The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, April 11, 1894, Image 3

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    1 Hi:
19 -J'
Make arrangements for attending
the May party.
Lsst Saturday was North Platte's
fire anniversary. . v
A trio of Col. Cody's greyhounds
were last week shipped to Oklahoma.
Mrs. H. W. Hill has been quite sick
for a number of days this week.
Mrs. J. Li. Minor will entertain a
email party of lady friends tomorrow
x - -a ii xl txi .
it is eaiu ino iioor oi me opera nouse
will be ground down in first class shape
for the B. of L. E. May party.
The pupils of the Second ward
school were invigorated last Friday
afternoon by an open air flag drill.
Rev. Foulk will preach next Sab
bath morning on "The Shadow of Peter,"
and in the evening on "Godliness Pays."
Mrs. A. S. Baldwin entertained the
members of the Eastern Star on Thurs
day afternoon of last week in a very neat
and appreciable manner.
Patterson & Alexander propose to
farm this year whether it rains or not.
Their outfit left yesterday afternoon for
the farm up in Nichols precinct
M. K. Barnum received a telegram
last week stating that Mrs. B . who has
been visiting at New Albany, Ind., for a
month, had given birth to a baby boy.
Trainmen Monday morning reported
plenty of snow west of Cheyenne. From
Kearney east on tbe same night it is said
that part' of the state received a fine rain.
It is said that applications for the
position ef city marshal are becoming
very numerous. "With some the curiosity
upon this subject amounts to almost a
Numerous additional patrons are be
imj added to the waterworks system. This
looks'as if our people did not altogether
mean to depend on the local signal office
for moisture.
It is now stated that M. W. Clair
has purchased the post office fixtures of
C. L. Wood. The Washington dispatches
announce that tbe former's commission
has been issued.
One of our local sports is correspond
ing in regard to prices upon a Crypto
geared bicycle. When he gets this ma
chine he will be able to throw sand in
all the boys' eyes.
The greatest bargains to be found
in Nebraska at Tbe Boston Store.
The local Odd Fellows are making
great preparations for the observance of
"Odd Fellows' day" on April 26ih, in
this city. A large number of visiting
brethren are expected.
A couple of new canvas awnings has
j ust been put up on the McDonald block
on Spruce street, and the plate glass has
been received for the barber shop win
dow and will soon be put in place.
The emblematic Odd Fellows' car
pet which was purchased by theRebekah
lodge has arrived and last Thursday was
put in place by tbe sisters. It is of a
very handsome and appropriate pattern.
A private dance will be given at
Keith's hall on FndBy evening next
under the auspices of a number of young
men. It bids fair to bo an event result
ing in more than tbe usual quantity and
quality of pleasure.
At a meeting of the fire department
Saturday night H. O. Evans was selected
as chief for the coming year, and Wm.
Price aasistaat for the wae length of
tMM. These selections will doubt lew be
eealrned by the'ooanciL
I have a No, 2 Remington typewriter
that I will sell for 830.00.
r. David Foulk has accepted an
to deliver the address at tbe
McPKerson national-cemetery on Decor
ation Day, May 30th. During the past
nineteen years Rev. Foulk has delivered
eighteen Decoration Day addresses.
Workmen have this week been re
pairing the roof and cornice of the Mc
Doaald block on Spruce sheet. An
observant democrat considers tnis as s
Mire indication that the governrfont land
oUce will shortly be remnwd thereto.
The todies guild of the Episcopal
chorea will ierve a pablio supper in the
loom fermeriy occupied by Newton, on
Tuesday evening of next week. The
price of the supper is twenty-five cents,
and the public is invited to take advan
tage of toe occasion.
Miss Nettie M. Aumock died of con
sumption Monday night at the residence
of Isaac Dillon. The deceased was
twenty-three years of age, and was a
a stater of Mrs. John Ellison. The
funeral takes place this afternoon from
the Presbyterian church.
A writer in Sunday's Omaha World
Herald charges H. M. Grimes and Judge
Nevifie, of this city, as each having con
gressional aspirations; the former via
a republican convention, tbe lat
ter by means of a pop nomination. The
same author says a democratic nominee
will probably be put in training in this
Judge A. H. Church is recovering
from his illness less rapidly than bis
friends had hoped, though improvement
is noted. He has been able to go out
driving for several days past and enjojr
the pleasant sunshine. It may be pos
sible that the Judge will be taken to
Colorado Springs whero it is believed he
wouiu improve more rapidly.
J. T. Mallalieu, superintendent of
tbe state industrial school at Kearney,
was in the city yesterday organizing his
forces for a congressional nomination
this fall. Be is an enthusiastic republi
can, yet bis republicanism is of that un
Eelfisn sort which will cause him to step
aside in case he feels that he is not the
strongest and most available candidate
for the party.
Some miscreant broke into Henry
Breternitz' chicken coop Monday evening
about 8:30 o'clock and stole sixteen fine
Jjight Brahma chickens. Whether it
gas some pf the advance guard of Coxey'e
army or the efforts of local talent iB not
known. There is nothing so good for
this kind of complaint as a properly
administered dose of mustard shot.
According to Sidney Sapp politics in
Oklahoma must be a queer mess. He
was a candidate for city clerk on the pop
ticket JuBt a few days prior to election
the republican and democratic nominees
and himself were severally arrested by
sheriffs from various parts of the coun
try upon charges of embezzlement.
"Verily that territory is not sufficiently
civilized tb become a state.
Several gentlemen who pride them
selves on their ability to raise early
irarden 4sat?s'-' have been telling The
Tribune durine the past week how they
Uare beei overburdened with radishes,
lettuce, onions, pie plant, etc., from their
hot bedti but their stories cannot be
published verbatim in these columns
unless accompanied by tangible evidence
of their truthfulness,' for instance, a
iberal 4!ices3" of the vegetables.
AM?. Brill, of Malvern, Iowa, rep
resenting a business coljege at that
placed wffi in our city ast week, and laid
-before our people a plan for securing a
commercial school at a very small cost
His plan 'was for the citizens to guaran
tee thirty scholarships for one year, at
the rate "of 830 per term of six months.
A committee was appointed at the meet
ing of the Business Men's Association on
Monday nicht to make a canvass and
secure this number of students. This is
certainly a good move to provide young
men wjt a means .acquiring a gooft
business education, and The Tribune
trusts there maybe no delay in securing
tne necessary membership.
H. D. Rhea returned from Lincoln
Sunday where he appeared before' the
supreme court as one of the attorneys in
the Miles-Martin election contest case
which was carried up from Cheyenne
W. U. Kitnor recently erected a
$2,200 granite monument in the Chey
enne cemetery for parties in that city.
A short time ago he put up some nice
work over the remains of F. D. Nowell's
children, in Nowell precinct
Don't fail to attend the great cape
and jacket sale now in progress at Tbe
Boston Store.
J. Greenback Beeler resumed edi
torial control of the Wallace Herald last
week and J. W. Thomas, who made vain
attempts at publishing tbe sheet, will,
according to the twinkling Star, enter
the ministry. Herejs success to both.
John H. Powers, the state alliance
lecturer who has been in this county for
a week past, finds tbe local alliances in
such shape as to call for re-organization
and the infusion of new life. Unless
Uncle John succeeds in divorcing politics
from the alliances which he is reorgan
izing in this county tbey will soon again
become disorganized.
Last week was an unlucky one for
several residents of Wallace precinct
Grant Cochran amputated two toes by
the aid of a shot gun, a young son of
John Vanakin was pitched off a broncho
and fractured a leg, and a son of Jerry
Lawless fell from the roof of a building
and dislocated his shoulder. It is better
to be born rich than unlucky.
A little matter over which our city
dads should wrestle before tbe summer
nights come is that of making all side
walks within the business portion of our
citv within the fire limits conform to
an'established grade. Their lack of this
essential causes many ill-natured re
marks by strangers who pedestrianate
our streets after night
85,000 to $10,000 m Silks, Velvets
and Millinery now being opened at
A number of North Platto's noble
savages will attend the I. O. R. M. an
niversary and ball in Grand Island. They
will assist in dedicating a now ball, and
by request will present the roaring sham
initiatory ceremony that was given prior
to the masquerade ball here. This will
afford the f un-loving people of Grand
Island a great deal of pleasure.
I. A. Fort is putting in considerable
time these days organizing local irriga
tion associations in western Nebraska.
Last week he protty thoroughly worked
the Platte valley in Dawson county and
the eastern portion of Lincoln. Next
week he will dovote his time to forward
ing the movementover on the B. fc M. be
tween Somerset and Venango.
To tho entertainment to bo given at
Keith's opera houso by Miss Erminie
Farnsworth the programme of which
was published last week tho farce
"Marplot" has been added, with the fol
lowing cast of characters: James Whit
comb, D. M. Amsbary; Mrs. Meddle
some, Miss Kraraph; Mrs. Holman, Mrs.
Sprague; Emily and Bertha (daughters)
Mi6ses Hail and Farnsworth.
Hard time3 are not known at Ron
nie's. TiiK Tribune doe3 not believe that
all democrats aro horse thieves, in fact
occasionally one is found who, outside of
his erratic political views, is not a bad
sort of a fellow. This journal, staunch
republican as it is, would not be adverse
to having mayor-elect VonGoetz favor
ably consider Patrick Honry McEvoy's
application for the position of night
police. Mac made an efficient officer
while on the force, and the salary attach
ment wo jld come in mighty handy to
him at present.
The men '6 meeting at the IV Mi- G?
A. on last Sunday sddreeeed by Rev,
Cox and Dr. Somers upon the subject oft
"Social Purity" was largely attended in
spite ofthsblastry weather. The topic
wUiwatebythT-meaTcar MnTtrom
physical standpoint, wnus me reverend
gentleman treated h subjeot from a
spiritual view. Much interest Was mani
fested by tho audience, and cloee atten
tion was paid to tbe remarks of the
speakers. Each gave evidence of having
given his subject careful study.
It is-s-beautiful sight these pleasant
mornings to witness the astute Colonel
Hijl and the equally esthetic Colonel
Walsh at work on their newly acquired
real estate possessions in tho west end.
The former has seeded a largo patch of
ground to the McKinley variety of pro
tected products while tho latter, not
fearing tho result of tho threatened
removal of the tariff on eggs, is engaged
iu raising chickens in unlimited numbers.
Both gentlemen are equally interested
in writing a composite treatiso on "Farm
ing for Profit."
Elegant new styles in Millinory at
Chas. Siouxle, who conducts tbe
humorous column in tho Wallace Star,
is of tho opinion that a whisky-cure club
in North Platte might result in as much
good aB would the establishment of a
hospital for tho pop habit in Wallace.
The election returns laBt fall gave evi
dence that mauy Wnllaceites are victims
of tbe pop habit and certainly an asylum
where the trouble could be successfully
treated would would prove a lasting
benefit to the county at largo. Here's a
nointer for our esteemed democratic
friend Dock Lenon; with the request
that he investigate.
The members of tbe city fire depart
ment are discussing the advisability of
requesting the appointment of three
special fire police from each ward who
will serve at a fire. There has been
complaints made of the efficiency of tho
work of the hremen oy reason oi a ioc oi
outsiders who will not render any as
sistance to the boys, but are continually
getting in their road and interfering
with the worn, xue memuere ui iuv
several companies aro anxious to have
this stopped, hence they are desirous of
having appointments made of persons
who will keep the curious, out moiner-
ent spectators out of the way.
The members of the local division of
the B. of L. E. aro making arrangements
for crivinc their Twelfth annual May
party on the 1st nrox. Tq the older rasi-
dfints of Tsorth Platte it is unnecessary
to sav a word in regard to this affair.
other than to simply announce the date.
For vears these balls have been a syno-
nvm for an evening of pleasure, and this
year will be no exception to tho rule.
Children accompanied by their parents
will be admitted freo of charge. An in
teresting musical programmo of about
one hour and one-half in length will be
iriven before tho ball is opened. This
alone promises to be worth tho price of
admission. The dance tickets are placed
at $1.00, and spectators twenty-five cents.
The various committees are hard at
work to make tbe affair a huge success,
and it will doubtless prove so.
Smoke the "Little Star" cigar; clear
Havana. Made by McGlone & Hess.
The preliminary hearing of Sidney
Sapp was had last Friday before J. M.
R3y. After hearing the greater portion
of tho testimony "hizzoner" concluded
that it would be well for the prosecutor
to file a new information, and try the
accused upon a charge of petit larceny,
instead of for a felony. This for the
reason that the smooth agent had traded
insurance for a store account, and the
original complaint did net charge him
with embezzling anything but money.
After deduoting the value of the mer
chandise he received tbe amount of his
shortage would be below that allowed
for grand larceny, thus making the
offense a misdemeanor instead of a
felony. The prosecuting witness did not
care to reduce the complaint, as he said
it would be no satisfaction for the com
pany, or partjculajr punishment to the
criminal, to have'bim' put in jail' for a
few daysT and' tbe prosecution was
dropped. On Saturday Sapp confessed
judgment in favor- of the company for
$95 ,00, the amount of his shortage.
H. C. Nesbitt has accepted a position
as book-keener in the office of John
Bratt & Co.
Pmf Parflinir'fl orchestra, of Grand
Tnlnnd. will furnish the music for the
engineers May party.
More farmers were in town last Sat-
tii-Aav than have been seen upon our
streets for many aday.
More labor is being expended in
gardening efforts this season in norm
Platte than ever before.
John Worthley disposed of his cows
and milk route to Wm.J2dis. the trans
fer being made last week.
Chris Brodbeck is having an addi
tion built to tbe rear end of his meat
market to be used as a work room.
Tho local militia company expects to
make its first public appearance and
participate in Memorial day services.
Miss Mindenhall in charge at Ren
nie's Millinery Store.
Interest still continues in the revival
meetings at the M. E. church and con
siderable good is being accomplished.
The infant son born to Mr. and Mrs.
Chevaler, in the west part of thia city,
laBt week, died on Monday of this week.
The members of the local G. A. R.
post havo began making arrangements
for the proper observance of Memorial
About fifty men are employed on
tho Cody ranch at present breaking
prairie and working on the irrigation
Some fellow Saturday night "took a
shot," with fatal effect, at one of Geo.
Nauman's dogs. The latter highly
prized the animal.
The Ladies' Auxilliary of the Y. M.
C. A. will meet at the rooms Friday at
4:30 p-n. for tbe transaction of import
ant business. By order of Secretary.
Sanford Hartman is demonstrating
his skill as an artist in the way he is dec
orating his house. He is doing his own
painting, thus insuring a satisfactory job.
Druggist Streitz became the daddy
of a fine and healthy boy baby Wednes
day night, and thus merits tbe congratu
lations which have been showered upon
A traveling agent was introducing
samples of a headache cure in our city
the first of this week, warranted to euro
the worst case of "katzenjammer" on
Some ungodly wretch stole P. H.
McEvoy's horse from his stable on Wed
nesday night of last week. The animal
is bay in color and branded "K" on left
fore shoulder.
"Old Dim Light" captured a Ft Sid
ney deserter last night Bravo! The av
erage individual who attempts at this
time to break out of tbe regular army
should get the full penalty.
It is said that if an attempt is made
to establish the postoffice next door to a
saloon a protest will be made to the
postal authorities at Washington that
will astonish some people.
Smoke the "Little Star" cigar; clear
Havana. Made by McGlone & Hess.
Odd recruits for Coxey's army aro
striking this- city pretty regularly at
present Faint Glim Peter struck fifteen
of them in one box car Sunday evening
and escorted them out of tbe city limits.
A number of our local attorneys are
carrying up several cases to the supreme
court This would either indicate that
they aro good fighters or aro dissatisfied
with the conclusions of the lower court,
Tho frisky "bock" beer made its
appearance in the local wet grocories
last Saturday, but the gambols of the
crafty oaperer were very much restricted
by reason of the "jags cured, asd oa
aceooat ot tat srevaiant business de
TXuia 'MvkMsr was auito badly
Inrt oMdsy last w'by a htafe'bog.
Mr. MylaBder was wortnsg about tbe
annlnaiim nnn tainitur tb animala when
one of them made a sudden bolt against
him, throwing nun to tbe groand aad
seriously injuring one of his knees.
Newell Burritt has moved into the
Tracy house just opposite Mayor War
ner's, and H. C. Nebitt has moved into
me house vacated by Mr. Burritt. Sam
Richards will move into the houso va
cated by Mr. Nesbitt, and V. McCarty
will move into the houso made vacant
by Mr. Richards.
Yesterday marking tho fifteenth
wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Dalson about thirty old and tried
friends gathered at the Dolson residence
last evening and in a very fitting man
ner assisted the worthy oouple in cele
brating the occasion. Tho time was
passed in social games until 10:30 when
refreshments were served, .after which
dancing was enjoyed for a oouple of
hours. Several very handsome orystal
souvenirs wore presented to Mr. and
Mrs. Dolson.
The wedding nuptialB of Chas. A
0"Rourke, of Cottonwood precinct, and
Miss Anna M. Neary, of Miller precinct,
were solemnized at St. Patrick's church
at ten o'clock this morning, Rev. OToole
officiating. Promptly at the announced
hour, the bridal party walked up the
aisle, the bride leaning on the arm of
her father, the groom supporting the
bride's mother, followed by Miss Etta
Neary as bridesmaid, and Ed T. Grady
as best man. The bride was arrayed in
a white satin gown entrain, with bridal
veil and carried in her hand a bouquet
of bridal roses and looked very hand
some. The groom was dressed in the
conventional black. TBen in tho pres
ence of the hundred people present, the
priest pronounced the ceremony which
made the twain one. At tbe conclusion
of the ceremony the:bridal party in com
pany with a number of invited guests
partook of a wedding breakfast at the
Nebraska House. The contracting
parties are well and favorable known' in
this city and tbeir'f riends will join us in
wishing them a 'long life replete with
happiness and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs.
O'Rourke wiflL reside on the former's
farm in Cotton wood precinct
Last nichs about eleven o'olook the
fire alarm was squndod and the depart
ment nuickly responded. Investigation
developed the fact that a small blaze was
in progress in the house occupied by
John Adams, just west of the residence
of W. S. Jreniston. It is said it ongi
nated from a lamp explosion. Two
streams of water were quickly turned on
and the poor, incipient little lire bad no
show whatever for its life. Right here
we wish to register a good hard kick at
the way in which the average volunteer
department operates at a fire, and we
will not flatter by saying that tbe North
Platte department is any exception to
rule. In case an alarm is given the first
company to arrive generally begins to
flood the premises with water before the
fire is located. This, too, whether the
wind is blowing or not, and when there
is no immediate danger of adjacent prop
erty. Perhaps this is done, on the thepry
that if you can only get enough watering
side tho yard you will extinguish the
flaaies. ThiB is the roost difficult loss to
get an insurance company to adjust If
firemen would" only remember that when
they find a bed, or a simUar article; of fur
niture, in flames )i a residegcetheir first
duty is to try and get the article out of
doors instead of trying to drown it where
it stands. By following this rule, which
should be the first instruction impressed
upon the young fireman, much injury to
tbe building and other property might be
avoided. This is brought to the atten
tion of .the boys, not for the purpose of
finding fault, bat in the hope of impror-.
ing the service. Tbe loss at (he above
fire was rtight. Hardly had the boys
reached their respective hose bouses,
with their "apparatus, when a second
alarm was sounded. This, time it was a
Heap of manure over m the Third ward,
which was probably ignited by some
joker for the purpose of seeing the boys
make a run.
We have a fine line of Sterling Silver Hair Pins, Hat
Pins, Umbrella Marks, Hat Marks, Corsage Pins, Swords
and thelates't thing out, the new Wreath Pin in Gold and
Enamel. Also a fine line of Silver Ware and Cut Glass.
. CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Mrs. Lester Eells is the guest of rela
tives in Council Bluffs.
H. M. Webber made a brief business
trip to Sutherland on Monday.
Mre. Ed. Seyferth returned last week
from her visit to the Pacific slope.
Rev. Irwin was a passenger for the
east yesterday morning on train No. 2.
Jack McColl, of Lexington, made his
regular weekly visit to this city yester
day. Mrs. Chas. Burke has boon visiting
relatives at Nebraska City for a weok
CoL and Mrs. Cody and Mr. and Mrs.
H. S. Boal are spending this week at
Sheridan, Wyo.
John Hollman' was a passenger on No.
2 Sunday en route east for treatment of
a troublesome cancer upon his lower lip.
W. A. Williams, special agent for- the
Manchester, Eng., Fire Ins. Co., was in
the city yesterday calling upon tho pat
rons of that company.
Mrs. Masters, accompanied by the
children of C. F. Davis, left yesterday
morning for Ottawa, Kan., where they
will make their future home.
Messrs. Shaw, Sweet and VanTilborg,
of Wallace, were in the city Monday on
business. For a wonder Will Sweet did
not have a dog along with him. The
nearest approach he had to a canine this
trip waB a dog-collar.
Rev. McDonald returned tbe latter
part of last week from a business trip
throughout the district in the interest
of the Platto Missionary. He reports
excellent success, and that with favor
able times the paper would experience a
A. J. Hassinger, formerly of this city,
but late of Logan county, together with
his family leaveB this week for Los
Angeles, Cal., where they will make
their future home. He informs us that
John Beatty, formerly of this city, is now
railroading out of tbe city where he con
templates a residence.
I. P. Roberts, of Ithaca, N. Y., stopped
off in this city on Monday night on his
way to California. Ho is superintendent
of the agricultural department of tho
Cornell university, and is an old friend
of O. H. P. Buchanan, of the precinct
bearing that name. Yesterday Mrs W.
M. Baskin accompanied him out to her
parents homo for he purpose of making
a brief visit
French Pattern Hats at Ronnie's
Millinery Store.
The maple sugar crop in Lincoln
county this spring was fully as short aB
the last season's catch of oysters.
The Columbus Tele2ram,democratic,
comes out this week with a new editor
who is warranted to be tho pure article.
M. J. Cronen is putting in several
tree3 of the populus monilifera species.
He will probably christen his place
"Cottonwood Villa."
District court began last week in
Custer county with a ducket of over 700
cases. Great Jehosaphat! What a
picnic for tbe lawyers.
TTt F nrr Hsh iitiaattr-f-Tfr
sisaH Boycott is being raa" mgaisstf iK s
account of tbe stand takes by tnac paper
on the mayoralty contest a w .
For Sale Cheap, it , seven-rooai
house, well located. Enquire at this
office. tf
Yesterday afternoon a broncho
buster gave an old time exhibition of
cowboy fun on Front street, barring the
booze and pistol practice. His antics
with a well trained saddle horKe were
well appreciated by a large number of
They must have somo very careloss
smokers over in Broken Bow. At a
recent funeral there ono of tho aforesaid
class succeeded iu setting out a fire in
the cemetery, which was only prevented
from doing a great deal ef damage by
the vigorous efforts of thoso present
For Sale A 200 e?g automatic
hatching machine." Can be seen in oper
ation at A. R. Adamson's, north side.
Will trade tor buggy and harness.
S. P. Mobley,at ono time a North Platte
newspaper man, now has charge of the
Wood River Gazette. In his former
days he had a considerable amount of
ginger in his writings, which doubtless
will be appreciated by tho people of his
new home.
Although preparations for oponing
the league base ball season in the larger
cities are rapidly progressing, North
Pliltto does not appear to be in it to any
alarming extent, this season. But one
phenom has been discovered the past
winter, viz: a "back-stop," and he is
auietlv workinc at his vocation as a
Rev. T. K. Ryson, district missionary
of the Bantist church, was in this section
of the moral vineyard last Sunday look
ing after his flock. While here ho
baptized fifteen persons, and informs us
there are fifteen more to be baptized in
May, which will make a membership of
eighty-seven in all since tho organization
of tho church, October 21st, 1893 Wolb
fleet Argus.
Insurance rates throughout Ne
braska and tho country generally havo
been raised about twenty per cent Tbe
companies claim this was on account of
the number of incendiary fires occurring
last year which are common to a busi
ness depression. It is doubtful if the
exact oriein of all fires beinir civen Buch
an increase would be justifiable. In
other words whether this has not been
made a convenient excuse in order to
account for the raise.
The following from the .Petersburg,
Ind.,- News is self-explanatory: "It is
reported here that Robert A. McMurray
a resident pf North Platte, Nebraska, is
a candidate for marshal of that- town.
'Bob,' as he was called here by all that
knew' him, was a resident f near Peters
burg for some twenty years, and served
during the time as deputy under Byron
Brenton, and he made such a popular
and efficient officer that he was urged by
his friends to allow his name to go 'be
fore the convention as a candidate for
sheriff, but he refused to do so. 'Bob' is
a life long and true republican, and spent
time and money in every campaign for
the success of his party. He was always
a sober, honest and industrious person,
ft man of good judgment in making
arrests or matters pertaining to the best
interests of a town or community, and it
is said of him that he never once looked
into a dictionary to see what the word
fear He would make a fearless
officer in the execution of his duties in
the maintenance of tbe law, and were
the Pike county republicans allowed a
voice in tbe matter they would make his
nomination unanimous, for they know
his worth," ' '
Tried and true is the verdict of peo
ple who take Hood's Sarsaparilla. The
good effects of this medicine are soon,
felt in nerve strength restored, appetite
created and health given.
Hood's Pills do not weaken, but aid
digestion and tone the stomach. Try
Shop and Boad Notes.
The pay checks for the trainmen ar
rived here Tuesday morning.
. "Norm. Stone .had the pleasure of mak
ing a trip on passenger the first of the
week. '
A freight train crew was laid off the
latter part of last week in the Fourth
The traipmen on the Union Pacific
now.regard .Henry Clay Caldwell as their
patron saint, and regard nothing as too
good for him.
It .is said that twenty-four miles of
new steel rails will be laid this year in
the Third district.
A platform for icing cars has been
built at the upper ice-house and 31. H.
Kelly distinctly wants it understood that
it is no "mule" of his.
J. H. Manning, master mechanic for
tbe Nebraska division, was in the city
Monday noting tho way work, was done
in the North Platte shops:
1 One. of Coxey's advance guards was
put off from beneath the dining car on
train No. 2 yesterday and ho Dromntlv
.retaliated by throwing a rock through
tne wmaow.
.EHMcCart and Tim McCarty came
down from Sidney last Sunday where
they have teen working upon the new
depot When will North Platte have a
structure of this kind?
The boiler of tho 821 was run into the
machine shop thiB week and will be out
in tho course of a fortnight She will be
almost an entire new locomotive when
she comes out, with nearlv an entire new
boiler an:, firebox.
So well pleased was J. H. Manning
with the circular saw in the carpenter
shop that is operated bya water motor,
that he instructed the boys to build
themselves a boring machine. This will
also prove a great labor saver.
The 826 is now in the boiler 6hop re
ceiving a new firebox and an overhaul
ing of her boiler. With all the steam
appliances now used upon passenger
trains, thus necessitating a great boiler
pressure, it is requisite that they be
frequently inspected.
Engine 1201 was turned out of the
back shop this weok whore she has re
ceived a thorough overhauling, a great
deal of which was new work. She will
be assigned to service In the yards here
as a switch engine, and should do the
work in a very satisfactory way.
The writer of these lines hazards tbe
predictions that from now on tbe man
agement of the Union Pacific will pro
ceed to got a move on themselves for
business, and further that the road will
nt remain in the receivers' hands to
exceed ninety days.
.The shop' windows have been cleaned
and. new glass put iu place of the. missing
ones. This adds materially to the light
and comfort of the employees and is
generally appreciated by them. Good
light improves the character of the work
and those in charge should see that it is
The car repairers have been materially
adding. to the, appearance of the wreck
i butfitbygiving the cars a re-paint-
airpsg te aietify :4fle
is rsadr m the
S. C. Mecomber and family returned
Monday from a few days visit with,
friends at Julesburg.
R. C. Wood has been among us hunt
ing cats that can kill gophers. He wants
to raise a corn crop this year.
Martin Gress is building a 8100 addi
tion to bis-house and making other im
provements around his place.
There were two new members added
to the Wild West Hose Company at
their monthly meeting last Thursday
Mr. Hainline of the steam laundry has
moved his family into the first ward nd
T. C Bobbitt of the Second ward will
occupy the house vacated by Mr. Hain
line. Tbe roof of the round-house, just over
the pumping boiler, caught fire Monday
afternoon, but the flames were extin
guished by the Wild West hose company
without turning in an alarm.
The waterworks company has put in a
two-inch pipe from its main on Locust-st.
as far north as lltb, thence west to Vine
street, thereby adding seven new consum
ers to its list
Mrs. Chas. Sandall is expected back
from Sweden in a few days. She left
here last fall to live with her mother,
aim ner nuBoana inienaea 10 ioin ner
this fall but America is better tbanjthat
V. VonGoetz received thirty Austrian
pines from Ohio yesterday to be placed
in his garden. In a few years he will
have the finest garden in the city and
this year n fountain and a summer
house will add to its comfort
"Brooklyn" seems to be in it this
year. With the mayor, clerk, engineer
and cniei or tne nre department sne nas
a splendid opportunity to make a rec
ord for herself. To make the list com
plete the chief of police ought to be a
Brooklyn man.
'Jo The Public.
The reception committee wish, aa far
as possible, to prsvide free entertain
ment for the teachers attending the
Western Nebraska Teachers' Association
April 27th and 28th. This was done at
Ogalalla and we do not want to be less
hospitable. It will bo esteemed a great
favor if all who can entertain one or
more will give tneir names to any
of the committee.
Mart Hosfobd,
Berth a Thoelecke,
Mrs. I. A. Fort,
Jekxie White,
Mrs. C. F. Iddings,
Chas. E. Barber.
same up from Umana last
; saving received a tbor-
overhaulihff. She was fitted up
with an improved link motion the idven
tion of an old Omaha machinist. Tbe
engine has been assigned to Andy
Str others and James Dowd, whose old
favorite, the G33, has gone to Omaha for
ad overhauling.
A new machine for dispensing with
tho services of a negro artist and his
bucket of whitewash has been received
here. It is a pump or spray to put
whitewash or kalsomine on a building.
It-is a similar machine that was U6ed
to decorate the interior of a portion of
thoiWorld's fair buildings. The affair
will be utilized in giving the interior of
the shops here a coat of whitewash.
An employee at Grand-Island has in
vented a simple little arrangement to be
attached to a jack-screw, which catches
the edge of the wheel and holds it down
to' the rail while "jacking" up a car to
put in a. new brass. The invention is
said to be so simple as almost to appear
to be ridiculous, yet it is ono that will
be. appreciated by all trainmen, and it is
rather remarkable that no one thought
of it before.
Tbe carpenters have just completed a
couplo of convenient wardrobes for en
gine;G05. As the occupants of each cab
are -allowed to draft the plans and speci
fications for tho storing of their surplus
clothing, much ingenuity is exercised in
this direction, and year by year these
affairs grow larger and larger, until
finally the company will either quit put
ting them on or compel it to be done at
tbe expense of the men.
Rumor has it that a new time card will
shortly be put in effect on the Union
Pacific. It is said that tbe principal
change will be made in the running
time of train No. 19 a freight which
will be reduced some twenty-nine hours
between Omaha and Ogden. This has
not been unexpected for some time, as it
has always been a mystery to the layman
bow the management could expect to
compete for tbe Pacific coast business
and allow freight to be dragged over the
road in the manner it hKsbcen for the
past few months. Testing the capacity
of a locomotive to see how many cars it
is possible for it to pull does not give
very satisfactory service to the shippers,
and if this latter is not pleased, in these
days of: transcontinental lines the reve
nues of a road nre liable to be materially
Our people should make it a point
to see that the visiting school teachers
of the western portion of Nebraska are
taken in and hospitably entertained dur-
ingihe teachers' meeting tho latter part
of this month. Notown can afford to
do, less than this; a failure to do so de
notes a lack of enterprise which is dis
creditable to the citizens. If you can
possibly make room for tbe entertain-
mentlbf a stringer hand in your name t
the committee whose request appears
elsewhere in. this paper. This class of
laboi can ill afford to expend much of
its earnings la hotel bills.
On Monday evening, the night
Henry Breternitz had his hen-roost
robbed. Jobs Evans was looking for
some Lightr't Brahma chickens. These
are tne Kind or iowls that are missing.
lhis is rather an odd coincidence.
Horsemen when in peed of,anything
in tbe way of pjctorial art work in their
business will find The Tribune prepared
to. serve thesa in first class shape and at
reasonable' prices.
The new wNasbyM assumed the
duties of his office 'yesterday, and this
first apostle ot Cle'velandism greeted his
frents with his usual urbanity.
Mrs. W. H. Broach will entertain the
members of the Rebekah lodce to-mor
row afternoon. .
Don't fail to read the Boston Store
ad on our irst page.
I will sell at public tale
in North Platte on Sat
urday, May 14th, at one
o'clock 25 head of draft
and driving horses.
his team of mules a few days since by
trading them 'to Scott Vaughan for a
horsa. Two souls made hannr.
Maurice Fowler and wife and Miss
Pinkie Jones, of North Platte attended
the Sullivan wooden wedding Monday
J. H. Ellison is erecting an addition to
his farm residence which will be a big
unnrovdment to the same.
We understand that Miss Mattie Ball,
sister ot I.N. Ball, will return shortly
from an extended visit with a sister in
Iowa. Pat.
Hichol Huggets.
Archie Anderson is going into garden
"track" quite extensively this seasen.
I. V. Zook and family are settled in
theicnew residence.
It is reported that tbe ditch company
will lay out an addition to. the city of
Hershey in tbe near future.
Considerable barley is being sown in
the valley this spring.
David Brunk of Myrtle, has been
assisting his son-in-law B. R. Gibbens in
repairing his house lately.
Several from this locality took in the
box festival at Hershey on Friday even
ing last. All report a pleasant time.
Andy Struthers and wife of the county
"hub" drove up Saturday and spent
a short time with Mrs. S. parents.
Miss Jennie Waro has recovered from
her recent illress and has charge of tbe
school a't this place once more.
Cecil Tuell of Somerset transacted
business in this precinct tbe latter part
of last week.
Several of the U. P, officials were sizing
up this place one day last week.
This week will about wind up the sow
ing of small grain in this section of the
J. M. lswyer was transacting business
at the cottatyu seat on Saturday last
W. H.asd G. E. Sullivan and wife,
acdForesaan Erickson and wife were
county seat visitors the latter part of
the week.
The sand drifted into tbe main ditch
the first of last week in many places so
that it will require considerable labor to
clean it out before the water can bo
turned in.
Milo Torrey and wife and Geo. Fire-
6tine of Cheyenne county were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. George Gibbens recently.
Henry Weil of North Platte is making
numerous improvements on bis farm in
this vicinity.
Still the. land in this part ot the moral
ineyard continues to be in tho best of
shapo for cultivation, with bright pros
pects for the future.
The ditch company was remodeling
and putting its dam in shape for use last
Mr and Mrs. Chas. Toillion were sur
prised by a lot of neighbors and friends
ast Friday evening oy their wnlking
into their home without a moment's
notice. All enjoyed themselves in games
of different kinds and trippiny the "light
fantastic" until supper consisting of
ground maize cooked in water and served
with lacteal fluid was announced of which
all partook heartily.
W. O. Thompson shipped his last car
oad of potatoes to York a few days
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Sullivan were the
victims of a surprise party on Monday
eveningof this week, which was gotten
up by a large number of friends and
neighbors. The event was in honor of
that worthy couple's fifth wedding an
niversary. Being therefore a wooden
wedding, they were presented with an
extension table, rocking chair, mirror
and clock. The evening was passed in
different ways, some indulged in games
of various kinds, while other tripped
the light fantistic in time to good mu
sic. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan did all in
their power to make it pleasant for the
guests and were very grateful to the
donors for tbe articles with which they
were presented. A fine collation was
served and duly enjoyed, and all were
highly pleased with the evening's en
Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Spurrier called on
friends over on the south side the fore
part of this week.
T. C. Brown returned from the ranch
on Friday last. He reports everything
in that country nourishing.
Chas. Toillion loaded a car of pota
toes at this place Monday and shipped
them to Lexington.
Wm. Winter and family took their de
parture the first of this week for Wis
consin, the scene of their chilhood days
and where tbey expect to reside in tbe
N. B. Spurrier, who shipped a car load
of potatoes from this station to iiearney
one week ago last Saturday, received an
order from the same place last week
for another carload of the same kind,
which he shipped on Saturday last. They
were of tbe Jilarly Umo variety and tbe
finest lot of potatoes that has been
shipped out of this country tho past
County Surveyor Myer passed up the
line on Saturday last.
A large number of emigrants passed
up tne line iasL ween, we saw six
wagons in one gang pass west one day
about the middle of the week.
Friends from MoJPberson county were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown for
a couple of days the latter part of tbe
J. G. Feekin has a fine Clydesdale
stallion which he received from tbe east
George Gibbens and crew baled and
loaded about a car of timothy hay for
J. H. Hershey last week.
Wheat that was sown tbe last of
March in many cases in this community
is up from two to three inches in height
and looks fresh and green.
Richard Brown, who nas been con
fined to the house by sickness for sev
era! months is, we are pleased to state
convalescent and seemingly as hale aqd
hearty as ever.
Louis Toillion got rid ot bis team of
Geo. C. White and wife were county
seat visitors Wednesday and Thursday.
E. SperliBg's barn cn the Birdwood
table was burned Thursday about noon.
It was insured by tbe bank at Suther
land some weeks ago, so Mr. S. will not
lose very much.
The ditching machines recently pur
chased by Conway, Neilsoa and Hunter
came to hand on Friday morning and
will be put into service at once.
Parties from Perkins county were
looking over tbe village the latter part
of the week and talk ot moving a hard
ware and furniture stock here which
they now have at Madrid.
Tbe new boxes for the postotnee came
in on Friday and things will soon be in
first-class order again. This will suit
Postmaster White as well as tbe patrons
of the office and the change will be wel
comed by all.
Eugene A. Bobbitt and Miss ijouisa
Denny were married at the residence of
the bride's father on Wednesday, April
th. They have the best wishes of their
friends and acquaintances in this vicinity.
W. M. Holtry shipped a car load of
hogs to Omaha on Monday last
Mr. Williams, of Lincoln, adjuster for
the Manchester Ins. Co., spent the latter
of tbe week in our village.
Elmer Coates has moved his dwelling
hou6e down near Mr. Carpenter's on a
ot recently bought from G. W. Apple-
j. A. Crosby was introducing bis
brother-in-law, Mr. Powers of Denver, to
Sutherland friends on Friday.
Mrs. W. W. lates was taking m the!
sights at the county "hub" on Monday.
Mrs. Fred Dschtleris slowly improv
ing and her friends hope soon to see her
around among them once more.
W. W.5 Klemkemper was discussing
politics with his friends in this village
on Monday.
Miss Fannie Sboup is teaching tne
spring term of school in district No. 19,
and Miss Eunice Johnson the spring
term at Eureka.
The National insurance man has been
rustling around on their share of their
osses this week. Citizen.
Bright Spring: Days.
Anything which will bring the physical
system into harmony with budding bud
ding nature confers an enormous benefit
upon the nation, besides the mere allay
ing of physical discomfort. .Hoods
Sarsaparilla does this, as thousands of
grateful and happy men and women can
testify, and increased use of this stand
ard spring medicine is of more real
practical importance in promoting health
and quiet in the business world than
reams ot abstract theorizing.
"Boss" Croker, the big Tammany
sachem, passed through tkis city last
Thursday on 'his way homeward from
the Midwinter fair.
After the 15th inst the 820 one-way
and $35.50 round-trip rate to California
points will be cancelled, and the old rate
of 865.50 for the round-trip will be re
stored. If you contemplate a trip to
the Occident and want a cheap rate you
had better pack your grip at once.
It is said that your Uncle Toby
Castor successfully ran tbe gauntlet
through North Platte last week without
being waylaid by any would-be federal
pie-biters. He went through in the night
and was discovered tbe next morning in
a U. P. coach at Sidney en route for the
Midwinter fair.
Lexington elected a mayor who re
fused to run, and after his efrction re
fused to qualify. The councilmen elect
then refused to qualify, and the bold
overs threatened to resign if he would
not accept tbe office. This pressure
finally induced Mr. Temple to accept and
and peace once more reigns.
The Kearney Call has succumbed to
the inevitable, and its editor has ac
cepted a position upon a new pop daily
to be Btartod. Thus is another added to
Kearney's gazette golgotha, and this
atost will be speedily followed by tbe
embryo great daily now in process of
incubation, it is very doubtful if tbe
new venture will be able to live through
tho coming political campaign.
Advertisements under this head wiU be
charged 1 cent per word each insertion,
but nothing accepted for less man lUcts
U at the original North Side Grocery
Store. Also Feed of all kinds and Fresh
Country Produce. Give me a call.
Studebaker Wagons
Hershey & Co's.
Dr. Salisbury, the painless dentist,
may be found at Dr. Longley's office on
the third Monday and the following
Tuesday of each month, and will extend
bis visit as much longer as business
Straight tobacco filler is used in all
of Schmalzried's cigars. Little Habana,
Red Light, Pastime, Crown and LaRosa
are nis leading brands, see tnat you
smoke them.
A good,
this place,
essary to
Pants Co.
live man to represent us in
Previous experience not nec-
right man. Plymouth Rock
, 408 No. 16th St., Omaha,
V :
Uflnc nstCscfs World.
Sells tlie above Coffbe
together with a complete line of
Prices Always Reasonable.
Paid For Country Product.
X Grocery Store is the place to buy
groceries cheap. 1 take special peias
to keep nice fresh country produce and
will not sell anything in this line unless
I can recommend it.
That's all it costs you via the Unioa
Pacific. 835.50 for the round trip. Cor
responding low rates to all western
points. Through first and second class
sleepers and dining cars. See your
nearest Union Pacific agent, or N. B.
Olds, Agent Union Pacific System.
to San Francisco. The five pays for
your berth in one of the through Pull
man Tourist cars and the twenty pays
for a first class passage, all via the Union
Pacific No, you don't have to chaste,
the sleepers run through to San Fraa
cisco. Have your nearest Union Paeiis
agent reserve you a berth.
your life away, is the truthful, start
ling title of a little book that tells all
about No-to-bac. the wonderful, harm
less Guaranteed tobacco habit cure. Tfcs
cost is trifling and the man who waste
to quit and can't runs no physical or
financial risk in using "No-to-bac." Sold
by all druggists. Book at drug stores or
by mail free. Address, The Sterlisf:
Remedy Co , Indiana Mineral SprisfS,
Ind. AF. btreitz, agent.
If going for either, take the direct
route, the Union PaciBc, the only Hbs
running first and second class sleepers
and dining cars to San Francisoo. $30
one way. g3o.5U round trip. Send for'
our new 189 pamphlets. All about the
Mid-Winter Fair. N. B. Olds, Ageat
Union Pacific System.
Consult Prof. Hirschberg, the recog
nized St. Louis and Now York opticiaa,
who will be in North Platte April Uth,
12th and 13th at the store of his ageat,
A. F. Streitz. Eyes tested free of charfs.
In Uio matter of tkm application ofr.H.'iM
lej for draaBiK'B permit.
Notice 1 hereby RiTen that T. H. LonglyHS
upon the 2d day of April, 1894. Ale hi npplloattW.
to the city council of Norti Platte, Lincoln eovBtr,
Nebraska, for a drngjrlsta' permit to tell smK,
spirituous and-vlnoos liquors for medicinal, Me
chanical and chemical purpotes only on Seraee
street, in the city of North Platte, Lincoln eowrty,
Nebraska, from the 1st day ot May, ISM, to th
isi any or May, lt5. if there be no obje
remonstrance or protest filed within two
from the 4th day of April. 1891. said license '
do granted. T. II. LONG LEY, Applic
In the matter of the application of Gut A.
for liciuor license.
Notico is hereby glTen that Guy A.Laina'dM
upon the 2d day ot April. 1894. file his appUcaMea
to tho city council of North Platte, Lincoln enr
ty. Nebraska, for license to sell malt, splxitaaaa
end vinous liquors on Front street, in the ctty ef
sona f iatte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, from tke
1st day of May, 18M, to the 1st day of May, 1SSS. "
If there be no objection, remonstrance or pro
tect filed within two weeks from Aorll 4th. Hi.
the said license will be granted.
GUY A. XAIXG, Applicant.
820.00 to reach it. Take the only
thorough line to San Francisco, tbe
Union Pacific. Through first and second
class sleepers and diners. Our advertis
ing matter tells you all about it. N. B.
Olds, Agent Union Pacific System.
For Sale Ten good work teams,
weight from 1.000 to 1200 pounds; $1,000
worth of machinery to be sold at panic
prices. VV. j. KrrxER.
Of world wide reputation and fame wll
be in North Platte, April 11th, 12th and
13th at tbe store of his agent, A. r .
In the matter of the aPDlicatlon of J. E flmt
for Uquor license.
Notico is hereby given that J. E. Grace dM
upon tbe 2d day ot April, 1894, file his applloaMea
to the city council ot North Platte. Lincoln
ty, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, splrisMM
and vinous liquors on 8ixth street, in the cMf ot
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, from the
1st day ot May, 1894, to the 1st day of May, in.
If there be no objection, remonstrance or an.
Ust filed within two weeks from April 4th, ISM,
the said license will be granted.
J. E. GRACE, Applies.
In the matter of the application of P. W. O'j
tor liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that P. W. O'Briea eM
upon tne za day or April, ltm, file Ms applic
to the city council of North Platte, Lincoln
ty, neDrasca, lor ueense to sen malt, spirit
and vinous liquors on Front street, in the dtf of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, froas tbe
1st day of May, 1894, to the 1st day of May, 18S.
If there be no objection, remonstrance or pre
test filed within two weeks from April ith. WM.
the said license will be granted.
P. W. O'BRIEN, Applicant.
In tho matter of tbe amplication of Graw at
Waltemath for liquor license.
NoUce is hereby riven that Gertler k TTnlti mlt
did upon the 2d day of April file their appUcaMea
to the city council ot North Platte, Lincoln oewt
ty, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, splritaew
and vinous liquors on Spruce street, in the city of
rn-.l i t x . i i . . .
x-iiixtu imw, uuniiu cuunir, neoruu, ITOB1 MM
1st day ot May, 180 i, to the 1st day of May, 18K.
It there be no objection, remonstrance or
said license will be granted.
test filed within two weeks from April 4th. MM.
In the matter of the application ot Wm. Lasd-
graf for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that Wm. Landgrsi did
upon the 2d day of April, 1894. file his application
to tne city council oi rortn Platte, Lincoln cobb
ty, Nebraska, for license to malt, spirituous aad
vinous liquors on Spruce street In the city, of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, from Mm
1st dny of May, 1894, to the 1st day of May, 13K.
If there be no objection, remonstrance or pre
test filed within two weeks from April 4th, IBM,
the said license will be granted.
WM. LANDGRAF, Applicant.
The North Platte Txieuxi will publish the
above notice for two weeks at the expense of the
applicants: the City of North Platte is not to b
charged therewith.
JOHN sokenson. City Clerk.
State or Nebkasxa, )
Lixcolx Coujitt, )
In County Court of said County, March 31, 1894.
An instrument purporting to be the last will asd
testament of Francis Funkhouser, in which Cather
ine Funkhouser Is named as Executrix, being thia
day filed in said Court, nnd it being suggested that
said testator is lately deceased, it Is
Ordered, Tnat April 19th, 1894, at 1 o'clock
p. m., is assigned Tor hearing thereon, whea
an persons interested inlaid matter may appear
at a County Court to be held In and for said
County, and show causa why said will should not
be admitted to probate; and that notice ot the
pendency and the hearing thereof, be given to all
persons inieresxea in saia master, Dj pabllaalna;
a copy of this order in the Noam Plato Taratm,
a weekly newspaper printed in said County, for
three successive weeks, prior to said day ot hear
133 County JnagW
A six-room house, newry papered and
painted; oily water. 'in house. Full lot.
Located in pleasant part ot city. Will
bevs6u at a bargain." For. particulars,
appty at this office. ' tfr
Land OKce at North Platte,. Neb. (
April lttb. 1894.
Notice is hereby gives h the following;
named settler baa filed notice of bis intention to
make final proofs ia, rapport of bia claim, aad that
said proof will be made, before Begleter aa
Receive at North Platte. Neb., ob. May 17th.
lfcfrl. viz: Henry A. Piehl who madeH.E. No.
13,330, for tbe west half southeast quarter and
east half south went quarter of seetioc SO,
township 12. range 29 wee'. He names th fol
lowing witnesses to pnove- his coatiBsow
lesideaco upon aad esltivatioa of said laad, via:.
Cyras Edwards, gkenuaa C. Marks, Jaaeva.
JohnaoBiaBd Easts Biakarde, all of Watta. Nee,
. HS
t '
"Ti '