The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 04, 1895, Image 3

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The North Side Grocer,
Our Goods are Guaranteed Fresh,
Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest,
We Insure Prompt Delivery,
We Solicit a Share of Your Trade.
K. JT. B R O E K E R,
Merchant Tailor,
OIj JE2 TV 3E3
embracing all the new designs, kept on nand ami mudt tu order.
Spruce Street, between Fifth and Sixth.
Steam and Gas .Fitting1.
Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper -and Galvanized Iron Cor
nice. Tin and Iron lloofins.
Estimates furnished. Repairing of all kinds receive promnt attention
Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth,
North. Tlatte.
Ditches and Laterals.
Funeral Director.
A full lln of first-class funenil ujiplii
nlwayf in stock.
Telegraph onie rf- promptly ittndi-d t--
Meats at wholesale and re
tail. Fish and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
H. S. Tibbels,
Furniture : Repairer.
Special attention paid to all kinds of
of furniture upholstering. Msittrasse
made to order or remade. Furniture re
pairing of all kinds promptly and nrat'y
I'xecutcti. Leave orders at Tho i air
vStore. 40tr
Land Ollim nt North rliittc. Neb.,
November JS'li. IBM. f
Notice is hereby given that tlin following
owned wttler Ims hied notice of hit intention to
ruakefhiHl proof in fupportof hisclaim. and that
Hid proof will ho made, before Hester nnl
Keeeiver United States Laud OHico nt North
I'httte. Neb . on .Inntinry iilh, 18515. viz: James
Anderson, who limde liomesieail Entry No. ll,&
for the east half northeast quarter cast half
southeast quarter set-t:ou 24. township 9, ranjre
31. llo names the following to prove
his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation
of said land, viz: Michel Uhrin.t hnrley Hitman.
John Kngleriind Albert J. Ulougher, nil of Well
fleet. Nebraska.
476 JOHN F. HIXMAN. Register.
Laud OlhYent North Platte. Neb. I
November 27th. 1801. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler lias hied noticeof his intention to make
tinul proof in f-npport of his claim, nnd that said
pr of will be made before Register nnd Keceiver
nt. North Platte. Neb., on January 10th. 1895.
viz: Frank Jim. who Homestead En
try No. 14.413 for the iouth half northeast
qunrternnd north tiulf t-outhennt quarter section
8, township 17 north, range 29 west. He names
the following witm-sses to prove Ins continuous
residence upon and c-.iltivatiou of said land,
viz: Edward llishor. William A. Itishor. John
F. Main and George Young, all of Ncsbitt. Neb.
470 JOHX F. I1JNMAN. Register.
Land Olltcoat North I'iiittB, Neb., I
December 17th, JMU. J
Notice 1? hereby giv-u that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
prooof will be made before the Register and Ke
ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on Jaunary
UGlb, 1S!C, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 14011 for the
soul' oaut ;unrter section 10. township 14 north,
range-SI) vest. Ilts ij: the following witnesses to
pruv.-his continuous re-iidt-ncu mwn and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Edward Easton, Waller K.
Covvll, Charles Keen and Frank Ebele, all of North
Platte. Nebraska.
Laud Oflice at North Tlatte. Neb.. )
Pecember iOth, lb91. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed uolico of his intention to make
final proof In support of his claim, and that said
proof will be mailw before the Register and Ke
ceiver at Nr'h Platte, Nebraska, on Februarj
4th, IMC., viz:
who made Homestead Eutry No. Itijtfi, fqr the
Ea-t half of the Northeast quarter ot Section 10,
Township p. North. ItntiL-c 30 West, lie names
tho following witnesses to prove his coutiuuous
residence upon aud cultivation of saiil laud, viz:
Fritz Koester, llernuid Miller. Frank Savage and
Gottfried Kleinow, nli of W. Illlect. Neb.
."lfj JOHN F. HINMAN, Register.
, Yates,
Iu the matter of the cMnte of VVjlson W
In the County Court of Lincoln county,
liraska, Decciuoer.KM,
Notice 1- hereby given that the creditors of sold
deceased will meet the Administrator of said
Estate, bofoie the County Judge of Lincoln county.
Nebraka, at tho county court room, in said county,
on the 2d day of .May. lsil'i, on the I'd day of Juno,
lfil.-i. and on the 2d day of July, 1MB, at 1 o'clock
p m each day, for UlU purpose of presenting their
claims for ex(tchiaiiuti. uiljiMtueiit nnd allowance.
Six months are allowed for credited to present
their claim-, and one year for the Administrator
to settle said estate, from the 2d day of January,
1K93. This notice will br publi-he.l iu The Noutii
Platte Tuhicse. a newspaper printed iu said
county, for four weeks successively, on and after
January 1st. 165Vi. JAMES M. KAY.
County Judge.
Coal Oil, Gasoline,
Crude Petroleum and
Coal Gas Tar.
Leave orders nt Evstn Book Slore
Hershey & Co.
kiculiural : Implements
Farm and Spring Wagons,
Buggies, Road Carts,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb
Wire. Eta.
Ijocust Street, between Fifth and Sixth
t First published in The Nouth Platte Tribune,
January 1st, 1.S5.)
In tho District Court of Lincoln county, Ne-br.-.-ka.
The State of Nebraska to Samuel D. Weaverllng,
Susauuah M. Weaverling aud William Edward
Sweutzel. greeting:
j You and each of you are hereby notified that yon
j have been sued together vith The Anglo American
i Land, Mortgage and Agency CoiuiwnT. Limited, a
corporation, .MtMon u. wniuiey, Cnarles 8 Fair
chtld, Harry E. Mooney. San ford B. Ladd and
Frank Hagermau as Receivers of The Lombard
Investment Company, a corporation, by Emma K.
Flyat as plajntin in the District Court of Lincoln
county. Nebraska, and that on or before the 11th
day of February, lKKi. yon must answer tho peti
; Hon In chancery filed herein ngalnst said defeud
. ants by said plaiutitf, in which tho plaintiff asks
. for a decree foreclosing the mortgage given by
! defendants Samuel D Weaverling and Susannah
i M. Weaverling to the Lombard Investment Com
puny, dated May 10th, 18S9, and covering the
following described real estate situated iu Lincoln
county, state of Nebraska, to-wit: The south one
hundred and forty-five (145) acres of tho east half
of the southwest quarter aud of the west half of the
southeast quarter of section twenty-two (23), In
owuship fourteen ill) norh. of range twenty
dgkt (T ) west of the tith principal meridian; that
iniil iutitio further prays that all the right, title,
lien or interest of nil of the defendants in or to
said lands and every port thereof bo decreed junior
and inferior to the lien of the aforesaid mortgage
now owned by the said plaintiff and that said lond
be sold and the proceeds of the said sale be applied
t to the payment of the cots of the sale and of said
action, nnd to tne amouut due plaintiff upon said
mortgage, and that all of the defendants be barred
and foreclosed of all interest in or Hen upon said
land: nnd unless you answer said petition as afore
said, the facts therein alleged will be taken as true,
and a decree will be rendered ns therein prayed.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court by me
affixed at North Plalte, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
thli 31st day of December, 1894.
Clerk of the District Court Lincoln County, Ne
braska. Perut k Smalland axd Pclsifxji & Alexasdee,
Attorneys for Plaintiff, Concordia, EansaR.
Subscribe for the Semi
Weekly Tribune, .
At Floats
We offer One Hundred Dollar Re
ward for any cuce of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
J. F. Cheney fc Co., Propa., Toledo, O.
We tho undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 yours, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in nil
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation tmidi
by thoir firm
Wo-t fc Truax, Wholesale Druggists
Toledo, O. Waldtng, Kinnan & Mnrvm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal!
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of tie system. Pric'
75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Testimonials free.
Coated, youi throat dry. your eyis
dull and inflamed aud do you feel mean
generally when you get up in the morn
ing? Your liver and kidneys are not
doing their duty. Why don't j'ou take
Park's Sure Cure? If it does not mae
you feel better it co-ts you nothing. Tt
cures Bright's disease, diabetis and all
kidney complaints. Only guaranteed
euro. Sold by North Platte Phirmacy.
To The Semi-weekly
Tribune receives 104
numbers of the paper
during the year at a
cost of $1.25 less than
one and one-quarter
cents per issue. Isn't
that very reasonable?
In The Semi-Weekly
Tribune gets his an
nouncements before the
people twice a week
isn't that a big advan
tage? As to the num
s ber of subscribers
well, advertisers are in
vited to look over the
lists. That's a busi
ness offer, isn't it?
of good quality, are sold at
Call and see these goods at
Geo. Casey's residence.
Remember I also handle
Curtains, Rugs, Silverware,
and Notions Suitable for
Christmas Presents.
Orders taken for Pastel Por
traits, which are fine.
127 Sixth St. Cor. of Vine,
Committees Appointed to Investigate Con
dition of the Drotttti Sufferers.
Lincoln Jan. 3. Wednesday's ses
sions of the house and senate were of a
perfunctory nature. The only two items
of importance iu the senate were the ap
pointment of a committee to select stand
ing committees of the senate and 0 in
vestigate the condition of the people in
the drouth stricken district of western
nnd southwestern Nebraska. The stand
ing committees are to be made upbr
Senators Pope (Saline), ilcKesson (Lan
caster', Halm (Adams), Steuffen (Cum
ing) and Bresler (Warned
The joint committee to investigate tho
condition of the drouth sufferers was
appointed br Lieutenant Governor
Majors as follows: McKeeby of Web
ster, Akers of Scotts Bluff, Black of Buf
falo, Steuffer of Cuming and Black of
Butler. 1
After appointing a committee to no
tify the house that the senate was fully
organized and to ask the pleasure of tho
governor the senate adjourned.
In tho house but little business was
transacted, and after appointing the
usual committee to notify the governor
nd the senate the house adjourned.
The committee to act with the senate
committee to investigate the drouth dis
trict of the state consists of Conaway of
York, Bacon of Dawson, Brady of
Buffalo, Howard of Saqn- and Suer of
1 I
-1 1
Nicaragua-Canal and Currency Dc
bate Occupied Most of the Time.
One Nebraska nul Five Iowa rosttnaster
Among the List Civil Service Commis
sion Will Investigate tho San Fran
t Cisco Custom House Charge.
One of Iowa's Oldest xid llest Known
Davenport, la., Jan. ii.i'he death of
James Thompsou, one the most widely
known bankers and land speculators fo
the west for many years past, occurred
here. Mr. Thompson's business inter
ests had been in charge of a guardian
for several mouths, his mind and body
having succumbed to tho strains of
carrying his immense holding of western
paper through the recent panic.
In 18G9 and in the early 70's he bought
land of the government in 50,000 acre
tracts and in some instances purchased
the entire holdings of railroad com
panies. A partial inventory of his es
tate, filed by his guardian last week,
showed assets of nearly $1,800,000. For
12 years he was president of the First
National bank of this city. He was 08
years of age and is survived hy a wife
and three children, all grown.
Did Not Ask For Carlisle'!, Remnvnl.
New York, Jan. :i A report was
current that J. Pierpont Morgan had
called on President Cleveland and asked
him to remove Secretary Carlisle or to
ask for his resignation and that the pres
ident assured Secretary Carlisle that his
feelings toward the latter remained un
changed notwithstanding the request of
Mr. Morgan. Mr. Morgan was shown
the statement and asked if there was
any truth in tho story. "It is not true,"
Mr. Morgan said emphatically. "I have
not seen Mr. Cleveland in two years.
There is not the slightest shadow of a
foundation in the statement." He re
fused to discuss the question further.
Goes to Klyt lie's Daughter.
San Francisco, Jan. 3. The supreme
court has rendered a decision affirming
the judgment of the lower court whioh
decided that Alice Edith Dickinson was
not the wife of tho late Thomas N.
Blythe. -JBly-tliftiaCfc an Estate valued at
$4,000,000, which was awarded by the
probate court to an illegitimate daugh
ter. Miss Dickinson, who lived with
Blythe, alleged that Blythe had married
her by contract aud claimed a share of
the estate.
Instructions to 1'ost master.
Washington, Jan a. Strict instruc
tions to postmasters at all delivery
offices to prevent further overtime claims
of letter carriers has been issued by
Assistant Postmaster General Jones.
Superintendent of stations, superinten
dent of carriers and all clerks who record
carriers' time are threatened with re
moval for failure to thoroughly acquaint
themselves with the new rules within
a month.
I-ihcr to Succeed SwhIiu.
Washington, Jan. 3. It is expected
that the nomination of Colonel Giodo
Norman Lieber to be judge advocate
general of the army, to succeed General
Swaim, will be sent to congress today.
Colonel Lieber is at present acting judge
advocate general, a position he has filled
since 18S4.
"Lucky" Itatdwin'8 Orange Crop.
San Francihco, Jan. llE. J. Bald
win has closed a contract -with a fruit
jobber for his crop of oranges in the
Santa Anita ranch, estimated at loO car
loads, for $30,000. This probably is the
largest orange sale ever made by a single
Senator IttcMillun Nominated.
Lansing, Mich., Jan. 3. The Repub
lican caucus of members of the legis
lature for the nomination of a United
States senator for the six-year term re
sulted in the nomination of Senator
James McMillan bv acclamation.
Washington, Jan. 3. The senate re
assembled at noon today after the holi
day recess. About 30 senators were
present, when Vice President Stevenson
called the body to order and more came
in during the reading of tho journal.
The chair laid before the senate a letter
from tho secretary of state transmitting
a dispatch from the United States am
bassador at Paris saying that, hojiad de
livered to the widow of the late Presi
dent Carnot engrossed copies of resolu
tions of sympathy of tho American con
gress relative to tho death of President
Mr. Quay (Pa.) introduced his pro
posed amendment to the urgent de
ficiency bill amending the tariff law by
striking out all provisions for an income
tax and substituting a new woolen
schedule, including a dnty on raw wool.
At 2 o'clock the senate resumed con
sideration of the Nicaragua canal bill,
Senator Morgan speaking.
The resolution of Mr. Allen relating
to the senate restaurant was then taken
up and Mr. Allen addressed the senate
at some length. Ho thought the restau
rant should not be furnished by the gov
ernment. Senators Hale and Mander
son both thought that the best interests
of the senate demanded that there be no
change. At 2 o'clock tho resolution
went over and the senate proceeded to
the consideration of tho. Nicaragnau
canal bill. Mr. Morgan criticized sena
tors who opposed the bill by impnting
to those who favored tho bill motives
other than patriotic. He defended tho
constitutionality of the present bill,
winch had been attacked.
Foreigners Expelled From France.
Paris, Jan .The papers here pub
lish an unverified report that 15 for
eigners, including a number of Germans
and Italians, have been expelled from
Frauce by a government decree.
One Thousand Thrown Out.
Hazelton, Pa., Jan. 3. Crystal
Ridge and Crauberry collieries, owned
by A. Pardee & Co., have been shut
down for an indefinite time. One thous
and men are thrown out of work.
Tree Hill Against aiowhray.
Philadelphia, Jan. . The grand
jury found a true bill of indictment
against Charles W. Mowbray, the Eng
lish anarchist, charging him with mak
ing a seditious speech.
Sudden Death of Colonel Heyl.
Chicago, Jan. 3. Colonel E. H. Heyl,
inspector general of the Department of
the Missouri, died suddenly at the Hotel
Orange Grower Assigns.
Sanford, Fla., Jan. 3. J. E. Pace,
orange grower, has assigned. He is said
to have lost $30,000 by the freeze.
In the House.
Washington, Jan. 3. The house
presented an animated scene when it
was called to order hy Speaker Crisp to
day after tho holiday recess. The gal
leries were crowded and over half tho
members were in their seats. In tho di
plomatic gallery were the Japanese min
ister aud his secretary and many promi
nent personages looked down on the
forensic arena from the reserved gallery,
After the call of committees for reports
Mr. Qnigg(Rcp., N. Y.) attempted to
offer a resolution relating to
salaries in tho New York iostofflce
but Chairman Springer, in charge of the
currency bill, cut him off. Accordingly
the house went into committee of tho
whole, with Mr. Richardson iDem.,
Tenn.) iu the chair, and Mr. Black Dem.,
Ga.t, a member of the banking aud cur
rency committee, took the floor in favor
of the bill.
The debate started sluggishly, Mr,
t U1....1. .i..:i ... u.s -......... 1. n..
banking and currency committee had
heard only national bankrira while con
pidering tho pending measure and had
turned a deaf ear to all others. He met
and panned other criticisms of opponents
of the bill and gave an historical re
view of the financial doctrines of Demo
cratic presidents from Jefferson to Cleve
Legislation had not caused all the
misfortunes under which tho peoplo
were suffering, he said. It might have
contributed to their misfortunes and he
believed the passage of tho present bill
would contribute to their relief, bnt he
deprecated the feeling abroad in tho
land that for all the ills and misfortunes
of the people, they should turn to con
gress. Mr. Black's advocacy of state banks of
issue was ardent, but lie concluded by
expressing, amid applause, the opinion
that the only real function of the gov
ernment was the coinage of gold and sil
ver. Mr. Haugen (Rep., Wis.1, who
followed, oppocd the measure.
President inl Nomination.
Washington, Jan. 3. Tho president
today sent the following nominations to
the senate: Hou. Bert W. Bowman, to
be consul general of the United States
at Barcelona, Spain; Andrew J. Patter
son of Tennessee, .consul at Dennnar,
British Guinea; T. Frank Clark of Flor
ida, attorney of the United States.south-
crn district of Florida; Walter P. Strad
ley of California, to le commissioner of
immigration at the port of San Fran
cisco. Colonel G. Norman Lieler, assistant
judge advocate general, to be judge ad
vocate general, with the rank of briga
dier general. Lieutenant Commander
Franklin Hanford, to be commander;
Passed Assistant Engineer Robert W.
Gait, to be chief engineer; Assistant En
gineer H. D. Leopold, to be passed assist
ant engineer. Postmasters: William A.
Simmons, Mapleton, la.; Patrick H.
Judge, Dewitt, la.; F. Marram," Eldora, j
la.; Martin D. Madden. Lyons, la.; Jo-1
seph H. Unangst. Marion, la.; John C.
Will Investigate Charge.
Washington, Jan. 3. The charges of
political assessments and of partisan re
movals in the San Francisco custom
house have been under consideration by
the civil service commission for some
time throngh correspondence with tho
collector of customs and others in San
Francisco. The commission has deter
mined to make a thorough investigation
and an agent will be sent to conduct an
inquiry at the customs office, probably
within a month.
Turned It Over to Thompsou.
Cheyenne, Jan. 3. Sm-veyor General
Bickfork has turned his office over to
General John Charles Thompson, hav
ing received notice from Washington to
do so.
SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guar
antee. It crres Insipient Consumption.
It is tho best Cough Cure. Only one
cent a dose. Twentv-fivo cte., 50 cts.
and 81. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy.
We take pleasure in announcing that
after this date Park's Sure Cure will re
move all cases of rheumatism, kidney
trouble or liver complaint, from the
user. It is to-day the only medicine that
i3 guaranteed to "cure these diseases or
OS. V-s, 111 , 1
no pay. I'arn's sure uure is soiu oy tne
North Platte Pharmacy.
KARL'S fJLOVER ROOT, tho great
Blood purifier gives freshness and clear
ness to the Complexion and cures Con
stipation, 25 cts., 50 cts., and 81. Sold by
North Platte Pharmacy.
Mrs T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga
Tcnn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'saved
my life.' I consider it tho bes ' remedy
for a debiliated Bystem 1 ever used."
For Dyppopsia, Liver or Kidney trouble
it excels. Price 75 cents. Sold by North
Platte Pharmacy.
Mexico's Trade on the Mend, Due to Low
Price of the White Metal.
New York, Jan. 3. M. M. Guggen
heimer & Son of New York city hare
during the last few days shipped largo
quantities of bar silver from Omahs,
Kansas City, Aurora and Now York
city to tho City of Mexico for coinage
by tho Mexican government mints into
Mexican dollars. This is like carrying
coals to Newcastle. They state that it
may be considered a strong illustration
of the effect which the low price of sil
ver is having on the trade of silver coun
tries, viz, a very large diminution of
imports, coupled with large increase of
exports of merchandise. Countries on a
silver basis are prospering under the
low price of silver, while gold basis
countries are suffering.
Seven Injured In a Wreck..
Philadelphia, Jan. 3. Seven persons
were injured in a railroad wreck, which
occurred early this morning on tho Phil
adelphia and Reading road a fshort dis
tance below Germantown. The injured
arc: C. W. Fell, brakeman, contusion
of the shoulder; R. O'Grady, cut about
the head with flying glass, and T. Sny
der, Police Sergeant Redfem, Polico
Lieutenant Keysr and Frank Baecon, all
of whom were ablo to go to their
homes. The collision was between
passenger trains 181 going to Chestnut
Hill aud 88 returning to the city. Both
engines were badly smashed and two
cars of the down train were completely
wrecked. Both engineers escaped by
No SuiTeriug Iu the Strip.
Perry. O. T., Jan. 3. The report sent
out from Boston stating that there is
great suffering in the Cherokee Strip is
entirely false. Much indignation has
been caused by the report. It is declared
there has not been a time since the
opening of the Strip that projerty has
sold so high or such universal comfort
prevailed. Not n single case of destitu
tion has been reported here, it is de
clared, this winter.
Exodus of Georgia Negroes).
Atlanta, Jan. 3. Reports from Stew
art are to the effect that in that and ad
joining counties African immigration so
cieties are l)eing organized. Every col
ored tenant on one Stewart county farm
has joined an immigration club with the
avowed intention of going whenover
and wherever their leaders saw
General Clarkson's Mission.
San Francisco. Jan. 3. General John
A. Clarkson, who has leen in San Fran
cisco for some rime, presumably for his
health, is, according to his host and
business partner, Colonel Isaac Trumbo,
really here to advance the interests of
the proposed railroad from Salt Lake to
San Francisco and Los Angeles.
ZUosiim Hadly Shaken.
Messina- Jan. 3. A violent earth
quake shock was felt here. The inhabi
tants are panic stricken.
K. W. Lancaster nnd M. J. Kennedy
were robled nt their homes In St. Joseph,
Mo., by masked men.
New Mexico's chances for statehood have
been endangered by the split in the terri
torial legislature.
Georfre Perry started n. crap game dur
ing a revival meeting nt Jeffersonville,
Intl., aud was ejected by Rev. A.M.Calvin.
A brother of ex-Congressman Butler bo
llcves his strange actions were caused by
a blow on the head delivered by n robber.
Ed Pannell, clerk in the postofflce nt St,
Paul, has leen arrested for using cunceled
stamps and appropriating good stamps.
Tom Blair, after lK-lnpnefjmtted of mur
der, was taken from the jail tit Mount
Sterling, Ky., and hanged from a railroad
First- Congregational church of Terre
Haute, I ml., the oldest of tho denomina
tion in the state, celebrated Its GOth anni
versary. Engineer Shull was killed and three
others injured, one of whom will die, in a
collision between freight trains at York
towu. Ind.
Mclnhardt & Mattcrn's store at Donnel
son, la., was robbed by burglars. The
robbers secured a large amount of jowclry
and dress goods.
Daniel J. Tromblcy of Bay City, Mich.,
cut his wife's throat and set fire to the
house, suffocating his baby daughter. He
Is ltelieved to In? insane.
Hon. John II. Floyd of Charleston. W.
Ya., has announced himself a candidate
for the United States senate in opposition
to Steve Elkins in West. Virginia.
llulng Was a Little Ilctter Than the Sell
ing Little Change In Corn.
Ciucako, .Tan. U. Wheat oftencd i-toudy to
day on the steady cables and light northwest
ern receipts. A littlo -elling at the .start
knocked the price down a triHV, hut buying by
Logan, Baldwin and Faruutn and larg; scalpers
causttl a reaction later. May opened un
changed at oT' iC sold to ")"i;c and reacted
to .ir7so.
Corn v.-a; easy on si-lling by country com
mission houses. Uosenbaum and others. May
.started l sC. lower at K'c, gained c, lost J c
nnd reacted to the opening price.
Oats were a triflo firmer, helped by moderat
buying. May started unchanged at Si3 It and
snldnt 8I'-'c.
Provisions were steady. Hog receipts were
vitliin the estimates and packers were buying
moderately. May pork opened 2J-c lower at
511.40 and advanced to Sll.G. May lard
opened at i'3.00 and advanced to 1 8.05.
WHEAT-January. SlJSotfJc- May. SlYM
oTJuc; July, .")9'...'358JJe.
CORN .January, 41c ; May, 47jl7?ic : Jul r,
OATtf-.tanunry,2$;jc: February, 29c: May.
3l3 ;.
POKK-.Tar.uary, 111.40; Mar. ?U.T2JJ.
LARD January. 15.77; May, (.!..
KIBS January, J5.7ry,5.72J-.; MavJ $3.95(1
5jt;.:. '
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Jan. il HOGS Receipts, 40.000
head ; left over, K.OOO ; market more active : best
grades steady; others shade lower; light. 1353
f'j..J0; mixed, heavv 1.004.A;
rough, 4.fta4.20.
SHKEP Receipts 15.000 head, slow, steady.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, Jan. 3. CATTLE Receipts,
2.000 head; 110 to !-) lbs., 4.00r5.2O: 1100 to
lSMI lbs.. il.OmS 4.70; IWO to 1KO lbs., A2S4.00;
choice cows, .25-'i:i.Z: common cows. $1.00 .
Hi;good teederx.iOy53.10; common feeder.
Jiunr 2..7J Market 10c higher.
HOttS-Keceipts, 8,000 head; light. 3.7.Vg4.10;
mixed. ?4.Uttt4.l0: heavy. ?I.0544?J. Market
ic to 10c lower.
SHEEP-Receipts. 2CO head; muttons. 52X0
li.00 ; lambs. 2.30 4.00. Mark.-t stead-.
. 7 1 isr-i
Consumers ofchewi? tobacco who
arewillinjto paij a little more ikn
the price draged for trie ordinary
trade tobaccos, will find fe
brand superior to all orliera-
Dr. Humphrey Specifics are scientifically and
carefully prepared Remedies, used for years in
private practlco and for over thirty years hy tho
people with entire success. Every single Specific
a special euro for the dbease named.
no. ernes. rciCK.
1 Fevcru, Congestions. Inflammations..
Ji Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Colic 25
3 Teething; Colic. Crying. 1Vakefuluea .23
4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults '25
7- Cobbus, Cold', Bronchitis .25
8- Nenralgln, Toothache. Faceache. 25
9- IleadnchcM, Sick Headache. Vertigo.. .25
10 Dyspepsin. BUIousuess. Constipation. .25
11 Sopprenscd orPniuful Periods... .25
12 Whitcs. Too Fiofuse Ferlods .25
13 Croup, LarynsitU, Hoarseness 25
14 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .25
15 Rheumatism, Itheumatlc rains .25
16 Malaria, Chills. Fever and Ague .25
18 CaZrrh. Influenza, Cold lu the Head. .25
28-Wfcooplnz Coach .25
27- Klducy Diseases .25
28- Xervooa Debility 1.00
39 Urinary IVcnkncsn 25
34-Sore Throat, Qulncy, Ulcerated Throat .25
rut up In small bottles of pleasant pellets, Just lit
your vest pocket.
S!J hy DriMsIM, or fnt prep"''! on rrctlrt of plica.
Pk. HrarHRtu' Mascil hi j.ic. mhh ie.
ursriirtKTS xr.n. ro., tu jt lis mnia si.. m:mt yore.
mm tnilftJVA r,,K SEX. Th' remlr
I W KKIiH X11 lVtt fhrccilr t. tho Mat of
mm MalWt'l V those diiwa cf Uia Ueiiito-Urmary Or.
" r"' requires no cluuiga of diet or
nsaseoos, iiercnmi or poisonous me!.
Icmesto to tak:a intciiuliy. Who.i
by either s ills impossiWetotontraci
any venereal die&sc ; bat in the cisc cf
those IreiyUiroui!TiT
with GoDorrhura and C!-et, 7C guarau
tee a euro. Trice by ran!, posted pai. ,
$ I psr box, or G l-oiti l;r S.
Sold bv A. F. Streitz, Druggist, Xorth
Platte, Neb.
$500 Reward!
WTE will pay tha above reward fo. any case of
Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, nick Headache In
digestion Constipation or Costivcness wc cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when
the- directions are strictly complied with. They
are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give sat
isfaction. SugariCoated. Large boxes, 25 cents.
Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The. cen
uine manutactured only by THE JOitN C. WEST
Sold by A. F. Streitz, Druggist, Nortn
Platte, Neb.
Dr. . C. West's Hcrve and Sraia Trsalmcnl
js eold trader positivo written guarantee, hy author
ized (i;eiit only, to euro Weak Memoi-; Iajcs tit
Drain nnd Nerve I'ower; Lot rdnuhooil; Vui;kiies;
Sight Losses; Evil Dreams; ick of Confidence;
Nervousness; Las.ilui!e; all Drr.ins; Is o I'ower
ol the Generative Ortnus in either t-ox, cnused by
jver-exsrtion; Youthful Crrors, or Rrv s,-ivo Use of
Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, which foou lend to
Miser, Consumption, Insanity nnd Death. By mail,
fl a box: C for$3; with written guarantee to cure or
refund money. WEST'S COUCH SYRUP. A certain
euro for Couh?. Colds, A-thma, Uronchlti-, Croup,
Whooping Couch, Sore Throat, l'leannt to taku
Small size discontinued: otil.SJc.Mzo, nnw2."ic.; ol4
Jl r co. now 50c. G UAR'ANTEES issued only
A. P. Streitz, Druggist, North Platto
wj tho original and only FI5ENCIL frafoandro
'mblocure on tho market. Price $t.GU; sent by
-nail. Genuino sold only 07
A.F. Stroitz, Druggist, No. Platte, Neb
No More Back Ache
For Sale by A. F. Streitz.
llrnoiS's BfijiHMKD.
Splendid cuxatlvoncent for ITervomorSIcfc
IlftAjfrliM rtriis Win...-,.: trt ...
. , u.nausiuii, .sireinewsnrst,
Iecial or jreceral I.eurolcia; also for Itlieu-
uutuaiu, uoui. munoy liiorUfcrs, Acid Vyi
pepiia. Antenna. Antidotn for Alcobolia
and other oxcessos. I'rice.lO.Sjandajccntd.
151 S. Western Avenue, CHICAGO.
SIIILOII'S CURE is sold on a guar- j
antee. It cures Insipient Consumption.
It is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent I
a dose. 25 cts., 50 cts., and 1 00.
by North Platte Pharmacy.
About coughs and colds in the sum
mer time. Yon may havo a tickling
cough or a little cold, or baby may have
the croup, and when it comes you ought
to know that Park's Cough Syrup is the
best cure for it. Sold by North Platte
Sold by A. P. Streitz. Druggist, North
Platte, Neb.
It Is aold on a guarantee by nil drns-
Sfi3. J 'Picnt Conrurnption.
and is the best Cough end Croup Curo.
Sold by North Platte Pharmacy.