IRA Ij. BARE, Editor and Pkopkietor SUBSCRIPTION RATES, ir i-Atn ix 4dtas.ce. - - 100 rrn annum IT XOT PAID IN ADVANCE, $1.50 PER ANNUM The general trend of sentiment of the senate committee seems fa vorable to the admission into the union of all territories applying, and uian s ciaim win be the first con sidered. Entered t theNorthHntte (Nebraska) poeloffice as (lecond-clncs matter. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1894. A bill introduced in the Iowa legislature provides that all parties desiring to use intoxicants shall in corporate in clubs of 100 members each. County auditors may furnish liquor to such clubs and issue coupon tickets at 10 cents each, good for a twist at the club locker. And it is now announced that Lillian Russell's latest husband, John Chatterton, once captured the principal prize at the late P. T. Barnum's first baby show in New York. 'Tis thus the honors are thrust upon the blushing Lil whose matrimonial experiences are only equalled by those of Kate Castleton or Sarah Bernhardt. Those workingmen who went to Washington to protest against the passage of the Wilson bill are com plaining of rather brusque treat ment at the hands of several demo cratic congressmen to whom they ventured to address themselves. They now feel quite assured that they cut a smaller figure with the democratic politicians after election than before. TnE Iowa supreme court reaffirms its decision that the prohibitory amendment is not a part of the state constitution, not having been legally adopted. Under such de cision the way is open for the repeal of a law which has never been enforced except in communi ties where a majority favor total abstinence, and for the substitution of count- option, which will give prohibition counties what they want and make the liquor business, which has flourished in other counties, pay a heavy license tax and be placed under restriction. Minne apolis Journal. Chloride of lime, carbolic acid and other disacreeable things are to be driven out, so we are informed, by a new variety of disinfectants that are gifted with the most de lightful odors. A French physician adds to the cheerfulness brought by this announcement by stating that deep inhalations from a handker chief saturated in cologne water will check the most obstinate cold. If the cold is in the head the inhal ation should be through the nose, if in the chest, through the mouth. It should be so vigorous that a burning sensation is felt. This soon passes away, however, and the cold goes with it. Highest of all in Leavening Bower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Now that Bismarck and the em peror have become friendly the probabilities are that before many years there will be some new map making in Europe. It was a shrewd stroke of diplomacy on the part of the sovereign to reunite his empire ere the death of the old iron chan cellor, who at best, will not much longer. The reconciliation is a menace to French invasion of German territory. The friends of ex-governor Camp bell, of Ohio, are claiming that he is an active candidate for the gu bernatorial campaign next 3'ear, after which he will be a presiden tial aspirant in 1890, as the admin istration candidate. It is stated that he dictated all the recent fed eral appointments in the Buckeye state. This latter only proves that the administration loves Jimmy better than Larry, but wait until our Billy has a go at him. A recent dispatch from Wash ington announces that it is the in tention of the democrats in congress to make another heavy reduction in pension disbursements at the next session of this congress. If Cleveland and his gang of friends who so thoroughly hate the pen sioners will be patient death will reduce the disbursements. But per haps they would hasten death by cutting off the pensions of those old soldiers whose maimed condition precludes the possibility of them earning a living. Tammany has sent its boss down to Washington to whip the New York democratic senators and mem bers of congress into line in opposi tion to the federal income tax bill Tammany met its Waterloo in Chi cago at the nomination of Cleve land and the organization should have a sufficient!' correct idea of the proprieties to remain a corpse. The indications are that the Wil son tariff bill and the income tax law will be enacted by a democratic congress, and upon that party will he tastened the responsibility. Tin: sex is defended by courts of justice even in staid old Connecticut. A case was recently reported where a prosperous young farmer, Ros well Chamberlain, courted a country schoolma'am for two years, wrote love letters, and received love tokens in return. But after a courtship of two years Chamberlain told her that he could not afford to man- last i her. "bnesiiise he needed all his money to buy fertilizer with." Is it any wonder that the goddess took the bandage from her eyes for a moment that she might see the man who preferred fertilizer to a pretty girl, who would rather have i A 11 1 Tl a train robber named Jonn Dalton was captured by one of the Northwestern express messengers Friday. Dalton had himself ex pressed on the inside of a stuffed i buffalo, but this game was spoiled j by his removing one of the animal's glass eyes, through the socket of which he pushed a six-shooter cov- j ering the messenger. The latter! however, escaped from its aim j and leaped on the back of the stuffed ! animal. The back caved in and he ! dropped on the robber inside and ' sat on him until the next station was reached, when he was turned t ium over to the authorities. The sate 1 contained $50,000. Evidently Dal ton had confederates who were to act at his signal. They have not been apprehended. A letter has just been made public, says an exchange, in which Sister Lease declares that "Governor Lewelling and his crowd elected by the liquor and fusion votes took bone dust than bones clothed in fleh and blood, and who spurned the joys of wedlock for the delights of a big crop of potatoes. The schoolm'm laid aside her ferule and walked into court, which promptly assessed her damages at S750 cash and costs. Served him right. During the year 1892 fire insur ance companies drew out of this state $1,053,754 in premiums on risks taken. Out of this vast sum only 8G79.40S was paid in losses. The total receipts of Nebraska companies from risks taken in the state amounted to $4G4,225, while the total amount paid in lossess was but $105,107. The managers of all insurance companies agree that the total cost of getting business is 33 per cent of gross premium receipts, tis easy to compute the enormous profits that have beeU pocketed by them, and it is also easy to see the absurdity of their claims that the recent advance of rates was forced upon them by reason of poor busi ness and actual loss on business originating in Nebraska. We have heretofore intimated that insurance people are sowing the wind only a little later to reap the whirlwind. We predict that if they do not soon reverse their policy our legislatures will retaliate and put laws on the statute books that will protect their patrons against further imposition. Bee. The despised and rejected Amer ican wage-earner in the Pennsyl vania coal regions has given a no ble account of himself. He it was that, returning good for evil treat ment, came to the rescue of the coal barons' property and repulsed the .... i i- t. l l ! auarcuibuc annus wmi nau urguu- ized for its total destruction. The American is a lover of law; he suf fers and is strong; he tries to find a legal remedy for the evils from which he suffers. Time and again the Inter Ocean has spoken of the Pennsylvania coal regions as the disfiguring blotches of the Ameri can system. The trade ia foreign labor has been scandously unjust to Americans. U ages have been lower consistent with American modes of life. Strikes have been tl i t i . 3 nr: t !-. UOCK isianu, ju-issuuii i acinc aim Missouri, Kansas & Texas ( 1 have more frequent and riots more fierce there than elsewhere. The price on anthracite has been maintained. the wages of miners have been low- ! ered. the home-building and law- j i abiding American has been sup-1 planted by foreigners who were not : of a desirable class. The darkest ; parts of Central Europe have been evied uiion for the least educated RoYal BaKing Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Congressman Wilson remarked: "The country has been drunk on protection for the last thirty rears." The fact remains, however, that no people on the globe have been so prosperous during that long period as has the people of the United States. They are at anv rate ''sober" enough now. The country does not even indulge "in a smile." The organs of the administration in New York are at their wits' end. They are trying to ignore the con ditions or the party at Washington and seem to have the idea that if they keep still peace and happiness will flow as a river. But the people of the nation are on the war path, and partisan organs are as helpless as babies to turn aside the nation's wrath. Nebraska has been humiliated -at Washington again. The speech of Senator Jones has been printed in a separate number of the Congres sional Record and the dispatches say that this is "the first time a single speech has ever had that distinction." And in spite of Allen's widely advertised effort we are obliged to take a back seat to a measly little state like Nevada, and in a wind contest at that! It is almost enough to justify a day of special fasting and a new order for sackcloth and ashes. Have you houseVfor rent? If so, list them with T. C. Patterson and you will secure tenants. . ", The rumor is - gaining credence that there will be no further fight ing in Brazil unless theefforts mak ing to adjust the existing difficulties miscarry. People are usually anxious to believe what they prefer to be true. We trust that these atest rumors may be founded on fact. Liver and Kidney Cure. Parks' Sure Cure is the only guaran teed remedy. Its action is quick and positive. Will stop that backache and sick-headnche. A positive specific for all diseases of women. Why suffer when it will cure you? For sale by North Platte Pharmacv. The people of Colorado are gradu ally climbing out of the slough of despond into which they rashly plunged themselves last summer when the Sherman act was repealed. They are beginning to realize that they can make more money mining gold than they can by delving silver. The improvements in mining ma chinery and the reduced cost of transportation from mine to smelter lias very materially reduced the expense of gold mining, and the yellow metal is likely to have a boom in the silver states. Bee. Nebraska secured a larger quota of the foreign immigration last year than eitlnr of the two states to the nort h and to the south of her. With proper advertising of her resources and adequate inducements to immi grants Nebraska ought to do re!a- 4 iirfil i lifif-fm flmli elm lint? l.-w. C incij I'uuii one; iwia uuuu jii jj j- fr the year just commencing. The j doz. hoi Will ,T. Davis, of the Columbia Theater, the stakeholder, j&r the championship contest between-. James J. Gorbett and Peter Jackson has received a second deposit of $2,000. The heavy-weights will battle in June in accordance with the agreement made at their meet ing at the Chicago Press Club last July. "During the epidemic of la grippe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy took the lead here and was much "better liked than other cough medicinj." H. M. Bangs, druggist, Chatsworth, The grip is much the same as a very severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. This remedy is prompt and effectual and will prevent any tendency of the disease toward pneumonia. For sale by A. F. Streitz and North Platte Phar macy. Colorado has now had several weeks experience with Goverr.ox Waite's special session of the state legislature, but finds itself no further advanced toward a complete restoration of industrial" prosperity than it would have been had no legislature been convened. The governor also finds himself as far from i lie realization of his wild hopes of fiat currency as ever. The chief result thus far seems to have been the piling up of the daily legislative expenses, with several more davs in sight. THE SECRET. What is the Secret of the Marked Success of the HOW IS THIS ? Asked one man of another, the other day. We overheard -the remark.- This is our answer: It is the one-idea man who gets there. Sticking to one thing, working hard at it all the time, brings about better results than dividing efforts. We have been pegging away for the past -i years TO KEEP PRICES DOWJN and to make our business the largest and best in the city We have been successful. On our reputation depends our future trade and we shall in no way do anything' to dam age it, but on the other hand shall work hard to gain and hold the confidence of the people. We carry everything. Wc always liave the Latest in Fine Foot-wear. Our ladies' and gents' 2.50 cannot be equalled: every pair warranted. All our shoes repaired free of charge Once a customer always a customer at M SHOP IH- CONNECTION, r HALF SOLEIHS SO CIS. THE FAIR L. ABT & SONS, Manufacturers of Fine Clothing-, 218 and 220 Market Street. CHICAGO, Jan. 13, 1894. Messrs. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, North Platte, Neb. Gentlemen: We are in receipt of your esteemed favor of the 8th inst., and have decided, owing to the back wardness of the season, to accept your offer on the lot of Overcoats and Suits which you order, (although they are some of 'the most desirable portions of our stock to-day), and which we have shipped as per invoice enclosed here in. You are doubtless aware that these goods are billed to you at about 50 per cent of their cost of production. However, on account of the general depression in trade in large financial centers, wc are willing to accept your proposition, but wish to warn you at the same time that such prices as those you offer are not likely again to pre vail for man7 a day. Awaiting your further commands, we remain very truly yours, L. ABT & SONS. ON SALE AT Four new war vessels, the Mar blehead, Columbia, Raleigh, and Cincinnati, will be ready for sea service within the next two months. All Ills That Tills Are good for are treated more success fullyby Parks' Tea. Is not a cathartic; no griping or pain, vet moves the bowels every day. Sold by North Platte Phar-macv. numoer or arrivals wno on landing declared this state to be their des tination in 1893 was 3,154, a num ber which could be several times increased with good results to both immigrants and the state. It is almost astonishing to note the increased acreage of sugar beet growing in Nebraska. The acreage of beet grown in 1894 will be about double that of the year previous, says the Litchfield Monitor, and the factories will necessarily be worked to their fullest capacity. The soil along the largest streams, which is a sandy loam, is especially adapted to this vegetation, and at no distant j day Nebraska will be classed as one of the largest sugar producing states in the country. Larger and addi tional factories will be built to handle the product, and with sugar and corn combined, Nebraska will be a glorious state. The ignorance displayed br an Omaha editor, who assumes to say that over one-third of all the oil imported into Nebraska is founnd "below the low standard demanded by the Nebraska law," is just a little more pronounced than the usual outbreak from that source. The Professional hunters in laying in sup-, plies for a long limit take, first 20 gals, of snake bite cure, 2nd, 1 pound of crackers. :als. of snake bite cure, and 4th, 2 ttles of Haller's Sure Cure Couch byrun. i' or sale by r . 11. Jongley. . It. is to be hoped that tne widow of the late Senator Stanford Will j manage to exist on the trifling allowance oft $10,000 stt liftl&J granted her by the -court pending the settlement of the estate. If she finds it difficult to live within her'income tlrf" are plenty of indi viduals waiting for an opportunity fo demonstrate by experiment the fact that it. is possible under a strict regime of economy. After the estate shall have been settled she may be enabled to indulge in a few trifling luxuries, but until then she will have to live within the limits of her allowance. David Shivere of Lexington, while under the influence of liquor, attempted to commit suicide by taking stryenine. He was prevented from carrying out fiis grave design and the inhuman judge lined linn 10 for trying. Captain Swvenpj', U. S, A., Snn Diego, Cal , says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine 1 have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 ct&. Soli by .North Platte Pharmacy. SPECIAL. I am prepared to take any order in the shoo line. Hand made- or ready made. NEW STOCK ON HAND. Please give- mo a call your purchases. before- you make JOSEPH MEYER. CLAUDE WEINGAND, DKALKK IN" The call for ''bonds of small de nomination'" so that "the common people can invest in them" would be all right if these democratic times had not made it impossible for ''the common people" to do so. But let the small bonds be issued, with a hope of republican times in the near future. Coal Oil, Gasoline, Crude Petroleum and Coal Gas Tar. The Star Clothing House WEBER & Y0LLMER, Props. Ho. 349Q. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, North Platte, - Neb. Authorized Capital, $200,000 Paid in Gamta, $50,000. . GENERAL JUXKIXG J'.Cb'I XEb'S TJiAXSA CTED. Leave orders at Evans1 Book Store. It is explained by way of St. Louis that the periodical fall of a stone from the Board of Trade building in Chicago is due to the siesniic disturbance occasioned by the Chicago woman putting her foot down with emphasis. . Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Dyspepsia, .Torpid Liver, Yellow Skirnor Kidney Trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 75c. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy. There have been netitions sent to facts are that from April 1, 1893, to congress against the Wilson bill December 31, 1U3, 122,325 barrels i sir,.d I ot oil were examined. Of these ,G7S barrels were "approved ' and people. But voting begin k- i or,n nnn just wait until thev and ,;irainst the ininuitv. The concrres- 44,647 were "rejected'" Now, son.,i Wilsons and" even the great everybody who knows anything, boss himself will understand that about oil inspection knows that better. "rejected oil" is simply gasoline. It j - doesn't pretend to be anything else, t Ballard's Hcrehound Syrup. It is "rejected for illuminating nur-L We i?'nJtee this to be the best Couch m i ii i i i i byrup manufactured m the whole wide poses. i hat is the stamp placed worIcK Thi is Miyfnir a cnat deal, but upon the barrel. Journal. ! it is true. Fer Consumption, Coughs. - ; Colds, Sore Throat, Chest, Pneil- Later plans for the reoriraniza-, 'nia, Hronchitis, Asthma, Croup, fmn nf ilio lTninn P-r-Jfi,. vr.,,.1 ..c hooping Cou-h, It Cures. Parks' Cough Syrup cures Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. The standard home remedy in thousands of 'families fop all lung diseases. Guaran teed by Noth Plrffte Pharmacy. Major Burke, Louisiana's treas urer who embezzled $3,000,000, is now managing a mine in Honduras belonging to a New York syndicate. He sars he will return for trial when he gets enough money to de fend his case. If salt costs one cent a pound and ham 15 cents, what would a hoc be worth that had been fed on Haller's Condition Pow ders? For sulo by F, II. Longley. Hershey & Co. DEALERS IX Moral : I OF ALL KINDS, Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Road Carts, Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb Wire, Etc. Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth Sells Bills of Exchange on all Foreign Countries. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. O OH.B.E SFOB1 X Jb32XTO:E2 SOLICITED. A. F. STREITZ, Beallsm In the Drama. Realism in the drama is a great thing. The other day a London man ager applied to a magistrate for per mission to introduce a livo infant in a fire scene. The child was to be rescued from a burning house by a collie dog, which was to climb a ladder and leap from a window with the baby in his mouth. The manager was highly in dignant when his application was re fused, and eo was the affectionate- father who had provided the baby for a night ly consideration. Stageland. Aiitlsmlpcr Law Tolit. Sr. Paul, Jan. 31. The renowned nn titicket scalper law was declared to lxv tnconstitutional bv Judge Willis in tho iistrict court. The case will iiprenie court. go to tho We have yet to find any case of barb t ire cut that Haller's Barb Wire Liniment will not cure. We absolutely guarantee it and F.'II. Longley will refund the cash for all provinc unsatisfactory. 1 1. M.KK PltOPMETAKY Co. uiiuca nuiii iiic mice uuiii iiitii ic i i j'i' l illlll VHI.M-UUUUHIUllt'U their proletariat. The the proof); that they are m part-jh d the idea of nership with saloons and gambling j home inavkefc nouses, tuac ate iuc . u5 - labf)r as we Jlg for th(J roducts ever cursed Kansas."' Now this is getting interesting. The language is pointed. If the charge is false there should be a libel law to reach Mrs. Leach. If it is true the bosses of the populist party had better gather together their annual passes and prepare to leave the Kansas state house. T. Dewttt Talmage has resigned i his pastorate at the Brooklyn Tab-1 portions of compre a profitable American of 1 labor. Had the mine owners stir- rounaeu inemseives wun nome owninsr workmenn, Americans by birth or naturalization, the bloody event of Saturday might have been avoided. As it was. the restora tion of order was due to that Amer- ican element in which the coal i combine has seeii no value except ' as it furnished purchasers for the , products of its mines. Well will it be if the last lesson be heeded. A i-ill -i?rl in f ol lirranf. finfl M'nllrrn ernacle giving :is his principal rea-itente'd body o workmeiK Ameri cans by birth or naturalization, is strongest and most reliable son for his action the mental strain in proviaing ror uie luueuieuuess ul ii mis concern, wmcn ror jears nas ne fi, ;,a 0 :.. Q,. . - I T l i LL U (11 11 1 (Hi JL. LUU luiuiwio vyi 1 1,0 will been heavily involved as being too j. The event of Saturday is wearisome upon him in connection - ;d American hatred with his clerical duties. The St Louis Globe-Democrat truly re marks that "if the wealthy mem bers of Dr. Talmage's church are wise they will pay eff the debt on the Dronertv at once as 1 r of anarchy. Inter Ocean. Ballard's Snow Liniment. This invaluable remedy is one that ought to be in every household. It will cure your Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Cuts. Bruised. Burns, Frosted Brooklyn Tabernacle without Tal- ' Feet and Ears, Sore Throat and Sore mage would be apt to pass into the hands of a receiver.1' The action of the average New Yorker as shown by the Gen. Grant monu ment fund, and his offer for the re cent world's fair is thus again brought before the memory of a reminiscent public. Chest. If von have Lame Back it will cure it It penetrates to the seat of the disease. It will cure Stiff Joints and contracted muscles after all other reme dies have failed. Those who have been cripples for years have used Ballard's Snoic Linimact and thrown away their crutches and been able to walk as well as ever. It will cure you. Price 50 cents. Sold bv A. F. Streitz. 1-2 well as some of the earlier ones, suggest the resting of the control of the road in the government. If this means anything more than the old plan of giving the government a feu- of the directors, it is of some significance. What the stockhold ers have now to fear is a foreclosure on the part of the government. To save the road from that fate they would doubtless be glad to hand over control to the nation on the theory that it would not do ! the and LlUICi all diseases of we positively guarantee Baixaud's IIokuhouxi) Syklt to be. without an equal on the whole face of the globe. In support of this state ment we refer to every individual whu has ever used it and to every druggfst who has ever sold it. such evidence" is indisputable. For sale by A. F. Streitz i ' 4000, Columns i NORTH PLATTE Marble Works. Mnnufactorer of nad Dealer la Monuments, Headstones, Curbing, Building Stone, And all kindn of Monumental and Cemetery Work. Careful attention given to lettering of every description. Jobbing don on Bhort notice. Orders solicited and esti mates freely given. Prominent citizens and business I men of Chicago have commenced a i contest io oust Hopkins, elected l - 1 1 I T T . ! iii.iyuj iu Micct-eu carter Harrison. The petition in contest alleges fraud much , and that by throwing out thu illegal OF-- past gov- i. ri. ii , voir.- Lttsi owiiG wouiu nave a majority of a least twenty thousand. worse lor them than some mismanagements. But while eminent control might be of doubt ful expediency in any case, it would ; Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that be particularly rooiish to accept the. uoniam mercury, management of the property with :l5 mercu,ry " surely destroy the sense Good Reading -POU- through articles popular in should never be used except on prescrjp-,-ld C Mass.) '-tio" from repmahle physicians, as the it nnf. lnn.l nf it-ntu.. in ,nnihi. m. :,UU upiejy Uerange the . . . w m)je s,VMem Wuen entering it ization added to ov one ot these I the mucous surfaces. Such "reorganizations so T?w;.... j damage they will do is ten fold to 'the "..(immuvuu. cooll vou c;m noi-jy derive from tlmm liall's Catarrh Cure -manufactured' bv F. J. Cheney A: Co.. Toledo, O., contains. no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly unoa the blood and mucous sbr--faces of the system. In buying IraH's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internall-, and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimon ials free ESSold 'by Druggists, price 7oc. bottle. About a year ago I took a violent attack of la grippe. I coughed day and night for about six weeks; my wife then suggested that 1 try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. At first I could see no difference, but still kept taking it, and soon found thatt was what f needed. If I got no relief from one dose I took another, and it was only a few days until I was free from the cough. I think people in general ought to know the value of this remedy, and I take pleasure in acknowledging the benefit I have received from it. Madison Mustard, Otway. Ohio. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale bv A. F. Streitz; and Korth Platte Pharmacy. per The publisher of the Nebraska City Press has sued the city for- an old printing bill of over two thous and dollars and levied an attach ment on the town. The city coun cil, after due consideration, has concluded that it would be cheaper to let the Press take the town tjian pay the bill, and thus its hopes are dashed to earth right at the start. $1.30. GEO. NAU MAN'S SIXTH STREET MEAT MARKET. Meats at wholesale and re tail. Fish and Game in season. Sausage at all times. Cash paid for Hides. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils POINTERS' SUPPLIES, Window Glass, Machine Oils, Diamanta Spectacles. detjtsch:e apotheze. CORNER OF SIXTH AND SPRUCE STREETS. FINEST SAMPLE ROOM. IN NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public is invited to call and see u., insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. billiard hall is supplied witii the best, make of tables Our and IB atl vour wants. CIFIU DEPOT. competent, attendants will supply KEITH'S BLOCK", "OPPOSITE THE UNION I P-io chahgeAB' PROTECT YOUR EYES. MR. E. HIRSOHBERG, l 'x f - . )? J. Tll well-known Eye Expert of (Ji) Olive St., St. Loui. VpSSsMo.,aiHl: K- 11th .Street, New Vork, has appointed lftlSr& A-F- STREITZ as aent f.,r his celebrated Nn I Wt rvt? " Changeable Spectacles and Eye Glasses. These "lasses I. A. FORT 5 The Tribune and Weekly Inter Ocean Both one year $1.30. This ought to prove sat isfactory to even the fellow wants the earth for a nickel. Come in and get double value for your money. Has 200,000 acreB of U. P. R. Ii. land for sale on tho ten year plan. Call and see him if you want a bargain. R. D. THOMSON, (1 are the greatest invention ever made in spectacles, and every pair purchased are guaranteed, so that if at any time a change is necessary (no matter how- scratched the lenses), they will furnish the party with a now pair ' of Glasses, free of charge. A. P. STREITZ has a full assortment, and invites all who wish to satisfy themselves of tho groit superiority of these glasses over any and all others now in use, to call and examine them at A. F. STREITZ, Solo Agent for North Platte, Xeb. Xo peddlers supplied. "Tho Best in tho World. Xone genuine unless stamped Non-Changeable. FVPI 9 DEALER IN Contractor Builder ii 127 Sixth St. Cor. of Vine, NOIITH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. FARMS FOR SALE! Four of Lincoln County's Best Farms, Ea".h containing 160 acres. Well adapted for farming and stock rais ing; nine miles from railroad sta tion. One farm contains a fine young orchard, arid is well im proved. For further particulars address ROX 4o: NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Farm : implements, WAGONS, BUGGIES, Windmills, Harness, Etc. JOS. F. FILLION, 'lL BI1TG- Stfeam and Gas Fitting. Cesspool'and Sewdrage'a Specialty. Copper and Galvanized Iron 'Car- nice, im ana iron ltoohn"s. Estimates furnished. Repairing of all kinds receive prompt attention Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth, ISTorth. IPlatte, ----- 7SJ"ebraska.