The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, March 28, 1894, Image 1

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    J' '
And the Leading Daily Papers.
7 -
C. L. Willia.rvn.s'
NO. 12,
It will be to see the grand display of
New Spring and Summer Goods
The low prices we quote are an important part of the attraction.
Just compare our prices with -any other and you will be con
vinced that we can save you 25 per cent on all your purchases.
One bale of soft finish yard wide
Bleached Muslin, regular price 84 cte.,
onr price 6) cents per yard.
The very beet 15 -cent Cheviot at our
store for 10 cents a yard.
We are still selling 60-cent Henriettas
in all colore for 27J cents a yard.
We have a nice line of printed Cham
brys and Penangs, suitable for ladies'
Bhirt waists, men's shirts and children's
dresses, all worth 20 cents, our price 14
cente per yard.
A real French Sateen, in black only,
at 20 cents per yard, worth 35 eta.
Id our shoe department we offer Mens
real Calfskin Shoes in lace and congress
at 92.35 a pair, worth $3.50.
100 pairs men's oil grained congress
shoes worth f lwo at $1.15 per pair.
100 pairs of ladies' shoes in broken lota
worth from f 1.50 to fZ.&, your choice at
91. Come and get your size.
All our ladies' French dongola shoes
with patent tips at VlZLo a pair.
Children's and misses tan color shoes
at $1.25 per pair.
25 dozen men's and boys' outing flan
nel starts at 'Jo cents, worth 40 to 50 cts.
of unbleached muslin for $1.00; only one dollar's worth to each person.
We now have a complete line of SPRTNG CAPES AND JACKETS
in latest styles at reasonable prices. Don't forget to ask for one of our
i-remium tickets.
The only cheap store with good goons in Lincoln County.
North Platte National Bank,
2?aid ixp Capital.
All business intrusted to us handled promptly, carefully, and at lowest rates.
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
Dr. H. McCABE, Prop.
J. B. BUSH, Manager.
The Bf aar Happalaff of Serea Days Ke
4eetl From Ceteauu to Uaes Everjr
thlag feat Tacts Eliminated Far Oar
Xcadan' CoaraaleBC.
Successor to J. Q. Thacker.
orders from the country, and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway Solicited.
Farm : Implements,
Windmills, Harness, Etc.
Warehouse on West Front Street.
Merchant Tailor,
embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order.
Sprue Street, bettfeen Fifth, and Sixth.
Wadacadajr, March 31.
La Bretagne, the French liner which
went ashore on Long Island in a fog, got
off without damage.
Tramps are flocking to Masaillon to
join the commonwealth, array. Sheriffs
along the line of march are preparing fcr
Six members of the family of Herman
Thurton, living near'Plano, Ills., are at
death's door from eating uncooked sau
A Populist paper of Wichita, Kan., says
if Carlisle issues more bonds a million
armed men should march on Washington.
Mayor Denny of Indianapolis has asked
for mor police to aid in the suppression
ef gambling aad the illegal sale of liquor.
At the age of 121 years Mrs. Anna
Bailey, colored, died suddenly in Phila
delphia. Lizzie Smith and Mary Smalley were
arrested at Ottumwa, la., charged with
stealing a team of horses.
Charles Mork, arrested for attempted
train wrecking, was sentenced to one year
in the penitentiary at Waukegan, Ills.
The Methodist churches of San Fran
cisco have inaugurated a big series of re
vivals in a large tent on the new postoffice
Six illicit stills have just been captured
in Arkansas, one of them the largest ever
seized in that state.
The coal operators in the Osage district
have announced a reduction of wages for
mining coal to go into effect April 1.
Judge M. V. Messick, a well known
citizen of Cedar county, Missouri, was
drowned in Sac river.
The general western headquarters of
the American Cereal company, controll
ing all large oatmeal mills in the United
States, will be removed from Cedar
Rapids, la., to Chicago.
On account of trouble with, the union
musicians, the concert for which great
preparations wereyeing made at Omaha
has been indefinitely postponed.
Owners of copper mines in Michigan
affected by Commissioner Lamoreaux's
decision will fight the Portage company
in court.
Than day, March 22.
They are again talking of Archbishop
Feehan of Chicago for a cardinal.
Four well known sewing machine com
panies are said to be forming a trust.
'Bill" Buckworth, a famous Indian
fighter and scout, is under arrest in Oma
ha charged with insanity.
Health Officer Kelly of Minneapolis
criticised a surgical operation at Law
rence sanitarium and has been sued for
Six members of a family living at Black
Wolf, Wis., are afflicted with trichinosis,
contracted by eating sausage.
The Panhandle has started out a vacci
nation car in charge of company surgeons.
They will vaccinate every Panhandle employe.
It !s reported at Dubuque. In... that the
mineral in the Karrick mines has sudden
ly given out after a yield of 850,000 pounds.
Robert White of Mifflin, Ills., was killed
by lightning while standing in his door.
Tallandigham Kellers, a 2-year-old
child, fell Into water only a few inches
deep in a horse watering trough near
Newark, O., and was drowned.
In the case at Champaign, Ills., of Lena
Lingrun against the Illinois Central rail
road the plaintiff was awarded $5,000.
Moy Lee was fined $300 at Indianapolis
for maintaining an opium den in the rear
of his laundry.
Miss Dowmey and Miss Morrow, state i
temperance evangelists, are devoting this
week to Galena, Ills.
A freight wreck on the Nickel Plate
road near Fort Wayne, Ind., caused the
death of two tramps and a loss of (10,000.
General Superintendent Hill.of the Van-
dalia, will retire from railroad service on
April 1. He has been continually in rail
road work since May, 1850.
L.H. Parker, Illinois Central freight
agent at Dubuque for the past 28 years,
has been appointed general agent for the
Louisville and New Albany at Lafayette,
The Stalwart Democratic committee ot
"Kansas has decided not to call a conven
tion until after the regular convention,
July 3.
Friday. March 23.
Tobacco raising promises to become an
imported industry in Kansas.
Congressman Curtis' father has started
from Topeka in a boat to goto New
An operatic manager has offered Made
lino Pollard 1500 a week to star in his
Twelve patrolmen who were' discharged
at Indianapolis will sue the police board
for damages.
Eight convicts working on the roads
near Little Rock, Ark., made a dash for
liberty and four negroes escaped.
Milwaukee letter carriers will demand
pay of Uncle Sam for overtime since the
passage of the eight-hour law in 1888.
Charlotte Smith says a delegation from
the Woman's National Industrial league
will join Coxey's army at Washington.
Much sickness is reported among Hur
ley, Wis,, miners, whose constitutions
have been greatly weakened by, months of
Work has commenced "on asystem bf
waterworks at Grinnell, la. The plan is
a deep well and standpipe, and will cost
in the neighborhood of $30,000,
Physicians at Belleville, Ky., declare
that Harry Albury, aged 14, has a case of
genuine leprosy.
Marshall D. Talcott of Chicago is a dfr
lector of the New York Law and Collec
tion company, incorporated at Albany
with a capital of $950,000.
E. M. Akin, general secretary of the
Rockford Young Men's Christian associa
tion, has accepted the position of associ
ate secretary of the Kansas Young Men's
Christian association.
Dr. J. A Houser of Indianapolis claims
to have arranged with ex-Queen Llliuoka
lanl for a lecturing toar ot the United
New Orleans authorities deny that the
new government of Honduras will sur
render E. A. Burke, Louisiana's default
state treasurer.
Saturday, March 24.
Charges of bribery have been .made
gainst Alderman Specht of Omaha.
At Decatur, 111., Wesley Scribner, aged
83, xnarriii Miss Catherine Beard,
aged 63.
FredKelsall was sentenced to prison
for eight years for arson at Clinton, la.
Citizens of Hot Springs have invited
Secretary Hoke Smith to visit that town.
The large iron rolling mills at Burling
ton, la., are to remove to Tacoma, Wash.
J. M. Overton, a coal dealer in Nash
ville, Tenn., was fined $250 for making a
combine with other dealers to control
It is feated that thousands of sheep
perished in the blizzard in Wyoming.
herder was frozen to death.
Silas. Gove, the self-sfylcd Immnnuel,
thW tmmnnuel. 'the urince of junce. .Is
dead at Auburn, Me., at the age ot &
Robert Habn was sentenced to five
years in prison at Waupun, charged with
attempting to wreck an Omaha train
near Fairchlld.
Probably the largest wheat deal of the
northwest, involving 3,250,000 bushels,
has just been closed at Minneapolis.
The Southeastern Kansas Immigration
association has been organized at Par
sons. The object is to encourage immi
gration into that portion of the state.
Miss Annie Baubart, of Massillon, O.,
has been chosen to ride the white horse at
the head of Coxey's army of peace.
MissTillie Hcneman, a white girl of
Keokuk, created a sensation by eloping
with Claude Bland, a negro admirer.
Democrats of Milwaukee have asked
Mayor Hopkins and Postmaster Hesing
of Chicago to speak in their city cam
paign. David Price was found guilty of mur
der at Edwardsville.lll., and his sentence
fixed at 36 years.
A negro woman is reported to have
been mercilessly whipped by whitccaps'
near 1'siyelte, .310.
Presiiiing Elder Vanliorn, Rockford,
III., has appointed April 22 as a day of
thanksgiving in the Dixon district. The
reason is that there have been more than
1,603 conversions in the Methodist
churches during the winter.
Slouday, March 3C
The female politicians' meeting at Ar
mourdrle, Ivan., indorsed the Republican
As the result of au incendiary fire at
San Francisco Mrs. Jennie Ross and child
are dead.
The .Methodist conference of southwest
Kansas voted against equal lay and min
isterial representation.
Tom De Priest, a Benton county, Tenn.,
"wildcatter," was shot 12 times by a sher
iff's pesse, but escaped.
Jewish merchants at Troy, Ala., have'
received letters threatening their lives if
they do not leave the city by May 15.
Hon. S. W. T. Lanham, ex-congressman,
will be a candidate for the Demo
cratic nomination for governor of Texas.
At Chagrim Falls, O., an unknown fiend
poured coal oil over three horses and then
set lire to them, burning them to death. a
The maple sugar crop of Ohio will be-a
failure fromjthe absence of frost and the
high wages.
The British bark Stillwater is a total
loss at St. Johns, N. B., having gone
ashore, tearing out its bottom. The crejv
all landed safely.
A large consignment of copies o the
Congressional Record seized at theTo
ronto, Ont., po3toflice recently has bfeen
released by order of the postmaster gen-
THnpnvpripn of irnlil nhnnfr. 3fl mil
Salt Lake City, Utah, cause much excite-
meut. lhe belt has been traced
miles, is 30 feet thick and assays $20 to th
ton. f
Tw boys while hunting 15 miles soutbj-
west of Winthrop, Kan., found a robberjs
cave. When a sheriff's posse arrived, tqe
cave was deserted. i
Six masked men mounted and equiifc-
ped for train robbing, were discovered
near Pomeroy, Ivan., in time to prevent
them carrying out their plans.
bam Jones, speaiung ot nis experience
with John J. Ingalls at Nashville, said h
did not convert the Kansam-tbat itr waf
impossible to convert an old politician in'
one night.
The famous Bluedorn suit against the
Missouri Pacific lias been reversed by the
supreme court. Bluedorn had1 secured a
112,000 verdict for a mashed leg.
Judire Caldwell has issued an order bv
which the contract of the Colorado Mid4
land for a half interest in the New Castle '
and Rifle Creek railroad is to be. carried !
out. .
Tuesday, March 27.
Smallpox has broken out among 77
Chinamen held at Vancouver, B. C, in
bond for American cities.
The Populists of North Dakota will
hold a state convention in June at Jamestown.
Judge Ney of Independence, la.," has
been appointed professor of law at the
state university.
A ferry is to be started over Long Islaud
Sound, to be run by submarine trolleys.
The managers of the Soldiers' home at
Dodge City, Kan., have removed the commandant.
Mrs. Lease will represent the Populists,
and Mrs. Helen M. Gougar the. Prohibi
tionists, iu a joint debate at Mount Car
met, Ills.
R. L. Garner, who has been in Africa
nearly two years studying the language
of gorillas, arrived in New York on the
Owing to ill-health, General Master
Workman Sovereign of the Knights of
Labor has abandoned his southern tour.
Mrs. Calvin Brady, wife of a farmer at
Ringoes, N. J., deserted her husband and
baby to elope with a negro.
It is denied that there is any prospect of
a famine among the men flocking to the
Rainy Lake gold fields.
Mme. Patti and Sig. Nicolini sailed on
the Campania.
Two million bushels of wheat in Duluth
have been ruined by wevil.
Reports from New Hampshire and Ver
mont predict a failure of the maple sugar
Mayor Gilroy has returned to New York
from his California trip. He declined to
be interviewed.
Columbus county, Ohio, finds a shortage
of from $75,000 to 100,000 in the accounts
of the county treasurer.
President Cleveland has approved the
act extending the time in which the Sioux
City bridge may be completed.
New Mexico's Republican central com
mittee is in session at Santa Fe. It has
asked congress to pass the statehood bill.
Acting Governor Gill has issued a requi
sition on the governor of Florida for W.
S. Jewell, wanted at Lewiston for forgery
and under arrest at Osceola, Flo.
The dead body of Mrs, Sawyer was
found on the prairie near Chamberlain, S.
D. It is supposed she became lost in the
recent storm, and died of exhaustion.
Receiver frnmbuH's Attorneys
sent Their Arguments Before. Judges,
Colon, Paclflo Men Deny Vny Intentloa ot
StrUclag-f-Wage Schedule to Come Up
ThurMay Telegraphers' Troubles
Sot Yet Settled.
Omaha, March 27. The hearing ol
the Union Pacific-Gulf case was resumed
tliisnorning in tfie United States circuit
coujvbetero Judges Caldwell and San
torortenry W. Hobson of Denver, at
turrsfor tho Gulf road, occupied the
wholo morning in argument, presenting
thensatioaal answer filed yesterday.
ttav the Union PaciGc is not insolvent.
VjIm mnrfc nllrtwpd thnfliilf rnnd tn witli-
iw tho demurrer already filed, and
eubstitutfi tho answer, but the attorneys
of tho Union Pacific were granted the
right. to mako replication.
Mr. Hohson closed his argument this
afternoon, and was followed by Attorney
Pattison. also for the Gulf, who con
sumed all the rest of the time today.
Tho attorneys for the Union Pacific will
close tbfl arguments tomorrow. It will
lie'inipossible. therefore, to take np the
Wngo schedule ;isa before Thursday
nlbniinj. The statement of Receiver S.
H. II. Clnrko. which was to have been
filed with the rourt today, has not yet
bwn completed, and it will not be fin
ished liefore tomorrow morning.
Kmploypm File Their Antwer.
ft-Xhe employes this afternoon filed their
answer in tho UniLed States court, mov
imr to'vacate and set aside tho orders of
Judy Dundy for good and sufficient
reasons." In referring to the petition of
the receivers asking for abrogation of
fliles and contracts, the employes state
that "the rules and regulations referred
tp generally affecting the employes rep-
jntcd by your petitioners is not a
liies'tion of dollars and cents, but one of
right reiation.sinp anu good government
necessary for the proper management of
the industry that tho managers and em
ployes of the- Union Pacific system are
mutually interested in." The shopmen
jetition ihat the present rules be con
tinued in full forco and that the follow
ing clause be added:
Employes will bo given due notice of
two V nny proposed changes affecting the pay
ot conditions of their employment and
an opportunity to bo heard regarding the
same. Any differences that may arise
in the future between representatives
of the employes and the management
shall be submitted to any circuit court
having jurisdiction to be adjudicated."
Statements made by the receivers with
relation to the wage schedule, etc., are
denied and , the respondents proceed to
state their side in detail, which makes
the- document a ""very bulky one. It is
signed by the chairuieu of the engineers,
firemen, conductors, telegraphers, train
men, switchmen and Knights of Labor
and their attorneys. They also deny
any intention of striking.
The difficulties of thn telegraphers are
not yet all over, for though they have
settled all the troubles with the officials
as to rules and regulations, the two
sides failed to ugra) as to the wage
I'schedule. That part of the dispute.
therefore, will come before Judges
Caldwell and Sanford along with the
schedules ,of the other employes.
Krag Sentenced to Seven Years.
Seattle, Wash., March 27. Ex-City
Treasurer Adolph Krug, who was on
Monday last convicted of unlawfully
using $100,000 of the city's money in
complicity with Henry Fuhrman, was
sentenced by Judge Moore to seven years
at hard labor in the penitentiary, and to
pay all costs. An appeal has been taken,
and he will remain ont on bonds.
Attempted Assassination.
Albuquerque. N. M., March 27. An
attempt has been made to assassinate
Vincente Sadielo, a prominent Spaniard
living in the Plaza Barela.
Both Aims Proved True
Huntington, W. Va., March 27. In a
shooting scrape at Fleming between. Jake
Napier and Henry Collins both men were
instantly killed.
Prisoners Not Executed Wlthoat Trial.
Rio de Janeiro, March 27. There is
absolutely no truth in the statements
that prisoners have been executed with
out trial. 1
Will B Beady Saturday,
Montevideo, March 27. The sum to
pay the coupons of the Uruguayan debt
on May 1 will be ready, on Saturday.
Preiulcrgast Hearing Set Tor April 5.
CrnCAOO, March 27. With little pros
pect of securing a. hearing the investiga
tion into the sanity of Pr?ndergast,
Mayor Harrison's assassin, was called
before Judge Chetlain again today. The
tato. made an application as soon as
court opened that the case be continued,
and the court finally set the hearing for
April. 5. It was publicly conceded by
the state that the court could further ex
taid Jlieexecution of the death sentence.
'Southern Pacific Reducing Its Force.
San Francisco, March 27. The
Chronicle says that owing to an era of
economy that has commenced in South
ern Pacific affaire, 31 clerks have been
discharged from the freight offices and
that the superintendent of tho western
division has discharged (0 trainmen. It
is also reported that a general reduction
of wages is contemplated by the South
ern Pacific
Canglit by Icebergs.
New York, March 27. The British
steamer State of Georgia which sailed
from Glasgow, March 4, only made this
port today, having experienced heavy
gaiiss for the most part of the passage
ar3being five days imprisoned by pack
icnd surrounded, by icebergs. March
15 fo of her bow plates were stove in
bynce aud tho damage wa3 repaired
t'f CestlyXUlgatlon Over a Hog.
'City,' March 27. John Car
rolV"'iind C Thotuas Hancock of Mercer
county, Mo.," disputed the ownership of a
Bsrkjhire hog valued at $7, and went to
Inwabont it. The case went through
the pqlice and circuit court, and finally
to' thB "court of appeals. Hancock lost
the case in each court, and the litigation
has cost him about $700.
" '
Believe a Compromise Can Be Effected.
Denver, March 27. State Mine In
spector Reed has returned from Cripple
Creek, after spending several days in an
effort to bring the minors and mine
owners together upon the wage and hour
questions. He believes a satisfactory
compromise can be effected.
fatal Accident to au African Traveler.
London, March 27. Commander
Verny Lovett Cameron, the distinguished
African traveler, after hunting with
Baron; Rothschild's hounds at Leighton
Buzard, Beffordshire, was thrown from
his horse and died four hours later.
I , Occupation Tax Declared Valid.
ABiLEfE,;Kau.,-iIarch 27. The occu
pation tax has. been declared valid by '
Judge Humphrey.
Kansas Cm?; March 27. Jesse
George, 'a stock shipper at Mercer,
shipped 101 head of steers to Chicago
over the Rock Islandand only 99 reached
their destination: safely. He brought
suit. The company claimed it was re
lieved of liability by a clause in its ship
ping contract, in consideration of carry
ing free' two of Mr. George's agents.
There was a clause to that effect in tho
shipping contract. The court of appeals
indorses the eircuit court in finding for
: . . fnr n 11! 1 . L
ice piamvin, naming inai a cuiuiuuu car
rier v?s not permitted to contract against
its owt -negligence..
News Which Tell the Story or Seven Days'
Crimes aad Casualties aad Other Impor
tant Matters Arraaged Attractively aad
Given In a Few Words.
Decatar Ferry Use Started.
Decatur, Neb., March 23. The ferry
line at this place has begun operations.
Alleged Horse Thief Jailed.
Nebraska City, March 20. John Mar
tin was bound over to the district court
on the charge of horse stealing.
Tobias Arranging For Waterworks.
Tobias, Neb., March 24. At the town
board meeting plans for a system of
waterworks, to cost $17,000, were sub
mitted by A. Richardson of Lincoln.
lieutenant Ilardla Detailed to Crete, NeK
Washington, March 23. First Lieu
tenan C. B. Hardin, Eighteenth infantry,
has been detailed to duty as instructor in
military science and tactics at Dean col
lege, Crete, Nob.
School Teacher Becomes Mail Clerk.
Weston, Neb., March 26. Professor
W. S. Mohler, for three years principal
of the Weston schools, has received an
appointment as mail agent, his "run"
being from Alma to Stromsbnrg.
Murderer Carleton Captured.
Omaha, March 25. Charles Carleton,
tho murderer of August Gothman, who
was sentenced to hang Friday, but who
escaped from jail at Fremont last Mon
day, was captured in Sarpy comity.
Two Thousand For a Husband's Iiife.
Kearney, Neb., March 24. In the
case of Mrs. John Clark against the
Union Pacific for the killing of her hus
band near the cotton mill two years ago
the. jury brought in a verdict of $2,000
against the company.
CrtLsbed While Switching.
Fremont, Neb., March 24. Frank
Williams, a switchman in the Elkhorn
yards, while assisting in making up a
train fell under a car, tho wheels pass
ing over his right leg, crushing it at the
thigh in a horrible manner.
Monroo Will Have a Depot.
Monro::, Neb., March 23. E A.
Garrevet returned from Omaha and re
Dorts havins made a deal with S. H. H.
ClarK whereby this city is to get a depot
of regulation size, to cost $1,200, and to
be completed within 30 days.
Transfer Switch. Problem.
Lincoln, March 24. The state board
of transportation met to tako up the case
of the transfer switch at Schuyler, but
at the request of the attorneys the mat
ter was postponed for two weeks. The
next hearing will bo on April 5.
Wanted In Nebraska.
Perry, O. T., March 26. Sidney
Sapp, a prominent lawyer and Populist
politician of this city, was arrested on a
requisition from the governor of Ne
braska charging the embezzlement of a
large sum of money at North Platte.
To Entertain the Veterans.
Tecumseh, Neb., March 26. The com
mittee on general arrangements of the
district Grand Army of the Republic re
union, which is to be held in this city
this summer, has named Aug. 14, 15, 15
and 17 as tho timo for holding the same.
Church Won Its Case.
Beatrice, Neb., March 26. In the
case of the Progressive Brethern church
against the city of Beatrice, Judge Hast
ings handed down his decision that
church property was not amenable to
special tax assessments for the improve
ments abutting church property.
Morin Company Property Attached.
Hastings, March 26. A suit was be
gun in the district court by the Massa
chusetts assignee of Morse & Smith
against the J. R. Morin company, which
failed two weeks ago. for the recovery of
$1,762. and an attachment was issued
and the defendants' plant here levied
Pioneer Catholic Priest Dead.
Omaha, March 27. Rev. James F.
Ryan, one of the pioneer Catholic priests
of Nebraska, died at the priestly resi
dence attached to St. Philomena's catho
dral early Sunday morning. He was in
his usual good health when he retired.
At 11 o'clock he complained of feeling
unwell and at 2:30 he wa3 dead. He
had labored in Nebraska since 1861.
ie best MEN'S EClO:
SHOE, evep
innrnfe rttfyno a
inquire of your sho 2 dealer.
Have the exclusive agency for the saie of these Shoes
in North Platte. Come and see them.
Woman lias Been Sleeping ICO Hours.
Ponca, Neb., March 26. Mrs. Thomas
McClary of Martinsburg, Dixon County,
has been sleeping 160 hours and all
efforts to awaken her have proved futile.
She seems to be sleeping naturally and
her temperature for several days has
varied little. She appears to be wholly
without pain. Mrs. McClary is over GO
years age and has always been an active
energetic woman.
to Be
assisted by Chapliuh Bagby of the house.
The blind preacher was peculiarly im
pressive in his rendering ot the services
for the dead. In hia address he dwelt
particularly on the virtues of the home
life of the distinguished senator, rather
than on his political achievements..
At the conclusion of the ceremonies,
the casket was taken up by eight capitol
policemen and, preceded by the commit
tees of the senate and house appointed to
accompanj' the remains, brone through
the south door of the chamber. The
family, consisting of the widow, five
daughters, the son, and tho private secre
tary of the dead statesman followed, and
the judges of the supreme court, mem
bers of the cabinet, diplomatic corps and
representatives filed out in order of
When the chamber had been emptied
of all saye-the senators and officers. Sen
ator Harris (Tenn.). after a consultation
with the vice president, moved, that the
senate adjourn at 9:4." a. m. This was
agreed to.
English War Office Secret In Possession
of the French Government.
Birmingham, March 27. The London
correspondent of the Birmingham Post
writes to his paper that he had reason to
believe that important war office secrets
have been obtained on behalf of the
French government at Whitehall. The
correspondent adds that it is known that
such attempt had been made and that it
is feared by the war office officials that
they have been partially successful and
that the agents of the French govern
ment have been able to procure details
of the plans, etc.. of the new works pro
jected at Gibraltar. These works are
said to be of a most important strategic
character and as a result of the discov
ery that the French government has ob
tained the plans, a most stringent in
quiry has been ordered into all the cir
Iron Work on Omaha Fostofflce
Done by Paxton-Ylerling.
Washington, March 26. ThePaxton
Vierling iron works of Omaha has had
its bid accepted by the treasury depart
ment for the iron work on the Omaha
postoffice. Milwaukee people bid $1,000
less than the Paxton company, but the
work will be done at Omaha. The com
plete iron work will amount to $27,449.
End of the Blizzard.
Omaha, March 24. The great storm
that has been prevailing over the north
west has entirely abated and the sun is
shining brightly, with no wind. The
Union Pacific and Burlington lines are
now open, between Omaha and Cheyenne.
Twenty-eight carloads of people, who
had been snowbound on the Union Pa
cific, reached here today. Four trains
had been consolidated, and the passen
gers were from 10 to 36 hours late- The
Elkhorn line has not yet been opened in
the extreme northwestern part of the
state and the Black Hills. Two trains
from Douglas, Wy., eastbound, are still
missing in the drifts, but it is believed
they will be dug out before evening.
fmpressiTe Services In the Senate Chamber
Over tho Dead Statesman.
Washington-, March 27. Funeral
Krvices over the remains of Senator Col
quitt drew to the senate chamber a very
tfetingnished company. President Cleve
land was uot present, but all the msra-
lers of his cabinet except Secretary La-;
monfc were there. The c:iskst. which was
plain black with silver handles, was
placed directly in front of the vice presi-.
dent's desk, and upon it were two ueau
Hful bouquets. Senate Chaplain Mil
burn conducted the ceremonies, and was
District In the State, Except the
Tenth, Represented.
Kansas City. March 27. The Mis
souri Populists opened their state con
vention in this city at Turner hall today.
Every congressional district in tho state,
except the Tenth, i3 represented. There
are present between U50 and 400 dele
gates. These, with the large number of
visitors, packed the hall. A. Roselle
called the convention to order and Price
Hackett of Bates count' was chosen
temporary chairman. Judge T. F. Wil
lis was made temporary secretary. The
usual committees were appointed and or
dered to report at the afternoon session.
General Vandervoort of Nebraska is
attending the convention and Governor
Lewellingof Kansas is expected to arrive
during the day.
Important Decision of Assistant Secretary
of the Interior Reynolds.
Washington, March 27. The pension
rolls will be greatly enlarged by a decis
ion of Assisant Secretary of the Interior
Reynolds, announced at the department
today. It i3 one of the most important
made by the present administration and
will admit to the rolls the names of a
large nnmber of insane, idiotic and per
manently helpless minor children of de
ceased soldiers where the pensions of the
former had ceased by the children at
taining the age of 16 years prior to the
act of June 27, 1890, the decision holding
that the act of 1890 has the effect of re
storing these dependent persons to the
rolls during life or a continuance of the
lenator Sherman's Resolution Precipitated
a Free Silver Debate.
Washington, March 0. The sundry
civil appropriation bill was passed by
the house Tuesday without division.
The amendment to the proposition for
the general land office amending the pro
vision of the act of 1891 repealing the
timl)er culture and pre-emption acts
which wns adopted in the committee at
Hie suggestion of Mr. Holmau and which
was bitterly opposed by the western
members, was defeated in the houso.
The clauses which sought to reanire an
accounting by the disbursing officers of
soldiers' homes to the treasury depart
ment and annual reports bv the boards
to the secretary of war fell under Mr.
Black's point of order. The bill as
passed carries $3 17,000 more than it did
as reported from the committee on appro
priations. The four appropriation bills
passed by the house (District of Colum
bia, pension, fortifications and sundry
civil) carry a net reduction of $24,:14,
958. as compared with the same bills for
the current fiscal year.
Washington, March 20. Tuesday the
tariff bill was fairly launched on its way
in the senate, Mr. Voorhees the chair
man of the finance committee reporting
it to the senate and giving notice that on
April 2 he will take it up for consider
ation. The rest of the day was taken up
by Senator George (Miss.) in a discussion
of legal aspects of the Hawaiian question,
defending the action of the President.
There is but little interest manifested in
the proceedings and there was a very
slim attendance in the galleries while the
Republican side was almost deserted.
Several unimportant bills were passed.
Washington. March 21. The vice
president being absent Mr. Harris, the
president pro tern, occupied the chair
Wednesday and the senate promptly
settled down to routine business and a
number of bills were taken from the
calendar and passed. Among the bills
passed was one granting right of way to
the Jamestown and Northern railway
through the Devil's Lake Indian reserva
tion in North Dakota.
Washington, March 22. The house
iraent the entire dav in fiUbusterintr over
the O'Neill-Joy contested election case.
Washington, March 22. The bill for
the purchase of a site for a new govern- -ment
printing offico consumed nearly tho
whole morning hour of the senate Thurs
day and much to the surprise of every
body an amendment providing for the,
purchase of what is known as the
I "Mahone" site was passed. Notice for a
I motion to reconsider the vote was given,
however, and at some future time the ;
J subject will be reopened.
Mr. Sherman precipitated, a discussion .
of the nature of a free silver debate by
the introduction of a resolution directing
the committee on judiciary to examine
and report whether the simulation of the
coins of the Uiuted States by coins of the
same weight, metal and fineness, except
as authorized by law is made criminal.
He sent to the clerk's desk and had
read a dispatch from Omaha, Neb., stat
ing there was a private mint there which
was engaged in coining silver dollars of
the same weight and fineness as the
standard silver dollar; making their profit
on the difference between the actual
value of the silver and the coined value,
a profit of about 51 cents on tho dollar.
Washington. March 2:j. The house
was in session Friday notwithstanding it
was Good Friday. The industry of the
lower branch of congress profited little,
however. The democrats were again
without a quorum and the attempt to
consider the O'Neill-Joy contested elect
ion case was abandoned until next week.
The unanimous report of the elections
committee in the Whatley-Cobb case
confirming the title of the sitting member
to his seat was adopted and tho military
academy appropriation bill was passed.
Washington, March 24. The house
with only 50 members considered tho
postoffice appropriation bill in the com
mittee of the whole
Washington, March 26. Tho death
of Senator Colquitt (Ga.) was announced
in the senate Monday by Mr. Gordon,
the colleague of the dead statesman. In
a few touching words he briefly re
counted the service of the dead senator
in tho field of politics and in his domestic
life. The customary resolution of regret
was adopted and it committee of 10 sen
ators appoiuted to accomx)any the re
mains to Macon, Ga. The following
committee was named by the vice presi
dent: Senators Gordon, Morgan, But
ler, Ransom, Gray, Hoar. Proctor,
Casey, Perkins and Allen. Prayer was
offered at the convening of the senate by
Mr. Colquitt's pastor. Rev. Isaac W.
Canter of the Mount Vernon Placo M. -E.
church, and at 12:13 o'clock the senate
Washington. March 26. The house
adjourned Monday after a brief session
on account of the death of Senator Col
quitt. On motion of Mr. Rawlins (Utah) a
bill grautiug a tract of CO acres in tho
Fort Douglas military reservation to the
territory of Utah for university purposes
was passed.
At this point, the secretary of the sen
ate appeared and transmitted the resolu
tion of sympathy and regret adopted out
of respect to the late Senator Colquitt.
Mr. Turner (Ga.), who had been chosen
by the Georgia delegation to announce
the death of Senator Colqnitt, the house
then arose and sent to the clerk's desk
the usual resolutions of regret and for at
tending the funeral and for adjournment
ont of respect. The resolutions were
adopted unanimously. The speaker then
appointed the following committee to ac
companying the remains to Georgia:
Messrs. Livingston, Holmau, Bunn, Sa
bannis, Maddux, McDonald, W. A.
Stone, Cogswell and Grout.
Former Nebraska .Minister Dead.
Quincv, Ills., March 27. Rev. Dr. T.
B. Hilton, pastor of tho Vermont Street
Methodist church here, died. He had
been at churches in Cliicago aud also at
Fremont and Omaha, Neb., for two:
years. He wag the head of tho Metho
dist seminary at S:ili Luk: One brother'
survives him of a f;imily of seven, nearly
all of whom were iu the ministry.
i:x;i!fcivcx 1.-.:t . f ::t Ho bhiickcd.
Some explosj-'cs. xvl as dynamite,
nitroglycerol, gun cotton, picric add
end the new Genu:::; military powder,
when simply htuted, bnrn quietly if
freely exposed, or, if confined, explode
only at the spot where heat is applied,
without the whole mass taking part in
the explosion. According to H. Blitz,
this is probably because they are bad
conductors of their own explosive wave.
If, however, the same substances are
subjected to a violent shock by the ex
plosion in their midst of initial charges
of mercury fnlminate, the shock appar
ently affects all the molecules of the ex
plosive at once, and the whole mass of
the latter explodes with a violence that
is enormous and destructive. Journal
of Commerce.
It must 5.e a good article that will
induce a man to eo fcrlv m:le- to
u'A it- M r. E. It. Swctniim, of Fair
fa:c Station, Va.. says: si partv came-
forty niiie.s to his store for Ciiur.iW.
liiin's Cough Kernel v ami bought
dozen bottles. k'T he Remedy iV a
great favorite in this vicinity," he
says, and has performed some" won
derful cures here." It Is intended
especially for eoughs.cohl.cvQupnd
whooping cough. For sale by A. F.
Streitz and North Platte Pharmacy.
H nt l-"0 iBccnreaieace. Stmpl&i
' uOnaavmiunniusilhstanre-
"lee 3.por bottle. Send 4c for treatise.