The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, March 07, 1894, Image 1

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Tobacco and Cigars,
Fruits and Nuts of all Kinds.
We are making Fresh Candies
daily. Gome and see.
NO. 9.
ter Facte!
It is a well-known fact that we sell none but the
best goods made in this country. It is a fact that we
sell everything in our store 25 per cent cheaper than any
store in "Western Nebraska.
Our spring stock of shoes is now complete and we
offer for the next 10 days greater bargains in shoes than
ever offered by any store in this city. Kead our prices
and come and see the goods for yourself.
Ladies1 fine cloth, top button shoes,
shoes worth 2.25, at this sale 1.50.
Ladies' dongola shoes with patent tip
regular price 2.00, at this sale 1.35.
Ladies' very fino dongola shoes patent
tips, regular price 3.50, at this sale 2.50
Very good dongoln Oxford ties , patent
tipp, woith 1.25, at this sale for 75 cents.
Misses dongola fine shoes patent tip,
l eols or spring heels worth 2.00 at Jthis
sale for 1.45 a pair.
Infants' brown shoes worth 1.00'cut to
GO conts a pioce.
Infants' red shoes worth 75 cents cut
to 45 cents a pair.
Children's schools at G5, 75 and 85 cts.
a pair, worth from 80 cts to 1.25.
200 pairs men's laco and congress
shoes, every pair warranted to be as
good as any 2.00 shoe, at this ealo for
1.40 per pair.
Gent's calfskin shoes, regular price
3.00, at this sale for 2.25 a pair.
Ladies' carpet slippers at 30 cents a
Come and examine our line of fine Ox
ford ties for ladies', misses and children.
Remember that every pair of shoes in
our stock is warranted and we will re
pnir free of charge if necessary.
Dry Goods Bargains,
10 and 12J cent dress ginghams at
this sale for 6J cents per yard.
Unbleached toweling at this sale f-r
4 conts per yard.
Black sateen, fast colors, regular 15
cent goods, at our store for 10 cents a
Extra fine black French sateen, regu
lar price 35 cents, our cut price 20 cents
We have just received a nice lino of
spring suitings, 36 inches wide, worth
40 cents, at this sale 23 cents a yard.
20 pieces fancy brocaded dress goods
regular 25 cent goods at this sale for
12ti cents per yard.
50 dozen ladies' embroidered and
scarlet white handkerchief, former price
25 conts each, at this sale for ten cents
each or 3 for 25.
A yard wide Lonsdale muslin at our
store for 7 cents a yard.
Oue bale of yard wide unbleached
muslin at 4 cents per yard.
All colors wash silk at 5 conts for two
All kinds of kid, finish skirt lining at
5 conts per yard.
Embroidery edgings at 2, 3, 5 and 6
cents per yard.
We invite the people to come and see that we do as
we advertise.
TlhLo Boston Storre-
Grady Block.
J. PIZER, Prop.
Merchant Tailor,
Oil 33 -A. 3NT 353 JE&. j& TT2D
embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order.
Spruce Street, between Fifth and Sixth.
; COAL, ;
j : 1
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
Dr. N. McCABE, Prop. J. E. BUSH, Manager.
Successor to J. Q. Thacker.
orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway Solicited.
DAILY (wllhut Sunday), f 6.00 per year. CAILY (wilh Sunday), $8.00 per year.
The Weekly Inter Ocean, per year, $1.00
As newspaper THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the times in all respects.
It spares neither pains nor expense far securing ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST
The Weekly Inter Ocean
Is erfitsd especially for those who, on account of mail service or any other reason, do
no, take a daily paper. In its columns are to be found the week's news of all the
world condensed and the cream of the literary features of the Daily.
A Supplement, Illustrated,- in Colors,
f KICMT ADDITIONAL PAOE3, making in all SIXTEEN PAGES. This Supple
ILLUSTRATIONS, is alone worth ths price chared fcr the paper.
cial center of all west of the AUeshrny Mountains, and is better adapted to the
needs of the people of thct section th n nor paper farther East.
it is in accord with the people of the West botn in Politics and Literature.
Please remember that ths price of The Weekly Inter Ocean IS ONLY ONE
Mrs. S. A. Mamw
Dond's, Iowa.
Like All Other Blood QiseasM, Ar
Cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
" I have been s sufferer for several years with
hires, and nave tried every taiag I cmld
hear f , from friends, or ordered by physicians,
but nothing cured. In fact, I
Seemed to be Getting Worse
Finally I read about hires being cured by
Hood's Sarsaparllla, and decided to try this
medicine. Before naif a bottle was gone I was
almost cured, and now, being on the second bot
tie, I an. eatirel? cared and take great pleas
ure in recommendinE Hood's Sarsaparllla to all
who suffer from this distressing affliction.
Hood's Sarsaparllla has also helped mo in
many other wavs. It i3 a good medicine."
Mits. S. A. Monnow, Doud's, Iowa.
Hood's PUIS cure all Liver Ills, Bilious
ness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache.
The Many Happening of Seven Days Ito
clucetl From Column- to Lines Every
thing but Facts Eliminated For Oar
Headers' Convenience.
Wednesday, Feb. 28.
Otto Fink, the leader of a gang of horse
thieves, was sentenced at Mansfield, O., to
11 years at hard labor.
Edward Briggs was found dead in his
room in a Davenport, la., hotel. Circum
stances indicate suicide.
Governor McKinley has referred the in
vestigation of the Ohio deaf and dumb
asylum to the legislature.
Mrs. Brewster was chosen by residents
of Shullsburg, Wis., for the postoffice, de
feating three male candidates.
Secretary Joachim of Michigan refused
to plead and gave $7,000 bond for appear
ance at Lansing to answer for conspiracy.
Washington, la., is undergoing a season
of religious awakening. Rev. M. Shaw
han, the Kansas revivalist, has taken the
community by storm.
At a meeting of the Oshkosh, Wis.,
Ministerial association it was decided to
begin a Sunday closing crusade.
Julius D. McXamara, Newark, O., com
promised his 31,000 suit for taxes by pay
ing Treasurer Miller $10,000.
Mrs. Rose Smith, while peeling an
orange at Lebanon, Ind., suddenly cut her
throat from ear to ear and is not expected
to live.
Rev. George Wallis, Saginaw, Mich..
Congregationalist, called Dr. Washburne,
Methodist, a coward in the pulpit.
Adolphus Adcock was found guilty at
Aurora, Ills., of attempting to kill his
sweetheart, and was sentenced to eight
years in the Joliet penitentiary.
Isaac Wrench, a Beatty, O., glassworker,
Is looking for his wife and $12, which he
gave her to settle a grocery bill. The wo
man leaves three small children.
Joseph Shackleton of Selma, Ind., has
filed suit in the Delaware circuit court for
$10,500 damages by the Muncie Archi
tectural Iron company for an infringe
ment of a patent.
The Illinois secretary of state has
granted a charter for the incorporation of
the Springfield Humane society of Spring
field for the prevention of cruelty to chil
dren and animals.
The Rev. A. J. Warner has called a con
vention of negroes at Birmingham, Ala.,
for March 21. The object is to discuss the
general immigration of the race to Africa.
Thursday, March 1.
George Kelley of Galesburg, 111., aged 9
years, was killed by a falling derrick.
Thomas Holiday, a farmer near Beecher
City, 111., was killed while felling timber.
Burglars at Pike's Crossing, Ind., robbed
the postoflice of stamps and looted John
Caldwell's store.
Citizens of Freeport, 111., will raise a
fund of $1,500 to fight the proposed sewer
tax recently levied.
A priest of Pana, 111., created a sensation
by bitterly assailing Protestants at a fun
eral discourse.
When John T Prior of Xoblesville, Ind.,
saw a son injured in a fight he dropped
dead of heart disease.
Michigan tax title sharks have been set
back by the supreme court finding that
such sales are invalid.
Twenty -seven saloonkeepers at Freeport,
HI., were fined for opening slot machines,
and ordered to discontinue the practice.
Rev. John T. Kellam, of Xorwalk, O.,
one of the oldest Methodist preachers in
that state, has become insane.
The city council of Tiffin, O., has been
enjoined from letting a 10 year contract
for lighting the streets.
Professor E. J. Phelps, whose recovery
is now confidently expected, will undoubt
edly give up his classes at Yale for the re
mainder of the school year.
Thomas L. Lyle of Fort Worth, Tex.,
has entered suit for divorce from his wife,
whom he says he was forced to marry
Feb. 14 at the point of a pistol.
John Black and ex-Senator Howdill of
Barbourville, Ky., accuse C. F. Davidson,
ex-cashier of the Cumberland Valley
bank, of defrauding them of $17,000.
Indiaua officials are investigating the
prevalence of smallpox in Chicago and
may quarantine against the World's fair
David Gillett, Jr., arrested in Hancock
county, Illinois, will be taken to Louisa,
la., to answer a charge of burglary.
Dubuque, la., will offer a handsome
bonus provided the Chicago Sugar Refin
ing company's plant is removed from
Rochester, N. Y., to Dubuque,
"'judge Allen, at Springfield, adjourned
the Cairo term of the United States court
from the 5th of March to the 17th of April.
Friday, March 8.
The Kansas Farmers' Alliance pro
poses to reinstate all old members in
arrears for dues.
Preparations are complete now for the
North and South army reunion at Shiloh
April 5 to 7.
Judge Key of the federal district court
of Tennessee, denies that he will retire.
He is 70 years old.
The Rock Island is working np a scheme
to shorten its route from Umaua to Fort
Worth 100 miles.
State relief for the Hurley, Wis., miners
has ceased and Iron county must look
after its unemployed.
Freeport, HI., is undergoing a remark
able awakening, all of the churches con
ducting revival services.
Four dogs at Yankton, S. D., have had
hydrophobia, and a wholesale slaughter
of canines has been ordered.
By a change in the Missouri's channel
the big draw at Omaha is riowovera
sandbar. Navigation is blocked.
Four barrels of honey were taken from
a bee tree by Guy Marr near Baroda,
Mich. As much more was wasted.
A. B. Tradwell, the Emporia, Kan.,
burglar who escaped, has written a peni
tent letter to the people of his ttiwn.
Gifts amounting to more than $300,000
were received by trustees of the Western
Reserve university near Cleveland, O.
Pennsylvania's World's ;fair business
has been closed np and $100 of the $300,
000 appropriation ireturned to the state
treasury .f
Charles ABarcher and George Howard
of the Travelers' Protective association,
are collecting money at Pittsburg for a
sanitarium for disabled drummers.
At Linden, Mich., near Flint, a plat
form collapsed and 25 or 30 persons were
more or less injured.
While some linemen were raising a tele
graph pole at Clarksville, Tenn., the pole
fell on John Wilson, killina him. The
wire in breaking, coiled about the neck of
Oscar Hunter, strangling him. His con
dition is dangerous.
Jacob C. Horn, present at the Fort
Dearborn mnssacre, and in the Black
Hawk, Mexican and civil wars, died at
Winniecanne, Wis.
Saturday, March 3.
Nine Kentucky couples crossed the
river to Jeffersouville, Ind., and were
The 28th annual encampment of the G.
A. R., department of Pennsylvania, met
in Philadelphia.
Congressman Caldwell was nominated
for mayor by Cincinnati Republicans and
will make the canvass.
Judge Dundy has decided that railway
property lying outside of the right of way
cannot be taxed as such.
Laurenna Ludlum of Chicago has sued
her ex-husband, J. J. Ludlum of Lincoln
Neb., for $350 due as alimony.
At Aurora, Ills., the 2-year-old daughter
of John Beller, fell into a pan of hot
water and was scalded to death.
The infant child of Charles Monserof
Middlesborough. Ky., was burned to
death in the absence of its mother.
John H. Ganse was awarded $2,000 dam
ages against the Pennsylvania railroad
for the killing of his two children at New
castle, Ind.
Thomas Corrigan. a Kansas City mil
lionaire, and a brother of the Chicago
turfman, is dead
A verdict of $5,000 against the defend
ant was given at Indianapolis in the first
case tried under the coemployes liability
C. J Melms o! Milwaukee jumped
from a passenger train in Wyoming,
having become suddenly demented. He
will die. ,
A letter threatening his life was re
ceived by Rev Mr Hamp of Terre Haute,
who in a sermon accused Catholics of
M. G. Graham of Ottumwa, la., jJgent
of the State Insurance company ofDes
Moines, was sandbagged and robDcu oi
$100 at Clinton, la.
Charles Carpenter was sentenced at
Greenup, Ills., to 14 years in the peni
tentiary for stabbing and killing G. W.
McMochan at a dance at Union, Ills.,
Sept 23. 1893.
Jesse Hickman, a farmer near Glas
gow, Ala., cut down a tree near his home.
In falling it struck his two daughters,
killing one and so injuring the other that
she died. The father has become insane.
Monday, March G.
Mayor Gilroy of New York has started
for California.
An unprecedented revival of religion is
in progress at Wellington, Kan.
The women's vote in Colorado this year
makes politics in that state very problem
atical. Last week in Wall street was the best in
a year, there being an old-time revival of
Sam A. Risley, ex-postmaster at West
Plains, Mo., committed suicide at Spring
field, Mo.
L. L. Welles of St. Louis was held for
trial at Denver on a charge of violating
the lottery laws. ,
Dick Taylor was held accountable by
the coroner's jury at Quincy, Ills., for the
death of Mary Cooper.
George Long of Butler, Mo., who was
arrested for shooting his father, has con
fessed the crime.
The A. P. A. has assumed proportions
in Indiana which make it an important
factor in the political problem.
The United States steamer Marion suf
fered severely as a result of being caught
in a Chinese typhoon.
By an explosion in the barrel works of
Moosic Powder works one man was killed
and three seriously injured.
Two men were killed and another ser
iously wounded in a shooting affray in
Attala county. Mississippi, resulting from
a political quarrel.
Judge Phillips of the Kansas City
United States circuit court has decided
that the Joseph Smith crowd are entitled
to the historic Mormon temple lot at In
dependence. Omaha gamblers are said to contem
plate establishing a Monte Carlo at East
Omaha, which is partly located in two
At the request of Illinois comrades
Thomas G. Lawler has consented to the
use of his name for commander-in-chief
of the G. A. R.
A tablet was placed in Providence, R.
I., to commemorate the burning of British
taxed tea in 1775.
Rev. Dr. R. W. Patterson was buried
from the Second Presbyterian church at
Chicago, of which he was for 32 years
pastor. a
Tuesday, March 6.
The 2-yeax-old son of John Ringers was
burned to death at Paine, Ills.
Fred Van Allen was killed by a falling
tree near his home at Epworth, Ills.
Officer McCann of Freeport, Ills., shot
John Grubb, who was resisting arrest.
He will recover.
Frank Sexton of Dubuque, la., was
sandbagged and robbed at Dyresville. He
will probably die.
James Oglesbee, 18 years old, died at
Independence, la., from the effects of a
fall from a gymnasium. trapeze Nov. 7.
The deal has been closed at La Salle,
His., by which the coal lands owned and
operated by the Union Coal company
have been transferred to the La Salle
County Carbon Coal company.
General Longstreet speaks contemptu
ously of the military ability of General
Mrs. Ellen Royce shot twice at G. O.
Boyd at Clarksville, Tenn,, but missed
Mrs. Lease has started quite a craze' to
become Masons among the women of
Ex-Governor J. P. Buchanan of Tennes
see has filed, his answer to the suit brought
by the state.
H. C. Boehmer, bookkeeper of the West
ern Bank of Louisville, committed suicide.
Attempt to Displace the Tariff Ques
tion With a. Silver Discussion.
Resolution Adopted Jn t ho Hons Provid
ing For an Inquiry of Ills Famous
Strike Order President Cleveland
Returns From His Outing Trip.
WASHINGTON, March 0. There was
evidence during the progress of routine
business in the senate this morning of a
purpose on the Republican side of the
chamber to displace the tariff question
witha silver discussion over the Bland
bill. (rTliere. were but few Democratic
sensixMs. Jntha,chamber when-the vic
president's gavel fell. Sir. Hill awak
ened interest. by offering the following
resolution - and asking its reference to
the committee on finance.
Whereas, The secretary of the treasury
has announced a deficit of $78,000,000 foi
the current year,
Whereas, House bill No. 4,804, known
as the Wilson bill, proposes to discard
$70,000,000 revenue from present tariff tax
ation and to meet the double deficiency
by new internal direct taxation, therefore,
be I ifc
Resolved, That the senate finance com
mittee frame amendments to the senate
bill amending the said bill, omitting the
said internal and direct taxes newly pro
posed and instead thereof, make provision
for sufficient revenue by tariff on foreign
imports and otherwisa revising the tariff
without creating a de ficiency.
The silver stormcloud, which had been
lowering all the morning, broke over the
senate when Mr. Harris (Tenn.) moved
the second reading of the Bland bill.
In doing so, he stated to the senate and
especially to the senator from Nevada
(Mr. Stewart) that the latter was not a
more earnest advocate of silver coinage
than he. Bat he (Harris) believed that
there was one question which should take
precedence over this and, without any
breach of confidence, he could state that
the finance committee was on the verge
of reporting the tariff bill to the senate.
He, therefore, objected to further pro
ceedings on the seigniorage bill, and un
der that objection it would have to go to
the calendar.
To Investigate Jeukin's Order.
"Washington, March 6. The house
adopted a resolution providing for an in
vestig ation of Judge Jenkins" order pre
venting the Northern Pacific employes
from striking.
Representative Henderson's Report on the
Appropriation Rill.
Washington, March 6. Interesting
facts concerning the postal service are
embodied in the unusually complete re
port on the appropriation bill, compiled
by Representative Henderson, chairman
of the committee on postoffices. The
estimates of the department on which the
bilLis'based amounts to, $90,399,485, ex
clusive of special facilities on trunk
lines, an item amounting to $19S,G14.
The bill recommends an appropriation of
$87,470,590, which is in round numbers
$3,000,000 less than the estimates and
about the same sum in advance
of the appropriations for the
current year. The estimated postal
revenue for the fiscal year 1893 is $81,-
427,748, so that the postal service is
nearly self supporting. A mate rial re
duction from the estimates is made in
the compensation of postmasters. The
amount asked was $17,250,000 and that
recommended is 16,000,000. For free
delivers service the estimate of $12,327,-
CS5 is recommended, an increase of $1,-
000,000 from the preceding year.
The Hatch Antioption Rill.
Washington, March (5. Leading
members of the New York Produce and
Mercantile exchange were again before
the house committee on agriculture to
combat the Hatch antioption bill.
It brought out a renewal of the colloquy
between Mr. Hatch, chairman of the com
mittee, and the commercial representa
tives. Mr. Hatch characterized
the written statement of Presi
dent BJoss of the New York
Cotton exchange as an "arraign
ment of the committee." He said that
an objection to it would cause its exclu
sion, but he would raise no objection.
Mr. Bloss' statement was very plain and
urged that the Hatch bill was pernicious
and an unwarranted meddling with the
individual liberty of citizens.
President Cleveland Return.
Washington, March 6. The presi
dent, Secretary Gresham and Captain
Evans arrived at the wharf here at 1:28
p. m. on their return home from their
gunning trip in North Carolina. The
president looked well and vigorous, as
did the other members of the party.
Good luck evidently fell to the lot of the
sportsmen for there was a large collec
tion of wild swan, geese and ducks on
tho Violet's deck. Private Secretary
Thurber met the party and the president
was driven direct to the White House.
Expired by Limitation.
Washington, March 6. Several hun
dred patents expired by limitation today.
Among the more important inventions
were tho following: Grain binders, G.
A. Houston, Beloit, Wis.; photographic
cameras, J. O. H. Jewett and P. F.
Leonard, Macon City. Mo.; spring air
guns, H. M. Quackenbush; railroad
switches, R. W. Barrett, Ely, Vt.;
breech loading fire arms, J. S. Edge,
Jr., Yardley, Eng.
Republicans 3Iade a Clean Sweep.
Clinton, la., March 6. The Republi
cans made a clean sweep of the city of
fices, electing A. Hughes mayor and all
other officers by majorities ranging from
7'i to 1,003. The council stands four Re
publicans and three Democrats.
Wealthy Wyoming Man Dead.
Ciieyenne, March 0. Andrew Gil
christ, president of the Stock Growers'
National bank, died after a brief illness.
Colorado Miners Victorious.
Cripple Creek, Colo., March 6. The
Gold King, Strong, Granite and Wash
ington mines have resumed operations on
8-hour shifts. This is a substantial vic
tory for the miners.
Woodbnrn Tannery In Ashes.
Woodburn, Mass., March 6. G. and
-E. G. Places' tannery, the largest in
this section, burned. Loss, $50,000.
Phoenlxvllle Iron Works Close. Down.
, Phoendcyille, Pa., March 6. The
Phoenixvilla Iron works, which em
ploy 4,000 men, has closed down.
Dynamite Used by Sympathizers of Street
Car Strikers.
Youngstown, O., March 6. At noon
the Youngstown electric street railway,
which has been tied up by a strike since
Sunday morning, ran out the first car
manned by a nonunion crew. The
streets were crowded by thousands of
idle mill men, who greeted the appear
ance of the car with loud cries of
"black sheep," and hurled epithets at the
men on the car. No passengers were on
board. When the car reached the pub
lic square a wild rush was made for it by
the crowd and in an instant every win
dow pane was smashed to atoms.
A large dynamite cartridge was ex
ploded by sympathizers of the strikers.
It injured no one and was merely ex
ploded to intimidate the non-union men
who have taken the places of the strik
A second car was run out of the barn
shortly after noon and received similar
treatment as the first. The windows
were demolished by stones thrown by
the strikers or their sympathizers. A
moterman had his face cut by flying
glass. Beyodd this no one has been
hurt. No arrests have yet been made.
The company decided to abandon the
attempt to run cars for the present.
Explosion of Gas Caused a Fall or Rock,
Under Which Thoy Were Crushed.
Scranton, Pa., March 6 Four men
of a gang of mine shaft sinkers were
killed in the Richmond shaft. The acci
dent was caused by the fall of some rock
from the side near the bottom and as a
consequence of an explosion of gas. Tho
victims are:
RICHARD HUGHES, single, aged 27.
JAMES NORTHERN, single, aged 29.
ALBERT RICHARDS, single, aged 24.
Five others of the shift made their es
cape. Three Ontario Miners Killed.
Bruce Mines, Ont., March 6. Three
miners were killed at the Ophir gold
mine by a reck caving in on them. The
dead men were:
Tho "Farmer" Finally Waives Alt Objec
tions to the "Strangler's" Hold.
Chicago, March C After a wordy
wrangle covering nearly three years it
now looks as though Evan Lewis, the
"Strangler," and "Farmer" Burns, the
heavyweight wrestling champion of the
northwest, will come together. The
backers of the men have been unable to
agree for years and no match has resulted.
Last night Fanner Burns waived all
objections to the "Strangler's" peculiarly
barbarous bold and asked for articles to
which to affix his name and post a forfeit.
The articles provide for a five bout,
catch-as-catch-can wrestling match in
the city of Chicago, Saturday, April 7,
for a side wager of $TM each.
Extra Guards Put on Missouri, Kansas and
Texas Train.
Sedaua, Mo., March 6. The Ameri
can express and the Missouri, Kansas and
Texas officials are much disturbed over
news from the Territory of the move
ments of the Dalton gang of outlaws.
For several months these criminals have
been quite fortified in Sapnlpe moun
tains, 40 miles west of Vinita. Friday
night, it is learned, they broke camp and
heavily armed and otherwise thoroughly
equipped rode toward Vinita. Every in
dication pointed to a raid on the Missou
ri, Kansas and Texas and as a result the
road's officials and those of the Ameri
can Express company have put on extra
Business Portion of Oilman Destroyed.
Fatnl Explosion of Dynamite.
Culman, Ala., March 6. Fire broke
out at 10 p, m. in the business portion of
the city. The wind was blowing a gale
and in less than five minutes an entire
block was in flames. A terrific explos
ion ot dynamite stored in Koopman &
Gorde's warehouse occurred, Clabe
Mitchell being killed. George Dinkle
burg is seriously injured and will die.
At midnight the fire was still raging.
The entire block north of Main street is
burned. The explosion of dynamite
shattered all the window glass in the
Chicago Dive Wrecked by a Iiomb.
CniCAGO, March 6. Kitty Day's house
of ill fame at 152 Nineteenth street was
wrecked by a bomb which was thrown
into the hallway. The inmates of the
house were all asleep at the time of the
explosion. No one was injured. The
front portion of the house was complete
ly wrecked and the place rendered unin
habitable. Held Up the Driver.
Buffalo, March 6. Shortly after 10
p. m. two shabbily dressed men mounted
the driver's seat on a Richmond avenue
'bus and when between Utica and Bryant
streets covered him with revolvers and
forced him to give up $6 and a silver
watch. None of the passengera were
A Third Jnry In the Roster Case.
Madison, Wis., March 6. After a
second jury in the roster case was se
cured it was learned that one of the
jurymen had made a bet as to the out
come of the trial. This will necessitate
a third jury to try the case.
Bland's Seigniorage Maasnre Passed by
the House.
Washington, Feb. 27. Mr. Pence's
speech of Monday, in which ho struck
right and left at his colleagues, cut a
prominent figure in Tuesday's proceed
ings. Mr. Pence's reference to Mr.
Hainer had been incorrectly reported and
rising to a question of privilege ho took
occasion to apologize for the personalities
he had indulged in, but Mr. Cooper (Ind.)
was not satisfied and gave him a severe
scoring. Again Mr. Bland was unable
to muster a quorum on his motion to
close debate on the seigniorage bill, so he
allowed the debate to run on without
Washington, Feb. 27. The senate
' held another brief session Tuesday, in
which nothing of importance was ac
complished and adjourned after an exec
utive session of half an hour in order
that the Democratic caucus might be
j continued.
Washington, Feb. 28. The deadlock
in the house was broken Wednesday
after l.vo weeks of continuous filibuster
ing against the Bland seigniorage bill,
and no sooner had the quorum been pro
cured than the house managers brought
in a special, order to.crnsb. the filibuster-
The best MEN'S $ 2.SO
SHOE, ever made.
Inquire of your shoe dealer.
f BEOS., -f
Have the exclusive agency for the sale of these Shoes
in North Platte. Come and see them.
ing and bring the .bill to a direct vote
after two hours of additional debate.
Although Mr. Bland secured 184 votes,
when the deadlock was broken several
eastern Democrats, including Messrs.
Cummings. Clancy and Wagner of New
York and Dunn of New Jersey refused
to act longer with filibusters, Messrs.
Doolittle, Aitken, Ellis of Oregon and
Lacey stopped voting on the next vote
and the previous question on the adop
tion of the order was only sustained by
one more than a quorum.
When it came to adopting the special
order, Messrs. Bowers, Lucas, Pickler
(Rep.), and Dunn (Dem.) again joining
the silent host and the quorum was lost,
only 176 members responding to their
Washington, Feb. 28. The senate
held a two-hours session Wednesday, the
whole of which was given to a speech by
Senator Frye in opposition to President
Cleveland's Hawaiian policy.
Washington, Marm 1. The long
Btruggle in the house over the Bland bill
for the coinage of the silver seigniorage
and the silver bullion in the treasury was
ended Thursday by passing the bill by a
vote of 167 to 1'dU, a majority in favor of
the bill of 37. The special order to bring
the bill to a vote was adopted by a bare
quorum immediately after the house con
vened. This broke the opposition of the
filibusterers and they were unable to do
anything further to place an obstacle in
the way of the bill. All the amendments
offered to the measure by its enemies
were defeated. The bill as passed was
in the nature of a substitute for the orig
inal text of the measure. The changes
do not affect the material features of the
The changes in the substitute simply
make specific the fact the seigniorage is
to be coined and that this bill shall not
effect the redemption of the treasury
notes under the existing law.
An analysis of the vote by which the
bill passed shows that 141 Democrats.
19 Republicans and 8 Populists, (total
168) voted for it and 79 Republicans and
50 Democrats (total 129) voted against it.
The bill for the rescue of the armament
of the wrecked Kearsargo passed just
before adjournment. The Joy-O'Neil
contested election case will be taken up
Washington, March l. A contro
versy which seemed imminent in the
senate Thursday owing to Mr. Voorhees
resolution proposing that Mr. Mills of
Texas be temporarily assigned to the
committee of finance in the absence of
Senator Vance was disputed by the
withdrawal of the resolution at the re
quest of the Senator from Texas.
Washington. March 2. The house-
Friday entered upon the consideration of
appropriation bills. The fortification
bill footing up something over $2,000,000
passed and then the pension appropriat
ions came up. This bill usually leads to
considerable display of political feeling
and Friday was no exception. Meredith
and Funk almost came to blows but
were parted by friends.
Washington, March . In the house
today two private bills were passed
by unanimous consent, one on motion
of Mr. Richardson (Tenn.j to pen
sion Fanny Norman and the other
on motion of Mr. Curtis (Kan.) to pension
Andrew Franklin, a captain in Captain
Armstrong s company in the war of 1812.
Washington, March 5. The debate
on the pension appropriation bills con
tinued all day in the house Monday and
at times considerable spirit was mani
fested. The principal speakers were
Messrs. Dolliver, Hepburn, Enloe and
Cannon. Hepburn (la.) declared the late
Confederate states contributed not even
$1 to the payment of pensions. Of the
$150,000,000 internal revenue tax, the
south paid less than $9,000,000; of the
$177,000,000 custom receipts, the south
paid but $4,000,000: of the miscellaneous
receipts, less than $2,000,000. "So that,"
said he, addressing tho southern mem
bers, "you contribute less than $15,000,
000 to the revenues of the government.
How do you get that back, $9,000,000 re
turns as sugar bounty; $5,000,000 in pen
sions, and $5,000,000 as a deficit in pos
tal receipts. You, therefore, receive
back $3,000,000 more than you contrib
ute. You contribute not a cent to north
ern pensions. What difference does it
make to you what we do with our
money'' Republican applause.
Washington, March 5. The senate
held a short session Monday and but
ittle business of importance was trans
acted. A brief fight was precipitated by
the intention expressed by the vice presi
dent to refer the Bland seigniorage bill
to the finance committee. Stewart (Nev.;
opposed this disposition of the bill and
asked that it be allowed to lie on the
table subject to being called at any time.
This was finally ordered. Mr. Stewart
at the same time offered a free silver
amendment to the bill. The only other
event of interest was the offering by
Morgan (Ala.) of a resolution looking to
the appointment of a tariff commission,
Frank It! bank Probably Fatally Wounded
For a Few Dollars.
Omaha, March 7. Frank Ribak,
grocer as Nineteenth and Clarke streets,
was shot, probably fatally, by a robber
Monday evening. Ribak was closing his
place for the evening, when the man en
tered and demanded his money.
"How much do you want?" asked the
grocer in a joking way.
"I want it all andd d quick," said
the robber.
Ribak was in front of the cash drawer
and tossed the man a bill. "Give me
all," demanded the robber, pressing his
pistol against Ribak's body. The grocer
made a move, and the robber fired. The
bullet passel entirely through Ribak's
abdomen. The murderer grabbed at
the cash and fled.
Kews Which Tell the Story of Serea Day
Crimea sad Casualties and Other Impor
tant Matters Arrange Attractlrely aad
Glvea la a Few Words.
Hartley Postoflice Robbed.
Bartley, Neb., March 5 Burglars
broke a window and entered the post
office and took $139 in stamps and money.
White Will Pay His Fine.
Nebraska City, Neb., March 5. Z.
T. White, convicted of libeling Secre
tary Morton, was put in jail until he
consented to pay his fine of $200.
Otoe County Pioneer Gone.
Nebraska City, Neb., March 3.
Lathrope Ellis, a resident of Otoe county
for the last quarter of a century, died at
his home near this city, aged 76.
ConTicted of Abusing Hit Child.
Beatrice, March 5. John Baser was
found guilty under an indictment for in
cest, his daughter being his victim.
Three days was consumed in the trial of
the case.
Death or Mrs. Elijah Yates.
Nebraska City, March 6. Mrs. Elijah
Yates, a resident of this city since 1854,
died. The deceased was a sister of Major
J.W. Pearman and well known through
out the Btate.
Death of an Old Citizen.
Fremont. Neb., March 6. Jackson
Williams, 66 years of age, a well known
and highly respected citizen has died.
Deceased leaves a wife, but no children.
His estate is valued at $150,000.
Toted Bonds For Waterworks.
Friend, Neb.. March 7. Friend had
the most exciting election ever held in
the city in regard to voting bonds for a
system of waterworks. There were 187
in favor of waterworks and 81 against.
Dawson Mills Burned.
Dawson, Neb., March 7. The Daw
son flouring mills, built within a year at
a cost of $15,000, was totally destroyed
by fire. Only a small amount of insur
ance was carried. Incendiarism is sus
pected. Nebraska Pioneer Printer Dead.
Ojiaiia, March 6. Charles S. Good
rich, one of Nebraska's pioneer printers
and publishers, died from the effecte of a
carbuncle. He was well known in Dem
ocratic politics, and was several times
elected to office.
Uncle John Bigler.
Chadron, Neb., March 6. Uncle John
Bigler, one of the prominent sporting
men of this place and a life-long Demo
crat, died of heart failure, aged 68. He
was well known throughout North
western Nebraska.
Kearney Will Vote on Bond Issue.
Kearney, Neb., March 3. At an ad
journed session of the city council an
ordinance was passed providing for a
vote on the proposition to donate to the
Kearney Canal company $60,000 to en
large the present canal.
Robbed a Depot at Casper.
Chadron, Neb., March a. The safe
at the Fremont. Elkhorn and Missouri
Valley depot at Casper, Wyo., was
cracked and f-2'T.) in cash, 100 Natrona
bonds and $2,000 m American Express
money orders were taken.
Officials Charged With Forgery.
Sidney. Neb., March 7. W. P.
Miles, county attorney, Daniel McAlees,
ex-count- clerk and James McMullan,
ex-depnty county clerk, have been held
in $2,000 bonds each before Judge
Ricker for forgiiur a countv warrant last
October amountfrig t) $240.
Heavy Showers OTer Xeuraska.
Omaha, March 6. From all over Ne
braska come reports of heavy showers,
in some cases accompanied by high
winds. No serious damage is reported
from any place, though many minor
losses are mentioned. The worst fear is .
felt for winter wheat, which may bo
sprouted, the frost being nearly all out
of the ground.
Omaha Irrigation Congress.
Ojiaha, Neb., March 7. Complete ar
rangements have been made for the
great Irrigation Congress which will be
held in this city from March 21 to -4.
The following states will be represented
by delegates, and probably others; Ne
braska, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming,
Montana, South Dakota and Idaho. Sev
eral members of Congress have agreed to
be present, one of them writing that he
considered this to be the most important
convention to be held in the year.
Collecting Excess Fees.
O'Neill, Neb., March 3. Judgment
was rendered in the district court against
G. C. Hazelet, ex-county clerk, in the
sum of $1,514.01 and interest, making a
total amount of $1,866.38, claimed as fees
collected by him in excess of the amount
allowed for his compensation during his
first term of office and for which he failed
to settle with the county. A similar case
is now on trial against Hazelet covering
his second term of office, and in which
the county is seeking to collect about
E. B. Moore, a brakeman, was run over
and killed by a train near Shackleford,
Ed Hughes, aged 16 yean, was accident
ally shot and killed by a companion while
hunting near Atchison, Kan.
By the blowing up of the rebel trana
nort Venus at Porto Madame, Brazil. 28
men and Captain Vaaconcellos lost their
The body of Ex-Governor Meases ar of
XTonr Kol trrr m. fmard Kill at t.
tone, Italy, whfr A diet j