The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 04, 1895, Image 2

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IRA L. BARE, Editor and Proprietor
One Year, cash in advance, fl.25.
Hix Months, cub in advanco 75 Cents.
Bntered at theNorthPlatte (Nebraska) postofflce as
second-claps matter.
is centrally situated In the triangular figure
bounded by lines drawn from Omaha to Cheyenne,
thence to Denver, from thenco to starting point.
It is 291 miles fiom the first named city, 225 miles
from the second, and 250 miles from the third.
Having a population of 4,000 people it is the head
quarters of both freight and passenger divisions of
the U. P. R'y Co., and is the home of nbont 500
railway employes whoso monthly pay roll amounts
to some $35,000.00. Almost 200 miles of irrigation
canals are rapidly nearing completion, which will
bring into the highest state of cultivation 150.000
acres of the most productive land upon which the
ran'e rays shine. The citizenship of North Platte
is that of the best afforded by the older states, and
her people are active, progressive and prosperous.
To the industrious, energetic home-seeker from
the crowded east North Platte and Lincoln county
presents unusual advantages. Thousands of acre"
of vacant government land, in cloto proximity to
those already being brought under irrigation, may
be obtained by consulting the United States land
office in North Platte. A letter of inquiry to "U.
a. Register, North Platte, Neb.," relative to the
nbove will bo courteously answered. Irrigated
farming is no longer an experiment, but has
reached the point where it is acknowledged as
pre-eminently the safest in all seasons method
o? conducting agricultural and horticultural oper
ations. The salubrious and life-giving climate of
Lincoln county, where malaria is unknown and
where pulmonary troubles are unthought of, is
ttnothor incentive to the location therein of those
who are anxious to enjoy tho good things of this
life as long as possible. North Platte churches
and schools are above those of eastern- communi
ties, tho latter being one of the few in Nebraska
permitting the graduate thereof to enter the State
University without an intermediate preparatory
training. Tho peoplo of the community gladly
welcome the honest, industrious eastern citizen
who is eager to better his condition and assisting in
the upbuilding and development of a comparatively
new country.
WiTn almost 16,000 marriages
occuring- in Chicago during- the year
1894, it looks as if the public gener
ally is not disposed to believe mar
riage a failure.
It is said that Mrs. Burton Har
rison received 1 cents per word for
writing the Bachelor Maid." The
60,000 words therein thus netted
her the sum of S4.500. Who says
that literature does not pay even in
this golden age of books.
Hector M. Sinclair was ap
pointed by Gov. Crounse to fill the
vacancy made in the 12th judicial
occasioned by Silas Holcorab being
called to the governorship. He was
formerty prosecuting attorney for
this district and is well fitted for
the position.
The up to date medical man has
discovered that it is not necessary
for him to engage in military pur
suits in order to acquire surgical
experience. It is now the custom
for him to attach himself to some
crack college foot ball team, and he
thus has the opportunity to perfect
himself in this part of his business.
The wages of 700 Sclav laborers
were cut by the Carnegie Steel Co.,
at Braddock, Pa., from $1.40 to
SI. 20 a day. in consequence of which
they struck. The company claimed
to be able to fill their places within
twenty-four hours, yet if it is un
able to do this operations will tem
porarily cease, and some 3,000 men
will be thrown out of employment.
Another object lesson as to the
effect of a protective tariff upon the
wage question.
A city contemporary chronicles
the fact that ex-premier Gladstone's
sight has recently been so far im
proved that he is now able to read
ten or twelve daily. Great Scott!
How man more hours would you
want the grand old man to put in
at this sort of study or recreation?
A longer indulgence b- a man of
3ears would indicate that he is
burning his candle at both ends.
And now it is said that Governor
Altgeld is preparing in his annual
message to the Illinois legislature
to roast Mayor Hopkins, of Chicago
for the position which the latter
assumed during the great railway
strike of last summer. It is a ques
tion as to which one of the quar
tette of statesmen Altgeld. Llew
cling. Pennoyer and Waite is in
the language of Dogberry the most
consummate ass.
The Nebraska legislature ap
pears to be getting down to busi
ness in the matter of relief for
need settlers in the western por
tion of the state. A joint commit
tee has been selected to investigate
the subject, which will perhaps re
port a bill authorizing the bonding
of counties for the purchase of seed,
etc. Should this measure be adop
ted by the legislature about S400.
000 of the permanent school fund
of the state is available for invest
ment in this class of securities.
The Chicago Inter Ocean credits
Senator Manderson as being a can
didate for the position of secretary
of the senate of the Fifty-fourth
session of congress, and Hon. E.
K. Valentine as desirous of becom
ing sergeant-at-arms of the same
body, when it organizes next March.
How much better would seem the
propriety if these gentlemen would
not thus consent to participate in a
scramble for these minor positions,
but would engage in private pur
suits until such time as they would
see fit to enter the political arena.
The republican members of the
Nebraska legislature in joint caucus
assembled on Tuesday afternoon
made Hon. John M. Thurston a
New Year's present of his nomina
tion for the position of United
States senator by a vote of seventy-
one representatives and twenty-five
senators. The nomination was
made by acclamation, and should
Lbe highly gratifying both to Mr.
Thurston and his may friends.
The petition for appeal from
Judge Brewer's decision in the Ne
braska maximum rate bill has been
filed in Judge Dundy's court, and
has been allowed. Here is the
golden opportunit of which the
republican party of the state wil'
avail itself of showing the people
that it is heartily in favor of rail
way regulation.
The Tribune devotes a consider
able space in this issue as to the
experience of one who has made the
cultivation of the sugar beet a
study in fact reduced his knowl
edge to a science. As the proba
bilities are that North Platte will,
in the not distant future, have in
operation a factory for the extrac
tion of sugar from beets, it is nec
essary that those contemplating
engaging in the raising of beets
have the benefit of the experiences
of others in this direction.
The Sugar Beet in Agriculture.
Continued from 1st page.
porlation to market. This, of course,
applies only when tho hay is fed wh re
it is grown, and not at a pric- which in
cludes a charge for the baling and trans
portation of the hay itself. Beet pulp
cannot be profitably used, as I think,
except when fed to animals that are
sheltered in a warm place. I havo not
been abl to make much experiment of
this, and it is simp'y what I believe after
the experiments that I havo made and
by watching wht othor people have
done in feeding it outdoors. As our
country becomes older, however, and
as farms become more largely subdi
vided, it will be possible and 'profitable
for ach farmer to provide sufficient
shelter for hi- farm stock and also sui
table storage for pulp or forage beets.
The average amouLt of ground feed
that we have fed to cattle in out
door lots in midwinter has principal
ranged from twenty-fivf to twenty-eight
pounds per day, and for indoor fed ca -tie
from sixteen to twenty-two pounds.
Last winter we 6hipp- d pulp-fed cattle
that had been fed only ten pounds of
grain, some that had been fed only six
pounds through three-fourths of their
feed; some weie marked at the end of
four months that had had only six
pounds of grain through their entire
feed, and a few cattle were marketed
that wore fed on corn, ensilage, hay and
pulp. I was n't equipped for making
these experiments perfect, nor shoul-i 1
expect to be thoroughly satisfied by the
results, except after further and more
extensive feeding but the experiment0
taught me a great doal and I am full
satisfied that a very great and valuab e
economy in the feeding of cattle can be
I do not know the number of cattle
fattened on gram thatare marketed every
year from the groat corn states, but I
will assume that the number is as large
as 3,000,000, and from our own experi
ence I will estimate tht the cost of thp
food of each animal has been as much a?
19 dollars, or gross cost for food of $75,
000,000. I have estimated that the use
of beet pulp would make a saving of
35 per cent and, if this is true, the sat
ing in the cattle feed alone, outside of
hogs and shnep, would amount to 820,
000,000 in the corn states in one year if
applied to all cattle fed. Now, it is not
so much the actual saving that is made
although that is considerable and is of
the greatest value, but it is the possibil
ity of reducing the cost to ourselves
of fat anim ils for market, as this is and
always should be a meat producing
country. It does not make any parti
cular difference whether the?e figures
are accurate or not. Probably further
experiment may di-close some error. I
believe, however, that any error will be
in tho way of my figures being so small
Of course, I have no right to apply the
economy of beet pulp to all ca'tle will
not be fed on pulp, but my figures tell
what the economy might be if they were.
The point I wish to express is that it
will help a certain number of cattle and
sheep feeders in the st tt of Nebraska,
for instance, to make more money in
feeding catt'e than they otherwise
would, which results in gain to the
Besides the pulp, wo have the tops
cut off tho beets and the ioaves, for tho
consumption f which the cattle can be
turned directly onto the field. Feeding
cattle on cultivated fields for a while re
sults in a cenain amount of fertilization
in. every economical way. I estimate
the value of the beet tops and leaves at
about 82 per acre for feeding purposes
Besides these product'' of the sugar beet
in planting beets at all wo shall very
likely begin to plant some roots that
will be fed directly to cattlo.
To me therefore, it seems perfectly
clear that in the future we can f ed
meat animals, well bred and of good
quality, sufficiently sheltered, by the
use of beets and be-t propucts, at a cost
sufficiently low to effect a very valuable
saving over the average co-t of to-day,
and it is in the securing of such econ
omies that we my hope to see our tate
in a position to provide an abundant
living for an intelligent, prosperous and
happy people.
Inaugurated Governor of Xcbraslta
With Simple Ceremonies.
Organization of the Lower House Perfecte-l
by Filley'n Followers Governor Ricli'a
Messuge Clca-cs Inaugurated Gov
ernor of ."Maine.
Lincoln, Jan. 3. Silas A. Holcomt
was formally inducted into the office of
chief executive of tha state of Nebraska
this afternoon. Tho inaugural cere
monies were of the simplest and most in
formal character. In fact there was but
little of the ceremonial in the proceedings.
The two houses met in joint convention
shortly afttr 3 o'clock, Lieut. Gov.
Majors presiding. At 2:30 Governor
Crounse left the Hotel Lincoln in a car
riage accompanied by Adjutant General
Gage. They drove to tho Liudell hotel
where they met Governor-elect Holcorab
and escorted him to tho capitol. The gub
ernatoi ial party remained in the executive
apartments until notified by the com
mittee from the joint convention that the
legislature were prepared to listen to
the message of tho outgoing governor.
The galleries and lobbied of Representa
tive hall were packed with throngs of
people long before 2 o'clock.
Governor Crounse's message was of
more than usual length aud occupied
more than an hour in its delivery. After
he had finished, a committee escorted
Chief Justice Korval to tho hall and tho
oath of office was administered to
Governor Holcomb and tho other
state officers. Governor Holcomb then
proceeded with his inaugural message,
which was listened to with closest atten
tion. In the evening the Youug Men's Re
publican club of this city gave a banquet
at the Lincoln hotel in honor of John
M. Thurston, caucus nominee for the
United States senate and to Thomas
Majors, the retiring lieutenant governor.
One huudreil attended from Omaha.
Major T. S. Clarkson of Omaha was
toastmaster. The list of speakers in
cluded John M. Thurston, Tom Majors,
L. C. Richards, H. D. Estabrook, John
L. Webster, Will Gurley, J. C. Watson,
Governor Crounse and others.
Missouri Solons In Session.
Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 3. At the
assembling of the house of representa
tives this morning, election of officers
was proceeded with without nominating
speeches or other delays. The Repub
lican caucus nominees were chosen, the
vote being strictly upon party lines.
The officers chosen are: Speaker, B. F.
Russell of Crawford county; chief clerk,
Albert Griffin of Brunswick; assistant
clerk, A. W. G. Ketcham of Stoddard;
engrossing clerk, Henry L. Leeds of
Jamesport. These and the minor posi
tions wore filled as slated by the cle
ment of the party known as the follow
ers of Chauncey I. Filley. In the senato
an adjournment was taken until 2 p.
m. without any action in relation to
permanent officers.
Governor's Message.
Lansixo, Mich., Jan. 3. Governor
Rich's message to the legislature was
read this afternoon. The governor rec
ommends an amendment of the consti
tution enlarging the limit of money
which the legislature may borrow; re
news his recommendation that all rail
roads be placed on the same basis con
cerning taxation and supervision; sug
gests increasing the salaries of most of
state officers; commends tho conduct of
tho Michigan National Guard in tho
labor strikes and advises the incorpora
tion of labor organizations with the
same powers and liabilities imposed upon
organizations of capital.
Greenlinlgc In Command.
Boston, Jan. 3. A brilliant throng of
ladies and gentlemen gathered at the
state house to witness the second inau
guration of Frederick T. Greenhalge as
governor of Massachusetts. The cere
mony, which was the usually simple
and impressive one, was performed in
the new house of representatives at noon.
Cnsiel Tendered n Uanquet.
Concord, K. H., Jan. 3. Hon.
Charles Bnsicl was inaugurated governor
of New Hampshire. After the in
augural exercises a banquet was tendered
the new governor and his guests by the
Amoskeag veterans.
Colorado Senate Organized.
Denver, Jan. 3. An organization of
the state senate was effected by a com
bination between the Populists and the
Democrats. Lockwood (Pop.) was elect
ed speaker pro tern.
CI ave Inaugurated.
Augusta, Jan. 3. Henry B. Cleaves
was inaugurated governor of Maine for
the second time todav.
Wants 81,868,544 For Damages Inflicted
by Invading Guatemalans.
City of Mexico, Jan. 3. It has been
rumored that Emilio de Leon, the new
Guatemalan minister to Mexico, would
leave this republic and return home, by
reason of new complications in the
boundaries dispute. Whon interviewed
the Guatemalan envoy expressed great
surpriso that such a report had gained
publicity. "The only reason I know of
thy I should leave this city is for the
purpose of bringing my family from
San Francisco," he said. " "This I will
probably do in two months, a8 they are
resting there previous to their coming
here. Aside from this there is no truth
whatever in the statement."
Senorde Leon expressed himself as
satisfied with his reception by the Mexi
can authorities, and says audiences with
the minister of foreign relations are
being held regularly. The Mexican gov
ernment has made a formal and specific
demand on Guatemala, indicating the
amount of damages inflicted by invad
ing Guatemalans. The total indemnity
asked is $1,680,544.14.
Bank Robbers Foiled.
Chardon, 0., Jan. 3.-A daring at
tempt was made to rob the First Na
tional bank of this place. At 2 a.m.
two men, named Phillips and Taintor,
sleeping upstairs in the bank building
were awakened by hearing cracksmen at
work in the bank. They secured re
volvers and started down stairs, when
the burglars opened Are on them. Fortu
nately the bullets went wild. Taintor
aud Phillips responded by a rapid dis
charge with their weapons, and the
cracksmen ran to a sleigh near by and
drove away. The vault, though some
what damaged, was not opened.
Died In Abject Poverty.
New York, Jan. 3. Marquise Ma
thilde de Greville, widow of General
de Greville, who as a member of Max
imilliau's staff was killed in Mexico in
the Franco-Mexican war, died in abject
poverty in her comfortless apartments in
this city. The mother or the deceased
woman was a direct descendant of Louis
XVI. General Pierre Chicola de Thier,
the dead woman's father, served through
five wars with Napoleon I.
Knecbs Will Fight 'Em.
Sioux City, Jan. 3. The report that
Bob Kueebs intend to give up the fight
against the charges made against him in
Germany, forfeit his bond aud remain
in this country is again current in sport
ing circles. Bob was seen by a reporter
and denied that there was anything in
the report. He says it is his intention
to fight the charges to the end and that
he will return to Germany for that pur
pose in about six weeks.
Mikado Honors KilUer.
Yokohama, Jan. 3. It is stated that
the mikado has conferred upon Emperor
William the grand, order of imperial
chrysanthemum in recognition of ser
vice done by German officers to tho
Japanese forces who have been under
their instruction in military and naval
science. Tho wounded and sick officers
of tho army will be kept in the field hos
pitals until spring.
Killed by Mexican Brigand.
Durango, Mex., Jan. 3? Jame3 D.
Ledlow, a traveling niagicVjantera ex
hibitor of St. Louis, srrivecU'here a. few
days ago nnd left &orSWdfiinu
towns. WordTlias Just reached hero
that he was killed by a band of robbers
near Gerremora. Officers have' gone out
after the bandits, whoso rendezvous is
Victims or a Leaky Gas Main.
Boston, Jan. 3. Raphael Mareno, 33
years old, was fonnd 'dead in bed and
Raphaelo Mareno, his cousin, and Raph
aelo Sireno, Sr., and Raphaelo Sireno,
Jr. .were fonnd unconscious in their beds
today from inhaling illuminating gas,
wliich had escaped from a leaky main in
a tenement house at 270 North S stroet.
Southern Passenger Asociat ion.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 3. The fate of tho
Southern Passenger association will bo
decided at the meeting to take place at
the Hotel Woldorf, New York City on
Jan. 15. Tho 23 roads which are mem
bers have all signified their intention to
Found No Trarc of Overdue Vessel.
Port Townsend, Wash., Jan. 3. The
revenue cutter Graut, which has been
on a cruise searching fir overdue vessels,
called at Neah bay and lef t-agaiu for the
' north. The Grant found no trace of any
of the overdue vessels.
Social Leader a Defaulter.
Broken Bow, Neb., Jan. 3. W. A.
Gilmore. postmaster, is a defaulter for
from $1,200 to $2,000. He was a leader
in church and society dr ies.
Fatally Injured by a Runaway Team
Leadvtlle, Colo., Jan. 3. Franklin
Ballon, manager of the Bimetallic smel
ter and one of the leading citizens of
Leadvillo, was terribly and probably
fatally injured last night by a runaway
team which knocked him down and
trampled upon him.
Funeral of Sir John Thompson.
Halifax, N. S., Jan. 3. Early today
the remains of the late Sir John Thomp
son were removed to the catafalque in
St. Mary's cathedral, where the requiem
mass and funeral services were cele
brated. Archbishop O'Brien preached
an eloquent sermon.
Negroes Threaten a Lynching.
Ludington, Ky., Jan. 3. The frozen
body of Tilly Gaines, colored, was found
today. Muck Taylor, colored, has been
arrested for murdering her on New
Year's days, and the negroes are threat
ening to lynch him, but no troublo is
Lambert Again Reunited.
Philadelphia, Jan. 3. The supreme
court of the United States at Washing-
I ton granted a reprieve until March 4 to
I Theodore Lambert, who was to have
, been hanged today. This is the second
respite that has been granted Lambert.
ConVyville Fire Swept.
Coffe yville , Kan., Jan. 3. Fire
1a-fiifT in tlio ATncmiir. Wlr ttk tl fi in
1 soon destroyed that structure, which is
the finest in the city, and is still raging.
As Coffeyville has no waterworks or fire
department, the loss will bo great,
j Actor Scanlun'a Condition.
New 1'ork, Jan. 3. Tho rumor that
Actor William J. Scanlan was dying is
untrue. Inquiry at the Bloomingdah)
asylum elicits the information that
Scanlan is confined to his bed, but is iu
no immediate danger.
Daring Kciihery at Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, Jan. 3. Two robbers held
up the cashi?r at th nc stoffice and es
caped in th heart of thy city with the
I Escaped Prisoner Recaptured.
Nashville, Jan. 3. Georgo Alex
ander, one of the four prisoners who es
caped from tho county jail yesterday,
was recaptured hero in a saloon. Tho
other threo are still at large.
Highest of all in -Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
All Efforts to Locate Him So Far Have
Proven of So Avail.
Mow Elliott, an Old Enemy of Scott, At
retted Identified by Schmidt as One of
tba Slasked Men not on tho Trail
of Others.
O'Neill, Jan. 3. It is believed that
Barrett Scott has been murdered and his
body thrown into the Niobrara river.
Sheriff Hamilton tracked the wagon in
which Scott and Schmidt were taken to
within a few miles of the river, when all
trace was lost, the quicksands in the sec
tion of the river would quickly swallow
anybody thrown in. Residents of the
country in which the crime was commit
ted say for the last three or four days a
large number of men havo been riding
through that portion of the country, all
being heavily armed.
Members of the posse returned to this
city Wednesday evening with Mose
Elliott as a prisoners. He was turned
over to the deputy sheriff of this county
and is now confined in tho county jail.
He was arrested at his homo about 20
miles north of this city. The warrant
was sworn out by Schmidt, who charged
Elliott is being one of the mob who at
tacked them, shooting Miss Whorter
and probably murdered Scott and
spirited his body away. Elliott is a
farmer living in Scott township, whioh
was named after the missing raau, and
has been an avowed enemy of Scott for
the last two years, a fact which tho
prisoner admitted.
Whon arrested he said he was ex
pecting it and while he was not always
able to prove or explain his whereabouts
evere day, ho could prove where he was
on the day and at the horn when tho at
tack was mado on Scott. He denied bo
ig implicated in the case and also de
nied knowledge of it. Schmidt insists
that Elliott is ono of the men who shot
at them. Sheriff Hamilton and a dozen
men are still in the country and it is
rumored that four or five persons will
be arrested soon. They have five men
who were in tho mob spotted.
Novel Flan to Circumvent the Lair.
Clinton, la., Jan. 3. A saloonkeeper
at Bollovue, a little town north of here
in Jackson county, has taken a novel
step to get around ono clause of tho
mulct liquor law now in force here. One
section of the law provides no saloon
shall be conducted within 300 feet of a
church. Matthew Pinnell runs a saloon
at Bellevuo aud his place of business is
almost directly across tho street from
tho Congregational church. Pinnell's
location is the best in town for the
liquor business, and to avoid being closed
up or compelled to move ho bought the
church property, paying $1,100 for it.
The Congrcgationalists have now moved
into another building.
Corn Tor the Nebraska Train.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 3. Contributions
of corn f'r tho Nebraska relief train,
which is to leave here Jan. 15, are pour
ing in from every section of Georgia and
tho indications are now that the amount
donated by generous fanners of tho state
will exeded the capacity of ono train to
transport. The town of Demorest sent
a carload. President Hoffman, of the
Seaboard Air Line, and Pi ssident Spen
cer, of the Southern railway, have each
contributed one car and President Spen
cer has tendered tho use of the Georgia
Pacific warehouse free of chai-go for the
storage of tho contributions.
To Impeach Judge Scott.
Lincoln, Jan. 3. The presence of E.
W. Simeral of Omaha in the city re
newed interest in the postponed im
peachment proceedings against District
Judge Scott. Mr. Simeral declined to
be interviewed on the subject. It is
known, however, that apetition is being
circulated throughout tho Fourth judi
cial district addressed to tho legislature
and asking that impeachment proceed
ings be commenced.
Atalnt an Increase In Rates.
Sioux City, la., Jan. 3. The North
western Iowa Grain Shippers' associa
tion at Onawa adopted strong resolutions
calling on the Iowa state lxard of rail
road commissioners to reject the demand
of the railway companies to advance the
legal schedule of maximum rates in
Creston Saloons Closed.
Creston, la., Jan. 3. Loucks & Beer
kle and C. Vetterick, saloonists, failed
to pay tho quarter installment license
due under the Martin mulct law. There
were twelve saloons paying a $1,200
license under the law and the abovo arc
the first- two to succumb.
nnllditig Room In Dubuque.
Dubuque, Jan. 3. Building statistics
of Dubuqno published show improve
ments aggregating nearly $2,000,000
during 1894. The postofnee business in
creased from $61,000 in 1803 to $70,000
the last year.
Crazed 0-er a Lore Affair.
Creston, la., Jan. 3. M ss Flora
Cramer was adjudged insane, her mental
aberration being caused from a failure
of love affairs. Trashy literature is
assigned as tho cause of her insanity.
Smoked a Pipe In Bed.
Davenport. Jan. 3. Dennis Colony,
while under the influence of dr'nk. went
to bed with a pipe in his mouth. A
spark ignited the bedding and the smoke
suffocated him.
Tvro Bold Robbers.
Cedar Rapids, Jan. 3. Two colored
men, with drawn revolvers, held up and
robbed Manager Matlock, of the tele
phone compauy, of $933 in currency and
Supplief For Drouth Sufferers.
Nashville, Jan. 3. Friday titers will
be a public meeting of citizens at the
chamber of commerce to donate food
supplies to the Nebraska sufferers.
Through passenger train, through
freight trains, quick time via the Chit-ago,
Union Pacific and Northwestern
Line to the princip'al cities east of tho
Missouri River
Beginning January 1st.
Overcoats, Heavy Weight Suits, Heavy Un
derwear, and all Heavy Weight Goods
As we wish to clear up our winter stock so as to
make room for a large "and excellent line of spring
goods. Wishing all a happy and prosperous New
.Year, we remain
Yours respectfully,
m mm r m m v - y-
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Irugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Vindow Glass, Machine Oils,
Diamanta Spectacles.
; COAL, i
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
ooi:;o east.
Atlantic Kipress I)eit 12:10 a. m.
"ti. 4 Fast Mail 8 30 a. m.
. i. 2 -Limited " 9:20 a. m
.. 23 Frcitflit " 7:00 . M.
o. 13 Freight " f.KX) p. m
V...22 FreiRht " U a. a
7 Pacific Exort-BB JVpt 7:10a 31
.. 1 Limited " 110 p M
. 21 Kn-hilit " 37) i m
21 Freight " &20 a. m
N. H. OLDs. A:wit.
Office over N. P Ntl. Bank.
1 1
Office over North Piatt National Dank.
Office: Ilinman Block, Spruce Street.
Assistant Snrgeou Union Pacfic Railway
aud Member of Pension Board,
Office over Streltz's Drug Store.
JM. EVES, M. D.,
Office: Nevllle'9 Block. Diseases of Women
and Children a Specialty.
Kittell & Van Natta,
Prosnective ecliemps invpKtirratrl Tin.
profitable schemes rejuvenated. Surveys,
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2&335- North Platte, Neb.
Thoughtful people heed advice, and
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uregon Kidney 'lea. It has no equal as ,
a remedy for all "ailments of the Kidneys
or TMrirMar nnrl 9n r-anta Jo n nmill
amount to invest for a trial package. . UfJu f U ? R $ fr ?r
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Inter Ocean,
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ful of news of the world
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per year IN ADVANCE