The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, April 25, 1894, Image 3

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    If . A.
Hey wood sleepers at James Helton's.
H. Otten and family moved out to
, the farm yesterday.
Are you going to the Engineer's
May Part on Tuesday evening next? It
Bet, why not?
The rite of baptism was administered
; to twelve persons at tbe Episcopal church
- Sunday evening.
Charley Black has been making
acme material improvements to his resi
lience on east Third street
John McCullough, of Maxwell, was
in town on business Monday and gave
The Tribune n brief call.
James Belton has the largest stock
of organs ever brought to tho city. Prices
re low enough to suit anyone.
Mrs. Willard Hanson has fallen heir
to considerable property in Sweden by
tbe recent death of her father.
P. E. Sullivan, the well known Wal
laceitc, writes Tiie Tribcxe tliat he has
concluded to move t Canndn.
A sister of Henry Waltcinath arrived
.from Germany Sunday night and will
make her home iu North Platto
That min was worth a million or so
to tho poop! of Lincoln county. Let
the eood work go on, Brother Piercy.
Quite a number of spoi ts f rom Goth- I
burg and Cozad came up on No. 5 Sat- !
wrdry erening to witness the fistic cn
- counter.
C. P. Dbk. who is ompln-;d in the-
- county clerk's office at Sidney, caruo
down home on a visit tho latter part of
tbe week.
Pearl Ambrus went to Cozad the
1 utter part of tho week to as-time charge
of the Pair, vice Joo Richards who has
returned to this city.
"Win. Gradv closed his saloon on
Jfront street Saturday night and it is
- rsaid ho will accept a position in the
county clerk's office.
Tho firm of McMiuhacl & Raynor
having been dissolved, tho former will
carry on tho business, with shop one
door west of McDonald's bank.
" - A local weather forcastor predicts a
hot summer and lots or hail: but then
A ftliie. fellow may be in cahoots with the
hail insuranco agents and makes his pre-
dictions for a monetary consideration.
John E. Evans nud A. B. Hall will
probably construct a small irrigating
djtch. on their lands on tho north eido or
tho rivor. They have filed a water richf
sufficient to irrigate six or seven hundred
acre of land.
"Jack" McColl.who stands a mighty
good show of being the uexl governor .of
Nebraska, tarried in town a few hours
Saturday. Ho is iu tho fight for nomina
tion to win, rtgardj' ss of ajl who mpy
.-.-eater tho field.
II. P. Kollnor, who had the contract
for constructing tho Keith irrigating
ditch from White Horso creek finished
the work last week. The wr.ter is of
sufficient volume to jrrigato several
hundred apres of lnpfl.
,--We are informed that the ditch
faraters have almost closed out their last
year's orop of potatoo. Tho nrlqos ob
during tho past winter iivcrag?d
A half 'dozen candidates will ride the
goat at the hall of the Maccabees this
Mumps aro quite prevalent' in town
and tho schools are being decimated by
tbe disease pension ot uus bmith, winch j Bishop Graves will bo hero on
was hung up at Washington for some Thursday of next week and hold services
bout fifty cents per bushel, but even at u,0 centra! oflice lines, etc. As
that price the orop is a paying one.
Tho band -gavo its initial stroot
eeaeert Saturday evening and highly
pleased a largo audience wi h the Upe
quality rf music rendered. Future con?
certs will bo looked forward to with
eagerness by tho public,
A gentleman who has traveled over
considerable country In the west part nf
the state tcUs us that the winter wheat
ia most sections will be a failure. The
spring wheat, however, looks quite well
ooasidering the very dry weathpr we
have had this spring.
. Manager Lloyd is fortunate in secur
ing the Chas. A. Gardner Co., which will
be at tho opera house on Wednesday
evening of next week. Mr. Gardner is
one of tho best comedians on the stage,
and ia a singer ot high repute. "Tho
Prize Winner' is a comedy that will
please tho North Platte people.
-J. AFqrt returned. Sjuqday from a
.rtnp along the Cheyenne branch pf the
it M. railroad in (he interests pf irri
gation, Last week ho held eix meotings
and added four hundred mpmberg to the
state irrigation association. Jn pearly
all the places he found the poople very
enthusiastic over the question of irriga
tion. Mr: Fort leaves noxt week for a
trip along tho Republican valley
Our people should not forget the
teachers' meetings at Keith's hall ph
"Friday and Saturday of this week. Thp
sessions promise to bo highly interesting
and it will not bo but of place for the
public to drop m and profit by what is
. said. Chanc'el'orCanfield, of tho State
University, will deliver a lecturo Friday
evening, on which occasion there sho jid
be a packed house.
The supremo court has reversed tho
flapjsjpn pf t'pp district cpijrt jp thp
rAawhat celebrated county attorney
txwteet caso between Martin and Miles
of Sidney, thus giving the latter a chance
to do a little crowing. Tho case of the
Cheyenne county commissioners, who
werefcharged with malfeasance of office,
' caste up for hearing in the district court
kwt week, but Judge Neville dismi-sed
the cafe.
George Bobbitt informs The Tiji
HCjrc that the rncing matineo to bo hld
at the fair grounds next month will bo
an ft rent worthy a lnrgo attendance.
fXb.f9 will be a ficcd. Hiring of rijpnere,
lfJiiffi sn ppcor'; romp pf which will
m brought in from surrounding towns.
The trsck w 5n excellent condition, n
jo&, Mr, Jiobbltt wye, m apy trnpk in
tlotflj. Thp date of tho matineo and
thf ape; programme will bo published
C, E, Norton wbb a vc.ty much Rtir
primi roan Monday evening, tn much no
ltw arc not ftiirc that ho firm yet
fHy twrfbrvl. Jt wn hit forly-flfth
UriMtty and uUnti fifty of UU mwt fnti
wMtftUmtU armtAmltxl that a nurpne
pfty oM fit tho CHtt'AKiun. Whvy
fmf4ff tfU the Jh'orfpa ridenco by
. fcod PVtiCttuHy carried llifrr
iht t4 tmrpiMoff "Mie olt! mnti.M
;inm t Mn't UtUv Or pnrfy ipng
imtiim,,y tlwlr appwr,
MMlM him m mm, It mm nn
Mm wp &M fi jAy )pi) hu thfty tc
"mIM n imM'4 ry myjynhU
time, has been rei-Bued to him.
James Hall returned from Omaha
Friday morning, having about recovered
from the surgical operation performed
on his leg.
Monday's precipitation amounted to
just one inch. We could stand two or
three inches more, but aro thankful
for what we received.
Karl Gardner is a graceful dances,
as well as a sweet singer. It is not often
that nature bestows bcth accomplish
ments so liberally on the same indi
vidual. Look at the display of huo carpet
sweepers in James Bel ton's window.
Tho county commissioners havo been j
in session for soveral days past, their
time being devoted to viewing roads and
bridges. Yesterday they wcro at Max
well and to-day they are at Somerset.
Marshal Huntington ha3 received
an invitation to attend tho convention
of chiefs of police which meets at St.
Louis ihc early part of next week. Ho
has not yet decided whether ho will
C S. Clinton has ordered an electric
clock which ho will place in his store
and connect with the wires at. tho tele
graph office. This clock will bo rcgu
Sated by wire from Omaha at ten o'clock
each dav.
Tho Jewish holy week of Pascah
began last Friday and is being observed
by tho Hebrews of tho city. One of the
church requirements is that no leavened
bread shall bo oaten durin" tho week.
nor dishes used on which fomented
articles of food have been served. As a
general rule, ono sot of dishes is used
exclusively for this week.
The records of the local signal office
for tho past nineteen years show tho
warmest Mcy to have been that of 1S8G,
with an avenigo of sixty-three- degrees,
nnd tho coldest that of 1SG2, wish an
average of fifty-two degrees. The aver
ago date of last killing frost is May 8th.
During the nineteen years tho average
rainfall for Mny is recorded as 2.S1
inches; the greatest precipitation, i.93
inches, occurring May, 18S3. Tho driest
Mny was that of 1337, when loss than
one inch of rnin fell.
James Bultoii sells sowing machines
at very low figures. Price them and be
E. J. Milner, conn; Itmg ongineer of
Denver, was in town yesterday, the ob
ject bt his vmi being to look over tho
ootiptry for the purpesp pf appertaining
tho most practicable route for a north,
eastern extension of the Denver & Port
Worth road. Tliero is every reason to
believe that this road will build a lino
from Julesburg to Sioux City within the
pest year, Somo facts ig regard" tp tip's
propped road which are not yet redy
for publication, will bo given in these
columns in a couple of weeks.
City Clerk Sorenson has received a
letter from W, S. Cook, manager of the
Excelpjor Mfg. Co. of Squtii Omaha,' in
which he slates that ho desires to put in
and operate a telephono rystem in North
Platte. Mr. Cork's prqpcjsifcjGr. is tq sell j
the phones. 'it- gpQ each, anit..c:r:rge
patrons 3J..i0 pormonlh for tho use of ;
at tho Church ot Our Saviour. Ho will
confirm a class of eighteen or twenty on
that day.
From tho fact that quite a number
of trees woro bauled through tho streets
Monday it is fair to presumo that at
least a fow-of our people observed Arbor
Day in a fitting manner.
Hey wood sleepers at James Belton's.
It is said that Rev. Nathan, the con
verted Jew, who is now at St Paul,
Minn., expects to visit this citj- in the
not far distant future, but whether he
expects to conduct a revival we did not
The second annual convention of the
Elevonth, or North Platte, District
Christian Endeavor, will be held in tho
Lutheran church at North Platto, April
29th and 30th, 1891.
Mas. C. L. Adams, Dist. Sec'y.
Tho revival at'the Methodist church
conducted by Rev. Clay Cox, closed tho
latter part of the-week. As a result of
these meetings fifty-thrco persons were
converted, and twenty-seven received
what is known as tho second blessing.
Hank Chestnut, of Paxton, last week
succeeded in running down and roping a
largo grey wolf. Tho chase was kept up
for fifteen miles and it wss only by
changing horses twice that Hank was
enabled to overtako the wo!
With tho exception of a few placer,
tho street di'chcs carru-d off tho water
in good shape, leaving the road bed in
nice condition. With a of
the improvements which have been made
during tho past two years, our streets
.vi'l eventually bo ia a condition beyond
While assisting at tho quarterly
meeting of tho Methodist church at Pax
tou Sunday, W. J. Cruzen was presented
with a handsomely bound Biblo by tho
people of that place. This gift was in
recognition of .Mr. Cruzen's services at a
revival held at Paxton a month or two
Tho scet singer, Karl Gardner, has
met with great s access Tn all part of the
country, his singing in particular, being
tiua mouraw reiurnea sattMssw
a two weeks' visit at Columbas, M'
Will Briggs and. family lift
:t. , . ti in i'-T .-. a.
uiym mr u visn wjin inenos at
Til --'-
nf n it : I... . 'srf
i.u. j. lugtuu itill lust
Sterling, Colo., on business
with the Tobin estate.
Miss Annie Anderson, late a
the postoffice, left 'Monday nicht
lin'tnn npnf 'Rlflirr NnU J!
Judge Hoagland left yestepsmy i
east part of the state to deliver
Fellow anniversary address. ')
Chas. Byreley" left yesterday isr
Sioux-, Iowa, where he will-joias
connected with a circus. ' 4.
" Mrs. Lester Eolls returned huaaa
day night after a 'two weeks1 visit
Council Bluffs ind Omaha.
Mrs. S. D. Wadsworth and cbUaeaiC
Sioux Falls, S. D., arc tbeguesUef jaK
lady's sister, Mrs. 3l. F. Hinmsn.' V:2
Mrs. J. v. OJark and Mrs. F. L. PreH;
oricks,of Wellfleer, were tho
Usai fen .
ssawssasaa -
"J'Wiave a fine line of Sterling Silver Hair 'Pins, Hat
Pin, Umbrella Marks, Hat Marks, Corsage Pins, Swords
ft and the latest thing out, the new Wreath Pin in Gold and
K -r 1 A:f, 1 : i-r?t ,tt i n . .
finana . uuc line oi ouver ware ana .ut Ulass.
. - CLINTON, The Jewei.f.r.
North Platto frieods last week. ?
Georgo E. French wont to Cheyedsje
last night. Mrs. F. has been tbere.fc
more recoiving medical.'
1 ip;
week o
mont V -:
Mks Almcda Clark, of Denver, is
the city, tho guest of Mrs. W.
She is accompaniod by a yoaag
irienc. - - y
Luke Haley left yesterday for
York whore he will assume chaaajaj
bar outfits located on tbeWiM;
show grounds.
Arthur McNamara and WiH.
spent Sunday in Fremont, the
tho la' ter and l late a veryv-sjl
piaco for tho former.
D. H. Wheeler, president of tbe O;
city council; passed through
yesterday. Ho had been spend
mouth in California.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D, Cotton, wha
been spendiug the past year or twfr.f
their daughter at Beatrico, returaiMa
xkibue out voices me somtment
very large .audience present at
's hall Saturday evening when it
nces Jliss Farnsworth's entertain-
t one nf the most pmovnhlo and
irUiest:ever presented to North Platte
seefte. "
'1 Tki programme opened with a well
teeatcd piano solo by Miss Jessie Bratt,
vfUoed by a nicely rendered recitation
Uy.Miss Nellie Hartman. The "Minuet,"
in which tixtecn little boys and girls
fgrsd,va8 then presented. Dressed in
Coatioontal stylo, tho children made a
sretty picture, and executed the different
of the dance with a precision
aad.gracefulness creditable to ones so
assail; The presentation took well and
Kb" i- mi - tr T
reowreu a uenriy encore, xuo x. jr.
. ....... . .
tte sang one ot tneir "cnesmuis,"
the city Monday night.
A. J. Mitchell is. in town .to-day
ing hi3 old acquaintances. He
from Lincoln last night and
Denver this evening-
Henry Sebuff, C. F. Iddius nodritt
. awi
universally admired, while his light and J M Wober ;verJ nm tho Nortbsftr
an in
ducement c put in the system ho asks
Tor 100 Those interested
should "o;l; into the matter,
C. A. Jlcts, rpprrs utlng a Kansas
City electrical company, was in town for
a few hours Monday evening and gave
city clerk Sorenson fouip information r.s
to the pnst ut on elpBtrjc light plant.
Mr. Pi- r? figured that for 810.000 th'-city
could put in a plant of thirty arc" and
900 incandescent lights, and allow 6803
for the construction of n power hpusp.
ThlP wpuld oover pPt pf thp plnnt oojn
plote iu every detail. It seems to us
that while putting in a plant we should
havo ono of a little larger capacity than
tho alxxre: not that wo would need more
than thirty arc lights at present but to
meet future requirements. Mr. Ttoss
left for the east on No. 8 Monday night,
and if the city votes bonds his company
will put in a bid for ep.nstrupting ths
The Missouri Synod of tho Lutheran
church seems to be opposed to secret
societies and cpmc time ago Ffuno mppir
bcr of tjint chtiroh IjYjqg near fJprth
Pjatto joined tho Knights of the Macca
bees in this c'ty. Their minister, Rev.
Sam Kathka, has told them that they
must leave tho church becaus? they hayo
alliod themselves with an organization
.hat js opposed, as hp s ip. to tjie wp.r
qf Gqd. We take it tqat ivhpn a man
une uanciug is ui envy or tne most en
thusiastic experts. At Lloyd's opera
house, Slay 2d. '
Tho Lntherau people aro making
quite a number of improveroer.ts around
their church yard, among which is tho
planting of a largo number of trees. Had
these trees been planted whep tho church ;
was first erco'ed the result at this tiqio !
would projiably bo very gratifying.
- Swinging rocuers at James Belton's,
Tho petition presented to tho school
board a-king that a Fpcuinl eloction bo
he'd to voto 820,000 eohool bonds will bo
repallcd, and a petition asking for a
greater amount or bonds substituted.
Don't diily dally with tho matter too
loag, gentlemen. If that b jilding is to
bo erected this year the sooner it is com
menced the. better.
Tho ladies of tho Catholic schurch
wish to inform the public that they are
nrcp;:r:ug to ccryp tip supper- for the
r.ngiuoers' ball, May 1st. Also that they
ill bar -prepared .to" servo" sppper, ice
creaip and cake from o p. m, tho re
mainder or the evening. Their suppers
arc noted r.s being equal to tho best and
thfy nr? spqriog no pains ju m.aklg thi?
oqp aq eeeptipi;,
-.-Tiie jroprcvomects which Mr, Lloyd
iti having made to the interior of tho
opera house will bo finished Saturday.
The gnl'encB have been extended six or
eight feet and the walls ot the building
recovered. The underparb of tho gal
leries has been covered with tar paper
apd abestos, which wiil deaden theroupd.
heretofore so notjepabje when peruus
wcr? iViiiUipg ajGHff tii3 galiory aiaios.
The suggestion tliat attorney JRhea
organize a company of common wcalers
and march on to Washington, will prob
ably net be acted upon by that gentle
man. Since the contested election cases
at Sidney have come to an end Mr. Rhea
has some leisure time on hand, hut U
will bo employed in plaptipg a lp,t of tj'n
cape vjth the expectation of raising a
crap of wash boilprs in which tp. drown
tho members pf tho republican partv
tMsfall. - i v
The street cpmpiisEioucr to bo ap
pointed under tho new administration
will find a number or crosswalks in bad
repair on the streets running east aud
west, and in reporting the same to tho
council it will bo well for that bdy to
order that stone bo used iu the center af
tljp voil:3. pip stpno walks wljich hqvo
b. pi put in are proving very satisfactory
jojns a church he dqes it for the purpose ! ppd fupd to bo much cheaper In tho
of Insuring his coul In the hereafter and
when a man joins a lodge ho decs it to
assist in protecting what belongs to him,
namely, his wife and family. Wo should
like to ask tho Rev. Kathka what he
knows about the Mrccabccs or any other
lodge that ho should oppose them, or if
ho is only following out the instruction
pf thp Sypod fg whipli hp bglo.nys.
A lot of now Rak chamber suits aro
just opeqed at Jp.mps Beltaq's,
Tho sgoond anniversary entertain
ment last night by tho members of tho
local division of tho A. O. H. was a com
plete success. The hall was packed to
long run
than those constructed of
We have received a carload of
choice Colorado potatoes, which
were raised in a sandy soil and are
said to be dry and tine for tab.lg
usg. piae your p.rdcr at onte be
fore they are all gone. The famous
rnigbury's Eest flpur is reduced to
$1.35 per sack. This brings it
within the reach of everybod'.
Look outfor the bogus Minnesota
Hour sold by other dealers for
suffocation with an enthusiastic audi-) Piilsbiiry's Eest- Eggs at 12 dozen
enco which was quick to express its; for $x mQQ js cieaper than meat
appreciation of tho numerous good i tt
1 t f .1 mi A" tor sale at Harrip.gtpn & Tobin
features of tho programme. Tho music ; . ivlii 0 o G : 5
hv Monnfran'H orrhpstm w::s TictPr innrn : '- 1k'MIM6. g.0ei.
.vas pevec lop,rqj
Tbe jig' daric-1
rfnnn- I "tl. - 1 . n i . ....
v"r.. vo'inuB a. 'jarancr. tuo mimitnu e
receiveu German dialect
comedian and swee.
linrnianipusly rpndered
ing by James Fjyh'n was yoll
' 'a . -mm
ami 11 surpribwt many in 1110 audjenc.o ( gingor, i. familiar to everybody ye .3 ster.
to discover the nimble jlexterity with ofUjp '4 maDtu' in" the' dramatic
which Mr. Flynn jiandlcd hip ppdnl ex.-1 WOrld, comes to our citv with .1 rare trea,t
Ku?HM" "411 e'RMWjrnpp3 eucnea for our amusement lovers. Ho will
appear oq Wf dqesdoy evt-niog, May 2d,
hearty ivob pf nppWl-o jind
concpptiop UUl manor evidenced the , at Lloyd's opera house in a new comedv
prevailing ohnrnotoristic of tho average ' entitled "The Prize Winner," written bV
Hlbcrnlnn to enjoy a lioarty laugh, and ' Dr. E. A. Wood and James R. Garev, o'f
look upon tho bright sido of lifo. A Pittsburg. The new play is not a one
race of people who can bear up under part or star piece, but gives full scope
centuries or oppression, no has the IriBh for the display of Mr. Gardner y$uu.
people, must certainly bo thorough ity and clover lents, white tho other
optimists. Tiio vocal Bccecljops randorcd cKaracters "in tho cast are strong and
by tio YrlQMB eintforb wero cvccntly will be interpreted by a thoroughly
executed nnd jrnvo good satisfaction. 1 compeiout compaov of the best actors in
The concluding farce "Tho IriBh Liucn , their respective lines. Mr. Gardner will
I'edrlter" gnvo tho participants nn eiug soveu npw sopgs, entitled ipfaUpra
ppjtorlpnity to their ability ns fThoTrocre'.Triwmpli.'-itiTho Hunto.r,""
C(iminn9ipimntiperjijghlynp;;cpblc; Vand Prill," App!o "lilossoms Thp
loth nudianiv. At tho conclusion of lluttoifijV'Tho Flower Girl" nnd "Tho
thti rular programme dancing wan in- j Wedding Bells." The situations aro
diilgnd hi until ono o'clock, when thoeo ( natural nnd possible, and tho startling
present dfupornod to their homes well hcciio or nn avalancho that presumably
mtUfied ilh the ovcningV pleasures. I buries nil Vho principals is intensely real.
ters who visited Nebraska's uetrjo4sM
f tliG latter nart of the week. '
... I
I Dr. Donaldson left last week
; Chicago on a business trip. : 3r
; accompanied him as far as Omahftr.aijl
: returned homo Saturday moroiDir.'
! Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Slruthers;fe
eaiuraay evening rrora a vcn' MM
visit at tho Robeson ranch on Fos
Rev W, E. Hardawny returacd-
from Kentucky, wtioro he had
Jpg a well earned month's vacaiica.
comes back feeling much improved t
t II.. -
After being confined to his".
eigluy-ono days on accouut ot a
leg," Vv. E. Beach mado his aepMrtse
on tho streets last week nnd wM'jMMH
greotod by his f ngnfls.. 'f'
Ml s Frnsworth will bid berrf)
I'lr.ttc friends adieu next weekssdlffre
friends will miss her- greaUWS
for her return in tho pprirPpppT
Mr, and MrF, Smith Chirk 1m vs tev
morrow for their now homo Is ' Council
Dluffs. Thoy aro people whom we jefcrot
to fcc leave North Pln1te,but along with
many friends wish them success' and
happiness ia tho Iowa city. 'J 4
Col Cody left for New York last, week
to get things in readiness for thq'open
ing of tho Wild West. JoliBrtBirke,
Chas Trego and several others wb,ortyiU
b,o in t'po C-aloqel's employ loft for'tthe
east yesterday on No. if.
John Evans received a lottexjrom
Judgo Church this.morning in wbip;b
states that ho mado the trip to GoIosjipjo
Springs in good j-hnpc and wnsBotrJseK
ing any bad effect fnlm thV joWfiey.
We trust tho Judge will rapidljrj iWpf-
Is I'Pr laVH wpivww "jtfW
ghape'C If not take it tq JoJri LassMfctf
and havjj him repair Z 1 i7 to 1
Quite a pqmber pf lads..4a.fij Ibms
aiieqqcq a party a tnMawsBl!
nm litre Irl V 1'tl.nhi in! Ulioan
wsis-called back, gavo chestnut No. 2;
ere followed by tho scarf drill,
pated in by eight young misses,
assumed tbe form and expression of
it ion, ridicule,, basbfulness, etc.,
a creditable display" of gracofulness;
kiss scene-being eppeoially boauti-
ralfNjld touching. Tho participants were
A half di.zen little boys and
lBDg "Tip your hat to Nellie," and
i'fhcartily applauded. Mr. Bullard
sBttoad Tennyson's "Dream of Fair
'W'Ssaan," and as the characters in tho
Vere mentioned a representation of
-appeared behind a picture frame
fkmis' against 'tho rear curtain. This
wmT veryplea9ing part of the enter
tainment: Train Cody delivered a short
recitation, followed by a brief intertnis-
sioa and the final act, consisting of a
farce entitled ''Marplot," was, rendered.
Tboee taking part woro Mr. Amsbary,
M ttH;Kmmph, Mrs. Sprngue, Misa Hail
aad RirnsvrortH. encb of whom played
thpir character well,
TTie re wera nearlv 400 ner?ons in ths
't x .yf-idjl-0"00! an" l"ry alj had.n good , word
for, Miss Farnsworth, who certainly di?
played much care and patience in drill
ing those taking part.
. " Fpnght Trchty JRiiund.
ilLv t in.:.:i.
ABB DlilllliJ' U.MIIUI11UI1 II u UliUIl S
athletic roQms Saturday erening bclwcen
the "Black Pearl," of Cheyenne, and
Darkey Morgan of Medicine product,
Bfoted an interesting occasion to tho
fraadred or more who witnessed it. The
boat was for tho gate receipts which
SBMHintcd to about $100. Pat O'Brien
.aajfcsd as referee. Tho colored bovs
eateredthe' ring at 9:30, shook hands,
Md? then .the fun for tho spectators
bogaa. The rontestauts wcro pretty
vealy matched, displayed scientific
tewnikig, nud went at each other with n
vita,, For twenty rounds tho men
puncbedeach other in an approved man
or, the" Pyarl being knocked down threo
Hloiea. npd Morgan Receiving con
aiderablo" punishment. Tho fight waa
considered a draw nt tho end of ho
twentieth round. It ib likely nn effort
will ho made to havo the Ser.egnm'bians
face each other again.
George Gibbons and crew aro baling
and loading bay for Frank Lawrence of
North Platte a short distance up the line.
There are but few days pass but what
thero is somo one from abroad looking
for seed potatoes in this locality, but
they have to return empty handed as the
crop is all, or nearly all "disposed of.
We were informed by the best of
authority a few days ago that tbe came
of tbe townsite recently platted just west
of Hershey by the ditch company was to
be named Stimson in honor of a former
superintendent and also a recent resi
dent of this precinct.
John Tallmago and wife of Suther
land were tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Gibbons Saturday. They also
Shop and Koad Notes'.
Engines 691, 833 and 821 will come out
of the shops this week.
Geo. Hartman is running a train on the visited our Sunday school while on their
Kock Island and Pacihc out of Eldon, way home Sunday.
10 wa- It is said that the pow-wow at. Her-
A foico of workmen came up yesterday I hey, recently started over the postofBce
morning to repair the slate roof on tbe I at said place, has becomo general and
round-house. that there is some talk of calling on
.Toa Ornpo un hno Kr. -oi-b-m 4 Coxey's commonwealers to quiet the
ftio Imilnr clinn luff. fififnr1v ninlit f I 88006.
Laramie, Wyo.
Tho carpenters will .in a day or two
begin tho erection of an addition to the
sand house.
Conductor Ziebert mado his first trip
Sunday after a four months' lav-off
I. V. Zook is cultivating about forty
Or fifty acres of ditch land just west of
this station this season.
Ditch-boss A. B. Goodwin took in the
sights at tho county seat last Saturday.
It is stated that soveral of the sports
in f.fiia Innntifir n-itnoccal iVtt firrkf
urougiu aoouioy a Dadly sprained ankle, tween a couple of colored boxers at the
Will Goodman, who has been stationed Platte Saturday- evening.
ai oiening ns round-house machinist for J.'B-McKoo and W. E. Parks, two
a couple ot months, hns been tn town for former residents of this community but
a day or two. ..I now located at the. countv canital. were
A now switch about threa.-quarters of viewing the scones of their former days
a mile m length is being laid at Jules-" tbe first of tho week.
burg. This will, facilitate tho transfer. and Mrs. W;. O. Thompson were
work at that point. county seat visitors on Saturday last.
Threo air numos.which will be used in M,S3 L5'n Iyfon is visiting her sister
convoyii.jr sand from tho sand house to mm& o rtatte at this writing.
engines in the round house, havo been Joha ToillioQ has fenced in a portion
nlnced in thn-lntforhmMinrr o the east part of the Feeken farm
UftBng rw(trtkcWoT
Sells tlie above Coifee
together with a complete lin ) of
im m m mm
Prices Always Eeasontble.
Paid For Countrv Prorlnea
IT I .
.- : j. s a ; i l
' v
That elegantJv. P. charm worn by
Wm. Whitlock was presented tb hiis a'
couple of weeks ago by tho Grand IaAnd
Gold Cure Club as a recognition oftpe
interest he has taken r the Q(aiiid
-foh.n Bratt tells1 iisthat quite t iftce
of men and teams aro at work -bi tte
big irrigation ditch which will 'ra
through the counties of DeuelrKeith aaV3
part of Lincoln . It is not expsctsdjfct
this ditch, which will be one taassX
miies long, and cost three qnartsip ef
a million or dollars, win jwa
pleteu this year, but tho work wj
pushed forward, f) r.fp!ly. as jisRtitaai'r
Tl-,e Concert
Tho concert to be given at HaflS
opera house ne.t Tuesday erMfcf;!)a
connection with the Eugineerli.
Party by Bartling'e orchestra of
members will bo the musical treat eftb
season. This orchestra is one of the fctit
musical the siat; ;ht
ns tho members havo played belfry
North Platto audiences in the past Mtf
need few wQrds pf praise at u.rhaNtj.
Tbo programme for 'Tnesdiiy eVaMC
is as follows U
1. Overture, "Jolh R.bbpHHuija.
Patro);pio YP,?h parailoajii
3. Love'fi eqnfticfc Mosos,
1. "Tho lrgo iqthoFx)rres4"-iiJiy
Pisj At- night, cayhraa,, By;tJ
Brook, Five o'clock in the msrsj
ing, Prayer, Blacksmith . t. the
Forgo. ; . i 51:
I. O. O. F. Ansiiversinr.e,nla4
The ecventy-fiith anniversacy pf (hjkt
Fellowship wiil & nprjro8jiMah
served Vj Walia " Walla aaiV Rahstiah'
lodges at their hall to-morrsfr. Ia the
afternoon iniation services will ha beM
by both lodges, and from MX te .sight
o'clock a supper will be served te' the
members and guests ip. h OH
V.wihliRH: iUor sp.pp.ff a awl afl
literary programmo will be rcaia'ftll'
It is expected, that delcgatt"s
Cossnd, Gothenburg, Wallace
towns will bo present and the
hns recently been refurnish eaVsl!
ably bo taxed to its ut
Miss Florence Doud spent Saturday
and Sunday with her- aunt at Fasten,
H. E. Votnw and Judson Hostetter
rodo down from Sutherland on bicycles
yesterday evening in two and one-half
Rush Dean has bought a house from
Thos. M. Clark on Locust street and hns
become a permanent fiderrt qf Brookt
hi'?-. Tarkingloq is enjoying a stay of
.fcj., days in Denver and during her
absence her spn.Lester ia Keeping bn.cheb
Mis. Alice Schofield, sister of Mrs.
Calefcel Owens, arrived from Stanberry,
Molast Wednesdr.y and will spend tho
.naauer in the city.
The rain on Monday gavo the grass
such an impetus that tho spears even
grew through cloth that had boon placed
pj th.e lawn during the night.
. AMerman Johnston has a small farm
on his half block. Ho has at present
orer 15000 strawberry plants and will
have almost enough strawberries for the
whold north side.
Frank Winn has received tho plans of
ja new house that he will build this
spriBg on his corner lot on east Eighth
street. He intends to have ono of thp
tost little homes iq the oily,
; a, CJhas, Sandall arrived from
lydc.n last Wednesday evening and
v!ey ls.aappy again, "iney win oc-
Msy their old home, one of Dan Mahor's
laMMes, recently vacated by Jas. Flyn.
' Some miscreant sot out somo poison
last week and caught Millard Hostler's
dog;. Ho was purely a hunting dog and.
was as harmless as a pet rabtt- W is
jot knewn whether ta popn. wis in
(eadd tor hlnj or(. not.
Sosfto. cpwardly night pro.vvlors got intft
th pf Jack v;s'a,hjcm midnight
9SHi night las wel? a.d commanded'
Map.. Iavis to hanil over her money, Mr.
Btavie works nights i the round house
JHMl.Mrs, Davie wca alono but luckily
tfc little wad of money left over from
jmy day was in a safo place. These
isNows aro cowards or they would not
select a house when tho know there was
ao nan about.
There were some wo.vors with us on.
Meaday with, about five teams who left
cpu.nty tjwo moqthjs ago and who
ha gone io Oklahoma with the inten
MOB of taking land. They said there
wanton applicants for every piece of
Wn4 and tbe land that was offered for
a washeld at fictitious prioe. Tley
haTaiTetnrngd tp. lve is Nebraska and
fWrfe presentr tbey will assist John
'BfaH oq his irrigation ditch.
i-The publisher of the Weekly Inter
n writes us that after Juno 1st he
wlH cease to offer that paper at the re
hwad rate which has been given us. If
J . wish The Tribune and Weekly
Ocean one year for 81.30, you had
r tako advantage of tho offer wUh-
Tho 1201 was put on regular - duty in
tho yards yesterday af lerhaving received
a general overhauling. There i3 every
reason to believe that Fikes is now
supremely happy.
Engine S3S camo out of the shops Mon
day after'receiving a general overhaul
ing. Engineer Stuart and Fireman
Donohower havo been, limbering her up
prior to going on "the 1 and i run.
Engineer Lnngdon and Conductor
Atkinson received thirty days for run
ning past a red-board at Ogalalla and a
similar senienoo was pronouueed against
Conductors Anderson and Blakesly and
engineers Dudley and Reed for their
misfortune at Dix
which ho will use for pasture this season.
A number of invited guests will in
dulge in a social dance and also in games
of different kinds at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Trovillo to-night. A good
timo is anticipated by all and we will
venture to state that their anticipations
will re fully realized.
bmco tho ram Monday farmers have
Iho lilac stood close to Elizabeth's window.
.11 i - ... . , .....
mi purine wiia oioom, -wane tn little
Her stint was a long one, nncl afce was a-weary
Ann moanea wax. sua never could get it done.
But a wir..I f I - 1 tL. LL-e vlusom-.
And a wonderful sweetness cane floatintr is.
And Elizabeth felt, though she could not ha vo
said it.
That a friend had come to her to help her
And after that she kept on at her spinniag;
bay as a Dlru, for the world bad becun
f o seem such a pleasant, good place for work.
That she was amazed when her stint was
And the pale browed little New England maid
Outsido her lessons had learned that dav
That the sweetness around us will sweeten la
If wo will but let it have its way.
Mary E. Wllklna in St. Nicholas.
A Folsoaotts Tonarcli.
A monarch among poisonous snakes is
tho enormous hamadryad, -which grows
to be as much as 14 feet in length and
is so fierce that it will sometimes attack
lwon liv ,1 -uaso uuo veaiuxw
ov- j ri o -- u lu.uu". near to its nest Native snake charmers,
nM "Kia -uwuuiuk io irriKaio howill handle the flercestcohraa fear.
their land previous to plowing it will lesslv. aro usually loath to touch, a ha-
now be saved that amount of trouble. madryad, though I have occasionally
Pat. seen a large specimen of this venomous
reptile in their bass. It lays its esres in
Miller Microbes. a heap of decaying leaves, -which it col-
b armors aro all hard at work in
spite lects for the purpose, and sits upon the
Thn Viwa ndvorss conditions, and if industry top to keep off intruders. Aroadthroagh.
. . " f""t - - . . - I il 1 111 V 1 J
in the time gardening.
Kichol Nuggefs.
Some irrigating has been done in this
locality lately.
C. S. Trovillo. has recovered fromhis
recent illness.
John Hnwloy, of Sutherland, passed
down tho lino on Saturday.
A train of emigrant wagons passed up
tho grndu Saturday. '
Several from this vicinity transacted
business at tho county "hub" on Satur
day last.
Foreman Eriekson has a full gang at
work on this section at present.
The farmers in this section havo their
small grain all in and are now working
on their corn ground. Somo planting
rill bo done the coming week if all is
gard to G. RI Golvin bf-ing connected
with tho Hershey postofiico fight as a
candidate for tho satno.
The section gang woro repairing tho
hide track at this station last week.
Tho Hershey postoffice fight still rages
with up signs of abating.
Tho irrigation ditch is brim full of
water at this writing.
Wm. Hnist, Chas. McAllister and G.
R. Golvin passed down tho lino on Sat
urday en route for North Platte.
Somo snoak thief rustled tho share off
D. A. Brown's plow a few evenings sinco
which stood within five or six rods of the
Miss Atwator who is teaching in tho
Stoddard district took the train at this
station Friday evening for Sutherland.
We learned Monday that Thomas
Stimson, of Greeley, Colo., a former resi
dent of this precinct and well and favor
ably known by tho majority of tho peo
ple throughout this country, had been
elected surveyor of that city at .the
recent election by a majority of 131
Samuel Funkbouser and wifo and
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Catherino Fnnkt
houser transacted business at North
Platto the latter part of tho week.
When tho people of one place rejoice
over the misfortunes of those in another
it is about time for them to ,;pull up
stakes and go west to grow up with the
N. B. Spurrier and family spent Sunr
ctay with friendsyover on tho south side.
There is another crop of swino about
ready to harvest in this neighborhood.
Some 'Scalper" will undoubtedly glean
it before it is too late.
H. F. Kellner has sold out bis
interest in a ditch farm which ho had
leased for a term of six years to George
Vaughan and Dick is now residing on M.
C. Keith's farm eaBt of the Platte, where
ho has been at work oa an irrigation
ditch and also where be has a contract
for breaking- for- Mr. Keiths
hodo"' Winter, road overseer in Hin
man precinct, has been repairing bridges
lately which span tho Irrigation ditch in
that locality.
It is reported that tb9 prairie fire over
on tho north side Friday afternoon -and
evening did considerable damage to prop
erty. Wo have not learned as yet to
what extent.
The work on the Paxton & Hershey
irrigation ditch is said to be progressing
OwinC to tho velocity of the wind
from Monday morning until Friday
evening last week it was almost impos
sible for men to work in the fields or for
people to travel along tho highways.
Saturday was a fine day." k
Several enjoyed a social hep at tho
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Spitsnoglo west
of hero on Friday evening last,
Another fine rain prevailed in this
section of the country on Monday which
made everything look fresh and green.
The grangors are as happy seemingly as
a small boy with a new top.
H. W. Fogel, formerly of North Platte
but now of Hershey, is said to bo meet
ing with good success in his new field of.
Train No. G uolqad.ed soveral tramps
at this station, Monday morning. They
djd, no 6top to take in the sights but
immediately took a "tie pass" down the
and"porscveranco count for anything our
precinct will have earned a bountiful
harvest. Every farmer seems to bo
trying to see how much sod he can turn
over for corn, as nearly all tho old land
is planted to either rye or spring wheat.
and.'the fields aro looking quite green
The ovont of tho season was the wed
ding of Charles O'Rourke to Miss A. M.
Neary and their reception at the home
of the bride's parents in tho evening,
which Was well attended. Joseph and
Thos. CRourko, of Gaslin, brothers of
tho croom, woro present. The hamiv
couplov,received many handsome and I
valuable presents both at Pleasant View
Farm and at tho groom's home in Gaslin
precinct, where Mr. and Mrs. O'Rourke
will bo at homo after the first of May.
Among other gifts was a pair of un
dressed, icids. (dolls) - and. a verv nice
rubber rattle. It is to "bo hoped thatrtbe
twelve young ladies who sent them will
not miss their playthings too much.
Mrs. Fred Weinborg is very bappy
over tho reception of a very fine new
Miss Allie Beach loft here this week to
attend school at Fremont. Wo are
sorry to havo this pleasant young lady
leavo us ovon for a short time.
Will Cohort has left for parts unknown.
He went down tho river in a flat boat of
his own make and now tho girls aro sing
ing "Oh! Willio wo havo missed you."
Thero was a danco at James Baum's
last Friday which was well attended and
enjoyed by all present, and dancing kept
up till daylight.
J. Koontz has finished plowing and
planting tree seeds on Charles Wyman's
tree claim.
Mrs. John Neary visited at Gaslin and
Brady Island last week.
H. Facka and family havo moved up
to their homo in the hills again and
Henry is prepared to talk irrigation to
any ono interested.
John W. Baggot is busy taking tho
assessment. Uocntky Consiw.
Tho best mutual insuranco policy
against attacks of sickness is to be found
in taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. If you
aro woak it will make vou stroug.
Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner
pills assist digestion, cure headache. Try
a box, 25c.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that tho firm ot
McMichaol & Raynor, carpenters and
builders, hasHhis day been dissolved by
mutual consent. The business will bo
continued by tho former at the old place
of business ono door west of McDonald's
Dated North Platte, Nob., April 7, 1894
James. McMichaei.
John C. Raynoi:.
Straight tobacco filler is used in all
of Schmalzried's cigars. Littlo Habana,
Red Light, Pastime, Crown and LaRosa
are his leading brands. Seo that you
smoke them.
Advertisements under this head will be
charged 1 cent per word each insertion,
but nothing accepted for less than lOcts
at the original North Sido Grocery
Store. Also Feed of all kinds and Fresh
Country Produce. Give mo a call.
the jangle will sometimes be closed,
against all comers by a pair of these
snakes, aud "woe betido tho ruifortwate
traveler who stumbles unawares upon
tbe nest The hamadryad feeds largely
npon other snakes, but it is fortunately
somewhat rare. Curiously enough, it is
not always aggressive. Indeed it some
times happens that it is quite unwilling
to strike. Superficially it is not unlike
a harmless rock snake, and not very
long ago in Bnrmah a man brought one
in from tho jungle and kept it loose in
his bouse for somo days under the im
pression that it was one of these crea
tures. During tho whole of its captivity
it never attempted to bite any one, aad
its captor, who had been familiarly pull
ing it about by the tail, was only ap
prised of his mistake by a forest oftcer
who happened to turn np and who knew
a good deal about snakes. It is easy to
imagine tho haste with, which, the ama
teur snake charmer proceeded to dispose
Of his captive. McClure'stagaaann .
Mongolian Magic.
These Taichinar Mongols are much
given to all forms of magic. Storm dis
pelling they appear to have learned from
the K'amba Tibetans, but the origin of
some of their other practices is aot so
clear. Certain among them, they claim,
can cause a person to be stricken ill or
can even compass his death. Af ter hay
ing procured a few hairs, a nail paring
or something from the person of the in
tended victim, tbey make a little image
of him in flour, and in this stick the
relic. Then it suffices to prick the head,
heart, lungs or limbs of the efflgy to
cause acnte pains to be felt by the orig
inal in the same portion of his body. Of
course one must recite certain potent
charms the while. In them lies the se
cret of success. I am not aware that this
mode of bewitching a person, so well
known in the western world in aatcient
and mediaeval times, obtains to any
great extent in Asia. Personally I hare
never met it elsewhere. W. Woodville
Rockhill in Century.
For Sale Ten good work teams,
weight from 1,000 to 1200 pounds; 81,000
worth of machinery to bo sold at panic
prices. W. C. Ritwbk.
A six-room houso, newly papered and
painted; city water in house. Full lot.
Located in pleasant part of city. Will
be sold at a bargain. For particulars
apply at this office. 1 tf
1 Grocery Store
is the place to buy
groceries cheap. I tako special pains
to keep nice fresh country produce and
will not sell anything in this line unless
I can recommend it.
your life away, is the truthful, start
ling title of a little book that tells all
about No-to-bac, the wonderful, harm
less Guaranteed tobacco habit cure. The
cost is trifling and the man who -wants
to quit and can't runs, no physical or
financial risk in using "No-to-bac." Sold
by all druggists. Book at drug stores or
by mail free. Address, The Sterling
Remedy Co, Indiana Mineral Springs,
Ind. A. F. Stroitz, agent.
Black Stallion, by Anteo 2.16K; bv
Electioneer; 1st dam Lady Elgin 2251;
by Legal Tender Jr.; 2nd dam Nelly,
dam of 2 in 2.30, by Bluo Bull 75.
Service Fee $50.
Studebaker Wagons
Hershey & Co's.
Smoke the "Little Star" cigar; clear
Havana. Made by McGlone & Hess.
For Sale Cheap, a seven-room
houso, well located. Enquire at this
office. tf
Dr, Salisbury, tho painless dentist,
may be found at Dr. Longley's office on
the third Monday and the following
Tuesday of each month, and will extend
bis visit as much longer as business
Smoko the "Little Star" cigar; clear
Havana. Made by McGlone & Hess.
ASd live man to represent us in
tb is place. Previous experience not nec
essary to right man. Plymouth Rock
Pants: .Co., 408 No. lGtn St., Omaha,
Neb. . 1
Full brother to Angelina 2 12.
Black Stallion 15? hands by
Wilkes Boy 234K; by George vVilkes.
1st dam Molly, dam of 2 in 2.30; by Ken
tucky Clay No. 1JM; 2d dam Flaxey by
Edwin Forrest.
Service Fee $25.
Brown Stallion 16 hands, weight 1200
lbs; by Florida No. 482. 1st dam Gosaip;
dam of Don Wilkes 234; Tattler 2.26;
2d dam Jessie Pepper, dam of loss
2.17K; Alppa 2.23: by Mambrino Chief
No. 11; 3d dam by Sidi Hamet.
Service Fee $10.00.
The above Stallions will make the
season of 1891 at my ranch, 1 miles
southeast of Sutherland, Lincoln county,.