The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 15, 1895, Image 2

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IRA L. BARE, Editor and Proprietor
One Year, cash in advance, il.'25.
Six Month?, cnsh in advance 73 Cents.
Entered at the North Platte (Nebraska) postoffice as
second-clans matter.
Is centrally situated in the triangular figure
bounded by lines drawn from Omaha to Cheyenne,
thence to Denver, from thence to starting point.
It is 291 miles fiom the first named city, 225 miles
from the second, and 260 milei from the third.
IlaTing a population of 4,000 people it is the head
quarter! of both freight and passenger divisions of
the U. P. R'y Co., and is the home of about T00
railway employes whose monthly pay roll amounts
to some $33,000.00. Almost 200 miles of irrigntion
canals are rapidly nearing completion, which will
bring into the highest state of cultivation 150,000
acres of the most productive land upon which the
sun's rays shine. The citizenship of North Platte
is that of the best afforded by the older states, and
her people are active, progressive and prosperous.
To the industrious, energetic home-seeker from
the crowded east North Platte and Lincoln county
presents unusual advantage. Thousands of acres
of vacant government land, in closo proximity to
thoe already being brought under irrigation, may
be obtained by consulting the United States land
office in North Platte. A letter of inquiry to "17.
S. Register, North Platte, Neb.,' relative to the
alove will be courteously answered. Irrigated
farming is no longer an cxerimeut, but ha
reached the jKdnt where it is acknowledged as
pre-eminently the safest in all seasons method
if conducting agricultural and horticultural oper
ation'. The salubrious and life-giving -climate of
Lincoln county, where malaria is unknown and
wher pulmonary troubles are unthought of, i?
another incentive to the location therein of those
who are anxioux to enjoy the good things of this
life as long ns possible. North Plntte churche.
and scluols are above thoe of eastern communi
ties, the latter being one of the few in Nebraska
permitting the graduate thereof to enter the State
University without nn intermediate preparatory
training. The peoplo of the community gladly
welcome the honest, industrious eastern citizen
who is eager to better his condition and assisting in
the upbuilding and development of a comparatively
new country.
information rerardinr
(jkeat Irrigation Belt
ok -Lin
coln County, address The Lincoln
County Im in i juration Association,
North Platte, Nebraska.
We gladly welcome to a place
upon our exchange list the Fremont
Daily Herald. Between the visits
necessary to a large medical prac
tice Doctor Devries finds time to
yet out one of the most creditable
inland dailies in Nebraska.
Ha! Ha!! Excuse the levity,
but did you notice that old Bill Nye
cut which the Era palmed off upon
its readers last week as a reproduc
tion of the classic features of Guy
A. Laing-. Ever' one of its sub
scribers may bring- an action against
that sheet for endeavoring1 to obtain
money under false pretences, and
Judge Ray would sustain the action.
By the way, who in the name of the
late Davis jH. Waite, is "brother
Bishop Messmer of Green Bay,
Wisconsin, has been called down
bv the Kniirhts of Pythias, and
challenged to prove certain charges
made bv him imoutinsr to that
order anti-Christian principles and
purposes. This is business; and
we sincerely hope that the bishop
will manfully prove his charges or
eat his words." There is a duty
incumbent on American Catholic
laymen that must be asserted in
the verv teeth of anv bishoo who
ml W
undertakes to put them in any false
position in relation to those socie
ties. Catholics are morally bound
to render obedience to their bishops
in matters of faith and morals; but
it will be well for bishops and lay
men to mutually understand that
Catholics have other relations,
duties and obligations to sustain.
If thev themselves are worthy of
liberty they must forever cheerfully
observe a decent regard for the
rights and liberties, the opinions
and feelimrs of others. The church
commands us not to enter certain
secret societies. She accompanies
that demand with the satisfying
reason that our individual consci
ences must not be chained by such
societies oath nor blindly guided
by some power behind the scenes.
Un the august presence of the
church we bow, and accept her dic
tate as the voice of God. But if
any bishop seeks to unjustly assail
the motive of our fellow citizens,
and to make war upon them,
American Catholics take no part in
it. AVe are Catholics, but we are
also Americans. On this soil our
fathers died, and here our children
were born. By the holiest impulse
of patriotic duty we are always and
everywhere Americans, and we pro
pose to cultivate feelings of mutual
interest, charity, harmony and
kindly forbearance with Masons.
Odd Fellows. Knights of Pythias,
and all other good and law abiding
Americans. We are exceedingly
jealous of our own rights, ex
tremely sensitive as to doubtful
aspersions upon our motives; and
it is unfair for any man, whether
he wear the beretta of a Cardinal,
the mitre of a bishop or the plain
collar of a curate, to call down upon
us the reasonable resentment of
our neighbors and our friends who
are members of those societies.
Northwestern Catholic.
The agriculturalists of
county have a horicultura
and farmers' institute,
stated meetings that
benefit to the farmin
.Lincoln county shoul
same sort of an organizatio
such intelligent efforts are the
interests of this class be sub
served. When and where do you
desire to hold y-our first meeting
for the purpose of organizing? The
Trikune stands ready to second
vour efforts.
Friend Stoddard discovered the
difference between a republican
legislature and a body of populist
patriots. When lie found there was
not offices sufficient to go around,
he modestly retired from the con
test, well knowing that a new lot
of sinecure positions would not
be made. Had he been be
fore a pop aggregation he would
have known that if there were not
sufficient places for all, more would
have been created. Do you see the
point, Mr. Era? Two years ago
Bros. Crane, Derby, Stockton, et.
al.. ad infinitum, were all well
taken care of.
The two members of the legisla
ture representing this senatorial
and representative districts, were
ted very well in the aooortion-
ittees. Senator Akers
judiciary, rail
ive stock and
u, manufactures
Jier's home, and
chairman of the
ntative Harris is a
the committee on rail
roads, on irrigation, on asylums, on
immigration, and chairman of the
committee on medical socities.
Anent the purchase of the new
high-backed chairs for the use of
the legislature, one of the most
pronounced populist leaders in the
objection to the purchase has rea
son to be thankful for the altitude
of the said chair-backs. One day
last week while Soderman of Phelps
county, was peacefully sitting
upon the question of
we here for?" a small
of the plate glass
ton dropped from its
Bomb Outrage Caused a Tunic In tlw
French Capital.
Bettered to Hare Ileen Directed Against
Magistrate Alhalin Nobody Was Killed
but Much Damage Was Done In the
Vicinity Liege Keds on Trial.
what are
section of
less than a
That The Trihune is
pelled to resort to the
fictitious correspondence is proven
by the fact that we are forced to
publish twice each week in order to
accommodate the very large number
of people who are desirous of plac
ing their effusions in the columns
of a newspaper having the largest
number of readers in Lincoln coun
ty. In this they evidence their
wisdom. Probably what 3-011 dis
liked in the correspondence referred
to is the political coloring given
therein at the close. You seem to
have made the correct application
for your party, and if the shoe
fits. etc.
Here is the way they do busi
ness in Deuel county and avert the
pangs of county printing pecula
tions: "At their meeting January
3d the commissioners awarded the
county printing to the Register, for
the sum of SS00, the only bid filed
on the date stated by the notice on
i - i i -1 ... .
which oiascotuci oe received. The l
Register bid includes all stationary. I
tax receipts, election tickets, court
calendars and all notices to be pub
lished, including treasurers state
ments, tax list, proceedings, road
place, and striking upon the back
of one of the aforesaid high-backed
chairs, in which the above indivi
dual was sitting, was smashed into
atoms. Had the rear portion of
the chair been less altitudinous.the
gentleman would have been sum
marily scalped.
The most of the members are be
coming very wear of answering
their constituents as to when some
sort of a relief measure will be
passed. In consequence of this
tired feeling the probabilities are
that some sort of legislation will
soon be enacted, whether wisely
or not will be a problem for time's
The biennial method of increas
ing a legislative salary by means
of an appropriation for postage
stamps and periodicals, produced
the usual discussion. This is a
practice that should be abolished.
If the compensation is too small
for the average Solon he should not
consent to make the race for office,
as he goes into the campaign with
his eves open, well knowing the
amount of his legitimate salary.
By adopting the usual practice of
whipping the devil around the
stump, two or three daih- papers of
Omaha and Lincoln reap the
est benefit.
notices. etc. This bid is from $300 . Ch
to less than this work has cost
the county heretofore. When you
take into consideration the expense
and labor, the amount is small and
could not be done for less to be of
any profit to the bidder." Chappell
The Chicago, Union Pacific and North
western Line offers the beet accommoda-
i tions to the traveling public en route to
licngo. Through trains, fast time,
magnificent sleeping cars, elegant dining
cars, colonist sleepers, reclining chair
cars and handsome day coaches.
Studebaker "Wagons
Tlcrsliey & Co'?.
. Paris, Jan. 14. A bomb explosion
occurred at about midnight in front 01
62 Rue Monceau, and is believed to have
been the work of anarchists. Nobody
was killed, but considerable damage was
done in the vicinity. The bomb is de
scribed as being of the reversible sort,
cliiefly charged with dynamite, packed
in gunpowder and concealed in an Eng
lish tin cracker box, strengthened by a
thick band of aluminnm. In other re
spects the bomb is said to have been
charged and prepared in a manner sim
ilar to the one used by Vaillant in the
chamber of deputies. The police at
present have no clue to the culprit, al
though some policemen on duty in ad
jacent streets saw a man running
swiftly away a short time previous to
the explosion. The police are maintain
ing the usual reticence as to the facts
in the case, thus making it probably
more difficult to trace the mat
ter to its foundation. It appears
however, that a porter on duty at No.
(m Rue Monceau just before midnight
was informed by a passerby that a sus
picious looking parcel had been placed
on the window ledge of the ground floor.
The porter in alarm rushed to the spot
and seizing the parcel he hurled it into
the middle of the street.
Shower of Shot.
A terrific explosion followed and
showers of shot were hurled in all direc
tions, breaking all the windows in the
vicinity, sdthongh they were protected
by strong wooden shutters.
Following the explosion there was a
panic in the neighborhood, particularly
among the people living in the immedi
ate vicinity. No 63 was formerly the
residence of Prince Victor Napoleon a'ld
its front, was terribly damaged. The
explosion of the bomb threw several
large paving stones into the strea way, j
tore up the paving and stirred up the
street in an amazing manner. Holes J
were made in the stone work of
several of the houses. The porter, it ap
pears, was warned by a Videt, who was
returning home and who noticed the
parcel on the window ledge. In an in
terview published in The Matin this
morning, the valet is quoted as saying
that when he saw the tin box on the
window ledge he hurriedly entered the
house and informed the porter that there
was an extraordinary parcel ou the win
dow. The porter hastened out
Into the street, took tho box and
threw it as far as he eouM.
The two men then entered the house
and closed the door. A moment later
there was a tremendous report. Neither
of the men noticed a fuse attached to
the bomb. The police express the opin
ion tnat- tne explosion was directed
against M. Alhalin, the magistrate who
conducted the inquiries in the outrages
committed by Ravachol and other an
archists, who lives in the Rug Verselay,
facing the scene of the explosion.
During the morning the cliief of the
municipal laboratory was engaged in ex
amining the scene of the explosion, and
it is said that he is inclined to think that
the explosion was more in the nature of
a dangerous joke than an anarchist out
rage. He is reported to have ascertained
that the bomb contained no projectiles
and that it was apparently only charged
-with gunpowder. The windows broken
are also said to have been broken by
concussion and by fragments of the lox
and not by shot orbidlets. The machine,
it is added, was made to explode on con
tact with the ground.
' Liege Anarchist on Trial.
Liege, Belgium, Jan. 14. Tho trial of
16 anarchists, including the notorious
Jagolchowski, alias Baron Sternbern
(who failed to appear as he is now in a
Russian prison), was commenced here
today. The prisoners are charged with
being concerned in the dynamite out
rages iu Liege in the spring of 189-1, the
most serious being the explosion at the
residence of Dr. Renson. Large num
bers of gendarmes and other police were
stationed in court and guarded the ap
proaches to the law courts as a precau
tion against anarchist outrages.
British Steamer Rowan Founders In tli
Bay of Ilisrjjr other Wrecks.
London, Jan. U. The British steamet
Rowan has foundered in the Bay of Bis
cay." One oi her boats, containing sis
men alive and two dead, has been picked
up. The other boat, which was launched
with siven men, including the first offi
cer, has been lost. The Italian bar ft
Theresa, from Liverpool for Trieste, has
en wrecked near Straugford. The
captain and seven of the crew were res
cued, but three others were drowned.
The brigantine Salis, Rochester to Sun
derland, has lt'u stranded at Donna
nook. LincoluMiiro. The crew were res
cued by the rocket apparatus. An un
known brig has foundered off Hale. Th6
crew perished,
Foundered In Deception l'a-w.
Seattle. Jan. 14. The schooner Jus
tine foundered in Deception Pass. All
of the crew were lost, probably 15 men.
The steamer Utopia, while coming to
this city from the San Juau islands, and
while running from Deception pass at
6:30 o'clock this morning, passed a sub
merged schooner, the Lily and Maud, ol
Deception island, and saw two men
cKnging to the steamer. The schoonei
was brought about, and when within 25
feet of tho wreck Captain O'Brien and
two men threw lines with life buoys at
tached, but the poor fellows, evidently
too lemunled with the cold and ex
posure, failed to take them and were
washed off and drowned.
Four Live In Danger.
Fihe Island, Jan. 14. At about 7:30
a. m. a coal barge was discovered ashore
on Short lxach, going to pieces. There
are four men on the barge. On account
of the heavy surf the life saving crew
cannot reach the stranded vessel.
It Keportrd Drownrd.
San Antonio, Tex., Jan. 14. It is ru
mored here that a schooner from Tam
pico, Mex., to Velasco, Tex., has gone
down and six drowned.
Harmonizing Silver Men.
Washington, Jan. 14. Senator Jones
submitted an outline of his currency
bill to Senator Teller. He and other
silver men conferred regarding it and
decided that the coinage of the American
product was not satisfactory. Today
Senators Jones and Teller had a long
conference in the former's committee
room, in which an effort was made to
adjust the differences existing lxitween
the friends of silver and to reconcile
them to the administration.
Governor Morrill Sworn In Lewelling Re
tire to Private
Topeka, Jan. 14. The mild, bright
weather today made possible the inaug
ural parade which had leeu projected in
connection with the ceremonies which
at noon retired Governor Lewelling and
his administration and placed at tho
head of the state affairs of Kansas Gov
ernor Morrill and a full complement of
Republican officers which constitute the
state cabinet.
Governor Lewelling and Governor
Morrill led the parade in a carriage and
were driven to the house of representa
tives. At high noon the oath of office
was administered, the inaugural address
was delivered and the ceremonies com
pleted by a grand ball at night.
Fatally Slabbed In a Drunken Itiot.
WlLKKSBAKUK. Pa.. Jan. 1 1. Two
Hungarians, Michael Ratsko and John
Mnnishe. were fatally stabbed during a
drunken riot in Hanover township. A
score of Huns, who had been endeavor
ing' to consume all the intoxicants
in the village, got into a quarrel,
with the usual result of snch
orgies, and before the disturbance
had been quelled, five men had been
s tabbed. Eight of the participants were
.'irrested this morning and held to await.
result of Ratsko s and Minisehe's
oriaiiH-r T.lusniGii juA-all. severely mt.
it is thought that .ffcii-e or them will
All the Elrctric Street Car Employes
In Brooklyn Quit Work.
Five Thousand Men Go Out to Enforce Re
drew of Grievances Supreme Court
Will Hear Argument In the Debs
Case Labor Note.
Will Inquire Into Dnestrnw' Sanity.
St. Louis, Jan. 14. The case of the
state vs. Arthur Duestrow, sou of the
Granite Mountain mine millionaire,
charged with the murder of his wife and
child, came up on a change of venno at
Union, Mo. Duestrow's attorneys pre
sented an application for a suspension
of the proceedings and for an order
from the court summoning a jury to in
quire into the sanity of the defendant.
After some argument, Judge Hirzel put
the case over until Jan. :?1, to allow of
an inquiry.
Missouri Iteform School Scorched.
B00NKVIU.E, Jan. 14. The dining
hall of the state reform school was de
stroyed by fire this morning. The build
ing and contents are a total loss, amount
ing to $10,000. No insurance. The ori
gin of the iiro is unknown. No one was
One More Defaulter.
Hot SrKiNos, S. D., Jan. 14. Benja
min Tni.loy, the retiring treasurer of
Cluster county, came lefore the commis
sioners of that county and acknowl
edged that he was $3,200 short in his accounts.
.shortage and Suielde.
Doveh, N. H., Jan. 14. Cashier Ab
bott, of tlw Dover National bank, shot
and killed himself. A shortage of 90,
000 had been discovered in his accounts.
Smith to Succeed Arnitronff.
Washington, Jan. 14. The president
today sent the nomination to the senate
of Thomas P. Smith, New York, to be
assistant commissioner of Indian affairs,
vice Frank C. Armstrong, resigned.
lUnffy Will Act as Premier.
Ran "Witt died from a dost- of carbolic
acid, self administered, at Tuscola, Ills.
D. M. Woodward of Grlnncll, la., form
erly a Chicago contractor, is dead.
Governor ?tne of Missouri has respited
Philip Martin, sentenced to hang, till
Feb. 15.
Bill Cook, the leader of the outlaw hand
which boars hi- name, was captured at
Port Stanton. N. M.
Lewis V. Bogy, author of ''In Offiec,"
i has sued for divorce at St. Louis on the
ground of desertion.
Senator Mile- Crowley, congressman-
BnooKLYN, Jan. 14. At 5 a. m. all the
trolley cars in Brooklyn were tied up,
the employes refusing to take out the
cars. Over 5,000 men quit work. This
includes motermen, conductors, elec
tricians, switchmen and others employed
at the various power houses. All but
one of the surface raids, and that a com
paratively minor concern, are affected.
It is claimed that the strike will extend
to the lines of the Brooklyn Elevated
Railroad company. The contract be
tween the Kings County Elevated rail
way company and its employes is
such that it is believed that there cau be
no strike on that line. District Assem
bly 75, Knights of Labor, which has
control of the trolley employes in Brook
lyn, has held various conferences dur
ing the past week, but President Lewis
refused to grant their demands. Tho
outcome of this w:is, the committee held
a meeting, which ended at 2 a. m.. at
which it was decided to tie up all the
roads in the city of Brooklyn, with tho
exception of the Smith and Jay Street
lines. This was done this morning and
not a car outside of the Smith and Jay
Street line is running.
Electricians Refused to Take Out Cars.
The companies expected tho men
woidd go out this morning and determ
ined to anticipate them. They asked the
electricians, about 1,000 in number, if
they would take out the cars this morn
ing. Every one of them refused to do
so. They were then told that there was
no work for them. This morning tho
people had to use the elevated roads.
The trains were made up with extra cars
to accommodate the rush. The Conrt
street line of the Brooklyn City com
pany ran out seven cars, beginning at 8
o'clock. The ears were manned, front
and rear, by two policemen. There was
no trouble. There was no car running
on the Fifteenth street branch. It is
said that President Slocum, when
waited upon at 9:30 o'clock by the ex
ecutive committee, had conceded the de
mands of tho men. The entire police
force, consisting of 1,700 men, is in
readiness in case there should be auv
trouble, bnt none is expected.
Statement of Grievances.
The grievances and demands are thus
stated: The schedule privities that a
day's work of street car employes shall
be 10 hours, within 12 consecutive hours.
It is alleged that the corporations havo
required them to work 11 hours, aud
latterly, even 12 hours, with no
interval longer than 10 minutes for
lunch, and oven depriving them of that-
brief time in most- instances. The wage
rate agreed uion a year ago w:ts .$2 for
the statutory day's work. The com
panies, it is alleged, have made no al
lowance for overtime. The men de
mand adherence to the law in regard to
hours in a day's work, or $'2.23 for a day
-on 2 hours.
An address issued by the executive
committee of District Assembly 75 al
leges that the trouble wjis precipitated
by the Brooklyn Heights company, in
excluding their electric workers from
work. The statement goes on to say
that the flagrant violation of the 10-hour
law has mentally and physically inca
pacitated the men for their work. While
the corporations are not allowed by law
to run at a rate of speed of
more than 10 miles an hour, through
schedules are arranged so that the cars
have to le run at a rate of speed of from
15 to 20 miles an hour. In consequence
nearly 200 fatal accidents have occurred
since th trolley was introduced, and j
countless injuries to passengers, all of
which wits caused by the greed of the
corporations. The power houses em
ployes are organized its Knights of Lalor
just the same as tho motonnen and con
ductors, and when the signal is given to
stop work they will fall into lino aud
not a car can le moved.
Beginning January 1st.
Overcoats, Heavy Weight Suits, Heavy Un
derwear, and all Heavy Weight Goods
As we wish to clear up our winter stock so as to
make room for a large and excellent line of spring-
-r:,-i,: ii u .,,i ., m
ijuuua. wiaiiiii" ciii ti iicipp tiwu pi urjiui uus in
Year, we remain
Yours rcspectiully,
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Window Glass, Machine Oils,
Diamanta Spectacles.
C. F.
Scheme Set Ilrfore the Labor
I-ailers of the Country.
Moines, Jan. 14. General Mas-
of the Knights
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store
f Tnm W'lC 1S11 tl 1 I V CftATSk1 nnil
-w-v -y-i I -VIlA-li 11 will - 4Miuuii aUiiu nun
rjLDA r-ESTH, .ian. 14. Baron Banffy I ci,arped with corruption in memorial to
ha" formed a cabinet, in which he will . the Texas senate.
act as premier only. The list of new
ministers will be submitted to the king
A Sioux City Failure.
Sioux City, Jan. 14. C. H. Martin,
dealer in musical instrument.?, has as
nigned. Assets. $49,000; liabilities,
Ministerial Crisis In France.
Paris, Jan. 14. The Dnpay ministry
has resigned.
A syndicate of Chicago anil Cleveland
capitalists is preparing to establish a sum
mer resort- on Lake Michigan beach, north
of Valparaiso. Intl.
Kx-Shcriff James V. Cook and Colonel
A. U. Coit are reported indicted by the
grand jury at Wa-bington Courthouse.
O., for tho part they took at the time of
the Dalby riot.
Miss Xesbitt. night agent for the Union
Pacific at Bonner's r-pnngs, has identified
ter Workman Sovoreign
of Labor, has admitted that during the
big American Railway union strike last
summer, just after the federal troops
were ordered to Chicago to qnell the
riots, a scheme was placed leforo Debs,
himself and other labor leaders to re
move the headquarters to Oregon or
Washington, and set up a provisional
government and declare independence
from the United States.
He says the scheme was hatched by
bnsiness men and lawyers at Chicago,
who said that troops would be secured
to defend the new government, against
the United States troops. He says the
labor leaders were too loyal to take up
with the scheme, and besides it was
thought to be a scheme on the part of
the railroads to nullify the laboring
men's influence with the public.
Miners Starved Into Submission.
Dubois, Pa., Jan 14. The prospects
for a speedy settlement of the coal min
ers' strike are apparently very good.
Tho men are willing to work if their
comrades, who were recently discharged,
t are taken back. They say they will
i make this concession in order to keep
I the families of the idle miners from
'Old XAan Doran SStctTolo.)
Good Teams,
EzceIIc&I AcccEEciatic-ss fcr lb Farmins: Fnblic.
CSNorthwest corner of Courthouse square.
Opel Grunted Abolute Divorce.
St. Lolls, Jan. 14. Judge Valiant
handed down a decision in the divorce
suit of Opel vs. Opel, granting the hus-
Osa TcroaJi, a Mexican, as the robljer with , band, Louis Opel, an absolute divorce
whom she had a desperate flglit Dec. 21. . upon the grounds alleged in his cross bilL
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S.
GW't Report.
On January 15th. 1895. the Union
j Pacific System will sell tickets from
xv.nci puling una stations
in Kansas and Nebraska, to points
south and west in Nebraska and
Kansay, also to Colorado, Wyoming
and Utah, at rate of one first class
fare for the round trip, plus $2.00.
Minimum rate S7.00.
See your nearest Union Pacific
ticket agent.
E. L. Lomax.
Gen'l.Pass. and Ticket Agent.
Omaha. Neb.
embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order
Spruce Street, between Fifth and Sixth.
Steam and Gas Fitting.
Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper nnd Galvanized
nice. Tin and Iron Roofings.
Estimates furnished. Repairing of all kinds receive prompt
Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth
Norbh "Platte, -
Iron Cor-attention