The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 04, 1895, Image 1

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    t t f
Wkt garth fhtte
NO: 1."
We thank you for your liberal patronage
during the year 1S94 and hope to merit
and receive a good portion of your trade
for 1895.
Yours respectfully,
The Boston Store.
35TO- 3496.
National fiem
Capital, -Surplus,
- $50,000.00.
- 22,500. CC
E. M. F. LEFLANG, Pres't.,
A General Banking Business Transacted.
le Almighty Do
Don't pay other people's debts.
Still Selling
Is the ONLY Hardware
Man in North Platte that
will always find my price
Yours for Business,
Hardware, Tinware, Stoves,
Sporting Goods, Etc.
Dr. N. McCABE, Prop. J. E. BUSH, Manager,
Successor to J. Q. Thacker.
Orders frgm the country an4 alPBg tfce lino of tue UnioD
Pacific Railway Solicited.
Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public
13 invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment.
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar.
Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables
and competent 'attendants will supply all 'your 'wants.
Manderson's Irrigation Bill
Following is the full text of Senator
Manderson's irrigation bill introduced in
tho senate, mention of which was made
in tbeso columns a few days since:
A bill granting to the state of Ne
braska, for the irrigation and reclama
tion of semi-arid lands, and for other
purposes, the public lands in said slate:
Be it enacted by the senate and. house
of representatives of the United States
of America in congress- assembled, that
all public lands belonging to the United
States situate in the state of Nebraska
be, and the same are hereby, granted to
the said state of Nebraska, for tho pur
pose of aiding jn the irrigation and re
clamation thereof, and of other semi-arid
lands of said state, upon the following
conditions namely:
First -That such state shall proceed,
without unnecessary delay, to divide its
area into irrigation districts and to pro
vide for the distribution of. surface and
underground waters to said districte,and
further, to engage in the actual work of
reclaiming said lands by conducting
water thereon, by the construction ot re
quisite wells, canals, reservoirs and all
other necessary irrigation works, so as to
accomplish actual and successful culti
vation nf agricultural products so far
as such lands may be capable of reclama
tion by a proper water supply; and s:iid
state shall continuously engage in good
faith, according to its ability, in the work
of such irrigation and reclamation until
tho whole area capable thereof shall
have been reclaimed for the purpose
Second, That if, at any time after the
expiration of ten years from the date of
this act, in the judgement of tho presi
dent of the United States, said state is
not proceeding or continuing in good
faith with the work of irrigation or re
clamation as herein provided, it shall be ,
lawful for him by publio proclamation to
declare, and congress may thereupon de
clare that the Uuited Stales resumes tb
title to all of such lands hereby granted
as shall then remain wholly unreclaimed
or not disposed of by said state, for the
purposo only of continuing tho work of
suoh irrigation and reclamation, and for
no other purposo whatever, the same to
bo proceeded within such manner as
congross may there after provide and
determine, according to the jatonte and
purposes of this act. : '
Third. That mid state mav lease or sell
tiona of them as'may be necessary, for
the purpose of raising the requisite funds
to accomplish irrigation and reclamation.
Provided, That said state may enact laws
providing for tho sale of the neces-ary
lands for town sites and for right of way
Fourth, That when such lands, or any
portion theroof,shall have been reclaimed
and thereby made subject to agricultural
use, the same shall be sold to actual set
tiers only, in tracts qot exceeding 160
acres of irrigable land, in addition to
which each settler shall be entitled to
acquire by purchase nan-irrigahlo land
to such an amount as will incroaso his
holding t a total acreage of not more
than (HO acres, all suuh entries of irri
gable or other lands to bo made con
formablo to legal subdivisions, such
lands to bo sold to each seltler at tho
prices and under such regulations as to
entry and perfecting of title as shall bo
fixed and provided by the state legisla
ture; all irrigable lands to bo sold to
such settlors at prices not exceeding the
cost of reclaiming, and on such terms of
payment a6 may bo prescribed by law,
and non-irrigable lands taken by settlors
to be rated at a price not oxceotjing 83.50
per acre.
Fifth, That all lands not subject to ir
rigation or reclamation and. useful only
for pastoral purposes and not taken un
der the foregoing provisions of this act,
may be sold or leased by said state under
such regulations and provisions as the
legislature thereof may prescribe.
Sec. 2 That full, accurate and de
tailed reports of tho operations of said
state shall bo made on or before tho first
day of July in each and overy year, to
the president of tho Uqitod States,
through the governor thereof, who shall
certify to the accuracy thereof and the
president may from time to time demand
such other and further reports thereon
as in his judgment may be necessary
and proper, and failure to make the re-
parts nerein provided, or any of them,
for six months after written demand
thereof, shall be sufficient cause for (he
proclamatioq by the president as pro
vided in eeptjon one of this aot.
Sec. S That all funds derived from
the sale or lease of lands 6hall be prima
rily devoted to the reclamation of lands
susceptible of irrigation, and any unex
pended residue shall be added to and be
come a part of the permanent school
fund of tho said state; and such funds
shall not be expended or disposed of in
any other manner.
Sec. 4 That upon the acceptance by
the legislature of said state of Nebraska
of the terms, conditions and provisions
of this act the came shall become opera
live in said state, and ereupon,1 ancl
from the gate of scji acpepWnce,nilaws
and partB of lws inconsistent with the
terms of this act shall be come inopera
tive in said state. Provided, That any
andalLcIaims heretofore initiated un
der the land laws of the United States
shall be perfected thereunder by com
pliance with the terms thereof; all lands,
however, tho claims to which shall bo
defeated because of noncompliance with
law, shall revert to ancT-vest in the said
state under the provisions of this act.
Sec. 5 That-upon tho acceptance of
this act by said state of Nebraska, and
from time to time thereafter as occasion
may require, it shall be the duty of the
secretary of tho interior, at the expense
of the United States, lo cause to be de
livered to the propor authorities of said
state all maps, records, books and papers,
or certified copies thereof, in case it may
be neco.-sary to retain tho originals in
the general land office, which may b
necessary to said state for tho proper
control, adminstration anil disposition of
such lands.
Sec. 6 That upon the acceptance of
this act by said state of Nebraska, in the
manner prescribed by section four hore
of, this act and tho act of acceptance
thereof shall become binding upon the
United Slates and said state; and this
act and such acceptance thereof shall
not be altered, amended or repealed in
any manner except upon tho mutual
consent of tho United States and of said
state, expressed through acts of the leg
islature thereof, and through congress.
On' All Imported Woolen Goods and Silks
must close out our stock of nice lino goods and make room for our new stock
under the new tariff regulations. : : : $1.75 Silk Henrietta at $1.10; $1.50 Silk
Henrietta at 85 cts.: $1.00 Henrietta at 65 cts.: S1.23 Bedford Cords nr. S3 cents: $1-25
I rench Serges at 85 cts.; $1.00 French Serges at G5 cts.; all wool li yd. wide $1.25 Broad
Cloth at 7d cts.; 6d ct Flannels. 46 in. wide at 50 cts. : : : In our Shoe department
we offer the choicest line in the west. C. D. and E. widths, in fine new goods. : : :
Call and see for yourself the Wonderful Bargains at Kennies for January and February in
1S'5- : : Amoskeag Ginghams at 5 cts. per yard. Lawrence LL Muslin at 4 "cts.
per yard, Lonsdale Muslin at 6 cts. per vard. at RENNIE'S.
The Sugar Beet in Agriculture.
Tho following papor on "Tho Sugar
Beet in Agriculture" was read before the
Nebraska Improved Stook Breeders'
a-sociation at Columbus by R. M. Allen
general manager of tho Standard Cattle
company's feeding station at Ames:
Tho place of a paper under this title
in a meeting of a live stock association is
not at first sight clear, becomes so
upon investigation, as tho beets, and the
pulp resulting therefrom, will cheapen
the cost of making beef and mutton for
those who feed them. Tho great im
portance of the sugar boet as one of our
principal products ot agriculture isoft-n
insisted upon, but the degree of its im
portance is not by any means appreciated
until one makes a stidy of it. It is also
future to thbr
to look fcoracwhat into the
iae why it is so
larger field
self to the'dietrict between the Rockies
and the Missouri, and north of the south
ern bortk. of Kansas. The most im
portant gain in th future for this section
of te country will ba t!io extension of
irrigation iuto a country much -farther
east than has hitherto been considered
necessary. This is already considered,
and will doubtless take place.
It often seems strange to mo that
many farmers do not appear to realize
the importance of tho largest possible
yield on their laud. The cost of raising
any crop varies very little year by year
per acre, but by doubling tho product
tho eo6t per bushel is divided in two.
This proposition is certainly simple
enough, but the opportunities for apply
ing it iu practice aro commonly ignored.
There is every prospect that tho ten
dency toward low prices on tho common
products of agriculture will bo main
tained. The reverse of this has been
ably argued by such men as C. Wood
Davis of Kansas; but I fail to see any
promise myself of higher prices -of
wheat, for instance Corn, of course, is
different, as it is ;i production practically
confined, tp the United States, and its
surplus production is in seven or eight
states iq our own country. Corn, there
fore, fluctuates considerably in price.
Still, it is safe to say that wo must ex
pect to hold our own by tho energy or
our work and the volume of our yield,
and not by tho price that we can expect
in the future.
The further application of irrigation
in the country I speak of. therefore, is
the most important advanco that we can
expect. I have, no idra myself of the
possible acreage that can be irrigated in
Nebraska, but I have no doubt that
eventually It will greatly exceed any
expectations that wo have to-day. Irri
gation will make, ordinary crops a cer
tainty, and will partial.- solve the prob
lem of retaining fertility in thesoil,which
must be entirely accomplished in oiher
The culture an,d manufacture of the
sugar beet, withqut any question, is the
only branch that can possibly be added
to our agriculture which can bring us
vastly moro prosperity than anything
else. I am obliged to put this somewhat
in the form of an assertion, which I can
only partially prove; but like many other
matters in which we have a conviction
based on considerable study, I feel able
to assert it as I could not about any
other branch of agriculture.
In view of the probable increased yield
of wheat in Russia, where it is now only
seven bushels an acre, and of the in-
creased yields in other countries, like the
t ... tf-
Argentine Republic or Iqdia, it is clear
that we rnust make oqr wheat cost less
if we wish to continue to raise a surplus
to sail. And this leads us to the inquiry
of the desirability of raising a surplus of
a product that has now reached tho
lowest price in history. Whatever crops
we may find in the future to ho the most
profitablo for us to raise, we may be
certain that we can only retain our hold
on tho markets of tho world at a suf
ficient margin of profit to protect the
civilization and happiness of our people
by a continuous improvement of agri
culture. In tho eastern part of this state, there
aro doubtless largo numbers of farmers
who obtain very rich land at a nominal
price, and who have, previous to the
present time, accumulated a comfortable
fortune. There aro largo numbers of
such people who perhaps are not so much
in need of an improvementof agriculture
as tho millions who aro to come in the
future through our increase of popula
tiou. And in two-thirds of the district 1
speak of, in all that part lying at an
clovation of 2,000 feet, or oven le33, 1 be
hove it to bo necessary to employ energj
and foresight to provide for their happi
ness aud welfare.
Such a careless system of agriculture
as wo have to-day cannot support large
numbors of people without danger of
famine. Witness the experience of tho
early daya of July, 1890, in its effect -on
the crops of the district I speak of, and
imagine vhat the consequences would
tiSeWliad-thfr population :been
really dense in tho western two-thirds of
Nebraska and Kansas. Disgusted set
tlers flocked out of the s-tato by thous
ands in tho fall of 1890, aud I remember
one man from Furnas county who told
me that he had not raised a satisfactory
crop for six ears.
It may bo said that it is not desirable
to have a very dense population, but I
believo that a moderate aud natural in
crease will bring a population which we
cannot take caro of at certain timeB
without new means of protection against
failure of crops. As I said, irrigation
will be adopted, and will bo the most
important means of such protection; and
after that I believo that tho culture of
the sugar beet and its manufacture into
6ugar will increase and promote tho
prosperity of tho agriculture of the state
more than anything elso can do. The
culturo of the sugar beet is tho very
reverse of the present careless methods
of growing corn, and in every possible
way is bound to havo a mast favorable
i effect on the welfare of any people who
practice it. It will reduce tho size of
the farm to twenty or ten acros, and
sottlo the question of what the farmers'
ons ought to do when they wish to start
in tho world for themselves. Careful,
precise and thorough methods of farm
ing will, of necessity, bo adopted by all,
and it will lead thousands to an earnest
ness of application to business which
they have never used befpre. Many
young men from "Ur 6tate university
can lind occupaaion as chemists and
practical manufacturers. Every kind
of business and profession will be greatly
It must not bo supposed that uniform
success in beet culturo reached in
different localities, altitudes aqd soil,
aud we must expect to see tho failure of
a great many schemes undertaken by
irresponsiple promoters without suffici
ent means of knowledge to put them
through. It is very muoh to be regretted
tha this is so, and possibly tho real
difficulties for there are real difllculties
of putting a factory and adjacent land
into successful operation will keep away
incompeteut persons, who are not only
likely to lose their own and their friends'
money, but to retard the advanco of. th
industry itself.
I suspect th,a a great many farmers
iq this state who have undertaken the
culture of the sugar beet have expected
to find in it a crop that would yield more
money with less effort. Nothing can be
a greater mistako than to suppose that
sugar beets caa be raised with less effort
than other qropg. It requires oq the
contrary, far more care, labor and intel
ligence to make a success of it, and all
those persons who are looking for an
easy path through this world had better
leave it strictly alone. Those who are
willing to work, havo capacity to manage
aud who aro willing to take all tho pains
it requires, will find that ou good Boil
they can realize a net profit per acre
that is several times greater than they
will ever bo able to reach with any other
Tho farmers of Nebraska owning land
to day suitable for the culturo of beets
will be able, in such districts as tho in
dustry may be established, to realize
several times tho net proCt they make in
operating a farm to, by renting their
land to other persons to oporato while
they tako their ease, if it iB moro agree
ablo to them not to work at all; or, in
other words, farmers owning such land
will simply becomo possessed of a hand
some property in the course of 6ay ten
or fifteen years by the raise in value of
their land. I do cot question at all
ijood beet land in this section will reach
a value of 8150 to S200 per aero in that
length of time, providing tho industry
s'eadily rows. There is no reason why
should seem an oxtravagant expectation,
simply becauso we aro used lower values
of land in the irreat corn state, for as
high values aro reached in potato cul
ture in Colorado to day, and greatly ox
ceeded in fruit culturo in California. I
m informed that the late sales of land
by Mr. Gird of Chino have averaged
8145 per acre.
Coming how to tho question of feeding
live stock (m order that you may not
feel that you havo been tricked into a
lecture by an enthusiast on beets) I havo
very often been asked tho value of beet
pulp as compared with com. I always
feel that it is a mistake for auy ono to
suppose that a question of this kind cau
o answered with precision. A similar
question is often asked in tho caso of
cotton-seed cake, for instanco, tho deal
ers of which accordingly claim that ono
bushel of cotton-seed cake is equal to
three bushels of com. Tho charactor of
tho animal who eats tho feed has so
large an effect on tho results reached
that I do not believe it is possible to ex
press these comparative values in figures
especially as thesu feed stuffs should bo
mixed with each other in order to pro
serve a proper chemical proportion.
However, we can easily estimate from
tables tho actual quantity of digcstiblo
nutriments contained in 100 pounds of
any kind of food. On this basis 100
pounds of corn contains of digcstiblo
nutriments 74.3 pounds, and 100 iounds
of boot pulp of digestible nutriments
5.12 pounds and, therefore, on this basis,
100 pounds of corn is worth 1,451 pounds
of beet pulp. But probable that 100
pounds of beet pulp may havo moro
than tho feeding value oxpressed in
these figures, as it is possible that tho
animals will storo away some of tho
water in tho tissues, tnus adding totho
weight of the animal in tho samo way as
the storing away of digestible nutri
ments. There is no doubt that beet
pulp is a valuable addition to tho feed
stuffs of any country.
Tho great advantago of Nebraska as a
stock feeding country to day is in tho
tho low price of hay, in which articlo of
food alone I think that wo have an ad
vantago nearly sufficient to overcome
our disadvantage in distance of traus
Continued on Second page.
A Temple of Art.
Not for a Day but for all Time.
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Majestic in its beauty the Palace of Art survives to remind
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forever to the service of the people. As a gallery of paint
ing and sculpture it surprised and. delighted the nations. As
the Field's Columbian Museum it will entertain and instruct
multitudes in the ages to come.
A World's Fair in miniature is the museum to-day.
While it lasts the public will have before them a vivid re
minder of the greater exposition of 1893. It will bring- back
the vast panorama of splendid exhibits including- the fine
showing made by
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
The analysis of Dr. Price's by government experts
demonstrated its immeasurable superiority in leavcnm"
strength, purity and general excellence and gained for it the
Highest Award at the Fair.