ft Suite 9 ribmw vol. x. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY., NOVEMBER 28, L894. NO. 47. We Lead! Others Follow! All because we buy for cash and sell for cash. Wc stud)- the wants of the general public and do not buy trashy goods that have been discarded by first-class merchants time and ao-ain. For the month of December we will sell goods at the following low prices: DRY GOODS DEPT j St:ven sPools of thread for 25 cts. The verv best Ameskejr Ginjrham at 5 cents per yard. Unbleached muslin one arri wide at 43 cents per 3rard. The very best fast color com forter print at b)i cents per yard. Good blankets at 65 cts. per pair. THE LOCAL DRAGNET. Items of Interest Transpiring the Latter Part of the Week. OSOAIt FIXE SENTENCED -IR. WAItXEiJ sriil'IMSED ALFALFA A OK EAT CHOP -O'J.' NEW HOTELS-OTHER NEWS. Shawls at S2.2; All wool red flanel at 20 cents per vard. Indigo blue prints at 5 cents. The best cotton bats per roll. at 7 cents German blve prints at 8 'z cents. The ver- best oil fast colors prints at 0 cents per yard. Double width dress goods one vard wide at 12J cents. SHOE DEPT. ! Ladies' line shoes, patent tips, jS1.25. Children cents up. school shoes from 75 OSCAR FIXE SENTENCED. Oscar Fine, who had his hearimr in the district court last week on the charge of burglarizing-the house of Mrs. IOmmons and taking there from a lot of bed clothing-, was found guilty and received a sentence of one year in the Lincoln peniten tiar Oscar seems to harbor the impression that he is innocent of the crime; and that the guilt lies on the head of another party, as attested by the following- letter COMPOSITION ON k BOT. A boy is a nian before he is grown up. But his p;iuts only run down to his knees. A boy is a very useful ,-irticlo His usefulness comes in when his big sister wants him to run :m errand: but his print "pal usefulness is in wearing out clothes, especially pant?. Some boys wear out one pair each season. Others wear out two overy week. The cut bo low illustrates a happy boy. V'hy is he happy? Because his mother has bought from us Men's boots at SI. 25. Men's felts at 00 cents. Men's shoe? at SI. 25. in lace or The best velvetines in at 37J cents per yard. all colors I Paden Bros, line shoes, every I pair guaranteed, from SI. 85 up. published verbatim ad Remember all these goods are new and clean, and you will find your sizes and measure perfect. Y u will not get one shoe No. 4 and the other No. 5. One of our competitors boasted in last week's paper about being such an honorable and straightforward merchant. In proverbs. King Soloman said that yon should be praised by others and not by vourself. I can show a record in the various places I have done busi ness that 1 have always, dealt square with 1113' customers and always paid a hundred cents on the dollar and can back it by some of the largest wholesale dealers in the United States, and this is more than the boasting merchant can do. I never had aivy lire lawsuits or any other lawsuits trying to beat 1113' creditors. Let those boasting merchants go and look up their record and they will never again boast about being honorable and straight. So far as competition is concerned, such com petition we do not recognize for we are only selling and buying the verv ! best goods that are made in the country; whereas those boasting mer chants are buying up all the trash that is discarded by lirst-class mcr-! chants and trying to make the public believe they are selling at a big loss. We do not propose to answer every statement made by such mer- ,8 cuants as it is a wasie 01 nine, ior tne puonc Know wuen uiev sec hisl- Sii- class goods, and appreciate square dealings Yours for bai which is literatum: North Platte. Nov. 22, 1894. To The Triijuxe as I have been sentenced to the state prison I will put. a little epistle in the paper they have got a lot of pugerors to send" me to prison while the guilty person to the crime I am alleged as I had at one time a good mam- friends in North Platte but this shaddow which has fallen at my door, but I truly hope the truth will soon . be found out soon for a great main people think I am guilt3 and others think difTerentlly and the man that has sent me to the prison is guilty of numerous crimes and he will end up in the pen though as god be nn witness I am innocent of the crime alleged me Oscar Fixe. tnraius 4- The Boston Store, The only Cheap Store with Good Goods in Lincoln County. , . JULIUS. XIZER, PROPRIETOR. ' 1 " y - -r -vr p - - n 1TT1 iPim ii n 1 North - 4 l?aid up Capital, ("AVE WARXER a surprise. The fact that Dr. K. R. Warner belongs to eleven or seventeen secret societies does not deter him from taking an active part in the meetings of each, and there is 110 man in town who has been honored with so many lodge offices as the Doctor. In view of the interest he has taken in the Imp. .Order of Red Men. he was recently elected to the highest state office in that order. with tfiemajdenfKof the Pocoho tribe feeling tHat.this honon 25 Per Cent Off. 25 Per Cent Off. MILLINERY AT RENNIB'S. New Fall Goods to be Sacrificed. We offer all our elegant stock at one- fourth off on the dollar. Millinery Sale at Rennie's. the AV. A. P. A. invited the boys into the store room formerly oc cupied by McChesney. where a nice luncheon was served. During the evening several sliort speeches were made. w w Dinar, 11. scnuFr A. F. STHEITZ. DIUKCTOIIS: A. D- l!l"CKVOKTII. M. C. MXDSAY, II. OTTKN, I. W. ItAKEIi. M. OI5EKST, All business intrusted to us handled promptly, carefully, and at lowest rates. lodge m III Dolla Don't pay other people's debts. D yVV I Still Selliii": Is the ONLY Hardware Man in Nor th I5latte that ST0 ONE OWES. You will always find my price right. Yours for Business, A. L. DAVIS. DEALER TX Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Sporting Goods, Etc. o o duly appreciated by the nesdav evening of last week, event took place at the room and was ver3 largely attended, those attending- taking with them a wagon load or so of provisions such as is palatable to all red men and maidens. It was a g-athering in which mirth ran riot and happiness reigned supreme. The Gordon cornet band added to the pleasures of the eveninir by furnishing some excellent music. A C.OOU PAYIXC. CROI T am feeling prett3 good just now." remarked AV. O. Thompson, a successful ditch farmer. Frida3 as he renewed his subscription to this journal, over the result ob tained from 1113' seven acres of alfalfa. I let the last growth go to seed, and from that seven acre patch I threshed eight3-six bushels of seed. This seed is now selling for $5.00 per bushel, and may go to This outfit consists of a Double Breasted Coat, two (2) pairs of pants. nil tho latest stylo Stanley C.tp of same material. (Extra buttons with even outfit.) The jjoods are of most excellent aud stylish fabrics especially adapted for service, and wo can sell you the whole outfit as clieap as you can buy tho bare suit from other do lers. liny our Stan ley Combination for your boys and make them happv. Sold bv meetings at Max Einstein, Prop. $6.00. acs-ire-," Fout,." hundred nni iircrirai'iMSMaiT Tile TAinaHC- 77..TF a 1 1 :u9uii will alfitf and thirty rpm seven acres is The Tribune man oiHIr. Thompson warmly conjrratu- sej.l f. a next spinA, an d iiicl: irtv Mr. acres ip the produci ring him a Dr. N. McCABE, Prop. J. E. BUSH, Manager. NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY, Successor to J. Q. Thacker. NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, BELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. FINEST SAMPLE EOOM IN NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of ste, the public is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables aud competent attendants will supply all your wants. . KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE TP1E UNION PACTFTC DEPOT Easy to Take And Perfect in Their Action, AYER'S PILLS Never fail to relieve Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Headache. "I have proved the v:ilue of Qi Aj'er's Pills in relieving dy.eppp- os si:i and headache, with which o complaints I was so lonjr troubled 23 that neither the doctor nor my- 0i self supposed I should ever fie 05 well asrain. Through the u.e of i the above medicine I am better 2i than I have been ior vears." of A. (ASKILL.Vers:iil!ei?. III. Os i iiiiiu iiacii s j jus ir !." years as a catlfartic in liver o! complaint, and alwavs with ex- tremely benelicial eiTect, never 2j having had need of other medi- oi cine. 1 also give Avers Pills to o inv nlii tlTnrt ii'ltnn lirv m-.it.n Ol aiij ijf i iivil L11CJ It'll UJi C jJi Avavs most satisfactorv." A. of A.atox, Centre Conway, X. II. g "Having been severelvafllicted o with costiveness, J was induced oj to try AVer's Pills. Their use has g? effected a comjilete cure, and I oi can confidently recommend them o to all similar! v afflicted." C. A. g: "WiimLVX, iX'ipomo, Cal. AYER'S PILLS gi Received Highest Awards c! AT THE WORLD'S FAIR 2! 0000000000000000000000001 A HLAST FROM GKAXI) ISLAND Anent the Nathan Grand Island. the daily Independent of that place jjives the noted re vivalist the following- blast: Na than's blasphemous reference to the Catholic confessional, last night, ought to disgust any person with a heart tilled with christian grace. His abuse of the Episcopalians, whom lie asserted did not claim to be christians was equally as dis gusting. If Nathan is to be con sidered a fair exponent of "true christians." and a follower of the Lord, "what would Christ think" if lie should appear and find such a disciple creating dissention among our christian people. For the peace and good of North Platte and other places who have Nathan booked for a few nights at the opera house, we would advise them to declare the show off. MINOR NEWS. C. L. Adams returned yester day from a trip to Omaha. -The 'i":Verriia:is fvOill iive a dance at tile opera house this "Wed nesday evening-. Adams is making some of that 'tract is sure to;, revenue that any man might be proud to possess. -In street slang, "alfalfa s the stuff." NORTH PLATTE. HOTELS. North Platte is better supplied with good hotels than almost an other town ot twice its size in the west. Four hostelries, with ac commodations for two hundred guests, invite the patronage of the people who live in and visit the city. On Saturday last Oberst & Breter nitz formally opened the Nebraska House and gave a dinner which would do credit to a Delmonico. This house has been renovated and refurnished and presents a neat and inviting appearance, and we predict will do a good business under the new management. J. C. Federhoof opened the new Hotel Neville the latter part of the week, moving in ! before the" building was finished in" detail. These latter improvements have since been completed, and a formal and appetizing" opening dinner will be given to-morrow. The hotel presents an appearance that must prove inviting to the tired and hungrv traveler. In addition to these hotels we have the Pacific and the Hotel Central, both of which are well conducted. 1 had no case. j Program of the .Meeting to held in The case of the State of Nebraska ! this City December 1st and 2d. against C. S. Clinton, wherein the ! Sam improvements to his residence on west Fifth street. Miss Carrie Belton is in Omaha having her eyes examined, from which source she has had more or less trouble recently. A stimulant is often needed to nourish and strengthen the roots and to keep the hair a natural color. Hall's Hair Renewer is the best tonic for the hair. A. D. Williams is now owner of the handsame residence on the corner of Fourth and Vine streets, having purchased the same of Judge Neville las week. As Mr. "W. did not purchase the house to rent, it looks very much as though lie ex pects to be a benedict in the near future. A cup of muddy coffee is not wholesome, neither is a bottle of muddy medicine. One way to know a reliable aud skillfully-prepared blood-purifier is by its freedom from sediment. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is always briglit and sparkling, because it is an extract and not a decoction. THE Y. M. C. A. CONFERENCE. defendant was charged with pro moting a lottery, came up for hear ing in the district court Friday. After the examination of one or two witnesses, the jury was excused. and the law in regard to lotteries ! and its bearing on the case was j lllgllU UUUll- J UUgC .XtUllt. H 11U decided that the prosecution had no case. He subsequently wrote a verdict acquitting the defendant o the charge. The result of the case is no doubt a keen disappointment Following is the program of the "workers' conference" of the Young Men's Christian Associations em bracing the west part of the state, which will be held in this city on Saturday and Sunday next: Saturday Morninc. Presbyte rian Church 10:00, prayer and praise service: 10:15, address of welcome: 10:30, addresses by dele gates and informal reception to delegates and citizens of North Platte;ll:00.bible reading, personal to the informant, who caused the 1 work; 11:30, adjournment. arrest apparently through business jealous. The county will foot the bill of a couple hundred dollars cost. company e. banquet. On Friday evening last Company E.. Nebraska National Guards, was given an informal spread by the "W. A. P. A. Keith's hall, which is used as a arm room dv the com-1 pany. was occupied that evening, : and the company descended to the SaturdayAfternoon.Pkesbyte rian Church 2:00, devotional ser vice; 2:15, Our relation to the As sociation both as individuals and as a community: 3:00, Dusty and Unthumbed Bibles cause, sin. cure: 4:uu. Aature and manner 01 "Work in small towns: 4:20. discus sion; 4:45. adjournment. Saturday EvenincM.F. Church 7:15. song service: 7:30, The or the Young E. B. Hender- street and went through military Model Y. M. C. A evolutions on Spruce street, march ing back and forth in platoons, company front, etc. Quite a large crowd witnessed and enjoyed this event. Alter the drill the ladies of Man Four Square son. Omaha. Sunday Morninc. Y. M. C. A. Rooms 9:30 to 10:15, Fellowship meeting. Sunday Afternoon 4:15. at Keith's Hall. What can a Man Do? By E. B. Henderson of Omaha. 4:15 at Baptist Church, What can a Boy Do? by John W. Hogue of Grand Island. 4:15 at Lutheran Church, What can a Woman Do? by Harry L. Markell of Fremont. Sunday Evening. Keith's Hall 7:15, Song Service. H. V. Hilliker of Nortli Platte: 7:30. union meet ing. Evangelistic address, E. B. Henderson of Omaha. strong AVIXDMIIX IRKIGATION. The question of irrigation is upon us and we must handle it with good judgement, and never shut our eyes to the practicability of it. Win one western half of Nebraska i enough that most any amount of water could be raised with out any effect on the well. Also there is not a quarter section in Nebraska that properly handled would not catch a very considerable amount of surface water that other wise runs to waste each year. The state of Missouri has more pools over, its surface than any other state, and this is cause for her good crops this season. When extreme dry weather comes there is some thing to cause evaporation also it has been shown what effect the cutting off of all the forests has on the rain fall. The old counties are reforest- C 1 t 1 Til' injf as iast as possioie. Illinois - 1 n.8aiC uu---i:il-u! knew no drouth scarcelv until after ot the land. What it we do not.' 1 .! 1 n r 1. 1.. r 1 : f ,r n t i 1 I ammiiia, uucui uicmusLuuvanu'u of our states in irrigation matters. u, j i HHnois i,as re(ieeined her waste UUIMUIII Willi llll"tlllUll UllLUO. 1 Say that every quarter section west j sloughs and swamps. The great trouble was too much rain. Tilim of the th meridian had a reservior that would cover an acre. If the reservoir was four feet deep it would contain 1,303,192 gallons, which is sufficient to cover 48 acres one incli deep. With the amount of ram west of the 97 meridian it would not be necessarv that more 1 lands. Now to counteract this if she continues to cut off her timber, that state will be subject to extreme conditions of dry weather and wet. We consider that Nebraska with her climate and underflow of water will in no distant day have no peer in its possibilities. A large per 0 1 cent of the land north of the PJatt than 18 nbeirri ted b sur- i or 20 iyches.should. be used on each acre, pelieve that if a ' or b inches were used beside the rain, it would make an average year. At that rate an acre of water of six inches used woum irrigate eirhti - TiiP nnh- Jni.ontnnw mnJnP-. acres, and would not this body of ceive from their ancestors is impure blood. Fortunately, it is in every one's power to transmit a cleaner by artesian wellJPKSIfp-wtol; tuuiun u uaucijv ui mccnanicai 1 Jj 11 (.1111. UIUUVJ JL .4VlJIt. water have some good effect on the remainder of the farm. We will take a well 200 feet deep and put j heritage to their posteritv by the a winumui 10 it. it win raise, with simple use ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla. a three inch cylinder seven gallon per minute, and, pumping ten hours per day. it would raise 4,200 gallons and in 365 days would raise 1.543.- j nori it uuu ganons. or enough to 1111 a reservoir four feet deep and an acre in extent. It is true that there would be some waste of water bv the only blood-purifier admitted at the Chicago World's Fair. STRICTLY IN IT. Tho Chicago, Union Pacific and North western Line offers tho best accommoda tions to tho traveling public on routo to Chicago. Through trains, fast time, magnificent sleeping cars, elegant dining i cars, colonist sleepers, reclining chair A 1 1 I T .1 I in-i.-, a ...,.11 ciire !iim namisomo tiny conencs, lV.4inU(. 411114. - tlflf 1 41 HUH. XV of the above capacity flows enough water to irrigate four tenths of an acre per day. The underflow in the Studebaker Wagons j Hershev & Go's. at The World's Tribute to Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Highest Honors Awarded by the World's Colum bian Exposition. Chicago, 1893 World's Fair HIGHEST MEDAL awarded to Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder The highest award was given on every claim, comprising superiority in leavening- power, keeping properties, purity and excellence. This verdict has been given by the best jury ever acocmbled for such a purpose, backed by the recommend ation cf the Chief Chemist of the United States Department cf Agriculture, Washington, D. C, who made an elabor ate examination and test of all the baking powders. This is pre-eminently the highest authority on such matters in Arncric Thi3 verdict conclusively settles the question and proves ihit Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is superior in every way to any other brand. Inote. The Chief Chemist rejected the Alum baking powders, stating to t.:o World's Fair jury that he considered them unwholesome. E3 i