C. L. WILLIAMS, FRUITS OF IL KINDS, And the Leading Daily Papers. 8Pto Jwrtt O. Iu TXTilliaro-s' CELEBRATED HOME-MADE CANDIES. YOI. X. NORTH PLATTE, JEBRASlfr WEDNESDAT APRIL 18, 1894. N0.J5. BOSTON STORE. TOLD IN A FEW WORDS EVENTS OCCURRING IN ALL 6ECTION8 SUMMARIZED. TEN DAYS ONLY Great lily Sa TEN DAYS ) ONLY 0 Commencinsr Thursday, ADiii 12th, and Ending April 23d. Beyond the shadow of a doubt this sale will outdo any sale ever instituted in .Nebraska. It is impos sible to mention one-tenth of the bargains we offer at this sale, but will give a few of our prices. Kead our prices they suit the times. DRY GOODS DEPT. All colors and black Frederick Arnold's Henriettas, made in Grietz, Germany, silk finished, full 46-inch wide; these goods are sold at $1.50 per yard, our price for this sale 92$ cents per yard. All colors of 38-inch Henriettas sold everywhere at GO cents, our price 27$ cents per yard. The best of all we will sell 36 inch suitings and 36-inch Cashmeres, worth 40 and 50 cents, at this sale for 20 cents per yard. Ten pieces fancy brocaded dress goods, regular price 20 and 25 cents, our price for this sale 12$ cents per vard. All colors silk finish velveteens, worth 65 cents, at this sale for 42$ cents per yard. All colors silk plush sold every where at 81.25 and 1.50, our price at this sale 87$ cents per yard. We have a full line in colors of Hercules Braid, the latest novelty for dress trimmings at 3, 6 and 8 cents per yard. Curtain Poles, with brass fixtures complete, worth 50 cents, our price 25 cents each. OUR GREAT SALE OP CAPES AND JACKETS is now in progress. Ojr stock of these garments is admitted by la dies who have seen them to be the largest and most varied in the state, and in order to supply the wants of the people in tnis line we offer One-Fourth 0 our regular prices, for this sale only. SHOE DEPT. All sizes ladies1 Oxford Ties pat ent tips, regular price $1, at 7a cts a pair at this sale. . Full size lace curtains, worth 2, our price 1.25 per pair. .3.00 lacecurtain3, our price 1.75 per pair. Chenill curtains, worth $5.00 our price 3.00 per pair. krc-stfocR-of laces and embroider ies is the. largest iu the city and our prices are always the cheapesfcr 20 dozen ladies1 fast black hose, regular made, regular price 25 cents, our price 15. cents a pair. Ladies1 black hose at 6, 9 and 12$ cents, worth double the money. Children's fast black ribbed and seamless hose, regular price 25 cts., our price 15 cents. All our bicycle hose, sizes from 6$ to 9, at 25 cts. Ladies1 muslin night gowns at 50c. 75c and 1, the muslin alone is worth more than we ask for the gowns. Ladies1 gloves in black and all colors regular price 25 cents, at this sale for 15 cts. We also carry a fine line of ladies1 kid gloves in colors and tans. 1.50 ladies' Oxford ties afc fl per pair. 2 ladies1 Oxford ties 'In tan and black at 1.35. All our $2.50 and 3.00 ladies'-French kid Oxford ties, the finest made,' at this-sale for 2 a pair. Ladies1 fine shoes, patent tips, regular 2.00 shoes for 1.35. La dies 2.50 shoes go at this sale for. 1.95. All our 3,00 and 3.50 fine shoes at this sale for '2.50. Your choice of airbur 4.00 arid 4.50 ladies' kid shoes, French or English toes, lace or button, the finest shoe m the state, at this sale for 3.00 a pair. Men's calf skin shoes, lace or congress, worth 82 00, at this sale for $1.50 per pair. Men's $3 Bhoes at a pair. Children's shoes at 10, 50, 60 and 75 cents a pair. CLOTHING DEPT. Boys1 long pants suits, sizes 10 to 18 years, worth $5.00, our price at this sale $3.00. Boys1 knee pants suits, sizes 4 to 13 years, worth $2.50 at this sale for $1.65. Boys' knee pants worth 40 cents we sell at 25 cents. Men's outing shirts at 20, 25 and 30 eta Boys' cheviot waists worth 50 cents, our price 29 cents. THE BOSTON' STORE. - J. PIZER, Prop. The only cheap store with good goons in Lincoln County. North Platte National Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Paid -up Capital, S75,000. WW BIKGE, H. SCUUFF A. F, STREITZ, DIRECTORS: A. D. BUCKWORTH. M. C. LINDSAY, H. OTTEN, D. W. BAKER. M. OBERST, All business intrusted to us handled promptly, carefully, and at lowest rates. C. F. IDDINGS, LUMBER COAL, Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. Dr. N. McOABE, Prop. J. E. BUSH, Manager. NOBTH PLATTE PHARMACY, Successor to J. Q. Thacker. ISTOHTH: PLATTE, NEBEASKA. WE AIM TO HANDLE THE JBEST GRADE OF GOODS, BELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRIOES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING- AS REPRESENTED. le country ajra axong tno use oi wo union Pacific Railway Solicited. Ths Mmmy Happealags of Sere Days Re' duced From Columns to Uses Erery thlag bat Facts Eliminated For Out Readers' CoarealeBce. Wednesday April 11. Clemens Higley, 24 years old, was kicked to death by a horse at Lafayette, Ind. He was to be married the next day. M. Armbrnster and Son, scenic painters, secured an attachment on the scenery of the Tide of Life company at Columbus, O. The John Scott legacy medal and prem iam was awarded to John T. Wilken, a Connersville, Ind., mechanical engineer, for his method of generating and planing eycloidal surfaces. The schooner Lottie Cooper was wrecked off Sheboygan, Wis., and Ed Olson, one of the sailors, was drowned. A female keeper of a toll gate near Brownsville, Pa., refused to permit the passage of Coxey's army 'until $1.89 had been paid. General Henry W. Slocum is lying dangerously ill with pnenmonia and a complication of ailments at Brooklyn. Cold and stormy weather has had the effect of reducing General Frey's indus trial army from 678 men to 407. Refusing to comply with the' Illinois law the license of the American Employ ers' Liability Insurance company has been revoked. Gold to the amount of 335,000 francs ar rived. in New York from Europe destined lot Cuba. Wheeler and Tappan, pump manufac turers of Chicago, hare assigned. Liabil ities, $30,000; assets about the same. Cholera is stated to be increasing in European Turkey. Calliadi Bey, chan cellor of state, ie one of the latest victims. The Kansas board of commissioners has invited all traffic managers of railroads in that state to meet the board for a confer ence on the 16th inst. Captain Thomns Davison, the last sur vivor of the battle of Stonington, when the British fleet bombarded that town in 1814, died at his home in New London, Conn., aged 93 years. The case against M. J. O'Bryan, the de faulting supreme treasurer of the Catho lic Knights of America, was settled in the United States circuit court by consent of judgment against his bondsmen for 125,000. Dictator Wilhelm of the Freeland Afri can expedition has settled down to wait for the arrival of William Astor Chanler before proceeding with the expedition. The latter gentleman proposes to remain in America for six months. Thursday, April 12. Ex-Congressman Ferris died at Glen Falls, N. Y: The Aspen National bank of Aspen, Colo., has gone into liquidation. The Wisconsin State Label Cigarmak ers' league is in annual convention at Oshkosh. Farmer Uriah Scanlan was flogged by white caps near Bourbon, Ind., because he had ill-treated his wife, John Limback of Dyersville, la., and Miss Clara. Zimmerman of Guttenbiirg, la., were married. The city of Henderson, Ky., has sued the Henderson Bridge company for $G0, 000 back taxes. Willie Rice shot a mallard duck near Dallas, Ills., and fonnd a gold ring in its gizzard. The Rev. Hayden Raybnrn and Mrs. Raybnrn celebrated the GOth wedding an niversary yesterday at Kokomo, Ind. Jack Bellews was held to await the ac tion of the grand jury on the charge of murder at Fort Dodge, la. He was al lowed bail in $15,000, a practically prohi bitory amount. Kansas Populists have decided to make the freight rate question the issue in the approaching campaign. A bill giving women the right to vote in school elections was passed by the Ohio senate by n vote of SO to 6. The Populists of Kickinson county, Kansas, will use the Swiss referendum method in nominating county officers. Hon. W. Ogden will be the successor of Hon. N. W. Blanchnrd in congress from the Fourth district of Louisiana. After a 10 days' trial the jury in the case of Martin Kerwin, charged with the murder of Frank Marr, returned a ver dict of manslaughter at Dubupue, la. Brigadier General Andrew Welch has ordered his full staff of officers and five csmpanies of the Third regiment, Illinois National guards, to report in Rockford during the coming G. A.R. encampment May 15, 16 and 17, and take part in the parade. A. E. Pike, a prominent Mason of New Hampton, la., and a member of the first Knights Templar commandery organized in the United States, died Wednesday. The Canadian government has decided not to ask parliament to grant a subsidy of $500,000 a year to establish a steamship line between France and Canada. News has been received in San Fran cisco that the British ship Cape City was wrecked in the China sea and half its crew drowned, including Captain T. A. Rodney. Friday, April 13. The Indiana gerrymander suit was taken under advisement by Judge Brown of In dianapolis. Frank Leach, 24 years old and newly married, was killed at Xiles, Mich., by a lolling log. IcmatiUB Donnelly and Walter Sims, 'the A. P. A. lecturer, held a joint debate at Minneapolis. Delia Latham, alias Carey, was killed with an ax .y some unknown person at Anaconda, Mon. The Republican state convention of North Dakota has been called to meet in Grand Forks July 11. Charles Hines awoke at Sheridan, Ind., to find his wife dead at his side, heart failure being the cause. The primary convocation of the Episco pal archdeacons of the north and midwest assembled at Kansas City. John Clark, of the well known thread manufacturing firm, of Paisley, Scotland, is dead. He was 67 years old. Mamie Stroup, aged 13, of Des Moines, died from a criminal operation. A negro and hermother are under arrest. Delegates from the Michigan colored Masonic grand lodge have selected a site near Monroe for a Masonic home. The examination of Frank and Patrick O'Neil for. the murder cf Timothy Dillon has been fixed at Manitowoc, Wis., for May 33. r The wool growers of central Wyoming met at Casper, Wy and organised a Wool Growers' association, with Luther C. Morrisoa president and W. F. Dunn secretary. The sight of'Oliie Roberta of.Sedalia, Mo., aged tt, was ruined by the explosion of a cigarette loaded with powder by an other kof. Coloael Watterson in The Coarier-Jour- Ml makes angry protest against the oeeca of Phil Thompson in the Breckin ridge case. A circular is oat announcing the ap pointment of William Hogg as commer cial agent of the Missouri Pacific at Paebte, Cole. flfaaaatoef the , Xertkmtsra aaiver Sls had a diswraoafal G ROVER'S VETO . Passed over his head at 13 IB 3fcT 3" 3E E S I. Rennie's Immense Line of DET GOODS, MILLINERY, AND Now being opened. $10,000 in new novelties. Our store jammed with' goods and at panic prices. Eennie just home Jxonf theTeastern mar ket and he has selected the most choice goods. "We did not have time to Toqk up any. but the latest and the best quality of goods and invite all ladies to call and make an inspection of the line now being opened. Our store is jammed with goods up and down stairs. Silver dollars good enough for us; bring them in and get the choicest goods for your money in the west. Carpets, Millinery, - Dry Goods and Ladies' Waists, Capes and JacKets. Rehnie, the lead er of western Nebraska. Special sale on Sat urday, all our Dress and Check Ginghams at Five Cents per yard. . slugging match m which severar profes sors got hurt. Saturday, April 11. The Texas Y. M. C. A. Is m session at Fort Worth. Ex-Senator Sam C. Major died suddenly tt Fayette, Mo. Dr. William G. Hammond, dean- of the St. Louis law school, is dead. Business men of Milwaukee have won a fight with the Wisconsin Telephone com pany over an obnoxious rule. William Buch, a manufacturer of La Porte, Ind,, was killed by a train while crossing the Lake Shore tracks. Lonj; distance telephonic communica tion between Washington and the Chicago postofnee ha3 been established. Newell B. Parsons of Sauinaw, Mich., has been arrested on a charge of stealing $463,000 worth of railroad bonds. Charles Horschfeld has been arrested at Clarksville, Ills., for a brutal and prob ahly fatal assault upon his wife. Charles Gustafson, an employe at Grace land cemetery, Chicago, dug a grave and fell dead in it, from a stroke of apoplexy. Near Vandalia, Ills., Henry Drake shot and fatally injured his brother-in-law, who was harboring Drake's wife and child. Father Phnlan, editor of the Western Churchman of St. Louis, has made pub lic apoiogy for his criticisms of Arch bishop Kane. The Missouri, Kansas and Texas is about to begin a line from Green Ridye to Holden. Mo., which will give it a St. Louis-Kansas City line. Forty of the leading ladies and gentle men of Platte City, Mo., have been in dicted by the grand jury for indulging in progressive euchre. George Taylor, at St. Joseph, Mo., re fused to plead not guilty to attempt to kill when urged by the court to do so and was sent to the penitentiary for two years. Governor Peck has written a letter to. the chief of the Milwaukee fire depart ment offering his services in nid of the families of firemen killed in the theater disaster. John J. Ingalls and others have been charged with fraud in connection with certain debenture bonds issued by the now defunct Kansas Trust and Banking company. Monday, April 10. Abner Wood, a fanner of Grinnell, la., fell dead from heart disease. A Mrs. Campbell was burned to death in her home near Charleston, Mo. Dennis McCarthy was arrested at Cham berlain, S. D., for n robbery at Cherokee, Iowa. Between 5,000 and 6,000 .coal miners in the district about Birmingham, Ala., have struck. John Duddleson. and George Martz were severely injured at Portland, Ind., by the explosion of a gas well. The West End Land company of Nash ville made an assignment. Liabilities, $150,000; assets valued at $400,000. Gladstone's sight has grown so dim he is unable to recognize friends. Complete collapse of the ex-prenner is predicted. Earl Kimberley proposes to offer amend ments to the British Bering sea bill to meet objections to it raised in America. Jphn Kleinfeldt was killed and four other persons injured by explosion of an oil tank in the St. Paul yards, Chicago. William Russell attended the funeral of P. H. Best, a suicide, near Stewart, Ky., and at the grave fell back dead. A corruption fund of $7,000,000 is said to have been raised by the sugar trust and other interests to defeat the pending tariff bill. Rhody Shiel, ex-President Harrison's particular friend, was defeated for the nomination for county treasurer at In dianapolis. Harry Fensan, a notorious character of Ramsey, Ills., stabbed Robert Chandler while Chandler was trying to eject him from his place of business. W. J. Gnyman, secretary treasurer of the United Mine workers of Illinois, says the miners of northern Illinois, who are well organized, will strike April 22. Ed Morrill, who aided in the escape of Chris Evans, the California bandit, has been convicted of robbing City Marshal Morgan of Fresno, Cal., of his pistol. August Popez, -a Bohemian of noble birth, who had to leave Bohemia on ac count of his politics, obtained a divorce at Omaha from the wife he left in his native country. Jack Crews, murderer of four persons of Gainesville, Tex., was taken toward Fort Worth for safekeeping. On the way he was taken from his guards and lynched. i Tuesday, April 17. Charles and Rose Coghlan have made up and are to play together again. A war on whisky is raging at Jackson, Miss. Dr. Edward Suessof Vienna is, out in a defense of silver. A change in the militia system of Kan sas which will plnce the troops more directly under the executive control will be recommended by Governor Lewelling. Albert Reed, indicted forcomplicity in the wrecking of the Indianapolis Nation al bank, has refused to become i govern ment witness. More than $500,000 collected by Sioux City from saloonkeepers may have to b taraed over to the county school fuad. The fiftieth anniversary of St. Joseph's. Catholic church was celebrated at St. Lotiis. It is said lucre is. to be a bitter fight over tne succession to senator Vance of North Carolina. Reports to the French" naval commis sion show that country ships to be in a deplorable condition. jln'thc elections to the Portuguese cham ber of deputies the government secured a majority of about 40. At St. L-mis-Lulu William killed her 15-year-old sister, Mamie William, with a bullet intended for Luminda Gardner. A convention to nominate a candidate for attorney general held at South Pitts burg, Tenn., lasted from Tuesday tillSat trrda7 night, and 1,256 ballots were cast before a nomination was made. Refuse to JTove Great Northern Freight. Seattle, April 17. An officer of the American Railway union says that the first move made by the Great Northern to hire nonunion men will be met by a strike on the Northern Pacific and Can adian Pacific lines, thus blocking abso lutely all traffic. Northern Pacific men refuse to move Great Northern freight, although it jstnnds in the Northern Pa dflcTyartis arirbbstructsT)usirics3. They declare they will go out before they will move the freight. Lieutenant Mancy" Trial. Chicago, April 17. In tli9 trial of Lieutenant Maney for the shooting of Captain Hedberg at Fort Sheridan, the hearing of testimony was begun today. Captain Hewgarden, assistant surgeon of the post, described the wound which caused the captain's death. During his testimony Mrs. Hedberg was overcome and was led weeping from the court room. The Czar Refused. Paris, April 14. Tho St. Petersburg correspondent of Le Petit Parisien says that, with tho assent of the king of Italy and the emperor of Austria, Em peror William asked the czar to convoke a congress of the powers with a view to a general reduction in their military footing, but the czar refused. The Golf Election In Court. .Denver, April 17. Ex-Governor John Evans filed a bill in the United States circnit court asking that the election of Gulf directors recently be set aside; that a new election be called from which Union Pacific stockholders shall be ex cluded and that the.directors be enjoined from foreclosing mortgages. Denver's New Police Board. Denver, April 17. The decree of the supreme court has been carried into ef fect and Gov. Waite's police and fire board has taken peaceable possession. Hamilton Armstrong is chief of police and William E. Roberts chief of the fire department. Los Angeles Shaken. Los Angeles, April 17. There was a terrific explosion here shortly after mid night. Three stores with brick fronts on the northwest corner of Spring and Fifth streets were entirely demolished. Cause of the. explosion unknown. - Doubts Its Truth. DCbuque, April 17. United States District Attorney Sells sa-s he has no knowledge of the alleged disappearance Van Leuvcn, the Lime Springs pension agent, and does not think there is any truth in the report. Kearney Wants to Be on the Line. Denver April 17. The board of trade of Kearney, Neb., writes to the chamber of commerce of this city asking that Kearney he put on the line of the proposed extention of the Jules burg branch. Last of Its War Loans. Boston, April 17. On May 1 the state of Massachusetts will pay off the last of its war loans. The entire loan, known as the bounty loan, and dated May 1, 18W, amounts to $8,403,148. Three Children. Killed. Montreal, April 17. The ceiling of Riverside school in Point St. Charles, a Montreal suburb, collapsed this morning. Three children were crushed to death and several wounded. Started Up After a Year's Idleness. Poplar Bluff, Mo., April 17. The F. G. Oxley Stave company and the Alfrey Heading company have started their machinery, after lying idle for nearly a year. 5 Hill aad Geary Denounced. San Francisco, April 17. Three thousand Democrats met in mass meet ing and passed long resolutions denounc ing David B. Hill and Thomas Geary. Far the Marder of a Sister of Mercy. Berlin, April 17. A man -who is sup--posed to have been the person who 86 Mulbd and murdered the young Sister f Xsrcy hm fcseti arrested. PRIM ADOPTED House by a Vote of 212 to 47 Decides to Count Members Present. THE ELEVENTH CENSUS. Time for the Completion of the Work Ex tended Until March 4 Next Presi dential Nominations To Dis continue Small forts. Washington. April 10. Tuere va3 a verv larce attendance on both sides and in the galleries when the house met to day in anticipation of the fight over the new quorum counting rule. Gatchmgs. from the committee on rule3,' secured recognition before the journal was read and after withdrawing the rule reported last Thursday presented the report agreed upon just before the house con vened, as follows: "Upon every roll call and before the beginning thereof tte speaker shall name two members, one from each side of the pending question if practicable, who shall take their places at the clerk's desk to tell the names of at least enough members who are in tho hall of the house during the roll call who do not re spond when added to those respondiug to make a quorum. If a quorum does not respoud on the roll call then the names of those so noted as present shall be reported to the speaker who shall cause tho list to be called from the clerk's desk and recorded in the journal and in determin ing the presence of a quorum to do busi ness those who answered present shall be considered. Members noted may when their names are called record their votes notwithstanding the provisions of clause Dne of this rule. "Amend clause one of rule eight by adding this to the following words: 'And an a roll call should he not vote he shall answer present' ao as to read: . 'Every member shall be present within the hall Df the house during its sittings unless ex- :used or necessarily prevented and shall rote on each question put unless he has a lirect personal or pscuniary interest in tho result of such question, and on a roll call, shall he not vote he shall an swer present.' "' Catching3 suggested an hour and a half as limit for debate but Wells of Wis jonsiu, a democralio opponent of the rule, objected strenuously to such brief debate. Quorum Couutinff Kule Adopted. The quorum counting rule has been idopted by tho house by a vote of 312 to 17, the Republicans votiug for it. Presidential Nominations. Washington, April 17. The president sent the following nominations to the senate: Postmasters George Roe. Valejo, Cal.; Felix G. Cockrell, East St. Louis, Ills.; F. K. Threlkild, Higgins- ville. Mo.; James 1J. Rich, Slater, Mo.; William E. Cole. LaPlatte, JVIo.; George F. Carred, Wtihpeton, N. D. To be receivers of public moneys: W. H. Turbit, Des Moines; J. F. Ashbury, Bozeman, Mon. The Eleventh Census. Washington, April 17. Census offi ials are certain that'a thoroughly satis factory adjustment of the work of tho jleventh census will result from the car rying into effect of the bill which has just passed through congress providing for the extension of lime for the comple tion of tho work until March 4 next. To Discontinue Small Ports. Washington, April 17. Some legisla tion is probable during: the present con gress looking to the abolition of the afnees of collectors of customs at a num ber of small ports and the transferring of he business transacted by them to the larger offices 5URUEXDEK OF THE REBEL FLEET. Insurgent War Vessels Delivered to the Brazilian Minister at Uuenos Ayrcs. Buenos. Ayres, April 17. The re mains of the Brazilian rebel fleet com manded by Admiral de Mello which ar rived off this port last night, are the sub ject of extensive exchanges of telegraphic messages between the authorities of this place and the Brazilian government, irongh the Brazilian minister here. The rebel ships are tho Republics, Meteoro, Iris, Urano and Esperanza. They are in a very dilapidated condition and the rebels on board of them are suf fering from sickness, wounds and lack of proper food supplies. Their tempo rary wants havo been supplied, with the consent of the Brazilian minister, who has received advices from Rio de Janeiro saying that a general amnesty will be granted to the insurgents, rank, and file, and that tho Brazilian government will pay the quar antine expenses of tho ships if they are surrendered to the Brazilian minister. Consequently the Argentine government, with the consent of tho rebel leaders, is now superintending the delivery of the five war vessels to the Brazilian minister. Woli Known English Artist. London, April 17. A dispatch from San Romalo, Italy, announces tho death there of Mrs. Lucy Rosetti, a well known English artist. Queen Victoria at Coburg. Coburo, April 17. Queen Victoria was received in great state by tho Duke and Duchess of Coburg-Edinburgh. Passed tho Remaining Clauses. Buda Pesth, April 17. The lower house of the diet passed the remaining clauses of the civil marriage bill. Sir Charles Russell Succeeds Lord Bo wen. London, April 17. Sir Charles Rus sell, attorney general, has accepted the post of lord justice of appeal. Joiners' Strike Failed to Materialize. Vienna, April 17. The proposed strike of 10,00i joiners of this city and neigh borhood has not taken place. Russia's Aotitontinc Insurance Law. St. Petersburg, April 17. The anti- tontine insurance law went into opera tion today. Wyoming Pipe Line Company. Casper, Wyo., April 17. Articles of incorporation for the Wyoming Pipe Line company have been recorded in the county clerk's office. Casper will be the principal place of "business, other places named being Denver, St. Louis, New Orleans and Pittsburg. The pipe line will extend from the Salt creek wells to Orin Junction, northern terminus of the Denver and Gulf railway system, thence to Fort Laramie, whence oil will bs shipped in bar S50 FO UND ! The best MEN'S S SHOE?evep made. 22 Inquire of your shoe dealer. f DEeZCK-sLIEeiD BEOS., 4. (THE FAIR STORE,) Have the exclusive agency for the sale of these Shjpes in North Platte. Come and see them. WORK OF NATIONAL LAWMAKERS. Doth Branches of Congress Adjourn Oat mt Kespect to Senator Vance. Washington, April 10. In the house bills were passed for the protection of game in the Yellowstone park and for the punishment of crime in the park by the extension of the law and jurisdiction of the Wyoming United States district court to its territory; to grant chief justices in the territories power to ap point commissioners to tako proof cf land cases. In the course of the debate which fol-f lowed Mr. Bryan (Neb.) took the floor,, and ostensibly speaking on the amend ment, made a reply to the recently published letter of Mr. Reed.to Mr. C.L. B. Vaughan.of Hutchinson, Kan., in which He criticized Mr. Bryan for using in his speech made in Denver an extract from one of his (Reed's) Boston tariff speeches. In that letter Mr. Reed com-, plained that the extract taken from its contents conveyed a wrong impression. Mr. Bryan stated that the extract he used had not been taken from its con tents; that he had used all of the pub lished report of the speech Moreover, he stated, that Mr. Reed's letter of ex planation was written deliberately and reiterated practically the idea contained in the speech from which he had quoted. Washington, April 11. Tho agree ment between Senators Harris and Aid rich went into effect Wednesday, and from 1 to 5 o'clock the tariff bill was under discussion, and Senators Hale (Me.) and Peffer (Kan.) spoke against it. The time of the senate from 12 to 1 and from 5 to 6 p. m., when it went into ex ecutive session, was taken up in consid eration of the urgency deficiency bill, but without reaching any conclusion in regard to it. Washington, April 11. Mr. Reed held the house at bay for an hour and a half Wednesday, on a motion to dis charge tho warrant issued to the ser-gcant-at-arms during the fight over the contested election cases to arrest ab sentees. The Republicans, under his leadership, refused to vote, and the Dem ocrats being unable to muster a quorum, yielded to an adjournment. The Demo crats fear this movo on the part of Mr. Reed is in pursuance of a carefully formulated plan to force the constant at tendance of a Democratic quorum here after. Tho Republicans deny that anv such plan has been agreed upon. Washington, April Vi. Both sides of tho chamber showed a very good attend ance when the senate met Thursday. During the transaction of the routine morning business, Senator Kyle (S. D.) introduced a joint resolution proposing a constitutional amendment relative to and divorce, which was re ferred to the committee on judiciary. Tho urgency deficiency bill was taken up and was about to be put on ita final pass age, when the hour of 1 o'clock arrived and the question went over, while the tariff bill was laid before the senate. Mr. Peffer was recognized and deliv ered the third installment of his speech on the tariff bill. He announced his purpose of offering at the proper time a substitute for the pending bill, based on the principle of taxing the articles used by the rich, while exempting those arti cles of prime necessity used by the poor, whether manufactured abroad or not. He would relieve the poor of all taxation and put the tax on articles used by the r. c The Democrats in the house were una ble to muster a quorum to act on the new fine rule and finding them selves unable to proceed, a resolution was offered to revoke leaves of absence and compel the attendance of absentees. Washington, April 18. In the house the prospect of a quorum today was hopeless, and as it had been decided to call a Democratic caucus to consider the rules, Dockery moved an adjournment and at 1 o'clock the house adjourned. The Democratic caucus met immed iately after adjournment, Mr. Bland suggested as a remedy for absenteeism the "docking" of members for such days as they may be absent. The suggestion was unanimously adopted. In the senate, Mitchell (Or.) spoke in opposition to the pending tariff bill. Washington, April 14. Senator Quay addressed the senate in opposition to the pending tariff bill. He reviewed at length the history of tariff legislation in the country, showing the effects of high tariffs and low tariffs in the industries of tho country. He spoke with emphasis and apparent earnestness of the ruin which the passage of the Wilson bill would bring to the industries of his state. Washington, April 14. Filibustering was resumed in the house as coon as it convened today. Tho first call of the roll showed that the Democrats lacked rf7 of a quorum. At 12:30 the house adjourned. Washington, April 38 Owing to the death of Senator Vance the house trans acted no public business Monday. Reso lutions of respect to the memory of the distinguished North Carolinian were adopted and the house as a body partici pated in the funeral ceremonies in the senate chamber. Appropriate resolutions were also adopted in honor of the mem ory of General Henry W. Slocum, the gallant Union general, formerly a mem ber of the house, who died in Brooklyn last Saturday, and then, as a' further mark of respect for the lato Senator Vance, the house adjourned. Washington, April 16. The senate Monday paid its respects to the memory of Senator Vance of North-Carolina. In his opening prayer, the chaplain alluded to the deceased in words of touching sympathy and honorAppropriate reso lutions were adoptgfl. At the conclusion of the ceremoniethe senate adionrned. ! continued its consideration of the pro j posed legislation for the payment of th indebtedness of these railroad to the United States. Chairman Riley was in structed to request the presence before, the committee of the receivers of the' Union Pacific and of Hon. George Hoad ley, tho special counsel of the United States, the committee to get from thr persons information of the present stat J IOWA CKOP PKOSPKCTS FAVORABLE Farm Work (a All Parts of the State Weil Advanced. Des Moines, April 17. This week's Iowa crop bulletin says: The rainfall has been sufficient and was well distrib uted. The conditions were favorable for farm work, which is now in all parts of the state well advanced. An unusually large acreage has been prepared for corn and the farmers will be able to take ad vantage of the first favorable weather for planting. The soil is ia excellent condition. Spring cereals are coming up nicely, and the damage from the March freeze will not materially re duce the acreage of oats. Iu the north ern districts flax seeding is in progress. Live stock is generally in good condition. There is an abundanco of forage on hand and grass is making a fair start. Tbe outlook for orchard fruit is better than was indicated two weeks ago. sensational shooting affkat. An Indianapolis Law Oflco the Scene of Bloody Encounter. Indianapolis, April 17. The law office of Miller, Winter and Elam was the scene of a sensational shooting at noon. W. B. Copeland of Madison, Ind.. shot Addison C. Harris in the arm, in flicting a painful wound. He also shot W. H. Bruning of Madison in the face. Mr. Harris is one of the most prominent lawyers in the state and is one of tho Iron Hall attorneys. Burglars at Bertraud. BertranDj Neb., April 18. RobtefS blew off the safe in C. Fasten au3' saloon and secured about $50. The perpetra tors cleaned out everything in the safe. even carrying off the book3. Ono Year For Burglary. Sidney, April IS. John Dennahan and Peter Able, who burglarized the grocery store of William Pease last week, pleaded guilty in the district court and were sentenced by Judgo -Neville to one year each in the peniten tiary. Clew to Crawford Bank Robbers. Chadron, Neb., April 1(5. A reward of $200 and one-third of the stolen money is. offered for tho capture of the Crawford bank robbors. The officers think they have a clew to tho robbers and their suspicions point to Dawes county people. Next Interstate Reunion. Superior, Neb., April 14. Ninety two delegates from the Grand Army of tho Republic posts in Kansas and Ne braska met here and voted unanimously for Superior as the location for tho next interstate reunion to be held in August. C. E. Adams was elected com mander. A Physician Stricken. Chadron, Neb., April 14. Dr. A. N. Jackson, one of the best physicians in the city, was suddenly stricken with appen-r did t is, and ho was taken tpUmahirns---. der the care of Dr. Weir df this city and Dr. Julian of Rushville, where they hope . to have a surgical operation performed that will save his life. High Water at Decatur. Decatur, Neb., April 18. The Mis souri river has been constantly rising for several days, and has reached a height not attained before since 1681. It is cut ting badly just north of town, and if it continues at high water it is feared that quite a number of town lots will take a stride toward Omaha. Campflre and Reception. Superior, Neb., April 14. Old Abe post, Grand Army of tho Republic, gave a reception and campfire in honor of the election of C. E. Adams to the position of senior vice commander of Nebraska. Addresses were made by Hon. Church Howe, department commander of Ne-. braska; Governor Crounse, General E. J. Dilworth, Hon. Louis Hanback and others. Brave Deed of Firemen. Fremont, April 1H. A naphtha tank was dissovered on fire on the Union Pacific track about 5 p. m. Monday causing consternation to the whole neighborhood. The fire department was called out, but no water was thrown. People in the neighborhood were warned that an explosion was momentarily ex pected. At this juncture two brave fire men, George Mayer and George Saeger, seized a blanket, and, climbing upon the car, smothered out the flames. Beatrice ChaataHqua Program. Beatrice, Neb., April 13. The Be atrice Chautauqua association makes the announcement of its program for this year's assembly, the dates of which are June 21 to July 4 inclusive. The list of attractions include such .celebrities as Joseph Cook, Frank Beard, James Clement Ambrose and many others. On July 4 a discussion on "Protection Against Free Trade" will take place be tween R. G. Horr of Massachusetts and Hon. Mr. White of Chicago. Will iRTf&ttcate the ITbUm. )JT, April 18. The house Patifip raUroaik Monday Tm TAT PEOPLE farm sm intunrini wIWbtsI bW VMb A Wfl MIMAMTEC a CURE at I Frlea M.Mrfcttl. SaasMctarl TIUOMT MMDlVAXt COt