The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, April 18, 1894, Image 4

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The Cash Hardware Merchant, sells the cele
brated Acorn Stove, the acknowledged king.
Also handles the DANGLER GASOLINE
STOVE, the most durable, convenient and
economical stove made. Come in and see it.
in bulk, warranted fresh. If you need any ar
ticle in our line come and see us and we will
save you money. A. L. DA Id.
Pure Crystal Ice.
I am prepared this season, as usual, to furnish the people of North
Platte wi.h a first-class quality of ice cut from ray lake and frozen from
pure well water. This ice is far superior to river ice. All orders will be
promptly filled. WM. EDIS-
Farm : Implements,
Windmills, Harness, Etc.
Warehouse on West Front Street.
Merchant Tailor,
embracing all the new designs, kept on'hand and made to order.
Spruce Street, between Fifth and Sixth.
No.5 Atlantic Express .Dept 12:30 a. m,
No. 0 Chicago Eipresfl " 6:30 a. m
No. 4 Fast Mail 8 50 a.m
aj tTSmUaA " KhOoA. M.
No. 28 Frelcht " 750 A. M.
No.lS-Freight ''6:00 p.m.
No. 22 Freight " 4:0a A. M.
No. 7 Pacific Express Dept 4:40a.
No. 5 Denver Express " 1030 p. M
V..;tM " 100 P. M
No." 21 Freieht " 430 P. M
No. 28-Frcight 6:10 a. m
N. H. OLD3. Agent.
Office over North Platte National Bank.
Office: Hinman Block, Sprnce Street.
Assistant Surgeon Union Pacific Railway
and Member of Pension Board,
Office over Streitz's Drug Store.
Office: Neville's Block. Diseases of Women
and Children a'Speclalty.
F. M. HECK, Prop.
, mm aiiu
Hams, Bacon, Fresh Sausage Poul
try, Eggs, Etc.
Cash Paid for Hides and Furs.
Your patronage is respectfully so
licited and we will aim to please
you at all times.
Hershey & Co.
Agricultural : Implements
Farm and Spring Wagons,
Buggies, Road Carts,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb
Wire, Etc.
Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth
Claude weingand,
Coal Oil, Gasoline,
Crude Petroleum and
Coal Gas Tar.
Leave orders at Evans1 Book Store.
Meats at wholesale and re
tail. Fish and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
Has 200,000 acres of TJ. P. K. R. land for
6alo on the ten year plan. Call and
see him if you want a bargain.
Contractor and Builder.
127 Sixth St. Cor. of Vine,
Funeral Director.
AfaMHaeof first-class funeral supplies
always in stock.
Talagraf a order promptly, attended to.
Marble Works.
Manufacturer of and Dealer In
Monuments, Jleadstones,
Curbing, Building Stone,
And all kinds of Monumental
and Cemetery Work.
Careful attention given to lettering of
every description. Jobbing done on
short notice. Orders solicited and esti
mates, freely given.
$500 Reward!
WE will pay the above reward for anv case of.
liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. In
digestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver pills, when
the directions are strictly complied with. They
are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give sat
isfaction. Sugar-coated. Large boxes, -s cents,
Beware of counterfeits Lnd imitations. T lie gen
uine manufactured only THE JOHN C WEST
Sold by A. F. Streitz, Druggist.
fmlfs Bmio-Ceiera.
id carmtira ejent f orvJSrrans or Side
Brain JKhajjstianSlol n m rm
UpeeUl or eeaenl Neuralgia; abo for Bbso.-
Anaemia, Antidote for AknWto
rexoaeaaa. oe,lu.9
Xerelto ef Obtervatloas Made by the Coat
Survey at the Sandwich Island The Dis
tance to the San Is Something- XJke Ninety-are
Million Miles, Mere or esa.
A little new light has recently been
thrown on the problem of the distance
of the son. This is the great yardstick
of astronomy. For more than a century
every effort has been made to ascertain
the distance as accurately' as possible.
Methods direct and indirect have been
employed. Considering the fact that the
knowledge thus sedulously pursued can
serve no utilitarian purpose, the gener
ons expenditure in the pursuit does
credit to the intellectual aspirations of
tne numan race. From the time of Cap
tain UooJc'8 expedition to the Society is
lands to observe the transit of Venus in
1769 until the present day millions of
dollars have been spent in this effort to
drop a sounding line to the sun.
Copernicus believed that the sun was
not more than 5,000,000 miles away.
There were philosophers before the
Christian era who knew as much
that For several years past we have
been assured that the distance could not
be far from 92, 800, 000 miles. "But al
most a century ago Laplace assumed
parallax for the sun which gave almost
exactly that distance. Since his time
various astronomers have attacked the
problem, and their results have varied
from 91,000,000 to 95,250,000 miles,
the difference between these extreme es
timates being nearly as great as the en
tire distance was believed to be by the
rounders of astronomy.
Yet these facts carry no challenge to
the soundness of modern astronomical
methods or the substantial correctness of
the results attained by them. The dis
tance of the sun is not yet known with
absolute accuracy, for the same reason
that the height of Mount St Elias or o:
Mount Everest has not yet been exactly
ascertained. But the limits of error are
known, and in the future we shall not
see estimates of the sun's distance vary
ing by millions of miles. If a series o:
wires should be cut. each agreeing in
length with one of the recent measures
of the solar parallax, and all should then
be stretched from the earth toward the
sun, every one of them would end in the
sun; though none might stop precisely
at its center.
As to the recent light upon this prob
lem, it is furnished by the results of ob
servations by the United States coast sur
vey at the Sandwich Islands to deter
mine the constant of aberration of the
stars. By this is meant the amount of
displacement that the stars undergo in
consequence of the fact that we are look
ing at them from a globe which is not
standing still, but is moving in an orbit
around the sun at the rate of about 181
miles in a second. Light travels 18G,
830 miles in a second. The ratio of the
velocity of the flying earth to that of
light measures the displacement in the
position of the stars that is called their
aberration. Bur, manifestly, if we can
learn precisely how far the earth travels
in a second, we shall know just how
long its orbit is. We know that the earth
takes one year, or, more exactly, 31,558,-
150 seconds, to go once around that or
bit If, then, we can find out with rig
orous accuracy how far it goes in a sec
ond, wo can at once calculate not only
the length of the orbit, but the distance
of the sun, which depends directly upon
the size of tho orbit Of course allow'
ance must be made for the fact tJit the
orbit instead of being a circle, is an
ellipse, and that consequently the earth's
rate of traveling varies a little. But
mathematics take care of that
Now, we have seen that the displace
ment, or aberration, of the stars fur
nishes a means of determining the ratio
of tho earth's velocity in its orbit to the
known velocity of light If that aberra
tion is accurately measured, it must
give, by a simple calculation, tho veloc
ity of the earth and the distance of the
sun. The aberration as ascertained at
the Sandwich Islands is slightly smaller
than previous measurements had made
it It amounts to 20.483 seconds of arc.
This gives for the averago velocity of
the earth in its orbit 18.4582 miles in a
second, and for the distance of the sun
92, 709, 000 miles. The distance derived
from the observation of the transit of
Venus in 1874 was about 620,000 miles
less than this, while that calculated
from the transit of 1882 was about 190,
000 miles greater. But Laplace's value
of the solar parallax, adopted by him in
1799, gives a distance differing by only
80,000 or 90,000 miles from that shown
by the calculation based on the new
constant of aberration. So Laplace was
probably nearer to the truth than many
of the later astronomers have been.
It is evident that the final solution of
the great problem has not even yet, been
obtained. There is an uncertainty of
perhaps as much as 100,000 miles still
remaining- Since the distance of tho
sun forms abaso line for calculating the
distance of the stars, an error of 100,000
miles in that base line would make a
difference of nearly 80, 000, 000, 000 miles
in the calculated distance of the nearest
fixed star in tho sky. It is for the as
tronomers of the future, then, to deter
mine the real dimensions of the uni
verse, if they can. For our part we
must be content to know that they are
great almost beyond the power of math
ematics to express and certainly be
yond tho power of imagination to con
ceive. New York Sun.
Buried In Old Point.
The late well known Miss Jane Clarke
of Regent street, dealer in antique lace,
historic fans, etc, desired in her will
that she should be buried in old' point
One is curious to know if her eccentric
command was carried out to the letter.
Again, when Jenny Lind was dying, she
left directions that the Indian shawl
given her by the queen and a quilt the
gift of pome school children, should bo
bnried with her. Notes and Queries.
Singular Bookkeeping:.
The following is vouched for by, a cor
respondent as being extracted verbatim
from a list of stores wanted by the
steward of a Tyne steamship: "Stoars
wonted; 2 doyan egs, 1 am, 14 pund
bakon, 2 tins sasinger, 6 tins supe,
2 tins biled meet 2 tins motin, 100
wate potaes, 6 lofes sofe bred, 1 blather
lard. 1 smole cheas, sum fresh meet &
vegables, & sum Karirts and turmits, 2
fans serdeens, 2 tins lusters (oysters; to
try, 2 notmegs, 2 tins samin, 2 tins
frute, 1 tin marmalaid, 6 pund solt
fish." Newcastle (England) News.
The Day After the Burglary.
Detective Yes, I've got tho descrip
tion of the missing jewelry written down
all right Now, how much money did
the fellows take?
Mr. Billus I don't know exactly.
Maria, my dear, how much money was
there in my pockets last night? Chi
cago Tribune.
The innkeepers' business was prac
ticed in Borne at the time of Christ
I Iff $ Ifltoftoni AvtRHftt
Sold by A. F. Streitz, Druggisl
Moodier egceaaaa, Prios, SuHBBHpBaBX2r700ristesed
Jtealat, Tekea Stery atf Her Faaafly'a Iseia-
la Crowded Ie.
In everyday talk Bosina Vokes was
altogether and bewitchimrlr the Bosina
we knew across the footlights the same
rag, honest eyes, the same drolly stac
cato speech the same tossing of that
fkufy mane of shining hair, and the mat
ter of her speech was quite as flavorsone
as any lines her playwrights ever set
down for her speaking. It is a pity she
never told across the footlights for all
the world to hear the story she once told
to a favored few. The Vokes family, she
said, had returned to London from a
provincial tour, and intending to remain
for the season decided to hire a house in
preference to taking lodgings. They
looked upon it as miraculous luck to find
a house in an eminently agreeable neigh
borhood at a phenomenally low rent
They soon found out the reason. A par
ticularly shocking murder had been'
committed in the house a few years be
fore, and since then it had stood unten
anted, its evil reputation intensifying
with every night its dark windows
gloomed upon the else cheerful street
"But it was a lovely, comfortable
house," said Bosina, "and we didn't
mind its story a bit in fact, we thought
it rather distinguished than otherwise,
ana, as lor spooks, we'd ail played 'em
too often in Christmas pantomimes to
hold 'em in any especial awe. Besides
we never .saw any nothing, I give you
my word, more fearsome than a black
beetle ever crossed our.paths in that ma:
iigned house, Jout tor all that a more
uncomfortablo three months our happy
go lucky family never spent The neigh
bors gave the house a bad name and
hanged it They took the attitude that
any one willing to live in a murder
stained house was simply an accessory
after the fact My dears, never shall I
forget the first morning I called on the
local butcher with a plea for chops.
'Send them to 348 street, ' piped I
cheerily. The butcher turned duskily
pale. He edged behind his block He
glowered at mo over it 'Three forty
three, you saidmum?' ho gasped. 'Man
alive, yesl said L 'We live there, and
we're not ghosts, or we shouldn't need
"Well, tho long and short of it was
we could get nothing sent that wasn't
ordered at high noon, and then the
butcher's boy had a way of firing up tho
things from tho bottom of tho steps
didnt want to come within grabbing dis
tance of the door apparently. That was
hard on the provisions, especially the
eggs. No milkman would deliver milk
in the gray of tho morning, not he I We
had subsequently to bring it home in a
can. When the water pipes burst, we had
to sop 'em up with our stockings, while
the boys scoured London for a plumber
rash enough to cross our fated threshold.
We lived nice Kobinson Urusoes on a
densely populated island. It was borne
in upon us at last that it was a pity so
much wholesome terror should go to
waste. So the last few days of our stay
there we took to burning blue lights
at midnight in the area window and
emitting hollow groans from the front
cellar. I fancy our landlord reaped the
results of this light minded conduct We
never inquired." Boston Transcript
Shakespeare's Cats.
Shakespeare makes frequent refei
ences to the cat in his plays. Lady Mac
beth taunts her husband when he hangs
back from the murder with:
Letting I dare not Trait upon 1 would.
Like tbe poor cat i' tho adage.
alluding to that animal's fondness for
fish Whateat's averso to fish?" but
its unwillingness to wet its feet in
catching them.
Falstaff seizes upon nnother feature of
the animal's character, so detested by
all wakeful sleepers in towns: " 'Sblood!
I am as melancholy as a gib cat 1" When
Mercutio longs -for a fray with Tybalt
ho accosts him: "Good king of cats, I
would have nothing but one of your nine
lives. That I moan to make bold withal,
and, as you shall use mo hereafter, dry
beat the rest of the eight," and there
upon receives that celebrated "scratch"
which was "not so deep as a well nor so
wido as a church door." Now York
Robert Lonis Sterenson's Home.
' ' Vailima, ' which is Samoan for "fine
waters," is tho name which the Steven-
sons have given to their beautiful homo
in Apia. Four miles from the beach and
600 feet above the sea level a clearing
was made among tho trees, and the
house, a rambling two story structure,
The Imfmeaee ef Municipal Tenement In
BrJgfetealmff Hamaa life Clean and
CtferUMe Dwelling Furnished to the
rear at Keaaeaahle Rentals.
Municipalities are not necessarily
wise than other corporate bodies. Glas
gow has by no means solved the human
problem. But she has made some notable
experiments in the direction of bright-
cuing human life. But with less than
half a doeen blocks of municipal tene
ments, she is still far from pointing the
war to a beatific .condition. She is also
far from having become a socialistic city.
She had the opportunity to make experi
ments in the most wretched of her dis
tricta, The experiments have succeeded,
and urivate enterprise here, as elsewhere,
has made similar experiments and with
similar success. '
The municipal tenements or artisans'
dwellings, as they are variously called,
consist of blocks of flats on either side
of the Saltmarket The buildings are
four stories in height The ground floors
are occupied by shops. The houses are
usually arranged so that on two floors
there are three tenements, a tenement of
two rooms being on each side of tho
staircase and a tenement of one room be
tween'them. There are also several flats
of three rooms each. The tenement of
ons room is 14 by 13 feet It is .fitted
with a bed closet which is expected to
answer the purpose of a second room, a
scull err. a large press or cupboard, a
commodious dresser and a kitchen range.
Such an apartment rents for $40 a year.
The two roomed flat has a small lobby
flttecTwith a press, or closet On one
side of tho lobby is the living room,
Which is completely furnished as a
kitchen. A scullery adjoins. There is
also a bed alcove in the room. On the
other side of the lobby and on tho front
of the house is the sitting room, to which
is also attached a bed closet Such a flat
rents for $49.'50 per annum. Tho three
roomed flats rent for $80 a year. Gas is
supplied by the city at tho usual rate of
Ocentsper 1,000 feet There is a laun
dry at the top or tho house lor the use
of the tenants. These artisans' dwellings
are constructed in the most substantial
manner. The stairs arc stone, and the
stairway walls aro tiles or glazed brick,
which is easily kept clean.
It has long been objected that these
dwellings do not meet the necessities of
tae poorest class or laborers. The rents
were too high for men who work in tho
streets or on tho docks and at other kinds
of unskilled labor. Glasgow had to con
sider whether it were possible for tho
municipality to reach these men in any
way. If it had been a question of letting
rooms to single men, tho arrangement
could have been mado easily enough.
But the difficulty was to deviso homes
for large families, and it usually hap
pens that in this part of the world tho
poorer the man the larger is his family.
Houses could be built, of course, but
could the poorest class of laborers afford
to pay a rent which would return to the
municipality an interest of 2, 3 or 4
per cent on its investment? Could tho
municipality compete in that respect
with the "owners of rookeries, where
families live in single apartments?
Much deliberation was given to the sub
ject It was found that the municipality
could put up a block of substantial
buildings to meet the wants of the class
hikhcrto left untouched, but that it
would not be practicable to provide any
thing more than what are called "one
roomed houses" that is to say, one
room to a family. To bo sure, the rooms
could bo divided by a partition reaching
within two or threo feet of the ceiling,
the sleeping quarter being thus separated
from the cooking quarter.
It was finally decided that a block of
single room tenements should bo con
structed. A place was cleared at the
rear of a block of artisans' dwellings,
and a plain building of threo stories was
erected, with four single room tenements
on each floor, two in tho front and two
behind. These were let at rents well
within the means of unskilled laborers.
The building was opened, and it has
been filled ever since. The experiment
is financially successful, but in other re
spects there is little to bo said for it Of
course the apartments are larger, iignter,
healthier, better built than any single
room tenements in tne om rooKcries.
Nevertheless the objections to the herd-
,ing of a family in one room aro not there
Mr Xetert Ball em the Safcetaaeee ef Which
the Sam Ze Mate
Let us see u we nave the necessary
data for ascertaining what this solar ma
terial must be. We are first confronted
with the fundamental question as to
whether it is likely to be composed of
elements found on the earth. Thero was
a time no doubt when it might have
been urged that in all probability the
solar elements were so far different from
anybodies known to terrestrial chemists
that the solar clouds must bo constituted
of something altogether beyond our cog
nizance. But this view cannot be sus
tained in the present state of science.
Nothing is more remarkable in the re
cent advance of knowledge than the
clear demonstration of the fundamental
unity between the elements present in
the celestial bodies and those elements
of which the earth is composed. It is no
doubt true that we have found grounds
lor believing that thero may be ono or
two elements in tho sun which we do not
find here.
Wo have indeed assigned to these
dimly discerned elements the hypothet
ical names of coronium and helium.
But even if such bodies exist at all they
are certainly wanting in tho essential
qualities that must be attributed to any
element which purports to bo tho active
component of the photospheric clouds.
There cannot be a reasonable doubt that
the sun is mainly composed of elements
both well known and abundant on the
earth. It is clearly among these known
bodies that it is our duty to search for
the characteristic photospheric material.
As the terrestrial clouds consist of
water they are derived not from a sim-
plo element but from a composite body
formed of tho gases oxygen and hydro
gen. Tho multitude of composite bodies
is, of course, ir?minerable, and tho task
of searching for tho solar constituents
would therefore seem to be an endless
one, unless we wero in somo way en
abled to restrict tho field of inquiry.
This is just what the vast temperature
of tho sun permits us to da It is well
known that at a heat resembling that at
which tho photosphere is maintained
chemical compounds cannot in general
exist Ordinary chemical compounds ex
posed to temperatures of such elevation
are instantly resolved into their elemen
tary components. It is thus manifest
that in tho endeavor to find the photo
spheric material we havo not to scan the
illimitable field of chemical compounds.
We havo only to consider the several
elementary bodies themselves.
Thus at once tho research is narrowed
to a choice among some 64 different ma
terials, this being about the number of
tho different elementary bodies. Most of
them have already been actually de
tected in the sun, and it is very likely
that tho others do really exist thero also
in some part or other of the sun's mighty
volume. Sir Robert Ball in Fortnight
ly Review.
rae Bmauest In Area Is little More Than
a Square 3111c, and tho Smallest In Popu
lation If ambers Fifty-live Souls Simple
Forms ef Government.
As the Boy Saw It.
A Detroit business man was making
some purchases at a Woodward avenuo
fruit stand tho other evening when he
saw a street gamin take an orange and
coolly saunter off. There was no occa
sion to raise a row over it, but the gen
tleman felt it his duty to follow tho boy
and observe:
"I saw you hook, my boy.
It isn't of much value, but if yon begin
this way where will you end?"
"I never took it,"- he, stoutly replied.
"Ob, but I was looking full at you."
"I say I never took it "
"Thero it is in your pocket."
"That's a balL "
"Let mo ecc."
"Oh, well," he sputtered as he
worked the orange out, "this is alius
my luck. I never git hold of anything
on tho .sly but some great big duffer
comes along and wants liis whack.
Here's your half, and now it's only fair
for you to steal some peanuts and di
vide. " Detroit Freo Press.
painted dark gray and with a red roof,
was erected. Koomy and comiortabie, I by removed. They are merely minimized
. . . . l . IT lr. I 1 .1 . A- 1 Ti . 1
encircle both stories of the
house, and from the upper, looking north
ward, can be seen the "fine waters" of
the Pacific. At tho back are the green
slopes of the Apian mountains. There is
no driveway to "Vailima" from the
town, the house being accessible only to
foot passengers or to those mounted on
the sure footed native horses. Ladies'
Home Journal.
When There Were No Plumbers.
Lord Fonntainhall, in 1674, says that
there aro no plumbers in Scotland, be
cause there is no need for them. Happy
simplicity of our ancestors! Now every
man should be his own plumber. No
man should be allowed to marry till he
has passed an examination in plain and
fancy plumbing. Few know what to do
if tho pipes are frozen or if the gas me
ter is frozen. If you are practicing with
a pistol, howover, and casually cut a gas"
pipe, we do know what to da Exhibit
soap! Fill up the orifice with soap. This
accident is, it must be admitted, less
frequent than a sudden flood. Saturday
A Clinching- Argument.
The healthfulness or the reverse of'
corsets seems finally to be settled. They
have been found on tho mummies of
Egyptian princesses of tho royal family.
These corseted mummies, it is interest
ing to note, are all dead. What more
need be said? The dress reformers ap
pear to be justified in denouncing cor
sets. Boaton Transcript
and in a very slight degree. It is not by
any means demonstrated that a munici
pality is justified in doing anything to
perpetuate tho single room tenement sys
tem for families.
The construction of Glasgow's munic
ipal tenement houses, whether of the
better class or of tho poorer, is admira
ble. The stairways, being built entirely
of masonry, are consequently fireproof.
The stairs themselves and the hall floors
are of stone, and tho wails of the halls
are faced with glazed tiles or glazed
bricks, as the case may be, and, as I have
said, are easily kept clean.
A very large amount of work yet re
mains to be done on tho municipal estate
which comes under tho administration
of the improvement fund. Old houses aro
still being torn down, and crowded areas
are being cleared away. Of course all
this iff a Tery expensive business. But it
is being gradually carried on so that tho
cost may not fall excessively on any
single year.- Glasgow Cor. Boston Herald.
A Duke Rebuked.
When commanding the Galatea some
years ago, tho Duke of Edinburgh called
in plain clothes on an admiral, who re
buked him with the stiff greeting, "I
ihould have been very happy to rcceivo
your royal highnes3 on any other occa
sion, but unhappily at tliis moment I
am expecting a visit from tho captain of
the Galatea." The duke went back to
bis ship, and put cn his uniform. San
Francisco Argonaut
A Numerous Court.
Tho court of tho emperor of Russia,
says ono of the St. Petersburg papers,
consists of one chief chamberlain, five
chief court masters, ono chief gentlo-
man of tho table, ono chief hunting mas
ter, one chief court marshal, one chief
carver, one chici stable master, 35 court
masters, 17 stable masters, six hunting
masters, one director of imperial the
aters, two chief masters of ceremonies,
eight assistant hunting masters, nine as
sistant masters of ceremonies, 173 cham
berlains, 249 assistant chamberlains, 24
court physicians, 23 court priests, 10
ladies in waiting, four ladies of tho bed
chamber and 180 assistant ladies in wait
ing. It is well that tho czar is one of the
wealthiest men in tho world, as the list
is rather a long ono to support
A Philanthropic Woman.
Mrs. Mary Hemingway, who lately
died in Boston, provided by her will
that the entire net income of her estate,
which is estimated to be worth $15,
000,000, shall be devoted by her execu
tors for a period of not moro than 15
years to tho furtherance of certain causes
m which she was interested. These
causes she names as follows: First, ed
ucational work in Boston and vicinity:
second, tho historical and educational
work connected with the Old South
Meeting House; third, tho study of
American archaeology. She bequeaths a
valuable farm in Massachusetts, known
as tho Lowry farm, to tho Hampton (Va.)
institute, founded by General Arm
strong. Boston Commonwealth.
A Itclnarkable Tree.
The most remarkable tree yet discov
ered flourishes in tho island of Fierro,
one of the largest of tho Canary group.
This island is so dry that not even a
rivulet is to bo found within its bound
aries, yet there grows a species of Vee,
the leaves of which are narrow and long
and continue green throughout tho
year. There is also a constant cloud sur
rounding the tree, which is condensed,
and falling in drops keeps the cisterns
placed under it constantly full. In this
manner the natives of Fierro obtain wa
ter, and as the supply is limited the
population must of necessity bo limited
also. Philadelphia Press.
A Tutare For Him.
Things are pretty slow now, " said
the czar to the minister of police.
( 1 "Yes, your majesty, I know of but
one matter which is likely to be brought
to your attention. It is the case of a
man who threw a bomb at your majesty
and broke a window a block awav. He
your stick." The hackman answered in wants to be released.' '
the same vein, and away they went "PT. arm a omat '
lughing, each about bis own affairs, i H. aava he will reform. He thinks
Yes, molasses is better than vinegar, k am vo to America and set a place as
politeness "the grease of tho hu-; a baseball nlsveraad lead abetter life."
Jbe Howard. I Wnhiam Star
Politeness means much. A cable car
was humming up Broadway and collid
ed with an express wagon at Tenth
street "D your eyes!" yelled the
driver. "D your own eyes!" an
swered tho gripman, after which the air
was blue with profanities and vulgari
ties, which ought to have resulted in
some head punching, and probably
would had it not been for the interfer
ence of a policeman, who, oddly enough,,
turned up at the right time. After that
everybody went along out of temper,
cross, red faced and ruffled. Not long
after that a hack was rumbling along
Fourteenth street and nearly upset a
light wagon in which two young sports
were speeding. The pole of the hack
caught between the spokes of tho wagon
wheel and would have caused consider
able damage, but the quick eye of one
of the young men saw tho danger. ' 'Ah,
there, Johnnie!" said he good naturcd-
ly. ' liooic out old man, or you'll break
The ProTinclnllsm of New York.
In spito of tho commercial character
of the peoplo of Now York city, in spite
of tho small army of commercial travel
ers whoso address is New York, it is
still truothat tho great body of tho peo
plo know next to nothing of tho rest of
tho country. Tho west knows tho cast;
the east does not know tho west. This
is true because the west came from the
east in tho first place and becauso thou
sands of westerners visit the east, while
only hundreds or tens of easterners visit
tho west The struggle for existence in
New York city is so severe that tho body
of the peoplo have not tho time, if they
had tho inclination, to acquire general
information. Life with'them is intense
and swift but it runs in a very narrow
channel after alL In a very real sense
tho people are provincial. They ask the
visitor from Kansas City if ho knows
their friends in St. PanL They ask tho
visitor from Denver whether he enjoys
any religious privileges in that city of
churches. Many of them not only know
nothing of all America beyond a few
Btreets of the metropolis, but they actual
ly take pride in not wanting to know
anything. J. W. Gleed in Forum.
Don't Flirt.
The man or woman who will indulge
in the practice or flirting" with an
outside party is not worth going out
with or being taken put. It is a species
of bad form that nothing can excuse,
and though thero are many who think
it cute to make eyes and return signs
made by strangers, feeling that such at
tention is a bit of personal homage, the
outside world judges differently, and
one exhibition of that sort should be
enough to wean thoTespect of cither
man or woman, no matter how devoted
they might heretofore have been. Chi
cacro Tribune.
When a person speaks of small repnb
lies, he is supposed to mean those of
South America and Europe, which are
marked on every map and described in
every cyclopedia printed since they havo
become republics. The fact is, the world
is spotted with small republics that aro
never hoard of, somo so small that thoy
seem more like needle points than pin
heads. A few of them are known to tho
most learned teachers of geography, but
the majority of them would set the most
of these teachers a task which would re
quire more than a single day's research.
These little republics are round on is
lands so diminutive that they are mark
ed only on navigators charts and again
between and in the center of kingdoms.
In area they run from less than a square
mile up to about 100. In population they
run from 55 people up to but little moro
than that many hundreds. They are all
republics in that they are governed by
the people, but their plans of government
show a great many novelties.
To Tavolara maybe accorded the dis
tinction of being tho smallest republic
in point of population on the face of tho
globe. It is situated on an island about
five miles long by five-eighths of a mile
in width 18 miles off the northeast coast
of Sardinia. Its population numbers
about 55 people. The principal occupa
tion of tho inhabitants is fishing, tho
land being tilled only enough to supply
tho nced3 of the islanders. The posses
sion and absolute sovereignty of tho is
land of Tavolara was formally granted
by King Charles Albert of Sardinia to
the Bartoleoni family in 1836, and for
more than half a century Paul I, king
of Tavolara, reigned over it in peace.
On tho 30th of May, 1882, King Paul
died of heart disease, sitting in his chair,
like the Emperor Vespasian, vainly en
deavoring to write a will. His last words
were a request that none of Ids relatives
should succeed him on tho throno of tho
island and that its inhabitants be allow
ed to govern themselves. Nono of the
relatives ever filed a claim, and on
March 27, 1886, tho islanders held a
mass meeting and decided to establish a
republic. Tho matter was a simple ono
for them. A constitution wasdravn up,
which gives, by tho way, equal suffrage
to women and also provides for the elec
tion of a president every six years. The
president receives no salary and is ad
vised by a council of six, tho members of
which aro elected by the people. Thero
is no pay and no perquisites attached to
any of the offices. Tho independence of
Tavolara was formally recognized by
Italy in 1887, but there is nothing on
the records which shows any other coun
try having taken notico of it.
If we were jndging tho countries by
their area, thentoGoustmustbo award
ed the honors. But whilo its area is not
one-third as great as that of Tavolara
its population is over twice as much, tho
total number of inhabitants being about
130. Goust is situated on tho flat top of
a mountain in the Lower Pyrennes and
occupies an area of but a fraction over a
mile. Tho republic has existed since
1648 and is recognized as an independent
state by both Franco and Spain. Tho
government is vested in a council, con
sisting of 12 members, who servo seven
This council elects from its number
one who discharges tho duties of chief
executive. Ho acts as tax collector, as
sessor, judge, etc., but from all his act
there is an appeal to tho bishop of La
runs in tho valley below. Other than
these thero aro no officers, not even
a clergyman. Neither is thero a ceme
tery or any public institution whatever.
Tho pass which leads to tho adjacent
Spanish parish of Laruusissosteep that
tho carrying of heavy burdens is an im
possibility. Tho inhabitants of this tiny
mountain republic havo built a chute,
therefore, down which they slide heavy
articles and tho bodies of their dead to
the cemetery far below. Indeed the good
inhabitants of Goust aro baptized, mar
ried and buried in tho nearby Ossan
valley. Since the seventeenth century
the population has varied but little, am
bitiou and a desiroto see the world call
ing the more venturesomo from this re
public in the clouds. Tho inhabitants
aro long lived and robust, aro shepherds
and weavers of cloth and seem entirely
contented with their lot, having little
ambition either for riches or power.
Their langnago is a quafnt mixture of
French and Catalonian Spanish.
Another repnblic of dwarf proportions
is that of Franceville, an island in tho
New Hebrides group, situated east of
Australia and a short distanco north of
New Caledonia. It contains an area of
some 85 miles, and its population con
sists of about 40 whites and 500 natives
Tho island was formerly a colony of
France, but its indopendenco was guar
anteed it in 1879. Its government con
sists of a president and advisory council
of eight, chosen by tho people. The
president, who is at present a Mr. R.
D. Polk, a native of this country, is ap
pointed a judge, from whoso decisions
there is no appeal. Equal suffrage is ex
tended to all. Wliito or black, malo or
female, may vote, but only tho white
malo may hold office. Tho island repub
lic is in a prosperous condition and car
ries on a good trade with France. St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
Are occasioned by an impure and im
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Cured by S. S. S.
SenJ for our Treatise milled free to any address '
Sudden upon my night thero woke
The troublo of tho dawn.
Out of tho caf t tho red light broke
To broaden on and on.
My days are tuned to Oner chords
And lit by hisher suns.
Through all my tho'cRhts and all
A purer purpose runs.
Ho matter If my hands attain ' k
The golden crown or cross;
Only to lore is such a gain ;
That losicR is not loss.
And thus, whatever fato betide
Of rapturo cr of pain. ;
If storm or sun the future hide, ,
My lore is not in vain.
So only thanks are on my lips.
And through my love I see
My earliest dreams, like freighted ships,
Come sailing home to me.
John Hay.
Tho young man canio rushing into tho
houso of his best girl as tho rain canio
pouring down.
"Wow, " exclaimed tho small brother,
meeting him at tho door, "sister don't
know what, tfio is talking about. "
Why, wnat did sho say?"
' Sho said the other day when yon.was
hero that you didn't know enough to.
como hront of the wet. " Detroit Freo
On 1'arade.
It was a great day in tho driving park,
and there had never been a finer display
of wealth on wheels seen in that local-
. ity, and a man had come out to sco what
it all meant. It wa3 plain he had never
seen a carriage parade before. After a
bit ho turned to one of tho great mass, of
'What is it?" ho inquired, nodding
toward tho gorgeous pageant.
It 9 a carnage parade of our most
fashionable classes," was the reply.
'Oh," said tho man, "it's a kind of
a parade of tho unemployed, is it?"
Tho other one looked curiously at the
'That's all right, " said tho man, as if
ho knew whrtho was talking about, and
ho walked away. Detroit Free Press.
The Voices of Nations.
The Tartars aro supposed to have, cs
a nation, tne . most powenni voices in
tho world- Tho Germans possess the
lowest voices of any civilized people.
The voices of both Japanese and Chinese
aro of a very low order and feeble com
pass and are probably weaker than any
other nation. Taken as a whole, Euro
peans havo stronger, clearer and better
voices than tho inhabitants of tho other
continents. London Tit-Bits.
Speaking French.
A Tennessee chaplain, the Rev. J. H.
McNeilly, says that at Port Hudson his
regiment was encamped next to the
Thirtieth Louisiana, which was mado
up of French speaking men. Tho French
language, naturally enough, was a mys
tery to most of the rural Tennesseeana.
Ono night all hands wero in tho
trenches. Farragut's fleet was in tho
river, ana an attack uy land was also
expected. The Tennessee boys, who were
oloso to the boys from Louisiana, no
ticed that the frogs in the numerous
ponds were croaking incessantly in a.
kind of low, continuous chatter.
''Hark, boysj" said one fellow.
''These frogs havo been camped so long
by the Thirtieth Louisiana that thevaro
pu taimng jbrencni"
At another timo some of tho men
were lounging by tne riverside wnen
they heard some French speaking wom
en, who were engaged in washing, talk
ing to each other.
Suddenly one of the boys called to an
other, who was noted for his slowness
of speech:
"Come here quick; Sam, and hear
this woman talk I She can giv&
flatter of her tongue aHisayiaore in . a
minute than yon can 'fei aweefc'-'i3
Jtailroad English.
Teacher Give a synonym for the
word "reduce. "
Bright Boy Equalize.
"Well, that's tho word tho railroads
use when they reduce wages."
'Hum! Givo a synonym forJhcwonF
'increase. '"-
"Well, that's tho word tho railroads
use when they increase rates. "Good
Singularly Inconsistent.
Aroihor instauco of tho illogical work
ing of the feminine mind is the fact that
when a young woman was kissed by n
stranger in a street in Providence fIio
shouted "Murder!" Boston Journal.
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