C. L. WILLIAMS, ffiDTIS OF ILL KINDS, And the Leading Daily Papers. c - Mmm CELEBRATED HOME-MADE GflNDlf VOL. X. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY MARCH 14, 1894 NO. 10. OUR SPRING OPENING FOR 1894. I mi am OF BANDITS II Santa Fc Depot at Woodward Bobbed of Over $10,000. Our Spring stock has arrived and all of our departments are so chuck full that we are unable to get all the goods on the shelves, and were- obliged to stop some of the goods on the road, and in order to make more room we will for five days commencing FRIDAY, MARCH 16th, hold the Greatest Slaughter Sale ever known in this locality, and we hope all will take advantage of the sale. Look at these prices: OVERPOWERED THE AGENT. Taken From Hit Room at the Hotel byTrri Masked Men and Made to Open the Depot Safe Bank Robbers at Giilcshurg-. H FOU The best MEN'S HOE. ever3 ma m jf - - r It 'it 9 Inquire of your shoe c (THE FAIR STORE,) Br' DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT: Plaid and Striped Suitings, double fold, regular price 25 cents, at this sale for 12J cents a yard. Light colored Spring Suitings, in plain and stripes, regular 50 cent goods, at 19 cents per yard. Ten cent Spring Outing Flannel at 6 cents per 3-ard. For Friday and Saturday only, 10 yards of Light Prints for 25 cents, only ten yards to each customer. A beautiful line of Spring "Veilings, worth from 20 to 30 cents a yard, your choice at this sale for 10 cents a yard. Boys and Girls fast black seamless hose, sizes from 5J to 13 years, regular price 25 cents, for this sale at 15 cents a pair. Ladies' fast black seamless hose, regular 25-cent goods, at this sale three pairs for 50 cents. Red Table Cloth at 14 cents per yard. The very best Amoskeag Ginghams at 4 3 cents per 3'ard. SHOE DEPARTMENT? 100 pairs Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes, regular price $2.09, at this sale for SI. 40 per pair. All our $1.75, S2 and $2.25 Oxford Ties at this sale for $1.25 per pair. Children's Shoes at the greatest sacrifice ever known. Ladies' cloth top button or lace shoes, former price $3.00 and $3.25, your choice at $2-25 a pair. Men's Sateen Calf Shoes, in lace and congress, shoe store prices $2.25, at this sale for $1.40 a pair. Gents' Zeodo Calf Shoes, regular price $3.25, now $2.00 a pair. Gents' Kangaroo Shoes, lace or congress, in French or London Toes, regular price 4.25 per pair, at this sale for 2.25 per pair. Boys' Outing Flanel Waists, light or dark, sizes 4 to 13 j'ears, regular price 25 cents, our price 15 cents. Gents' Outing Flannel Shirts, regular price 50 cents, at this sale 25 cents. Remember we handle only new, clean and reliable goods and guarantee every article in our store. We have just received a beautiful line of Cut Glass, Oil Paintings and Silverware which we give away with every purchase amounting to $5.00 and upwards. I Grady Block TUP RO.QTAN .QTfi mm mm -mm- mwmm vh bbbb The only cheap store with good goods in Lincoln county. J. 7UD DI i Prop North Platte National Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA IPaid lap' 'Capital 175,000. DIRECTOHS: A. D. nUCKWOKTU. M. O. LINDSAY, JI. OTTEN, I. W. BAEEK. M. OHEISST, W V BIROU, IL 8CIIUFF A. F. STKEITZ, All business intrusted lo us handled promptly, carcf ully, and at lowest rales. TO IDENTIFY THEM. THE FRENCH SYSTEM OF MAKING SURE OF CRIMINALS. C. F. II TTTVTLCS J. VJT etry, for these delineations are so diver sified that they do not offer an adequate element of classification that is a point wbich no ouo disputes. Thereforo the finger tip process should bo considered as affording supplementary information only, capable at tho most of replacing photograph. "Moreover, does not Mr. P. Galton himself say that the examination of these impressions can be properly made only by means of photographic enlarge-" ments? Then why not photograph the man himself whoso measurements have just been taken? '-I must own, however, that up to tho present I have always postponed the full trial of the finger tip process on account of tho unpleasantness of sending all my to, LUMBER, COAL Dr. BcrtiUon on His Aclhroponictrlcal Method llcscd on Anatomical Science. Would Kimble the Polico of Ail Countries to Hunt Down Malefactors. Dr. Aiphonso Bertillon, tho author of tho French system for tho identification of criminal?, writes as follows in re gard to tho best means for making it of general use by tho police of tho largo capitals of Europe: "The growing ease and rapidity of communication bctwren the great cities ( subiects before tho court with their fin- of Europe have so lessened distances that 1 gers m0TQ or ieS3 blackened, for every thcdntcrccurso.betwf en.thp polico of the i body knows bow viscous printing in-fe and how difficult to get off. .never theless I have quito determined, if the process should become customary in England, to petition tho minister of tho interior and the prefect of police for the requisite authority to add it to the anthropometric description so great is the imporranco that 1 attach to interna tional uniformity in police communica tions." New York Herald, Guthrie, O. T., March 13. United States Marshal Nix got the following jelegram from Superintendent Rucdes ol the Santa Fe road: ."Station Agent llusl? r.t Woodward, O. T., was taken from his room at the hotel about 1 a. in. by twe robbers and made to go to the dpot and open the safe and deliver the contents. There was a package of money from "Leavenworth for the Foil Supply pay master, about $10,000. One package ol nioney and checks for Wellington and about 40 railroad money. 'The following is a description of thc robbers: One is 5 feet, 10 inches tall. CO years qjd, slim, dark, -weight 110 pcturls; mustache, closely built, dark brown shirt, dark slouch hat, rather heavy voice. The other is 5 feet, 7 inches tall, 2o years old, about two weeks growth of beard, weight lt) pounds; pants in boots, check handkerchief atout his neck; dark Gait," sack coat; dark complexion. i This latter was the bailor. They ware ou red, bay horses and rode off from the stock: yards in southeast direction." iuarsmu xnix nas ordered ousapossa at woodward to trail the robbers. Tragedy at Tort Worth. Font Worth, Tex., March r.i. Jiut after '.' a. m. R. M. Page, president of the Merchant-' National b:mk, in a room in the Hirschfield building, shot and killed A. B. Smith, formerly cushier of thasame bank. Page was alone in a roSm'jiow being used by tli2 bank to wind up its affairs, when Smith, who had been in the adjoining ofiic2 of Cap tain T. A. Tidball, entered to talk to Page about bank a Hairs. What words passed no one but Paga kuov., but al most immediately shooting commenced, four or live shots being fired. Smith was shot through the groiu, dying instantly. Xtioton.i T-tt Jvrnsy Strikers. Pateiwox, N. J., March The striking silk dyers marched, to the works of Simon & Auger, broke down the doors and forced the workmen out of the establishment. Thoy threw the unfin ished silk on the floor, turned on the steam in the tubs and burned a large quantity of the nnt?ri,.l. They then proceeded to the dye house of Richard. J. Berdan. The owner threat ened to shoot the first man who entered the place, but the crowd took no notice of his threat and invaded liis premises and ordered tho operators to ceas- work. Policemen are guarding all tlr; dye Hior&-iii -the citjfc-- - - i - r - - - ' Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store Di N. McCABE, Prop. J. E. EUSH, Manager. ISTOErTH PLATTE PHABMAGY, Successor to J. Q. Th;ickor.J W'E AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST TOADS OF GOODS,; 5ELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. J. F. HiNflM pilAHU IN Farm : Implements, , WAGONS, BUGGIES, Windmills, Harness, Etc, Warehouse on West Front Street. frequent. London, for example, may now be said to extend as far r.3 Paris, and Brnsst'ls is practically a suburb of the French capital. lu the midst of these daily exchanges of good services where is the officer who baa not longed for tho creation of an international de scriptive or distinctive mark, signal eltiques method and language? "In the other branches of human ac tivity, especially m electricity, con gresses have, in proportion to the nec essity, supplied this want of a universal understanding. It is tha? that tho elec trical units watt, ampere, volt, etc. have been created and unanimously adoptrd. Why should not tho polico of civilized or policed, for it is all one countries do as much for the description and notation of the different shapes of forehead, nose, color of tho eye, etc.? 'There exist under the name of hip pology whole treatises filled with words of English origin for tho description of the coat and tho points of the horse. For the description of the human being all secma Irft to c;h:mce. Nothing was attempted in this direction until the ap pointment by Mr. Asqnith of tea com mission for comparing the different methods of identification and descrip tion. ''This commission found at Paris, by tjio Ejdo of a system of measurement which has borne scmo little testimony everywhere, a yerj carefully considered method of describing the human body, and tho face in particular. There is in this neither invention nor personal pro prietorship. 2iiy intervention has con sisted in transporting and adapting to the wants of tho police the procedures of description in uso in anatomical sci ences, and particularly in anthropology. "Anthropometry, pioperlyso called, is only a part of that whole knowledge necessary in tracking criminals, and 'its sole aim is to supply a basis of classi fication. ' One hi able by means of tho inetrical information supplied by it to plassify several hnudrd thousand indi vidual notifications. But let mo hasten ' a say that thrso notifications should h.eins'ejves. always bo accompanied by m abstract of particular marks found ! upon the person examined, and it is this ( last document much moro than tho agicemcnt of measurements which is j appealed to to give judicial certainty to I an ulterior identification. t HADSHI IZZET HATED CHRISTIANS. ''At Paris fihotoyranlB of the nerson t in profilo anil lull face are added, which by themselves also afford tho certainty pf identification. Thus the elements of ) certainty are not wanting. A photo graphy or Impression Qf the car wonld alone suffice to establish an identity. It is, as a matter of fact, impossible among 100,000 individuals to find two cara ex actly alike except in the case of twin brothers. Bat a Consul Osco Dlsde tiio Famous Turk ish Givcry or Kcspect Him. Some tinio ago thcro died in Adrian ople one of tho most famous and origi nal of tho subjects of tho sultan of Tur key. Ho was Hadshi Achmed Izzet, pasha governor general of the valayet, or province, bordering on tho Black sea. Hadshi Izzet was an ideal Turk of tho old school, a strange mixturo of Solo monliko wisdom and childish foolish ness, energy and apathy, cruelty and mere-, truth and deceit, generosity and avarice. In tho oyea of tho ruler and contem poraries he was n hero, and it was with a purpose clear to many that his majes ty appointed him governor general of Adrianople and kept him for as many years at the head of that important prov ince tho gateway of the Ottoman em pire. Tho pasha was born more than 90 years ago and rapidly climbed to places commensurate with his namo and the in fluence of his family. Atthetimo of his death he was tho dean of tho Turkish viziero. I Almost countless aro tho anecdotes told of tho pasha, who was known and respected from the Turkish Dan to the Turkish Beersheba. His hatred of the "Christian dogs," as ho always called tho people of tho west, was boundless. It was invariably his custom, when forco of circumstances obliged him to give his hand to a " dog, " to wash it upon withdrawal while in, the presence of his guest. It is said that" Hadshi Izzet lr,id aside his habit only once. 1 Ono day a consul of ono of the greatest European countries was obliged to seek an audience with the saltan's lieutenant in governmental affairs. Ho had al . ready been insulted onco by tho pasha's ; washing his hands after the greeting ' and determined that he should not be so treated a second time if he could possi bly prevent it. ThVconsul was a thor ough master of the Tnrkish tongue, and for this reason had a great advantage over many of his colleagues. When the servant of Hadshi Izzet re ceived him at tho pqlaco threshold, hp spoko as follows in a voice which ho know would reach the ears of tho gov ernor in his office near by: "Go and tell thy master that I wish to speak to him. Say to him that I shall also do him tho honor to givo him my hand, but shall crack my hat over wash his IJ.ink i;lcr.t at Onlcsliitrs:. 'GAlssbukg, March VS. The gang of bank robbers that has within a month made five attempts to crack safes here planned to rob another last night. The police, hearing of the plan, rurrounded the oEnce, hnh the robbers had :i falling out among themse'.vs and postponed the robb3ry. One of thsm, Frank B?unison. an ex-convict, was arrested at hi3 home and drills and other apparatus found in his po33er-s:on. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. Senator Feller's Resolution oh Sugar Spec ulation Laid on the Table. Washington, March 6. A somewhat amusing episode enlivened the senate proceedings Tuesday inaugurated by benator Berry s personal explanation. A New York newspaper has included him in a group of portraits of nine Democratic senators whom it charged with being "obstructionists ' to the tariff bill. Mr. i Berry denied he had ever been anything but an earnest advocate of the bill, and on all occasions had advised its speedy report to the senate without modifica tion. His explanation was followed by explanations from Messrs. Faulkner, Harris, McLaurin and Morgan, which led to much amusement in the senate ! chamber. on mZ&SSTjff: Have the exclusive agency for the sale of these Shoes continued Tnesday in the house, the feature of the day being General Sickle's speech criticising the action of Commissioner Lochren. Before the debate began the resolution for the in vestigation of Judge Jenkins writ of in junction against the Northern Pacific railroad wa3 passed. Washington, March Y. An exciting and interesting debate was precipitated in the senate Wednesday by Mr. Harris' motion for the second reading of the seigniorage bill. This was opposed by Mr. Sherman who moved its reference to the finance committee and in course of a strong speech in opposition to the bill eaid its object was to divert trust funds from their legitimate purpose a thing which in Ohio would 1 a penitentiary offense. His motion wa3 defeated and the bill taken up 03 imfmished business and almost before any one was aware of what had happened it passed ii3 third reading and was on the point of passing. Then its opponents recovered from their surprise and endeavored to prevent its passage, and on request of Senator Sher man it went over until Thursday. In the morning hour Mr. Morgan introduced a resolution calling on the president for information as to the occupancy of Blue- neias, Nicaragua by tho British. This was agreed to. Then the house bill ap propriating tfUjWiu tor saving the Kear in North Platte. Come and see them. i at Kenwood. Pa., with n Imidslidp. TOLD IN A FEW WORDS 1 The Business Men's club at Hot Springs nave auopteti resolutions inviting Jfresi- ' dent Cleveland and Secretarv HoItsj Smith ever i o uiurtrtiiNia n all atu i iuhs and Daniel S. Lamont to visit the Springs- cimiiAni?pn . SUMMARIZED. The Many Happenings of Seven Days Ke- ilnceil From Columns to Linen Kvery thinj; ljat Facts Eliminated For Our Readers Convenience. Wednesday, March 7. Large numbers of hoes have been stolen recently from farmers living near Pella, Iowa. The Illinois state Democratic convention will be held nt Springfield on June 27. Chief Seavoy of the Omaha police is making a determined fight against gambling. Judson Newton. Xauvoo, Ills., died shortly after he and a companion hnd drank a gallon of wine. District rneetincs will he held through Indiana to exemplify the? recent work of the Knights of Pvthias. Eight members of the new jury to try the roster case have been secured at Mad ison, Wis. Minnesota's new gold field is said to be no place for men with pick and shovel, surge passed as did the bill nonnitHi owing to the quartz formation General O. O. Howard to ncrrot fmm rrs- Blackniau, police commissioner of the French government the dP4,H,m nf Leavenworth, Kan., has ordered a variety commander of the Legion of Honor. Washington, .March 7. After five theater to leave town, "What is believed to be a scheme to rob the government of timber lands has been Rnrsard Had Ka:;s.vs City, S'jarrii confirmed the report Riparian Ttijli.. March 1:3. Judge of referee E. H. Sliles in favor of the pkvntifi in the suit of A. A. Burgard and others aain3t Simoon K. Howe, involving the possession of the island in the Missouri river oppostta Armour's packing house. The island contains ;J"3 acres of valuable land, and was washed up several years ago by t!i3 changing of tho channel of the river. Burgard had reparian rights to tho land and Howe was a squatter. dajs of debate the pension appropriation developed at Kolfe, la. hill rtwnr nnn Af.n .-.nir. i I 1 7 -v-07'wvinuiar .James Y. Hayes, general secretary- .j ..jiiim, luviaiuu. treasurer ot the Kniihts of Ijilinr. thinb : amii.m.io., juarca The resnma- the future is bright for labor. non oi senator White (La.) was an- Hou. John "W. Blue of Marion. Kv.. i rr -i . !. . ... ' ' nouuceti xiiursuay morning. Senator wu,le conver!4ing witu Governor lirown Pefxer denied a newspaper report that he wns struck blind and speechless. and benator Kyle had complained of un- Mrs- UoTa Lram of Sheldon, la., has fair treatment by the finance committee. BUe" 1ev- Ur-.uonerty and Dr. w. p. The senate passed the hill for tho ilc .V."ucot w,mw uamages lor alleged of unsold portions of the Umatilla reser vation in Oregon. At the expiration of the morning hour the Bland seigniorage bill was laid be fore tne senate as unfinished business. Mr. Sherman bitterly onixwod the send ing mil ami expressed the hone the mo tion to reconsider wonld prevail, as he wanted tho bill open to amendments. JUr, ri arris claimed that tho bill had reached its nresont star thvnnh im regular channels of the senate procedure ImL' Jete(1 the petition of S,170 tnxpay- andheknewof no reason whv tho bill er? a?, , 'J? taeni to "Pinnate WOO to should not df-nnsA.! nf -m e-a.neenng laooratory ati-ur- UU UlllVCRllT, libel. A cyclone at Kich Hill, Mo., destroyed many dwellings, barns, fences and in flicted great damage. Cooper's wagon factory and the Carr, Ryder and Engler sash factory in Du buque, In., resumed work. Columbiana county. Ohio, is bankrupt and courts have adjourned in conse quence. Land depreciation caused the trouble. County commissioners nt Lnfavette. disposed of within :50 min utes. Ho would not consent t: recon sider tne hill until the majority bv vca and nay vote decided it. nr.. ct. mi. jiu.-miiiii, tin ominous irown on his brow, and speaking in an earnest, de terminal tone, reiterated the hope that tne motion oi: benator Alhson wonld pre vail, for there was no disposition in his part of the chamber to prevent the pass age of the bill. He was followed by Sen ators iotige and Iiiggm3. The bill went over without action. Washixotox, March 9. Senator Pef- fer, at the opening of the session Friday. Father Xolan and prominent Catholics of Sioux Falls, S. D., have been cited to i appear before Mgr. Sntolli to show why I Mother Superior Stanislaus should not be j reinstated in the parochial school. Thursday, March 8. Henry "Wntterson lectured nt Tuscola, Ills., for the benefit of the high school. Second hearing of the Franklin will con test has been commenced nt Xnshville. Twin. At Muucie, Intl., n 5-year-old boy at tempted to couple some enrs and wns so badly hurt that he niny die. An incendiary made a fruitless attempt rv ouereu a resolution proviumg for a com- to destroy the main building of the nor- uuucu 10 examine enarges m various nial school nt Geneseo, Ills. newspapers that certain senators had Tho city council of "Wellsville, O., has utilized knowledge gained officially for reduced the salaries of mnyor, solicitor ueanng m sugar stocK3 and had madp "u" ul,,cl "l ponce neariy one-nan. Impeaching an Alabama .Tudjje. Chattanooga, March W. The grand jury at Scottsboro, Ala., lias reported a bill recommending the impeachment of Jr.dg 1 J. B. Talley of the Ninth Alabama circuit court, accusing him of aiding and abat'ing the Skelton boys in murdering Canker It. C. Ross. Charged Willi Kmbazzlinx .SI.1.O0O. Denver, March 1:5. E. R. Walters, chief clerk to Superintendent Bryant of the Colorado Midland railway was ar rested today, charged about 15,000. with embezzling J. BROEKEK, Merchant Tailor, Z2. .1ST 32 A TNT 3D LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the nqw designs, kept ou hand and made to order. EBfidT filT GUARANTEED. BRIOES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE Spruce Street, between Fifth and Sixth, ' "The creat advantage of adding to tho authropometrical notification a complete Is cars if ho attempts to descrintivo nhotosnranh of a nerson i3 hands after shaking mine." that tho police arc provided with a doer;- i Te. servant started away, tq announce jrient -yvhich, in case of a 'fresh ofiense, tho visitor to his master. Bat tho goy pf escape, etc. i can be looked to to ren-' crnpr had already heard tho message der tho "greatest "possible assistance. J nnd came, smiling, toward tho daring ,sIt may bo well to add to these ele- , consul. Whilo he placed his right hand ments "of information, clearly independ- In that of the foreign representative he ent of ono another measurement, par- said: "That wa3 right. You please me, ticular marks and profile photograph . effendi. Yon at least have courage." which, together, 10 years' experience Tho hands were not washed until the has shown to be absolutely infallible consul had left the palace. San Fran- a fourth element, 'finger tip impres- cisco Chronicle. sions' (1'impression des filigrammes du . Tho Kniie wasiYii iugiit. ponce). It goes without paying that I Dumlej (who had been asked to carv ee. no majofdifficnlty in it.. But I am the duck "and is meeting with poor suc. ftfraid that -the exercise of tho process cess) Whew! iiiay at-t first sight appear much moro' Landhdy--Isnt the knifa sharp, Sir. iimple than5 it really is. In. the firsj: Dumley? I liad it ground today, place", lef me repeat bat the finger tip, Dumley The Imife is all right, ilra, prpcess neither doea away with nor re- Henricks. You ought to have had the places, in any way judicial anthrqpom- dnck ground.. London Tit-Bit. T.- Abo'.ibli tho House of Lords. London, March i. In the house of commons Mr. Labonchere's amendment to abolish the house of lords was passed by n vote of 147 to M.j in spito of the op position of the government. Itiihltcr V.'orlis to Cloic Uow:, Xew Haven, Conn., March V). The Cnndeo llnbher company has notified its employes that it will shut down its works on Saturday and will not open until April 20. v 22lrs?lvicity on the Kric Canal. Au:.vxv. March Vit Permission to ns.) electriuity as a motive power on the Eii3 can il has been granted the Cataract General Electric company of Niagara Falls. I'onnd Dead In a Chair. Kansas City. March la.-Ernst Woyt was found dead in a chair at Wo3t & Lewis' upholstering establishment. He had swallowed a lare dose of laudanum. large gains. In reply to Mr, Morrill. Mr. Peffer stated lie had no personal knowl edge of tne charges, and at his request tne resolution was tabled tc-mporarilv. Ihe senate agreed to vote on Bland's Dissension has been caused in the Iowii Oratorical association owing to a disposi tion by the smaller colleges to run things. After an idleness of 20 ye.irs, the Dan- town distillery in Macon county. Ills.. will lio aro rfnrl nn wit Y sit? I. An.-.A:. r BPimiim-im. l.ill of ' 1- rpi .1 ... 7. 1 " -Vi o""o A. m, KtAi xnauuy. iuo trallons. . r,. T , -mm- I - .ftn.u,u., .uurcn r.'.Mr. liian- John Wairncr. a nioneer of Palo Alto ciiaru me newiy apixnnted senator from county, la., shot and kille-d himself at .Louisiana was presented to the senate at fcmuietsburg. xne opening oi mat bouy Monday and Ane ellaws in Donulns county. took the oath of office. Tim rpsnlnlirm His., held a reunion at Tuscoln. Everv of Senator Peffer calling for an invpK. lo(1K wus represented. gation as to senators speculating in Wall . Tlie trial of Janies Cheyne for the mur- streetwas. on motion of Mr. Rn, ?.e-r r iwbert Mnrphy was commenced at laiil lm tnl.k i, ., t 00 nrr " U'J-.l, in. T t 1 . .w.v vl. W LU W.I mva I J,.., 41. In support of this motion, Mr. Gorman deserng" a SeeTaThe cnaracrenzed tne charges as based unon CharlestowiistntAnrfemi 1 1 - - " i ? wvwuvuiiuuv iuiu Miumci uununii) ul consiuer- I m nnowicr aicempc to escape. ituuu. 1 .Illvnil!flr nfllra nmu)iJ n . The seigniorage bill yas then taken up was found to have the smallpox af id Mr. Vilas, resumed his speech in on- ter hnndreds of persons had been exposed. and positipn to the measure. The Missouri state board of equaliza- 3Ir. Alhson of Iowa made tho speech iiontsittin2"t JefTerson City, desires to which he was not well enough to deliver Z from offlcials of counties, lost Friday. In tho course of his ne M-1-and T. has abolished the of- rcmarks he said- Tf , rQ flc? .of superintendent of bridges and remarks he said: "If the Democrat party is willing to pass this bill, author-. V11 1 1 ' humui. a who has been speechless for uuii.ir uacx 01 mem, tnev aro willmi? tn rnvf.r..ii ti, r i.- bniUUi.gto tako effect March 1;". Miss Aufrelina Iitmb of Goshen vocnl Ind., 12 years, re- organs -. . ...... 1 110 that wuicn they- have never done le- through a violent fit of coughintr. lore the issue of fiat money." The Emporia (Kan.) city council rased V.nn it tviT- VVI14- F f .lnHnl .l X- T I n.. .1... . . v....... m vHuii-ui vAjiuiauyuuvutaicu "'"iutc utcr me mayors veto pro- Jo-.va 3Ian Killed In Florida. Cro.ut Rapids, March Id. A telegram announces that A. J. Tengeman, a weal thy citizen of Blairstown, la., was shot and killed by a negro at Sebastian, Fla. A iletajitcd Assassination In Arkansas. Prxs Bixff, Ark., March 13. A cov:.irdl3- attempt to assassinate J. T. Hc-ryey was made by a man as yet nn- kltO.TE. the passage of the bill, he wonld have been glad to have seen the proposed amendments discussed and voted on, but it was also true that the friends of the bill (iftheywerq in. the majority) had the right to pass the bill as it was. At the conclusion of his speech the senate ad journed Washlvgto.v, March 12. The day in 'jnnrt. hibiting the sale of cigarettes or cigarette paper. Prisoners in jail at Hot Springs organ ized a "kangaroo" court, tried one of their number, found him guilty and gave him 175 lashes. Friday, March 9. Rivalry among milkmen at Belvirfen. lis., has reduced the price to 3 cents a tne house was devoted entirely to the consideration of a bill relating to the ciciiaiuii ui iuu iime ior allowing a street railroad m tins aty to change its. system of motive power. President Will Sign It. Washington. March 13. It is expect ed at the postoffice department thai 'the, president will sign tle parcels post treaty with Newfoundland todaj'. Crisp yot a Candidate for Senator, Washington, March l'J.r-Spe'aker-Crisp is not regarded by his friends as a pandidate. for the United States senate to succeed Senator Colquitt, Stewart Talks For Bland's Bill. Washington, March 13. In the senate Mr. Stewart (Nov.) spoke in support of the Bland seigniorage bill. Br, Ceorgc L. Miller Nominated. Washington, March 13. Presidential nominations: George L. Miller of Ne braska, to be surveyor of customs for the port of Omaha, Neb. Postmasters Robert N. Locke, Pierre, Y. D.; John Flattery, Oklahoma Qity I). T.; George M. Masters, DeSinet, S.D. Prudent Taylor Tendered a Iteccptioa, Topeka, Mrch 13. Dr. James M, taylor, president of Vassar college was tendered a reception, by the citizens of i'opekal Against Carlisle's Plan. Washington, March 13. Representa- Lewis 11. Evans of Marensro. O.. miw! thelike Shore railroad for -?25,000 for personal injuries at Cleveland in 1892. Jefferson Freeze, the oldest member of the Masonic order in Seneca county died nthishomeinBloomville, O., in his 8oth year. After debating nearly half a ikv nn tin. biennial sessions bill the Ohio senate again postponed the measure. Catholic archbishops are issuing dinlo- masto institutions that contributed to the success of the world's fair educational exhibit. The 2-year-old child of Dr. J. W. Ruck- cr at Shelbyville, Ind., got into his pres cription case and took n large dose of morphine pellets. It died two hours after. The board of survey examined tha United States ship Yorktown and will re commend repairs that will take two months before the Yorktown can be tent to the Bering sea. The mar.agement of the Southern rol- tive Bingham is preparing to urge ling mill at Terrc Haute, Ind., which em amendments to appropriation bills by ployesfiW men, will make a 10 per cent cut which the government wonld be pro- Mon,lny in wages of heaters and finishers, hibited from carrying out Secretary Car-' Hubbard, George Jones and Thomas lisle's plan ofprinting its own postage Heed, trainmen on a freight train on the stamps. ': Fort yne railroad, were injured when the train was awcot into the Beaver river Governor Stone of Missouri commuted the sentences of six juvenile prisoners by transff rring them from the penitentiary to the reform school at Boonville. Saturday, March 10. Tom Laviu, a Joliet convict, was scalded to death by the explosion of some new steampipes. T. Murphy, of Council Bluffs, was ap pointed cadet at West Point for the Ninth Iowa district. Many "strip" settlers will lose their claims if a recent decision of the general land office is sustained. Albert Bierstadt, the American laud scape painter, was married to Mrs. Mary E. Stewart at New York. It was discovered that Philip Petrlc, who committed suicide near Logansport, Ind., had murdered his wife. A bill has been introduced in the New York legislature to make hazing as prac ticed at colleges a criminal offense. Dr. W. A. Harris, of Monee, 111., has re ported two cases of smallpox near the vil lage in the family of O. M. Morehouse. J. H. Hammond, S. B. Culp and W. G. McColley addressed the Michigan Christ ian missionary convention at Hartford. Miss Addie Wilson has been awarded S8.000 ngaint the Elgin, 111., City Strsst Car company for injuries sustained last June. P. M. Isenz, ex -city treasurer of New Whatcom, Wash., was found guilty of embezzlement of ?X,000 of the city's money. It is reported that Senator David B. Hill, of New York, is to marry Miss Letty Scott, a niece of Vice President Stevenson. Thomas Smith was killed and several workmen injured by the wreckiug of a log train of the A. J. Niemer lumber camps near Waldo, Ark. S. S. St. John, of Kearney, Neb., is be ing tried by the supreme court for con tempt in refusing to pay $31,000 to the re ceiver of the Commercial and Savings Bank of Kearney. The defendant al leges that he was unable to pay more than $12,000. Walter Guy Furnald, who is accused of .stealing $10,000 worth of diamonds fronva pawnbroker in San Francisco, Cnl., has been held for trial there in $.1,000 bonds. Mrs. Garner and her son, who were ar rested with Furnald in Los Angeles, Cal., were discharged. Monday, March IS. Harrison Stone was run over and killed by a Rock Island train at Anita, la. Captain A. Frietich intends to sail from Milwaukee for Sweden in April in a 13-ton vessel. Commissioner Lamoreanx's decision re garding land grants affects vast private infaKUitu in Iw. I nl-n Clin...!.. I .. C .. L 111. 1 Ml IV i : . I II I ITl 1111 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I gion. Mayor Denny, of Indianapolis, has or dered the arrest of labor leaders who in dulge in incendiary speeches to the un employed. For breaking up an experience meeting of members of his Hock Rev. Miltou Hasket, of Gwynville, Ind., was arrested and fined. William R. Grace, the well-known anti-snapper, will probably be the mayor alty candidate of the New York Democ racy next November. Martin Miller was captured at Omaha, Neb. He is charged with killing and rob bing F. J. Ribak, a grocer, last Monday night. A bright meteor was seen by many peo ple at Monmouth, 111. It shot across the sky from southeast to northwest. George Hoover, aged 73, was found dead in bed at Moewequa, 111. Heart disease is assigned as the cause of death. James Harlan, of Sigourney, la., whose son was sent to the penitentiary for crim inal assault, has brooded over the dis grace until he is insane. Henry J. Ellicott, of Wnshingron, D. C, whose design has been accepted, will be given the contract for a bronze eques trian statue of General W. S. Hancock. John Peters, of Etna Mills, Cal., and Rudolph Junlrhis, r. miner of Weaver ville, Cal., were caught in a nnowslidu on. Salmon mountain and killed. District Court Clerk Skirving at O'Neill, Neb., has been declared ousted, but he refuses to surrender his position without further process of law. A woman calling herse-I?Mrs. E. J,. Hall, of Philadelphia, was arrested at. Alton, 111., for failing to pay hoard for ' herself and four children at the Hotel Madison during the last six weeks. Major Calvin Hood, of Emporia, is a candidate for the Republican nomination for the linked States senate from Kan sas. Tuesday, March 1. James McConnell, a miner, fell IK) feet down the shaft of u mine at Cripple Creek, Colo. He will die. W. Evans, a farmer living near Grinnell, Iowa, fell from his wagon and broke his neck. Michael Altifilish and John Kegler, 15-year-old boys, were drowned while cross ing the river at Bellevue, Iowa. The 2-year-old son of E. B. Shepherd, of Columbus, Ohio, ate concentrated lie and will probably die from the effects. Antone Turk, an Austrian, about 35 years old, blew out the gas in the St. Nicholas hotel in Joliet, 111., and was asphixiated. The lKMly of George Ash, who was drowned last October at Dallas City, III., was found in the Mississippi at Alton, 111., and identified by papers. Mrs. L. D Coffey, of Brazil, Ind., wife of Judge Coffey, of the Indiana supreme court, was thrown from the carriage in a runaway, and it is feared she was injured internally. J. L. W. Merrill, of Kansas City, is to contest the will of his uncle, J. L. Woods, of Cleveland, Ohio. At Atchison, Kan., the Missouri river i.- cutting a new channel, endangering prop erty valued at ?1 ,500,000. An investigation at Cleveland,. Ohio shows that Assistant Fire Chief Speddj sold his influence to contractors. Control of the mammoth artesian well! at Chamberlain. S. Dbas heen lost and. surrounding property is in danger; Steel works, covering 800 acres of land: and employing 3,000 men will be removed from Johnston,.Pa.. to Cleveland,. Ohio.