THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE: TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1, 1895. 'Ji. one nif ht wedc:ttiV mnnrni nnSii. r iffcinhTn toww MTBm., nrtiTm mnn i aith nrnnuM' 4 4 I lb 5 l shoo m rillllilf il: 11,1 i til til 11 1 1 IT. I PntMMtaf nm fum. Bimta amhmh I li u 11 I I nPi I Jlllli I rill 114 g .UXg T.. A TAirJIMh W X I " I - Ike Jml - mttl Irilii . . . 0 IRA li. BABE, Eorros aitd ftwPMETOK v. r - ? - r gUBSGSIFTIOir KATE8. Om Ymt, omIi la mirmme.. $L2S. v; WxMtta, Mhla itaei .7S Onto. liUHi tttoJtortKa(KabrMla)iMoeM NORTH ;PLATT, NEBRASKA, femafedfejr Ubm drswrn trm Oauka to Ckeyssse, ttMBoe to Deavwr, from tkesea ta tarting point freMtk seeood, u 288 adlw ban tbe third. BaYlsff m popKlUea of 4,686 people it Js tke head' qB&rtera of botk Ireiit ad pwngr dlTMona of te U. P. K'T Co- and is tkVhoSM of aboat 500 raUway ewpIoyM whose monthly pay roll amounts to aaase $16,006.00. AteovtieaUles of irrlgaUoB n ! are rasidlx Bearlag oompletioajwhlck will hriaflatotheUhMt Mate of calUration 150.0UO eras of the moat prodsctire laa4 apos which the saa1 raya ehlae. The eiUaeaahip of North Platte is that of the beet afforded by the older states, and. her people are actiTe, progreeriTe and prosperose. To the ladaetrloaa. eaergetlc hoaie-aeeker from the crowded east North Platte aad .Liaeoia comity reseats saasaal adraatages. Thousands of acres of Taeaat goreraawnt laad, In etoee proximity to those already being brought aoder Irrigation, may be obtalaed by ooBsaltiag the .United States land cmob in North Platte. A letter of inqairy to. "U, 8. Kegister, North Platte, Neb.," relattre to the above will be coarteoasly aaswered. Irrigated faimiag is no toager aa experiment, but has reached the point where it is acknowledged as pre-eminently the safest in all seasons method of conducting and horticultural oper ation. The salabrloBs and llfe-giring climate of Lincoln eoaaty, where malaria is unknown and where palmoaary troablea are untbought of, is aaother incentive to the location therein of those who are anxious to enjoy the good things of this life as loag as possible. North Platte churches aad schools are abore those of eastern common! ties, the latter being one of the few in, Nebraska permitting the graduate thereof to enter the State TJairersity without an intermediate preparatory tralBiBg. The people of the community gladly welcome the honest, iadastrioas eastern citizen who is eager to better his condition and assisting in the apbailding and development of a comparatively neweosatry. Bj Way of aa Introduotion The Tribune with this issue in troduces an innovation in North Platte newspaper work. For some time, at the request of many of its patrons, has this step been contem plated; and at last yielding to the solicitations of these friends, to whom the weekly visits of the paper have proven a gentle tonic in the assimilation of life's cares, have their hopes been realized. In order to make the semi-weekly edition attain the excellent standing ac quired by The Tribune in time past it is necessary that our friends extend to the paper all the aid and encouragement possible both fin ancial and otherwise. If you know of an interesting item of news, or possess an odd dollar with which to lubricate the machinery, do not hesi tate to give into the confiding care of the editor either the one or the other. A word in passing to business men: The semi-weekly edition of the paper lies before; upon you de pends mmmch of the future success Jfchereof. It has been established as a business enterprise to more frequently present than heretofore the manifold advantages of North Platte and Lincoln county for the investment of capital. In close con test for local aggrandizement The Semi-Weekly Tribune will be a faithful Joshua who will zealously fight out your battles, providing you render the same assistance that was ' given this military man of a former generation. nThe neat, well printed, wideawake, newsy publication is the best index otthe thrift and prosper ity of a community. TVill you make this venture such an one by afford ing it the greatest possible patron age? With our vast irrigation en terprises rapidly approximating completion there are vast possibili ties in store for North Platte and Lincoln county, and there is no rea son why this locality may not be come the most permanently profit able community in the state of Ne braska. The editions of the paper will be on Tuesday and Friday evenings of each week; the. rate of subscrip tion will be 75 cents per annum for either issue, or S1.25 per year for both. Now is the time to subscribe, e or settle the old score. The gentle manly collector will .pass around among its congregation, and to him you can give your contribution. Extending toward our friends and patrons all the usual compliments of the season, and believing that the years to come will prove more prosperous than the one just closed, we will subside by wishing you, all a Happy Ne w Yar. Five hundred thousand apple trees will be planted" in Nebraska next spring. The planting of fruit trees advances the value of the land. This seems to be a subject the Ne braska farmer and liorticulturalist understands. The price of apples is always high enough to guarantee profit to the fruit grower, hence, be sides the enhanced value of his land, the man who plants an orch ard does so with the knowledge that his labor in planting and culti vating his fruit will brine him a handsome return. When this great Mississippi valley is planted in orch ards then can it be said that it is the secod Garden of Eden.' It will prove a'joy to look pon, a -source of profit to cultivate, and a paradise to live in. Kansas City Times. Subscribe for The .SEni-WEEaXY Trutjne. " ' latized the semate barber Washington. To statesmen built upon the. Peffer plan tbev outrage caused but slight inconfemience. m m i Peknoyek, Oregon's only origiaal, had another outbreak1 'on Christ- mas day against President Cleve land. The story of the; Ay tiipon the bull's horn is peculiarly per tinent , And now, Carlisle has a! new colleague in the furthering oFhis fiscal ideas in the person of Gen. J. S. Coxey, who is said to be ujiusu ally eloquent in the praises thereof. What do our populist friends think now of their patron saint? A floating paragraph chronicles the, information that an Arizona army officer "shot three men while smoking one cigar." Either the Mexican smugglers are not o numerous this year as usual,, or else times are tighter in that terri tory than in the state of Nebraska. And npw it is announced that Col Thos Piatt, of New York, has changed his place of worship from that ot Dr. Parkhurst's Presby terian church to another synagogue, because he not care to long listen to be dubbed a boss and a Mephis topholes of all political rottenness. Bili Cook, the Indian territory desperado, did not have his goose cooked on Christmas as was pre viously reported, but on the con trary enjoyed his turkey with his customary zest, and was made the delighted recipient of. a handsome silver-mounted, ivory-handled re volver with which to subdue his would-be captors. Up in Canada they are experi menting with ball bearings for street cars, and have succeeded in drawing such a vehicle for several blocks with but three strands -of ordinary sewing thread. This is a good strong story, and is upon a par with the quality of the thread. However the first wagon builder who utilizes the idea will profit thereby. According to an Omaha news paper electrocution will be one of the questions with which the coming Nebraska, legislature will have to wrestle. The man who introduces the bill should be the first to be mildly experimented on in the electrical chair. The good old-fash iosed gibbet aad rope is more merciful and certain. Be sides just think of vhat the news paper boys would lose in the way of such headings' as 'Jerked to Jesus" and "Chocolate Drops,' should the proposed practice beput in vogue. - John Griffin Carlisle's "Fort Minutes of Finance" appears to have grounded upon a congres sional snag within but a few brief hours after its accouchtnent. It was the sapient statesman's ef forts to procreate along exploded lines of reproduction a system of finance suitable for these United States. It was unlike that other animal made notorious by that his toric Kentuckian, Col. Davy Crock ett, and was of the "red dog"- "wild-cat" species. Gov. Hogg, of Texas, has much trouble in capturing the persons of sundry Standard Oil Co. magnates.. He has made requisitions upon tht governors of New York and Mis souri, each of which have been dis honored, and at last appears to havefound an ally in the governor of Florida, who declares his readi ness to assist him in the capture of these desperadoes. If the latter is no more successful than he was in preventing a prize fight his assist ance will not be worth much. And now the Douglas county populists have taken their turn at the roaster and W. Jennings Bryan has been duly done brown. The aforesaid pops have discovered the latent motive of the gentleman to be the demolition of their party (?) by means of fusion. Why bless your unsophisticated souls there is not enough of the latter organiza tion left to create an itching upon the body politic Uncle Silas ex pects a renomination at the hands of the democrats, and to them looks for his chief support two years hence. By that time pops will all be good democrats, or back in the republican ranks. Sim Coy, the noted tally sheet forger of Indianapolis, Ind., died last Thursday, afternoon from the rupture of a blood vessel superin duced by an attack of diabetes. At one time he was a power in the Hoosier state democratic circles. but some years ago wasconvicted ot forging election tally sheets, which case assumed national im portance, and was sentenced after a long litigation, to an eighteen months' term in the Tjenitentinrv and pay a fine of $100. although he persisted in his innocence up to the time of his death. President Har rison, remitted the fine. He was said to. have been the illegitimate son of a prominent living Indiana politician. R x Mf fcf Rtilitifi Aiteoding the Destruction f tie Delenn House at Albany. SEVERAL; BADLY INJURED. rWeeke!! the Stairway aad Kscape rr-efce Melw-Wa-Isapesstble Gsest fare! Jkaeelately Ketalag List f taa Tleslaaa. Albany. Dec. VI. Four ragged walla snd a mass of sraQnlflerin? ruins mark .the site of the Delavan house today. Two Hundred and lifty of its guests, thankful that they escaped though only with the clothes oa their backs, are quartered at the other hotels.,. The list of casualties is as follows: The. dead: Mrs. H. S. Fookes, formerly of Day -ton, 6. v The BXtaiagr. Recokd Telesfokm, fireman in the kitchen. Bridget Fitzgibboxs, employed in the Idtchen. Nugesta Stureka, vegetable cook. Amelia Tomagni, sister of head cook. Thomas Cosnor, carpet sweeper. Bimox Myers, copper man. MART Fitzgibbons, chambermaid. Kate Crowlet, employed in kitchen. Ferkakdo Boxlett, fireman in kitchen. The Injured. Henry F. Fookes, Rochester, injured in ternally; face and hands barnedj will re cover. Mrs. Benjamin F. Heitman, Brooklyn, face cut and internally injured; will re cover. Benjamin F. Heitman, Brooklyn, ankle injured. Edward T. Murphy, bad burns. . Manchester, Auburn, hands and arms badly burned. E. W. Arnold, Rochester, bruised by jumping from window. D. P. Brockway, New York, right arm badly cut and both arms burned. James Hennessey, fireman of steamer No. 4, struck on the head by a brick when one of the walls fell about midnight. The police are unable to account for sight persons, two mnids and six guests, who were in the hotel before the fire. They say that while it is possible that thes. persons may now be in some hotel, it is quite probable that their bodies are hidden in the ruins. Among those unaccounted for are the following: Mary and Nora Sullivan, maids; Bridget Fitzgibbons, servant; n Italian named Fernando, and two veg etable cooks. Up to 12 o'clock none of the missing had been heard from. No bodies have as yet been recovered from the' ruins. That s number of corpses lie beneath the ruins seems most probable. Chef Querena Tomagui, who was on the top floor when the cry of fire was given, foretell-) a terrible tale of what he saw. "I was In my TOom,"said he, "when someone yelled 'fire.' The hall was filled with dmoke and I found the stairway blocked with flames. I turned to run the other way. On the floor of the coi ridor lay three human beings. Whether they were men or women, I could not say. They were.shrieking for help. l esuld not stop to help them. The ! wers leaping sloag the corridor, swl I was losissj my sease from the, swfml tooks that rendered life in the flaps almost impossible. I passed over tbctn and tb ay grabbed .'By lK9- It was by amain fores that l-pnlled myself away and fooad a wind w, from which I lowered SBjsslf iTS.sssriea by means of a rope. I do not know what became of the un fortunate beings. I do not think they ever escaped." DAMAGED STEAM EttS ARRIVING. Sblapias Havlar a Rough Time With At lantic Gales. St. Johns, N. F., Dec. 51. Two damaged steamers a'rrived here. The first was the Boston City from London, Dec. 15, for Halifax. She reports a fearful experience since leaving port. The steamship only had a light cargo of about bOO tons and she rolled terribly when the seas were heavy. She exper ienced the worst gale of her pass ago yes terday forenoon when about 130 miles from here. Her spare propeller broke adrift, tore up her deck and crashed through the starboard side. Then when sh rolled to port the propeller careened across the deck and drove through the port side. The seas rushed in through these two holes at a fearful rate and it was feared that the steamship would sink. But thanks to her steam pumps the Boston City managed to keep above water until she made this port. The other damaged steamer arriving today was the British steamship Lord O Neill, Captain Ferris, from Baltimore, on Dec. 10 for Dublin, which has put in short of coal. The Lord O'Neill tried to make this port last week bnt contrary gales drove her 20(J miles off the coast and she then tried to continue her voy age across the Atlantic. She was com pelled to abandon the attempt on account of the strong contrary winds which pre vailed. The Lord O'Neill will ship 250 tons of coal here. Her deck, bulwarks and stanchions are damaged by the seas, which constantly .swept her decks, and her crew was utterly exhausted when this port was made. Goescs Had a Close Cail. Chicago. Dec 31. Sixty persons were aroused from their beds in the Ohio apartment house on Wbartou avenue a little before 2 o'clock this morning by an alarm of fire. Somf) of them "were able to make their way to the streets in their night clothes, bnt 12 were so overcome by the smoke .that they had to be dragged from their beds and carried out. Building and contents were totally de stroyed. Loss, $50,000. Spate Storm Swept. Bilbao, Spain, Dec. bi. A heavy -gale has prevailed over the southern pars j)f Spain for the.past two days, in terrupting telegraphic communication. On the coast heavy seas have been run ning and numbers of vessels have - been seeking shelter in port from the violence f the fctoram. Nkw Yoix,Da 81.Prei4sot Hartia of the police board announosd today tat he would within a few days send bis tot ter of rerntiom to Major Strong. M-. Martin said that now that the Lsxow eomraittM to iiiroaxh with its work and s he felt that m was exonerated, he would reaiga. Hs added that he hoped Mayor Strong would accept his resigaa- tkra immediately. Police Superintendent Byrnee' appear aace before the Lexow committee, hit offer to Mayor-elect Strong to resign, and the accompanying tender of his serr ices in reorganizing the police force, are variously received. Rev. Dr. Farkhurst has intimated that the inquisition, when Byrnes was upo the stand, was not made 8ufficieny searching for practical purposes. Parkhnrst tomsts that Byrnes is responsible for most of the corruption exposed by the senate committee, and he is indignant over the police chieftain's "pompous vanity and self-glorification," as he termed it. Mayor-elect Strong is said to hold Byrnes ia high estimation and would be inclined to urge the with drawal of the superintendent's resigna tion were it not for his reluctance to an tagonize the Parkhnrst society. FLORIDA ORANGB) CBOP KUIKSP. Two Millloa Basra Froaea oa tke Trees. Coldest Weather Ia Sixty Years. Jacksonville Fla.. Dec 81. The mercury went down to 14 degrees above zero at the signal station in this city just before sunrise this morning, this record being one degree colder than the temper ature of the great freeze of 1866 and the lowest since 1&15. The orange and veg etable crops are practically ruined. The best estimate places - the number of oranges at present on the trees at fully 2,600,000 boxes and the officials of the Florida Fruit exchange in this city think fully 3,000,000 boxes have been frozen either in whole or in part. If this esti mate is correct tho remaining 600,000 boxes will bring fabnlous prices. These reports cannot be verified till tomorrow, bnt the best iufprjUAnts in fruit matters say "the jig if up with the oranges of 1893-01. Ice formed on the streets of Jacksonville and in small places about the docks. Old-Tlaae Mlaer Killed. Butte, Mon., Dec. "Pike" San dusky, an old-timer in northern Montana and discoverer of the famous Golbbug Group mines of the Little Rockies, was shot and killed in the mining camp bear ing his name by Harvey -Curry. The men have been enemies for several years and the report is that when they met Sandusky was the first to pull a gun, but it missed fire and Curry shot him dead. The dead man was about 50 years of age and was well known in nearly every raining camp in the west. CraekameB Use Dyaamtte, Elgin, Tex., Dec. 31. Cracksmen utterly demolished the vault and safe of the Elgin bank. Two explosions of dy namite were necessary and were so heavy that besides blowing to pieces the vault and safe, the furniture and floor were also badly splintered. The heavy reports awakened,, .citizens and A. H. Foster,; the lookout for the thieves, was captured: The alarm was given to the three men in the bauk, however, and they escaped. ;r 1 Mardarer AaMerd'a Ideailty. Vancouver, B- C, Dec. 31. The identity of Ashford, who 'murdered his wife and child and attempted to take his own life on Dec W, has been partly dis covered by his private papers. These papers show that Ashford's sister is a marchioness, her maiden name being Elizabeth Flowers. Ashford's real name was George Frederick Flowers. Dreyfus Appeal Brjected. Paris, Dec. 31. The appeal of Cap tain Dreyfus, sentenced to ba deported for life and to be confined in a fortress after having been convicted of treason in disclosing important military docu ments to the representatives of a foreign nation, was heard by the military coun cil of revision today and was unani mously rejected. - Banker Arrested For Perjury. Seattle, Dea. 31. Dr. W. P. Book, president of the suspended Aberdeen, Wash., bank, has been arrested on a charge of perjury. It is claimed that Book's personal property was listed to the county assessor as the bank's prop erty and that the bank thus paid taxes on Book's property. Double. Trashy at PlrtaBarg. Pittsburg, Dec; 31. About 4 a. m. William McMullin quarreled with his wife and at last sovered her head from her body with a hatchet, and then went into another room and cut his own throat with a razor. Both were dead within a few moments. Bis; Fetroleaaa Reflaery Baraed. Berlin, Dec. 31. A dispatch received here announces that Rychlovski & Sa yet's great petroleum refinery at Batoum, on the. Black sea, has been burned. The loss is enormous. Minister Sails Far Mew Yo rk. Queenstown, Dec. 81. Mr. Lorin A. Thurston, Hawaiian minister to the United States, is a passenger on the steamship Aurania, which sailed hence for New York. Feixoto Reported. Poisoned Montivideo, Dec. SI. President Peix oto is reported very sick. Some say his illness was brought on by an accident but others believe he has been poisoned: Powerless ta Sappress Kietlas;. Lima, Peru, Dec. 31. The government is unable to suppress theTioting here which occurs daily. The people are starving and becoming desperate. Killed Sweetheart aad Self. Monroeville, Ala., Dec 31. Doss Metts killed his sweetheart, Lizzie Smith, by stabbing her, then cnt htoowm threat and died. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report. RoYal Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE i. . if. ' c. 1 .. -. BeeeeeeeesEjK 2 v I, 5 , ? ,;- Carey tnd Warren Williig to Repre- seit Wjoming In the Senate, LATTER IS1 m TEE LEAD. Will Nat BUre a Walkersr, as tte Frseeal Boaater Maklg fsrsaaal Caa rase Bear Caadldates Wmr taa Short Teraa. I Chbtbnkx, Dec 31. Two United States senators are to be chosen at the coming session of the legislature, one for six years to succeed Joseph , M. Carey and one for four years to fill the vacancy occasioned br the failure of the legisia ture two years ago to elect a successor to Francis E. Warren. Senator Carey is a candidate for re election. Ex-Senator Warren is also a candidate for the long term senatorship. Both are residents ot Cheyenne. Early in the contest the remainder of the state demanded that Cheyenne should decide between Carey and Warren and that the ether senator should not be a resident of that city. The several candidates concede War ren's election to the long term and a ma jority are willing that he should be elected first,' in order to remove one of the disturbmg elements from the con test. Senator Carey has come home from Washington and is making an ag gressive personal canvass. For the short term senatorship, ex- Congressman Clarence D. Clark will have the unanimous support of Uintah and Sweetwater- county delegations. Hon. J. J. Davis of Carbon county, Jndge M. C. Brown of Albany and Judge Jay L. Torrey of Fremont will have the backing of the respective coun ties. Seaator Alllsoa Iatervtewed. Chicago, Dec. 81. Senator Allison of Iowa arrived here today on his was to Washington. The senator said that if anybody had been wishing the Damoci ats bad luck it could hardly have been hoped that they would tangle up financial affairs any worse than they have. "What about the probability of an other bond issue?" was asked. "If imports don't show a material improvement," replied the senator, "it will be necessary to issue more bonds before long to meet the government ex penses." Nebraska Speakership. Lincoln, Dec HI. The speakership situation has assumed a more definite shape today. Legislature members are fast solidifying on C. L. Richards of Hebron. Geddes of Grand Island leads for clerkship of the house. Tim Sedg wick is still to the front for secretary of the senate, but Charley Rigg is a close second. Mo Truth la the Report. New York, Dec. 31. It was learned from a reliable source that there is no truth in the report that a meeting of sil ver producers and smelting men was to be held in this city early in January. The recently appointed committee of three. Messrs. Daniel Guggenheim of the Guggenheim Smelting company, Guy C. Barton of the Omaha and Grant Smelt ing company, and A. R. Meyer of the Kansas Smelting company, will, meet here before the 10th of January and de cide upon the practicability and advisa bility of selling silver jointly. Ex-Senator Fair's Will. San Francisco, Dec. 31 .The chance for a contest of tho will of the late ex Senator James G. Fair seems to be in creasing. Charlie Fair has realized that the clause depriving of a share in the es tate any children he may have, is a slight. He also resents the placing in the hands of outsiders the management of the Fair estate. On the latter ground, it is thought, his sisters, Mrs. Hermann Oelrichs and Mfcs Virginia Fair, may join hands with Charlie, although he has not been on speaking terms with them for some years. Breckinridge Lones the Receipts. Cincinnati. Dec. 31 .The case of W. C. P. Breckinridge to recover the re ceipts lnvied upon at his lecture last Thursday night was lost by the congress man toda'. Gustavus A. Meyer, who leviedon the recei pts for his services in taking depositions in the Pollard case a year ago, wa sustained. It is stated that Breckinridge 8 receipts have been small at other points and here he lost all. Manager Ballenberg claims the receipts and will replevin them from Meyer. Seram For the New Diphtheria Cure. Washington, Dec 31. Five horses are now under innoculation here for the purpose of producing blood serum for the new cure of diphtheria. Two of them are the property of the marine hospital service and are quar tered at the agricultural experiment station. The remaining are the property of the district health officers. Pas3d Assistant Surzeon J. J. Kinyoun is pre paring the toxines. Thronga. JAwt Stock Trains to Mexteo. San Luis Potosi, Mex., Dec. 31. Through live stock trains are to be put on between Kansas City and St. Louis and this city and the City of Mexico. A fast hog train was recently run from Kansas City to the City of Mexico, the time being made in five days. Shippers and con signees were so well pleased with the re sult that regular train service of the kind is to be continued. Chattaaoeara Baak Falls. Chattanooga, Dec. 31. The Chatta nooga Storage and Banking company, a small private bank, made an assignment. The losses and deposits are small. Sasaa Fealaaore Cooper. CoopERSTOwN, N. Y., Dec. 31. Mies Susan Fenimore " Cooper, daughter of James Fenimore Cooper, died today ef apoplexy in her 82d year. With eight feetof snow upon the level last week in. the valleys of portions of California, the beauty of Nebraska., as . a winter resort becomes more apparent, " ' y Thoughtful people heed advice, aud profit by it. Our advice to you is, use Oregon Kidney Tea. It has no equal as a"remedy for all ailments of the Kidneys or Bladder, and 25 cents is a small amount to invest for a trial package. For salo by A. P. Streitz; Beginning January 1st. . THE STAR CLOTHING BOUSE - J li v SBBT aajayiaai- WILL SELL ALL . . . nr. Overcoats, Heavy Weight Suits, Heavy Uri derwear, and all Heavy Weight Goods AT WAYlllDWN PRICES, As we wish to Hear "upour winter stock so as to make room for-ca large and excellent line of spring goods. Wishing all a happy and prosperous New E ' i Year, we remain m j Yours "respectfully, !HE STAK. " WEBER & VOLLMER, Props. Mail orders promptly attended, to. A, F. STREITZ, " '' t . . Drugs,, Paints, Oilsffc PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, -w - -mm - - Vindow G-lasSf , , ; Machine Uils Diamanta Spectacles. CORNER OF SIXTH AND SPRUCE STREETS. C. F, IDDINGS, LUMBER HT.;- ! COAL, j v; Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. U. P. TIME TABLE. GOIKO EAST. (o. 23 ... 18 9- o. z. o. 1 n. 21 to 2-3 Atlantic Kxjireas l'nst Mml .Limited I Freight.. r reight Freight Dopt 12:10 a. M. 8 iiO A 21 " 90 A.M. " 7KJ0 a. 31. " B.oo v. m " 4K A. 31 OOINO WEST MOUNTAIN TIMK. Pncitic Ex d reef Ecpt 7:10a. si Limited " 11HX) p. h Frp"iK!:t " v. zi Freight " feCJO A. M N. B. OLDS. Agent. jjlRENCH & BALDWIN, ATTOIiNEYS-AT-LA W, S'ORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. Office oyer N. P, Ntl. Bank. pRIMES & WILCOX, ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW, i'OBTII PLATTE, - - . NEBRASKA. Offlco oier Kortb Platto NaUonal Bank. " H. CHURCH, La LAWYER, NORTH PLATTE, ... NEBRASKA. Office: Blnman Block, Spree Street. ' D R. N. F. DONALDSON, Assistant Bnrgeon Union Pacfic Ballway and Member of Pension Board, NORTH PLATTE, ... NEBRASKA. Office over Streltz's Drug Store. w M. EVES. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, NORTH PLATTK, . - - - NEBRASKA Office: Neville's Block. Diseases ot Women and Children a Specialty. A. P. KITTELL. J. C. VAN NATTA. KitteU & Van Natta, IRRIGATION ENGINEERS. Prospective schemes investigated. Un profitable schemes reiu vena tod. Snrveva. Maps, Estimates arid-reports made, and.1 construction superintended. SS&SSSSf North P!atte,.Neb. 1 PACIHC UN , I. A. FORT, Has 200,000 acres of U. P. R.JR. land for sale on the ten year. plan.". Call and see him if you want a bargain. YOU SHOULD READ THE Chicago -f Weedy 4 Inter Ocea, i a a 1 2-page paper brim ful of news of the world and well selected miscellany. it- t .t. WE FURNISH The Tribirne and 1 INTER OCEAN for $1.60 per year IN ADVANCE 4