The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 04, 1895, Image 4

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Exclusively to tim
Over Twenty-One Million People
tTtmtmi&Wotld's Fair Grounds
Universally acceotea as the
Leading Fine coote of tt World
Sells tlie above Coffee
together with a. complete line of
Prices Always Reasonable.
Paid For Country Produce.
Nichol Huggets.
The last days of 'Ol were somewhat
cool. Mercury dropped to twelve belo"
Wednesday night.
Bruce Stuart, from the Platte, visited
his grandma, Mrs. Brown, Friday and
Owing to the cold blustering weather,
Rev. Graves, of North Platte, failed to
meet his appointment at HersheyThurs
day evening last week.
The majority of the citizens from this
country who spent the holidays abroad
ure expected home this week.
Iin Bros., from the hub, are loading
baled hay at this station from off the
Paxton & Hershey lands.
ouuooi in mis aistnct will resume
business again on Monday next after a
two weeks' vacation.
we understand that Hershey is to
have another blacksmith in the near
John Tyuam, one of the Paxton &
Hershey renters has rented a farm at
North Bend and will more upon it some
time in February.
Ob account of the cold snap the Pat
terson & Alexander ditching gang has
had to quit work, and returned to the
county seat Friday.
Notwithstanding the fact that there is
a steam corn sheller in this country.
Brooks & Ball with their horse power
6hellor aro plucking tho plum just the
J. G. Feeken will erect a Dempster
irrigation pump and windmill upon hiB
farm soon Ho will also construct a
largo reservoir in connection with it.
Mrs. M. C. Brown is expecting her
daughter, Mrs. Carrie Struthers, and
children down from Sidney this week.
Several in this neighborhood are
suffering more or less from u light attack
of diphtheria.
Word was received from Helper, Utah,
lately ihat John Edison, formerly of this
place, who is uow eranloved in tho rail-1
road shops at that city, was laid up with
a j.irao nana, out nothing serious.
Tho change in postmasters at Hershey
. ..: 1 1 . i. - ii' . . , "
niiiwuBu lUBumceio oe moved across
tho street into Stnckler's stire, which is
located in Stimsonvillo.
Considerable shelled corn is still being
marKeieu at good prices in the county
N. B. Spurrier lost a fine horse by
death recently. It was taken sick whil
feeding in a corn stalk field and died
shortly after being taken to tho barn.
A few from this community took in
the masquerade ball at Sutherland iNew
Year's night.
It is stated that H. Null, who now re
sides upon Henr.v Weil's farm over on
the ditch, is thinking of renting the
Ferguson farm east of this station for
the coming year.
We were informed a few days ago that
OiBL Eyerly, who has resided on J. B.
McKee's place just west of this place,
has rented land for the comingseason of
Paxton & Hershey near the Sisson school
A wagon load of provisions and cloth
ing was recently taken over on the south
side from this vicinity for the destitute
and needy in a certain locality.
Will Baley claims that he had a horse
hustled in broad daylight, two or three
days ago which was pasturing on the
south side of the track near this place.
No clue to either horse or thief at this
D. A. Brown noticed a team near the
river on his farm on Thursday last and
went down to see what it was there for.
lie found a man cutting down timber
along the bank, who he give the "G B.'
Dug then went to the Platte and after
he had gone the party returned and
hauled away the timber he had cut.
Trouble may ensue.
Owing to the absence of W. J. Cruzen
from North Platte he failed to meet his
appointment at this place on Sunday
last. A Mr. Murphy came up and de
livered an interesting discourse to the
large audience present.
Some of the people in this section
thought that a Sund'iy-school could not
be successfully conducted at this place
during the winter months, but it was
decided by a vote of the school to go on
wit it, and notwithstanding the inclem
ency of the weather the attendance is
largo and the usual interest is mani
fested. C. S. TroviUo was happily surprised
on Christmas by receiving a 835 suit of
clothes from his old home in Illinois. It
seems that his wife hid been banking
raorey all the season from different
sources with a view of purchasing him a
suit of cltbes for a Christmas present,
and as there was a tailor at his former
home who had his measure she sent to
him and had them manufactured and
Bent to her when she presented them to
her Charlie, who is now ns happy as a
email boy with a tin whistle. Pat.
Read and pay for The Tribune
Wanted A good girl for gen
eral house work. Apply to Mrs
W. L. Park.
Plant your advertisement where
it will do the most rood in these
The local lodge of the M. W. A
installed its officers on Wednesday
night for the current term.
Overshoes good and cheap at
Otten's Shoe Store. Ftf
C. E. Osgood shipped a car of
hors to South Omaha. A. M. Stod
dard will leave to-day for the same
market with a car load of cattle.
Henry Weber again heeded the
divine command on Tuesday of this
week bv reason of the arrival of a
bran new girl baby at his home.
R. D. Thomson assumed the
duties of his office this week and
now fills the position of county com
missioner with grace and dignity
Owing to its length a "Farm
er's" article was crowded out of this
number of the paper. It will re
ceive due attention in a future
-Several of the friends of Mr.
and Mrs. H. Otten assembled last
night at the family residence and
gave them a delightful surprise
Jacob Meyer and Mrs. Teresa
Diebold, were married at the resi
dence of Con Walker, in this city,
one day last week, Judge Ray officiating.
Mrs. Geo. E. French left Tues
day night for Denver to resume
medical treatment there. She ex
pects to be absent some two or
three weeks.
Supt. Allen this week received
some necessary supplies, from the
quartermaster's department at St.
Louis, for the Ft. McPherson mili
tary reservation.
The date of the K. O. T. M.
and L. O. T. M. joint installation
and social has been changed from
the 12th intst to Wednesday even
ing, January 9th.
F. E. Bullard now has in evi
dence the first product of his green
house in the shape of thrifty
3'oung lettuce and radishes, the
former being ready for use.
The Misses VonGoetz leased
the Mej-er ice rink last night, and
in company with a number of their
young friends, passed the evening
in enjoying a skating part'.
Buy your shoes at Otten's Shoe
Store, the only place in the city
where good shoes are sold cheap.
Dan McGee wishes to have the
use, for their keeping, this winter,
of a pair of ponies. Plenty of good
feed and warm barn afforded. Leave
word at this office if you have such.
Wanted A good, reliable girl
to do general housework. Good
wages. English speaking girl pre
ferred. Call or send references.
Mrs. Chas. McDonald.
The family of Wm. Briggs is
making preparation for removing
to Denver in a day or two, where
Mr. Briggs has obtained employ
ment with the Gulf railway system.
The Rebecca lodge of the I. O.
O. F., in this city, will install its
officers for- the ensuing term on
this evening,- after which, a. so
ciable will be given to'its members
-Wanted, a good girl for general
houseword. Permanent position.
Apply to Mrs. H. M. Grimes.
Gus Chamberlain vety satis
factorily filled the position of cor
net virtuoso in Prof. Klein's
orchestra, at the wheel men's ball,
pn account of the illness of G. F.
The annual meeting of the Y.
M. C. A. will be held in the rooms
Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, for
the election of directors and such
other business as shall come before
W. A. Penn, Dentist, guaran
tees all his work. Prices reasona
ble. f411
A letter received bv a North
Platte friend this morning from
John E. Evans conveys the informa
tion that Geo. C. Stoddard is pretty
sure to obtain the appointment of a
clerk-shin to one of the legislative
committees. We trust that it may
prove true.
There are a number of farmers
in the non-irrigable part of Lincoln
county who are anxiously watching
the precipitation this winter, and
should there be a deficiency they
will either come down into the
easilv irrigated district, or seek a
more humid climate.
Pahaska tribe No. 10, I. O. R
M.. will irive its third annual ball
on the evening of the 18th inst
I he braves are preparing tor a
grand dance. Prior to the ball a
thriilinir melodrama which will be
well worth the price of admission,
will be rendered by local warriors.
Shoes at half price. A large
assortment of good goods. Buy
them quick and save half your
money. Otten's Shoe Store.
Lester Eells is now gratuitously
passing around amouc his friends
a little volume, which will prove of
vast interest to such sports as
Maj. Woodhurst, Lou Pierce, et al.
It is entitled -The Whist Players'
Pocket Companion," and contains
much valuable information
the rame.
"Charley's Aunt" was present-
according to program last night
and highly amused a fair-sized
audience with its many laughable
situations. The only regret is
that there was not a larger as
semblage, as poor business keeps
first-class companies like the above
from stopping at North Platte.
With his customary luck which
has become proverbial, E. B. War
ner one day this week received
notice that he had been selected as
a memoer ot tne committee on
organization of the National
Funeral Directors' Association.
Mr. Warner bears this latest honor
with a grave sense of its serious
ness. Come, you drones, remove your
lazy carcasses from the rear portion
of the city's undergarment (yclept
a shirt) called prosperity, and assist
in giving our city the first boom
she has ever experienced. While
the above is not in the exact lan
guage of a North Platte pioneer
?ne before, yet the same idea is
The weather thus far this
winter has been neither satisfac
tory to the coal dealer pr ice man
although pleasantly agreeable to
the hardy homesteader upon these
treeless prairies. Up to date it is
problematical where the supply o
tnrid aquaeous matter is to come
from with which to cool our nex
summer's beer.
W. A. Penn, Dentist, will be
in North Platte Thursdav and Fri
day of each week, commencing
Jan. 17th and 18th, at the office o
Dr. Eves. f411
Jeweler and Optician.
Mrs. H. Gertler left Thursday for
a visit with friends at Wilber, Neb.
Bob Rannie :left last night for
Salt Lake, Utah, in search of em
ployment. Edna Hine returned- one day
recently from a holiday visit- to
Mrs. AY: W. Yates, of Sutherland,
transacted business' in this city
Bank Examiner Whitmore's wife
returned to her home in Lincoln
this morning.
Arthur McNamara spent New
Year's day visiting old friends at
Fremont, Neb.
Mrs. W. L. Park was a passenger
on train No. 7 this morning enroute
for a visit with Cheyenne friends.
Miss Gerta Hine returned the
middle of this week from her visit
to Hastings highly pleased with
her trip.
E. Corbiu. the Grand Island
horse radish man, was calling on
his North Platte patrons the mid
dle of this week.
A Mr. Wilcox, representing the
Sweetwater ''Mining Co.. of Rock
Springs, Wyo.. transacted business
in this city yesterday.
Miss Anna McNamara attended
the state teachers' association at
Lincoln last week. Enroute home
she visited friends in Omaha.
Charles Doran, assistant princi
pal of the Sidney schools, visited
his uncle, Guy Laing, of this city,
this week, returning to his home
last night.
The 827 has been taken into the
boiler shoo to receive a new fire
Fred Weingand resumed his
duties as foreman of the paint shop
on Wednesday of this week.
Clarence Turner, now employed
at Grand Island, visited old shop
mates and friends here the middle
of this week.
A new time card eroes into effect
next Sunday. A cursory examina
tion thereof discloses no changes of
interest to North Platte people.
Engine 647 has
into the
In search of a good cigar
will always find it at J.
F. Schmalzried's. Try
them and judge.
Write T. P. Gordon, St. Joseph,
Mo., for prices on all kinds of
Grain and ship him your Live
the meeting.
While in North Platte next
Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Nobles will be the guest of Colonel
Cody. The Colonel is confident the
Nobles' company will please its au
dience in this city.
All accounts due H. Otten &
Co. are payable at Otten's Shoe
Store. The firm having dissolved,
a settlement is urgently requested,
that books may be balanced.
Ftf H. Otten.
A pleasant hi 5 party was given
New Year's night at the residence
of J. J. Sullivan. So hospitably en
tertained were the guests that one
of them reported this morning that
he had not yet fully recovered there
from. The county clerk's official force
was busy for a couple of days this
week tabulating and arranging the
applications for relief, as shown to
be needed by the blanks returned
from the several school districts of
the county.
The attention of our readers is
called to the card of Elder Lock,
liverymen, appearing elsewhere in
this paper. The firm is prepared
to accommodate every sort of a team
from the famous "bull team," down
to the woiBt bucking broncho.
News reached this city.althougl
a trifle slow in making the rounds.
that Ed Wiggins, an old timer of
North Platte, in cowbov days, has
just qualified as county clerk of
jutle county 4i)xou miles in size.
down in Oklahoma. He was the
only republican on the county ticket
that was elected. Glory enough,
Ed. Here's looking at you.
The Nebraska house bridal
chamber has been in great demand
the past few davs. On the 27th
ult, Rev. M. O'Toole married James
A. Hairjrerty, of Brule, to Miss
Kate Glaze, of Perkins county. On
the 1st inst.. Judge Ray performed
a similar service for Harry E.
Powers, of Curtis, and Miss Bessie
A, Snyder, of Lincoln county.
Business men will bear in mind
that this office has all the modern
facilities for promptly and neatly
executing the finest styles of job
printing. In evidence of its capac
ity we might state that the office
will this week print three full
sized newspapers and more than a
dozen jobs of commercial work, and
this, too, without perspiring a hair.
Matt Stokes' father-in-law, of
Perry. Iowa, has been visiting the
former some days recently. Learn
ing that some depredations had
been committed upon the property
of the late A. G. Leonard, they
weut over into the southwest part
of the county yesterday to examine
"into the feasibility of removing the
house on the abo've premises to this
The Standard Cattle Co.. of
Ames, have made the people of
Fremont a proposition that in the
event of the erection of a beet sugar
factory, costing S250.000, in that
city, the company will take $200, 000
of the stock. This would appear
that this company is satisfied with
the prospects for financial success
of such a concern, for they, have
been growing beets on a large scale
for both the Grand Island and Nor
folk factories.
Some evil disposed person has
recently been putting out poison.
and in consequence thereof a num
ber of persons lament the loss of
valuable canines. The cur in human
shape who will put out poison for
his neighbor" s .stock or pet animals,
is of the lowest type of intellect,
and had he a thousand lives, they
should be slowly pricked out by
means of a camjjric needle, in order
to prolong InSj. agony.
The degreelgtaff of the Modern
Woodmen, of tftis tty; have been
invited to exemplify the unwritten
work of the order before the mem
bers of the. Sutherland camp on
Saturdav evening. Jan'v 12th. Six
candidates are to be present and
operated upon. After conferring
the work a banquet will be served
and a ball participated in by those
present. It is expected that about
fifteen or more representatives from
this city will be present.
Mrs. Val. Scharmann had the
misfortune to sustain a fall one
night this week which almost re
suited in a broken arm. It appears
that she was crossing the track on
Locust street, from the Third ward
and while doing so a locomotive
was standing on the wye track with
its "nose" (pilot) projecting out
over the sidewalk. Blinded by the
condensed steam the lady stumbled
over the projection, with the above
The following officers will be
installed into Office to-night by
Mazeppa lodge No 145, K. P. : R
L. Graves, P. G.; Chas. S. Clinton,
C. C. : Alex Stewart, Prelate; John
Sorenson, K. of R. and S.; H. S
Keith. M. of E.; C. O. Weingand.
M. of F.; Chas. F. Burroughs, M
of A. trustees. H. V. Hilliker, Wm.
Whitlock and R. L. Graves. After
the above have been inducted into
office the rank of Esquire will be
conferred. All members and visit
ing brethren are cordially invited to
be present.
Some rascally chicken thief one
nicrlit this week effected an en
trance into the coop of M. C. Lind
sey and stole all of his fine graded
fowls, with but three exceptions,
which were probably overlooked by
the miscreants in their haste to
escape. lie 'Wretches were over
heard troubling the flock''by Mrs.
Lindseyi yet though unusual dili-
:nce was taken to effect their
capture, but they managed to
escape. It is surmised who the
culprits are, and they arer being
closely and carefully watched.
A very interesting preliminary
nvestigation has been in progress
or a couple of days before justice
Sullivan wherein a local butcher
was charged with receiving stolen
property, in the shape .of cattle.
The change of base assumed by
he principal witness for the prose
cution appeared to have materially
changed the status ot the case, and
was a great surprise to the attoF
neys, although only illustrative of
he devious ways of the average
paid detective. At present the jury
which was sent out yesterday
has not agreed upon a verdict.
shops for an overhauling and Harry
Langdon and Michael Hayes have
been assigned the 639 in her stead
Anent the practical closing of th
Cheyenne shops ambitious Laramie
is now trying to wrest the state
capital away from the former city.
Engine 1266, one of the old-fash
ioned straight-backed mogul class
came up irom Omaha last night on
A. w
her way to the Wyoming division.
John and Peter Gohe, two of the
machinists tormerlv employed in
Clievenne shops, began work in
the North Platte shops this morn
The 697 has been attached to and
is furnishing steam for the round
house this week while the stationary
boiler is receiving a new set of
The 690 has been turned out of
the "back" shop after receiving
some light repairs, and Fenwick's
greatest grief is that she was not
given the new aluminium finish.
The boiler shop windows were
cleaned one dav this week, and in
consequence thereof one of them is
now broken, by reason of one of
the boys attempting to throw a
piece of metal through what he
supposed was an open window.
"The Kirmess and Merchants'
Carnival" is the title of an enter
tainment which the ladies" guild of
the Episcopal church will give in
Lloyd's opera house the latter part
ot this month under the direction
of Prof. H. S. Stuff. The program
consists of varied fancy dances, j
minuets, marches and drills, and
will prove a decided novelty as well
as a pretty innovation in the
amusement line in North Platte.
The caste will include about thirty
peopie selected .irom tlie young
people of the church. The cos
tumes tor tne occasion will be ar-
tisticallv gotten up and will be
one of the many pleasing features
Prof. Stuff is busy assigning the
parts and instructing the dances
and the young people are takin
great interest in the work.
Undertaker Warner kindly fur
nishes us with the following mort
uary statisticts for the city of North
Platte for the year just closed
With our town improving its rep
utation as a health resort in the
wav it is. Mr. Warner is thinking
of making application for a pension
Either the latter method of assist
ing in his sunoort would be advis
able, or else form a pool and get a
share of the earnings of his breth
ren in the fever districts of the
south. Total number ot deaths in
the citv of North Platte in the past
W i r ion? in.
When Buying
Why not get the BEST?
Washburn's Superlative
Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im
provement in milling machinery the product of the hard,
you are not usinir the
It is sold by
wheat of the north. If
Washburn Flour, try it.
Anthracite and Bituminous Coal
Always on hand. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Orders for coal left at Douglass' Drug Store on Spruce
street will be promptly filled.
(Old Vutx Doran Stalalo.)
Good Team:
Comfortable Hige,
gxceHsnt Accomodation? for ih Fannin? Public.
'northwest corner of Courthouse square.
Milton Nobles' New Comedy
Pleases Everybody.
year, 27; number for 1893 40; num-
ber ot males tor itw ir; iemaies
12: in First ward. 13; Second ward.
7: Third ward, ; under hve years
of aire. 7: between hve and ten
years, 2; between ten and twentv
years, J.', between twenty ana tinny
years. 4; between thirty and forty
" r . .t f Ca
years, l between tony ana nity
years, 5; between titty ana sixty
years. 6; between sixty anu seventy
years, 2; over eighty years, 1.
The first half of the series of
historical sermons by Rev. L. P.
McDonald was completed last Sun-
da v evenino-. haviny embraced tlie
history of the principal modern
denominations. Next Sunday even-
will begin the second half.
which will consist of a thorough
f . ! .1
comparison ot tne History anu
claims of the Roman Catholic
church and the Episcopal church.
The latter body has to contend
especially in the west with a
stronger prejudice than any otner.
because stands between two lires.
the Roman Catholics on one side.
and the Protestant denominations
on the other. There are some very
common mistakes made in regard
to the Episcopal church. First
that it was founded by Henry the
Vlllth and is therefore a sect.
sprung from the Roman Catholics.
Second, that it is inst like the
Roman Catholics and one and the
same with them, though working
under a different name. Third,
that it is the church of the rich
where the poor are not wanted. It
is to show the falsity of these ideas
and to show the real position ot the
. ... ,11
series lias peen undertaken, ah
those who wish to know the truth
of this matter, all those who have
been taught that this church is ail
wrong, are cordially invited tp at-
. tend the Sundar evenm? services
has J for a few weeks, at the Church of j
Our Saviour. M.
For Revenue Only" is a bright,
sparkling comedy in the nature of
a satire on politics. Nobles in the
role of Tom Knowall, a reporter,
space writer and all round liar (for
revenue only) assumes editorial
control of a political organ, The
Evening Blast," for Jefferson Rot
ter, a banker who seeks political
glory and runs for congress on the
third party ticket. Knowall man
ages his campaign incident to
which is a committee meeting
where Knowall succeeds admirably
in. conciliating the various factions
therein. This is a great scene and
the house gets its money's worth.
The newspaper scene is where
the audience roars. It is a realistic
scene. The candidates who have
been roasted in the "Blast" demand
retractions and apologies. They
get a terrible drubbing Irom the
courgeous Bohemian. It is a great
show and deserves S. R. O. houses.
The various characters were well
assumed. Dollie Nobles was sweet.
winsome and charming as Rose
Merrywin. niece of the congres
sional candidate and the Bohemian's
Eventually the newspaper man
proves to be the son of the million
aire congressional aspirant, wno
was defeated, and the broad gulf of
poverty no longer separated him
from the rirl he loves.
The coming of that representa
tive player, Milton Nobles, is al
ways an interestiti"- and welcome
event. Ilis
rlriiiKli' i ti f.r.fcit i ntr
present visit will be
as ne will ap
pear in a new corned- in wlncli lie
has made a wonderful series of
successful engagements in Chicago.
St. Louis. San Francisco and finally
at the Union Square Theater, New
York City. Mr. Nobles is doubly
supported by Dolly Nobles and a
specially selected company. The
new play is called "For Revenue
Only" and is as full of clean, whole
some tun as a nut is ot meat, it is
lauirh from start to finish. As
the title indicates, politics and
politicians play a prominent part
in the actions, and all are satirized
in a freehanded, breezy way that
amuses witnout stinging. il
Lloyd's opera house, Thursday,
Jan'y 10th.
Z. J. Hostetter made a Hying trip
to North Platte Wednesday.
Chas. Doran. of Sidney was in
town Wednesday looking after Ins
and interests near here.
C. P. Ross, of North Platte, has
surveyed and platted the land
northwest of town, in the same sec
tion, belonging to the Clarkson es-
ate, into nve-acre lots, ana tney
will be for sale in the near future.
This is a good chance for a man of
mall means to get a home close to
church and school and where the
and can be irrigated and made to
nroduce enoucrh to support a family.
J. H. Conway spent Cjinstmas ; lencu." mi course it was
with his father at Chillicothe. Mo. ' favor of tho nflirmative.
A. D. Duckworth and bank ex
aminer "Whit more, of the county
seat, were on our streets last week
looking up bank interests.
W. M. Holtry shipped a car load
of bones to St." Louis Thursday.
New Year's day was enjoyed by
a large party of young folks on the
ice south of town and many sur
prising tumbles were, as usual, re
ceived. The section hands at this point
are only to work one-half of the
time for the next few months and
they are rustling around for other
employment with which to fill in
the time.
M. McGrath returned from his
Eastern trip the first of the week.
O. A. Hostetter won the ten-tune
music box that was raffled off at
the drug store on New Y car's day.
A. W. Hoatson shipped two cars
of baled hay to Kearney and T.
Harvey two cars to Elm Creek this
Report has it that George Hoover
will take a trip to Colorado in the
near future and look up a new lo
cation. What's the matter with
Lincoln county ditches, George?
Alex. Neilson is the father of a
bouncing big boy baby. To say
that he is well satisfied-is express
ing it mildly. Mother and child
doing well.
Mr. Reed, of Orchard. Col., has
been spending the holidays with
Eli Etchison.
Rev. Hatch, of Grand Island,
preached to a larire conirrejration
The physician of the Modern
Woodmen lodge examined ten or a
dozen applicants for membership
Saturday night. The goat has our
sympathy at the initiation.
New Year's night the young
folks had a lively dance at Denny's
hall. The evening was fine and a
large crowd assembled.
Report has it that S. J. Koch,
who lives south of town, has
another future voter at his house.
And still they come, and of course
they are all good republicans.
Maxwell Notes-
About twelve couples met t theschool
houee last. M nday nicht 'to dance tho
old year out and the new year in," nnd
they certainly had a uood timo for they
danced till 1 o'clock a. m., when they
repaired to their many homes to begin
tho year anew.
B." Pickett, who ha3 been living for
several years on tho Island, left last
Monday night for hi3 old home in Geor
gia, where he expects to remnin . A
large crowd f friends accompanied him
to the depot to say farewell.
Mrs. Hanrahan is recovering from her
recent illness.
.Mrs C. W. Homo ie the guest of her
parents in North Platto
John Lvnch went to North Platte last
Mr. Hurst, of North Platte, skated on
tho river down to Maxwell last Sunday
Uind then rode home in die evening.
Fhero was no singing school last Mon
day night owing to the dance, and also
the absence of Mr. More, who was con
ducting a singing entertainment at Brady
"Tho bridge is nearly done." Tbat'a
getting old now, isn't it? And yet wo
must sjiy something about the bridge;
wo waited for it twenty years or more.
At the last meeting of tho literary
society iho following question wa3 de
bated: "Resolved, that the manufacture
of intoxicating Honor should be abol-
decided in