The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, February 28, 1894, Image 1

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    - r n r- f
2tk Tobacco and Ci&rars.
'ruits and Nuts of all Kinds.
m - 11 ; , i m-.
ViiL'S 1 ... . -m-.-w- I rnrn-rt -"rTrfWWTr 1 r TT I 1 1 TA ITTl m TTV 1 XT TITinn TT I TVTT - 1 1 ATi"V O
NllKin KLATTK. MBKASJVA. YYJbmNJtoJLJAI. rriDitUAlll 28. Ly4r. uv. o.
We are making Fresh Candies
daily. Come and see.
fVOL. X.
1 - a
lacts !
i - '
7s v.. I.
It is a well-known fact that we sell none but the
best goods made in this country. It is a fact that we
sell everything in our store 25 per cent cheaper than any
-,i '
store in "Western Nebraska.
Our spring stock of shoes is now complete and we
Coffer for the next 10 days greater bargains in shoes than
land come and see the goods for yourself.
Dry Goods Bargains.
Ladies' fine cloth top button shoes,
shoes worth 2.25, at this sale 1 50.
Ladies' dongola shoes with patent tip
regular price 2.00, at this sale 1.35.
Ladies' very fino dongola shoes patent
"tips, regular price 3.50, at this sale 2.50
Very good dongol i Oxford ties , patent
tips, worth 1.25, at this sale for 75 cents.
Misses dongola tine shoes patent tip,
reels or spring heels worth 2.00 at this
6alo for 1.45 a pair.
Infants' brown shoes worth 1.00 cut to
GO cents a piece.
Infants' red shoes worth 75 cents cut
to 4o cents a pair.
Children's schools at G5, 75 and 85 cts.
a pair, worth from 80 cUs to 1.25.
200 pairs . men's lace and congress
shoes, every pair warranted to bo as
good as any 2.00 shoo, at this sale for
L40 per pair.
Gent's calfskin shoes, regular prico
3.00, at this sale for 2.25 a pair.
Ladies' carpet slippers at 30 cents a
Come and examine our line of fino Ox
ford ties for ladies', missosand children.
Remember that every pair of shoo3 in
our stock is warranted and wo will re
pair free of charge if necessary.
10 and 12J cent dress ginuhams at
this sale for 6 cents per yard.
Unbleached "toweling at this salo for
4 cents per yard.
Black sateen, fast colors, regular 15
cent goods, at our storo for 10 cents a
Extra fine black French eatcen. regu
lar price 35 cents, our cut prico 20 ccDts
We have just received a nico lino of
spring suitings, 3G inches wide, worth
40 cents, at this sale 23 cents a yard.
20 pieces fancy brocaded dress goods
regular 25 cent goods at this salo for
12iS" cents per yard.
50 dozen ladies' embroidered and
scarlet white handkerchief, former price
25 cents each, at this sale for ten cents
each or 3 for 25.
A yard wide Xionsdalo muslin at our
storo for 7 cents a yard.
Ono bale of yard wide unbleached
muslin at 4J cents per yard.
All colors wnEh silk at 5 cents for two
All kinds of kid finish skirt lining at
5 cents per yard.
Embroidery edgings at 2, 3, 5 and C
cents per yard.
i a- '
J$ We invite the neople to come and see that we do as
i we advertise.
Grady Block.
J. PIZER, Prop.
Merchant Tailor,
OIj 33 TOT 23 3r. & 3t 33 -SV-X 21 23
embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order.
Sprnce Street, between Fifth and Sixth.
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
Dr. N. McCABE, Prop. J. E. BUSH, Manager.
Successor to J. Q. Thacker.
orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway Solicited.
The inter ocean
DAILY (without Sunday), $6.00 per year. DAILY Cwith Sunday), $8.00 per year.
The Weekly Inter Ocean, per year, $1.00
As & newspaper THE INTER OCEAN kcepa abreast of the times in all respects.
It spares neither pains nor expense in securing ALL. THE NEWS AND THE BEST
The Weekly Inter Ocea7i
It edited especially for those who, on account cf mail service or any other reason, do
not take a daily paper. In it3 columns are to be found the week's news of all the
world condensed and the cream of the literary features of the Daily.
A Supplement, Illustrated, in Colors,
ILLUSTRATIONS, is alone worth the price charged for the paper.
cial center of all west of the Allegheny Mountains, end is better adapted to the
aeeda of the people of that section thn any paper farther East.
It is in accord with the people of the West both in Politics and Literature.
Please remember that the price of Th Weekly Inter Ocean IS ONLY ONE
The Many Happenings of Seven Days Re
duced From Columns to Lines Every
thing but Facts Eliminated For Our
Readers Convenience.
Wednesday, Feb. 21.
The international council is in session
at Chocotah, I. T.
Miss Anna Conklin of Beloit, Wis., has
been stricken with smallpox.
James Lombard, collector of the port at
St. Joseph, Mo., was removed from office.
Governor J. S. Hogg of Texas is to be
prosecuted for killing a deer out of season.
The boom day million dollar hotel at
Middleboro, Ky., will be sold by the
sheriff March 12.
A grand jury is investigating the pro
posed duel between the editors of the Lex
ington, Ky., Transcript and Pres3.
Hackett, the Maine bond thief, has
compromised with his prosecutors at Win
nipeg, Man. The amount involved was
Three more bombs were found in Paris.
One of them exploded, seriously injuring
several persons.
E. E. Hancock, a prominent politician
at Barry, Ills., shot and killed himself
owing to despondency.
It was decided at a special election at
Salem, Ills., to change the incorporation
of the city from under a special charter to
a general.
Joseph Brown of Dubuque, la., has
compromised his $15,000 damage suit
against the Illinois Central railroad for
Governor Matthews pardoned Frank
Cripe of Elkhart, Ind., serving a life sen
tence for killing a night watchman in a
light 12 years ago.
Charles T Anderson, a contractor of
Lebanon, Ind., has sued Augustus Wells
of Mason, Mich., for So.OOO damages for
alienating his wife's affections.
Attachment suits aggregating $20,000
were filed against C. A. Ilobein, dry goods
dealer at- Cedar Rapids, la. Assets, S2.V
000; liabilities, $45,000.
Dr. M. B. Davis, whose death occurred
at Itosseau, Morgan county, Ohio, Thurs
day last, left a letter showing he had
forged notes and committed suicide to es
cape the penitentiary.
The receivers of the LouLsville, Evans
ville and St. Louisville Consolidated rail
way have given notice that the interest
due bondholders of the Evansville, Rock
port and eiisteru railroad Jan. 1 will be
paid on and after Feb. 26.
Thursday, Feb. 23.
Local option has been carried in Allen
county, Mich.
A branch of the A. P. A. was organized
at Shelbyvillc, Ills., with 50 members.
Dr. Sawyer Boyd, head of the famous
Chopier syndicate, passed through New
ton, Ivan.
Grief for her dead husband induced
Mrs; Thomas Smith to commit suicide at
her Decatur, Ills., home.
New York capitalists have purchased
the natural and artificial gas plants at
and about Lafayette, Ind.
The Republican of foecatur, Mich., has
been sold to a stock company at Paw Paw,
where the plant will be removed.
Unemployed miners of Dunfermline,
Bis., have issued a petition to be sent to
Governor Altgeld calling for relief.
Joseph M. Brown has secured a judg
ment of $1,500 against the Illinois Central
at Galena, Ills., for injuries received.
Milwaukee is taking every precaution to
prevent the spread of smallpox, which is
getting nearer its borders every day.
Another thousand-barrel oil well was
struck at Fostoria, O., which is also good,
it is said, for 5,000,000 feet of gas a day.
Criminal proceedings against William
A. Mowrc, telephone manager at Kala
mazoo, Mich., have been dropped. He
made good his stealings.
James Blockmore and William Eagle,
farmers, were arrested at Alpena, Mich.,
for smuggling horses from Canada. The
men claimed to be immigrants, and thus
got the horses in free of duty.
Carl Picard, the Thayer county, Neb.,
farmer who started to fast 40 days, was
interrupted in his task by the cruel board
of insanity, which found him crazy and
sent him to the asylum. He had abstained
from food for two weeks.
The 13th annual encampment of the
Grand Army of Kansas convened at New
ton with the largest attendance ever
known. The first session of the encamp
ment was occupied with reports of the de
partment officers, which showed the loss
of only 889 members during the last year.
Friday, Feb. 23.
Eusdio Garibaldi shot Morelli Leonardi
and then blew out his brains in San Fran
cisco. A fine vein of coal has been struck at
Litchfield, Ills.
A. D. Jones killed Constable Jerry Peck
at Walton, Neb.
Texas fruit crop is said to have been in
jured by frosts.
A girl in male attiro was arrested with
a gang of tramps at Paducah.
A lone highwayman went to Hancock,
Mo., held up six men and got away.
The 20th annual convention of Illinois
dairymen is in session at Dixon, Ills.
Some interesting hitherto unpublished
letters of Napoleon have just been printed.
Sixty-one firms and individuals control
over 1,000,009 acres of lands of the Creek
The first annual session of Illinois
chiefs of police was concluded at Bloom
ington. Stack White and Henry Hocrath were
indicted at Nebraska City for burning J.
Sterling Morton in effigy.
Mrs. Sophia Beresford died at San Fran
cisco from glanders. A diseased horse
had sneezed in her face.
Petitions of 148 Iron Hall claimants
were presented to Judge Winters at In
dianapolis. Nearly $350,000 is involved.
Wright, the second of the two Mexicans
who held up the mail coach near Dead
wood, S. D., Sunday has been captured.
Colonel Clark was examined in the ros
ter case at Milwaukee. Nothing to sup
port the claim of conspiracy was brought
Tom Johnson was instantly killed and
two other miners badly injured by a cave
in at the Mingo mines, Middlesborough,
A bill to charter a company to construct
a canal from Georgeian Bay to Lake On
tario has beea reported to the Dominion
Mrs. Sarah J. Ashley of De Kalb, Bis.,
has sued tho town for $5,000 for injuries
received oa a defective sidewalk.
James David Lockeridsre
and John Lemon were arrested at Bran
don, Man., for counterfeiting Canadian
Saturday, Feb. 24.
Brooklyn, N. Y., has 30,000 unemployed
The highwayman shot by Dr. Abbott at
Indianapolis is dead.
A. crowd of Sicilian anarchists have just
been landed at New York.
The Blinois W. C. T. U. dedicated their
new state headquarters at Bloomington.
Ten men from ice-bound steamers made
perilous trip of five miles across the ice
to St. Joseph, Mich.
Forger Leroy Harris tried to change hLs
appearance by shaving with a piece of tin,
bat suds a bad job.
A bronze tablet was erected in Balti
more to mark the spot where the conti
nental congress met in 1776.
George Hankins has bet $500 against
$20,000 that Danton will win the American
derby at Washington park.
Joseph Hardin, escaped train robber,
was caught by a farmer in a haystack
near the Chester, Bl., prison.
Mark Twain made a Washington birth
day speech at the dedication of the new
town hall, Fair Haven, Mass.
Mexico has sold 200,000 acres of land in
Chiapas, on which a colony of the Salva
tion army will be established.
Advices received in London say Guate
mala has suspended payment on its exter
nal debt, owing to silver's decline.
Since Peoria, 111., began relief work the
place has been a tramps' mecca. The
police have been forced to action.
Illinois' attorney general has notified
the Joliefc prison authorities not to pay
taxes assessed by Will county officials.
Granville, O., students were arrested for
firing Washington natal day salu,tes too
early in the morning. The town is ex
cited. '
A panther is supposed to be at large
near Decatur, 111., and 100 men scoured
the river bottoms with guns in search of
the animal.
The body of Hortense Buislay, a famous
equestrienne, was found in an iron chest
in a New York cellar, where it had lain a
quarter of a century unknown.
Monday, Feb. 2G.
A watchman was shot, probably fatally,
by robbers at Carlinville, Ills.
Safe blowers tried to rob the city treas
urer's office at Galesburg, Ills.
Every eastern line will put reduced
grain rates into effect Tuesday. A rate
war is imminent.
War has been declared between the At
chison and Southern Pacific upon passen
ger rates to the coast.
Adolph Kahn, a bookkeeper at Little
Rock, has been arrested for embezzle
ment. J. D. Moore and C. W. Gordon, two no
torious con men, were run down at Bir
mingham, Ala.
Adjutant General Artz of Kansas has
resigned as a result of an investigation of
his accounts.
The report of the grand jury criticising
officials has created much excitement at
Oklahoma City, O. T.
Erastus Wiman was released from the
Tombs on a $25,000 bond signed by Charles
Deere of Moline, Ills.
David Mercer, alias Robert Burns, es
caped from the southern Illinois peniten
tiary. But one more deposition for the defense
in the Pollard-Breckinridge case remains
to be taken at Lexington, Ky.
Two important contracts for convict la
bor were awarded by the Missouri board
of prison inspectors.
Prendergast, the assassin of the late
Mayor Carter Harrison of Chicago, was
sentenced to be hanged March 23.
The report of the board of engineers re
specting the proposed bridge at Alton has
been approved by the secretary of war.
Rudolph Peschmann, who killed Mrs.
Schums for her money at Milwaukee, has
been sentenced to the penitentiary for life.
Professor E. J. Christie, formerly presi
dent of Garfield university, Wichita, Kan.,
was reported dead from an eastern town,
and while memorial services were being
held a letter denouncing the report of his
death was received from the supposed
dead man..
A Raleigh, N. C, dispatch says private
advices 'received there from Florida,where
Senator Vance has been for several weeks
for his health, are to the effect that the
senator grows worse daily, and that small
hopes are entertained of his recovery.
"Kid" McCoy, who is wanted in Pitts
burg, Kan., to answer charges of highway
and attempted murder, was arrested in
Colorado City.
Tuesday, Feb. 27.
A vein of coal 7 ft. 9 in. in thickness has
been struck at Litchfield, Ills.
Mrs. George Paisley of Wellsville, O.,
committed suicide with morphine. Do
mestic trouble was the eause.
The motion for a new trial in the case
of Haley, eonvieted of murder, was over
ruled and he was sentenced at Anamosa,
la., to life imprisonment.
The trial of August Monkhauser, ex
policeman at Belleville, charged with wife
murder, has been set for next Thursday
in the St. Clair county court at Mascou
tah, Ills.
The courtmartial in the Kearsarge case
opened at Brooklyn navy yard. .
The old Manhattan opera house in
Brooklyn, N. Y., burned.
AtVineland, N. J., two persons were
burned to death in a burning building.
Edward M. Field is still held in Ludlow
Street jail, New York, on a dentist's bill.
Pugilists Corbett and Mitchell left New
York for Jacksonville, Fla., to answer in
court for their recent fight.
Governors Brown of Maryland and
O'Ferrell of "Virginia held an amicable
conference in relation to the oyster fields.
Taught by experience that wheat is no
longer profitable, Illinois farmers are
finally turning to diversified farming.
Hundreds of western Kansas farmers
are irrigating, inspired by the success of
George Allamau, who started the system.
Claimants at Ashland, Wis., to Omaha
reservation lands have organized into a
club to push their interests.
Professor Woods of Peoria, Ills., is
charged with manufacturing university
degrees and selling them at low prices.
Hon. Daniel Paul, the banker of Center
burg, O., ex-state senator, has mysterious
ly disappeared.
The girl tramp discovered at Paducah,
Ky., will be sent home to her mother at
Allegheny City, Pa.
The story is told of a secret expedition
to Cococos Island in the Pacific to hunt
for gold buried by pirates.
A colony of about 25 Mennonito families
have settled in Fayette county, Blinois,
and more are expected.
McKano Must Go to Prison.
Brooiclyn, Feb. 27. Judge Cullen
dmied the application of John Y. Mo
Kane for a certificate of reasonable doubt.
City Marshal Charged With Murder.
Effingham, Ills., Feb. 27. J. W.
Roberts, city marshal of Toledo, Hls.;
was brought to this city to avoid lynching
and is now in jail here charged with the
murder of T. A. Elder.
Kx-Minister Phelps Will Soon Be Out,
New Haven, Feb. 27. Dr. Gilbert,
who is attending Professor Edward J:
Phelps, is now quite confident that the
ex-minister will soon be out again.
Restricting Flint Bottle Production.
Pittsburg, Feb. 27. Flint bottle man
ufacturers are restricting production;
owing to wage changes contingent on the
passage of the Wilson bill.
Street Railway to Be Sold at Auction.
Fort Worth, Tex., Feb. !27. The
North Side street railway is advertised
to be sold to the highest bidder the first
Tuesday in April.
Rubber Works to Resume.
Millville, Mass., Feb. 27. The 1,400
employes of the United States Rubber
company have been notified that work iB
to be resumed.
Bank President Drops Dead.
Muscatine, Feb. 28. Henry W.
Moore, president of the First National
bujlcdcQiiced dead in big hardware store
His Eesignation, It Is Said, Goes Into
Effect Easter.
Political Circles In England Again Agi
tated by Reports Concerning the Grand
Old Man riacards .Demanding Am
nesty For Political Prisoners.
London, Feb 27. The political world
is onco more greatly agitated by renewed
nmors to the effect that Mr. Gladstone
iutends to retire from office.
The latest scare news is furnished by
the Edinburgh Evening News, which an
nounces upon what it classes as reliable
authority the fact that Mr. Gladstone
has resigned the premiership, but. Tho
Evening News adds, he will retain his
seat in the cabinet, and will also con
tinue to represent Midlothian in the
house of commons.
Naturally this report, apparently based
on something more than mere political
rumor, has caused the greatest excite
ment in political circles and is causing a
great and hurried exchange of telegrams
between the great leaders and their inti
mate advisers. Strange to say after so
many denials and after such a number
of auards c have been put in circulation
in connection with the grand old man
the present report that he has actually
tendered his resignation, or that he in
tends to take such action during the
present week, is obtaining general cred
ence Inquiries made hastily, in official
circles shortly after The Evening News
of Edinburgh circulated its report, shows
that there are many people who believe
the report is undoubtedly based on facts.
It is stated that tho return of the Earl
of Eosebery was due to an important
announcement made by Mr. Gladstone
to one of his cabinet ministers, and it is
saidthat Jhis annoiiiicement practically
amounted to Restatement that he had de
cided to forward his resignation to her
In view of the many previous reports
or a similar nature which have been cir
culated i:i connection with Mr. Glad
stone, there are many people who believe
that there is no more truth in the present
rumor than there has been in other simi
lar reports. But people aro reminding
each other of Mr. Gladstones great age,
his failing eyesight and of the
bitter attacks made upon him by
newspapers, which had previously warm
ly supported him, as a result of his fail
ure to appeal to the sympathies of those
who were clamoring for the abolition of
the house of lords by making a deter
mined attack upon that institution when
the amendments of the peers to the pop
ular employers' liability bill and to the
parish councils bill were taken up in the
house of commons.
. Earl Spencer His Successor.
The Evening News this af temoon say3
that the Earl of Rcseberry has been
offered the premiership and that he has
declined it. Tho same paper says that
the premiership was later offered to Earl
Spencer, the first lord of the admiralty,
and that he accepted it. In conclusion
The Evening News says that Mr. Glad
stone's resignation goes into effect Easter.
Placards Distributed In Cork Demanding
Amnestj For Political Prisoners.
Cork, Feb. 27. In connection with
the visit of the Rt. Hon. John Morley,
chief Jsecretary for Ireland, to this coun
try, it will be remembered Mr. Morley
recently refused to receive a delegation
of evicted tenants on the ground that the
government had decided to introduce a
reinstatement bill during the next session
of parliament, and the Evicted Tenants'
association of this city resolved to return
to the principles of the Land League and,
in addition, appointed a vigilance com
mittee to render inore effective the boy
cotting of land grabbers. Yesterday
green placards were extensively posted
throughout the city by the Fenian broth
erhood. These placards were headed
with the word, in large type, "Amnesty."
The placards declare that Daly and
others are slowly dying in British prisons
and that if Mr. Morley is not to ba
classed as a British statesman who, "for
years has cajoled us with promises, we
ask the fullfillment of his promise to
release the political prisoners. France
and the United States have granted am
nesty to political prisoners shall Eng
land be tho only nation in the world to
refuse? Speak John Morley, Ireland do
mauds an answer."
Opposed to the 'civ Taxation Scheme.
Rome, Feb. 27. The Vatican is op
posed to the new taxation scheme of
Finance Minister Soninno. Disorders
are expected to follow the closing of dis
tilleries and other works unable to bear
the proposed new duties.
Denied by Bayard.
London, Feb. 27. The Hon. Thomas
F. Bayard, the United States ambassador
to the court of St. James, emphatically
denied the report that he intends to
tender his resignation.
Says Mrs Lease Is a Liar.
CniCAGO,Feb. 27. Secretary G. W.
Barnard, of the Grand Masonic lodge ol
Illinois, said today that Mary Ellen
is "a deliberate liar when she said that
she was a member of the Masonic order.'
Smallpox Raging In Xagasaukl.
San Francisco, Feb. 27. Japanesi
advices state that smallpox is raging in
Death of lion. W. F. Curtis.
Marietta, ()., Feb. 27. Hon. W. F.
Cutis died of paralysis, aged 78 years.
Congressmen Pence and Fithlan Both Made
Sensational Speeches.
Washington, Feb. 20. The session of
the senate Tuesday was devoid of special
interest. Senator Daniel concluded his
speech on tho Hawaiian question and
while supporting warmly tho course that
has been followed by the administration,
he declared that now there was nothing
but to recognize the new government
and wish it God speed. After Senator
Daniel's speech, the bill for additional
printing office facilities was discussed. I
Washington, Feb. 20. Tho deadlock
on the Bland seigniorage bill was not
broken in the house Tuesday. Roll call
followed roll call until 4 o'clock, when,
it being apparent Mr. Bland could not
muster a quorum on his proposition, he
moved an adjournment.
Washington, Feb. 21. The tariff
question came up in quite an unexpected
way in the senate Wednesday and for
two hours it held the floor to the exclu
sion of all other business. The matter
was indirectly alluded to by Senator
Voorhees, who arose to a question of
privilege to deny a newspaper statement
indicating the Democratic members of
the finance committee were submitting
to the president's dictations in matters re
lating to th9 tariff bill. After the denial
by Senator Voorhees, Senator Chandler
precipitated the discussion of the day by
an inquiry as to the part that Senator
Mills is performing in the consideration
of the bill in committee, andwhether he
is still acting as the proxy of Senator Mc
Pherson since the latter's return to the
city. Senator Voorhees at first requested
Senator Chandler to read The Record for
his information, but when the New
Hampshire senator insisted upon a direct
answer, Senator Voorhees finally declared
it was no business of the Eenator how
the finance committee considered the bill.
This provoked an era of acrimony and
for the next hour senatorial courtesy had
no place in the senate. Many senators
accused each other of unworthy acts and
Senator Vest finally quoted from the
record in an attempt to prove that Sena
tor Chandler had promised to take care
of certain officials in the southern states
in 187G if they would decide against the
Democrats and in favor of Hayes for
the presidency. The controversy was
finally brought to a close by Senator Mc
Pherson and Senator Mills both explain
ing their positions.
Washington, Feb. 21. Sergeant-at-Arms
Snow of the house arrested several
members on tho floor of the house for
having absented themselves from the ses
sion. The arrest of members on the floor
is almost without precedent. Speaker
Crisp has directed the sergeant-at-arms
to execute the warrant of arrest without
reference to the place where members are.
Washington, Feb. 22. Washington's
birthday session of the house was marked
by the most turbulent and disorderly
scenes of the year. Mr. Bland, clinging
to the idea he could obtain a quorum for
his motion to close debate on the seign
iorage bill and nettled hy his continued
failure for the past week, refused to al
low the house to adjourn over the na
tional holiday. When the house met
Thursday morning, however, although
he still declined to entertain any proposi
tion to compromise with the opponents
of the measure, upon the representations
of certain western representatives that
they would cease filibustering and sup
port the measure if he would give
additional time for debate, he moved
that the debate continue until Saturday,
but he did not get a vote on his amended
Washington, Feb. 23. The members
of the house under arrest were finail
discharged from custody Friday by dis
pensing with further proceedings under
the call. It required four hours to ac
complish this, and although the scenes of
disorderly turbulence which character
ized Thursday's proceedings were not re
peated the proceedings were fully as in
teresting. The Democrats were evidently
very anxious when the house met to ex
tricate themselves from, the complica
tions arising from the wholesale arrest of
members, but by flank movements, tho
Republicans succeeded in preventing this
until the whole situation was thoroughly
vcntilated. Perhaps the most interesting
feature of the day, barring Bland's bitter
phillipic against the filibustering Demo
crats, was the verbal duel between Mr.
Reed and Mr. Turner over the question
of a quorum a question just now of
preeminent impoi-tance in house circles.
Washington, Feb. 24. The house was
again without a quorum on the Bland
Washington, Feb. 26. The proceed
ngs in the house Monday were full of
exciting incidents. Mr. Bland being un
able to secure a quorum, concluded to
allow the debate on the bill to proceed
at the same time declaring that he would
return to the assault Tuesday. Two sen
sational speeches followed, one hy Mr.
Pnce (Colo.), who denounced the Re
publicans for submitting to the crack of
ex-Speaker Reed's whip and warned him
that if the election of tho president was
thrown into the house in 1890 he would re
new his filibustering, and the other by
Mr. Fithian (Ills.), who condemned in
the severest terms the action of his Dem
ocratic colleagues who were taking part
in the filibuster. Toward the close of
the session Mr. Pence's reflection on
Messrs. Pickler nnd Ellis (Or.) drew forth
from them a statement which Mr. Pence
characterized as "absolutely untrue."
He was twice called to order and the
house by a vote refused to allow him to
proceed. It is probable Mr. Pence's
speech will bo the reason of further com
ment. Washington, Feb. 26. The senate
held but a short session Monday in order
to give the Democrats an opportunity aft
erwards to continue the caucus begun in
the morning. Mr. Morgan, chairman of
the committee on foreign relations, pre
sented the report on Hawaiian investiga
tion, and Mr. Frye (Me.) gave notice tliat
on Wednesday he would address the sen
ate on that subject. In the report of
fered" by Mr. Morgan, he indorses all the
actions of Minister Stevens except hi3
declaration of a protectorate by the
United States over Hawaii.
Police Judge Fined.
Sioux City, Feb. 27. The police
raided a cocking main and captured
about thirty men, among whom was W.
B. Russell, judge of the Yankton police
court, who acknowledges ownership of
four of the birds. All were fined for un
lawful assembly.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ;Io Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Resolved, That we consider tne appoint
ment of Hoke Smith as secretary of the in
terior an insult to the Union soldiers and.
a direct slap in the face of every soldier
who fought for the Union.
AVliich Tell tho Storr of Seven Dayrf i
Crimes and Casualties and Other Impor- Dispersed by Police After Destroying Con-
taut Matters Arranged Attractively
Given In a Few Words.
Want Salaries Reduced.
Grand Island, Xeb., Feb. 27. A
Dctition is beinc circulated for the re
duction of the salaries of the mayor and 1
all city officials
Killed a Constable.
Lincoln. Feb. 23. A. S. Jones, station
agent of the Missouri Pacific at Walton, f
this county, shot and killed Jerry Peck,
constable, at Sprague.
Father Corbett Seriously III.
Nebraska. City, Neb., Feb.
Father Corbett of Palmyra, who
the city defending the injunction pro
ceedings brought by Bishop Bonacum o!
Lincoln against the Bank of Palmyra, ia
seriously ill with heart trouble.
KOME, l?'eb. ST. A street Drawi oc
curred at Acquaviva delle Fonti in the
province of Bari and a member of the
municipal guard tried to arrest the ring
leader of the trouble. He met with re
sistance from the leader's friends and an
effort was made to lynch him. The
guard was rescued by bis comrades, a
detachment of whom escorted him to tho
barracVs. Later 400 peasants gathered
and marched to the mayoralty in search
of the guard. They entered that build
ing and demolished the fnrniture of tho
reading room. From there they went to
04 . I the police station, which they invaded
is in ' antl destroyed everything they could lay
their hands on. They did not succeed in
finding the guard and, incensed at this,
they marched through the streets, bent
upon destruction of property. They
smashed 80 street lamps and threw stones
at every window which contained a
light. Tho police ultimately dispersed
Veterans to Assemble at lleatricc.
Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 27 The South
western Grand Army of the Repnbiia
encampment will bo held m tins city
March 8, Commander Church Howe and THE Residents
Senior Vice Commander Adams will bo
Murderer Carleton's Sentence Suspended. I
Lincoln, Feb. 2G. Charles C. Carle-:
ton, sentenced to death at Fremont for
the murder of August Gothman, will
not be hanged March 23. The supremo
court ha3 suspended the sentence of
death until such time as it can review
the case.
Mailed Threatening: Letters.
Nebraska City, Neb., Feb. 27. Tony
Columbus, an Italian, was arrested here
on information from Omaha. He is ac
cused of sending threatening letters to
fellow countrymen at Omaha. A deputy
United States marshal took the prisoner
to Omaha.
Big Damage Suit Dismissed.
Oiluia, Feb. 24. The suit of the
Shickle Harris Iron company of St.
Louis for $79,000 against the American
Waterworks company of New Jersey,
involving the Omaha and Denver plants, ,
was dismissed today on motion of the
attorneys for the plaintiff.
Tribute to an Old Soldier.
Fort Niobrara, Neb., Feb. 27. On
the occasion of his retirement from the
United States army Feb. 21 Sergeant
Charles Dahlgreen of E troop, Sixth cav- i
nlr wns nrp!PTitpl wifli n snlpmltd rnld
l-- ' ' 0 Trha
headed cane by the enlisted men of his J r
late organization.
llo-r Thieves Plead Guilty.
Tzkamah, Neb., Feb. 27 Henry
Betts, Sam Grover and Joe Shafer, who
had their trial last week for hog steal
ing, and were bound over to the next ; fact it jg claimed, that Prussian Uhlans
to a
Sensational Stories Concerning Their Ab
sence Set at Best.
Washington, Feb. 27. Word has
been received which absolutely and posi
tively sets at rest the stories given circu
lation early yesterday afternoon that
there was reason for grave apprehension
concerning the presidentValMence. The
Violet with the party aboard was sighted
by persons at the government gun test
proving grounds at Indian Head, about
25 miles down the river, at
2 p. m. She passed the prov
ing grounds at that hour and kept
on down the river. It is evident, there
fore, that during the storm the vessel lay
to over night in Borne of the numerous
small creeks or indentions of the Potomac
and awaited more settled weather before
proceeding. So far as the persons on
shore could see there were no signs what
ever of anything unusual having occurred
on board the vessel. The weather is now
sunshiny, clear and mild.
Sensational Story of a Battle.
Moscow, Feb. 27. A sensational story
is current in military circles here that a
fight had taken place on the Rnsso-Ger-man
frontier between a detachment of
Russian dragoons and a number of Prus
sian Uhlans. Several are reported to
have been killed on both sides.
Russian officers in this city,
who have been questioned on
the subject, decline to specify
what either of the regiments are re
ported to have suffered, saying that they
did not wish to cause international com
plication. The fracas arose out of the
term of the district court, have pleaded
guilty as charged and Judge Hopewell
sentenced them to the penitetiary for
three years each.
Barrett Scott's Change of Venue.
O'Neill, Neb., Feb. 23. In the dis
trict court the petition of Barrett Scott
lor a change of venue came up for hear
ing, Judges Kinkaid and Borrow presid
ing. The prayer of the petitioner was
granted and the judges named Antelope
county as the place where the trial will
be held at the next term of court.
were using the Russian eagle fixed
frontier post as a target.
Garcia Murderers Captured by Rangers.
Austin, Tex., Feb. 27. Attorney Gen
eral Maybry has advices from Captain
Rogers of the Rangers that his command
has caught and jailed at Rio Grande
City Will and Ben Bennett and Pablo
Flores, charged with the Garcia murder
in Starr county.
Arrested For Burglary.
Springfield, O., Feb. 27. Ex-Deputy
County Auditor B. H. Lowman was ar
rested at New Carlisle for attempted
burglary. He was found crouching under
; a lot of old clothes in Mrs. Mallory's resi-
To Kntertain York County Farmers.
York, Neb., Feb. 27. On the 1st and
2nd of March the York County Farmers
institute will hold its second annual , Aoril.p
meeting in this city. The citizens are i
mul-ino- pvtrnisivo TtrPTVirafinrts tr rnv ! Propeller Keleased From Perilous Position.
o i'- o- I
tho visitimr memhers a trrand recention. I WIICAUO,
Feb. 27. The big freight
Two or tlirec of the faculty of the State ' propeller Schlessinger, which spent the
university will be present and deliver ad
Interested In Irrigation.
Harrison, Neb., Feb. 27. The deep
interest taken in the irrigation question
continues to grow in this section. A
county irrigation association was organ
ized here, which will be an auxiliary to
the Northwestern association. A legisla
tive committee composed of J. H. Cook,
J. B. Burke and E. E. Livermore was
recommended to the district association.
night lceoounu a quarter or a mne
beyond the 4-mile crib, was released from
its nerilous position by the tug Perfection.
Five Attempts to Burn an Oklahoma Town.
Muscogee, O. T., Feb. 27. During
the past week five efforts have been made
to burn the town. Last night fire orig
inated in a negro crap shooting dive,
spread until eight house3 and two tents
were burned.
Big Victory For the Union Pacific.
North Platte, Neb., Feb. 27. In the
case of Sullivan against the Union Pa
cific Railway company, the jury re
turned a verdict in favor of the defend
ant. This is one of a dozen cases now
pending in the district court and grew
out of the great prairie fire which started
at Nichols and swept into North Platte
on April 7 last. Total losses from the
fire aggregated $75,000.
Colonel Iinssell of Schuyler Was the In
stalling Officer.
Lincoln, Feb. 24. The 17th annual
encampment of the Nebraska department
I of the Grand Army of the Republic
. closed its session Thursday night by a
public installation of the newly elected
department officers. Colonel Russell of
Schuyler was unanimously selected as
the installing officer. The officers in
stalled were as follows:
! Commader, Church Howe of South
Auburn; senior vice commander, C. E.
Adams of Superior; junior vice com
mander, John Barnes of Albion; medical
' director, William Banwell of Albion;
chaplain, Dr. G. W. Martin of Kearnej.
The council of administration was next
elected, as follows: J. H. Culver, Min
den; J. A. Ehrhardt, Stanton; G. E.
Whitman, Oxford; Robert La Fountain,
Kearney, and Lockner, Omaha.
The delegates to the national encamp
ment are: C. H. Gould and J. J. Gar
ner of Lincoln; John Reese, Broken Bow;
J. F. Diener, Syracuse; J. T. Sumpy,
Wst Point; W. S. Askwith and T. L.
Hall, Omaha; J. W. Laferty, Winner,
and James Bender, Fairmont.
The following resolution, presented by
A. V. Cole of Juniata, was adopted with
a cheer, that shook the buildimj:
England Takes Another Step.
The British house of commons has
taken another step toward full suffrage
for women. It ha3 voted that the pro
visions of the bill in regard to women
and the parish and district councils shall
apply also to the London vestries. Wom
en will therefore be able to act as mem
bers of those important bodies.
Author and Dramatist.
Mrs. Charles Avery Doremus, whose
play, "The Full Hand," was given re
cently at the Madison Square theater, is
the wife of a New York physician. She
is a descendant of President Jefferson,
was educated in Paris and is the author
of a number of novels. New York Com
mercial. Temperance women of Norway recent
ly asked the public authorities to make
it unlawful for women or girls to serve
in public houses. The request has been
granted, and at present an alehouse
keeper cannot employ any other woman
than his own wife.
Miss Sparrow, a London journalist, re
cently took it into her head to sweep a
crossing just to see what it was like. It
was Lady Georgiana Fullerton who once
performed the same act in order to al
low the regular sweeper to attend mass.
Harper's Bazar mentions that Mrs.
Sheridan, wife of the famous general, is
almost the only widow of a great public
man who absolutely declined purses,
funds and any such testimonials after
his death.
A dozen bright girls in the city of Lon
don have formed a school of fiction,
each writing a story a month to be read
at the meetings. A capital idea.
Restaurants have been established in
Boston for women and girls exclusively
which furnish a nutritious meal for a
Of the 563 convicts in Michigan peni
tentiaries not one is a woman.