The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, December 12, 1894, Image 2

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There are fifty breweries in Chicago,
. and when Milwaukee is annexed to
the lake city the .number will be nearly
. doubled.
That the Sleeping-ear porters have
not disposed of .the Cook gang looks
, like a black eye for tjue .ginnlia simil
. ibus theory.
As yet the only bond ,.of union be
t tween the cities which are to compose
Greater New York iis .a ..bridge, and
t.ven that is in .suspense.
The knock-out blo.wiin the Syracuse
"theater retired tvw pugilists ..who were
posing as actors, iind to that extent at
Je.ast it elevated the stage.
Boston is now using- u red .street
lamp to locate fire-alarm boxes and a
green lamp at police stations, apd the
effect, at night is found ,to .be .ji.uite
A JiKEXCHMAX, M. Turpin, has in
vented a new mitrailleuse which, it is
claimed, fires as fast as 3,.J50 men cap.
with repeating rilles for a minute.
The projectile is an explosive bullet-
Trwelix Ilrtr TaniiK. Modern
Smuggler, Table THoe u-uA -Green
Goods Man'n Compsnlon-IlrJUfJa
Day JUiead for "IVliReliuen.
In a little room oa the top floor -of
a tall east side tenement dwells Percy
Sellers Krankwit, a hopeful, cheery
little man, with bent shoulders and
hair aud beard already touched by the
frosts of time. Percy chose this little
room because the sun sliinos through
one of its two windows nearly all day
long, and here he labors day and night
at the inventions which he firmly be
lieves will one day make him rich be
yond the dreams of avarice, say the
New York Herald.
"Take a seat," he said cordially to a.
visitor who found him out the other
day. "I'm sorry I've nothing better
A numbei: of earnest men are dig
ging for the body of Queen Hoadicea,
at Parliament Hill, England. They
declare that the recovery of her body
is the one great issue now before the
English people.
The case qf the New York woman
who died leaving $3,000,000 and has
cut off her second husband without a
penny is another illustration of the
peril of marrying for money. Some
bodv is sure to "-.t cheated.
Its frightful 1 think that the
death of a woman may have been due,
as charged, to blood poisoning from
the use .of unclean instruments. Not
long ago a San Franeiseo doctor was
found to have carried the seeds of
fatal disease from bedside to bedside
because he neglected to clean his fin
ger nails witji sufficient care.
The United States army is now
equipped with a balloon corps in
charge of an expert aeronaut whose
headquarters are in or somewhere
over Fort Logan. Whether the bat
tery of gas-bags includes a rain-making
outfit is not stated, though it
would seem that artillery of that sort
might occasionally come handy in an
for extinguishing KEEPINC THE
thrmiim . ,mirmn i
One of the recent suicides was in
harmony with the philosophy of liv
ing and dying that is supposed to be
peculiar to the closing years of this
century. The suicide had lived a life
of elegant leisure, denying himself
nothing that he cared to enjoy, and
then when the ftline sort of existence
was no Ipngec posihlg he quietly cut
the cord of his ljfe5
It is agreeable news to hear thai
many hunters in the Maine woods go
around with cameras, and their sole
hope and endeavor is to get a sharp
sjiot at a detr, moose or other Asrge
game. Under thw new system the
jh?st hunter is the one who can show
the most photographic representations
of the denizens of the forests in their
natural surroundings.
The extention of the civil service
rules to new classes of postoffice em
ployes is a step in advance. It ought
to be followed by the inclusion of all
persons connected with the postoflico
department except the postmaster
general and his assistants, who are
chiefs of division. The postoffice
should be no more subject to politics
than the array and navy.
The German kaiser has decided
that artificial teeth are to be pro
vided free of charge to the soldiers,
on the ground that they will be bettei
able to render good gcrvica with
sound teeth than with molars
which ache or are inadequate
Jr, pU"2Pes of mastication- This,
means that every soldier who lias un
sound teeth must haVe them pulled.
As Utilised by the Green Goods Sinn.
than an .old cane bottom chair to put
you in, but if you will call ou me next
month, or perhaps we had better say
the month after, you will find me in
much better .quarters. You needn't look
for me here then, for I'm going to
"Where do you expect to move to?"
inquired the caller.
"Well, I intend to go to the Fifth
Avenue hotel, but I think the Savoy
or the Plaza will suit me better, be
cause I like to be near the Park. Yes,"
he continued, as he saw his visitor
glance about the room and look skep
tical at the mention of the expensive
hotels, "you must remember that Good
year ana Edison and every great In
ventor has been poor. All I'm waiting
for is to perfect my new and wonderful
inventions and get them patented and
I'll have all the money I want."
"And what are your Inventions?"
"My inventions, or rather my discov
eries, are all based upon one principle,
just as all the so-called Edison inven
tions spring from the solitary principle
of the sound of waves. I have been
studying the possibilities of the pneu
matic tire and I expect to revolutionize
society before I get through. I suppose
you've often noticed these bicycles go
ing about the streets with big pneu
matic tires on their wheels? Well, did
you never think of the amount of waste
room there was in those round bits of
rubber pipe? I thought of it a year
peo, and now 111 show you a few of the
tfiingB that I have worked out since
With a SplKot of Possibilities. -
As he said this the inventor took
from tis work table a tire fitted with
a, gman m&tnl spigot similar to thoseL
used in drawing, ale or Deer. . '
"This," he remarked, "is m;traveHj
log beer tunnel. 'The tire is filled witpr
beer at the hprinninc of he ImirnevAi
and whenever the rider becomes thirs
ty, or desires to secure the good will
of the natives through whose country
he Is passing, he simply takes a little
cup from his pocket and draws the beer
through the spigot. On hot days he can
ride liis machine into a cool stream or
lake, and In half an hour his beer will
be of the proper temperature for drink
ing." "Wonderful!" exclaimed the visitor.
"My dear sir, that beer tunnel Is, af
ter all, but a primitive Idea," rejoined
the Inventor calmly. "Now I will show
you how the same principle may be de
veloped. For instance, here Is a tire
divided Into four compartments, each
one of which is provided with a spigot
similar to the one I have just shown
you. One of these- compartments con
tains whisky, another red wine, another
rum and another brandy. Before long
every bicycle club will contain one of
these invaluable tires, which will be
i bicycle arranged
flames couM i-rlde
rforest -and. -extinguish the fire as lie
went. Ah," if I had only had hat ma
chlne perfected at the time of those big
fires in Michigan! Ilere is a bicycle
fitted with -extra large tires, and de
signed for use In the Canada border.
In olden times the smuggler used to use
tinuffled oars when he rowed, and was
sometimes the proprietor of & long,
low. rakish looking craft, as you
doubtless remember. The smuggler of
the .future will wear knickerbockers
and long -woolen stockings, and will
ride on his long, 'low, rakish looking
bicycle across the line which divides
Canada from this country."
"But in the event. of free trade-'
"The European market will always
fce.opeu. and Is, after all, a much better
-one than our own so ;far as this parti
cular Invention is concerned," rejotoed
Mr. Krankwit.
-"But now I would like to show you
two or three other applications of my
great principle. For instance, here is
an ingenious device toy which elec
tricity Js generated inside the tire,
simply ;by trus motion of the
wheel, and the force thus obtained
finally becomes strong enough to pro
pel the machine and Its rider up hill
and down, ithus almost realizing the un
discovered and much talked .of per
petual motion. A theatrical -company
mounted on wheels thus arranged
could escape the rapacity of hotel land
lords, and successfully defy the rail
road companies. Then here is another
invention which I expect will become
very popular in the amusement busi
ness. It Is notmog more nor less tnan
a set of tires arranged in the form of
a music box. and as the rider propels
himself along the wheels play a num
ber of popular airs. Half a dozen act
ors and actresses mounted on these
wheels could ride through the principal
streets of a town, and give, as they
travel, a concert fully as good as that
usually furnished by a circus or min
strel baud. And as the people would
be unable to see where the music came
from they would be 6ure to make a
tremendous sensation."
"What are those very large wheels
intended for?" asked the caller, who
by this time had become very much In
terested in the iuventor and his remar-
kable schemes.
.Haw -the 'Chinese Circumvent the Enemy
of Mankind at a Funeral.
.A'Chinose-foneral is a constant sue
pession of-efforts to cheat the uevil,
who is supposed to be lying in wait
locapture .the soul of the departed.
$k long as the body remains in the
house .the -soul is safe, for the devil
cannot .come in; the risk begins when
the funeral procession starts. When
re.ady .to .march great quantities of
firecrackers and pyrotechnics that
jmit much smoke are set off in front
f the door, and under cover of the
smoke the pallbearers start at
k lirely trot, run to the nearest
sorner, turu it as quickly as they
:an and stop -short. This is done for
the purpose of throwing the devil off
the tack, since it is well known that
he cannot easily turn a eorner, and,
to aid in the deception, whenever a
corner is turned more fireworks are
burned. By dint of turning quickly
and trotting as fast as they can the
bearers finally arrive at the cemetery,
but do not enter .the gates, but go
through a hole in the surrounding in
slosure, for they know that the
baffled devil will be waiting for them
t the entrancs. In the cemetery the
soul is. comparatively safe, though to
make the matter p3feetly secure the
discharge of firecrackers is kept up
until all the.rites are ended.
Tire "Would Win
Wooden Horse.
"That is a sulky wheel fitted with
the same electrical appliance that I
have just shown vou. A sulky so ar
ranged could be brought on the track
with a wooden horse in front of it and
win any race by simply propelling
itself and the horse with the power in
its own wheel tires. But here is my
latest invention and you will agree
with me that it is strictly up to date.
Of course I have to be very enreful In
placing these on the market, because I
don't want to get myself into trouble.
but in less than six months you will
see dozens of them in Central Park
every afternoon. This tire is divided
Left Handedness.
A French physician mentions a
surious case of left-handedness. One
child in a certain family was left'
handed, -Xt3&n-' .second appeared at
the age of one year also to be left
handed. It was then learned that
the mother alv:i3'S carried her child
on her left arm. She was advised to
2arry her child on her right. The in
fant, having its right arm free, began
to grasp objects with it, and soon be
came right-handed.
SKntlsrlrt -n.H n. Disinfectant The
Treatment of Ulcers Shot Klrlnj?
In .Mines Another Car i'eudrr-Ia- Attitudes. j
One of the most ardent of modern ;
physiological experimenters islDr. Kit
asato. a Jap. who is as well known in
the scientific circles of the Western
hemisphere a he is in the far Fast.
Dr. Kitasato has recently performed j
an important series of experiments
with the object of elucidating the bac- i
toriology and intimate pathology of the j
butwnie plague which is now raging j
in Hong Kong. 'Hie plague is discov- j
ered to be bacterial hi causation, and
displays in its progress the usual char-
acteristics of bacterially produced dis- j
eases. Beyond the determination of
the physiological effects of the disease !
in the laboratory. Dr. Kitasato has de
veloped the lact that the dust of ihe
rooms in which persons suffering from
bubonic plague are confined is charged
with the specific bacteria to a greater
or less extent, and that the disease may j
bo effectually introduced from it. '
Moreover. Dr. Kitasato has demon- ;
i strated what mav be of the utmost val- !
ut in the future treatment of diseases .
of kindred type, the fact that the bac- ,
teria are destroved in a few hours by of this fender Is that the body fall
ing upon the fender is raised above
the ground, and is retained as In a
basket. This makes It impossible for
a person to come In contact with the
ground or any part of the car frame,
and no matter how he may fall he can
not be drawn beneath the car or
wheels. The collapsing of the net takes
off the shock which would occur on a
rigid fender or the ground. The fender
Is fitted with extensible wings, which
can either be removed from the car or
adjusted so as to prevent the pedest
rian from being struck by the steps
of the car or from falling off. Under
the front edge of the fender Is a rubber
roller, which, when the car tilts for
ward, acts as a wheel and offers no
resistance. Neither of the experiment
ers suffered the slightest injury; the
man struck the fonder head first, and
the woman, on falling into the net.
stretched out her arm and steadied her
self by resting her hands on the wing
of the fender.
Shot Flrlni? In .Mines.
A new machine is being made i
I r ranee for electric shot firing. With
the introduction of new explosive ag
: ents. a demand has arisen for iraprov-
ed means of firing them, and such
j means constitute an important part of
tne appliances useu irr masting opera
tions as carried on in mines and quar
ries. The definition of an electric fuse
is that it consists of a charge of some
explosive substance suitablv placed in
the circuit of an electric current, which
- -Mr a. Zouisa 21 a! loch
!! ItVAeli AalTvAlllll All II m
And I was a constant sufferer. The poison in
my blood made mv limbs a solid mas3 of wtr.
I happened to read an advertisement of Bood's
oocPs S(Usa-
t parilla
Sarsaparilla in tho paper
ind I at once prevailed
apon my husband to let
mo try it. I sotono bot
tle and it did mo so much
?ood that I kept using it until I had taken twelve
Dottles, and now I am entirely cured, ilas.
Locisa Matlock. Bonita, Texas.
Hood's PillS are purely vegetable. Cc
The Musienl Wheel.
into two compartments, one of -which
contains rolls of good new treasury
notes and the other neatly done up
packages of sawdust. The country
man is taken out for a bicycle ride
through the park, aud in a shady dell
his companion dismounts, sells nim the
green goods and then puts the stuff
away for safe keeping in the tire of
his machine. At the end of their jour
ney he simply opens the other compart
ment; you understand, I suppose?"
"Your inventions are indeed wonder
ful, and fhcre ts a mint of money in
every one of them," said the cler 5
he rung Mr. Krankwlt's hand and
iorted to descend the narrow stalr-
If is now claimed thut Pugilist
liiordan, was not killed by the knock
out blow of Pugilist Fitzsimmons but
by the autopsy which was held soon
after. This presents a novel defense
for murder and threatens novel com
plications. If the jury should take
this view of it and acquit Fitz
simmons, will the surgeons who held
tho auiopsy be indicted as the real,
murderers? "
"Gall on me at the Savoy in six
weeks and I'll have something new to
show you,'cried the inventor from the
The criticisms on travelers who are
accused of cowardice in not meeting
train robbers "in a bodv" are unjust.
The train robber is there on business '
and ready for business. The traveler'
is not. lie is out, practically, for'
pleasure and is consequently in much'
the same position as the fisherman
caught unawares by a bull, and it is.
not to be expected that he should.
fight a train robber at such odds just
for the fun of the thing.
It is to be regretted that the real
drama is not patronized in tho West
with that will and energy it seems to
deserve. This must be the case, how
ever, or Champion Jim Corbett would
not have been compelled to descend
to that soubrette dodge of having his
diamond belt stolen.
The United States consul general in
Melbourne sees a great field for the
sale of American mining apparatus in
Australia, but he advises minors not
to go to that country without money
enough to last them at least six months.
Germany will never know -jrhat
she is missing if 6he decides to shut
out a part of this year's American
apple crop, as she has already done
.the meat. Pork and apple sauce will
not be on the Teuton's bill of fare this
winter, and that in itself is enouga to
raise a revolt.
The difference between the man
who advertises and the man who
don't is- the one finds his floors
crowded and his shelves empty, and
the other finds hi shelves c rowded
and his floors empty.
1 -vat. a
The Table D'Hote Wheel,
placed on the wHeel of some responsi
ble member of every party that goes
out on a cycling tour. Now, here Is
the same principle still farther de
veloped. This is what I call my table
d'hote tire, which is divided into ten
compartments instead of four, and each
compartment contains what you might
call a little trap door. When the wheel
man determines to partake of his din
ner he sits down under the shade of a
tree, takes his wheel in his lap, extracts
knife, fork, spoon and napkin from com
partment No. 1, then lifts the trap door
of the next compartment for his soup,
takes his fish from No. S and so on,
turning the wheel as he eats until he
-winds up with a cup of coffee, and de
posits his nankin and table ware in
the compartment from which he took
them. That is what I call a rather in
genius device, and I can assure you,
sir, that it will not be long before you
will see companies of wheelmen and
wheelwomen seated by the roadside,
with their wheels in their laps, and en
joying themselves as much as if they
were eating a dollar table d'hote din
ner In New York."
"That is, indeed, a remarkable inven
tion," exclaimed the visitor, as he care
fully examined the table d'hote wheel,
"but after all it is, as you say, merely
a higher development of the useful
but primitive beer tunnel, which you
showed me a few minutes ago."
Bicycle for Dltlrwther.
"And are not all of Edison's inven
tions based on the idea of the sound
wavesT' inquired Mr. Krankwit, plac
ing a sly forefinger on his nose as he
spoke "Now, I'll show you something
on rather a different line. This is a
tire filled with the same material that
is placed in those patent fire extin
guishers that you see in large manu
tactories. A brave man mounted on a
KSduiHiiH 5- oiinlmoK sUX
The little insect drops gently and
daintily down on the spot it has select
ed for its attack, and the descent of so
llght'and airy a being is likely to leave
the victim unconscious of its presence,
unless he has actually seen it settle.
Then the proboscis is pointed down
ward, and the tiuy Hps that form its
tip pressed the flesh. The bristles with
in the gutterlike sheath being then
pressed together into one solid boring
imement, their common tip Is forced
down on the flesh, and as they enter
the wound, the trough in which they
were lying- separates from them in the
middle, and becomes bent toward the
insect's breast, the two little lips all
the while holding on tight.
The greater part of the length of the
stilettos is then plunged into the vic
tim's flesh, and the blood is drawn up
the fine Interstices of the composite
borer. The wound, though six instru
ments are concerned in making it, is
extremely minute. Our Household In
Charon's Krror.
Satan ordered the windows op ened
it once. "Christopher," he exclaimed,
"what an awful odor!" Lucifer nod
ded. "Yoiijiiajesty," he explained.
"Charon mustliave got mixed with
his passenger list and .sent that india
rubber man up here hy mistake." It
seemed a very plausible theory.
The Scapegoat.
"Everything that is done in this
house is always blamed onto me,"
sniffled the small boy, "an' I'm jist
gittin' tired of it. I'll run away,
that's what I'll do. Doggone if I
mean to be the Li Hung Chang of this
family any longer."
rvetr Kules for Ulnjjnoslnp Lung Disease
Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 3. Special.
An edition of 300.000 copies of Prof.
W. K. Amick's new treatise on lung
diseases has just been sent out to phy
sicians by the Amick Chemical com
pany, compounders of Dr. Amick's
Chemical Treatment. Old practitioners
sar the book contains the most com
plete set of rules for diagnosing con
sumption ever published. The disease
is divided into distinct phases and
stages, enabling the least experienced
to determine the condition of the pa
tient's lungs. Indications for treating
complications are given, together with
.many valuable prescrhmons. The
company will distribute"" 'from Cincin-
Bait- wire irec fatiion to rconsumn-
tires thrpuMhoAa.
lBdian h
Via Wv.lHb nwnK VTClflWr-Tr a.' latter "fmw
iGaaiipqtcs Kglhuahii and back
agaia lai fre teflf, the distance being
nearly SOO.sailes In some parts where
the Tarahumaris serve the Mexicans
they are used to rnn in the wild horses,
driving them into corral; it may take
them two or three da's to do it, sleep
ing at night and living on a little pin
ole. They bring in the horses thorough
ly exhausted, while they themselves
are still fresh. They will outrun any
horse if you give them time enough.
They will pursue deer in the snow, or
with dogs, in the rain, for days and
days, until at last the animal is corner
ed and shot with arrors. or falls an
easy prey from- .sheer exhaustion, its
hoofs drdpping off.
A Long Nam?.
An English farmer presented
his first-born for christening at his
parish church with twenty-six
Christian names selected from scrip
ture, representing every letter of the
alp habet. Only with the greatest
difficulty could the clergyman per
suade the farmer to content himself
with the first and last of the appeia
tives proposed. The name of the un
fortunate infant was to have been
Abel Benjamin Caleb Daniel Ezra Fe
lix Gabriel Haggai Isaac Jacob Kish
Levi Manoah Nehemia Obadiah Peter
Quartus Rechab Samuel Tobiah Uz
ziel Vaniah Work Xvustus Yariah
Zechariah Jinkins.
substance is to be acted upon by the
exposure to the direct rays of the sun. 1 current to produce an explosion. Ex
Tliis sterilizing action of sunlight has actly how the current acts depends
hitolv boon the subject of some most upon the nature of its source. If it be
l'rlco CO Cents.
App'yBalm into
arrenbt...S V.
important experiments. Prot. Marshall
Ward has shown the bactericidal effect
of light, ami Professor Ihichner has
just completed a series of practiral
tests, which go to show that typhoid
and other cultures arc absolutely des
troyed by bright sunlight in throe
hours. Diffused davlight rapidly rcduc-
higli pressure, the spark is made to
leap across a break in the circuit, at
which point some of the explosive is
placed. If low pressure, a platinum
bridge is embedded in the explosive
and is brought to incandescence by the
passage of the circuit, whereby the fuse
is fired. (Jonernllv. however, a portion
ed them, although if thev wore subse- ; of the explosive itself forms the bridge.
fluently placed in darkness they in-
; lo bo effective a shot tiring system
should (1) lire tho charge with ccrtain-
'. ty; (2) allow tho person whose duty It
is to explode the charge to be at a
safe distance away when the explosion
takes place; (:) be practicably suitable
and applicable to all situations:. (4) be
( obtainable at a low cost. All these
' conditions are fulfilled in the new elec
; trie shot lirer. which consists of a small
creased with tlie same rapidity. 'Io
determine Iho drpth at which this act
ion ceases. Dr. Uurknor sunk partially
exposed cultures of different germs in
a lake. At throe yards bolow tho sur
face tho retarding effect of the sunlight
was only just perceptible, although
light is known to pouotrate water to a
depth of 1ST yards. Dr. Kuckner's ex
periments proved that the bactericidal dynamo. It can be worked by hand
effect of sunlight, in the purification i by means of a handle, the turning of
1 dflETiSTSHBat?:
of rivers has been overestimated, and
its beneficial influence is confined to
the surface. It is believed that the
action is duo not to bactericidal influ
ence so much as to the life struggle
between the pathogenic and nonpatho
genic organism, and the consequent
breaking up of those forms of life
prejudicial to the continuance of hu
man life on this planet. Trofessor
Esmnrch's investigations in the use of
sunlight as a disinfectant have been
confined almost altogether to fibrous
wearing materials. He found that the
heat liberated by the absorption of
light waves upon a dark surface had
to be taken account of. but his experi
ments demonstrated little more than
the surface action of light. At the
same time, a carbolic acid 2 per cent
spray was but little more efficacious
in checking tho development of germs
in the deeper parts of such
or beneath the surface of si
where the bacillus of diphtheria was
which actuates the revolution of tho
armature. When the armature attains
a certain speed. the circuit is made,
and the fuse, with which the machine
is connected in the usual way, is fired.
The Treataieat ef VI ecru.
il anc
BMOlcal anmurcl
known In
of static electricity
cal purposes has
SjWapolnti nn-
any ether country. rom
time to time, however, reports come
from Europe, and especially from
France, of progressive work in this di
rection, and the late results of Profes
sor Doumer. of Lille, in the application
of static currents to certain skin diseas
es and ulcers are of the utmost value.
It would appear that, no matter how
malignant the sore may be, it speedily t for fruit
uccoines amenaoie to tne treatment.
Pieklnsr Apples liy Msichinery.
The time during which apples should
be picked to be their best is short, and
sometimes the picking is so delajed
that the last become over-ripe. Anoth
er disadvantage in taking the harvest
crop is that the supply of pickers may
be shorty and those that are secured
may be careless in handling the fruit,
much of which is cons'?quently braised
and rendered unfit for grading. Many
coi trivances have been devised for fa
cilitating and cheapening this work,
but none has come into universal use.
An improved apple catcher is now the
i materials . s"uJ'cct of an application for a patent.
iin or furs. Tne nl,Paratus is made in two parts
oi cum as or any oiuor strong, uurauie
fabric, such as sailcloth. The lower
part, or-main canvas, is 40 feet across,
in the form of an immense saucer.
enter about the tree coming dowa
ground. Above this us the hi
12 feet sfr-Arcad Uckest
e tree, thebrlhches are sbak
and- the apples find their war down
the ground hi a pile at the base of the
tree. It Is claimed that fruit can thus
hr ffitlini-fwl in nnn-li-ilf tho tlmo nnil
at one-half the expense of hand pick
1 ing. and with a marked improvement
i in condition. The "apple catcher" is
specially serviceable when gathering
fruit from loft3' trees. It may be used
for stack covering when not reuuired
4 W
. The cufer or tap sole ex.
St tends the whnl 1nt,
lltHPn fft !. l .... I .
i&jtectiucthe boot in !!--
puis ana in otatr hard
and don't b put oft
with Inferior soods.
"P-to-mte CLOTHING
SoMdire-t to consumers AT lowest miris
erer before offered. Raj l.rect rrora Im
porters and mantifactnrers. Wo fcip
muCjou from 30to in per emu A tailor
fit oult. t3JM. Kail or winter orercoatn.
Moys" commnatton Suits $2.18.
kik OTtm o its a srn iti.Tr. s-ndto-iiax
for J- ItKfc: mammoth catalog, address
344 Wabash Ave.. Chicago. III.
Worms in Horses.
The only sure cure for pin worms in horses
known is Stekctec's Hog Cho!e-a Cure. Never
fails to destroy- worms in hcr s. hos. sheep,
dogs or cats; an excellent remt'iy for sick fowls.
Send sixty cents in United States postase and I
will send by mail. Cut this out. take it to drug
gist and pay him fifty cents. 71 rf packages
for J1.50 express paid. G O TEKKTEK.
Grand r.-pid. Mich.
Mention name of paper.
Illustrated catalogue ehowinfj WELL
bzxr jTiri. iiftvQ ceen tested ana
mil warranted.
Bfcmx City KoirlBe ft Iron Work.
Bawessort ts recn mis- co..
Mloax City. Iowa,
ire.. Kaaua City, Xo.
o r aftftftrr:i
fft llll
Mr. Greyneck Ah, men know so lit
tle about a woman's sorrows. Women
suffer in silence.
Mr. Greyneck Yes. In fact, I sup
pose that's their greatest suffering.
Paul Llndau, the well known German oot
ellst, ha been appointed Intendant of the
famous court theater at Meinlnf en. He will
aaaame his duties next spring.
o Doubt About His Head.
Admiral Drake, when a lad, at th;
beginning of his first engagement
was ohserved to shake and tremble
very hiuch, and being rallied upon it,
observed, with a presence of mind
(or, at all events, of humor) in which
even Nelson was lacking: "My flesh
trembles at the anticipation of the
many and great dangers into which
my resolute and undaunted head will
lead me."
New Jersey, Please Read.
A gentleman has invented an elec
tric mosquito net which electrocutes
insect pests which come in contact
with it
Winter Tourist Tickets Via the Wabash
Are now on sale to all the winter resorts of
the South, good returning until June 1st,
"95. Also Hakvest Excursion Tickets to
all points south on excursion dates. Jn ad
dition to above. Railroad and Steamship
tickets to all points in the Uniteh States
and Europe, at lowest rates. For rates,
tickets, excursion dates and full informa
tion or a copy of the Home Seekers Guide,
call at Watash Office, 150-2 Farnam street,
or write
G. 2f . Clayton,
X. W. P. Agt, Omaha. eb.
The features of the Christmas Cen
tury are numerous and striking. A
special cover containing a new and ar
tistic design, printed in colors, first
meets the eye. Of the illustrations
twenty-five are full-page, and of these
nine relate either to the religious or
domestic festival. There are Christ
mas stories by Sarah Orne Jewett,Grace
Wilbur Conant and Ruth McEnery
Stewart, and other stories, essays,
poems and. miscellany relating to sub
jects more or less closely allied to the
Billiard Table, second-band. For sal
theap. Apply to or address, H. C. Ajox,
511 8. 12th St.. Omaha, Neb.
Reading maketh a full man; so, too, does
a regular Thanksgiving dinner
nnil .irn- n.ilinllo tlnf linl Cf.ri nil Cl V I iv.o,
umnj v7ivj .....v .v...-.v. plums nuts etc
sapped the vitality of tlie palient and 1 ' ' '
were apparently Incurable, were suc
cessfully subjected to the electric spray.
The treatment is simple and painless.
The ulcer is first washed with some
antiseptic solution and then covered
with a thin layer of absorbent cotton
wool. The patient is placed on an insu-
lating stool and the positive electrode '
is brought so near to the ulcer to ?0Ta!tain iriS. T
cause me passage 01 an uiuuiutai iu.i.
without any spark. This spray, or elec
trical douche, is allowed to play on the
part affected for ton minutes. The
cotton wool dressing is then applied.
The treatment is renewed every three
days. Tlie origin of the ulcer has much
to do with the specific effect of the
treatment. Frofcssor Doumer states
that where the ulcer is due only to
u varicose condition or a blow imme
diate improvement is usually mani
fested, the pain and itching disappear
ing very quickly, the swelling soon 1
goes down, and the ulcer ultimately
heals over. When the patient is great- ,
ly debilitated by old age. liright's dis- (
ease or other chronic affection. In ad
dition to the varicose condition, the !
action of the spray, as might be expect
ed, shows far less effective results. A
case is given of an elderly man who
had formerly been given to drink and ;
who had large varices. In consequence
of a blow, an ulcer appeared on the leg.
The sore was most malignant, and the
tibia was swollen for nearly three inch
es of its length. The patient was treat
ed bv the ordinary antiseptic methods
for three weeks without.marked change
Immediate benefit followed the use of
the electric spray; tlie sittings were
wmtinued dally, and after "the third the
pain and swelling decreased. Marked i fighting ship has long been a source of
. -m . 1 I ... .11 . a. . 1
iree weeks , trouble to navai arcuuecis auu en-
Cars for Trolley 1'nrtle.
! Mention lina hpvri m;n1 5n thpio nn-
es of the growing use in Fhiladelphia
of the trolley cars for special parties
of excursionists or picnickers who are
willing to pay an extra price for the
e use of a car
period. The scheme has
turned out so well that a Baston rail
way company has constructed two ele-
, gantly appointed special cars which are
. to be placed at the disposal of private
parties. The cars are 20 feet long by
7 feet 4 inchos wide. The windows are
unusually large, and when the frames
are dropped the interior is as airy as
that of a summer car. The car is hand
1 somely upholstered'and fitted with elec
tric lights, ornamental kerosene lamps
being provided so that the passengers
will not be left in the dark by any tem
porary break in the electric circuit.
Ten seats are arranged on each side of
the car. and plush-covered easy chairs
with arm rests, enable the passengers
to travel in luxurious comfort. There
will be a special tariff for these cars,
which will be available at any time,
and for any length of time, and it is
not unlikely that as soon as more gen
eral provision is made for the connec
tion of electric lines over extended
tracts of country the chartering of a
trolley car for the summer months
will be found far more enjoyable than
a yachting cruise, besides being infinite-
ly cheaper.
rrrliitSB S
EPAW everrwhtrb. SAFE MftiTAL tur
mateed. The"Kreat aurserieW'Kive vou af HALF.
MlWoBS of the best trees 70 years' experteaee can
crow; they mh leaVtr ana bear fttttar:"-Se.
MjMriim. STAM.Ba2,3is4a, Me., Secksart. W.
aj aj mam aagj si For oenturlei no relief for
m KI'II.Kl'SV wh known tu
I IBaf T the medical prfeislon. To
SI I I Bj advanced science wo are la-
8 Tflpr IBS I debted f-r a sdinple, harm
. Ie, but retain remedy. Onr
little booklet aud circulars tell a.I abo.t it free.
Mjjr. Ni;' TOMC OO.. Kansas
Cly. Ho.
BClHOlwHI Washington, JD.C.
a Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Late Principal Exnminer U H. Pension Bureau.
m Syralulostwar. 12adjudlcatUigclauud.(Uty eiiice.
I Best (.'crash Bjrup. Tastes Good. Usol
in time. Sold by drucewts.
Speculation successfully handled. Seni for Pros.
Mtttusand full information fkck. Increase your
Income, Investments placed. Addr-3
Morton, Ward Jt Co., M & 4 Wall St., 'eir York.
Thomas P. SImrnon, Washington,
D.C Noattv'sfw until Patent ob
tained. Write forlnventor'sGuide.
Voice Taliet 1b FlifliUnsr Ships.
The question of voice tubes in
imnrovement set in. and in throe
cicatrization was complete and the ul
cer has shown no signs of returning.
This is one of the many cases in which
gineers. itn tne oia system speaKing
tubes were never distinct, and by the
time they reached the engine room they
static current seems to have a special were in all probability drowned by tlie
field, and it is now certain that, with ,10ise 0f the machinery. The difficulty
the advent of this beautiful metiioii oi
applying electricity, the possibilities of
electrotherapy in the cure of diseases
and the alleviation of suffering have
is in a fair way of being surmounted.
A new voice tube has been pronounced
extremely successful after trial In a
war ship. Metallic diaphragms are fit
ted at each bend of the tube (every In in irflinnrTr tnlio Qlinrtonc
Another Cnr Fender. j througn wllich 80uml m ,,e
A new car fender has successfully j COUVeyed by 15 feet from the maximum
'icen immensely widened.
passed, a practical- test in Ijrookjyn,.
under conditions approaching those" to
be met in service, 'instead of dummies
being fixed on the track and scooped
up by the net. human beings stood
between the rails and awaited the on
rush of the car. One was a disinter
ested spectator, who was anxious to
try a new sensation; the other was a
young lady reporter. The fender was
attached to the car by a light, strong
of yfiO feet), and the mouthpiece Is sup
plied with metallic cones, the effect of
which is so to magnify the sound that
the voice can be heard clirly above a
din which would ordinarily make the
conversation inaudible.
Decorating: Alamlnnm.
A method of decorating aluminum by
means of carbon has oeen invented In
France. The inventor, M. Greene, has
utilized the principle that carbon unites
with aluminum at a high temperature,
steel frame, which could be shifted to , and forms a durable coating. An alco-
lther end. The net running in front of nouc solution oi curuuuirju maner.
the car. collapsed automatically on re
ceiving a body or impact equal to 40
pounds weight. It ran within 2 1-2
inches of the ground, and a child of 2
years, or a dog. or. Indeed, anything
over a height of 8 inches would by con
tact cause it to collapse. Another feat-
such as oil, is painted over the metal
and then charred. The carbon thns ob
tained is further united to the alumi
num by being heated to a dark red.
It is said that the shading of the coat
ing may be varied by adding certain
metallic salts to the solution.
Tlie Greatest Itargaln Store on Earth
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
Colored Cashmeres, 40 Inches WIc. all
wool. French Henrietta finish. Imported to
sell at C c; sale price 23c yard.
. Fine Series In Black an. Color?. 33 inches
wide, doub.e warp; made to soil at fcc. alo
price .Tic. '
Black Serges. 56 inches wide, 'double and
twisted warp filling. 69 cent quality. Sale
price 39c.
Fine Light Weight, the correct thing for
wrappers, 81.23 quality. Sale price 59c
Different novelty weaves, Armures.
cades, 'blcilllans and other weaves;
quality. . ale price al'c.
Variety of patterns, worth $1.00.
price to.
Ice Crepe Silks, 24 Inches, richest silk
made for evening wear, all the daintiest
eh Sides. Sale price IZc
Brocatclle Silks for siceves, yokes, etc.;
beautiful goods, richest colors,, worth $:.00.
Sale price 51.25 yard.
Every thread Silk, evening shades, worth
5L73. talo price Ssc.
Men's all-wool Suits at $3.00. 560. $70.510
and ?I20. Actual value, f l' up to S23.
Boys' Suits atjl.93, f2JI5, $250,12.75. 55.00 up
to 5.00.
Bequests for samples receive prompt and
careful attention. In ordering Silk and
Dress Goods samples, please state price and
kind of goods desired.
Our lato ITIce List contains an endless ar
ray of Bargains in all kinds of goods. It will
cost you nothing. Write for it.
Write at once for
Sssshs SfxJIesair Wstks. 1208 Douglas St Omaha
rWVttff 2Ul- Ossaes. Books. Notions.
I llf Taney Go-Us- Ac. Wholesale
llll i f2L retail. V w expends.
J to Omaha. Write about IU
H. rlAKDY vO.. 131 Famsm St. Ostihs. Ns.
WAITER AnM"Jt1?tJ" hne our AKKTT
If AH I CU lAMf HOLUIClt Ktm-t house and
ho e houia hare them. No money
required If satisfactory refoxv ncei are clren
ma ha t-PSClALTT Co 508 I leica .-t. Omaha.
for MH and BOTH. If yo
want to rare from C tlO 00 oa
a suit writs for oar new Fall
Catalogue, containing samples of cloth.
Cor. 14 lb aad DoagUa 9tt., Ornate- '