in the settlement
and development ot lands under
irrigation in Lincoln count'.
The following
named gentlemen
Why not o-ct the BEST?
Washburn's Superlative
Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im
provement in milling machinery the product of the hard,
excellent wheat of the north. If you are not usino- the
Washburn Flour, try it. It is sold by
to business ever
It began snowing at Jules-
burg, Col., at about the same tinh,
but how far east the storm reaches
we have not ascertained. Although
it may cause a little Mnclnhjsakf
the oart or the need y Dnesand stocfc
in Nebraska, yet it is a good augury
for prolific crops next season. We
earnestly hope that it is but the!
forerunner of an unusual downfall
of this poor man's best fertilizer.
The members of the L. L,
of this city, have issued a challenge
to the Century club of Grand Island
for a series of debates dates and
details as yet undecided. The defi
has been accepted and the encounter
will probably come off under the
most approved rules some time in
February. The local organization
anticipates meeting foemen worthy
of their steel, as they claim some
Yale college graduates are to be
found within the ranks of the op
position club.
We learn that B. I. Hinman
has received a second proposition
from the gentlemen who are con
templating putting in a beet sugar
plant in this citv. As that gentle
man is out of town we are
in this issue to lav the
flute to which Ossian referred when i tliereof before our readers,
are said to be about as follows: In
consideration of the city or a pri-
ne saiu tneir notes were "lyiKe tne
memory- of joys that are past,
pleasant and mournful to the
soul." Would that North Platte
had many skilled performers upon
this instrument which has charmed
the world for centuries. It is an
indication of the approach of the
millenial period when a nation
drops the rude drum and adopts
the soft-voiced flute.
vate stock company erecting a sui
table building, and guaranteeing
the growing of sufficient beets to
keep the factory going, the sugar
company will put in the macliinery
and operate the plant at its own
expense. In several respects this
is a better proposition than that
formerly submitted, and it possible
j should be accepted by our people,
bod I think I can get along without
ting. The children can eat hay;
condition as regards clothing -have
hree changes all put on, will take
off and go without; condition as re
gards fuel, eight loads of grass-
oline.'" Special attention should be
paid to the wants of this brave
hearted "humorist who can thus
calmly look the future in the face.
F. Doualdson went to Fre
mont' on No. 4 this morning-.
C. E. Gunnell, of Paxton. visited
North Platte friends vesterdav.
I. A. Fort left for Lincoln this
morning to help the legislators irri
gate. - Mrs. R. Forrest, of Sidney, visited
the family of Wm. Connors this
J. H. McConnell passed through
North Platte on No. 4 this morning
on his way to Omaha.
Claim agent Canada, of the U. P.
R'y, unceremoniously dropped into
our city yesterday morning.
Mrs. H. C. Rennie is expected
home to-day from her extended visit
with Detroit. Mich., friends and
U. W. Saxe returned this morn
ing from his sad journey to Ken
tucky, mention of which was made
last week.
Bank examiner Whitmore left for
Lincoln this morning to hear Julius
Sterling Morton address the Ne
braska historical society.
Attorney Grimes, of North Platte,
passed through town Sunday morn
ing on his way to Sidney on profes
sional business- -Chappell Register.
Col. W. F. Cody left last night
for New York City and Washing
ton to complete some of the details
for coming season's show business.
were elected as officers and directors
for the ensuing year: W. L. Park,
president. North Platte; W. F.
Cody, vice-president. North Platte:
E. F. Seeberger, secretary and
treasurer, North Platte; David
Hunter, Sutherland: Isaac Dillon.
North Platte; J. H. Hershey. Her
shey; A. F. Strcitz, North Platte:
C. F. Ridings, North Platte; John
Bratt, North Platte: M. C. Keith,
North P.latte; Silas Clark, Cotton
wood Springs: William Plummer.
Maxwell; Martin Holcomb, Brady
Island; Victor YonGoetz. North
Platte; John Keith, Sutherland.
A permanent business manager,
who is not connected with any of
the canal companies, or large tracts
of land will be elected by the board
of directors as soon as the business
and correspondence demands it.
A committee was appointed to
draft the by-laws and articles of
incorporation, and the next meeting
of the board of directors will be
held on call of the president as soon
as these by-laws are ready for sub
mission. Extensive arrangements and cor
respondence have been entered into
by the officers, and the ditch com
panies and large land owners, and
towns in the irrigated district of
Lincoln county are signifying their
willingness to contribute liberally
to the funds of the association for
the object desired. In fact, every
thing indicates that the time for
this organization is opportune, and
it"is b'eitig received With the enthu
siasm that bespeaks for It a useful
career. Very few people know that
we have over two hundred miles of
large irrigation canals constructed,
and iu the course of construction,
that will all be completed in the
early spring, and that these canals
will cover 150,000 acres of the fruit
ful lands of the irrigated belt of
Lincoln county.
Every citizen of the county is
urged to become a member of this
association. A fee of one dollar
has been decided upon. This
money is to be used in the publica
tion of an illustrated pamphlet, and
other advertising matter for gen
eral distribution throughout the
Antliracito and Bituminous Coal
Always on hand. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Orders for coal left at Douglass' Drug Store on Spruce
street will be promptly filled.
The 786 has just been treated to
a new coat of paint and some light
repairs m the round house.
Chas. G. Peterson, round-house
foreman at Sidney, spent Sunday
in consultation with North Platte
Wm. Smallwood has commenced
the use of a new metallic packing
in the air pumps which works very
The working time of the wipers
in the round-houe was reduced one
hour Saturday, thus obviating the
necessity of cutting down the force.
One of the steam pipes used for
siphoning the water out of the
pit sprang a leak this
caused a trifling incon-
week and
The first of this week a
reduction was made in the number
of passenger conductors west of
here, whereby one man is reduced
to a freight run.
Engines S38, 662. S4tand 692 will
be turned
within a day or so, each
Wm. Hendy of North Platte spent
Saturday and Sunday with friends
in Brad-.
Fred George, Ed. Murphy, Wm.
Beatly and G. D. Mathewson were
at the county- hub Saturday.
Wm. Bloomquist of Gothenburg
was in town the latter part of the
John Dick of North Platte was
down Saturday to attend the
teachers' meeting.
Quite a number of boys from Yro
man skated up to Brady Saturday.
J. Gilbert, of Rawlins. Wyo., is a
visitor at R. C. Burke's this week.
Misses Thoelecke. McNamara
and Carlson, of North Platte, at
tended the teacher' meeting at
this place Saturday.
Jerry Lan. who'was accidentally
shot some time ago. has returned
home from St. Joseph's hospital at
Omaha. Lang's condition, with
the exception of his mind, which
wanders at times, is much im
proved. It is said that an I. O. G. T. lodge
ceived an overhauling.
having re-
The second
one.mentioned is .assigned
Fourth district.
The company is putting up an
unusually large supply of ice at
this point. It is said that North
Platte will be the central supply
station for iceing refrigerator cars
between Ogden and Chicago.
Write T. P. Gordon, St. Joseph.
Mo., for prices on all kinds of
Grain and ship him your Live
Subscribe for the Semi
Weekly Tribune,
None o' Dem Yer Byecotts
Same ez wuz run on dc Washburn's Superlative Flour bv the
National Board of Federated Labor at Denver in December.
Union Made and up to the 'Highest Standard.
For sale by all Grocra Take no other.
Miss Anna Kramph went to Coun
cil Bluffs Sunday night, expecting
to remain there a day or two and
then attend the Episcopal convoca
tion at Grand Island.
H. M. Grimes, W. T. Wilcox and
A. H. Davis, a triumvirate of Lin
coln county republicanism, left
Sunday to witness the election of
J. M. Thurston as U. S. senator at
the state capital to-day.
Rev. McDonald and Mrs. C. E.
Norton went to Grand Island this
morning .to attend the Episcopal
convocation, the latter being a dele
gate from the North Platte guild.
B. I. Hinman went to Lincoln
Monday to attend the meeting of
the State Agricultural society, when
the question of the location of the
Nebraska state fair for the next
five years will be settled.
The following- persons attended
the M. W. V. banquet and lodge
services at Sutherland last Satur
day night: Chas. Lierk. Jas. Ran
nie. W. R. Morgan, John and Mike
Sorenson. J. W. Fisher, Geo. Lan
nin. J. M. Cotton, Sam Adams, C.
F. Scharmann, Con Walker, John
Ravnor and T. M. Cohagen.
United States and foreign countries.
Col. Cody has offered todistribute
folders descriptive of the towns and
county- with his own advertising
matter throughout the east during
the coming season, and to give
personal information to all who
ma by such distribution be in
duced to inquire of him at the dif
ferent stands. The Union Pacific
R'y Company have offered to have
such advertising matter printed as
cheaply as they obtain their own in
large quantities, and to distribute
it in all of their agencies, both home
and foreign.
It is necessary that all should
to the extent of the amount of the
membership fee to start the associ
ation, and insure success, after
which it will, by the sale of listed
lands, be self sustaining. There is
not a lot owner in any of the towns
along the Union Pacific, or land
owner in the Platte valley who will
not be benefitted many times over
by such subscription. Call or send
your name with the amount to the
secretary-treasurer at once.
Subscriptions for the illustrated
books, at ten cents each, are asked
for to any amount. This book will
contain a view of the different
towns, public buildings, canals.
Humes, head-gates, methods of irri
gation, orchards, farms, etc.. with
subject matter descriptive of irri-
gation, its profits and advantages
and will be an interesting and in
structivc publication.
will soon be organized at this place.
out of the "back" shop ; Over seventy pledged their sup
port. A society of this kind is just
what Brady has been in need of; it
will afford amusement as well as
instruction 10 ine vounir neooier'1
and we hope to soon see a thriving
! society formed.
' The teachers' meeting held here
on Saturday was largely attended
J and an excellent programme was
j carried out.
Ira Nichols, of Denver, transacted
business in town the fore part of
the week.
Representatives of North Platle
and Brady literary societies met in
friendly contest at Brady Saturday
night. The question debated was
'Rer-olved. That the re-enactment
of the McKinlev law would be det
rimental to the best interests of
the United States." The North
Platte speaker, were Messrs. Ed-
Friday night last an
sleeper on train No. S caught fire
j near Lexington, from an overheated
stove, and was completely burned.
'HI... i l" -ii.
x ut i ebcapeu wiiuoui
damage further than the lo of
their clothing, although but short
time was allowed them for making
i mnniL nml T ;iHlirn nl1i-
their escape, and a number were j ami eloquently presented the af
rather airily clad. Urinative ide of the question. The
two speakers who were to repre-
The small boy resident of North
Platte misses one-half of his voting
life's sports by not having a hill'
upon which to coast during the
winter season. Here is a pointer i
.Information reached this city yes
terday morning of a sad catastrophe
occurring up south of Paxton in
Keith county. As near as we can
ascertain the particulars of the case
are about as follows: It seems
there was a man named Harris, liv
ing up in that vicinity whose wife
was about to be confined. Sunday
afternoon some investigating neigh
bors discovered the two bodies of
the couple.each with the throat cut.
Whether it was a case of suicide
and murder is not known at this
writing. Two theories are in cir
culation, one that the man had be
come discouraged at his situation
and in a fit of despondency had
first cut his wife's throat, and then
his own: the other is that perhaps
he had attempted to assist in the
accottchment of the child, and be
coming alarmed at his efforts, had
committed the crime. It is said
that a partly delivered foetus was
found upon the mother. Which of
the two theories is the correct one
will be a difficult matter to deter
mine. Mr. Harris was a son-in-law
of I. V. Zook, of Nichols.
The following latter was found
written by the husband in a clear
and steady hand:
Dear Old Parents: We have de
cided to end our lives together. Ida
took sick before daylight and it is
now 7 o'clock. Ida cut her throat
and I cut mine. I would give the
world to see my poor old father and
and mother. It seems like a ycarj
since I saw any of my folks.
500 acres of land under the Farm
ers and Merchants' ditch, only one
mile from town: suitable for garden
A J 1 T t " .
sent me israay society were de
tained away on btiMties. so two
others were chosen to fill the
vacancies. The judges decision was
in favor of the affirmative side.
I I Admitted at the I I
r . .. . , , . , I nine 11UII1 lun
w,.8Uurc F""iL.,ropisc wuo wisues farmin,r, beet raising and like pur-
poses. A plat of the land can be
seen at Otten's shoe store. For
prices and other particulars inquire
of D. V. BAKER.
North Platte Nob.
to invest m a toboggan slide: for
while he might not pass into history
as a great financier, yet his memorv
I would always be revered bv the
1 voutV of North Platte.
Why Was It
that Ayer'H Sars.-iparilla. out of the i;rcAt
number of similar preparations manufac
tured throughout the- worM, was thi; only
medicine of the kind admitted at tli"
World' Fair, ChiciiKo'.' And why was it
that, in spito of the united effort- of tht;
manufacturers of other preparations, tho
decision of the AVurM'.s Fair Directors
not reversed?
According t' Kit.: 1 "Article
that are in any way dan erous or
offensive, also patent raediclnas,
noBtrumx, and empirical prepara
tions, whose ingredients are con
cealed, will not be admitted to tho
Exposition," and. therefore
.vcjk? .yer'- SanaparilU is not .1
patent Medicine, not a no-trnni, and not
.1 secret preparation.
Jlfca'tse its proprietors Iiad nothing to
conceal when questioned :u to the for
mula trum which it is compounded.
ncauK it is all that it is elaimed to be.
a Compound Con. entrated Kxtract of Oj
Sarsaparilla.and in every sense, worthy
the indorsement of this most important o
committee, called to-ether for passing
upon Uie manufactured products of the
entire world.
Admitted ior Exhibition