The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, April 11, 1894, Image 1

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And the Leading Daily Papers.
NO. 14;
U 1
I w 1 1 1 1 1
Commencing Thursday, April 12th, and Ending
April 23d. Beyond the shadow of a doubt this sale will
outdo any sale ever instituted in Nebraska-. It is impos
sible to mention one-tenth of the bargains we offer at
this sale, but will give a few of our prices. Bead our
prices they suit the times.
All colors and black Frederick
Arnold's Henriettas, made in Grietz,
Germany, silk finished, full 46-inch
wide; these goods are sold at $1.50
per yard, our price for this sale 92
cents per yard.
All colors of 38-inch Henriettas
sold everywhere at 60 cents, our
pnce z fr cents per yard.
The best of all we will sell 36
inch suitings and 36-inch Cashmeres,
worth 40 and 50 cents, at this sale
for 20 cents per yard.
Ten pieces fancy brocaded dress
goods, regular price 20 and 2o cents,
our price for this sale 12 cents per
All colors silk finish velveteens,
worth 65 cents, at this sale for 42
cents per yard.
All colors silk plush sold every
where at $1.25 and $1.50, our price
at this sale 87 cents per yard.
We have a full line in colors cf
Hercules Braid, the latest novelty
for dress trimmings at 3, 6 and 8
cents per yard.
Curtain Poles, with brass fixtures
complete, worth 50 cents, our price
25 cents each.
Full size lace curtains, worth $2,
our price frt.zo per pair
$3.00 lace curtains, our price 81..75
per pair.
Chenill curtains, worth $5.00 our
price $3.00 per pair.
Our stock of laces and embroider
ies is the largest in the city and our
prices are always the cheapest.
20 dozen ladies1 fast black hose,
regular made, regular price 25 cents,
our price 15 cents a pair.
Ladies1 black hose at 6, 9 and 124
Tents. WOrtll double' lhe'"1uouey7
Children's fast black ribbed and
seamless hose, regular price 25 cts.,
our price 15 cents. All our bicycle
hose, sizes from 64 to 9, at 25 cts.
Ladies1 muslin night gowns at
50c, 75c and $1, the muslin alone is
worth more than we ask for the
Jiadies1 gloves in black and all
colors regular price 25 cents, at this
salo for 15 cts. We also carry a
fine line of ladies1 kid gloves in
colors and tans.
is now in progress. Ojr stock of
these garments is admitted by la
dies who have seen them to be the
largest and most varied in the state,
and in order to supply the wants of
the people in this line we offer
One-Fouri i
our regular prices for this sale only.
All sizes ladies1 Oxford Ties pat
ent tips, regular price $1, at 75 cts
a pair at this sale.
$1.50 ladies1 Oxford ties at $1 per
pair. $2 ladies1 Oxford ties in tan
and black at $1.35. All our $2.50
and $3.00 ladies' French kid Oxford
ties, the finest made, at this sale for
$2 a pair.
Ladies' fine shoes, patent tips,
regular 2.00 shoes for 1.35. La
dies 2.50 shoes go at this sale for
1.95. All our 3.00 and 3.50 fine
shoes at this sale for 2.50.
Your choice of all our 4 00 and
4.50 ladies' kid shoes, Frencli or
English toes, lace or button, the
finest shoe in the state, at this sale
for 3.00 a pair.
Men's calf skin shoes, lace or congress,
worth S2 00, at this sale for $1.50 per
pair. Men's S3 shoes-at 2.25 a pair.
Children's shoes at 40, 50, GO and 75
cents a pair.
T,.1 onfn at-ifa attrao 1fk f f 1 R
years, worth 65.00, our price at this
i m nn
Boys' knee punts suits, sizes 4 to 13
years, worth $2.50 at this sale for $1.65.
Bovs' knee nants worth 40 cents we
sell at 25 cents.
Men's outing shirts at 20,25 and 30 cts
Boys' cheviot waists worth 50 cents,
our price 29 cents.
For Monday and Tuesday, April 36th and
17th: 10 yards of Amoskeag Gingham for
40 cents. Only 10 yards to each customer.
The only cheap store with good goons in Lincoln Connty.
North Platte National Bank,
3?aid up Capital,
All business intrusted to. us handled promptly, carefully, and at lowest rates.
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
Dr. N. McCABE, Prop. J. E. BUSH, Manager.
Successor to J. Q. Thacker.
orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway Solicited.
The Man? Happenings of Serea Days Re
ef iced From Columns to Uhm Erery
tfclng bat Facts Eliminated For Oar
Readers' CoBTealence.
Wednesday, April 4.
William Barnes was thrown from a colt
at Goshen, Ind., and killed by being im
paled on a fence.
Albert F. Harrison was seized with a fit
at Adrian, Mich., and falling in a ditch
was drowned.
Lewis Mitchell, colored, of Muncle,
Ind., unexpectedly received $500 from the
estate of his old master, who advised him
to invest the money and get a wife.
Robson of Winona, Minn., got a judg
ment of $16,000 against the Mississippi
River Logging company in the Iowa fed
eral court for a breach of contract in fail
ing to drive the plaintiff's logs.
Mrs. Immogen Akers, wife of an Alton
locomotive engineer, was ordained aa
minister of the Spirtualistic congregation
of Bloomington, Ills., and was also elected
a member of the city's board of education.
E. E. Harned, who was suspected of
jury bribing at Ottumwa, la., has left
town with the principal witnesses in the
The body of the 10th victim of the Gay
lord mine disaster -has been found. It
was identified as tiatof John Morris and
was badly mangled. Three more bodies,
now remain to be t&kcn out.
Employes of the Wabash have been
notified of a proposed reduction of wages
from 10 to 39 per cent on May L
Bronkhite, the defaulting treasurer of
Wnrren county, Ind., was brought back
to Covington, Ind., from Los Angeles,
where he was arrested.
Frank McMaster, editor of McMaster's
Weekly nnd formally editor of the Okla
homa Gazette, was fined at Oklahoma
City, O. T., $500 and sentenced to six
months in jail for contempt of court.
Mrs. Carrie Masters tried to take her
lifo at Jefferson ville, Ind., with morphine.
She was saved. She is the widow of
Walter Masters, who committed suicide
a week ago because he could find no work.
The Herreshoff Manufacturing com
pany at Bristol, R. L, has closed its large
yacht building establishment for an in
definite period.
Lewis J. Ratliff was killed by M. Ma
honey, owner of Mahoney's distillery, at
Howardstown, Ky. His head was cut off.
Dr. L. S. Graves, an old and respected
citizen of Creston, la., was assaulted by
R. A. McKinner, who claims the doctor
insulted his wife.
The great revival at Bloomington, Ills.,
attracts more people than can get into the
Grand Opera house, which has seats for
nearly 2,500.
Thursday, April 5.
Secretary of War Lamont is in Texas
and inspected Fort Sam Houston.
The Whittaker packing concern at
Wichita, Kan., was sold at auction by the
Five persons were injured in San Fran
cisco by a cable car which telescoped an
other car.
Bogus drafte drawn on Kingsford &
Sons, Oswego, N." Y. have been passed in
Kansas towns, and are now turning up
for collection at Oswego.
Governor Peck has sent $533.02 to the
relief committee at Hurley and notified it
that no more charitable contributions
will be made.
While fighting imaginary thieves in his
sleep Elmer Mitchell of Crosby, Tex.,
seized a revolver and killed his room
mate. The Mound City National bank at
Mound City, Kan., has closed its doors
and the state bank examiner is in charge.
An oratorical contest between north
Missouri college students has been ar
ranged to take place at Macon, Mo.,
May 5.
Charles Jenkins of Mount Carniel, Ills,,
was arrested at Peru, Ind for shooting
Charles Schultz, general agent of the Big
Four railway.
The Northwestern Wisconsin Union of
the Christian Endeavor opened its annual
session at Hudson. The Rev. George H.
Wells delivered the convention sermon.
Frank Williams, the engineer at Dick's
elevator, Quincy, Ills., fell 20 feet down a
shaft and was killed by injuries received
from a chisel he held in his hand.
The Denver and Gulf and Union Pacific
have reached an amicable agreement
anent the operation of the Julesburg
branch and Denver yards.
The Free Masons of Argentina have in
terceded in behalf of the Brazilian insur
gents confined on the Portuguese warships
at Buenos Ayres.
The Dallas and Palestine Railroad com
pany was organized and chartered at Dal
las, Tex., to extend the Rock Island's
Texas lines from Fort Worth to Dallas,
thence via Palestine to the Gulf.
The state mine inspectors andjthe board
of labor statistics of Illinois met at
There was much excitement in Spring
field, Ills., over circulars distributed there
purporting to give the names of TOO or 800
members of the American Protective asso
ciation. Friday, April 6,
The earnings of the Rock Island system
for March show a decrease of $47,000.
Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul ad
dressed the New York Loyal legion on
Willie Walker, aged 10 years, was run
over and killed by a fire engine at Spring
field, Ills.
Harry Manning accidentally shot Bert
Maxfield while hunting near Lyndon, la.
United States Marshal Desmond has ap
pointed M. L. Healey his deputy in the
Cedar Rapids, la., district
John Halstead, 80 years old, who had
been missing for some time at Boscobel,
Wis., was found dead under a fallen tree
on his farm.
The final trial and inspection of the
coast defense vessel Monterey have been
Sheriff Foster of Monroe county, Ala.,
was killed by a negro dosperado, who will
probably be lynched,
Representative Dolliver of Iowa ad
dressed a convention of Republican col
lege clubs at Syracuse.
General Nelson A. Mills has arrived at
Los Angeles with his family. The party
will travel through southern California
to San Francisco and will soon return
The Masons of Canton, Ills., formally
opened their new lodge rooms which were
built to replace those burned last Sep
tember. The 40th anniversary of the founding of
Grinneli, la., was celebrated with pa
triotic exercises and a banquet by its cit
izens. Three safes were blown open at Thorn
ton, la., Tuesday night.
As a result of the Kansas City A. P. A;t
Catholic election rjot, eight men are'uju
tier arrest'," chAjgW with murder in the
first degree.
W. R. Price and J. J. Cook, fanners re
siding near Thackerville,' Tex., were ar
rested and confessed to having attempted
to wreck a Santa Fe passenger express
train three weeks ago.
A mass meeting was held at Mount Ver
non, la., for the purpose of waging a war
on the "bootleggers," who have been car-
Passed over his head at
I E3 '
Rennie's Immense Line of
Now being opened. $10,000 in new novelties.
Our store jammed with goods and at panic
prices. Kennie just home from the eastern mar
ket and he has selected the most.choice goods.
We did not have time to look up any but the
latest and the best quality of goods and invite
all ladies to call and make an inspection of the
line now being opened. Our store is jammed
with goods up and down stairs. Silver dollars
good enough for us; bring them in and get the
choicest goods for your money in the west.
Carpets, Millinery, Dry Goods and Ladies'
Waists, Capes and Jackets. Kennie, the lead
er of western Nebraska. Special sale on Sat
urday, all our Dress and Check Ginghams at
Five Cents per yard.
rylng on an extensive business for some
J. West Goodwin of Scdalia, Mo., has
sued Dr. H. W. Wood, owner of Wood's
Opera house, for $50,000 damages, alleg
ing that the latter knocked him down
and fractured his hip.
Saturday, April 7.
Mrs. Rachel Hart of Davenport la., was
fatally injured by a runaway horse at
Clinton, liu
Samuel Valentine fell into a heap of
burning brush at Portland, Ind., nnd died
of his injuries.
The veteran Union soldiers en route to
Shiloh battlefield had a grand campfireat
old Fort Henry.
The bodies of Colonel Shafer and Jean
McKay, who were drowned Saturday
night, March 24, were found in Black
Lake, Mich.
The suit for $50,000 damages against the
World-Herald of Omaha, brought by
Mrs. Nathalie Pollard, was begun at
Council Bluffs, la.
Solomon Speed, Shanty Hamilton and
Frank Williams sawed through a bar and
escaped from the county jail at Logans
port, Ind.
L. N. Clausen, Republican deputy col
lector of customs at W.'ishburn, Wis., has
been requested to resign. The position
will go to A. Beausoliel, a Democrat.
Edgar Macdill, an attorney and Repub
lican politician of Monmouth, Ills., was
received as a student of theology by the
Monmouth United Presbytery at" Media,
Wheat in Missouri is reported damaged
25 per cent by the recent freeze other
grains and fruit in larger proportion.
The joint meeting of the Northeast and
Southeast Kansas Teachers' associations
held its first session in Lawrence, Thurs
day. Rev. W. J. Myrgant was fined $10 for
scratching his name on the Indianapolis
soldiers' monument.
A barn, belonging to George Rhodes, a
farmer living eight miles south of Se
dalia, Mo., was burned, and 18 horses and
mules were cremated.
Wisconsin's new law abolishes the cus
tomary three days' grace on notes. Com
mercial paper must be met on the day it
falls due.
The Old Landmark mills, in Frankford,
Pa., which have stood idle for 14 years,
will resume operations May 1. One hun
dred hands will be employed.
Monday, April 9.
By a powder explosion at Brinton, Pa.,
three men were killed and four injured.
"Mitchell Alexander, ex-member of the
legislature, committed suicide by hang
ing at Middlesboro, Ky,
Robert Jones, a farmer of Marionsville,
Ky., killed his wife, mother-in-law and
The Louisiana sugar crop of last year
was 603,353,087 pounds, the bouuty on
which was $11,634,461.
Albert Winter and Bud Sears have been
indicted at Ottumwa, la., for the murder
of Douglas Walsh June 21, 1833,
George Crocker, son of the late Charles
Crocker of San Francisco, is reported en
gaged to Mrs. Emma B. Rutherford.
The Democrats elected their entire city
ticket in Davenport, la., and four out of
six aldermen, A heavy vote was polled.
Latter Day Saints, in session at Lamoni,
la., agreed to discourage the use of the
term Mormon.
Governors of southern states favor gov
ernment ownership and control of the
Nicaraguan canal.
Marietta, O., pioneers celebrated the
town's 104th anniversary. Douglas Put
man, a son of the founder, presided,
William Woodfill passed forged notes
for several hundred dollars on the First
National bank at Madison, la., and es
caped, deserting his family.
Grand Master Workman Sovereign of
the Knights of Labor wilL answer the
strictures of the American Bankers' asso
ciation in an address at Little Rock, Ark.,
Every department of the Diamond
Plate Glass company at Kokomo, Ind.,
has resumed operations, with 800 men at
work at a reduction of 30 per cent in
Tncsday, April 10.
The Iowa Evangelical conference will
meet in Waverly this week.
The Greeks celebrated their independ
ence day in New York.
A heavy rain in Kansas will greatly re
vive the wheat crop.
A serious defect has been discovered in
the Virginia Australian ballot law.
George Betts, a former St. Louisan, died
of poisoning at Montgomery, Ala.
Lillian Russell and her new husband,
Perugini, are said to be having trouble.
Two well known residents of Iowa, near
Fairfield, have been arrested for murder.
Two prisoners escaped from the Jackson,
Miss., penitentiary.
The 3-year-old child of C. D. Green
drank some carbolic acid by mistake at
Mexico, Mo., and died.
David Bell, a school teacher at Sugar
Grove, Ind., was' robbed of $00 after he
had been sandbagged by a burglar.
Work has been resumed at many of the
iron mines in the Lake Superior region,
and the season's output is expected to be
A movement to boom Judge Caldwell
for the Republican presidential nomina
tion in 1896 has been started at Topeka,
Abram Green, probably the oldest citi
zen of Boone county, Missouri, died at
Raton, N. M.
James Whipble of Coal Creek, Ind., has
been arrested at Danville, Ills., for a
forgery committed in November, 1S93.
Large quantities of arsenic have been
found in the coffee drunk by those who
were poisoned at Danville, Ills.
Charles C. Moore, editor of the Blue
grass Blade, indicted for blasphemy at
Lexington, Ky., will give himself up for
Senator Morgan has announced that he
will take the stump for his party in Ala
bama, but ho says he wiil not advocate
any man's claims to any office.
Americans at Blueilelds have rejected a
proposed settlement of the troubles there
which had been agreed to by the British
consul and the Nicaraguan authorities.
Preparations For the meeting of King
Hninbert and Queen Victoria.
Florence, April 10. King Humbert
t arrived hera from Venice and was rc-
i ceived by the Duke d'Aosta, Sir Francis
Clare Ford, the British embassador, and
I the military and civil authorities of the
city. The railroad, station at which the
king alighted was handsomely decorated
f anil aU the main, thoroughfares were
'respTendant with 'flowers- and bunting.
The weather was splendid and conse
quently immense crowds of people
thronged the streets and heartily cheered
' the king. Queen Margaret and the
crown prince, who joined the royal party
I after the official welcome at the railroad
station, were also enthusiastically
cheered as they drove to the palace. Ex-
( tensive preparations are being made for
tne visit of the Jang and queen or Italy
to Queen Victoria.
Refused to Obey the Court's Order.
Onnwv Anvil 11) f4nTOmrr Wnsfc bos
given his ultimatum to the Southern Pa
cific Railroad company. Militia still
surround the industrial camp and the
railroad does not appear to be anxious to
make a move. The men are peaceable
so far. They say they will go east over
the Union Pacific this evening. No
transportation has been arranged for,
and it is not known what methods the
industrials will adopt.
The Southern Pacific road has refused
to obey the order of the court. Gov
ernor West has given the company one
, hour to comply, otherwise he will forcibly
take possession of cars, load the men into
them, and take them out of the territory.
Coxey's Commonweal.
Uniontown. Pa., April 10. Coxey's
army is compelled to camp here until
Wednesday before starting on its moun
tain trip on account of the storm, which
was a hard one, testing the endurance of
the soldiers to the extreme. Camp Abra
ham Lincoln, pitched here on Mountain
View park, will be broken up tomorrow
and the start made for the mountains,
the snow, covered crests of which can be
seen from here. The next stop will be
at Camp Dalzell.
Have G one to Join De Mello.
Buenos Ayres, April 10. It is stated
that 40 of the Brazilian insurgents
escaped from the Portuguese warships
and songht refuge at the Lazaretto, on
Martin Garcia, island. It is also reported
that Admiral da Gama and tho Brazilian
officers who sought refuge, on the Portu
guese t warship Mindello, now supposed
to be on its way to Portugal, are not on
board of that vessel, but have gone to
Rio Grande, where they will join the
forces under the command of Admiral
de Mello.
British and Egyptian Soldiers Fight.
London, April lo. A dispatch from
Cairo says that on Saturday and Sunday
nights collisions occurred between the
British and Egyptian soldiers stationed
in that city. The native troops were
aided by civilians. Strong pickets under
English officers patrolled the streets last
naif of the Crew Were Drowned.
San Francisco, April 10. :News is
brought by the Belgic that the English
brigantine, Cafe City, had been wrecked
in the North China sea, while on her
way from Chee Fee to Amoy. The ves
sel is a total loss, and half her crew were
drowned, including Captain T. A. Rod
ney. Elkhorn Extension to Ogden.
Lander, Wyo., April 10. Chief En
gineer Rogers has filed in the United
States land office here a plat of a survey
for the extension of the Fremont, Elk
horn and Missouri Valley railroad from
Caeper, Wyo., to Ogden, U. T. The
road will probably be built this year.
Strikers Charged With Fixed Bayonets.
Prague, April 10. A serious collision
has taken place between a mob of
striking workmen and gendarmes at
Dandleb. a village near Koenlhdrath.
The gendarmes charged with fixed bay
onets, wounding a number of the strikers,
who were finally dispersed.
Wilson Bill Assailed byScnator Lodge
For Its Free Trade Character.
Passage of the Measure Would Frove Dis
astrous to American Ibor Advan
tages Which Followed the Adop
tion of Reciprocity Treaties.
Washington, April 10. Senator
Lodge (Mass.) addressed the senate in
opposition to the pending tariff bill and
in the course of his remarks said: 'It is
always well to look at things as they are,
even if the thing be free trade, to which
some persons in beautiful language have
consecrated themselves. It is best, if we
would treat it intelligently, to know that
'by itself and of itself the tariff is a bus
ness question and protection and free
trado only take on a different and far
deeper meaning when they are considered
as parts of a question between far-reaching
principles, which I believe involves
the future of our race and the existence
and progress of the highest civilization.
It is in the latter and far graver aspect,
as 1 have already said, that I prefer first
to treat them."
If, he argued, the American manufact
urer does not make money it is quite cer
tain that he will not employ labor, and.
therefore, the workingmen will not make
money either. Our manufacturers be
lieve that nnder free trado they must
either go out of business or reduce labor
costs. They naturally do not care to do
the former, for that is ruin, and they are
very unwilling to try the latter, because
reducing labor costs means lowering
wages, which means, in turn, vast in
dustrial disturbances, and that is ruin
too, or something very near it.
A Record of Disaster.
Turning from industry to agriculturo.
ho inquired: "Has English agriculturo
been benefited by free trade, as Cobden
and others of his school predicted? It is
a matter of public notoriety that the
record of agriculturo in England of late
years is but a record of disaster. There
was nothing left them of the boasted
superiority of free, trade over protection
but the promise to increase trade, and to
refute this claim he gave the percentage
of increase, by decades, of England and
the United States, which showed that in
the decade 1870-80 the trade of the
United States, nnder protection, had in
creased nearly four times as much as
that of England, while from 1880-90 it
was more than seven times greater.
Such an outline had been the history and
results of free trade in the only country
which had adopted it.
Advantages of Reciprocity.
He touched lightly upon the question
of reciprocity and showed the advantages
which had flowed from it and the growth
of trade which followed the adoption of
reciprocity treaties. Our first object
should be to hold oar town market, bo-
cause it is the largest and best; and that
being done and our own market securely
guarded, our next object should be to
increase our outside markets by any pos
sible advice. By means of invention
and protection we have been enabled
thus far to mamtain higher rates of
wages in the United States, while lower
ing the price of the necessaries and com
forts of life and raising the standard of
living. If we abandon protection we
shall probably in many directions in
crease prices, by withdrawing American
competition from the competition of the
world, and thereby raising the world's
price. In any event we Bhall lower
wages. Protection does not make high
wages, but it helps to prevent their re
duction. Disastrous to American Labor.
In conclusion he said: "To maintain
high rates of wages and to give, if possi
ble, the fullest scope for their increase, L
believe to be essential, because I believe
good wages absolutely vital to the stabil
ity ot our institutions and of our society.
Protection in its widest aspect is some
thing far more than a mere question of
schedules or of national bookkeeping. It
is an effort to defend by legislation our
standards of living just as the exclusion
of Chinese and of contract labor was.
The reduction of wages thus far made
are trifling to what will come if this bill
becomes a law and men seek to adjust
themselves to the new conditions, Such
a lowering &f wages, is not to be con
templated without the deepest alarm.
The country is agitated and frightened
as at no previous time."
Postmasters Nominated.
Washkgton, April 10. The president
sent the following nominations to the
senate: Postmasters Earl Bronson.
Spencer, Ida.: Foster T. Stephenson,
Garden City. Kan.; James M. Dough
erty, Carterville, Mo.
Bering Sea Proclamation.
Washutgton, April 10. President
Cleveland issued a Bering sea proclama
tion warning persons against violating
the recent seal fisheries act of congress.
Aa Editor's Change.
Oskalocsa, la., April 10. Alf
Wooster. formerly associate editor of the
Farmer's Tribune, Des Moines, and one
of the best known Populist editors in the
country, has bought the Farmer an I
Miner newspaper of this city, and as
sumes immediate charge.
General Slocamb Improving.
New York, April 10. Dr. Charles
Bellows, who is attending General Henry
Slocumb at his residence in Brooklyn,
where the latter is lying ill of pneu
monia, reports that his patient is very
much improved today and that he has a
fair chance of recovery.
Wealthy Indian Murdered.
Fort Smith, Ark., April 10. Jesse
"Pidgeon, one of the most prominent and '
wealthy Creek Indians, living at Musko
gee, I. T., was killed here by Jack
.Moore, a bartender, who then robbed the
corpse and the bar till and fled.
The besx MEN'S S
SHOE, ever made.
Inquire of your shoe dealer.
Have the exclusive agency for the sale of these Shoes
in North Platte. Come and see them.
Hllbera of California Uaseated Allison
Finished His Speech.
Washington, April tt. In the senate
Tuesday a bill was reported from the ;
senate finance committee directiag the
parting and refining of bullion to be car
ried on at the state's assay office in Mon
tana and was placed on the calendar.
Mr. Pettigrew (S. D.) introduced a reso
lution, which was agreed to, directing
the secretary of agriculture to reply
within three days to the resolution paMed
about three weeks ago calling for statis
tics as to the wheat productions. The
resolution offered a short time ago by
Senator Peffer, directing the finance
committee to prepare a bill for tho re
peal of all laws which give the secretary
of the treasury .power to issue interest
bearing bonds, was' laid oefore -the sen
ate, but went over for a day in order to
allow the consideration of the bill by
Senator Morgan to give effect to the de
cision of the Paris tribunal on the Ber
ing sea question. The bill was passed.
At 2 o clock the tariff bill came up a&d
Senator Allison addressed the senate.
Washington, April a. The deadlock
which has prevailed in the house for the
week past over the Jby-O'Neill contested'
election case was broken Tuesday. The
Republicans refused to answer to their
names, but the Democrats rallied a bare
quorum 176 to 12 and amid some ap
plause the speaker announced the dead
lock had been broken and that the mo
tion to lay on the table the motion to re
consider the vote by which Joy had been
declared not entitled to the seat had been
Washington, April 4. As soon as the
house met Wednesday the Republicans
resumed their filibustering tactics to pre
vent the unseating of Mr. Hilborn (Cal.),
but a quorum was finally secured and
the resolution to seat Mr. English was
adopted 165 to 17. Upon the announce
ment there was a burst of applause from
the Democratic side, which was renewed
when Mr. English was escorted to the
bar of the house and sworn in. !
Mr. Bland then called np the seignior
age bill, returned by the president with
out nis approval; and moved that itrpasa,
The motion to pass the billgover the veto
was defeated, the silver men lack
ing 74 of the necessary two-thirds. ,
Washington, April 4. The senate:
has passed a bill permitting horse racing
in the District of Columbia, during cer
tain seasons, but prohibiting poolselling
and bookmaking.
Senator Allison resumed his speech I
against the tariff bill.
Washington, April 5. In the senate'
Thursday Mr. Hill (N. Y.) gave notice
that at 2 o'clock next Monday he would
submit a few remarks on the pending
tariff bill.
At the request of Senator Hans brough
(N. D.) the senate took up the bill appro
priating 11,000,000 for the destruction of
the Russian thistle.
Mr. Kyle (S. D.) proposed an amend
ment providing the sum appropriated
should be divided pro rata among the
states where the thistle is found, accord
ing to the estimated cost of exterminat
ing it, and that if any part of the appro
priation should remainunexpended after
the destruction, it should be divided pro
rata among the states interested for the
purpose of preventing its return.
Allen (Neb.) supported the bill, calling
pected of those placed in charge of the
Washington, April t. The house
was depopulated Monday. Three-fourths
of the members were at the. senate listen
ing to Senator Hill's speech on the tariff.
Those who remained were occupied with
District of Columbia affairs, but little
actual business was transacted.
Pond Creek, O. T., April 11. As the
southbound train No. 1 on the Hoik Isl
and was approaching the Arkansas river,
four miles south of here, at 11 o'clock
Monday night, a masked robber jumped
aboard the engine, which was running
slowly as usual on approaching the
bridge at this point, and levelling two
pistols at the engineer's head, commanded
him to stop the train. As soon as" the
train stopped several masked robbers,
the actual number of whom is not known,
made for the express ear.
Jack Harmon, the Wells-Fargo express
messenger, realized that an attempt at
robbery was being perpetrated and
quickly picked up his revolvers and
stood at the door, ready to meet the' on
slaught of the bandits.
When the latter reached the car. the
messenger positively declined to opea up.
The robbers then placed a stick of dyna
mite nnder the car and the explosion of
which tore the whole side of the car.
After the explosion one of the robbers
approached the car and as soon as he
was seen by Messenger Harmon the
latter opened fire and killed the robber
instantly. As soon as the other bandits
saw the game was wp they attempted to
retreat, but Harmon followed them
keeping up a constant fusilade and suc
ceeded in wounding another of the gang.
The injured man fell in his tracks, but
the others managed to get away. It is
thought, however, that some of them
have been seriously wounded. The
trainmen picked up the dead and wounded
robbers and after placing them aboard
the train returned to Pond Creek.
Neither of the men have been identified.
Some of the citizens believe them to be
members of the Dalton gang. The
sheriff was summoned immediately cm
the arrival of the train. A posse was
quickly organized and the country is be
ing scoured for the outlaws.
Harmon was for six-years a policeman
in Topeka and served until the- Populist
board took charge of the metropolitan "
Coke Region Is Qaiet.
Connellsvtlle, Pa., April 10. The
quietness which reigns at the coke works
is in striking contrast with the scene of
a week ago. The Frick and Rainey
companies have resumed work at all of
tho plants which were closed by the
French Mission In Chiaa Barned by a Xob
Shanghai, April 10. The French mis
sion at Hsianfa in the province of Shen
Si has been burned by a riotous mob.
The priests in the mission, after having
been severely maltreated by the mob,
were thrown into prison.
attention to the fact that the weed was
not, indigenous, but had gained a foot
hold here nnder the laws of the nation
the immigration laws.
Senator George (Miss.) favored Mr.
Kyle's amendment.
Washington, April 5. The Bering
sea bill has been passed by the house.
Washington, April 6. The policy of
delay of the minority in the senate was
manifest Friday when, before the con
clusion of the reading of Thursday'!
journal, Mr. Chandler made the point of
no quorum and the roll was called, show
ing four senators less than a quorum was
present. After a delay of 15 minutes
four senators dropped in to complete the
quorum and the reading of the journal
was concluded and the routine business
proceeded with.
An interesting test of strength was de
veloped by Senator Hill's motion that
when the senate adjourn, it should be
until Monday. The Republicans jumped
at the idea and seconded the motion, and
even Senator Harris' request that the
motion be withdrawn had no effect, so
he demanded a yea and nay vote, in
which demand he was seconded by Sena
tor Vest. As the call progressed it be
came very evident the vote would be
close and when it was announced, 25 to
6, a sigh of relief escaped the Demo
The house went ahead with appropria
tion bills after routine business.
Wasotngton, April 9. The proceed
ings in the senate Monday from the open
ing to the closing of the session were full
of interest. The first in point of time
was the swearing in of Mr. Walsh as the
senator from Georgia, to serve ontthe
term of the late Senator Colquitt. Two
resolutions, intended to facilitate the de
bate of the tariff, were introduced, one
by Senator Mills, providing for an
amendment to the rules, so to permit of
the previous question, and the other by
Senator Allen, providing for the taking
of the final vote on the bill on Jane 7,
allowing three days for debate nnder the
5-minute rule. Both went over without
The chief interest of the day centered
in Senator Hill's speech. The speech
was mainly directed against the income
tax, although Mr. Hill spoke of the
"humiliation" of the Hawaiian question,
which he attributed to the fact that the
head of the state department was a Re
publican, la. bis opening remarks he
discussed the political revolution that led
to the result of the election of 1893, and
fciJnterntstation of what the people ex-
Tamraaay Chief Going He
Omaha, April H. Richard Croker, the
Tammany chief,, accompanied by hie'
wife and daughter and J. J. Phelan, his
chief lieutenant, came in over the Union
Pacific and went east over the North
western. " Looking- Up the Soldiers' Home.
Grand Island, Feb., April 9. Gover-,
nor Crounse and secretary, Hon. W. E.
Andre W3, are in the city at the soldiers'
home. The advisory board of the home
are with Governor Crounse, reviewing
affairs at the home, it being the end of
Commandant Scoville's first year.
General Van Wjck's Salt.
Nebraska Crrv, April 0. Hon.
Charles H. Van Wyck has commenced
suit in the district court against his
brother, George P. Van Wyck, who lives
in New York. The mattor in dispute is
some property situated in Nemaha and
Otoe counties, and formerly owned by
John B. Bennett.
Wyoming Sheriff Shot.
Omaha. April ll. A special to The
Bee from Casper, Wyo., says: Two es
caped prisoners named Bailey and B air
man were overtaken by Sheriff Rice and
a posse today. A pitched battle ensued,
in which the sheriff was shot by Bailey
and Bailey was shot in return by Deputy
Thomas S. Steed. The posse is now
bringing the prisoners to Casper.
Smallpox In Omaha.
Omaha, April 6. Two men walked
into the office of Health Commissioner
Saville in the city hall and announced
that they had the smallpox. The in
spector marched them into a vacant lot
next door and mounted guard over them
until Health Commissioner Saville ar
rived, who pronounced the disease gen
uine smallpox. Their names are Clay
Hammond and Will Stewart of Chicago.
High School Orators Contend.
Kearney, Neb.,, April 9. The seventh
annual contest of the Central Nebraska
High School Declamatory association
netia the opera house in this city.
Nearly 1,000 people were in the large
auditorium. Mabel Bailey of Hastings,
Jennie Carson of Kearney, Mazie La
mont of Aurora, Tena Malcom of Lex
ington, Mary Hammond of Minden,
Boyd Drennan of Grand Island. Julia
McCune of Stromsburg and Leroy
Smith of York were the contestants.
Mazie Lamont of Aurora was awarded
the medal and Mabel Bailey took second
prize in the dramatic class.
Indians feasted at Cody's Expense.
RusHvnxE,Neb., April 10. Saturday
was a gala day at Pine Ridge, occas
ioned by the visit of Colonel Cody (Buffa
lo Bill) for the purpose ot securinflr 125
Indians for tho Wild West show. Nearly
all the Indians on Pine Ridge reserva
tion gathered to meet Cody and to feast
at his expense. A choice lot of braves
were selected and will go east to become
showmen about May 1. Colonel Cody
went west from here to arrange for es
tablishing his stage route from Sheridan,
Wyo.. to the National Park.
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