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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1895)
'-:..'- II I-" V i j 2V . ------ -- . . - - ..?". . - f .T i ,. r THE- NORTH PBATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRlfiME: -TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1, 1895. ; 'VI V- 1 ' 2a m a GEOCEEIES FLOUE FEED PROVISIONS AND COUNTRY PROBUCE. Our; Goods are Guaranteed Fresh, : Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest, We Insure Prompt Delivery, . ifoWt Solicit a vShare of Your Trade. NORTH LOCUST STREET. , - . . . E J. BROEKER Merchant Tailor, oil mTsm n ear: LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE Spruce Street, between Fifth and Sixth. JOS. F. FILLION, Steam and Gas Fitting. Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper find Galvanized Iron Cor nice. Tin and Iron Roofings. Estimates furnished. Repairing of all kinds receive prompt attention Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth, North. 3?latte. - - - - "N"ebrasls:a. mll miw BUILDERS OF IRRIGATION CANALS ft (i miUilt nnrl Hill T J 1 L aterais. NORTH PLATTE, NEB - - - i I..- 1 1 - i I, sJU, EARNER. .Funeral Director. AND EMBALMER. A full line of firet-c-Iass funeral supplies always in stock. NORTII PLATTE, - NEBBRSKA. Telegraph orders promptly attended to GEO. NAUMAN'S SIXTH STREET MEAT MARKET. Meats at wholesale and re tail. Fish and Game in season. Sausage at all times. Cash paid for Hides. LECAL NOTICES. H. S. Tibbels, Upholsterer -AND- Furaitiire : Repairer. Special attention paid to all kinds of of furniture ujbotetriDg. Mattraese made to order orrendo. Furniture re pairing of all kinds promptly and neatly executed. Lenvo orders at Th'e Fair Store. 40-tf Claude weingand, DEALER IN Coal Oil, Gasoline, Crude Petroleum and Coal Gas Tar. -Leave orders at Evans' Book Store. Hershey .& Go DEALERS DT NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ottico at North Platte, Neb., ) November 2Sth. 1894. S Notice is hereby given that the followinp named st-ttlor has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in enpportof hie claim, and that 8id proof will be mado before Register and Receiver United States Land Offico nt North Platte, Neb., on January 5th, 1893. viz: James Anderson, who made Homestead Entry No-14,506 for the east half northeast quarter east half southeast quarter sertion 24, township 9, ranpe 31. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultifiition of said land, -viz: Michel Uhrin, Charley Hitninn. John Kugler and Albert J. 131ougher, nil of Well Beet, Nebraska. 476 JOHN F. HINMAN. Register. NOTIUK FOK PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte. Neb, I November 27th. 1894. f .Notice is hereby given thatthefollowing-Bamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bin claim, and that said prcaf will Ik? made before Register and Receiver at North Platte. Neb., ob Jaaaurr lOtk, -1S95, viz: Frank Jira. who made Iloiueetead En try No. 14.413 for the soath aalf northeast quarter and porth bfclf Koatneafltqaartersectiaa. 8, township 17 north, range 29 west. He Banc the following witnesses to prove hie cootiaaons residence upon and caltivation of said land, viz: Edward Kishor. William A. Rishor, John K. Main and George YonnR. all of Nesbitfc, Nob. 476 J OHN V. H I N MAN, Hegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Ofllce at North Platte, Neb., ? December 17th, If 91. ) Kotlce Is hereby piveu that the following-named settler has filed notico of his intention to mule final proof iu support of Ms claim, and that said prooof will !e made before the Register and Re ceiver at Korth Platte, Nebraska, on January 26th, 189.1, viz: JULIA MERKEL, who mndo Homestead Eutry No. 14041 for the sout!-c:st quarter section 10, township li north, rango Oil wort, lie names the following wltuo -res to provtihis contiunous residence upon and cultiva tion of said laud, viz: Edward Easion, Walter K. Covell, Charles Keen and Frank Ebcle, all of North Platte, Nebraska. 506 JOHN F. UINMAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte. Neb., ) December 0Ui, 1M. J Notice is horoby given that tha f:!!o'.Ting-named settler has tiled notico of his intention to make final proif in support of his clnlm, and that said proof will be mude before the Register and Ro ceiver at North Plutte, Nebraska, on Februarj 4th, lfc'53, viz: ISAAC NEWTON, who mado Homestead Entry No. 15.rD7, for the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 10. Township U North, lianue SO West, lie names the fitlloning witnesses to prove his contiunous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Fritz Koester, Bernard iuiilcr. Frank Ha7age and Gottfried Klcinow, all of Wi-llfiect. Neb. M5 JOHN F. I1INMAN, Register. PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Wilson W. Yates, deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln county. Ne braska, December 31st, 1891. Notice is hereby given th.t the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administrator of said Estate, before the County Judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room, in said county, on tho 2d day of May, ISO."?, on the 2d day of Juno, 18f5, and on She 2d day of July, lb'9o, at 1 o'clock p. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting thoir claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Sir mouths are allowed for creditoas to present their claims, and one year for tho Administrator to -mule said estate, from the 2d day of January, 1395 Ihis notice will be pubthed in The Nobth Plattx Tbibune, a newspaper printed in said county, for four weeks successively, on and after January 1st, 1895. JA3IE8 M. RAY. County Judge. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. ,0 ALL KINDS, Farm- and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Road Carts, Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb Wire. JEtc. (First published in The Nobth Platte Teibuse, January 1st, 1895.) In the District Court of Lincoln county. Ne braska. The State of Nebraska to Samuel D. Weaverling Susaonah II. Weaverliug and William Edward Swentzel, greeting: You aud each of you arehereby notified that you -have been sued together with The Anglo American Land, Mortgngo and Agency Company, Limited, a corporation, Milton B. Whitney, Charles 8. Fair child, Harry E. Mooney, Sanford B. Ladd and Frank Hagermnn as Receivers of The Lombard Investment Company, a corporation, by Emma K. Flynt as plnintin in the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, and that on or before the 11th day of February, 1895, you must answer the peti tion iu chancery filed herein against said" defend ants by said plaiutiff, in which the plaintiff asks for a decree foreclosing the mortgage given by defendants Samuel D Weaverllng and Susannah M. Weaverling to the Lomhard Investment Com pany, dated May 10th, 1889, and covering the following described real estate situated in Lincoln county, state of Nebraska, to-wit: The south one hundred and forty-flve (145) acres of tho east half of the southwest quarter and of the west half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-two (22), in township fourteen (14) north, of range twenty eight (28) west of the Gth principal meridian; that said petition further prays that all tho right, title, lien or interest of all of the defendants in or to said lands and every part thereof be decreed junior and inferior to the lien of the aforesaid mortgage now owned by the said plaintiff and that -said land be sold and the proceeds of the said sale be applied to the payment of the costs of the 61 e and of said action, and to lae amount due plaintiff upon said mortgage, and that all of the defendants be barred aad foreclosed of all Interest ia or lien upon said land; and unless you answer said. petition as afore said, the facts therein alleged will bo taken as true, and a decree will be rendered as therein prayed. Witness Biy Band and the seal of said couri by me affixed at North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, this 31st day of Deceaber, 1894. W. C. ELDER, Clerk of the District Court Lincoln County, Ne braska. PzBJtx & Skaixand and Pcuctkb & Alexandre, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Concordia, Kaaaas, Snhsp.rihft fnr thfi Semi- Locurt Street, between Fifth and Sixth I Weekly Tribune, IVORY iT Floats BEST FOK 5HIKT5; THE PnOCTER & GAMBLE CO.. C1NTI. THE 1.EG1SLA1 UKK. Every Nebraskan is Interested in What it Does. The coming session of the legislature will be especially interesting. After six years the republicans aro again in con trol of both houses. A United States senator will be elected and a host of other good things should be done. No matter what your politics, ou will want to read about the legislature. No mat ter what paper you read at other times you should read the Lincoln State Jour nal during the legislature. It is printed at the state, capital and devotes more space to legislative doings than all the other stato dailies combined. The Jour nal has jumped away up in the lead, having the largest circulation in Ne braska. It is spending more mouoy for news than its competitors. Col. Bixby is its daily poet. It also has Walt Mason. Wm. E. Annin, its Washington correspondent, serves up Washington stuff as no other correspondent employed by Nebraska papers has ever done it Annin knows Nebraska people and No braska politicians like a book; his letters are a great feature. Stories are fur nished by Conan Doyle, Rndyard Ki . ling,and a host of others who are regular contributors to tho world's groatest magazines. Tho Journal's price has been cut to 50 .cents per month, without Sunday, and 65 cents with Sunday. You should try it awhile. The Semi-Weekly Journal is only 31.00 per year, and is a great family paper, almost as good as a daily for a large class of people The Journal's phenomenal growth is duo largely to the reduction in price Jind the po!icy of attending to its own busmesr, not presuming to bo a dictator. OUR PATRONS GET, Through passenger train?, through freight trains, quick lime via the Chi ago, Union Pacilic and Northwestern Liae to the principal cities eaat of the iMiseouii Kiver Secretary Morton's su?-p-estion that an improvement be made in the manner of collecting" agricultural reports will be received with favor. While it would be expensive to send ag-ents to the farms every spring- to collect data concerning yields, stocks and general conditions, such re ports would be of real service to the farming and commercial classes and would undoubtedly be worth their cost. There has been entirdy too much imagination in the reports of the agricultural department in the past, and the introduction of scientific methods would be an un mixed blessing to the country. Ex. ' qi : IIOW'S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. J. P. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Wo the undorKicrnerL ha J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out auy obligation made by their firm West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, phio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is take internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by ail Druggists. Testimonials free. LADIES' Mackintoshes, of good quality, are sold at XOW PRICES by WILLIAM MUNSON. Call and see these goods at Geo. Casey's residence. Remember I also handle Curtains, Rugs, Silverware, and Notions Suitable for Christmas Presents. Orders taken for Pastel Por traits, which are fine. R. D. THOMSON, -Ajxjfciitect, Contractor and Builder 127 Sixth Si. Cor. of Vine, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, IOWA FREIGHT RATS HEARING CHDS Board Aaxieaa to Settle the Matter Before Commissioner Da? Retiree. Des Moines; Dec 81. The hearing before the Iowa railway commission of the application of the railway companies came to an end Saturday evening and the matter now rests with the commis sion for decision? It is expected the de cision will be reached inside of the next two weeks, in order that Commissioner Day, retiring member, who has given much attention to the matter, can join in the decision. The case has been pre sented very fully by the attorneys for the shippers and jobbers, ex-Commissioners Campbell and .Smith and S. F. Prouty. The railway companies have apparently not gone any further than was necessary to make a case in accord ance with their desires', and have been strongly accused of suppressing farts which would materially Weaken their position. Newspapers Should Improve. New York, Dec. 31. The Rev. Charles Parkhurst preached a sermon Sunday morning in which he made in direct and incidental reference to the work of the paat yean The people had learned, he said; that a politician was a man of expediency and that he might arrange things in such a manner as omy a mighty uprising of the people could undo. In looking over the field of the future, he said the people should look for an improvement in the character of the newspapers. The papers, he said, that daily serve up a mass of undigested mat ter, without discrimination, to then BUTLER FINDS BIMSEtF - Says He Wandered Away While Hii Mind Was Unbalanced. IN A TEAN0E FOR TWO DAYS Resncmbers Kothlas; af His Trip From West Utiles to IacUaaapoUs MlMtaff Ioara Ex-CenffressBaatt Tells His Story Is Perfect! j Saae. readers, were rapidly nuisance. becoming a public Debs Murdered, by Inclianc Tucso.v, Ari., Dec. Jl. Frank Debs, formerly a resident of Tucson, was mur dered by Yaqui Indians in the state of Sonora, Mexico. Debs established an Indian village at the San Francisco Mid winter fair last summer, but left San Francisco before the exposition closed, failing to pay the Indians he had brought from Arizona and Mexico and leaving them to return as best they might. Two of the Indians were with Debs at the time he was killed and thr-pinion pre vails that they killed him out of spite for his having failed to pay them what was due. - Teaman HI1 as Accessor. Colorado Springs, Dec. 81. Syl. vester Yeaman, part owner of the Black "Wonder-mining claim in the Cripple Creek district, on which Richard Newell, chief engineer of the Midland Terminal railroad, was recently shot and killed by A. W. Van Houten in a dispute over right of way, has been held as an acces sory to the murder. In default of $10, 000 bail he was committed to jail. Bishop Afarty Goes to St. Paul. St. Paul, Dec. 81. Archbishop Ire land has received the formal announce ment from Rome of the removal of Bishop Marty from Sioux Falls to the bishopric of St. Cloud, Minn., succeed ing Bishop Zanerdelli, who was made an archbishoD of Bushrest. Bishop Marty's Buct:esfor at Sioux Falls has not yet been appointed. Slater Savings Bank. """""f?3H Marshall, Mo., Dec. 31. The official statement of the defunct Slater (Mo. Savings bank was filed in the recorder's office here. Only $451 in cash waa found in the vaults, and a careful perusal of the report proves its condition rotten to the core. IUT liabilities 'will amount-to upwards of 40,000. Sank a French Bark. Gibraltar, Dec. 31. The British steamer Oxford, from Palermo for New York, has arrived with some of her plates damaged. She reports having been in collision with the French ba k Marie Louise. The bark was so badly damaged that she sank. Five of her crew were drowned. Robbed or a Ten Thousand Draft. Dns Moines, Dec. 81. John Shane, real estate dealer of Coon vRapMs, la., reported to the police that he had baen drugged and robbed of a draft on the First National bank of Chicago for $H,(iUu. He ha'l gone to the southeast ern part of the city to look at some prop erty. Asking For Benjamin's Release. Cheyenne, Dsc 3). W. H. Utley of O'Neil. Neb., appeared before Governor Osborne and asked for the pardon from from the peniteutiary of a young man named Benjamin, who was sent up from Johnson county in 18J8. Mr. Utley rep resents the grandparents of the young man. Confessed to Embezzling- 910,000. Hudson, N. Y., Dec. 31. W. F. Rose man, Jr., bookkeeper of the -National Hudson River bank of this city, wa3 ar rested on the charge of embezzlinz $10.- 000. He confessed to talrin uutu v-a la and said he had spent the monev in stock speculation in Wall street. Rock springs Coal Output. Rock Springs, Wy., Dec. 51. The mines at Rock Sprinirs are at uresent putting out between 6,000 and 7,000 tons of coal monthly, the lanrest induction of any one coal minincr district west of the Missouri river. m- Bnrglars at McCool Junction. McCool Junction, Neb.. Dec. 31. L. D. Decius' general merchandise store was broken into. The thieves took gloves, hats, cap3, boots, dry goods, groceries and tobacco to the amount of $600. North Carolinians Will Aid Nebraska. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 31. A call waa issued for a mass meeting of the citizens of this place for the purpose of. securing food and supplies to be sent to the desti tute districts in Nebraska. Judge Seevers Very 111. Oskaloosa, la., Dec. 31. Judge "Will iam H. Seevers still lies verv low. It is difficult to tell whether he is improving or not. The probability is that he will not recover. Indianapolis. Dec. 3i. Ex-Congressman Walt butler of West Union, la., whose wife had offered a reward for his body on the supposition he was dead, is here and very much alive. Butler acci dentally noticed the reward in a Chi cago newspaper and immediately made himself known at a local newspaper office. In explanation of his sudden dis appearance from home two months ago, he says that the morning of Nov. 22 ha awoke hearing a trainman call out In dianapolis.- He says that from the time he dismissed the school he 'was teaching in Iowa on Nov. 20 until he arrived here, his mind was a perfect blank. He says he at once wrote to his wife but the let ter was miscarried. Butler has been working as a book agent. He seems to be perfectly sane. When it was suggested that friend3 here might assist him he said he would not consent to go home on borrowed money, and expre33ed the determination to stay till he was ab! to pay his own fare. He referred frequently to his fail ure to recall any events attending his leaving home and his trip to this city, but frankly admitted that it was all a blank. "There was no reason, whatever," he said, why I should have left. I have a nice home at West Union, a kind, lov ing wife and one child, and no man's domestic relations were happier than mtne have always been, The only Wriy 1 account for the uneasiness is that my letter failed to reach my wife. It seems strange, though, that no one of the many people I met did not say something to me about the inquiries that were made for me. I made no concealment of my name or place of residence. I called upon Mr. Matthews, Mr. Taggart and Mr. Bynum, having served with the latter in congress, and none of them mentioned the fact that my absence from home had caused and comment In any ot the papers" Oelwein, la., Dec. 31. James Butler, brother of Walter H. Butler, who is hero conducting the search for the missing ex-congressman, stated when interviewed that he placed no confidence in the re port of the finding of his brother at In dianapolis, and he believes now, as he has for the past few weeks, that his brother is dead Killed on a Railroad Bridge. Cedar Rapids, Dec. 81. Mr. and Mrs. William McLachlan, while crossing the Burlington. Cedar Rapids and North ern bridge across the Cedar river, sonth of the city, were run down by a paseen ger train and both "were killed. Mc Lachlan had both legs cnt off and was badly mangled. The trainmen saw Mc Lachlan, but were unable to stop the tram soon enough to save him. His wife was found dead on the ice below. Borne distance from the bridge. Woman a Justice of the Peace. Fort Dodge, la., Dec. 31. Mrs. L. E.' Castle of Callender has qualified aa jus tice of the peace, to which office she was elected for a term of two yea're. Her husband conducts a drug store there in her name, and the intention last fall was to nominate him for the position. Mrs. Castle's initials were used by mistake, and to the general surprise it was found that the wife was elected instead of the husband. As there is no legal obstacle in the way of her filline: the place she was sworn in. Noted Iowa Woman Dies. Council Bluffs, Dec. 81. Mrs. Amelia Bloomer, from whom th Bloom er costume, one of the first.efforts toward dress reform, was named, died at her home in this city. She was also in her younger years a noted lecturer on tem perance and woman's suffrage. She es tablished at Seneca Falls, N.Y., in 1849, a paper called the Lilly, the first paper in this country owned and edited by a woman. Grain Elevator Burned. Hemingford, Neb., Dec. 31. The Al liance elevator of this city was burned to the ground, with its full contents of about 6J0 bushels of wheat, 10,000 pounds of flour, 500 bushels of oats and a great amount of feed. The origin of the fire is unknown, s it had stood idle for 24 hours. The elevator was owned by the Alliance Milling company of Alliance. No insurance. Dentil of Hon. John Fitzgerald. Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 31. Hon. John Fitzgerald, ex-president of the Irish Na tional league, and one of the most exten sive railroad contractors in the country, died here. He had been in poor health for a couple of years and had practically He was a native of Limerick, Ireland Crashed Into a Carrlaeo. Chicago, Dec. 31. A Cliicairo. Rock i retired from business e t : t i i lsianu ana .Facinc nassenDrpj- nwch he- ing rapidly switched into the Rock Isl and depot crashed into a carriage at a crossing. Five persons were badly jured. SHTLOH'S CURE is sold on a guar antee. It cures Insipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose. Twenty-five cts., 50 cts. and $L Sold by North PlattePharmacy. m REMOVAL. after this date Park's Sure Cure will re move fill ftlaaa nf V. ...tmnficm 1riA.rr, troublo or liver complaint, from the ncor Tf ia v J i j: : . is guaranteed to cure these diseases or no nav. Pari. 'a North Platte Pharmacy. .1 Farmer Accldently Kills Himself. Belle Plaink, la., Dec. 31. William Rubic, a farmer living near here, waa hunting rabbits. He shot one, which crawled under a culvert. He started after it, pulling his gun with him. It was discharged, the contents entering near his heart and causing almost instant death. Fort Madison Waterworks Sold. Keokuk, la., Dec. 81. At sheriffs sale the plant of the Fort Madison water works was sold to Alexander New, rep resenting a committee of bondholders, for $41,0(0 in partial satisfaction of a judgment for $255,000 in favor of the Central Trust company of New York. To Command the State G. A. R. Superior, Neb., Dec. 8). H, C. E. Adams of this city has announced him self as a candidate for department com mander of the G. A. R. for the depart ment of Nebraska. 1895 JANUARY. 1895 KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, the great Blood purifier gives freshness and clear ness to the Complexion and cures Con stipation, 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy. Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. TTTT7 6789 JJI 12 13 U JJ5 16 17 JL8 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BULLS AND BEARS WHITENED. ' Annual Neir Tear's Revel on the Chicago Board of Trad. Chicago, Dec. 31. The annual New Year's revel on the board of trade was observed today with unusual enthusiasm. The market waa neglected during the last hour and at the tap of the bell at noon every trader on the floor was long on Racks of flour and short on dignity The galleries were crowded with people who had come to see the fun and the per formance wa3 fully up to expectations. When the market closed the ball opened. The festivities began with a series of bloodcurdling yells and a vivid imita tion of the ghost dance. A short, fat trader with a high silk hat, who was leading the vocal exercises, was sudden ly cut short in his musical flights by the swift descent of a bursting sack of flour With the Bignal every man on the floor entered energetically into the attempt to pound every other man with a sack of flour. Hats were battered and hurled toward the ceiling; coats were torn, men were upset and for half an hour a merry war was waged in a mist of flying flour. When the stock of flour was exhausted the sample tables were robbed of barley, oat3 and corn and the air was full of flying missiles until the exhaustion ended the fun. When it was over the pit looked as though it had been struck by a blizzard and the traders resembled a choice collection of tramps. Visible Supply or Grain. New York, Dec. 31. The visible sup ply of grains December 29, as com piled by the New York Produce Ex change is as follows: Wheat, bS,56i, 000 bushels, decrease 510.000; com, 9,630,000, increase 792,000; oats, 9,062, 000, increase 6V.O0O; rye, 445,0( bushels, decrease 7,0o0; barley, 8,09::,000 bushels, decrease 213,000. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'saved my life.' I consider it the besi remedy for a debiliated system 1 overused." For Dvppepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cents. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy. Cash In the Treasary. Washington, Dec. 31. The cash bal ance in tne treasury at the close of busi ness today was $153,022,092; gold re serve, $86,870,145. TOLD IX PARAGRAPHS. Ismail Pasha, ex-khedive of Egypt, is dying. Congreseman-elect Edgar Wilson of Idaho is dangerously ill. Mrs. Antonio Navarro, formerly Mary Anderson, is now convalescent. Judge Randolph at Emporia, Kan., de cided that teachers who were given a Thanksgiving vacation were not entitled to pay. Lieutenant Colonel Park died at Fort Omaha from injuries received in a runa way accident. The president has approved the act to establish a national military park at the battlefield of Shiloh. Guy Baker was acquitted at Muscatine, la., of the murder of George Rexroade. The jury was out 18 hours. Judge J. W. Scott was killed by his son in-law nf ar Greenville, Miss. He i3 a rela tive of Senator Joe Blackburn. At Telluride, Colo, Nicholas Gerrons and James Burns, miners, were killed by falling 550 feet in the Union shaft. The comptroller of the currency has authorized the organization of the Ameri can National bank of Deadwood, S. D. B. L. Banker was arrested at Sionx City charged with defrauding an A. OvTJ. W. lodee at Portland, Ore., out of $2,000. The Rev. Sam Small's paper, the Nor folk Pilot, is threatened with a libel suit by the American Book company because ofastatemeut regarding the manner in which Virginia contracts were secured. THE LATEST NEWS OF TRADE, Chicago Grain nnd Provisions. CniCAco. Dec. 31. Wheat opened firm on steady cables; northwestern receipts wero small and there was a moderate decrease on passage. Mai started unchanged at 57?gc, droppod He on soil In? led by Pardridge and reacted to 57?c. It was expected that the visible supply would show a small decrease and that actod as a strenertheninff factor. Corn started steady, influenced bylthe firm ness in wheat, with May unchanged to Jgo higher at 4848Hc There wa3 some buying by commission hous33, but tho elevator in terests were sellintr freely, causing the market to fall off to a nioderate extent. Oats weakly followed corn. .May opened unchanged at 3155 and sold off W&Kc- Provisions started with a show ot strength, encouraged by light hog receipts and an ad vance in prices at the yards. May pork opened 5c higher at $11.82. and soon added another 5c to its value. May lard started with a 5c gain at $".02 and May ribs opened at 58.U3 CLOSING PRICES. WHEAT December, 53c: May. 57?ia57c; July, 53c. CORN December, 45Js: January, ihz: May. 48c; July. 43c. OATS December. 2&ic: January. 286c; May. 3l5sS31?ic: February. 23-c. PORK December, $11.45; January. $11.52$; May. $11.95. LARD December. $9.32: January. 58.82K; May. $7.05157.12. RIBS December. 85 80; January. $5.80; May. $6.05. Chicago Live Stock. C.nickan. Dec. 31. HOGS Receipts. 18.000 head: quality fair: market active and firm at 6310c higher prices: sales ranged at $4 03 (54.55 for light: S4.204.60 for rough packing; $4.3S4.70 for mixed; $4.4534.81 for heavy packing and shipping lots; $2.65&t.25 for pig. HATTLE ReceiDts. 11.000 head: shipments. not given; best grades active and strong at 53U'c advance: common lots steady. sHEEP Receipts, 11.000 head: demand fair; better quality 510o higher. r PLUG TOBACCO .Flavor - ' .K i i Consumers of cheWiig tobacco who are wtng to pag a liflle more tk tk price cbged for tKe ordinanj trade tobaccos., will ftadtbb brand superior to all Gibers- 5EWARE OF IMITATIONS. 'it .-1 n Hnmnhrcvi' SbccIHcs are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for years la private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Speclac a special cure for the disease named. 1 FeTera, Congestions, Inflammations.. .'25 2- Worns, Worm Fever. Worm Colic !S5 3-TeetaiHg; Colic, Crying. Wakefulaess .25, 4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7 CoHgas, Colds, Bronchitis .25 8- NearalgIa, Toothache. Faccacba, 25 a-Rnininniip.. Kipt Hcndachc. VertlKO.. .25 lH-OJysBcpsia Biliousness, Constipation. .25 11 SaaaresKca oriraiaiai reneaa... t Wk itv. Too Profuse Periods .25 13- CroHp, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25 14- Salt Racam, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 15 KhcHBiaiisBi, iweumauc rams .xa 1 ft Halaria. Thills. Fever and Asrue .25 19-Catarrfc. Influenza, Cold In the Head. .25 2-Waaa4ac Caa...., .25. 97Klaaer Diseases M 9S-Xerraa Debility l.M M-Urlacrr Weakaeaa 25 Hwii OR. HUMPHREYS C NEW SPECIFIC FOR MT 0. Fat ap la small bottles of iltanat aalata, Jatt ac jour veat ywm ,, 9m. HcirBiiii' Mavuai. ilt (km,) aiuti yaaa. V SPECIFICS IE nu..a FOR SEX. Thh roasly ffSsSaS S15 lAPCted dltecilr tii thaseatof 2XVti W thmo diseases oitiieGenlto-UriiiaryOr. 1 1 1 g n3, reqalrw no ctanjo of filei or lsincsto be takes intetnaily. Wfcsa csetl AS A PREVENTIVE bj cither sex i 1 1 1 impossttls to contract any venereal tlrsssa; bet ia tho cuo of thoso already UsroiTojuuLT Ammzo with Gonorrhcra and Gleet, vre guards tea a cat". Prieo by mai 1, postag pw I psr Iks, or C toscs I or $i Sold by A. P. Streitz, Druggist, North Platte, Neb. $500 Reward! WE will pay the above reward for anv case of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache In digestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give sat isfaction. Sugar:oated. Large boxes, 25 cents, . Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen uine manuiactured only by THE JOiiN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by A. F. Streitz, Druggist, Nortq Platte, Neb. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha, Dec. 31. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.000 head; 1300 to 1500 lbs.. Jl.5035.25; 1100 to 1300 lbs., 54.001.50; 9Z) to ilOO lbs.. $3.234.00: choice cows. $S.253.25; common cows, S1.0a2.2r; good feeders. J2.50S3.aO: common feeders, 3002. 40. Market 10c higher. HOGS KeceipU. 8.UXJ head: light, $i.9Qa 4.30; mixed, $1.10i.85; heavy, I4.25S4.55. Market 5c to 10c higher. SHEEP Receipts, 103 head; muttons. $2.00 03.00; lambs, 3-'.50&4.00. Market strong. SHILOITS CURE is sold on a guar antee. It cures Insipient Consumption. It Is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cts.. 50 cts., and $1.00. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy. WHAT'S THE USE OP TALKING About coughs and colds in the sum mer time. You may have a tickling cough or a little cold, or baby may have the croup, and when it comes you ought to know that Park's Cough Syrup is the best cure for it. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy. 5EF0P.E ' w nr. . C. Wcs'.'s f.'orve and Brain Treatment t sold undor positive written pnarsntee, by nuthor :ed agents only, to cure Wealc Memory; Loss of rain nnti Kerve Power; Lost Manhood; Quickness; ilght Losses; Evil Dreams; Lack of Confidents; f orvousness; Lnssitn-le; all Drain?; Los3 of Power jf the Generative Organs in uitlrcr ses, caused by iver-exartion: Youthful Errors, or Recessive Upo of obacco. Opium or Liquor, 'ffhich eoon lend, to 'riser, Consumption, Insanity and Death- By mail, '1 a bos: G for 55; Trlth -written Runraiitco to cure or ofund money. WEST'S COUGH SYIt UP. A certain ' ure for Coagh?, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat. Pleasant to take Small pizo dicontinued; old. Site, slza, now2c; old il f z-. now JOc. GUARANTEES issued only i A. F. Streitz, Druggist, Xorth Platte Nob. 1 f LAD3ES do YOU KNOW DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S STEEL HUB PEITEIYE PILLS ro tho original nnd only FRENCH, safaondre- uiuiu euro uu uut loaruci. rncu $x.uu; oeuu uy nail. Genuino sold only by A.F. Streitz, Druggist, No. Platte, Neb i No More Back Ache A. 5 r i 0) !AVELro5 J Constipation. INFLAMAT10N cfpC BLADDER, ahd 3 ALL KIDNEY DISEASES . ; a For Sale by A. F. Streitz. A! B C Hmoirs BroMem. t&I j & Brant 'or Nervous or Sick Headache, Brain Exhaustion. SleeDlennes .special or general Neuralgialsofo?Bh tunciui or general JNeoralgia: also for Ithco matoa. Gout, Kidney D&rder Acid d Anpaoto lor Alcoholic Efferent03353" .d)ceat THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 51 S. Western Avenue, CHICAGO. Sold by A. F. Streitz. Driifwiaf Tcni.tu ItU artlrl em tL amawTvfA-V r and U th best Cough and Crotm Cuta. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy,