4fakes More 1 L Hakes Whiter. Makes Better- BHD Than any other Flour Manufactured. HARRINGTON & TOBIN, ttSTOIWrH: PLATTE, Agents for Western Nebraska. Ask vour grocer to buy it of us. Notice the brand, and if you use Minnesota Flour, take no other. LEGAL NOTICES. In the matter of the estate of George A. If ew jnan. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased Will meet the administrator of said Es tate before me, County Judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, in the county court room in said county on the 7th day of June. 1891, on the 7th day of July,1894,andon the 7th day of August, 1894, at one o'clock p. m. each day for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examination, adjustment and aUowance. Six months are allowed for credi tors to present their claims, and one year for the administrator to settle said estate from the 7th day of February, 1894. This notice will be pub lished in the Nobth Platte Tbibujje newspaper for four weeks successively, on and after Febru ary 7th, 1894. JAMES M. KAY, 54 County Judge. XOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., ) February 19th, 1894. J Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hiscjaim, and that Bid proof will be made before Register and Receiver at North Platte. Neb., on April 21st, 1894. viz: Ella I. Dickey, widow of John 1. Dickey, deceased, who made Homesteod Entry No. 12.880 for the southeast quarter section 24, township 15 north, Tange31 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: JohnJ. Uerger, Lester Walker, John Boycrly and William Hubartt,allof North Platte, Neb, 76 A. S. BALDWIN. Register. U. P. TIME TABLE. OOINO EAST. No.t-tlantic Express Dept 12:30 a. at. No. 6 Chicago Express ' 6:30 a. m. No. 4 Fast Mail.... 8 50 a.m. No. 2-Limited "10:05 a.m. No. 23-Freight " '50 A. M. No.l8-Freight ?5? P" M' No. 22 Freight 45 a. m. OOINO WEST MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 7-Pacific Express Dept 4:40a. m X , Kr..,.. V-rnr0l.a " 1050 V. M No. 1-Limited lOtfO p. M No.21-Freigl.t " No 23 Freight A- M K N. B. OLDS. Agent. p RIMES & WILCOX, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, NOBTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. Office over North Platte National Bank. A. H. CHURCH, LAWYER, NOKTH PLATTE, - - ' NEBRASKA. Office: Hinman Block, Spruce Sweet. D R. N. F. DONALDSON, Assistant Surgeon Union Pacific Railway and Member of Pension Board, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. Office over Streitz's Drug Store. yp-M. EVES, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, NORTH PLATTE, ... NEBRASKA Office: Neville's Block. Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty. CENTRAL MARKET F. M. HECK, Prop. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Fresh, Salted and Smoked MEATS. Hams, Bacon, Fresh Sausage, Poul try, Eggs, Etc. Cash Paid for Hides and Furs. Your patronage is respectfully so licited and we will aim to please you at all times. CLAUDE WEINGAND, DEALER IN Coal Oil, Gasoline, Crude Petroleum and Coal Gas Tar. Leave orders at Evans1 Book Store. NORTH FLtTT Marble Works. Manufacturer of and Dealer in Jlonuments, Headstones, Curbing, Building Stone, And all kinds of IVIonumental and Cemetery Work. Careful attention given to lettering of every description. Jobbine done on Sort notice. Orders solicited and esti mates freely given. E. B. WARNER. Funeral Director. AND EMBALMER. MlllM'of first-class funeral snppliee . ' always in stock:' fOBTH PLATTE, - HBHBUSft. tenters promptly auenueu vu. The storehouses and granaries are u full and the bank vaults are crowded with too much idle monev to per- mit the nrolonsration of the present depression in business. If the poli ticians will let the people know just what they can expect in the ruture the times will grow better in spite of all legislation. Seven vears have passed since Nebraska suffered a severe blizzard. Dnriiif? that time states east, north and west of us have been visited bv terrific snow and wind storms. Nebraska cau no longer be desig nated the home of the blizzard. In fact the climate of this state is no where excelled. Joseph T. Dory, of Warsaw, 111., was troubled with rheumatism and tried a number of different remedies but says none of them seemed to do him any good; but finally he got hold of one that speedily cured him. He was much pleased with it, and felt sure that others similarly afflicted would like to know what the remedy was that cured him He states for the benefit of the public that it is called Chamber Iain's Pain Balm For sale by A. F. Streitz and North Platte Phar-mace. The two reasons for democrats favoring the income tax are, first, they have got to have the money, and second, it is like England, you know. England has dictated the "reform in tariff," and why not a tax on incomes? The income tax is not popular in England, bjt never the less it is a fixture. The fact that 30,000 wool growers of the west have forwarded a pro test to Washington against the free wool provision of the tariff bill sug gests the ide that these same farm ers should habe made their protests against a possible free wool contin gency at the ballot box in Novem ber, 1892. The farmers of the west were among the people who de manded a change in the administra tion policy of the government. Perhaps they believed the change would only affect the other fellows. Bee. How's This! We oiler One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. "We the undersigned have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction uud financially able to carry out an' obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Walding, Kinnan & "Mar vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tak6n internally. acting directly upon the blond and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free. Representative Morse, of Massa chusetts, estimates the shrinkage of values of property, and actual losses to workingmen because of the free trade policy of Cleveland, at 15, 000,000,000. Rather a high price to pa' for the sweet boon of Grover Cleveland! The trans-Atlantic steamboat lines of the continent of Europe have formed a big po.ol for their trans-Atlantic passenger trade earn ings, and are negotiating to pool also the earnings of their freight business. The British steamship Cos. are likely to conclude also an agreement with the continental lines in order to diminish competition. Mr. Albert Favorite, of Arkansas City, Kan., wishes to give our readers the benefit of his expirience with colds. He savs "1 contracted a cold early last spring that settled on my lungs, and had hardly re covered from it when I caught another that hung on all summer and left me with a hacking cough which I thought 1 never would get rid of. I had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy some fourteen years ago with much success, and con cluded to try it again. When I had got through with one bottle my cough had left me, and I have not suffered with a cough or cold since. I have recommended it to others. and all speak well of it." 50 cent bottles lor sale by A. F. btreitz, and North Platte Pharmacy. II PACIFIC Ml HUT, I. A. FORT 5 Has 200,000 acres of TJ. P. K. R. land for sale on the ten year plan, uau ana see him if you want a bargain. GEO. NAU MAN'S SIXTH STREET MEAT MARKET. Meats at wholesale and re tail. Fish and Game in season. Sausage at all times. Cash paid for Hides. Eheumatism, Nervous Dis eases and Asthma CANNOT BE CURED without the aid of ELECTRICITY. We do not sell the apparatus, but rent. CURE GUARANTEED. Send for further information to P. A. LEONARD & CO., Madison, Wis. Dr. Salisbury, the painless dentist, may be found at Dr.Xiongley's office on the" third Monday and the following Tuesday of each month, and will extend his visit as much longer as business justifies. A MAIDEN'S LIPS. One day when Mother Natnx Was in a pleasant mood She called about her Youth and Health And others of her brood. "Jly children, ire have fashioned. With all the arts ire know. The roso and all the fairest flowers That in our garden grow. "But I'm not satisfied, dears. I have within my heart The imago of a fairer flower. That calls for all our art. Tour skill and aid I need, dears. Yours, Joy and Melody, And Eeauty, Youth and Sunshine too. Come, now, and toil with me." Long timo they toiled, Dame Nature And all her offspring too. Their hearts and souls were in their task, And fast tho flowrct grew. Now Nature's fingers molded. Now Laughter smoothed and curved And brightened up some little spot Her keen eyes had observed. And Health and Youth and Sunshine . Their tribute deftly paid Till Mistress Beauty took her turn. And then the flower was made! "There's not so sweet," cried Nature, "A flower the wild bee sips. We'll name it!" And the flowret Was called a maiden's lips. Boston Traveller. SHE WAS PEBTTY. I had stated my intention of going to see Miss Kitty clearly enough, bat in doing so I had no very fixed idea as to what I should do when I did see her, and in fact I was entirely nonplused by the whole situation. I determined to retire to my ham mock and think over matters in gen eral. As I lay there, swinging lightly over the water, and with the distant sound of the weir lulling my senses pleasantly, it is not to be wondered at that I fell into dreamy reverie. Old half forgotten recollections came thronging upon me; of little flaxen haired Kitty, whom I used to torment and laughingly ask to be my little wifie, nearly a dozen years ago, when she was a little chit of 10; of her father, my old friend John Dobson, -who used to say in his sober business way, "And so she shall be, Mildenhall, if I can help you, and yon care to have her when she is grown up;" of that quaintly touching clause in poor Dobson 's will 'by which he bad done all that lay in his power to help me. And I, engrossed in turning over money in tho city, had clean forgotten all about her! I was aroused by the sound of voices and looked round. There, in the very identical place where Mr. Bob Tyncker had done his extremely futile fishing in the morning, he and Kitty were sitting and talking. "And so the old fellow and a queer old fellow hois, too," Mr. Bob was say ing, "will be round at the house this very afternoon to see about claiming your hand." "Oh, Bob!" said Kitty, trembling. "I say, Kitty," said Bob mischiev ously, "suppose he really wants to stick to his old idea of making you his little wifie, eh? What shall you do then?" "Oh, Bob,. don't," said poor Kitty. "He has been such a bugbear to me late ly that that" ("that there is a dan ger of a young lady shedding tears at the very mention of his name," 1 thought to myself grimly, for Kitty did not seem to be able to complete the sen tence herself). "Nevermind, Kitty," said poor Bob, hugging her tenderly. "I am a brute to have suggested such an idea. If he doesn't refuse to have you, why, you will just have to refuse him, you know, and that will bring the whole matter to the usual way of doing things, from a young lady point of view, you see." "So it will," said Kitty, brightening up once more; "but, Bob, then the $25, 000 will have to go to the Methodist chapel, and that is just the very thing that has been making uncle so terribly savage." "Let him be, " said Bob stoutly. "It won't hurt us after today; you will be free then, you see, and marry whoever you like. And we have plenty to set up housekeeping on between us, without the beastly money let him be angry if he likes." ' 'And so he is, sir, " shouted Mr. Dob son suddenly, poking his head over the top of the bank. "So he is! It would make a saint savage to be set at defiance in this way. I begin to think" "Stop!" I called out, rising hastily in my hammock. Splish ! Somebody had fallen into the water. Me, by Jove, and so I began striking out lustily on all sides, with hands, feet, fingers, elbows 1 cannot exactly call myself a swimmer and getting my boots above water more frequently than my head, I am afraid, till I was sud denly grasped by the collar firmly. "Keep cool," said my young friend Bob Tyncker authoritatively for he it was nimbly swimming on his back with two legs and one arm, and draw ing me after him with theother. "Keep cool; I've got you all right!" "Cool it is!" I thought to myself, my spirits reviving as I felt myself towed along right across the river! For Bob, it seems, like a retriever he certainly swam as well as one would not con descend to lay me anywhere but at the very feet of his mistress. "There, at last! hurra" An overwhelming rush of water across my face cut short my self, con gratulation ; 1 was fairly under, in fact. And the remarkably unpleasant thought flashed upon me that 1 was driving down under tho dipping bnsh. But a spasmodic jerk from Tyncker brought me to tho top once more, and as I gasped for breath I heard his voice: "Shift for yourself catch hold of the bush I'm going!" I caught the branches as high up as possible and got a glance behind me. Tyncker was not only going ho was gone, diving down under the bush, hav ing sacrificed himself to keep me from a like fate. I Eaw his face disappearing beneath the water; I heard the despairing cry of Kitty frora the bank, and letting go my own hold with one hand I thrust down and caught tho poor fellow's collar and turned a remarkably wild eye to the on lookers. Tho old gentleman was helplessly shouting and running to and fro, but I saw his niece rapidly unknotting from her waist that heavy scarf of gold which she had worn all day. Then, like a flash of fire in the sunlight, one end leaped out at me. Well thrown! Tho embroidered fringe fell across the branches and over my wrist. Quick as thought I had quitted my useless clutch on the yielding twigs, and with a con vulsive leap in the water had got a dou ble turn of the scarf about my wrist. Of course I went under, but with a mind fully made np upon two points that nothing but death should tear me from my hold upon that scarf of course not! and that if ever I was to bo pulled out alive Tyncker should come too. I don't know how long I held my breath an age, I fancy, and then a rush of fire swept across my vision. I was gone it struck me forcibly a burning, exhilarating sensation in ray throat, and tho sound of a voice speak ing, as it seemed, many miles away. The voice drew close to me. at a bound, and opening my eyes I saw some one stooping over me, brandy flask in hand and an expression of horror on bis face. That expression instantly van ished as he caught my gaze. "Thiaone is all right, Kitty; he is coming round fast. Here, take the flask and give Tyncker some more brandyl Cheer up; ho will be all right in a min ute. " Some suspicious sounds in my im mediate neighborhood caused me to turn my head feebly in the direction whence they were proceeding, and then I knew everything. Of courso! We had been in the river and had been pulled out again! For there, on his back, even as I lay on mine, lay Mr. Bob Tyncker, and on her knees beside him, bending low over his face, was Miss Kitty Dobson. And the golden scarf sadly changed for tho worse lay midway between us. uno glance was sumcient to assure me that Mr. Bob Tyncker wad nearly as far advanced on the road to recovery as I was myself, and that Miss Kitty held a most exalted opinion of his lato ex ploit. They made a pretty picture. But the old gentleman s face grew cloudy as ho looked at it. Ho leaned over me in irritated Bilence, brandy flask in hand, and I thought it was time to speak. "How are you, Dobson?" I said, with a faint Binile. "I am afraid you don't recognize me in this draggled condition, but" "Why, so it is!" exclaimed the old gentleman. "It's Mildenhall! Why, how do you come to be down here? I say," he continued in a sort of stage whisper, and with a troubled look at the others, "I am very glad you have come. I'm half afraid, as it is, you are too late." "Too lato for what?" I asked, trying to sit up and presently succeeding. "Why, that!" he whispered testily. and nodding his head in a disturbed way in the direction of tho young peo ple. "Man, don't you recollect that you were to have the first say in that sort of thing?" "So I was," I rejoined, "and I will speak to Kitty at once." "Good!" said Mr. Dobson. looking much relieved at my alacrity and call ing the young lady. "Come here, Kit ty; this gentleman here wants to speak to you. Mr. Mildenhall, Kitty," he explained grimly. It was a very limp hand that I man aged to get hold of and shako as heart ily as I could. "You see that I have lost no time in coming down to see you, Kitty," I said,' holding her hand the while, and think ing it best to plunge at once in medias res. "You reach the age of 20 today, don't you?" "Yes," said poor Kitty faintly, and trying feebly to get her hand away, but I still held on. "There is something in a certain will which concerns you and me. I want to talk to you about it." "Yes?" whispered pocr Miss Kitty, still more faintly and with another fee ble and futile attempt to draw her hand from mine. "Would not some other time when you are dry?" "No, my dear," I said. "I would rather do it now. You are a very pret ty girl and a very brave and clever one, and you have just saved my life with your scarf, as I realizo very plainly, so that you will always hold a very dear place in my heart. "And so I came to the conclusion" I couldn't help pausing a moment to enjoy her consternation "that I will have nothing more to do with you or your hand, however earnestly you may offer it tome" letting it goat last. ''1 reject you entirely and hand you over to that j-oung villain whom I hope to call my friend for the rest of my life Mr. Bob Tyncker." Temple Bar. A Long Sleep. The longest continuous cataleptic sleep known to medical science was re ported from Germany in the spring of 1892; tho patient a Silesian miner having remained absolutely unconscious for a period of 4 months. The doc tors in attendance could not report any thing in tho way of symptoms which would suggest that there was something out of the ordinary in the man's slnm bers, excepting a complete rigidity of the limbs. One peculiarity which was much commented upon was that the hair grew naturally during the whole of the extended nap, but his beard remain ed perfectly stationary and lifeless. St. Louis Republic. Bostonlana. Mamma Now, dear, tho doctor's gone, wnaz can i uo to amuse your Emerson (aged 5, wearily) If you please, mother, I think I should like to go to sleep and reduce my temperature. (Fact.) Vogue. Tho Mothers' Union. A great man, speaking lately on edu cation, said there was one question which presented itself, "Are we, by all these modern schemes, training the characters of our children or merely occupying their minds?" Parents cannot delegate their responsibilities a truism vigorous ly emphasized of late by head masters of public schools. And on whom does the duty of early training chiefly devolve but on the mother? It was to call forth tho great reserve force of mothers' influence that Mrs. Sumner, wife of the bishop of Guildford and already well known as a gifted writer and speaker, started some 17 years ago her noble work of the Moth ers' union. First inaugurated in the Westchester diocese, it has spread with marvelous rapidity all over England (never being introduced into any parish without cler ical sanction) till it now numbers many thousands of members, from highest to lowest in rank, not only in the United Kingdom, but also in India, Australia, Tasmania, Canada and America. Tho Mothers' union is for all classes, from duchess to peasant, and consists of mem bers and associates. Florence Moore in London Journal. Jean Brooks Greenleaf. Meeting for the first time Mrs. Jean Brooks Greenleaf, the president of the New York State Suffrage association, one feels in the presence of an individual ity whose strong influence is accentuated by much kindness of heart. Her features denote energy, her voice is clear and in cisive, and she is an ever ready advocate of the cause she has so warmly espoused. Mrs. Greenleaf was made president of the State Suffrage association in 1890 and since that time has made unceasing effort to organize the state into county and local societies. During the last year she, with the assistance of the secretary, circulated over 8,000 documents. Mrs. Greenleaf was nominated by the Democrats of the Twenty-eighth senato rial district as delegate to the constitu tional convention. She made an active cause, polled a handsome vote, but was defeated with the rest of the ticket. As a presiding officer Mrs. Greenleaf is clear and decisive, tempering wisdom with justice. As a friend and fellow worker her genial, kindly nature has endeared her to all. American Woman's Journal. , WOMAN'S WORLD. DOLL MODELS FOR PARISIAN DRESS MAKERS TO BE REVIVED. A Sorrow Crowned Princess. It is a nitv that some serinns renorta regarding the familv of the Prince of Wales are not set at rest. Color is given Saffrage la New York She Teaches Skirt DaaclBC A Society and Business Wom an Mrs. Cleveland and Her Servants. Boston's Unemployed Women. An enterprising west end dressmaker in London is about to revive an old fash ion first introduced into England in the fifteenth century, when fashion plates and fashion papers were unknown. She intends having her new models made up to fit large sized dolls made for this pur pose with all styles of figures thin, plump, tall and short, matronly and youthful. Many years ago, when Paris held, as she does now, the scepter of fashion, the only fashion plates were largo dolls sent out from that city to all the great cities, one every six months, to announce to the world the new modes. In Florence, the center of all that was sumptuous and beautiful in dress, by whose old cos tumes many of our newest dress ideas are inspired, the doll was exhibited pub licly on the portico of a great central palace on the feast of the ascension, and the famous Venetian beauties and their needlewomen were early at the shrines adjacent that they might on their way catch a glimpse of the new mode. In Paris today, at the establishments of some of the great costumers, a lady who orders at tho cost of a king's ran som a gown specially designed for her may see it and study it made upon a doll shaped like herself in figure and modeled after the same type in coloring. But to have the different prevailing modes il lustrated on figures of all types will, with sensible women, bring about a new and better dress era, for with the pow er to see ourselves as others see us we could not make such blunders in selec tion as the following of pictured models inevitably results in. The woman of generous proportions would be cured of her passion for plaids and bright hues could she see for herself their disastrous effect; the woman of slight build would realize how like au exclamation point she looks in a black gown; the little fluffy woman would never try to do tho severe and stately; the majestic would eschew frills and fripperies; the elderly matron would leave the delicate tints for youthful faces and realize that as she grew in years she needed stronger tints and richer fabrics and more carefully adjusted and accu rately fitted toilets than when youthful grace lent charm to even a homemade gown. Above all, woman would have a chance to learn the first and great com mandment in dress, which is not to form her gowns upon what some one else wears unless that some one else is ex actly her own height, weight, complex ion and age. Chicago Record. 1 Suffrage In New York. The New York court of appeals has affirmed the previous decision of Justice Williams of the New York supreme court, which was afterward upheld by the same court at its general term, declaring nn constitutional the law enacted by the last legislature allowing women to vote for county school commissioners. This decision was not unexpected. Uuder the us:al principle of interpreta tion the constitutional limitation of tho word "male" is considered applicable to all officers specifically named and pro vided for in the state constitution. The school commissioner is a county officer specified in the state constitution. This decision does not deprive the women of New York state of the right which they have had since 1880 to vote in towns and cities for members of school boards, these local elections being subject to regula tion by the legislature. Nor would it prevent the legislature from extending full municipal suffrage to the women. The Illinois supreme court drew a sim ilar.uistinction. In 1891 the Illinois leg islature passed a bill to enable women to vote for all school officers. The consti tutionality of the law was called in ques tion. The supreme court decided that the legislature could not give women the right to vote for couuty superintendent of schools because that office was named in the state constitution, but that the women could vote for all other school officers, even to tho regents of the state university, smce these were not named in ine constitution. Boston Woman's Journal. She Teaches Skirt Dancing. The London papers have much to say of ."that wonderful little woman, Mrs. TTT ' r , J 1 i worosworm, wiio is teacuing sKirc dancing to the female young of the aris tocracy. She is said to be at the present moment teaching 10,000 pupils. Mrs. lish girl wanting in natural grace of movement and believes that this epidemic of high kicking and accordion skirts which is passing over the land is a won derful opportunity by which the present generation may acquire that graceful motion which has ,not always been the inseparable accompaniment of gauche English girlhood. The queen, hearing of Mrs. Words worth's fame as an instructor of stiff an kles, sent for this energetic little lady, who was introduced to teach tho chil dren of Princess Beatrice. Possessing a stentorian voice and extreme vigor in her manner of imparting, Mrs. Words worth treated her little items of royalty to the same shouts and signals which she finds so effective with her great army of pupils, the queen being present and much interested in the lesson. Next time this celebrated dancing mistress visited Windsor, however, it was politely inti mated through a lady in waiting that her' majesty's nerves had been a little tried by the "forcible" method of her ex cellent instruction, so the royal Batten berg babies had perforce a much easier half hour. A Society and Bnslness Woman. Among the young Washington women with longheads for business is Mrs. Rich ardson Clover, wife of Lieutenant Clover of the navy. Mrs. Clover is the especial admiration of bank officials and business men, who watch with interest her manip ulation of the immense property which she inherited from her father and moth er. .Previous to tne deatn or tne latter,, but since Mrs. Clover came into posses sion of the entire estate, she has handled it without aid. All investments are made on her own judgment, and leading bank officials call her a second Hetty Green. Among Mrs. Clover's possessions is a large fruit farm in the Napa valley, Cali fornia, which she had not visited for sev eral years. During the last summer Mrs. Clover executed one of those clever moves in which she is an adept. She found her place on her arrival smiling under an unusual crop of prunes. Un fortunately all the neighboring planta tions were rejoicing in the same way, and it didn't take more than a few hours for Mrs. Clover to size up the situation and reach the conclusion that prunes wouldn't bring the cost of gathering the crop when that time arrived. She telegrapuea at once ror an evap orating machine, watched it set up, and while her neighbors were giving away prunes Mrs. Clover, fresh from the gay- eties of Washington, superintended the evaporation other crop and complacent ly saw it packed away tiU prices come i out of the ooiiom of Tho pit. ITbw she has just given the handsomest fancy dress ball of the season m her magnifi cent new Washington residence. Kate Field s Washington. A PHYSICIAN'S STORY. Mrs. Cleveland ar Her Servants. Although not much of the methods and management of Mrs. Cleveland's house keeping is known, for she eschews pub licity in all private matters as much as possible, its results are very satisfactory bo far as that very uncertain quantity- the servants is concerned. She pays them extravagant pricea, and they stay with her forever that is cer tain. There has scarcely been a change since she began housekeeping seven years ago. Many of the White House servants as many as she could take went with her to New York and are now again in the White House. In addressing her servants Mrs. Cleveland is always par ticularly courteous and speaks as if she were talking to people for whom she has high respect and even regard. Another idea which Mrs. Cleveland sees carried out in the management of her servants is to provide them with the means of amusement. They can not only have nights "out," but nights "in." And they are encouraged to enjoy themselves like privileged members of society. In the Clevelands' home there are always a servants' dining room, a servants' sitting room, and if there is an unused boiler room or attic it can be used for dancing and evening frolics. There are no restrictions as long as the household duties are faithfully per formed. Neither aro any inquiries made upon reliinons topics. But all aro re quired to attend some church. With such rational ways of dealing with the "servant girl question," it is no wonder that Mrs. Cleveland does not find iC a perplexing one. Boston Journal. smile. lt on mo as I Boston's Unemployed Women. Unemployed women are at a greater disadvantage than men owing to lack of training and a greater limitation of the kinds of work provided. Tho charwomen cannot sew. Everybody knows that housework impairs a woman's ability to do nice sewing. Her fingers loso their elasticity and deftness by the continual use of the broom, scrubcloth and con tact with the stove and cooking utensils. The comparison holds m a greater degree between the heavier household labors and the commoner kinds of sewing. She who washes, irons and scrubs does not like and is indeed unfitted to sew at all. The Bedford street sewingroom, there for, can from the nature of things only furnish work for a very limited number of the unemployed women. And the rest! What is to be done with the other wom en who have presented themselves be fore the relief committee bearing all the evidences of need and equally unmistaka ble evidences of utter inefficiency? Noth ing is so deplorable, so despairingly pa thetic as the appearance of many of theso poor women. Boston Herald. Iov tke Xady, Sis Patient, Managed t Keep en With Her Oplam. . Thin story comes from one of our best known physicians. For reasons that are obvious the proper name of the woman is withheld. "Sho is a divorcee," the physician said, "and is qaite well known in soci ety. She is good looking, clever and rich, but for a long time was addicted to tho uso of opium. The habit grew so strong that her relatives advised her to go to Homo sanitarium for treatment. For a long timo she refused to do this, but when they threatened to havo her confined in some asylum she yielded and came to our retreat "She brought a nurse with her a clever, bright faced girl whom Bhe paid 850 a week to wait on her. We were all greatly surprised as the days went by to note that she did not seem to be at all depressed, as most people are during the first few weeks of ab Btinence from tho drug. Sho se'emed as bright and as cheerful as on the first day. I said to her once: "You don't seem to mies your opium.' " No,' she said, with a did not have such a hold thought it did.' "One day, after Bhe had been there over a month, wo discovered by mere accident what kept her socheerful. One of our attendants caught her in tho act of taking opium. When wo asked her where she had obtained tho drug, she refused at first to tell. After a little urging, however, she told tat that she had brought a lot of optura with her. "Tho matron searched her reom, and when she came to the office to report sho was almost speechless with amaze ment. Tho woman had hidden little packages of opinin in every conceivable Dart of all her dresses. There was opium in the eleeves, in tho ruffles, in the lace, in the lining and in every pocket. There was opium sewed inside her garters and in her undergarments. Sho even had opium in the papers which sho used to curl her hair. "It was her maid's duty, we learned, to administer this opium to her in such a way that we would not detect it. Tho young girl always curled her mis tress' hair and took care not to spill any of the drug in the curl papers. "Tho maid was promptly sent home. Her mistress was relieved of all her clothine and was supplied with new dresses and placed in another room. For several weeks she underwent tho depressin;' cxperienco of all who break off the habit. AU her brightness and cood nature vanished for a timo. She is now cured, however, and is married again." New York Sun. Those Pimples Are tell-tale symptoms that your blood I is not right full of tmpuruies, caiistng a sluggish and unsightly complexion, z A few bottles of 6'. i 8. willremorel ? all foreign and impure matter, cleanse 1 the blood thoroughly and give a clear i and rosy complexion, it is most ejjectr f uaZ, ana entirely harmless. iuas. ncaion, xaurci direct, a uil., mjj. I have had for icaraa humor in my blood which made me dread to shave, as small boils or pimples would be cut, thus causing shaving to X beagreatannovance- After taking three bottles a my lace is all clear and smoom as 4 it should be appetite splendid, X siccd vreu anti itei inc iguuee a foot race all for the use of S. S. S. Treatise on biood and skin diseases milled free. 4 SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. i titnimiinnDMnmnti Hershey 8c Co. kciiira DEALERS IX Implcmenfs a! OF ALL KINDS, Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Road Carts, Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb Wire, Etc. Locust Streot, between Fifth and Sixth R. D. THOMSON, and Builder. Rallying to the Standard. Nothing succeeds like success. In Colo rado the Young Men's Christian associa tion of Denver hastens to disclaim the charge"of having opposed woman suf frage and claims to have aided it. The "Woman's Christian Temperance union, too, comes forward witn tne assurance that it worked for woman suffrage in 1875 and has been pushing it ever since, all of which is very pleasing and satis factory to the little band of suffragists that stood by Governor Pope in his ef fort to have the territorial legislature establish woman suffrage in 1870, and that has carried the flag for a quarter of a century, winning school suffrage in the state constitutional convention of 187G and carrying on a woman suffrage cam paign in 1877. Let all wear their laurels, but let us not forget that woman suf frage is still on-trial and must secure its future by prompt and vigorous co-opera tion with tho best measures and men. "Woman's Journal. The Welsh Ladies' Choir. The fame of tho "Welsh ladies' choir, which won prizes m Chicago, has some what tardily reached royal ears, with the result that the queen invited the members to sing at Osborne on Feb. 8. Her majesty has been unusually gay this season. There have been tableaux vi vauts, concerts or theatricals every week since Christmas, and a stage has been specially fixed in the Indian room, the gorgeous annex to Osborne, which was built at a cost of thousands of pounds, all taken from the royal privy purse. The queen has definitely promised to attend the wedding of the Duke of Hesse and the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha's daughter soon alter faster, anu mere is utile doubt that she will then meet her affec tionate grandson, Emperor "William. London Letter. The Typical American. The tvpical Americans havo all been western men, with the exception, let us say, of Washington. Washington had not had much of European culture. The qualities that made him a great com mander and a great president were qualities which would have made him an equally great frontiersman. You cannot iniagino Hamilton or Madison or Livingston or John Adams or the Pinckneys living tolerably on the fron tier. They are not Americans in the sense in which Clay and Jackson and Lincoln are Americans. Wo may wish that tho typical .Americans of the past had had more knowledge, a more culti vated appreciation of tho value of what was old and established, a jnster view of foreign nations and foreign politics; that they had been more like Webster and less like Jackson, and we may hope that the typical American of the future will be wiser and better poised. But in the meantime tho past is to be under stood and estimated as tho facts stand, and only a thoroughly sympathetic com prehension of these men, who have actu ally been the typical Americans, will enable us to effect that purpose. The fact that Clay rather than Webster, Jackson and not John Qnincy Adams, represented the foices which were really predominant and distinctively Amer ican in our development is commentary enough on any theory that makes either of the peculiar sections of tho Atlantic seaboard the principal or only theater of American history. Forum. 127 Sixth St. Cor. ofViue, , NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA." FARMS FOR SALE! Four of Lincoln County's Best Farms, Eali containing 160 acres. Well. adapted for farming and stock rais ing; nine miles from railroad sta tion. One farm contains a fine' voting orchard, and is well im proved. For further particulars ddres3 BOX 45, NORTH PLATTE, 1STEB. 4,000 Golumns OF-- G ocd eadine; -FOR- $1.30 Tiie Tribune and My lot Ocean CAUSE FOR MOURNING. The Chinete Minister at Washington Weep ncil WaiU Over a Gas Bill. Tho Chinese legation has always been an object of curiosity in Washington, and the mysterious goings on in the fa mous old Stewart castle, which the Ce lestials used to inhabit, were a never failing source of wonder and speculation. Now that the legation has a magnificent triple house for its homo out on the heights the interest in tho inhabitants is still further increased. Tho Chineso min ister is new to "Washington, and his ii norance of some of its ways was the cause of a very peculiar complication the other daj-. The monrlily bills of the Washington Gas Light company are printed on paper of a peculiarly turty yehow tint, which happens to be tho eact hue of tho Chi nese emblems of mourning. The long 6trips are left regularly at the doors of all houses in the city and at the Chinese legation among the rest. The other day one was left for the first time at the new home of the legation, which is filled with new Chinese servants. The gas bill strip was left in the vestibule, and being car ried to the new minister profounuly af fected him. It was evidently intended, . . i . ?x? r no tnougnt, as a noimcaiion or some body's death, and as it was left at the legation door it doubtless indicated tho bereavement of some f amily high in offi cial life. The minister at once gave orders to close tho house. The usual instruments of mourning were brought out, the shut ters were drawn, and passersby for the remainder of the evening were regaled with a combination of curious noises such as tho Chinese only know how to utter when engaged in bewailing the dead, and the minister retired with the satisfaction of knowing that ho had per formed a diplomatic courtesy. Cor. Bos ton Advertiser. A Trousers Episode. My journalistic friend on The Beacon tells this story : A dignified and elderly epinster who sits at an editorial desk m town was asked by tho manager of her paper the other day if she knew of any poor but deserving person who would like a pair of his discarded trousers and replied that her furnace man would doubtless hail them with joy. Accordingly a mornin'' or two later she found on her desk a brown paper labeled plainly, "Old trousers for Miss W 's furnace man. ax. mgnt sue carriea tne parcel home in her hands, together with an other smaller package. bitting in tlio trolley car between a couple of gentlemen, sho noticed that ono of them seemed to be mnch amnsed abont something in her lap. What was her horror and disgust, on looking down, to observe that she had partly covered the larger parcel with the smaller, concealing the last part of tho inscription, so that it read in bold black Ecript, "Old trousers for Miss W ," civjmr hnrnaninin fnll! Boston Globe. WORTHY OF CONFIDENCE. Both one year 1.30. This ought to prove sat isfactory to even the fellow wants the eartn for a nickel. Come in and get double value for vour monev. 77 DR. HUMPHREYS' New Specific No. Seienty-SeYen FOR THE CURE OF Only in Paris has tuere been anj- at tempt to attach a sinister meaning to the reconciliation between the kaiser and Prince Bismarck. All Germany ex pressed unfeigned delight over the happy reunion, and the rest of Europo looked on with sjinpathetic interest and ap provals Jealous Frenchmen pretend to see in the event the first step toward winning away their new found Russian friends. They argue also that tho em peror is unwilling to enter the impend ing war without the support of the Iron Chancellor. Bismarck's friends in Eng land .see no other significance in the inci dent than a worthy desire on the part of the young emperor not to allow the man to whom ho owes his throne to go down to his grave unreconciled. Paris Letter. Oempsey's Sparrins Partner Didn't GIt Jfotico of ills Intended Stnr l'lay, Jack Dempsey, "the Nonpareil," the winner ot 01 prize fights, who finallv 3uccumueu to ltzsiniinons. is emraired j u with a theatrical company to givo spar ring exm unions, liis partner is Denny uostigan. l hey are warm friends. Costigan recently was introduced to 3ome ladies and was anxious to make a good impression. He invited them to the theater, purchased a box in which he placed them and confidentially told them to watch him give Dempsey a friendly trouncing. Dempsey was surprised at Costigan'a unusual vigor that night and was pleased at the prospect of giving a lively bout. Costigan s very strong tonight," mur mured Dempsey to his bottle holder aft er the first round." The bottle holder smiled and answered: 'Yes. He told those ladies in tho box he would make a show of you." "He did, did he?" said Dempsey grim ly, and when tho men came together Costigan recoiled at the first blow from Dempsey. 'Go easy, go easy, counseled Costi gan. "llus am t a ngnt. Let's give them their money s worth. With all its symptoms of Influenza. Catarrh, Pains and Soreness in the Head and Chest, Cough, Soro Throat and general Prostration and Fever. Taken early it cuts it short promptly ; token during its prevalence, prevents its inva sion; taken while suffering irom it, a relief is speedily realized, -which is con- tinned to an entire cure. This being a JXevr Remedy, if your Draggist will not get it for you, it -will be sent prepaid on receipt of price, 2oc., or 5 for $1.00. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., Cor. William & John Sts., Kew Tori. i h . r A -5 U- m Cares Cotmnsanti'-ii. C-mi.h-', Cioitp.Soro Tliront. S.'-l bv ?U I'rjcsi-: on a Gu.ranfr. For a Laini Sid-, Park or Che t Shlloh's ForoU3 Plaster viilg:vegi:.t-aii-f3c-iO!j. 25 cents. VITA! CrETES Sirs. T. S. 1 larvli ns, Cbattan'-osa . T?nn., s.aya : innVih'sVitaliMr-AVKiy MY t.ik: I cormiderit ttielttt remedy fur a iL-h&tattdfvffm . I ever use'V Vor Jy--iv'i, Li vur or Kidney trouoici&cxcus. irsc iaets. CATARRH REESEDY." Have you Catarrh? TrrtbisUumcdy. Itwiil relieve and Cure you. Pries 50 c s. This In jector for its Rijcrcsf ul tren tramr f umished free. ShHoh's Kemedlc3 are cold by us on a guarantee to give satisfaction. Chamberlain's Eyo and Skin Ointment Is a certain cure for Chronic Sore Evp. Granulated Eve Lids. Sore Minnies. PfW " . ' . & x t whispered Dempsey, and ho banged Cos- " tigan a rib roaster. 1 3 b6"1 "This ain't a fight," murmured Costi gan, anu uempsey s nsc comuea witn Costigan's nose. '"Work it up," said Dempsey, and he rushed Costigan all over tho stage, punching right and left. Costigan was driven near the box. The eyes of his lady friends were upon him, and ho re sponded, but Dempsey grinned and hit out more savagely than ever and wound up tho bout by back heeling Costigan and sending him to the ground with a thud. "Say, Costigan," said Dempsey after ward, "always consult me when you want to make a star play. I deserve your confidence." New York Herald. TO HORSE OWNERS. For pnttinfr a horse in a fine health dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. Thay tone up the system, aid digestion, cure aiisuic, icueve tunsupaiion, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, rivinf new life to an old or over worked horse. 23 cents per package. For sale by druggists Kxdiuir territory. TW eutntotm f.oill, lnn. mlaaU,. rtajM m4 4ric thrm withoat wctUac lw hol. Tim P" ,4 fc"oo. IbenMchieeil.M U10 r-it. BrUhr. p..hM dtoi,.. f j Drofcm dl.hr, no m w. Chia. .urhlo.w,rrntr.l.niY-i,,.r .EEL fer