- , lr i .-if-. .I" 'i - j Q.iL. WILLIAMS, IlioF'iL me, And the Leading Daily Papers. 9 htk mnimt C. L. Williams' CELEBRATED HOME-MADE GflNDl&S. VOL. X. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY MARCH 21, 1894. THE BOSTON STORE, t Lincoln County's Popular Dry Goods Establishment, WilfsioV tiis week previous to the great event EASTER SUNDAY a new line of SPRING WRAPS AND JACKETS, of the latest fashions, in every novelty and style which the manufacturers can make. We have also received a beautiful line of Kid, Silk and Lisle Gloves and Mitts and Belts. You will want to dress up for Easter Sunday. Gome in and see our goods before buyiag elsewhere. Extra Special for Friday and Saturday, Mch 23 and 24 DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT: BOYS' CLOTHING DEPT. Ten-yard patterns of 12 centDress Ginghams, the latest shades SPECIAL FOR EASTER, of this season, for this special sale for 50 cents a pattern, only nnn .,,.. , -A one pattern to each customer. 200 knee Pants smts at 51.3a per suit, worth 2. id and 3.30 : per suit. .All thenejv shades .of, 36-inch Henriettas,, including- black; reg-- ular sixty cent go6ds,i at this sale for 27i cents per yard. . Boys' long pants suits, three pieces, worth 5.00, at this sale for 100 wide Bedspreads, regular price $1.25, at this sale for 85 $3,5 Per smt' cents each. Young men's suits, ages from 13 to 19, worth from 5.00 to 7.50, Lace Curtains at $1.25 and $1.75 per pair, worth $2.00 and $3.00. your choice at this sale for $4.00. 50 dozen Pure Silk Windsor Ties, new styles in all colors, at Children's Jersey suits, 3 to 9 years, at 2.50, worth 4.50. .25; 35.and-50 cents, reduced to one-half their value. r . ,., : " SHOE DEPT Ladies' French kid shoes and Oxford ties, reg- Ladies' extra fine fast black hose, full regular made, regular . . , . . , ., , price 50 cents, at this, sale for. 35 cents. . ular Pnce 3-50' at thls sale at 2-35 a Pair- ur beautiful French - - ; . : li : : , . . : u kid shoes for ladies, patent tip and back, regular price 4.50, at Ladies superfine 'fast black. hose,Mbcco cotton, regular 35-cent this sale for 3.00 a pair. goods at this sale at 22i cents a pair. You must visit our store in order to get a faint idea of what we are doings Yours for great bargains, '. . The only cheap store with good goods in Lincoln county. VUUiUJ North Platte National Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 3?aid up Capital, ?S75,000. DIRECTORS: W BIKGE, . . A. D.BUCKWORTH. IL'SClfOFF " " M.3. LINDSAY, A. F. 8TBEITZ, H. OTTEN, All business uitiruBted to us -handled promptly, carefully, and at lowest rales. D. W. BAKER. M, OBEEST, -a m idding-s; LUMBER, I COAL, AND GO. AIKT. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. Dr. N. McOABE, 5rop. . J. E. BUSH, Manager. NORTHPLATTE PHARMACY, Successor to J. Q. Thacker. 3STOHTJEI PLATTE, WE. AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. J. F. HINMAN, DEAIiER IN Farm : Implements, WAGONS, BUGGIES, Wihdrnills, Harness, Etc. Warehouse on West Front Street. TOLD IN A FEW WOKDS EVENTS OCCURRING IN ALL SECTIOM3 SUMMARIZED. Tlic Many Happenings or Seven Days Itc dnceil From ' Columns to Lines Kverj' thlng: but Facts Eliminated For Oar Headers' Convenience. W. J. B H O E K E R5 : Merehant Tailor, I i ARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order. ERFEOT FIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE Spruoa Street, between Fifth and Sixth. Wednesday, March 1-1. Patrick- Ford, aged 94 years, of Rock ford, Ills., dropped dead at his home. Indiana spiritualists will hold a three weeks' meeting at Anderson beginning July 19. James Ryan, a section hand, was fatally hurt by an Illinois Central train at Chest nut, Ills. Captain James McDonald will establish a steamer line from Benton Harbor to Chicago. Smallpox in a bad form has appeared at Braidwood, Ills. Many persons have been exposed Jo the disease. Br. Thomas A. Cox sued the Elmwood, Inc., Electric railway for $10,000 damages for the death of his daughter, who was run over. Navigation on the Mississippi was open ed by the arrival of a steamer at Dubu que, la. This is several weelis in advance of other seasons. The 10-year-old daughter of Captain "W. J. Swain, ex comptroller of Texas, per illed in a fire which destroyed his home nt Henrietta, Tex., and he was also severe ly burned. Henry Meyer struck Frank Swarez with a club during a quarrel at Xewton; la. Swartz died of his injuries. Murderer Hart is to be hanged Friday at Rockford, Tils., in a stockade outside the jail covered with canvas. Trouble in the German Presbyterian church at Dubuque, la., has led to the seceding of 103 members, who will form an independent church. J. K. Stmt Ion, a criminal for whom the police of many cities have been searching, has been located at Huntsville, Tex. Senator Stewart has written a letter to The Rocky Mountain News at Denver in which he denounces ex-President Har rison and expresses hope in the People's party. Hon. E. M. Kinman, a well .known at torney and former member of the legisla ture from Jacksonville, Ills., is myster iously missing. The case of the State against Charles S. Owsley, recorder of voters, at Kansas City, was argued in the supreme court at Jefferson City. Thursday, March 15. Governor Peck of Wisconsin, has desig nated Friday, April 27, as Arbor day. F. C. Price, agent for the Santa Fe and Iowa Central atXemo, Ills.,-dropped dead. Numerous iron mills in Pennsylvania which tiave been idle are resuming opera tions. Half a dozen horses were htolen from a livery stable at Cushion, Okl., by the Dal ton gang. Louis Muenter, treasurer of Fond du Lac county sinco 1884, died at Fond du Lac, Wis. Cincinnati memlers of the Knights of Labor are preparing an attack on Secre tary Hayes. P. T. Gentry, one of the largest stock dealers in the country, died at his home in Danville, Ky., aged 71. Clarence Williams, a colored boy want ed at Memphis, Tenn., for murder was ar rested at Lincoln, Ills. The waterworks bonds of Pana, Ills., were sold to Deitz, Dennison and Pryor of Cleveland, O., for 39,15l. The city council at Paris, Ills., has offer ed a reward of $200 for the capture of the murderer of Max Blackburn. Navigation of the great lakes for the season o 1394 will bo opened six weeks earlier than for many years. The American man-of-war Marion, un der repair at Yokohoma, was nearly wreck ed by a typhoon in China Sea. Superintendent of the Poor King of Milwaukee is to be investigated upon charges of insulting applicants for aid. James Howard, an American civil en gineer, fell from a Mexican steamer into the Gulf of California, and was drowned. A correspondent at Paisano, Tex., re affirms tjie story that there is terrible suf fering among the residents of the Lower Rio Grande valley. Henry Harding of Tunkhannock, Pa., a prominent and wealthy lawyer, left two weeks ago for a Grand Army encamp ment at Philadelphia and has not been heard from since. A meteor of the size of a man's fist struck the ground near where two farm ers were at work in a field near Mount Pleasant, la. Friday, March 16. The annual conference of the South Kansas Methodists convened at Parsons. The Coburn library was ..dedicated at Colorado Springs with appropriate cere-mouies. A syndicate of e:isiern men has secured the natural and artificial gas plants of Lafayefto, Ind., for 840,000. Burglars robbed the safe in the post office at Patoka, Ills., and secured 150 in cash and $150 in stamps. John T. Ford, the famous theatrical manager, at whose theater in Washington President Lincoln was assassinated, is dead. The trial of A. A. Cadawallader, ex president of the Superior National bank, on the charge of misappropriating funds will be held at Madison. Wis., April 9: Miss Eliza Mack of Freeburg, Ills., fell from a stepladder, sustaining injuries that have caused her to become hopelessly insane. The state veterinarian reports to the Illinois board of live stock commissioners the existence of two cases of glanders in horses in Pike county. Over 50 horses, including stock on one' farmi valued at 812,000, have hen killed and cremated in Arizona because they were affected with glanders. Mr. and Mra. Robert C. Schofield cele brated their 64th marriage anniversary at Freeport, Ills. Each is 82 years old. The couple has lived in Freeport for 50 years. Charles Thompson and wife of Damas cus, Ala., were killed by lightning, which set fire to their carriage in which they were driving to church and con sumed their clothing. The Wilson line ship Apollo has not been seen or heard of since she left New York for Antwerp, Feb. 11. She is now 14 days overdue. Notwithstanding the resolution passed by the Brooklyn aldermen, Mayor Schle sen will allow no other than the Ameri ican flag to fly over the city hall of that city on the 17th of March. Saturday, March 17. The cornerstone was laid at Colorado Springs of the Industrial annex ot the State Asylum for Mute and Blind. Isaac L. Hill was chosen as the Republi can candidate for mayor of Des Moines. Charles Goode celebrated his 100th birth day at Patteville, Ills. In a quarrel at Ladoga, Ind.. James Starke struck John Linkenbroker with a club and killed him. The Muncie district Knights of Pythias will meet in annual convention in Mun cie, Ind., April 19. Michael Altfleisch and John Kegler, aged 15 and 14 years, respectively, fell from a rowboat near 'Clinton, la., and were drowned. Herman F. Johnson, 55 years old, shot and killed himself at Peoria, Ills., owing to despondency on account of ill health. The 9-year-old child of Mrs. John An derson was bitten by a mad dog at New man, Ills., and its recovery is doubtful. The dog was shot. The police of Otturawa, la., are search ing for Z. S. Carter and Mary Houston, who have been collecting money in neigh boring towns for the aid of the poor peo ple of Ottumwa and pocketing the pro ceeds. Indiana supreme court sustained the Indianapolis ordinance levying a taxt)f $1,000 on breweries. William McDonald was awarded a ver dict of 5,000 against the Michigan Cen tral for injuries received while switching at Bay City. Opera house block at Winnebago City, Minn., fell with a crash. The building was 22 years old and valued at $16,000. No one was hurt. The court of appeals ot Virginia has de cided that the entire coupon contract is void, and the $500,000 of outstanding cou pons cannot be used to pay taxes. Judge Siebeck ordered a nonsuit in the Wisconsin roster case, holding the plaintiffs were not victims of a fraud. Gallons of spoiled beer were turned into the Sandusky river at Tiffin, O., and the fish in the Stream became intoxicated. Police at Paterson, N. J fear that the Btriking silk weavers will attack the county jail and release the ringleaders. At the Iowa State university a class of 31 students in the dental department was graduated. Monday, March 19. The Y. M. C. A. building at Kansas City waslsold under mortgage foreclosure. Four children are reported to have been killed and their father fatally injured by a torpedo near Coleman, Tex. A further shortage of $2,000 has been found in the accounts of A. B. Crawford of Springfield, Mo. The court of appeals at Louisville has reversed the action of the lower court in the case of George Delaney, sentenced to life imprisonment. Mayor of Beaver Falls, Pa., threatens to stop Coxey's commonwealth army when it reaches his territory. The Rev. Andrew Carson, a Methodiit minister of Whittier Cal., was fatally shot by burglars. A gang of counterfeiters has flooded Muncie, Ind., with spurious money. The police are watching for the leaders and hope to capture them. The Bonacuni case will be tried by Archbishop Hennessv eartr next month. A policeman accidentally discovered an illicit still In the basement of a New York tenement house. Atorisoner made a desperate attemnt to commit suicide by taking Tongh on rats in court at Wichita, Kan.- TfcePolIard-Breckinridgebuit promises rtpco,veoneof,the most costly .recently tried in a District of Columbia court. Archbishop Ireland, in his St. Patrick Bermon at St. Paul, said foreign national ism in America must be kept in the back ground. Cooman lead mine, in theCoeurd'Alene district, Idaho, has been bought by English capitalists for half a million dollars. There will be no contest of the wilt of Annie Pixley, the actress, her husband having settled with her mother and sister in private. The St. Joseph and Grand Island will restore grain rates on all points of its line to St. Louis, ' Kansas 'City, Chicago and East St. Louis. ' Secretary Carlisle has submitted to congress an estimate for an additional ap propriation of $10,000 for carrying out the Chinese registration act. Judge-, D. L. Snodgrass was elected chief justice of the supreme court of Ten nessee to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Chief Justice B. J. Lea. Tuesday, March 20. Judge Webb has affirmed the decisonof the city council of Atchison, Kan., seat ing M. J. Cloyes as mayor. Mrs. Cornelia A. Spindler, a widow at Defiance, O., has sued Brice M. Alshouse for $5,000 for breach of promise. George G. Baer of Kansas City was the successful bidder for the sewer contract at Boone, la. His bid was $70,600. Julia Burlia was burned to death at Huntington, Ind. She was playing with fire in a field when her clothing caught .fire. Sever Peterson, 63 years old, committed suicide by hanging at his home in La Crosse, Wis. Overindulgence in drink was the cause. The Standard Pottery company at East Liverpool, O., will soon commence work on improvements to double the capacity of the plant. Robert M. Johnson committed suicide atSigourney, la., by shooting himself. He was an ex-sheriff of the county, and was made desperate by ill health. The College State Oratorical aasociation at a meeting at Beloit, Wis., admitted Lawrence university and voted to hold the contest next year at Appleton, Wis. Fire in Gloucester, Mass., caused dam age that will reach $100,000. The steamer Ranger is reported off La Libertad, Salvador, with much sickness on board. The surgeon is dead. August Ihm, the new inessiah of Du bupue, la., disappointed curious people by refusing to open his "heaven." During the services at a Catholic church in Ottawa. Ills., a bolt of lightning struck and. splintered the tall spire. Illinois university is to have a summer station for the natural history laboratory and the study of aquatic fauna. Students of a homeopathic medical col lege in Cleveland, ()., are involved in a row which is growing serious. Irrigation in western Kansas is said to pnfcnise great results. United Stales Senator Palmer is at his hoiuefin Springfield, Ills. Tbeantilcttery movement in Kansas is assijclincJargerproportio-is. " " A f tft city ticket composed of women has: bu nominated by- women at Kear ney, Neb. Enoch Ramsey of Denver, Ills., is puz zlinjktlie doctors, having lived a month paralyzed from the head down. NBA L DOW'S BIRTHDAY TIIE "TRAINMEN TAKE THEIIt TURN. Engineer.' Withdraw Temporarily From the Union Pacific Wage Conference Omaha, March 20. The conference between Arbiter Clark and the engineers in the Union Pacific wage schedule, hearing was interrupted this morning by a disagreement between the men and the officials of the road on certain points, and the representatives of tho engineers asketl the privilege of withdrawing temporarily. Mr. Clark agreed and summoned the trainmen to present their case before hiin. The engineers at once went into an executive session of their own for the purpose of reach ing an agreement among themselves on the points where they are in conflict with Arbiter Clark and his assist ants. The main difference this morning was the same as that which developed yesterday afternoon the cost of engine service. The engineers will make one further effort to "get together" with the officials, and if that fails they will await the coming of Judge Caldwell. The telegraphers continuet their con ferejice with Superintendent of Telegraph Korty today without having reached any conclusion when tha noon recess was taken. PIJXVEK nAS A IirtECKINKIDGK CASE. H. E. Sim Married a Teacher While Jin gsscd t Another Girl. Denver, March s0. Denver society is discussing a scandal similar to the famous Breckinridgs-Poliard trial. The principal actor in the localafTaii', accord ing to The Rocky Mountain News, is H. E. Sims, member of tho ninth general assembly from Arapahoe county. Sims for some time had been engaged to be married to the daughter of a prominent Capitol Hill family and the date of the wedding had. been set for March 19. Af ter deceiving the girl Sims induced her to go to Pueblcon a visit for a few days and while there ho married Miss Harriet Landon, a teacher in one of the city pub lic schools and a most estimable lady. The couple are now in California on their bridal tour. It is understood the wife is unconscious of her husband's duplicity. The betrayed girl Imew noth ing of tho secret marriage until her re turn home to prepare for her own wed ding and it is feared the shock will be serious in its results. British Temperance Societies Unite In a Celebration at Exeter Hall. PATKIAECH OF PE0HTBITI0N The Great American Reformer Ninety Years Old nis Fictnrc Displayed In All Temperance Resorts Throughout En Cland An Address Adopted. London, March 20. England, in com mon with all the civilized world, cele brated today the UOth birthday of Gen eral Ncal Dow, the great American tem perance advocate. At Exeter hall, this city, there was an immense meeting in honor of the veteran temperance advocate. The United Kingdom alliance and tho British Woman's Temperance union of England enthusiastically adopted the suggestion mad-j by tho World's and National Woman's Christian Temperance union and tin picture of General Dow as he appeared in 18.11, when he wa3 mayor of MINE OWNERS HOLD A CONFERENCE. Situation at Cripple Creclc Thoronhly Dis cussed at a Secret Meeting. Colorado Springs, March 20. A secret conference of mine owners has been held at which the situation at Cripple Creek was thoroughly discussed. They are determined to adhere to the original schedule of nine hours at and will have nothing to do with com promise, saying that the matter is now in the courts and must be settled accord ing to the dictates of the courts. The sheriff has put the governor on record by sending him a telegram stat ing the serious consequences likely to en sue if the militia were withdraw. The owners have also memorialized-' tho gov ernor, asking that the troops be retained to protect life afid property, and holding him responsible. fatal ".rmstit vrrecK ni iex:ts. Fort Worth, March 20. A west bound freight train on the Texas Tacific was wrecked near Santo. The engine struck a horse and with seven cars went into the ditch. Brakeman James Magill of Longview Junction was killed. En gineer W. S. Criss was fatally and Fire man Youngblood seriously injured. GENERAL NSAI. DOW. Poi tlan'l. K1., whon the prohibitory law was adopted in that state, aud another picture representing him as he now ap pears, were to be seen displayed in all temperance resorts thioughont England today. At the Exeter hall meeting Lady Henry Soiner;; -t presidid and Mis? Frances E. Willard. Sir Alfred Lawson. Rev. Hugh Price-Hughes, Mrs. Onniston-Chantes and others signed a cable lnessago to" le read at the celebration which took place today at the city hall, Portland, Me. The following address to the great American temperance advocate was adopted: "Wear?; profoundly grateful for the character tint illustrated this spotless purity of life, for a career devoted to the emancipation of the slave, the cause ot total abstinence, and the enfranchise ment of women and for the courage that dared to 1)8 in the right with two or three and held steadfastly on its way, to be crowned by the action of that great majority, which gava constitutional pro hibition to th? state of Maine. "We pray that your benelicent j-ears be rounded to a hundred and that you may tarry with us until the mother conn try enables her people to put tha liquor traffic xinder the ban of the law and make home protection the watc'tv;ord of her politics. "Wc feel sure that a birthday was never so universally observed without distinction of nation, sect or party, and we argue from this indication of tho cos mopolitan character of temperance re form, its universal conquest when 'the race out-of childhood has grown. " During the coarse of the meeting a letter from General Dow to Miss Frances E. Willard, dated Portland, ile., Jan. 3, 1SV4. was read. In this letter the general says there is no tendency in the state of Maine to repeal tho prohibitory law and he adds: "I think that a suc cessful attempt will be made in the leg islature this Avinter to pass a resolution submitting a proposal to admit women to the franchise on equal terms with men." InsnrRcnt Successes Denied. London, March 20. Tho Brazilian minister in thi3 city has received the fol lowing dispatch from FJo de Janeiro: "It is entirely false that the insurgents have gained a victory at Itavare, or that 3,000 loyal troops surrendered or have been taken prisoners, as reported in a Buenos Aj'res dispatch a few days ago. The government has massed a large force on the frontier between Parama and San Paulo, which leaves the insur gents no chance of invading the state oi San Paulo. Do Mello is unable to do anything'." Dividends l'or Creditors of Insolvent Ranks. Washington, March 20. The comp troller of the currency has declared divi dends in favor of the creditors of insol vent national banks in tho west as fol lows: First dividend, 13 per cent. Com mercial National bank of Denver, on claims amounting to $-110,328: first divi dend, 23 per cent, Citizen's National bank of Grand Island, Neb., on claim amounting to $174,219. Mn.st'Elcvato Their Tracks In Chicago. Chicago, March 20. By the decisive vote of 57 to 3 the city council passed the first effective ordinance for track ele vatiou. The Lake Shore and the Rock Island roads are ordered to elevate their tracks from Sixteenth street to State and Sixty-seventh on fonner and Stewart ave nue and Seventy -second on the latter. Iliushaw Succeeds Roe. Topeka, March 20. N. M. Hinshaw was appointed by the governor to suc ceed Yoe, whose time expired on the state board of charities. Senator Colquitt III. Washington, March 20. Senator Col quitt of Georgia has been taken seriously ill. His throat is specially affected. Louis Kossuth Slowly Dying. Turin, March 20. Louis Kossuth, the Hungarian patriot, is pronounced to be sl v.vly dying. TRANSCONTINENTAL WAR ENDED. Orders Have Been Given to Restore Rate Immediately. New York, March 20. President Beinhart, of. the Atchison road; announces r officially that the Southern Pacific-Atchi-1 son war is ended and that directions have been given to restore rates immediately. The position of the two companies has been put back to that of Sept. 1, which is the same as that existing March 1. All differences are to ba taken up between President Huntington, of the Southern ' Pacific, and President Reinhart, of the Atchison, for adjustment before May 15. NO. 11. FOUND! The besL MEN'S 2. SO S iro E eve Xs made Inquire of your shoe dealer. (THE FAIR STORE,) Have ihe exclusive agency for the sale of theso Shoes in North Platte. Come and see them. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. Bland's SeJjr.uoraso Knl Fassed by th Senate. Washington, March 13. The proceed ings in the senate Tuesday were of an ex tremely uninteresting character, with out the intervention of any morning busi ness except the presentation of a few pe titions and the introductions of some un important bills ihe senate tooknp the consideration of the seigniorage bill. Senators Stewart and Lindsay spoke in favor, aud Mr. Dolph spoke in opposition to it, holding that its passage would de stroy ihe existing equality between gold and silver, and the two new Senators McLaurin .(Hiss.) and, Blanchard (La.), received then: committee appointments. Washington, March itf. The house Tuesday began the consideration of the bill making appropriations for the sun dry civil expenses of the government and fair progress was made. Only three amendments of any importance weio adopted. Washington, March 14. Tho test vote, which was to bo taken Wednesday on the seigniorage bill on Mr. Allison's motion to reconsider tho vote by which the bill passed to the third reading, had the effect of attracting a large audience to the gallery. The senate early took up the consideration of the bill and Mr. Teller (Colo.) and Mr. George (Miss.) spoke in favor of its passage, the former criticising severely some statements made by Senator Sherman in his speech against the bill. Before Mr. George had conclude! hi3 remarks, the hour of 2 o'clock arrived and Mr. Harris insisted upon the vote being then taken on Mr. Allison's motion. with the resultjit was defeated by28to 43. Washington, March 15. The last day of the senate ou Bland'3 seigniorage bill attracted a large crowd and the galleries were well filled. The first part of the day was. taken up with the transaction of some routine business. At 2 o'clock Senator Harris asked that the bill be put on its final passage in ac cordance with the agreement arrived at several days ago. The yeas and nays being demanded the bill was passed by a vote of 41 to M. The senate then took up and passed the bill to amend an act authorizing the construction of a high wagon bridge over the Missouri river at Sioux Cit-. Tho amendment extends the time for the con struction of the bridge until March 2, 1SGS. A charter was also granted tho Iowa and Nebraska Pontoon Bridge company, authorizing it to build a bridge across the Missouri river near Sioux City, la.,' and then, after an executive session of :Jo minutes, the doors were reopened and the senate took from the calendar and passed bills to extend the time for com pleting a bridge across the Missouri river i between Kansas City and the town of i Sibley, Mo., and granting right of way to the Dnlnth and Manitoba Railroad company across the Fort Pembina reser vation in North Dakota. Washington, March 1C Friday the house resumed consideration of sundry civil bill. Mr. Broderick of Kansas offered an amendment setting aside $75, 000 of the appropriation to strengthen and improve the river banks of Atchison and Leavenworth. Mr. Mercer (Neb.,) offered a sulistitute for the amendment, being to set aside $150,000 of the approp riation for tho Missouri river, providing it should be used for the construction, and repair of the Missouri river banks be tween the mouth of the Platte river and Sionx City. Washington, March 17. The house went into the committee of the whole on the sundry civil appropriation bill. The pending amendment to the appropriation for the Missouri river commission went over until Monday. Washington. 3Iarch 1!). Without transacting any routine business Mon day the house went into committee of the whole and tho consideration of the sundry civil appropriation was resumed. The paragraph appropriating $750,000 to be expended under the direction of the Missouri river commission was the pend ing subject of discussion. Mr. Catch ings continued for a -brief time, his ar gument against parcelling out by re striction portions of the river and harbor appropriations made under the continu ing contract system. Mr. Hermann (Or.) eulogized the contract system for the waterways of the country, the inaug uration of which, he said, was one of the grandest achievements of the Fifty-first congress. Hainer (Neb.) criticized severely tho work of the Missouri river commission. Of the $1,000,000 so far appropriated, $1,500,000 had been used on the same reach of 14 miles at Jefferson City. At the present rate it would require $80, 000,000 and 120 years to reach Sionx City. The Missouri river commission proposed to expend over $000,000 of the sum carried by this paragraph on the first reach of the river above Kansas City. Not a dollar above Kansas City, not a dollar at Omaha, Atchison, Leav enworth and the other cities up the river where the Missouri was making great encroachment. Mr. Pickler (S. D.) ad vocated an amendment to divert $100,000 of the. appropriation for the Missouri to the stretch of 1,800 miles above Sionx City. Heard (Mo.) defended the Missouri river commission and the money ex pended at Jefferson City. Mercer (Neb.) advocated his amendment to use $50,000 of the Missouri river appropriation for the removal of snags and obstructions abova Sioux City, and $150,000 for the construction, repair and -maintenance of revettementa, dikes and waterworks be tween the south line of Nebraska and Sioux City. After a few closing words by Mr. Catchinirs... warning, the house against demoralizing the'systematic work done by the commission by parcelling out por tions of the appropriations, action was had on the pending amendments. The first was Mr. Broderick's to set aside 75,000 to strengthen the banks at Atchison and L'eavenworth. Kan. It was lost 55 to SO. Tho Pickler and Mercer amendments were also lost. DESTRUCTION OF THE 1JKEXEL 1'IEK. Lincoln Park Commissioners Use Dynamite to ItcmoTcan Obstruction. Chicago. March 20. The police re ceived word that the Drexel pier, across the right of way claimed by the Lincoln park commissioners, had been destro'ed by dynamite. The explosion wrecked the pier and the responsibility is popu larly laid to the Lincoln park board ot commissioners. News of the destruction of tho pier caused tho injunction pro ceedings pending in court today to be hastily adjourned. Troops Leave Cripple Creole. Cripple Creek, March 20. Camp was struck at 7 o'clock this morning and at 8:45 the troops left for Midland, where they will take a special train for home. It is generally anticipated there will be. serious trouble yet. The Reven and Strong mines which started up yesterday on a 9-hour scale have been forced to close down again. The men were intimidated, the strikers threatening to blow up the properties if the miners did not quit work. 1 on ml His Body In tlio lavcr. Saginaw, Mich., March 20. The re mains of Leander Simonean, theex-mayoi and ex-register of deeds of Saginaw, who disappeared suddenly the night ot Januaiy 20 last, were discovered about' 10 miles down tho river. Governor lUcli Sustained. Lansing, Mich., March 2C The su preme court rendered a decision sustain ing Governor Rich in removing Secretary of State Joachim, State Treasurer Ham bitzer and Land Commissioner Berry-. The 3Ules City Washout. Helena, Mont.. March 20. The Nor thern Pacific officials report that the washout near Miles City will be repaired tomorrow and trains will be run without transfer. JJelsI tun's Cabinet Resigns. Brussels. March 20. Premier Bear naert announced 1 o the chamber of repre sentatives the resignation of the cabinet. BAD BLAZE AT OMAHA. Cold Storage Warehouse Burned and Ono Fireman Badly Injured. Ohaiia, March 19. Fire broke ont Friday afternoon in .the cold storage warehouse of Mullin & McBlain, at Eighth and Howard streets. After work ing abont two hours the firemen had it out apparently and withdrew the appa ratus. In the evening, abont 10 o'clock, the fire broke out again, fiercer than be fore, and was soon beyond control. Tho building was four stories high and cov ered a ground space of 80x100 feet. It was filled with fruit and other perishable articles. The fire is charged to defective electric light wiring. Tho loss will amount tc upwards of $10,000. One fireman was badly hurt by the overturn ing of the hoso cart on which he wa riding. UNION PACIFIC PAY CAR DITCHED. Superintendent Sutherland, Tom Wade aud the Colored Cook Are Injured. Columbus, Nob.. March 20. The pay car in charge of Superintendent 11. R. Sutherland was wrecked about two miles west of Oconee. The tender and car left the track and turned over in the ditch, the engin. remaining on the track and running forward for some distance. There were but four occupants of tho car, Sutherland. Conductor Comptou, Roadmastcr Tom Wade and the colored cook All except Comptoa-v.-er- mor or leas bruised, but Sutherland wa-j injured in the back, althoagii tiut doctors think not. seriously. The car was Sutherland's private car and is badly wrecked, and camr near burning. As soon as word was received here a Bpecial with the company's physician and other assistance went out and brought the injured in. Wade was bruised on the left leg, while the cook had his left hand cut. The wreck i3 supposed to have been caused by the rails spreading, and the track is torn up for over 200 yards. MISSOURI RIVER GROWING SMALLER. Steadily Pouring Into tho Great South Da kota Artesian Basin. Atchison, Kan., March 20. The United States engineering department has just completed a survey of the Upper Missouri river and as far down as this point. In the opinion of the engineers the Missouri river is dwindling away and will in time become a small stream. They found that the volume of water at Great Falls, Mon., measured 4,796 cubic feet per second, whilo at Fort Benton, 25 miles further down the river, the volume was but 4,331 cubic feet per second a decrease of 405 cubic feet. This, they claim, explains the presence of the great subterranean body of water known as tho South Dakota Artesian Basin. The discrepancy is accounted for by an outlet in the bed of the river some where between the points mentioned. These engineers state that eyeless fish have been discovered in the above local ity, such as inhabit subterranean streams. In 1878 similar observations as to the volume of water were taken by the de partment, and since that time there has been a decrease of fully 20 per cent in the volume of water in tho river. Judge Llbboy Dead. Augusta, Me., March 15. Judge Lib bey, of the Maine supreme court, died, here. : H