The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 15, 1895, Image 3

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sir-. w.r r.rvzf, rstts-tv
nsumets of chewir tobacco who
are willing to pau a little more titan
lie price cbmed for tKe ordinag
trade tokccos, will find fnis
Brand superior to all otW-
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Humphreys'
"Witch Hazel Oil as a curative and
healing application. It has been
used 40 years and always affords relief
nnd always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Piles or Iir.:.:oRRiioiis, External
or Internal, Mind or Bleeding Itching and
Uurninjj; Crack.; or Figures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate cure certain.
It Cure Hi kns. Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction .10111 Burns. Kelief instant.
It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruise1:.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures Im-lamed or Caked Breasts
and Sure Xij'lc. It is invaluable.
It Cures Sur Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chappel Hands, Fever Blii-ters,
Sore Lijs or Noi-tri!?, Corn and Bunions,
S ire ami dialed Feet, Stint;-, ol Insects.
Three Size, 25.. 50c. and
iviM Iij DrupBiat.s.orsent poal-p&id ou receipt iif price.
Ill irilUl - 3I.D. IO., 1 1 1 A. US ttSIllani it., Jirw tnrt.
witch hazel oil
Hr IITHZItsnC. ThU renod
1 .. cirU rt r t. the znt A
1 i -fx ' I thc Or--o',
mrJ po cliai.fs of diet cr
Iiy jrsrr k is lmiOjsiMetococlrirt
,--y n-rtui'iseae, lint in the esse of
t IreiJy Vroi0HAT2LT ArrucTEC
with 0 inonh-r k and Olfet, c gudr-sii-t.
3 - c .r--, Fntu- ly rotl, pU9 jvii. ,
Sold bv A. I Streitz, Druggist, Nortl
"Matte." Neb.
$500 Howard!
WI? will pay the aboe rewarj fo. any case of
I.ivsr Complaint liypepsia, mic!c Headache In
digestion Constipation r Oostiveness we cannot
cure with '.Vol's Vegetable Liver I'iMs, when
llic Hit ections are strictly complied with. They
are parcly Vegetable, and never fail to ve sat
Uf 'dibit. SitfjarCoateil. Larc bores, 25 cents
Stcvnre of counterfeits and imitations. The j;en
oine wpinilactured only by THE JOHN C. Vv'Ii ST
Sold !v A. F. Streitz, Druggist, North
riling Neb.
P.p. t. 0. Wcs'Y. Serve cr.d D am Trcatmei
J siii u-idT r '.-uivt-tniitpn siuui'.'!!""'. by autlmi
Jm1 sirfj:t-' 'Jity, citi'- wVak :i-is:io; li
lr.iiiin'! ?;c-rk; 1'.wt; I"t .Mit i!: 'jitifUnt-Ki-lit
T.o---'-: i'.! !---it!i -: ;jn!: of tViuiiiftic"
Ntrrvou .m ; i-.-i nut-: uil Iir.iii.-: L.-of l:w
tif thf t TH'ialiie )r-rar.- 111 filh-r re:, rau'l l
i.vcr-ir ri: 11; 'V--.'.i;1iSiii lr..r?. or rnvhi' IVei
Tleco, ";uum or i.i'juor, '.vhi-i (.n lead t
Jlitry, Ci'.i-uniptloii. I;:-au;tj a. d ivati. lty mm
.M n bx: t". fori."': 'villi w.itli-a In cure'
iofuail Wi'NT-SCi'lTG'lWVltri'. A .c-ta.
niro tor Ot'f!'-. -'!, Al5iuin, Bmartutl, '.Jr.i.i.
lVliiMi,in i.-' tiirh. St- T::.-.i . Pica-mt tout
Hmuli 1 ' v-tiiiu't:; o:.!. ."zic. imivSfe.;
CI 6 ixiKHcMiu. tat AUViXiXliJ issue! euiy r
A. F.
.Streitz. Drupist5 North Platto
1 3 'fcr.
do vou :::;ov
liablo ur. ; :.i
i;nl. G.ui I 1
!v ! T"y'":i. Kift'and ro-
: . i -icj tl.t." et.nt by
.F. Stroi : Dr.Jt, No. Hatte. Neb
f No More Back Acme
Iowa Coiinni.ssinners Deride Against the
ItailrnaiK' IeiiieHt.
Des IIoines, la., Jan. 14. The ma
jority of the Iowa board of railroad com
missioners, consisting of Messrs. J. W.
Lnke and George W. Perkins, filed a de
cision denying the application of the 1
licct'nt Xewspiiiier Keixrts Corrected
In ail Interview at Omaha.
railroads doing business in the state for JTQ QTJAEREL WITH 6RESHAM
freight l-ates on the gronnd that the pe-1
titioning roads have not established their
contention that the existing rates are un
reasonable and non-compensatory.
The third member of rhe board, Petei
A. Doy, fded a dissenting oi)iniou, hold
ing that rates should le raised approxi
mately to the extent asked. The appli
cation for an increase in rates was made
Ang. 2, 1804, and has been bitterly
fought by the shippers of the state.
ltisr Fire In a ISIizzartL
Bkadkoud. Pa., Jan. 14. During a
fierce blizzard and with the thermome
ter registering S degrees below zero, fire
broke out in the Sheehan house. It
spread rapidly, soon consumed that and
three adjoining wooden structures. Tin
gnests in the Sheehan house had otilv
time to escape with their lives and when
they reached the gronnd were in some
cases badly frozen before they could reach
places of shelter. Mary Callahan and
Mary Iirean jumped from the second
story windows in their night, clothes and
.sustained serious injuries. Although
Miss Callahan's left wrist and ankle
were both fractured in the terrible fall,
she dragged herself through the snow tc
a place i f safety, almost perishing in the
cold. At least 100 of the firemen had
their ears. face-, or hands frozen more 01
less severely. I'obert Sisce and Robert
Helme. firemen, were so badly frozen
that their condition is critical. The total
losses are about 7.1,000. Insurance,
To Ii-rijpiW; 1 01)0,000 Aert-..
Ciieyknnk, Wyo., Jan. 14. A bill ha
been introduced in the legislature pro
viding for the acceptance and reclama
tion of the l.OtJd.O'H) a-res of land donated-to
riie state by the government
under the provision of the Carey law.
The bill provides that the land shall be
under the control of the state land
board, which shall be authorized to con
tract with individuals or companies fot
the construction of irrigation works.
The lands will then be thrown open t
settlement, the settlers being required U.
purchase water rights of the individuals
or companies constructing the same.
Each actual settler will be ermittcd tc
enter but 1C0 acres of land, which he
will be required to settle on and irri-
South I);i!;ii;i "Nrls T.Iiinry.
Chicago. Jan. 1 1. Ex-Governor Ar
thur C. Mellette ha come down from
South Dakota on rhe supposition that
t the defaulting state treasurer mav bt I
here and anxious to make a .settlement.
He is interested to t lie extent of a .10,
000 bond in the location of Tavlor and
Say Hi- VWt?rn Trip Is of a I'nrely HosJ.
no Nature Distribution of Seed In
the Drouth Striekrn Itei;ioii..
American Cattle Interests.
V'IC- V22 '1
Omaha, Jan. 14. Secretary Morton
came in from Chicago and spent Sunday
at the Paxtoit. When seen Mr. Morton
said there was nothing new regarding
the trouble with
France and Ger
many over Am
erican cattle ex
cept that the in
spection here
after would bo
S3 strict that no
country could
object to receiv
ing cattle from
t h i s country.
Regarding the
shCKETAKY JiouTON. distribution of
seed corn and wheat in the drouth
stricken regions Mr. Morton said
he was powerless, as no appro
priation had been made for that pur
pose, but the regular one-third of the
seeds of all kinds alloted to his depart
ment would be distributed in the drouth
portions of the Dakotas, Nebraska and
Mr. Morton said there was no founda
tion for the report that there was a
quarrel or disagreement between Secre
tary Gresham and himself; that he had
taken dinner with Secretary Gresham
on Tuesday and their relations were
friendly. The report that his trip home
was politieid, or that he would make a
political speech, Mr. Morton desired cor
rected. He left for Lincoln to attend
the meeting of the State Horticultural
society, before which he will read a
paper, and on "Wednesday he will attend
the meeting of the State Agricultural
society and take part in the discussion
on sub-soiling and irrigation.
Looks Like a Double .MurtU-r.
Paxto.v, Neb., .Tan. 14. .T. H. Harris
and wife were found dead at their homo
seven miles southwest of here by Ed
ward Lind's son. From what can be
learned the conple have had no domestic
troubles. At present it looks as if a hor
rible double murder had been cont
inued. The couple were last seen alive
on Saturday.
l ive iluililinp; Domed.
Omaha. Jan. 11. Five buildings, com
prising practically the business part of
the town of ILirbine, Neb., burned, en
tailing a loss of $1S,000. The heaviest
to start action in the matter lie called a single loser is
meeting of the men who had guaranteed
the treasurer's honesty. There are 17
men on Taylor's lvmd. most- of whom
have been ttsked to the conference. "It
is a question now." said Mr. Mellette,
whether Tavlor is in this eonntrv or
L. C, Si;hli)ss, general.
The origin of the lire is
Jit'xienn War Veteran Dead.
Bkatuick, Neb., Jan. 14. James A.
Cowan, jtged SO years, and a veteran of
the Mexican war, died at his home in
Europe. There is as yet no plan of ac- J this city. The deceased has resided her
for two vears past and the Ixnly will bo
shipped to Skidniore. Mo., for burial.
tion. but the indications are that a
settlement is most desired. The state
needs money at once.
:iveit Custody r Hit Chilreii.
Hiv.KNA. Mont.. .l:ui. 11. A decree oi
divorce has been granted to Mrs. MalnJ
Barnaby Conrad, daughter of Mrs. Bar
naby. whom Dr. Thatcher Graves was
accused of murdering at Denver from
John Howard Conrad. Charges of 11
most outrageous nature were made
against each other by Mr. and Mrs. Con
rad when the husband brmght suit a
year ago. In order to avoid furthei
scandal this suit w;ts dropped and Mrs.
Jonrad lvegau another, alleging aban
donment. In granting her decree .ludgo
Kuck awarded her t he custody of her
three children.
A!ionri I.exi-lator IJjrs.
Jci i-LitsoN Cnv. Jan. 14. Allen
For Sale by A, V, Streitz.
irooM'e Bromo-Osieru.
Kicnaro. J Jepn.iiican representative
from Carroll county, died at the Central
hotel here. Toiis'litis, which aggravated
a wound receive I in the neck during the
war. caused death. He was born in Penn
sylvania in fought through the
war in the Ninety-ninth Ohio infantry,
with which he made a good record and
came to Missouri in ISOii. He was a
prominent Mihui. Odd Fellow and
Knight of Pythi::.
Fierce s! nek His Own ('omit rj men.
Yankton. S. D., Jan. 14. The Eng
lish creditors of J. T. M. Pierce of this
city, who swindled them on forged
school bonds, have scheduled their losses
at 1.1:57. i:)!. Tlr documents have been
received here, and an agent has come to
stav until a settlement i made. It is
j V-rbeved here they will complete the
I Norfolk and Yankton railroad in order
! ro rccovtr a portion of their losses.
Kntrie- For tlie ILy: I'ace.
Chicago. Jan. 14. The National Der
by for !-.;:. which is to be run at Haw
' 1 home for a purse of .-O.OOO. of which
1.1.000 goes ro rhe winner, has an entry
list of 7.1 ."-year-olds, including the pick
of the eastern as well as western stock.
The entries closed Jan. 1.
.llnniae Frozen to Death.
Yankton. S. D.. Jan. 1-1. Mrs. Maty
Devan, an insan" woman from Lako
county. escaiK'd from the state insane
hospital here and was found on ia
prairie frozen to death.
Thirteen IVrsons Drowneil.
Marseilles Jan. 14. The French
steamer Acanis. employed in the local
trade, foundered three miles off Cape
Thirteen jkt-
Itiihop Konaeimi'K (ool Work.
St. Lons, Jan. 14. As the result of
the visit of Bishop Thomas Bontictuu of
Lincoln. Neb., to this city every Cath
olic pastor here will ask from the pulpit
for aid for the benefit of the drouth
stricken people of Nebraska.
I'.llci Dank Coe Out of Itiolnrss,
Elba. Neb., Jan. 14. The Elba State
bank has closed up its business, having
satisfied its depositors and transferred
its business to the First National bank
of Sr. Paul, Neb.
St 1 -atti.I cor-"ivx accut for Ner. ..: orSici
il'ii-ichc. Brain Luiju.-tioi5, Sl-,)le.nes.s
il or pi u.-ral Nt-1 t'.-i--, r.lsj Inr Ivliea-i;r.ii-ai.
Gout. Kiilnc. 1 ai'-ders. Acid I)
na"irij. An i '"::o tc Alcoholic
.-.adodi.-re:-es. I i ice, 10. -X a d O) cffiU
151 S. Western Avsnus. CHICAGO.
Kold b A F. Streitz, Druggist, North
Platte, Neb.
U j Caveau during a cyclone.
rSick sons were drowned.
Vi':nt Divuri't-H Ixgtiliecl.
GiTimiE. O. T.. Jan. 14. A bill was
introduced in the legislature to legalize
the thousands of divorces granted by
Oklahoma probate judges to people from
all over the nation.
Millionaire Lumberman Die-.
Milwaukee. Jan. 1 1. Anson Eldred,
rhe millionaire lumberman of Milwau
kee, died at 2:30 this morning.
SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guar
antee. It cures Insipient Consumption.
It is the best Cough Cure. Only one
cent a do?e. Twenty-five cts., 50 cts.
and 61. Sold bv North Platte Pharmacy.
Serion-. I.o In an Iowa Town Thirteen
IIiiiIliii;s Destroyed.
Foster, la.. Jan. 14. A disastrous
lire occurred here, which originated
from a furnace in the Ottumwa Supply
company's store, occupied by L. A.
ChamlH'rlain's general stock of mer
chandise. His loss is estimated at
S..100. insurance .'"..10O. The Ottumwa
Supply company's store loss is 4,000;
Bowles S: HickenlooiH-r, general mer
chandise, loss 1,000, insurance x',000:
Dr. H. E .Martin, drug store, loss 2.000,
insurance 1.:500: E. Dyer, billiard hall,
loss 1,200. insurance 700; J. H. Treat,
restaurant, loss 1..100, insurance 700;
B. Games, store building, loss 1,000, in
surance 700.
The Deep Vein Coal company's office
and two dwelling houses were also de
stroyed, loss 1,. 100. insured. The Bap
tist church was burned, too. Thirteen
buildings all told were destroyed. No
lives were lost.
Darlington Kxpreni Kobbetl.
Ottoiwa, la.. Jan. 14. The Ameri
can Express company's safe on lvjard rhe
eastlxinnd Chicago, Burlington and
(jhiiiiey railway train No. 4 on the main
line, was robbed by two men. disguised
as farmers, just west of this city at 0
o'clock Saturday evening. The messen
ger was bound and gagged and the two
men escaped with the contents of the
safe before the robliery was discovered.
How much was secured is unknown, but
railroad men think it Ls in the neighbor
hood of 10,000.
Dr. W. O. Knlp Dies.
Davenport, la.. Jan. 14. Dr. W. O.
Kulp, one of the leading dentists in
Iowa, died at his home here. He was
the presiden.t of the World's Columbian
Dental congress, held at Chicago in Aug
ust, 1S0:. and was one of the oldest den
tists in the United States.
Ton Yean. For a Highwayman.
taiorx City. Jan. 14. Judge Wake
field sentenced I. B. Ferguson to ten
years in the penitentiary for robbing
Ole Phillips, a fanner, near here on the
night of Dec. 20.
Death of a French Senator,
Pauii), Jan. 14. M. Charles Antoine
Jules Griffe. a senator from the depart
ment of Herault, died.
There is no finer agricultural sec
tion in all this broad western coun
trv tnau can be found in the vicinitv
'of the beautiful little town of
1T1. .-il 1 TIT '- . --' . 1
I lieuLianu. it ruining, iiinciv-biA
SOeis. and
S1.00 Bottle.
One cent a dose.
Ttto cnM - n. trnnrflTltea h.v nil Hni!?-
glste. It ciares Incipient Consumption
and. is the best Cough and Croup Cure:
Sold bv North Platte Pharmacy.
We take pleasure in announcing that
after this date Park's Sure Cure will re
move all cases of rheumatism, kidney
trouble or liver complaint from the
user. It is to-day the only medicine that
is guaranteed to euro these diseases or
no pay. Park's Sure Cure is sold by the
I North Platte Pharmacy.
j miles north of Cheyenne. Immense
I crops, never failing supply of water,
rich land, and great agricultural
I resources. Magnificent farms to be
had for little money. Reached via
the Union -Pacific System.
E. L. Lomax,
Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent.
Omaha. Neb.
In the Senate.
Washington, Jan. 14. The prevail
ing feeling that the currency problem
has been transferred to the senate
made that body the Center of interest at
the capitol. Tho galleries were again
well filled today in anticipation of de
velopments in the way of speeches indi
cating the ji Arable course of the major
ity. After the routine business Senator
Stewart (Nev.) resumed his speech be
gun on Saturday.
Mr. Stewart spoke of the extent to
which tho banks controlled congress, po
litical conventions, telegraph companies
and the press. The banks always main
tained a lobby in congress. They domi
nated national conventions Republican,
Democrat and Populist and soured the
nomination of their friends. They so
cured ambiguous platforms so that the
people were never able to voro directly
on the silver issue. There had been
bank rule in every administration for 20
In the "
Washington, Jan. 14. Speaker Crisp
laid before the house at the opening of
the session today the resignation of Rep
resentative John C. Black (111.) who re
signed to accept the position of United
States district attorney for the northern
district of Illinois.
In the morning hour Mr. Hatch Dem.,
Mo.) called up the Grout bill, to make
oleomargarine and all other imitation
dairy products subject to the laws
of the state or territory into which
they are transported (which was under
consideration on Saturday), and Mr. By
num (Dent., Ind.) resumed his hostile at
titude toward it, indicating a disposition
to filibuster, if necessary, to defeat it.
Financial Fight Transferred to tint Senate.
Washington. Jan. 11. The attempt,
of the Democrats to reach an agreement
upon some definite plan to solve the cur
rency question seems to have been trans
ferred from the house to the senate, for
the time at least. Democratic members
of the banking committee, who are clos
est to Carlisle and the president, say to
day that the campaign for agreement
had made no progress since last week
but added that t lie secretary of the treas
ury still entertains strong hopes that
the different financial factious of con
gress may find a platform of compromise
upon which they can stand together.
The house Democrats who are on tho
most intimate terms with Speaker Crisp
do not talk so hopefully and do not seem
to expect any results from the harmon
izing efforts of Secretary Carlisle.
Ht Floats
Coii-ideriiiir Charge Against llicl.s.
Washington. Jan. 14. Nearly every
member of the house judiciary commit
tee attended the special meeting to con
sider the charges against Judge Ricks
of Cleveland. From the progress made
at this first session it seems evident that
the committee will not reach a conclu;
sion for some days. Representative
Bailey (Tex. ), the chairman of the sub
committee which made the investiga
tion at Cleveland, submitted his views.
His judgment was against Judge Ricks
and to the effect that the jndge had
been guilty of grave misconduct, if not
malfeasance and dishonesty, in receiving
fees after he had leen elevated to tho
bench, which lie. claims to have earned
before as a cleric of rhe court.
Every Nebraskan is Interested in What
it Doe.
The coining session of tho legislature
will bo especially interesting. Aftor six
years tho republicans are again in con
trol of both houses. A United States
senator will bo elected and a host of
other good things should bo done. No
matter what your politics, ou will want
to rend about tho legislature. No mat
ter what paper you read at other times
you should read tho Lincoln Stato Jcur
nal during the legislature. It is printed
at tho state capital and devotes more
space to legislative doings than all the
other stato dailies combined. Tho Jour
nal has jumped away up in tho lead,
having tho largest circulation in Nc
br.iska. It is spending more money for
news than its competitors. Col. Bixby
is its daily poet. It nlso has Walt
Mason. Win. E. Anniu, its Washington
correspondent, serves up Washington
stuff as no other correspondent employed
j by Nebraska papers has ever done it.
I Annin knows Nebraska people and Ne
j braska politicians like a book; his lotters
are a great feature. Stories tiro fur
I nished by Conan Doyle, R-idyard Kip
; ling,nnd a host of others who are regular
contributors to tho world's greatest
magazines. Tho Journal's price lias
been cut to .10 cents per month, without
Sunday, and (1.1 cents with Sunday. You
should try it awhile. Tho Semi-Weekly
Journal is only 61.00 per year, and is a
great family paper, almost as good as a
daily for a large class of people. The
Journal's phenomenal growth is due
larcely to tho reduction in prico and the
policy of attending to its own business,
not presuming to be a dictator.
The North Side Grocer.
Our Goods are Guaranteed Fresh,
Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest,
We Insure Prompt Delivery,
We Solicit a Share of Your Trade.
Washington, Jan. 14. The govern
ment has received no request for troops
on account of interference with the
mails on account of the Brooklyn strike,
and it is said at the war department that
H is not expected tJiat any such call will
be made. It is nor believed that any ne
cessity for troops will arise. While in
terference with the mails is contrary to
federal laws, it is also in violation of the
state law, and no reason is seen why tho
authorities of New York state are not
competent to deal with the trouble with
out calling on the national government,
No. 9 Atlantic Express Dept 12:10 a. m
No. 4-Fast Mail 8 30 a. m.
No 2 Limited " 9:20 a. M
2g Freight .J ' 7KX) a. m.
Necr-FielHi.t " fiHX) p. ai
Sn. 22 trnieht 1 -t . .
-rreigni " 40 a.
No. 7 Pncitic Exoress Dept 7:10a. m
Nn. 1 Limited " 110 p. m
Nb.21 Freight " 3iV) p. m
No. 23 Freight " biiO a. m
N. I). OLDS. Agent.
Ollico over N. P. Ntl. Bank.
AVIM Hear Aifrumeiit-; In the Deh, Case.
Wamiixctdn. Jan. 14. In the supreme
court of the United States today C. S.
Darrow, counsel for Eugene V. Debs and
others engaged in the Chicago strike last
summer, made application for writs of
error and halieas corpus. The court de
cided to hears the arguments for rhe
writ of error Wednesday. Mr. Whit
ney, assistant attorney general, appeared
for the government.
Wheat Drc-lineil In the Tare or I'.uIIMi
Vi'ivi I'rui iMi!i Slightly Higher.
Cllir ;i, Jan. 1 1. Wh-at v:w easier at tln
-tart today on Minall si-!li!i!X, Trade was very
lull ami. i-ltlioiiijii 1 nevrs va 1 Kenerally
huilisli, then- via a notable Jack of interest i"
the market. Tin- northvest:-m receipt were
apiin smaller Hti'.l the visible supply -a e.x
jieefed to sh-iw a jjmul leere:i-,. May opened
,e lower at Xe, sold to .V!
anil reaeted to
Corn wa- dull but flna on the l7r":ik in
freight rate. Zlay opened unchanged at 4S' ,e,
sold to 4V-
Oat were dull and .iiritl.T.-, fuilowin;: eorn
in llueiuation. May opened 1 y lower at SPy;
and sold to :!!' t
Provisions were dull but flibtly hi -her on
higher priee-. at the yard-., notwithstanding
the faet that hog rveeipt.-. overran. May pork
opened 2' se hi-dier at Si 1.S.V May lard sold at
7.or ; and May rib.-, at -3.C2' .... ,
ci.osixo enicKS.
WHEAT January. .";?,.; May, .V'se; July,
COKX January, 45s ,e: May. IS-: July, IPe.
OATS January . 23'c;Fuliriiarv, -". ,e; Mav.
an-V''Vb.iie. W-e.
POKK January, 11.57'-: May. 7.S.",
LARD January, 7.S5; May, Vs.u2's.
KIRS January, $5.8T.
Officii over North Photo National Uank.
Assistant Surgeou Union Pac.fic Hallway
nnd Member of I'euslon Board,
Office over Streltz's Drug Store.
Jtt. EVES, M. D.,
Office: Neville's Mock. Diseases of Women
and Children n Specially.
(.'hieajjo Live Stock. 1, Jan. 1 .IIOCI Receipts, 40.0U0
herwl: liKht. S.i.X'a 1.45 : mixed, ii.MrASZ',
heavy, ?LlfK4.7o: rough, S-I.U-7 t.:r.
CATTLE Receipts, I7.0J head: (juiet, barely
SHEEP Receipts. i:i,a0 head: slow and ,V$
H)c lower.
South Omaha Live Mock.
South Omaha, .Tan. 1-1. CATTLE Receipts,
,0OJhead: MJO to 1500 lbs., Jt.4Xo5.00; 1101 to
1300 lbs., f4.otri.50: K0 to 1100 lbs., 3.25(a4.00:
choice eows. ii'n3.10: common cows, il.lXytt
2.25; kok1 feeders, fi.fi63.25: common feeders
J2.U5.2.50. Miirket steadv.
HOGS Receipts, 2,500 head: light, f3.75w4.20;
mixed. ?4.0ft; 1.15; heavj-, 4.10"j4.o7?-. ilarke t
5c higlier.
SHEEP Receipts, 100 head; muttons,
a 23; lambs., 1.15. Marlcet strong. s
SHILOH'S CURE is told on a guar
antee. It cures Insipienl Consumption.
It is the hest Cough Cure. Only one cent
a do;e. 25 cts., 50 cts., and 1.00. Sold
by North Platte Pharmacy.
About coughs and colds in the sum
mer time. You may have a tickling
cough or a little cold, or baby may have
the croup, and when it comes you ought
to know that Park's Cough Syrup is the
best cure for it. Sold by North Platte
Kittell & Van Natta,
Prospective schemes investigated. Un
profitable schemes rejuvenated. Surveys,
Maps, Estimates and reports made, and
construction superintended.
SSK North Platte, Neb.
Has 200,000 acres of U. P. R. R. land for
sale on tho ten year plan. Call and
see him if you want a bargain.
of good quality, are old at
Call and see these goods at
Geo. Casey's residence,
Remember I also handle
Curtains, Rugs, Silverware,
and Notions Suitable for
Christmas Presents.
Orders taken for Pastel Por
traits, which are fine.
Funeral Director.
A full line of first-class funeral supplies
always in stock.
Telegraph orders promptly attended to.
Ditches and Laterals.
Meats at wholesale and re
tail. Fish and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
Contractor and
127 Sixth St. Cor,
H. S. Tibbels,
Land Ofllcp nt North Finite, Neb.,
Otember 17th, 1MJ1. )
Not let it hereby given that the follnwinR-nnmed
pettier haw ttle.l notice, of his intention to make
final proof in eupport of his claim, and that Kild
prooof will be made before the Kefflster and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Nebraoka, ou January
26th, 19V3, viz:
who made Homestead Kntry No. 14011 for the unrter section 10, township It uortli
ratiKe 30 wet. He name the following witnesses t
prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of nld land, viz: Edward Easton, Walter K.
Covell, Charle" Keen nnd Frank Ebele, nil of North
Tlntte, Nebraska.
W; 'JOHN F. HINMAN. Register.
Land Office at North Platte, Neb., )
December ItKh. 1&91.
Notice is hereby nlven that the following-nanied
settler has tiled noticn of his intention to mako
nnal proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the Register and Re
ceiver nt North Platte, Nebraska, on February
1th, INfi. viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 15,r07, for tho
East half of tin Northeast quarter of Section 10.
Township 9 North, Itance 30 Wet. He niune
the following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon nnd cultivation of snld laud, viz:
Fritz Koeuter. Hernanl Miller. Frank SaTHgemul
(!ottfriel Kleinuw, all of WellHeot. Neb.
.lit! JOHN F. HINMAN, Register.
Liind OiHco nt North Platte. Neb., I
January 7th, IS9."i.
Notice is hereby giyen that the following
nnmed settler han tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in enpportof hisclnim.and that.
Hsid proof will le rnado before Kegister nnd
Receiver United States Laud Office at North
I'latte. Neb., on Febmary lfith. 1S'.5, viz:
who made Homestend Entry No. 11,10( for tho
northeast quarter of Section 11. Township I't
north, ltange 33 west. lie names the following
witnesses to prove' his continuous. residenco
niHn and cultivation of said and, viz: David
O. Potter. William M. Potter, Samuel F. Dift'
nian and Oeorce Sherman, all of IJirdwood.Neb.
Hi JOHN F. HINMAN. Register.
Furniture : Repairer.
Special attention paid to all kinds of
of furniture upholstering. Mattrasses
made- to order or remade. Furniture re
pairing of all kinds promptly and neatly
executed. Leavo orders at Tho Fair
Store. 40-tf
Inter Ocean,
a 1 2 -page paper brim
ful of news of the world j
and well selected miscellany.
(First published in The Nokth Putte Tribune,
January 1st, IMC)
In the District Court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. The State of Nebraska to Samuel D. Weaverling.
Susannah M. Weaverling nnd William Edward
Swentzel. greeting:
You and each of you are hereby notified that yon
have been sued toother with The Anglo American
Land, Morfgnge and Agency Company, Limited, 11
corporation, Milton B. Whitney, Charles 8. Fair
child, Harry E. Mooney, Sanford B. Ladd and
Frank Uagermau as Receivers of The Lombard
nt Company, a corporation, by Emma K.
in tne District Court of Lincoln
and that on or before the lltli
ft, yon must answer the peti-
herein against said defend-
wmca the plaintiff asJts
the mortgage given oy
averling and snsannaa
a investment com- 1
t ..j.. . at' -w.
,e situated in Lincoln " -
wit: The south one
) acres of tho east half
nd of the west half of the
section twenty-two (23). In
(14) north, of range twenty-
the 6th principal meridian: that
urther prays that all the right, title.
aterest of all of the defendants in or to
said landsand every part thereof be decreed junior
and inferior fo the lien of the aforesaid mortgage
now owned by the said plaintiff and that said land
be sold and the proceeds of the said hale be applied
to the payment of the costs of the sale and of said
action, and to theamonnt due plaintiff upon said
mortgage, and that nil of the defendants be barred
and foreclosed of all interest in or lien upon said
land: and unless you answer said petition as afore
said, the facts therein alleged will be taken as true,
nnd a decree will be rendered as therein prayed.
Witness my hand and the seal of saidcouri by me
affixed at North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
this31stday of December, IStM.
Clerk of the District Court Lincoln County, Ne
Attorneys for Plaintiff, Concordia, Kansas.
In tho matter of the estate of Wilson VT. Yates,
In the County Court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, December 31st, 1W4.
Notice is hereby given that the creditor of said
deceased will meet the Administrator of said
Estate, before the Couuty Judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the county court room. In said connty,
on the 2d day of May, 1893. on the 2d day of June,
lfel5, and on the 1M day of July, ISM, nt I o'clock
p. m. ench day, for the purjK)-e of presenting their
claims for examination, adjustment nnfl allowance.
Six months are allowed for creditors to present
their claims, and one year for the Administrator
to settle said etate, from the :id day of January,
IWCi. This notice will be published iii The North
Phtte Tribune, a newspaer printed in said
couuty. for four week's successively, on aud after
January 1-t, ltfXi. JAMES M. RAY.
County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that on tho
17th day of January, 181X5, an applica
tion will be made to ilis Excellency
Silas A. Holcomb, Governor of Nebras
ka, to pardon William Coleman, who
was convicted in the Di-trict Court of
Lincoln County upon a charge of petit
larceny on tho 8th dav of December,
Hershey & Co.
The Tribune
per year IN ADVANCE
Agricultural : Implements
Farm and Spring Wagons,
Buggies, Road Carts,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb
Wire, Etc.
Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth
Claude weingand.
Coal Oil, Gasoline,
Crude Petroleum and
Coal Gas Tar.
Leave orders at EvansT Book Store.