The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 15, 1895, Image 1
, S6 ht Jlm-th illatte VOL. XI. NORTH PfcATTE, NEBRASKA, TUESDA7 EVENING, JANUARY 15, 1895. NO. 4. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE!! BKRGHINS UNLIMITED! BOSTONTORE. Come everybody and for once in your life .see what it means. Everything- goes at Rock Bottom Prices. Read Our Price List! DRY COODSr ' To close out 10 dozen regular sizes, T . , . . . . , . , , 1 all woo! cninel hair, fino as silk, former vl? T ' ' price 8123 I,er an"ent' at lhis saI for prints at . cents per arcl. . centg per garment. County Correspondence. Tiio vory best Amoskeng ginghams at ." cents per yard. Shirtings at 8 cents per yard. The very best Ticking, warranted to hold feathers, at cents per yard. Ladies white and gray merino uuder wear going at '.Y3 cents per garment. French Sateen--, former priced for this sale at IS cents. cents, American Sateens at 1'21., cents a yard All wool French Serge, in all colors, lG-inches wide, former price,?! and $1.2.1 now so'd at .I-1., cents per yard. Varus in all colors at cents per lb. We have about 10 Children's cloaks left, running iu sizes from 1 to 12, not a garmenf of the lot worth less than 81 to !. Your choico of this lot at $2.2,1. To close out a line of blankets at 30 cents on the dollar. To cioso out A few shawls at. 10 cents on the dollar. To closo out All our knit goods at 50 cents on tho dollar. We have just received a beautiful line of ladies' white muslin underwear which will be sold dirt cheap. To close out All our Men's. Boy's and . . . , i fM.ililfiitiV nt'iiriinntc ?il fiO iantc Mn ihp price sl to L-.). lor usis saie t 1 '.. cents "ui .. w '. . ' dollar. Three fourths wool Henrietta, in all color?, former price 10 cents, at this sale 2.1 cent.--. All wool Ladies cloth, :5(I-in wide, for mer pric r0 cents, for this sale 32 cts. -Jf-in all wool Ladies" cloih, former price 7.1 cents, at this sale for 471.. cents. Frederick Arnold's silk finish Henri etta lO-inches wide, in all colors, former SHOE DEP T. Our stock of Shoes is of the very best UNDERWEAR. makos handled by western merchants. , , . , Our spring lino of shoes will son arrive, To closo-1.) dozen regular sizes ladies siml . mll, ,..,. . ,. m, Bi!0iviss. l-rencli nuueti an wool suus, lorraer . Beforo ,JU e,BOwliero price ?1.2o per garment, at this salo at ine our stock and prices. 77J.' cents per garment. s come and esam- SUTHEHLAND NEWS. Alex Neilson and David Hunter were county seat visitors on Wednesday. Willis Record, of Ogalalla was on our streets Thursday. Mrs Danielson is on the sick list this week. L. C. Applegate is spending- a few weeks with her parents south of town but will return to the irri gated section soon. Win. M. Holtry was in North Piatte on business Wednesday, Dudlev Miller, a brother-in-law of P. C. Meyer, has moved hto the Abshire house lately vacated by Mrs. Doll. Win. lvrwin lias gone to Illinois and several parties are mourning his departure. The annual meeting of the Sutherland & Paxton Land and Irrigation Company was held on Monday at the Bank of Sutherland. J. H. Abshire was thrown from his horse at the ranchon Thursday morning and badly shaken up. Dr. McCabe was sent for at once. Just how badly hurt Mr. Abshire is can not be learned at present but his main' friends trust that it will not be serious. J. S. Hinkley opened school on Monday after the holiday vacation and the children seem glad to be in - school again. Mrs. Hostetter is spending the week with Mrs. Ncilson. J. P. Gibbous & Co. of Kearney looking after his business interests have an agent in the locality look- in this count)-. Gandy Pioneer. judges decided iu favor of the nega tive. The program was a long one. and very entertaining, mid the room was fairly crowded with people. The most amusing part of the exer cises was the original poem entitled The Yellow Dog," written by Geo. Clark, and after being4read it the beginning of the meeting, by re quest was re-read just before the meeting closed. Miss Dolan's essay on "Tobacco Smoking" was very instructive, while an original., poem by Miss Auna Snyder entitled "The Maxwell Picnic Party" won the ap plause of all present. Xext Satur day evening a change will be made in the program, and instead of a debate there will be a "mock trial" in which the literary brings charges against G. Clark for mistreatment of "the yellow dog.'' A good time is being anticipated by all, and a large attendance is expected. Clytie. There is talk that the people.of Lincoln county ma- send Rev. J. H. Derryberry to Oregon and Wash ington to solicit supplies for the drouth sufferers of Lincoln count)-. He may also make an arrangement to solicit for this county. Such a proposition has been made to the board of county commissioners, but until it is known whether he can secure transportation for himself and any supplies he may receive, no action will be taken. Gandy Pioneer. E. W. Murphy, of North Platte, spent Wednesday and Thursday W'E PAY CASH 100 CF.NTS OX THE DOLLAR AND SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY. KEMIE'S SLAUGHTER SALE -1895. THE NEW TARIFF On All Imported Woolen Goods and Silks IS IN OPERATION JANUARY 1ST. We must close out our stock of nice fine goods and make room for our new stock under the new tariff regulations. : : : $1.75 Silk Henrietta at SI. 10: SL50 Silk Henrietta at 85 cts.; $1.00 Henrietta at 65 cts.; SI. 25 Bedford Cords at S5 cents; SI. 25 French Serges at 85 cts.: $1.00 French Serges at (5 cts.: all wool II yd. wide $1.25 Broad Cloth at 75 cts.; 65 ct Flannels. 46 in. wide at 50 cts. : : : In our Shoe department we offer the choicest line in the west, C. D. and E. widths, in line new goods. : : : Call and see for yourself the Wonderful Bargains at Rennie's for January and February in 1895. : . ; Amoskeag Ginghams at 5 cts. per yard, Lawrence LL Muslin at 4 cts. per yard, Lonsdale Muslin at 6 cts. per yard, at -RICNNIE'S. in'"- un hav of which article thev are This sale will commence Saturday J airy 12th, and i buying considerable. I Laughable Incidents. continue the remainder of the month. Yours for Great Bargains. TH8 BOSTON STOF6, j A. M. Cross of Omaha is visiting with Mr. Hunter and family this : week. j J. Harvey shipped a car of baled hay to Elm Creek the first of the ZTnTO. 3496. pirst fvTaitional Ban NOKTH PLATTE, NEB. Mrs. Wells is visiting" with her sister Mrs W. W. Jones. The pay car and Uncle Sam's pen sion checks are due at the same I time this mouth and several hearts ' We see some '-thing's every day that makes us smile, but one of the most absurd things is the custom used by some of marking goodsj at a great deal more than their value to give the customer the impression when they buy them at less than marked price that they are getting i nargain. ten into Kicuards Capital, -Surplus, $50,000.00. 822,500.00 i .... . . i Urns stiirt riiwl mnlr nrnittiri nml in tins vicinity will be made glad. ; r Rev. T. II. Thurbcr is filling '. the Pris on their go(Kls: compare Presiding Elder Leonard's appoint-i the styles and prices with some ments while Mr. Leonard is east styles and prices at other stores- looking up donations for the church I note the difference. Remembe people that are needy. Mr. T.. is poor shoes can have no style. Lo in Sidney this week. tnf mir tA ... E. M. F. LEFLANG, Pres't., ARTHUR McNAMARA, Cashier. P. C. Meyer expects to send two of his children to school in Suther- i j iand during the remainder of the ! j term. A. W. Hoatson and C. W. Bttrk- large button, congress. i and novel ties in all kinds of shoes. They have the style that goods of much less value are beinjr sold for at other A General Banking Business Transacted.! m. job,. j land each shipped a car of baled l)iau-- j hay to Kearney the latter part of An After Election Thought. i this week. -taying m 1 mi ity Mar. 'I 4 X Don't pay other people's debts. DAVIS Is the ONLY Hardware Man in North Platte that NO ONE OWES. You will always find my price right. Yours for Business, A. L. DAY IS. DEALER IX rn:. Still Selling ii i aware, iinware, i Sporting Goods, Etc. Stoves Franzeu is with Mrs. Danielson durni"- the ; sickness of the latter. ! A. B. Yates took in the sights at t i Xorth Platte on Thursday. The Sutherland Cemetery associ ation was formed last Saturday W. M. Holtry, Alex Xeilson C. B McKinstrv. Z. J. Hostetter and W. C. Blackmorc were elected trustees and C. B. McKinstrv as clerk. Several tracts of land are being looked over and a location well be selected in the near future. Z. J. Hostetter spent Thursday down in the ditch country. Considerable inquiry is being made in regard to the recently laid out 5 acre lots west of .town, and they are all likely to be sold and several buildings erected before many months roll by. The line weather this week has Dishonest advertising" is consid ered allowable by. some people, but when Richards Bros., of the Fair, advertise to sell their goods at a reduction or at cost, they mean business, and will sell just as they advertise, and to one and all alike. Remember they are not old shelf worn goods and odds and ends and all-out-of-date goods, but they com mence at the front of the store and from there to the back end the customers have their choice and all at reduced prices as advertised. Our cut price sale commences on the 10th of this month and holds until the 25th. You can't do better than to buy your goods during this sale. A (ood Law in France. SHARPS AND FLATS. 11V ADAM . During the past year our distin guished townsman, Col. I. A. Fort, has made a great many speeches on irrigation. His talk has awakened marked interest in the subject, and to-day western Nebraska is on a wave of prosperity that will prob ably make somebody seasick. The secret of Col. Fort's success lies in his earnest way of telling the plain, unfrilled truth. Grown men have been seen shedding tears of joy as he told in simple, touching words the story of happy homes and bountiful harvests that arc the "inevitable consequence of irriga tion, and little children have looked with hungry eyes as he has spoken of his last year's crop of vegetable, oysters and pumpkin pies. He never exaggerates. Exaggeration is unnecessary and Col. Fort knows it as well as any man. The plain narrative of the prosperity of Lin coln county farmers who irrigate is enough, and so he tells the tale to ttle barbarians outside the pale of Lincoln county civilization in a pleasant, unassuming way that is remarkably convincing. A few re marks taken at random from one of his speeches will indicate his happy and effective style. Out in Keith county the other day he said: "My friends, back in my county we have irrigated for nearly two hundred years, and to-day we are reaping the benefit. On my home ranch I can raise anything. My cranberry patch joins my wheat held on the north, and on almost any day, ex cepting a few of the coldest days in winter. I can walk between the two and pick some of the finest cran- t . 1 A I oerry pies you ever saw. vuu tne hot rolls that I gather before each meal from the center of my wheat field fairly melt in one's mouth. Last year I planted some disreput- KESOLUTIONS ' KKSPKCT. Wjikkcas, It has pleased the Great Commander to summon from our midst our well beloved Comrade A. II. Church: lie it resolved by Stehcn A. Douclas IRRIGATION NOTES. Farmers who can irrigate their farms next year should not fail to show five nr tiMi acris nf :ilf:i1f:i. It is one of the most profitable crops I l ost Uopartment of Nebraska, Grand . . ... Army of tbe Ropubhe: there is. It requires no cultivation, That it b w,th Krief nnd Eorrmv VO is peculiarly adapted to our soil, bow to tho decree of an All Wise Being and three and four crops can be cut Vlof tb,KU tj,inBS we"v, , , , j -That in tho decease of Comrade aud in a season after the first year. It jPast Commander Charch, Stephen A. fertilizes the soil, the roots will go Douglas Post and tho Grand Army of thirty or forty feet for moisture and . - ioal and loving comrade and this com- when firmly rooted drought or flood munity loses u public spirited citizen cannot kill it, hail does not effect lU(l nn over kiml aiul Keuerous neih it, winters have no influence on it, Tliat to the bereavetl wMoiv !in(1 fam. audit is a constant and eternal j ily of our departed Comrade, who havo money-maker for its owner. It sel- lMt ;" lov-ing husband and indul--... . , ent father, wo tender tho heartfelt lovo dom brings less than per ton and j and sympathy of overy comrado of this ten tons ter acre is the averatre t Post. a tin The seed is also a valuable ' always bringing a goodjround That the charter and Hag of this Post ho appropriately drapped in mourn ing for thirty days as a token of respect for our deceased Comrado. That these resolutionB bo placed upon tho minutes of the Post, and a conv yield crop. sum in the market. Of all the for age crops tinder the sun none lends farm so thoroughly as does alfalfa. ented ,to th )Vd;,tt" of, "r parted T. - Comrade, and that tho following tele- Begmning with the yield of eight grain from Comrado J. W. Bixler bo to ten and more tons per acre nn- made a part of these resolutions: "Wo dor nrnnor .M.IHvntlnn ?f Jc M,MK- m0.Urn With JOU the loss of an Upright r'j -judge, a gallant sokhor, a truo citizen 1 . 1 1 t ' I t 1 , 1Y- , I . . ...... I narvesiea.curea witnour aimcuity in in the arid climate and requires no housing" because there is but little rain to harm it. But it is in its all around feeding quantities that its greatest value lies. As a feed for horses it is not superior, but thrive and grow fat u subiected to hard ration of grain dairy cows the a. gc:ier- so-cKi si best of feeds, dL mv belieifetha winter, either as a putv 3 merit j WPi c. r it.. i 4 flK!f. 1 3r 1 .... -M: & rat. udo.- lUilt lH" rreeenWh, lvedjF and friend; grand little Church, my old psrtner. 4 Thos. C. Patterson, Wiluam P. Coov, James M. Ray, J. E. Evans, W. C. Eldkr, J. S. HoAGIi.Nb, i John W. Bixlek, Committee. ions adopted by E V. Sumner O. A. jrw, Sidney, Nebr., fa. I A I A 1. 1 is. fattened upon it in the coldest win ter of the arid region without any other feed and a very low cost per pound of meat. An alfalfa swine pasture is all the porker needs from little pighood up to the last four months of his life, when a little ad dition quickly fits him for the bar rel. For a small flock of high grade able looking beans that were sent ' sheep nothing will make fatter or me by Secretary Morton from Wash- , heavier mutton than an alfalla pas- ington. They were beans that turc in summer, and free feeding would not grow anywhere they had from the stack in winter, been planted, and the Secretary de sired me to test them in order to . IS be- We lieve that the ten acre farmer will . find profit on a few alfalfa fed sheep of high grade, after the custom of the English farmer. As a poultry food, however, alfalfa is most sur- care, prising, and if the small farmer grease thinks he cannot afford to raise e Commaader- of all ar- of both the quick and called to the eternal and our Past Department aer Alonzo H. Church. iived, That this Poet extend to widow and children their heartfelt sympathy in this hour of their great sorrow' and loss; that we assure them that we have respected him as a man, bonortd him as a judge, esteemed him as department commander, but most of all that we hav loved him best as "Lon Caurch,'' ono of the boys in blue, our commde in arms, a hero on tho bat tle field and a martyr to tho cause of freedom at Andorsonville, and our es teemed friend. P. C. Dick, A. A. Rick'ki:, G. P. Binciiakd, Committee. SEW rUIUJCATIOX. In France when a merchant ad-j j greatly helped the ditch work, and vertises to sell at cost or less, the the ditches in this section are mak ing rapid strides toward comple tion. i Citizen. authorities investigate it and if. ! they don't do as they advertise they i are sentenced to imprisonment. We1 ascertain whether they really were beans, or only a new style of purg ative pills. They were beans. I planted them with unusual mulching" them with axle aud salt and a little sugar from grain in his alfalfa field he has an Oxnard's Grand Island refinery, jail the year around food for his In four days they were up and in a , poultry, for the dry alfalfa hay week afterward I gathered six jars ( softened up with warm water in of the most luscious Boston-baked winter, becomes just as palatable beans I ever tasted. I sent five jars and useful to the fowl as if it were to the Secretary and received the pecked from the open field. from him shortly conclusion is that the small irri A Medical Work of Practical Family Valuo Specific Manual by Fred- " erick Humphreys, M. D. following letter Maxwell Notes- Mrs. P. Shields and Mrs. R. C. Burke, of Brady Island were visit ing friends here last week. The Maxwellites under the super vision of Mr. Moore are becoming nightingales as fast as possible. Dr. N. McOABE, Prop. J. E. BUSH, Manager. NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY, NOKTH PLATTE, NEBKASKA.' WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST G-BADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING- AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union j11" for llc Pt week, owing to v j the non-arrival of a car of lumber Pacific Railway Solicited. : which was daily expected. It has j not yet arrived, but word has been received that it will be here in a few days. lpn wish there was such a law in this country so that our stock would be j investigated. Richard Bros., of the Fair, have 3.500 pairs of ladies' : gent's and children's shoes good reliable shoes, such makes as Ham- ', ilton Brown. Kellev's. Carlisle's and Joe McGue. who has just finished B Momesthat ' thcV win sell at a term of school on the Island, left1 , . , .,-,,, i --n r , , , . , cost between the 10th and -3th of last Sunday morning to visit his old , , , , home in Iowa. January-not odd sizes and broken Misses May Dolan. Salina Hol-llots' but whole lines of shoes that ,-,i "Tnri- a iTrit-ni,., nB,i:we have too many of the samel Messrs. Will Dolan and Joe McGue, of Maxwell, attended the teachers' meeting in Brady Island last week. Dear Friend: Your consign- gated farm with an alfalfa field may show as great a diversity in the animal product as in the vege tation line. O'Xeil Frontier. Amos Meeker, of Blue Creek. afterward: 'My ment received and contents noted. The president was interviewed by four and one-half jars and has re- ceiveci great uenent tnereirom. visited our town Monday. He says Since then he has written his an- the people of his vicinity are not nual address, a treatise on Boston , feeling the effects of the hard times etiquette and seventy-five vetoes of very seriously. Their stock never bills that did not meet his approval, looked better. The people have The beans met his approval, of been irrigating some in the past ' houses of tho world, tho Doctor never This revision of a work which has i been before the public for over forty years, anu wuicu nas annual circulation of over three million copies, in five dif ferent languages, is a somewhat re markable one. Its venerable author, in his 80th year, here gives tho result of a half century of professional experience, and of over forty years of constant per fecting of his now famous Homeopathic Specifics. It may bo considered as his valedictosy to an immense aggregation of patients in all parts of tho world. As a guide to those who use his wide- The ly known specifics, this Specific Manual oi iou pages, is aumirauiy systemizeu for the needs of the Bick room. Its grouping of symptoms, under tho head if tho several specifics of tho series, will greatly assist tho anxious enquirer, in tho stress of sudden emergency, to se lect the appropriate remedy; while brief but careful descriptions of various forms of diseHSP, and valuable hintB as to diet, and other related matters, givo tho work a permanent valuo for family use. Wo especially notice tho unmistaka ble professional tone which pervades every page of tho pamphlet, from title to colophon. Prepared as it is, in tho interests of one of tho largest medicine course, as they did mine. Send on and now have thirty miles of some more and I will see that you ditches under way of construction, receive another paper of seed next j Blue Creek will some day be a gar- quality and price. Rip Van Winkle. The bridge has been at a '-stand Who has not read the story of Rip Van Winkle and his ten years' sleep? But some people lead almost that kind of a life to-day: always buying their goo-ls at one place and never thinking of looking around to year, lours beanevolently. J. Stearling Morton.' "My friends. I could tell you of other products of my farm illustra tive of the value of irrigation, and I will later on in my talk. But now den sjKt. Keith County News. Messrs Allen and McEntyrc. re presentatives of the Cozad Irriga tion Company were in the city Wednesday, securing right of way along the line of their ditch. Thev I want to say something of the gen-j daim that they will be ready to' FINEST SAMPLE E00M IN NORTH PLATTE Havinc refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment. ( Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables aud competent attendants will supply all your wants. KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE THE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT! At the last meeting of the literary j see if they can bi bought cheaper at society the following question was I sonl? ier PlaC.f ww . . . , 0 , , .,, men s all-wool suits at So. 00. Miere debated. -Resolved that a man will Lt any other place in this western gam more knowledge from traveling country can you buy a suit of that and observation, than he will from I kind for that money. Richards reading and meditation." Mr. Moore was the leader on the affirmative, and Arthur Plumer on the negative. At the close of the debate the three : cipals. Bros, of The Fair, do not ask rob ber prices for a suit because it is of the style.,!? dm most, and of good value." Thev deal on business prin- eral prosperity of my neighbors who irrigate. Before we irrigated we were always hungry and naked. To-day we eat four meals every day and a lunch before retiring, and our clothes are made in the latest style with a crease ironed on the pants leg before and behind to keep them from bagging at the knee, etc " But enough has been written to show that Col. Fort as president of the State Irrigation Association, is the right man in the right place. Let the good work progress. forgets his professional responsibility for the "issues of life and death in volved in his specifics. His utterances are plain, wise, helpful, conservative: fully up to tho latest medical and scion titrc standards, and his discussion of disease free from any traco of indelicacy: every page reflects tho sincerity and benignty of the face which looks out from tho title-cover of the pamphlet. A copy will bo sent postpaid on re- queBt. Address: Humphreys Medicine Co , William & John ?ts., New York. HOW'S THIS! Wo oiler Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. J. F. Chesky & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last 13 yoars, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially start in a short time and that it will be pushed toward completion as fast as possible. They inform us that they expect to commence work on it next week. Gothenburg Independent. The Burwell irrigation ditch is to be completed by the middle of May able to carry out any obligation made and water given to the farmers on by their firm June the first. About 20 per cent of the dirt work is completed. It is fourteen miles long and eighteen feet wide on the bottom at the head and five feet deep and will irrigate 15,000 acres of as rich land as can be found in the state. West it Truax, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbo system. 3Jrico T.kj. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.