The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, April 04, 1894, Image 2

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I1UL I. BARE, Editor and Proprietor
nr xbyjlhcx. - (LOO fzb jantvi
z wi vaib ix ADTAjrcr, . $1.50 rra askuic
t the North Platte (Kebraska) postofice as
Mcond-claM matter.
The Tbibune most heartily
mmms the action of the repubh
cm leaders of Lincoln coantv in
Wiaging out John . Evans, of this
r.KS candidate for secretary of
Mr it is a lusc recoeninoa ur
tfct iMg aad continued services that
Ptieman. has rendered tne party
W tliis county, in our legislative
Mtricts, and in the state at large.
It i a move that will undoubtedly
W accorded a hearty support by
Mr. Ivans' acquaintances through
oat Nebraska who at once recognize
tbat his many years of work for
tbc party's weal entitles him to a
jaoaipation for the office to which
kia friends al home insist he shall
aspire. An extended notice of his,
eminent fitness for the office is
scarcely necessary; were he not
eoapetent in every manner to
Crtiitably fill the " position, his
frieads would certainly not insist
tkat he be a candidate. As time
Moras on The Tribune will have
further comment on Mr. Evans1
caaiidacy, but it thus gives notice
tkat the gentleman is in the race,
and that his friends are determined
that he prove a winner.
Tmeke is every indication that
the republican committee will call
aa. early state convention, and this
we believe is eminently proper.
Western Nebraska, which now
forms an important battle field, has
been neglected more or less in past
campaigns, but with an early con
vention and a consequent lengthy
canvass, the state candidates will
have an opportunity to get out this
way and become acquainted with
the people, and the people with
them. Chairman Daugherty has
issued a call for a meeting of the
congressional committee May 8th,
for the purpose of naming a place
aad date for holding the convention
asi this too may be taken as evi-
J 1. 3 11 f 1.1.
Mpaign in this congressional dis- V StJfces was the only ,countr
. . n ... D I tplnpn mono anr varrr rfrnif iarlii
tnct. This is the year for republi-
Sixteen more of the Gravesend
ballot box stuffers have come down
out of the tree and plead guilty to
the offenses with which they are
charged. The grand jury whicb
"cinched" McKane and his hench
men should be the pride of the peo
ple of btaten Island.
J. T. Mallalied, superintendent
of tne Kearney reform scnool, is
prominently "and favorablv men
tioned as a candidate for congres
sional honors on the republican
ticket this fall. He is one of the
manv republicans in the district
who could ablv fill the chair now
occupied by the present misfit.
The net income of the sheriff of
New York county last year was
$72,578, which may be considered
one of the "fattest'1 positions in the
country. A bill has, however, been
introduced in the New York legis
lature placing the salary of that
official at $15,000 a year, the fees
in excess of that amount to be
turned into the county treasury.
Under such a law the office will be
more of a public trust and less of a
private snap.
In a letter given to the press
Governor Crounse says it is not his
intention to be a candidate for re
election as governor. This an
nouncement is brought out by a
query addressed to the Governor by
Tom Majors; and confirms the
opinion general! v held that Crounse
would not seek a re-election. The
probable candidate's before the con
vention will be Majors. McColl,
Cady, Bemis, Broatch, Valentine,
Ihummel and Kaymond, all of
whom are good men.
Hational Debts.
A writer on the public debts of
nations presents an interesting table
comparing the figures of 1865 with
those of 1890. During that quarter
of a century the grand total in
creased enormously. The onlv
nations showing any decrease were
the United States, Great Britain
and Denmark. The latter had a
debt of $45,220,000 in 1865, and of
$33,004,722 in 1890. This is cer
tainly a highly creditable showing
for a country so limited in resources
and population. Great Britain had
a debt of $3,848,460,000 at the
earlier of these dates, and of $3,350,-
iw,yoo at tne later, cut tne
can work, and the boys all over the
state recognize it.
The president on Thursday sent
in his message 'vetoing the Bland
setgaiorage bill, declaring that its
eaactment would scare off the pros
perity which he claims is now re
tarding to tbi3 country. He also
claim 8 that the bill was unfortu
aatsly constructed as to invite con
troversy as to its meaning and
latent, and that the secretary of
the treasury ought not to be em
barrassed by having devolved upon
him the execution of a law so con
fused and uncertain. The president
which made any verv great reduc
tion, namely, from $2,756,431,571
to $915,962,112, just about two
thirds. At that -rate the entire
debt ought to be wiped out during
the first administration in the
twentieth century.
If, however, the democratic party
should be in power the next twenty
years, as Minister Willis assured
President Dole, of Hawaii, would
be the case, our national debt would
be, at the pace set bv the first year
of its power, at least $2,000,000,000
during the first administration of
the next century, and by the time
the twenty years were up it would
exceed the high-water mark of 1865.
Fortunately the people can look for-
OoDgressiemal Osatral (tauaittett
The republican central committee
of the Sixth congressional district
of Nebraska is hereby called to meet
tit Kearney, Nebraska, on luesday,
May 8, 1894, at,7 p. m., for the pur
pose of naming a time and place for
nolding the next congressional con
vention and to place in nomination
a candidate for congress and to ap
portion delegates to the several
counties in said district and to
transact such other business as may
come before said meeting. A full
attendance of this committee is
urged. Matt Daugherty, Ch'm.
W. W. Babney, Sec'y.
t? - i - i. ,
tSS ard with comforting assurance
Uiu.crc, OUUU.U K..utcu lhe banighmenfc 0 thafc part afc fche
mm tua ru I'jru a a iiu iwwiiuxiaau a t a a . -
s to protect the gold reserve.
The Kearney Hub directs a per?
paragraph to Hon. Jack Mc
Coll, of Lexington, and asks that he
mount a chair and declare whetner
be is or is aot a candidate for gov
,eraor. Now that's the way the
naablicans of the west half of the
feel; they are for McColl
liniously if he announces him
self as a candidate, but so long as
ke allows his modesty to keep him
a the rear his friends are at sea.
Gaaie, Jack, brace up and declare
Senator Allen is not one of the
populists who looks upon the com
monweal army as an uprisingof the
pops. He characterizes Coxey as a
lifat-headed individual bordering
oa the condition of a full-fledged
craak. But how about Lieutenant
Carl Brown, who rendered the
populists of Nebraska such great
"service two years ago? Is he a
crank also?
Judge Neville, of this city
considered in tne ngnt tor the pop
.nomination for congress, and ranks
next to Green, of Kearney, in the
race; at least that is the way the
papers down the road size up the
situation. Kem is regarded as a
back number and does not seem to
figure very extensively in the fight
tor nomination.
very earliest elective opportunitv.
xurmug now to tne continent or
Europe, including Russia and Tur
key, which are partly in Asia, we
bnd the debt increasing figures to
be as follows:
Nations. 1865 IfiM
Germany $ 610,470,000 81,fti6,217.017
Austria-Hungary 1,473.230,000 2,866,339,539
Francs 2,610,560,000 416,703,8a8
Bussia 080,080,000 3.491,018,074
Italy 871,080,000 2,324,826,329
Bpaln 999.600.000 1.258.453.696
Netherlands 414,120,000 430,589,853
Belgium 119,000,000 380,504.099
Sweden 21,420,000 64,220,807
Norway 9.044.000 13.973.752
Portugal 180,409,000 490,493,599
Greece....- 34,510,000 107,300,518
Turkey , 229.432,000 821,000,000
owiizeruuia vil.UUU 10.912.925
$8,609,650,000 $18,655,619,611
T I . M, 1 I ,11 1
it win oe oDservea tnat tne ag
gregate snows considerably more
than two to one. Germany and
T 1 m
xvussia snow an increase or over
three to one, France of less than
double, notwithstanding the enor
mous indemnity exacted bv Ger
many at the close of. the Franco
Prussian war. Evidently republi
canism in distinction rrom lmperial-
; ii ii -
ism, as wen as repuoncanism in
distinction from democracy, tends
to national economy. Inter Ocean.
Hiohol Inggets.
Wild geese bare taken their departure.
Farmers in this country are as busy as
bees plowing and sowing,
C. S. Trovillo shipped a car load of
potatoes from this station to Lexington
last Thursday.
Mrs. M. C. Brown spent a couple of
days at the county seat last week com
bining business with pleasure.
Vegetation of all kind is on the boom
in this section.
N. B. Spurrier made a business trip
down the line a few days ago.
Emigrants are very much like weeds
in the spring, warm woather is pretty
sure to start them.
N. B. Spurrier shipped a car load of
potatoes from this station to Kearney on
Saturday last.
The ground in the valley is in fine
shape for cultivation at present.
Mrs. Flora Brooks who has been visit
ing relatives and friends in this locality
for sometime, left Monday morning for
her home in Grand Island. Her hus
band iB doing the mason work on the
new ditch residences in this valley.
There is quite a crop of porkers in
this neighborhood about ready to har
A box sociable will be held at the Her-
shey opera house on Friday evening thiB
week. Everybody invited.
B. R. Gibbons has moved the house on
the Perkin farm to the Wm. Winter
farm, which he now owns.
Dick Perkins has moved down into
a house on the D. S. Thomas farm.
The south river has been on the raise
the past few days.
W. H. and G. E. Sullivan will work
about twenty acres of land on the north
side of the ditch on the Feeken farm the
coming season.
W. E. Parks of North Platte,-and J. B.
McKee recently of Ohio, were looking
over their old stamping ground on Sun
day last.
George Gibbens will cultivate about
seventy-five acres of the Paxton & Her
hey land this season.
J. G. Feeken is erecting a new wind
Mrs. Frank Cook's mother who has
been visiting her for a few weeks past,
returned to her home in Denver the
latter part of last week. Wo failed to
learn the lady's name.
I. V. Zook has his new sod residence
about ready for occupancy.
G. A. Wilson had a fine two-year-old
colt drowned in a slough a few days ago.
It. Strickler and the K. O. T. M. lodge
are erecting a building at the city of
Hershey that will be an ornament to
that place. Strickler is erecting the
first story which he will own and occupy
and the lodge the second story which
they will own and occupy.
T. C. Brown left the first of the' week
for the ranch on business which will
require his attendance for a week at least.
A new light has been put on the west
switch in place of the one that was
"rustled" recently,
Cbas. Toillion Bold and deliverod to Y.
VonGoetz at the county seat last week
about 300 bushels of potatoes at fif ty-fivo
cents per bushel.
It was with deep regret that we learned
of the conflagration at Sutherland re
cently. We hope that all who sustained
losses by the fire will be able to rebuild
and start in business again and that
success will crown their efforts in the
About twenty of. the people in this
community started out on Wednesday
evening last week to give Mr. and Mrs,
(J. &. Trovillo a surprise by going to
their home without giving them any
previous notice of their intentions.
They all arrived at the scene of action
about the same time, but "low and be
hold" they found the house dark, doors
all locked and the inmates gone. After
considering the situation for a time
Ssl jBSSHSjaasaassssa. .
ggg Siliiillissmai
Mr: & A. Lefeher
Bossmoyne, Oaio.
Terrible Miseiy
Helpless With Rheumatism
and Without Appetite
Tired Feeling and Pains Dispelled
oy nooci's sarsaparwa.
" I was in terrible misery with TheaxBattera la
my hips and lower limbs. I re4 so muck
about Hood's SarsaparilU that I thought I
would try It and seo if it would relieve mi.
When I commenced I could not sit up hot en
turn over In bed without help. On bottle of
Hood's Relieved Me "
to much that I was soon out of bed and could
walk. I had also felt, weak and tired aU th
time ; could not sleep, and obtained so little rest
at night that I felt all worn out in the morals.
Z had no appetite to eat anything, but Hood's
Sarsaparilla restored my appetite so'tHat
could eat without any distress, and J hijp,
sained rapidly in strength. I have taken firs
bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and I am as well
as erer." Mbs. 8. A. Lefebm, Bossmoyne, O.
Hood's Pills euro liver ills, constipation,
biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indlfestioB.
Somerset Snap Shots.
J. H. Knowles and wife were
North Platte visitors Saturday.
Rev. Tyson held meetings ' here
Saturday mgbt and Sunday.-
Miss Anna Snvder, of Willace,
was the guest of Mrs. McConnell
Saturday and Sunday.
born to bteve Kendall and wife
oil March 27th, a girl.
Miss iidith Jollitt has returned
to Curtis to work.
The recent rain and snow was
much appreciated here, as it put
the ground in splendid condition
for spring crops.
Several parties here expect to
erow seeds this year for a Lincoln
seed dealer.
Wm. Jones and A. Morford at
tended the Max Beer sale Saturday.
Miss Ethel Lock returned from
Holyoke, Col., Saturday.
Mrs. Cbas. Lock is at her fath
er's after spending several days
with friends at Wellfleet.
Mrs. Jackson, of Beaver s City,
who was called here by the death
of her brother, John Kendall, has
returned home.
Steve Kendall and family have,
moved in with the former's mother,
and will reside there this summer.
O. I.
Myrtle Leaves.
Miss Tibbets of Gibbon, Neb.,
arrived in these parts Saturday.
Also Miss Muir from Sutherland.
Miss Tibbets will again teach the
Burns school, and Miss Muir U1
teach at White Plains. , ISR,
The Myrtle Sunday school ele6tecl
the following new officers Sunday:
J. A. Moore, supt.; A. J. Neal. ass't
supt.; Jessie Waite, secretary; Do lie
Brunk, ass't secretary; FfedWiberg,
treasurer; N. G. Wiberg, librarian;
J. A. Moore, chorister. 's
D. Brunk made a trip to the ditch
me nrsu or tne wees to .ao some
carpenter work for Ben Gibbens.
Miss Wiberg commenced school
at the Myrtle school house Monday
xvith seventeen scholars.
T T 1
nev. juerryoerry was once,, more.
able to fill Ins appointment Sundav.
Mrs. H. Phillips was seriously-ill
1 l J.
iasc weeic one is siowiy improving
. ... ... - - w
at tins writing.
Myrtle precinct was pretty well
represented in North Platte last
week. A railroad is what we wish
here. C. H
Correctly Answered.
Not many days ago a school teacher was talking to some of his
brightest pupils, and asked them: ."What do you consider is
the science of human happiness?" A beautiful and intelligent
little girl of some eleven years said that she had heard that it
was to bestow the greatest number of benefits on the greatest
number of people. Then whom in this city, for instance, do you
consider lives up to that philosophy in the sincerest manner?
Without a moment's hesitation the little girl replied:
the popular dealers in town; their benificence in placing bound
less bargains before the people is never ending.
The fair scholar was quite correct. During the last ten days
we, have doubled our stock of shoes and we have now one of the
.largest and most complete lines west of Omaha, and have also
slashed, the price on all that would stand it "We have also just
opened a nice line of SPRING JACKETS AN CAPES of the
latest styles at moderate prices. Our line of DRESS GOODS
must be seen to be appreciated. They are the greatest values
that ever reached the city. The reason we are having such a
nice trade in this line, as well as in all other lines, is because
we mind our Ps and Qs Price and Purity, Quality and Quanti
tity. People are apt to appreciate the highest in purity when
it is associated with the lowest in price.
Yours for Business,
Offer to tie
We Wm Sell
Sweet, Orr & Gofs
Best in the world. Never known to; sell
for less than One Dollar each. ,
Here we are again ready, willing, and waiting
. " with a big stock of
on our hands spoiling to be worked up at
Prices to Suit the Stringency ot the Times.
All material and workilianship guaranteed
asoline Stoves and Bicycles Repaired.)
Difficult Repairing of all kinds a Specialty.
Don't Forget the Number.
The Star Clothing House
No. 3496.
TsTorth Platte, - JSteh,
Authorized Capital, $200,000 ,
Paid in Capital, $50,000.
Sells Bills of Exchange on all Foreigi
OOrULESFOlvrDTllvrrF! f
The more Chamberlain's Couch
Remedy is used lhe better it is liked.
We, .know of no other remedy that
always gives satisfaction. It is good
when you first catch cold. It is
good when your cough is seated and
your lungs are sore. It is good in
anv kind of a cough. We have
sold "twenty-five dozen of it and
every bottle has given satisfaction.
Stedman & Friedman, drucrerists.
Minnesota Lake. -Minn, 50 cent
bottles for sale by A. F. Streitz and
North Platte Pharmacy.
If newspaper reports be true.
Senator Allen's position on the tar
iff bill now before the senate, is
very much like the hill itself, sub
ject to change on short notice.
lhe firent elephant, gnt a porn foot tber
used Haller's IJarb Wire Liniment and
cured it up in four days. For sale by F.
H. Longley.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oili
There is a bill before the New
York legislature called the teachers'
retirement bill. It would permit
the board of Education of New
iork citv to retire upon small
annuities male and female teachers
who have
The Broken Bow Republican
places H. M. Grimes, of this city, in
the category of possible candidates
befor the republican congressional
convention. If Mr. Grimes will
consent to he a candidate The Tri
KJe stands ready to give him
warm and most hearty support.
C" l tr i i
oeuremry morion nas receivea a
large number of inquiries from all
parts of the country as to the result
of the department's rainfall experi-
men is anu ine reasioiiity ot control
ling precipitation by means of
explosions. The following circular
is being sent by the department to
11 HT 1
au inquiries: "iiepiymg to your
letter as to rainmakmg experiments,
I have to inform you that in no
case did they pass the merely ex
perimental stage and that prospect
or ultimate success is not such as to
justify farmers or other citizens in
rainmakmg experiments. In this
determination, judgment and
opinion l am supported by tne
resnectivelv tan?hfc ' fnr
. . . ! 1.1. " L P Til-i "
someone in ine assemblage advanced tnirty-nve ana tnircy years ill the
the idea of trying to get into the house. CY schools. "The annuitv is to be
half the salarv received at retire
ment, but never to be more than
81,000. As a -matter of fact the
average annuity thus authorized
would be about $400. On the faa
of it, at least, such legislation seems
praiseworthy to a high degree.
None deserves better of societv
than the school teacher. None
works harder to mold the youth" of,
the state than this untiring right
arm or civilization. When his
skill has denarted and his methods
become antiquated who more than
he deserves public held to make old
age peaceful?
It is cheering news that though
the Atlantic passenger-carrying
trade is not done under the Ameri
can flag we Americans are still as
good shipwrights as the world holds
and that in a moderate degree we
are bidding for our old commercial
marine supremacy. The first trans
atlantic steamer built in this coun
try in twenty years is to be turned
out by the Cramps for the Inter
national Navigation Compan', the
American line- owning the Ameri
canized New York and Paris. This
new ship is to be called the St.
Louis, and a sister ship the St. Paul,
the two to be the largest ships ever
built in America. Thev will be 534
feet long, of 11,000 tons, and adapt
able to naval use.
It is stated that Mexico has de
cided to take the initiative in call
ing another monetary conference.
uHHJtl t0 the establishmefc of Window Glass
ui molilalia ill.
"If you don't 6top curing chaps and
frosted hands with vour old Australian
Salve I'll make it hot, or rather cold, for
yon when 1 come down." For sale by F.
rt t
n. liongiey.
Machine Oils;.
Diamanta Spectacles.
Recently a four thousand dollar scientists and other alleged experts
bracelet was smuggled through the m meteorology connected with the
Hew York custom house concealed
in a book written by Mr. Moody on
"The Higher life." Good things
are often devoted to base uses.
It is noticed that the democratic
press makes considerable ado when
a manufacturing industry, which
had been closed, resumes business,
bnt no mention is made when a mill
or factory closes.
, The veto of the Bland bill has
given Coxey additional "evidence"
that he and his commonweal army
started for Washington none too
soon to save the country.
United States weather bureau. The
bombardment of the skies for water
as carried on by this department.
did not produce results calculating
to inspire the hope that anv method
of concussion would be commercial
ly successfullv in precipitatins the
moisture from the clouds."
1ms seemed to meet she approval of all
and several who had keys with them
tried to unlock the doors, but all to no
avail. Then the windows were all tried,
and as they were about to give up in
dispair, one of them yielded to the
pressure upon it and thus an entrance
to the dwelling was perfected and the
lock taken off the door and all were ad
mitted. The lamps were then lighted, a
fire kindled and in a short time all were
enjoying themselves in various ways.
About an hour or so later Mr. and Mrs.
Trovillo, who had been spending the
evening at a neighbor's, put in an appear
ance, and to Bay that they were sur
prised would be putting it in a mild
form; but after they had become rec
onciled to the situation they soon joined I
in the festivities. About eleven o'clock
the intruders prepared a 6umptous re
past to which all did ample justice. The
evening was Bpent in games of different
kinds and also with both instrumental
ana vocal music. All returned to their
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to te incurable. J? or a
great manv years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced it
Incurable, bcieuce has proven catarrh
to be n constitutional disease and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured bv F.
J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from- 10
drops to n teaspoonful. It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollar?
for any case it fails to curp. Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address.
F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O.
Sold y Drucgists 75V.
lhe democratic majority in the
house is making a great pretense of
reducing the appropriations, which
simply means that the deficiency
bills of the next session will be
larger than usual.
Marks' bure Cure is a positive specific
ior women wuo are an "run down" and
at certain times are troubled by back-
aches, headaches, etc. Sold by North
flalte Pharmacy.
Any party which takes an article I
of necessity produced almost whollv
abroad off the free list and puts a
duty upon it will be beaten by the
people. The sugar tax. that "is to
say, is one or. the things that will
lay out the democracy next November.
iHE republican naners of his
section are boosting A. E. Cady.of
St. Paul, for congressman in this
district, and we are ready to admit
that the gentleman would make
W. I. Church, of Staunton Post,G. A. R.
says 'l have tried nearly every cough rem
but have found nothing to compare with
Parks' Cough Syrup. There is othing
on earth like it for bronchitis. I have
suffered ever since my discharge from
the army and Parks' Cough Syrup is the
only remedy that has ever helped rae.
Sold by North Platte Pharmacy.
Do they ache, burn, itch, water or tire upon continued use? If they do
they are defective and should be carefully fitted with glasses. Are you
subject to chronic headaches? The kind thafc begins in the region back
of and around the eyes, making the eyes feel heavy and dull? If so,
the eyes are at fault, aud a pair of classes are needed.
When vou can call and consult PROF. HIRSCHBERG, the emineatt
As Arbor Day, April 32d. falls
several homes well pleased with the on Sunday, Governor Crounse, in his fall.
AAt ilntn m . I rtl a m n Li . 1 Jl 1 I I
It is estimated that the rails on
the various railways of the country
weigh altogether 83,000.000 tons.
That weight, enormous as it is, will
not be a marker compared with the
weight of popular indignation that
will fall upon the democratic party
at the congressional elections this
evening's doings.
Pat. proclamation issued last weekecom-
Nebraska s output of sugar this
year is likely to be larger than ever.
I The two factories haye already con- engraved: B. S. C. C. S
mends that the day followingbe ..My wife was confined to her bed
these letters!
No one was
tracted for 6,000 acres of bests, more
than has ever been culivated in the
state. Up to the present time the
sugar industry in .Nebraska has
nourished under adverse local cir
cumstances. Farmers have beeni
slow to appreciate the nrofitahlp
. . . ..
results ot beet culture. In addition
able to decipher them, but since, eminent
professors have actertained that it means
Haller'sSure Cure Couch Svmn. PW
sale by F. H. Longley.
The Breckinndffe-Pollard
still drags along. ,
The Union Pacific wage case at
Omaha came to a close yesterday
:and a decision will be rendered to- to this they have been hampered by
iurruw. axcic o uujiiuK tuu me jacK or Knowledge as to the best
oainlnvas mav win I n 1 1. t t
otw;b uij .... j uicbuuun uj. uuuure. as toe years
m MmJ r SCienCe of teek raising is
xilb una wuu win ouvuecu a.eui uecuminir more penprsi v tnnn.
will be a republican. This predic- and nothing but the most adverse
tMO will oe vennea ou ine otn aay legislation will nrevent t.hp mA
of "Xofember. growth of the industrv from f M
time onward. Times will ha
. -r ri x; i I t i . ra
A. J. dawxeb, 01 jjincoin, .was in .neorasKa when this sfnfo
. . . . rr . t rt, i 1' I . . I
... appelated. uniteo states aistncc at- msnes a home market for the pro-
fontjfor JNewasxa dv ine rresi- ouct or. several hundred thousand
nr e. i . , .... i , . .
if ii km ftianiHV whs PYn nnrtff in aipmo i iu.i i J i . . I .. ...
he found an obelisk AvW thse Tetters L. . D US w"n a 7
uciulcu w me piauuug ot severe attacK or rneiimatism. vve
could get nothing that would afford
her any relief, and as a last resort
i i t-m i
gave unamoenain s rain calm a
trial. To our great surprise sne
began to improve after the first
application, and by using it regular
ly she was spon able to get up and
attend to her house work. E. H.
Johnson, of C. J. Knutson & Co.,
Kensington, Mion. 50 cent hot-
ties for sale bv A. F. Streitz and
North Platte Pharmacy.
Bradstreet shows that there have ophthalmologist. Remember the dates,
oeen twelve omions loss in the bank
clearances in the last eleven months.'
That is just one hundred and twenty
jiiiiiwna less uusmess none as com
pared with the previous period of
same length! That is a howlintr
1 P 1 ... o
lui'uuiueui. ur a cnange, aon t
A chance to be strong and healthy, feed
thpm with good plain ford and keep
their blood in good order with Haller's
Sarsaparilla and Burdock and who knows
but tbey win De president or aldermen
For sale by F. II. Longley.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
jfymt Monday.
I acres of sugar beets. Bee.
j I'ure cream of Tartar Powdcr.-No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used m Millions of Honies 40 Years the Standard.-
j ,Z . . ' - -
The pop board of supervisors up
in Holt county, have been trying to
oust John Skirving. clerk of the
I district conrt, but he has beaten
! them at everv turn and still holds
the fort. They have just about
bankrupted the county bv their con
stant wrangling and bad manage-
; ment.
irs. . nieyeite, the Uenesee county
a. tir m
irraaurer 01 me w. v. i. u. ana a very
influential worker in the cause of women
says: "I have used Parks' Tea and find
it is the best remedy I have ever tried
for constipation. It requires smaller
doses and is more thorough. I shall use
nothing else in future." Sold by .North
Platte Pharmacv.
Yesterday morning passenger
train No. 8 struck a broken rail
about two miles east of Vroman. A
piece about two feet in length was
broken out of one of the rails and
over this break No. 8 ran at a high
rate of speed, miraculously as it
may seem, without mishap, other
than a severe jolting up of the pas
sengers. After passing over it the
train was stopped and a flagman
left to stop other trains until the
brake was repaired. Kearney Hub.
APRIL 1 1th, 1 2th and 1 3th,
At the store of A. F. Streitz, who is sole agent for North Platte.
Steam and Gas Fitting.
Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper and Galvanized Iron Cor
nice. Tin and Iron Rnnfinr?
Estimates furnished. Repairing of all
Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth,
North, matte, - Nebraska,.
Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public
is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment.
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar.
billiard hall is supplied with the best male nf tablM
competent attendants will supply all your wants.