The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, February 28, 1894, Image 2

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    TtLkrTi. B ATUL "Editor and Proprietor
Tir -- v
1 f -25?
-41. i-im -
at the North PUtt e (Nebraska) postoffice as
scond-claBS matter.
jrjc''4Jni .p resident nas cone soutn tor
rSTT--' a luv nnnr rtt- ran rloTre r o -.
it duration. This is disheurt
New York Sun editorially en
tne postal cards ot the pres
ejrtimini8tration. This the first
flood feature Brer Dana has discov
urine the reign or king Gro-
tr..ud they were ordered by a pre
war administration.
f P
i - -
r -i
Thi late3t from sister Mary Ellen
is that she claims to beloner to
mwuuiu i.iau:ruiiy uy reusua ut
.tljly witnessing through the wicket
tke conferring of three degrees at
f"- Leckport, ri. x ., several years ago.
The iear creature has probably been
, redding some expose (?) of the or
ganization, and never straddled the
goat according to Hoyle,
The expenses of the government
exceed its revenues three million
dollars a week, which is about a
million worse than it was a few
months ago. In a few months, not
to exceed two months, savs an au
thority, the proceeds of the bond
issue will be exhausted and another
'issue of bonds will be necessary
.Where will it end?
Akd now it develops that Charles
Hscules VanWyck is engineering a
cksfme from "Washington for f u
8HMT in Nebraska between demo
crats and populists. As a capital
citj correspondent facetiously puts
it, "It is rather pathetic, however,
to see the old man 'with one foot
-in the grave and the other on a ba
' nana, skin,' scheming and planning"
i"foruch an unholv alliance .
.Whest ; Willy Waliy Astor dis
covered that he had dropped $200,
000 last year in his efforts to estab
lish a successful London publication
he merely remarked that if the next
year's business showed a deficiency
of over $50,000 he would conclude
that there had been some misman
agement. Our populist friends can
now figure upon what it will cost
.them to establish an influential daily
in Omaha.
Axr Omaha swain has begun an
action in replevin against a loan
company to recover the engagement
ring that he had given his intended
bride. During a period of tempor
ary financial embarrassment the
young lady pawned it to pay the
premium upon her father's life in
surance. Before she could repay
the loan, the young fellow learning
of the transaction, replevined the
A Washington dispatch' says
Cullom, of Illinois, has a substitute
for the Wilson bill, in which he
proposes a tariff commission of nine
to report next year, and in which
the measure of protection to Amer
ican labor shall be the difference
between American and European
wages. Any kind of a substitute
would be acceptable, remarks an
exchange. It couldn't be made any
worse, as the Wilson bill is purely
a measure in the interest of for
eign labor and calculated to pro
mote the importation of foreign
7. A'l - - .i
The election of Galusha A. Grow
. a as congressman-at-large from Penn
sylvania by a majority approximat-
. ing 175,000 is the greatest political
tidal waye that ever swept over that
state, .ttepublican leaders expected
I t a majority of 100,000, but are nearly
stricken dumb with the immensity
of Mr. Grow's majority. In fact
. sj . .Pennsylvania has been heard from
J: fast as Ohio was heard from last
7- vtall when McKinley swept the state
, as a candidate for governor, and it
is certainly very poor consolation
the democratic party can get from
Ohio and Pennsylvania as it looks
forward to the presidential contest
of 1896.
According to the press dispatches
J. Sterling Morton offers as an ex
cuse for appointing a republican to
' the position of meat tagger at $60
per month, at one of our Nebraska
packing houses, that there was but
only one applicant for the position
on file in his office, and that the
man was immediately needed upon
' . a requisition from Dr. Salmon,chief
of the animal bureau of the agri
, -cultural department. It is doubt
less true, in a great measure, that
perspiring democratic patriots are
looking for larger game. In con
clusion the sage of Arbor Lodge
casts some reflections upon the
president by intimating that if the
- national democratic party can sur
;?, vive the appointment of Gresham
and Wayne McVeagh the demoe-
racy of Otoe county, in slang par-
lance, has no "kick" coming.
Hoke Smith has catered to the
,v interests of Senator Vilas and his
partner, John H. Knight, by re
" versing the decision of his com
missioner of the general land office,
" Lamoreaux, in deciding a contest
case up in Wisconsin against thir
- "tv-twa homestead applicants, and
in favor of. tbe Keyston Lumber Co.
The case had been heard by com
missioner Lewis A. Grroff, under the
Harrison administration, and was
decided in favor-of the homestead
ere.Not content at the finding, the
corporation applied for a rehearing
of the case -when the present com
missioner was seated in office. That
individual decided just like his pred
ecessor. Still dissatisfied an appeal
f T wa:tafcen;to the secretary of the in
' leridr who promptly decided that
ifcfeienstorial lumberman and his
ipwteertUwere entitled to 6,632
" i acres of land whicn is said to be
. worth ten dollars per acre. Is this
" mm illaatraHon of the adage that
jtfce devil takes care of his own r
There is but one old, bald-headed
bachelor in the United States sen
ate and Vice-President Stevenson
evidenced his disposition as a hu
morist by appointing him as a com
mittee to receive a delegation of
female suffragists.
A Kentucky firm handling wag
ons and farm implements writes
the Fish Brothers Wagon Company
of Racine, Wis., that owing to the
hard times the firm will -bave to
omit placing its order for wagons.
The letter closes as follows: "We
of the south have been trying for
thirty years to get control of the
government. We succeeded at last
and have held it for about six
months, and now if you repub
licans will take it off our hands vou
are welcome to it."
Kem says the papers up in this
country lie about him. Telling the
truth on the red-headed rooster is
about the hardest jolt he can get
In reviewing his public career as a
statesman from Nebraska,for which
he has been paid twentv thousand
round dollars, we know of but two
or three instances wherein he has
been a benefit to his constituency,
and that was in sending out pack
ages of seeds. The nearest ap
proach he ever came to beiug :
statesman was when he accepted
free passes on railroads. Butte Ga
At the G. A. R. state encamp
ment held at Lincoln last week the
following officers were elected: De-
eartment Commander,Church Howe
of Auburn; senior vice commander,
C. E. Adams of Superior; junior
1 "1- t A
vice commander, J. ri. carnes, ot
Albion; chaplain, Dr. Martin of
Kearney; medical director. Dr. Ban
well of Orleans; council of adminis
tration, J. K. Culan, of Milford;
JohnErguhart of O'Neil; Geo. E.
Whitman of Oxford; Robt. La
Fountaine of Kearney; John Saw-
hill, of Omaha.
The savings banks of New Tork
state give a remarkable record of
the effect of the vear of free trade.
During 1893 the amount of money
withdrawn was $34,518,091 in ex
cess of the amount deposited. As
compared with the prosperous year
of 1892, the deposits of 1893 were
524,000,000 less, and the withdraw
als were $27,000,000 larger, thus
showing an aggregate loss, between
the two years, of 51,000,000. The
whole of this loss fell upon the
wage earners who usually put their
savings away on deposit, but who,
under the free trade administration
lost $51,000,000 in 1893 as compared
with 1892. The greater part of
the loss occurred during the last
six months of the year, when times
were hardest because of the dread
of free trade. The loss of $51,000,
000 in a single state reflects the ef
fect of President Cleveland's love
for "the plain people" through his
rob and ruin policy of prostration.
Easter this year comes on the
25th of March, which is earlier.
says an exchange, than it has been
for many years. In the year 1869
Easter Sunday was on the 28th of
March, and that the earliest for
more than fifty years before. It
can never come earlier than March
24th, and it has only been that
early once in a hundred years. In
repiy to this another exchange says:
A glance at the record will show
that some times erroneous items
find their way into newspapers. In
1845 Easter came on March 23d,
and again in 1856. In 1868 Easter
came on April 12th, and in 1869 on
March 28th. These calculations
ake in thirty-eight years, or two
cycles of the moon, including the
years irom 1842 to 1880. Easter
comes on the 25th of March this
year and comes on the 23d day of
March in 1913.
A farmer in Cass county volun
arilv makes a presen t of $1,000 in
cash to a business concern on con
dition that it locate in Plattsmouth
Uther tanners and merchants in
town are also giving money in
tiii tit
sums larger or smaller than mat
Now, why do thev do it? Simply
because the proposed establishment
will increase business and give em
ployment to men there at good
I ml
wages. In a sentence, improve the
bome market and make the farmers
md merchants richer men. Yet
some ot these farmers and mer
chants are free traders democrats
and populists and object to a pro
tective tariff which tends to build
up home mills and factories and in
crease the home market and the in
come of the farmer and enhance
the value of his land. When some
farmers and merchants go into pol
itics they leave their business sense
behind them. Even admitting the
consumer pays the tax, if he makes
makes money by the operation,
whats the odds? Plattsmouth
TnE following from the Nebras
ka Farmer is in line with republi
can principles and worthy of con
sideration. The republican party
it i
believes in protecting nome manu
facturers, thus giving employment
to labor and thereby creating a
home market, which is always su
perior to the open markets of the
old world. The Farmer says:
Wheat is at a low ebb; it is selling
at a price below the cost of produc
tion, that is, so far as the wheat
lands of the United States are con
cerned. Our labor saving machines
that have gone out into foreign
lands have made it possible to pro
duce wheat in other countries at a
cost that about shuts us out as a
factor in supplying the foreign de
mand. To a man up the tree the
situation is about this way: We
must begin to look after the wants
of our own people. This is an ar
gument in favor of thesugar pro
ducing interests of America that
cannot go unheeded. If it is true
that the foreign demand for our
cereals is drifting away from us,
then it is time we are studying the
commercial chess board a little that
we may not jump in the dark. The
sugar question as we lopk-at it is a
live issue. - ;
Hichol Hoggets.
February 28th, 1894.
The weather has moderated to some
extent within the past few days.
We have noticed several immigrant
wagons pass up the line lately.
Wm. HaBte returned Saturday night
from a trip down the line.
The musical lay of the gay and festive
prairie chicken is wafted away upon the
morning breeze once more.
The jury in the case of Oscar W. Sul
livan vs. the U. P. railroad for damages
sustained by firo alleged to have been
set bv an engine on said road.renderea a
verdict in favor of the company after
beintr out about twentv hours. .
Will Stuart and family and M. H.
Douslas. of North Platte, called on
Richard Brown's neoDle Sunday.
George Gibbons will take charge of
his new farm near this station in a few
Ditch superintendent E. F. Seeberger
returned from Colorado Friday night
accompanied by hiB family. They have
taken up their abode at the county seat.
W. F. Gibbons and family will move
unon the Ferguson farm in the near
Mrs. Carrie Struthers, of North Platte
is stoDDiDc with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Brown.
It is stated that I. N. Ball will not
farm the coming year, but will take a
trip west and that his father and sister
Mattie will return east for the present.
Mrs. E. Spitsnoglo received a couple
of fine Plymouth Rock roosters from
Greenwood. Nebraska, recently.
We understand that the building near
the Sisson school house which has been
occupied the past year by the ditch boss
will be moved down to a ditch farm
west of Herehey by the company shortly
We -were told a few days since that the
K. O. T. M. lodge will hold a special
meeting in its kail at Hershey on Wed
nesday evening this week.
Ellis Brooks is "spreading mud" upon
the new ditch residences as fast as pos
sible these fine days so as to have them
ready for their occupants before spring
work begins.
A lame portion of the people in this
section were visible in North Platte on
Saturday last.
There will be quite a change among
the farmers in this locality about the
first of next week.
Grangers are beginning to talk about
farming in the near future.
Miss Anna O'Hare. of Worth Platte,
Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. C. S.
A man by the name of Nott from down
the line has moved upon a ditch farm
ju6t west of Herehey.
It is reported that fen (iibbons is
talkintr of trading for Wm. Winters'
farm, in the west part of Hinman pre
cinct. If the trade is made he will turn
in about thirty head of horses and pay
the balance in money.
D. T. Gibson transacted business at
the county seat Monday.
W. O. Thompson made a business trip
to North Platte the first of the week.
Charles Toillion has purchased the
north half of the W. E. Park's farm con
taining eighty acres. Consideration
Several parties from this community
were courting at the county seat last
week, being called there as witnesses in
the case of O. W. Sullivan vs. the Union
Pacific railway company.
Several from this vicinity attended
the funeral of M. T. Tobin at the county
metropolis Monday.
Frank h unkhouser, who bad several
cancers cut out of his left side recently
is speedily recovering from said opera
Old Dame Rumor savs that this neigh
borhood will witness a couple of wed
dings in the not far distaut future.
As E. Spitsnogle and family drove up
to their home Saturday evening on their
return from North Platte he laid the
reins down to help bis wife and children
out of the wagon and had just succeeded
in getting them out when the team
skipped out and took a turn or two
around the field before they were cap
tured. No damage to speak of was done
but it was a close call for the mother
and children just the same.
John Delay, proprietor of the Front
street feed and livery stable at North
Platte, passed up the line Tuesday forenoon.
Dr. McCabe, of the Platte, was visible
in this locality on Tuesday.
A. B. Goodwin transacted business at
the county "hub" on Tuesday.
Z. M. Zook and sisters, Ida and Cora
visited their brother Frank and family
at North Platte the fore part of this
It is reported that a Mr. Miner, from
Belvidere, this state, is putting in a
stock of general merchandise in the
store building at Hershey, recently
vacated by J. H. Giffin of Brady Island
I.N. Ball is suffering badly from sere
eyes. ur. Hives, ot JNortn tr Jatte, is treat
ing him.
Carpenters are at work on JLi. otnek-
ler's new store building at Hershey.
Frank Cook and wife are entertaining
a young lady who arrived at their home
a short timo ago.
Mrs. N. B. Spurrier was at the county
seat on Saturday last for the first time
since she was thrown from a buggy in a
runaway some six weeks ago.
Miss Kate Sullivan who left here last
fall for a visit with relatives in the east,
is at present visiting in Minnesota.
H. H. Cook and family returned Mon
day from a three weeks' visit with rela
tives and friends at Kearney. They
made the trip with a team and covered
wagon. They report a pleasant voyage
It is stated that H. Otten will erect a
new residence upon the land which be
lately purchased of George Hatfield in
Hinman precinct.
I. M. Baley, who now resides on J. M,
Dwyer's farm, will take possession of the
south half of the W. E. Park's farm con
taining eighty acres, with the building,'
on the last of this or the first of next
week. Pat.
j0vLDkLw. jL
Clifford Sladkmmn
A Boston Boy's Eyesight
Saved-Perhaps His Lift
Br Hood's SarMparill Blood rat
ioned by Canker.
Bead ths following from a grateful raothar:
MMr little boy had Scarlet Fever when 4 yean
old, and It left him very weak and wlta blood
fihui with caafcer. His eyes beeaaa
bo Inflamed that hla sufferings were lntease, aad
forseren weeks he
Could Not Open His Eyes.
I took him twice during that time to the Eye
and Ear Infirmary on Charles street, but their
remedies failed to do him the faintest shadow
of good. I commenced giving him Hood's
Sarsaparllla and It soon cured him. I hare
never doubted that it eared hie eicht. erea
u aec mtm Terr itze. xou may use mis ies
ttmonial In any way yon choose. I am always
reaay jo souna mo praise oi
Hood's Sarsaparllla
because of the wonderful good it did my sob.1
Abbiz F. BiiAcxacAK, 2888 Washington St,
Boston, Mass. Get HOOD'S.
HOOD'8 PlLLS u hand mdo, and are vac-
fact ta competition, proportion and appeaxaaee.
"Greater New York" will doubt
less give Tammany greater opportu
nities for devilment.
Great revivals of religion are re
ported all over the conntry. A re
ligious expansion nearly always ac
companies a financial stringency.
This was noticed as long as the
It 1 IM 1 ITT I
"crasn or o. wnen men are
left without much "show" in this
world they seem more ready to con
sider the advantages of another.
Kansas City Star.
TnE New York World prints the
opinions of a large number of man
ufacturers to .he effect that the
speedy passage of the Wilson bill
is all that is necessary to restore
the country to a prosperous condi
tion. The workingmen, whose
wages will inevitably be reduced
by the new tariff, have not been
consulted, but they will hardly ex
pect to be. The country is not in
the hands of the friends of the
toilers. Journal.
What a Prominent Insurance Man Says
H. M. Blossom, senior member of U
M. Blossom & Co.. 2J7 N. 3d St.. St
Louis, -writes: I had beeH left with a
very distressing cough, the result of
influenza, which nothing seemed to re
lieve, until I took Ballard's Horehound
Syrup. One bottle completely cured me.
1 sent ono bottlo to my sister, who had a
severe couirh, and she exoerienced im
mediate relief. I always recommend
this syrup to my friends.
John Cranston. 90S Hampshire street.
Quincy. Illinois, writes: I have found
Ballard's Horehound Syrup superior to
i i. i : t .
any omer cuuru intruictne i nave ever
known. It never disappoints. Price RQa.
Sold by A. F. Sixeitj 2-1
Commissioners' Proceedings.
February 15th. The following claims
were allowed on the general fund: Mary
Anderson, witness, $2.80, Lydia Esrgers.
witness, 6.00, Jane Eggers, witness, $6,
John lenry, house rent, $8
The following appointments were made
Peter Muir, justice of the peace, Sun
shine precinct; Oscar Mills, constable.
Sunshine precinct. The official bond, of
Peter Muir was approved. j
It appearing from the commissioners'
record of Xovember 30tu, 1883, -that, the
section line beginning at the South Platte.
river between sections 32 and 3?'injtqwa.
14, range 32, and running due South' to
township line between townships'12' and
13. in range 32 was opened to 'public
travel. The records behig incomplete,
but having become a road by public use,
the commissionere order the clerk to put
the same on record and the surveyor to
put the same on the road map.
Petition signed by Jerry Dwyer and
others asking that a road be located
commencing at the south end of the
North river bridge, thence along the
south bank of the river east to the north
west quarter of section 11, all in town
ship 14, range 33, O'Fallon precinct, was
February lGth Full board present.
Board of commissioners propose to open
alL section lines, including the township
and range lines, in township 16, range
28, Whittier precinct, to public, travel.
The following claims were allowed on
the general fund: Paul G. Meyer, 4ad
records, 13.10; L. H. Daker, jafeitor $85.
On bridge fund: A. Picard, repairs $255
James Montague was appointed con
stable for Baker precinct and his official
bond was approved.
February 17th Full board , present.
Petition signed by legal voters of Baker
precinct asking that J. H. Baker be ap
pointed assessor for said precinct was
presented and granted, and J. H. Baker's
official bond was approved.
Commissioners continued examination
of road record.
February 19th Full board present.
The commissioners ordered formation, of
a new road distrtct to be known as dis
trict No 57, commencing on township
lin at southwest corner of spction 17,
township 11, range 30. thence-.east on
section line to the northeast corner of
section 17, town 15, range 30, thence west
section line to southwest .corner of
section 34, township 11, range 30, and all
of town 11. range 30. J
Petition of 11. C. Wood and others ask
ing for a consent road to bo established
commencing at the southwest quarter of
section 10, township 12, range. 30;, iLin
colu county, Nebraska, running thence
west one-half mile to intersect with road
No. 58.
Petition feigned by John McCulloiigh
and others asking that a road be opened
to public, travel commencing at a point
whero the old government road intnr
sects road No. 4, southwest of MaxAvoll.
following thence in a southwestern di
rection on theold government road to the
north bank of the north
channel of the Platte river, also a
road commencing at the south bank of
the north channel of the Platte river near
the center of the southwest quarter of
section 28, town 1G, range 28; running
thence in a southwesterly direction to
the north bank of the south channel of
the Platte river on the old government
trail. Atao a road commencing Jon tile
south bank of the south channel of th
Platte river about 270 feet northwest of
a point where the supposed section line
between sections 5 and G, town 12. ran?e
28, would intersect the correct line ; run
mug luence soiun on supposed section
line to the intersection of road No. 45.
It appearing from public records thatrthe
land embraced in the foregoing petition
is located on the old Fort McPherson
reservation and the same having become
vacated as to public use, we hereby de
clare the same a public highway, accord
ing to section 2,377 of the revised statutes
of the United States.
February 20th Official bond of J. L.
Lewis as assessor for Cottonwood pre
cinct was approved. Commissioners con
tinued examination ot delinquent taxjkt
ind road record.
February 22d Board continued exam
nation of delinquent tax list. r-"
February 23d Claim of Wm. Emerson
for $7.00 for painting allowed. .Com
missioners continued examination of :de-
inquent tax list.
February 24th. The official bond of
R. P. Wisler, justice or the peace for
Brady Island precinct, was approved.
Commissioners continued work on the
delinquent tax list.
Til !
It is an evident fact that whenever you hear a man
howl he is hit, and hard too. You have no doubt read
the papers the past week and by the language used you
can readily see that-some of our would-be (if they could)
competitors are very sore. What is tho reason? Trade
is not coming their way as fast as they like it, and they
think to force it by opening war on us. Wo, as a rule,
pay no attention to such slush. It is a good advertise
ment for us and it costs us nothing. But we must let
our voice be heard that you may know that wo are still
living. We wish to say that we do not have to go out
on the street and take a man by the collar and pull
him into our store as we know some have done. We do
not have to resort to this means to get custom. The
people know where they get bargains and who their
1 friends are and come to us. Look bore, did you ever
hear tell oLthe like, that because an article was sold at
auction at a. sacrifice that it was not as good as if it had
cost the regular wholesale price? Nonsense. The peo
ple are not all crazy. Sudh slush puts us very much in
mind of a little dog running out at a big dog and howl
ing and barking and prancing around, making all the
noise, but look whon it comes down to business; where
is your little dog? He ain't in it. That's tho way with
our competitor, h-e a-i-n-t i-n i-t. Then again, note he
signs his name and adds "wrecker of high prices." Now
who is tho wrecker of high prices? Is it not a fact that
when we came to town two years ago last August we
.knocked tho bottom out of prices, and have kept on
slashing them ever since, hence our success. Tho idea
of a little one-horse shebang striking the town some
two years later and after a few weeks making a big fuss
.and hurrah and claiming all the glory and honor of be
ing the leading and only one that put the prices down.
We are here, and hero to stay, and the people
know that they run no risk in buying nn article of us,
as our would-be competitor would have you believe that
fcr you do, but should nn article prove not worth the value
paid for it, we make it right. Now about the auction.
ST We do buy goods at auction when it is a nice clean 12
g stock, and lots of them, too, and are proud to acknowl-
edge it, for this and this alone is the reason that we can
undersell all. This is what hurts our competitors, but
it is what makes the consumers happy. So this is why
the competitors are down on us and the reason the con
Burners are with us. Ard this is what wo like, a3 it is Z3
g"" the consumers we are trying to please.
Some weeks ago you no doubt read of the failure of ZZS
- the James H. Walker wholesale house, one of the largest 335
in the world. On the 7th of this month 8G50,0G0 worth
. of dry goods was put on sale to be sold to -the highest
fcj bidder. Our buyer is thero, has been there all the timo,
picking up bargains. They will be put on sale in this 35
' city. Now won't these goods be all right, or aro they 13
not good because they woro bought at auction? Watch 3
z us, call on us, trade with us. We will make it an object
to you.
Manufacturers of Fine Clothing
218 and 220 Market Street.
North PJatte, Neb.
Gentlemen: We are in receipt of your esteemed favor;
of the 8th inst.,-and have decided, owing. to the back
wardness of the season, to accept your offer on the-lot of J
Overcoats and Suits which you order, (although they are j
some of the most desirable portions of our stock to-day)J
and which we have shipped as per invoice enclosed here-1
You are doubtless aware that these goods are billed
-- . W-l Kit
' -I iT3gf
$ fi
to you at about 50 per cent of their cost of production.)
However, on account of the general depression in tradei
in large financial centers, we are willing to accept yourl -proposition,
but wish to warn you at the same time that
such prices as those you offer are not likely again to nre-!
van tor many a aay. Awaiting your turtner commands,
we remain very truly yours,
L. ABT & SONS. '
The Star Clothing Eovm
Ko. 3496.
North Platte, - NFeNI
Authorized Capital, $2G0,00
Paid in Capital, $50,000; M
Sells Bills of Exchange
on all Foreign?
North Platte National Bank.
Paid up Capital,
All business intrusted to us handled promptly, carefully, and at lowest rates.
A number of DeWitt people have
made arraugeraents to secure a
special car and visit the Midwinter
fair at San Francisco in March.
They -will economize bv using the
car for sleeping purposes.
ilrs. N. Meyptte. the Genesee county
treasurer of the W. O. T. U. and a verv
nfluential worker in the cause of women
savs: "I have used .Parks' lea and find
it is the best remedy I have ever tried
for constipation. It requires smaller
doss and is more thorough. I shall use
nothing else in future." Sold b' .North
?latte. Pharmacy.
Assistant Secretary Zell of the
Colorado cattle grower's association,
who has arrived from Fort Worth
via the Gulf railroad, brings the
report of great losses to cattle grow
ers of the Panhancle country.
A Soiznd Liver Makes a Well Man.
Aro you Billious, Constipated or
troubled with Jaundice, Sick Headache.
Had Taste in Mouth, Foul Breath. Coated
Tongue, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hot Dry
Skin. I'uin in Back and between tin
Shoulders, Chills and Fever, fcc. If you
have any of these symptoms, your Livr
is out of order, and your blood is slowly
beiusr poisoned , because your Liver does
not act properly. Herbixe will cure any
disorder of the Liver, Stomach or Bowels.
It has no equal as a liver medicine. Price
75 cents. Free trial bottles at A. F.
Bids will be opened next week for YTT -i r
the construction of a 10,000 flour- 111CIOW IjrlaSSj
ing null at Ulav Center.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Qiis
Machine Oils;
The good die young but they are using
Ilaller's little German Pills now and hon
est men will soon be a drug in the mar
ket. Sold by F. H. Longley.
Diamanta Spectacles.-
The Union Pacific has decided to
build a 10,000 depot at Sidney.
Work on the structure will be begun
April 1st.
Parks' Sure Cure is a positive specific
tor women who are all "run down" and
at certain times are troubled by back-
aches, headaches, etc. Sold by North
Platte Pharmacy.
T. c
liicic iiic jujui auiviviijjr suuueis
of the Mexican war in Johnson
county. They all draw pensions of
fcS per month.
Dr. Salisbury, the painless dentist,
may be found at Dr. Longley 's office on
the third Monday and the following
Tuesday of each month, and will extend
his visit as much longer as business
" The Julesbnrg Sentinel says that
windmill irrigation will be exten
sively practiced in that neighbor
hocd this year. Several farmers are
putting up mills and building reser
voirs, and one will use a steam
Ballard's Horehound Syrup.
We guarantee this to be the best Couch
Syrup manufactured in the whole wide"
world. This is saying a "great deal, but
it is true. Fit Consumption, Coughs,
Colds, Sore Throat, Sore Chest, Pneu
monia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup,
Whooping Cough, aud all diseases of
the Throat aud Lunas, we positively
guarantee Ballard's Horehound Syrup
to be without au equal on the whole face
of the globe. In support of this state
ment we refer to every individual who
has ever used it and to every druggist
who has. ever sold it. such evidence is
indisputable. For sale by A. F. Streitz
That's what Brown's wife called out to
him don't forget to L'et a bottle of
Bailer's Sarsaparilla, it's so nice. For
sale by F. H. Longley.
Ilaller's Barb Wine Liniment for all cuts
on cattle and horses: it is the best on
earth. Sold by F. II. Longley.
A gang of thieves is decimating
the corn cribs in the neighborhood
of Clay Center. Thev carry off their
plunder by the wagon load.
Patrick Henry oDce said, "Give me
!! ... .. j .... .
nurriy or give me neaiii" ioiks now-
days don't talk so foolish, they say. uGivi
me Ilaller's Sure Cure Couch Syrun or I
will die." It amounts to the same thins.
ror sale b v . li. Longley.
Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public
is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment.
Finest Wines. Liauors and Cigars at the Bar.
Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables
and competent attendants will supply all your wants.
5PECTACLES urn tt TTTTJ C! n"E7T3T'D fl
The well-known Eye Expert of G29 Olive St, St Louis,
Mo., and 30 E. 1-ith Street, New York, has appointed
jv. i.' . oxivciiTi as agent for ins celebrated iSon
Changeablo Spectacles and Eye-G lasses. These glasses
are tho greatest invention ever made in spectacles, and
every pair purchased arc guaranteed, go that if at any
time a change is necessary (no matter bow scratched
the lenses), they will furnish tho party with a new pair
of Glassos, freo of charge.
A. F. STREITZ has a full assortment, and invites
all who wish to satisfy themselves of tho greit superiority of these
glasses over any and all others now in use, to call and oxatnino them at A. F.
Patented juiY2in88S
Thpre were 255 marriage licenses
issued in frnrA cmin K- rlnmnrr 1 Q09
One of them0 was never need, but uFJEW' ,le Rent for -North 1Pla"e' No peddlers supplied. "Tho Best
flm nfWc co,l fU.. :..' -r"i mthoorld. one genuine unless stamped on-Changeable.
the others
.An eastern paper savs: "A
man in Carniel, Me., took his girl
for a sleigh ride. She fell out and
he drove a mile before noticiug it."
VVell. they don't sleighride that way
out west. The vounu men all drive
with one hand, and sometimes the
girl drives and leaves both arms
loose to prevent accidents.
An enemy of the income tax says:
"It would only reach about 85,000
people, while a tax on sugar would
reach everv home in the laud." The
poor man can see how anxious the
man who was worrying over "the
poor man's litth dinner pail
j to reach ont and gather himJin
19 II UW
bliiloh s Vitalizer is what vou need for
Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Ye'llow Skin or
mj rrv , v. .
lviuney ironnie. it is guaranteed to give
you satisfaction. Price 75c. Sold by
North Platte Pharmacy.
The Broken Bow Republican an
nounces that Judee Holcomb de
clines to be a candidate for congress
in the Sixth district. The Judee is
attending strictly to his business on
the bench.
W. I. Church, of Staunton Post,G A. It.
says '"I have tried nearly every cough rem
hut have found nothing to compare with
Parks' Cough Syrup. There is nothing
on earth like it for bronchitis. I have
suffered ever since my discharge from
the army and Parks' Cough Syrup is the
only remedy that has ever helped me.
Sold by North Platte Pharmacy.
The coroner's jury at Edgar has
declared that John McKane, who
was found dead in bed on his farm
near town, died from natural causes.
The post-mortem revealed that dis
ease of the kidne3's was responsible
for the man's demise.
Farm : Implements,
Windmills, Harness, .Ete
I want you to understand, John Henry,
that you ain't to drink that Haller's Sar
saparilla all up; I got it for pap and me.
Pap he sez mam you go down and get
bottle of Haller's Sars'aparilla and Bur
dock and will git over feeling so tired
and bad and git rid of all them pimples.
So let that alone now For sale by F.
H. Longley.
Steam and Gas Fitting.
Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper nut! Galvanhx-d Iron Cor
nice. Tin and Iron Hoofing.
Estimates furnished. Repairing of all kinds receive prompt attention
Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth,
JNortn Jlatte, - - , . . .TSCbbitaslcffr-t
. 4I