t - 2t" f 4 J ) 'a Wit iritowe. IRA I. BARE, Editor a-d Proprietor - SUBSCRIPTION RATES. w tw 1 oft wvt tmw IV HOT rATD IX ASTAXCB, - fl.50 IXS ASHCV Astered at the North Plfttte (Kebraakm) poatettc m eooaa-civs Bimr, t - - -. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1894. Prendergast, the slayer of Car ter Harrison, has been foundeuilty of murder and will expiate his Grime on the gallows. Insane or - not insane, he lastly deserves the sentence. Tee legislature of Colorado has been called to meet in special ses sion on the 10th inst., and it is said Governor Waite has mapped out enough work for that body to keep it in continuous session for several Tears. If the railroads continue to pass into the hands of receivers at the present rate 32,000 miles during the past year it will not be long until the whole system will be prac tically operated by the government, through the federal courts. If any member of congress knows of a way to put the present large amount of idle money into circula tion, he is the man to whom the country will listen with much more patience than to those who have wild schemes for increasing the currency. Three receivers will take care of the Santa Fe, the largest system in the country, while it takes five to govern the Union Pacific. Two of the U. P. receivers should be dis missed and their salaries devoted to employing additional section hands, or else used in increasing the pay of those now employed. Thet are starting a boom for ex president Harrison in Indiana by which they hope to land him the presidential nomination in 1896. They had better ring off. A very large majority of the republicans of the country desire McKinley as the standard bearer and only death will keep him from being the next president. if Secret ABr Carlisle says there is more money in the country than is needed to transact its business. The trouble seems to be that the admin istration has ruined the business. Just send the tariff-tinkering states men to the rear and publish to the world that they will stay there and the millions in bank vaults will flow out like magic. Col. Mary Leese was ufired" from the Kansas State Board of Charities last week by Governor Le welling last week, whereat the Colonel has grown wrathy and de mands a statement of the cause which led to her dismissal in order that she may defend herself. If it ceaes to a talking Batch sister Mary will knock oat the governor in about fifteen mautes. spects in the Senate, and this wil necessitate its return to the house or its submission to a conference committee of the two bodies. This delay may consume six or eight day: S3 that May will be here before the president gets his hands on the bill It will hardly be signed before the 8th or 10th of that month. Five or six weeks, it is likely, will be allowed to elapse between its enact ment and its soing into effect. The men who have been predicting thai the bill will not pass early enough to start into operation before the middle of. June or the 1st of July have the probabilities on their side. Globe-Democrat. The city jailor of Topeka has also been meditating on the inwardness of economic science ana nas ais covered a way to euchre Governor Lewelling and his tramps. He decides that no man committed to his establishment to live for a time on the county or city can make any time so long as be revels in idleness He has, therefore, determined to le every prisoner break stone at the rock pile while he is resting, and no tramp can get a square meal at his boarding house without pounding our paving material enough to pav for the food. His decision 1 started the cold chills down the backs of the governor's imported tramps and they have concluded to give the Kansas capital a wide berth hereafter. Journal. Democrats throughout the south are expressing disappointment be cause Secretary Carlisle failed to recommend the creation of wild-cat currency. Bat what good could any appeal which he could make to that effect do? If congress should pass any wild-cat currency bill the president would promptly veto it, and that would knock out all chances for legislation of this sort for at least three years to come. 4iL Thousands of dollars are spent annually by the government in making coast, geological and other surveys, and there is no valid rea son why part of the appropriations for suryeys should not be devoted to determining in what sections of the semi-arid regions irrigation is possible and practicable. This is a matter which our friend Congress man Kem should look after, and if he is alive to the interests of his constituents he will not hesitate to do so. That standard authority, B. G. Dun's Weekly Beview of Trade, be gins its resume of the year past with this profouudly suggestive generalization: Starting with the largest trade ever known, mills crowded with work and all business stimulated b' high hopes, the year 1893 has proved, in sudden shrink age of trade, in commercial disas ters, and depression of industries, the worst for fifty years. Whether the final results of the panic of 1837 were relatively more severe the scanty records of that time do not clearlv show. it ; ts.-- 3 Tt is announced that the popu list senators, Peffer, Kyle and Al len are strongly opposed to the Wilson bill on" the grounds that it discriminates against the farmers. In speaking of the bill Peffer says: Mr. Wilson and his colleagues pro pose to put the farmers of the United States into direct competi tion with the farmers of the old world. They do this bv putting all their products on the "free list and by retaining high duties on all manufactured articles with but few exceptions. A few instances will illustrate the injustice of this bill to the farmer. They put wool on the free list, while woolen goods are taxed from forty to sixty per -cent; they leave hides on the" free list and tax shoes. Mr. Wilson proposes to remove the 'sugar boun ty, while he practicallv levies a duty on everything that is manufactured. I regard the bill as utterly ignoring the farmer aud studiously caring for the manufacturer. Tariff discussion will begin in the house early in January, but the bill is not likely to pass that body be fore the latter part of February. Early in March it will, on this cal culation, be taken up in the senate, and that body will pass it, perhaps, in the closing days of April. Of course, the bill will- be changed in some more or less important re- some or tne democratic papers claim that there is no sood reason for blaming the democratic party with causing the hard times we are now experiencing, because we are still living under the laws enacted by republican administrations which is very true, but it is the cer tainty that the democratic presiden and congress will change those laws that is causing all the trouble. The very general belief and apparen certainty that a radical change wil 1 I I - kwrn oe maue in tne tanrx is doing more to paralyze business than all other causes combined, and the distress everywhere prevalent will continue and increase in consequence of this tinkering with the tariff. Cleveland and a democratic congress have gone deliberately to work to destroy many of the industries of this coun try in the name of "tariff reform.1 -Ex. It is interesting just now to study 1 111 A at i 1 tne naoits or tne cheaply paid laborers m Germany, and, in order to prepare American- wage earners for what they may expect, the American consul at Chemnitz has made a special report upon the sub ject. Owing to the starvation wages paid to labor in Germany, it appears that the people are not able to keen body and soul together, although they can procure meals at eating houses which are under govern mental supervision. Our American consul, in nis worK or preparing American laborers for their future diet, says that "to a hard working man with an appetite sharpened by exercise, the dinner is excellent It appears that at these little dinners one can get pickled herrings with potatoes for three and one-half cents; salt herrings and potatoes for tnree cents; potatoes with curds or buttermilk for two and one-half cents; warm beer two and one-half cents per cup; soup, two and one- cents for nearly a quart (they must have a soup bouse administration); coffee, one and one cents per cup; black or rye bread and wheat bread, at one and one-half cents or three quarters of a cent per portion. The total cost of a dinner, it is stated, is never more than ten cents, and it is pointed out it does away with the death and dyspepsia eating din ner pail." This, therefore wijl prove to bp another blow at the tin plate industrv, and will show that the dinner pail is only an emblem of luxunousness and extravagance, because a hard working man with an appetite should never eat a din ner costing more than ten cents, and should generally satisfied with a pickled herring and potato for three and one-half cents or a por tion of black bread for three Quar ters of a cent. The admiaistration is doing good work in preparing the people for what is to come, but it should not make too sure about passing its tariff and forcing upon us the times that are depicted by the American Consul at Chemnitz. American Economist. Myrtle Leaves. Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree went to Platte Thursday, taking with them their daughter Kate, who will at tend school. . . .Miss Nettie Brunk came home the first of the week from Nichols where she had been staying a few weeks Guy Gib bens, of Nichols, was seen in these parts Sunday. .. .Jessie and Bee Banks are visiting their grandpar ents at present Mr. and Mrs. Null made a trip to North Platte Monday,. . . .Mr. Pease has been do ing some work on the White Plains school house for a week past. . . .B. Waite is back in this section again. . . . . J. A. Moore went east the first part of the week to visit relatives Mrs. Brunk and Mrs. Menzie are seriously ill at this writing. It is thought to be grip. ...A. E. Moore returned home Friday with his bride. May their union be one of pleasure and comfort to each other, is the wish of this neighborhood. . . .Miss Cora Combs has returned home after a two weeks visit in Gandy....Wm. Lane made a trip! to the Platte Friday. C. H. j WORLD'S FAIR JTJBY. Grants Highest Award to Dr. Price's Ore am Baking Powder Chicago, Nov. 10. On the anal ysis and recommendation tf Dr. Wiley, chief United States govern ment chemist at Washington, and greatest living authority on food products, the World's Fair jury to day gave the highest award to Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder for strength, purity and excellence. This conclusively settles the ques tion of superiorly. Dr. Wiley re jected the alum powders, stating to the World's Fair jury that he con sidered them unwholesome. Hood's Cures BSBSBSBSBE"""' BBh BBBBBBBjjg HSi BmBP' Hl Mas Edntt Kyle Chamberlain, South Dakota. Works Like Magic and Rheumatism -Internal Palna Aches-Perfectly Cured "I must say that Hood's Sarsaparilla works Hke marie. I bare for two years been very seriously troubled with rheumatism, suffering Intense pains and aches. I tried all the reme dies I could get, but all failed, until, having heard so much about Hood's Sarsaparilla, I thought I would try It. The very first bottle did me a rreat deal of eood, and I thought I must continue. I hare been using Hood's Sarsaparilla nmiuh. and am now um well mm aortie." IUmEdha Ktu, Chamberlain, South Dakota. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, lckheadache, indigesUon. BELIEVERS IN WITCHCRAFT. Bmldeats of aa Oliio ViUage Hold Mr. CtUp Calpable For Mysterious Doings. The residents oz Hart's Corners, a farming community 10 miles east of this city, are agog over the doiugs of a witch. Several days ago a ynng farm er named Howard Hughes dug a well upon a small hill, and when he had got to what he believed to he a sufficient depth, much to his surprise, no water appeared. He cogitated upon the mat ter, and being a firm believer in witches and hobgoblins concluded that some person had cust a spell upon his land. Within the limits of this city lives a' Dr. Hon, an octogenarian, who deals in herbs and claims supernatural powers. To this strange old man Hughes repair ed and hired him to go down to his place and locate the trouble. Hoff went with him, and building a fire threw some of his powders into it, and. while the fire bnrned consulted the spirits through a powwow performance. He told Hnghes that the absence of water in bis well was due to a neighbor aamed Calp, who was a wizard, with a poisonous breath and an evil eye, and that the well would remain dry until ha (pulp) was dead. Since the old witch doctor revealed this startling in formation the Hughes and a dozen other families who believe in witchcraft have ceased all intercourse with Cnlp and avoid him as they would the evil one. The affair has caused such a stir that the matter resolved itself into a special meeting held in the Methodist church of the village, to which all these people belong. The Rev. J. E. Hollister of t&is city, the pastor of the church, pre sided aad called npoa Haghea and his followers to disavow witchcraft and treat Calp as a brother or leave the church. This they refused tedo, and a church trial will result. Last spring Miss Sadie Loop, a meat bar of the church, was' expelled at ..m church trial for asserting that Culp was a wizard, and it was thought at that time that the ridiculous superstition had been stamped out. Alliance (O.) Cor. Chicago Herald. Oaa Hav. Hit Qmarter.!R toDTHEBLAND, XHEB;, Dec. Editor Tribune: I wiiiiri through your Talnablepaper? I am sorry to think that SatlHa has a citizen so miniature begrudge a quarter for the b of helping to defray the litt debtedness of our new churctijf it seems that tne article pub! in last week s tribune (un head of Sutherland News) :wi confirm this assumption. If Sutherland correspondent!! himself known to the cbarch eJsji tain men t committee, they 1 gladly refund his quarter. lours etc., A SuTHKRLANDmt. ''During the epidemic of la grippe Chamberlain's Cough Remedrftooli the lead here and was much tetter liked than other cough medicinal; H. M. Bangs, druggist. Chatswortkv The grip is much the same asa terjf severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. This remes'Tj is prompt and effectual and 'win prevent any tendency of the disease toward pneumonia. For sale by . F. Streitz and North Platte Pharmacy. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ytaMZiesav "S - Baking Powder ABSOUTELY PURE Professional hunters in laying in sup plies for a long hunt take, first 30 pals.. of snake bite cure, 2nd, 1 pound of crncker?, 3d, 15 gals, of snake bite cure, and 4th, 2 doz. bottles of Haller's Sure Cure Cough Syrup. For sale by F. H. Longley. About a year ago I took a violeHt. attack of la grippe. I coughed day and night for about six weeks; my wife then suggested that 1 try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. At first 1 could see no difference, but still kept taking it, and soon found that it was what I needed. If I got no relief from one dose I took another, and it was only a few days until I was free from the cough. I think people in general ought to know the value of this remedy, .and I fake pleasure in acknowledging the benefit I have received from it. Madison Mustard, Otway. Ohio. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale' bv A. F. Streitz and North" Platte 'Pharmacy. ' LEGAL NOTICES. SHEBIfTS SALE. Br virtue of an order of sale, issued by W. C, Elder, clerk of the District court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon decrees rendered by said court in faTor or Henry ll. Wilson ana ajnuwt Mlccara A llawley, et. al.. I hare levied npoa tae follovlnsr described real estate as tne property of tne said Richard X. Hawley, et aL, to-wlt: The southeast c'Uttioabtedly," says the Chicago JMtc9i, "as leaaer or nis party jur. veUnd is justified in using all reasonable endeavors to compel his partisans in office and out of office to adhere to their promises made to the people." This is put forward .justification of the bulldoringhB ui cumrrcsa inuuiiteu iu uv lue present administration. It is parti cularly .refreshing in view of the irantic efforts made by tne presi dent to force congress to carry out the "promises" of that part of the Chicago platform which declares protection an unconstitutional fraud. Ex. principal meridian, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, and I will on the 3d day of February, 1S94, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the east front door of the court house of said county, in North Platte, Nebraska, sell said real estate at public auction, to the highest bidder, for each, to aatiafy aald order of sale, the amount due thereon in the aggregate being the sum of $336.30 and S20.8S costs and probable increase costs, with interests, on said decrees. Dated at North Platte, Neb., this 3Sth day of uecemDer, iv3. D. A. BAKER. 525 Sheriff of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Ballard's Snow Liniment. This invaluable remedy is one that ought to he in every household. It will care your Rheumatism, Neuralgia, 8prain.: Cuts. Bruises. Burns, Frosted Feet and Ears. Sore Throat and Sore Cheat. If you hnve Lnmo Back it will Vrure it It penetrates to the sent of the diseiiae. It will cure Stiff Joints and contracted muscles after ail other reme "dies have failed. Those who have been cripples for years have used Ballard's Snow Linimixct and thrown away their crutches and been able to walk as well as ever. It will cure you. Price 50 cents. SeM by A. F. Streitz. 1-8 SHERIFF'S SALE. The admission of Utah and NeW Mexico to the union will probably take place at an early date without much opposition from ieither psrtr a 1 m mt. - in congress. Uklahoma and Arizona also may squeeze in before the -end Ail t t 1 or tne vear out tne cnances" are. rather against the latter. o It Care. " Parks' Couirh Syrup cures CoashsV Colds, Croup nnd Whooping Cougb. The i standard home remedy in thousand of- families tor all lung diseases. Guaran teed by North Platte Pharmacj'. Mrs. Bvers of Pittsburg Pa., has been for some time on the chase of the rascals who stole her husband and has' at last captured and jailed one of them. Ordinarily the inci dent would excite some wonder, but Las Mr. Bvers is a $4,000,000 hus band it is evident that he was quite .a prize. The robbers claim that they stole him for his own good because be wasn t living happily with .his spouce. Ordinarily that would be a poor excuse for stealing a-xnan, but the four, millions explain that also, lhe money was sup- to follow the man. By Tlrtue of an order of sale issued by W. C. El der, clerk of the district court of Lincoln county. neorasxa, upon a decree or foreclosure ren dered in said court in faror of Mary T. Hyde ana against uenry M. Woll and Mary C. Wolf, et . al..I hare leTled upon the following described real state as the property of the said Henry M. Wolf and Mary C. Wolf, et. al., to-wlt: The east half (E'J) o! the southwest Quarter 'SW'i). and the southwest quarter (SW 54) of the southeast quar ter (SE X) of Section twenty-four (21) and the northwest quarter (NW 4) of the northeast quar ter (NE li) of Section twenty-nre (2S),all in Town- snipnine (U), nortn of range twenty-nine west'of the sixth principal meridian in Lincoln county, Nebraska, and I will on the 3d day or r eDruary, lirj. at one o'clock p. m. or aald day, at the east front door of the Court-house of said county, in North Platte. Nebraska, sell aid real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of sale, the amount due tnereon In tne aggregate being the sum of A212.54 and J57.09 costs, and probable increase costs, witn interest, on said decrees. Dated at North Platte, Neb., this 28th day of December, 93. D .A. BAKER. 525 Sheriff of Lincoln county, Nebraska. '1 heard the best thing of the year tne otner day, saia uraa Slaughter when he came to town last. UA married lady was heard to remark that she had to go home and sew on a democratic badge for her husband. On being asked what the badge was, she replied: 'A. patch on the seat of his trousers, made necessary by sitting around with nothing to do.'" State Jour nal. . The persistent cough which ..usually follows an attack of the grip can be permanently cured by taking Chamberlain s Cough Kemedy. W. AMcGuire of McKay, Ohio, says: Xa grippe left me with a severe cough. After using several differ ent medicines without .relief. I tried Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which affected a permanent cure.' 1 have also found it to be without an eqaal for children, when troubled with colds or croup." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by A. F. Streitz and North Platte Pharmacy. SHERIFF'S SALE. By ylrtue of an order of sale, issued by W. C. Elder, clerk of the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon decrees rendered by said court In faror of Florence E. Wiley and against Martha A Mott, Irvin Mott and Herbert J. Mott et. al., I hare leried upon the following described real estate as the property of the said Martha A. Mott, Irrln Mott and Herbert J. Mott. et. al., towlt: The south west quarter (8W Hi of 8ecUon twenty-nine f29). and the northwest quarter (NW f)of Section thirty- two (Si), xownsnip nine iaj norta, in Range twenty eight (28), west of the sixth principal meridian In Lincoln county, Nebraska, containing three hun dred and twenty acres, and 1 win on the 3d day of i eDruary, lGiH, at one o ciocs: p. m. of said day, at the east front door of the court house of said county, in North Platte, Nebras ka, sell said real estate at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said order of sale, tne amount duo tnereon in the aggregate being the sum of Sl,413.b5, and t21.53 costs, and probable increase costs, with interest, on said decrees. Dated at North Platte. Neb this 29th day of December, 1893. D. A. BAKER, 525 Sheriff of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Sbiloh's Vitalizer ia what you need for Dvspensia. Torpid Liver. Yellow Skta or Kidney Trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satlsiactlon. .trice toe. Sow ij' North Platte Pharmacy. A THOUGHTFUL BRIGAND. Tired of Hli Calling, He Writes n Cour teous Letter to the Commandant .Nothing could be more correct or gentlemanly than the behavior of the Corsican brigand Barthelemy Durili in surrendering himself, as he has recent ly done, to the offended justice of his country. Writing from Piana to the commandant of the district," he said: Monsieur the Commandant I, the under signed. Barthelemy Durili. brigand at Piana, have the honor to respectfully submit to yon that I intend to give myself up lpto your ens tody aa a prisoner to bo tried at the approach- lng awi- Pray, monsioor the commandant, let me know when I can do so aud address your reply to my mother, Mme. Durili, at Pl- The ladies of Lincoln are to establish a soun kitchen in that city for feeding the unemployed aud destitute. It is proposed to have one large kitchen with several stalls adjoinin The Santa Fe railroad system has been one of the strongest and. best managed in the west and ha3 always been prompt in meeting interest obligations and paying out divi- 3end Ninety days aco the busi- neaa .world considered -its financial condition impregnablo. Saturday it went the war of the Northern and Union Pacific systems and passed into receivers' hands, thanks trying I to the "good old democratic times" that are making 1804 the black letter vear in the history of the country. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale iwued by W. C. Elder, clerk of the district court of Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, upon decrees rendered by said court in faror of The Phoenix Insurance Company and against Herbert J. Mott et. al., I have levied upon the following described real estate as the Droperty of the said Herbert J. Mott, et. al., to-wlt: The northeast quarter NE U J of the southeast quar ter SK U aud the north half NH of the north east quarter NE?4 and the southeast quarter SEUJ of the northeast quarter NEfj and the northwest quarter NW'i of the southeast quar ter fSEiil of Section thirtr-two TOT! and the southeast qnafter 8E 'i of Section twenty-nine I Z9J, Townsnip nine I'l Hncge twenty-eight west of the sixth principal meridian, in Lincoln county. Nebraska, and I will on the 3d day of Feb ruary, 1801. at 1 o'clock "p. m. of said day. at the east front door of the court house of said coanty. in North Platte, Nebraska, cell said real estate at pr.blic auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of sale, the amount due thereon In tne acmrecate being the sum of 22.0711.00 and cosU and probable increaso cost, with in tcrest. on said decrees. Dated at North Platte. Nebraska, this 2Stb day of December, 1893. D. A. BAKEK, fi'JS Sheriff of Lincoln county. Nebraska. SHERIFF'S SALE. The Star Clothing House IS OFFERING SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS,- ON ALL -:- Lines of Goods. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BARGAINS YOU CAN FIND THEM AT THE STAR. Star Clothing House, WEBER & VOLLMER, Props. No. 3486. FIEST NATIONAL BANE, North Platte, - INTeb. Authorized Capital, $200,000 Paid in Capital, $50,000, A GEKEItAL BANKING BUSU NESS TRANSACTED. Sells Bills of Exchange on all Foreign, r Countries. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. A. F. STREITZ, DKuaa-isT.. i tr ci- As soon as you have written to her, and she has sent mo the letter, I beg you, monsieur the j commandant, to be Rood enough to instruct your gendarmes in order that I may proceed without molestation to AJaccio to surrender myself. I should not care to be arrested on the way by the gendarmes, and I,shall take it a laror u you win give inem instructions on the subject. Please let me hear from you flvo or six days before the date of tho assizes, that mar hare time to mako my preparations. 1 relr noon roti. AcccDt, monsieur the com mandant, ine expression 01 my cnuroacvouon. Duniu (Haktiieixmy;, Brigand and Landowner at Plana. London News. All Ills That Fills Are good for are treated more success fully bv Parks' Tea. Is not a- cathartic; no griping or pain, yet moves the bowels evpry day. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy. The crreater the activity ot the? . . .1 1 mi '! . 4 anarchists the quicKer iney will, oe subdued. If that threatened, oat break at an early dad takes piac? in Paris anarchism in thnt quarter will be exm'rated so oromuUv .aad completely .that it will jiot be heard of again in the near future,. liver and Kidney Cure. Parks' Sure Cure is the only guarao-' teed remedy. Its action is. quick,., aad nnsitjvi'. Will stop that backache and sick-lieadnche. A positive specific for all j diseases of women. uv suffer wwa it will cure you? For sale by North Tlatte Pharmncy. So "Waiting For a Bite There. Mr. W. K. Reynolds, Jr., in a letter to his father from British Columbia dated Nov. 18, tells the following re markable story: "Was at Duncan's two nights; spent an honr at tne cowicnan river eacn evening catching salmon by the tail and throwing them up the bank or back in the river. I suppose you will think this overdrawn, but it is a fact just the same. Tne river is literally swarming with them, and the water can hardly be Been for fish. The banks are cov ered with dead fish, and the stench is horrible. The people are complaining, bnt annarentlv nothing can be done. I A A w . - cautrht about 40, one after the other, and got pretty wet over it Tho sport s more exciting than fishing with a rod. Every little slough m the nver is filled with them, places where the wa ter ia only six inches deep,, but they force themselves along very fast and are fearfully strong. The average weight is about 10 pounds, but there are many Heavier and few lighter." Halifax Acjdian Recorder. A convention of the business men of Colorado gives notice that said state "has almost entirely re covered from the panic," and it is to be hoped that Gov. Waite wilt t 1 I llL i. now tnve ms eiaooraie mourn n rest, Ballard's Snow Liniment. l ait Liiniment is aiuerent in compost tios from any other liniment on the mar ket. It is a scientific discover' which resnlts ia It being the most penetrating Idaiment ever known, l here are numer ous white imitations, which may be recommended because they pay the seller a greater proiit. Beware or these aDd dtataad Ballard's Snow Liniment. It positively cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sprains, llruises. Wounds, Cuts, Sciatic aad .Inflammatory Rheumatism, Burns. Braids, bore Feet, Contracted Muscles, SHI Joints. Old Sores. Pain in Back, Barb Wire Cuts, Sure Clmst or Throat, aad la especia ly beueficial in Paralysis. Sow yA. r Streitz. 2 2 .Is, it possible that all the men t" -J I f t Ba .wno qo noc wane to worK tor n living have settled in Oregon? If 1 A wnai rennover says m nis open letter to Mr. Cleveland is true, there must be a whole lot of fellows loaf ing around the soup houses who could cam their board chopping nornwood or catching hsh if thev had the disposition to clasp hands with honest industry, instead of eating their bread in the sweat of some other man s face. There is honorable destitution in the land. Uy rirhio of an order of a!e lnel ot W. C. Klder, clerk of the district court of Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, upon decree rendered by Mid court in favor of SUrcella V ERan and against Wil liam Orady and Charlotte Grady, I have levied npon the following described real efttat as the properly of the xald William Grady and Charlotte Grady, to-rrit: All of lot number seven f 7V block oae hundred and fix (106), and all of lot number three (3) block oixtr-eisht (CS). in the cltr of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, as the samo is platted and recorded in tho county elerk's office, and I will on the 3d day of February, 16W, at 1 o'clock p. m, ot said- day, at tho oast front door of the court house of said county, in North Platte,, Nebraska, sell said real estate at public auction to the highest bidder forcah tosaUnry said order of sale, the amount due thereon in tho aRjrrejrate beinij the sum of $3,893.3 and 120.88 costs, and probable increase cost, with interest on said decrees. Dated at North Plctte. Nebraska, this 29th dav of December. 1893. . D. A. BASER, 523 Sheriff of Lincoln county, Nebraska. now izie ins ti lui'niie iiiuuui m itai t j i ii.-i.-u i ii u t iii ;mrnA J'tne Lord knows, but it isn t in good upon the subject of a eged impend-.! . . ., -i t -1 . - .,J . . etUn taste to magnify the evil. Ex. mrr nun in thir nnrr it t no rniintr. I r J 1 L 1 J U 1 II 111 I II l.V V . v..w wwm.. SHERIFF'S SALE. By Tlrtue of an order of sale issued by W. C Elder, clerk of the district court of Lincoln coun ty, Nebra-ka, upon decree Tendered by said court in faror of Fredrick J. Burnett and against Eilie M. Ferguson, J. S. Clinton, Louisa A. Clinton and Beach I. Hinman, et. al., I have levied upon the following described real estate as the property of the said FJlle M. Ferguson, i. B. Clinton, Louisa A. Clinton and Beach I. Hinman et. al., to-wlt: The east two-thirds E? of lot number three 3, in block one hundred and fourteen mil. in thn city of North Platte. Lincoln county, Nebraska, as the same is platted and recorded in the county clerk's office of sold county, and I will on thn 3d day of February, 1891, at 1 o'clock p. m. of tid day, at the cast frontdoor of the court house of ssld county, in North Plattn, Nebraska, sell said real estate at public auction to tho highest bidder forlcash to satisfy said order of sale, tee amount due thereon in the aggregate being the sum of 12,124.05 and $21.13 costs, and probable increa-e costs, with interest, on sold decrees. Dated at North Platte. Nebraska, this Mth 1ht of December, 1833. D. A. BAKES. o- Sheriff of Lincoln county, Nebraska. SHERIFF'S SALE. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, 0ils iPHINTERS' SUPPLIES, Window Glass, Machiiie"irsS Diamanta Spectacles. DSfJTSCHB APOTHESE. CORNER OP SIXTH AND SPRUCE STREETS. FINEST SAMPLE E00M IN NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment Finest Wines. Liquors and Cigars at the. Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables and competent attendants will supply all your wants. KEITEJ'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE THE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT. I wnnt you to tindcrstnnd, John Ilnry, tbat you t:in't to drink that Haller's Sr- snpanlln nil up; 1 got it lor pap ua me,, Pad he sez mum vu uo dowu aoo g? bottle of Mailer's SnrsiiparillaaBd.-Bw-. dock aud will cit over -feeling so.jftei and bad and cit rid of all them piMpIet. So let tbnt alone now For sale, lT F. H. Longley. This is a trying season for tht black and the brown people. The British are riddling the Matabele ia What a Prominent Insurance Man Soys TT. M. Blossom, senior member of IT t'M. BloMora & Co., 2)7 N. 3d St.. St JLODis, writes: l ana neea lett witu a wry distressing coun, the result of kJaff Benin whlrh nnthinr cppmprl tn fjfcj. SBtil I took Ballard'tt Uorehmtnd jrvp. une nottie completely cured me cat oae oouia io my sister, wno nnn a .'fcvete cou-rh, nnd the experienced im Bjfditfl relief. I always recommeud tkla syrup to my friends. , jona uranston. 5X)3 Hampshire street, Qn!ncy. Illinois, writes: I have found Sallartfs Ilorchound Syrup superior to any other couh medicine I have ever kanwn. It npver disannoints. Price S0c. 2-1 .i t . . . ij Tinuo oi an orcinr nr am. f.n.,t ,. tt- r v-icr oi mo iii.trlrt nnnrt r r nin .rtcwrnn, upon aecreen rendered by Mid yonri in laror or Mary K. Nichols, and affalnut John Hawlejr, executor and tru-tee of tho estate of Lucy Hawley, deceased, I have lerled upon the following described real e-tate aa the property of uio jioiu .osd iiawiey. executor nnd tnutM nr ts. ectate of Luc? rjawler. deceasxl. t . t . , y-, ...... ...... uaor, '-- M me limn is ninitm nnd nmniu n .h- r 1 I .u UC lUUUIl Clerk's office io Lincoln countr. Vhrir .n.i t will on the 3d day of February, 1SW, at 1 o'clock p. m. of aid day, at (tho East front door of the Court-house of said county, in North Platte, Je- urau, sen kuu rem estate cc puDUC auction, to ine nienesi uinaer. ior casn. io saiury said order of salo, the amount due thereon In the asffreeate being the rum of f2,!71.0O. and S11.3S co-ts. and probable Increaso costs, with interest, on said decrees. Dated at North Finite. Nebraska, this 30th day of D. A. BAKER. Sheriff of Lincoln county, Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Albert Marsh. deceased. NoUce is hereby given that the creditors of said estnla Aa IatUaa Treasury looted. A grave scandal has come to light at Indore. Treasure which has long been supposed to be guarded in the Khasgi treasury,- amounting to 900,000 rupees, is missing. Her late highness Ma Saheb told the maharaiah tbat she had pre sented a few of the gold ornaments from the Jawahir Khana to some of her servants, and that the .younger Ma Sa- hebs the stenmothers of his higbneas- knew all about the jewelry and silver articles and cash in the treasury, ana that he would get all information re specting them .from the younger prin cesses. Bnt no oae of them has been able to furnish anyVaplanation respect ing the missing stun of rupees, or the jewels, ornaments :and silver article which were with them. On this ac count the allowances of the maharajah'a stepmothers have been partially with held while the mystery is under inquiry. St. James Gazette. Africa with machine cuns, .the Italians are nerforatine the dert iihctl EST?' AllF2Z2? .p. ' .i iKUl J oreui m Ainca ana ine granueesiruai-nrei .. . ... . , 1 t T ... .... hsvmn nanmcii Io iiro mnKlfjF IrWI fVTnrp Mna an nunicf m (nn ntneaa l"c"u K1"""""" ' "- " . CJ 1 J . wo uuujiiuavinuuu Liuoco -Ill ,. , ,j rt-rr 11. O :1. Itf mjotli. .J ll J Hi.. " " runs waiK ouaniaii m i-j.uwvv-!. irvuiu, il me government uoesn I oeiorome. uoumyjuage or uncoiu county, Ne- Grover appears to be the only fot-NWn- all the railroads in the United EuSh d'OTR Mh fflfe ate on earth who stands in- wit l.atates, it will probably at least have MBT,p4.antioDthethdny of June,i89i, at i ,i J UL UmZ 'm .11 4L L.-jf o'clock p. m. each day, for the purpose of pre-ent- ine Off UOiureu ihuc uuuu .uw -- an iu me nanus or receivers wgtneirciaimsiorexaminanou, adjusanent and allowance. Six monthii axe allowed for creditors o present their claims, and one year for the executor to Kettle said estate, from tho 37th day of December, 1853. This notice will be pub lished in the Nobth Plattk Tribuxz newspaper for four week successively, on and after Decem ber 27th, 1801. JAMES M. RAY, 54 County Judge. and he is getting weary. tllM C?!r-v,1"'ea by the federal courts, pii.wBicn is the next thine to ffovern- OattrA-lisillweflt ownership. That will make l oUMv m raisino- f.hi frpnoiirr tue sugajes- ixmc the m- Beware of Ointments for Contain Mercury, ns mercurv will surely destroy the of smell and completely deraage.t M i i . 1 .. -r . ,he mucous "T ?arh aSfM? .certaiP. corporations." ehould never be used except on pimwp 14f-.- ,,u 06110 uithculty m amv tion from reputable pbysiciHns ! i-iBf; at tne incomes of roads in the Pomona lhir uill rfn is. fon frlldLtA iHllf mI..-.. I 1 -r : vwncis uanas. journal. ilcincy, according to JJfl fciwis.ef Grover, by "tax: damage tbev will do is ten fdlovi good you can possibly derive from t Iiall's Catarrh Lure manufactures J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0 coafcl i .i :....t1 "i directly upon the blood ana rnucv faces of the system. In buying' Catarrh Cure be sure you jretthe i It is taken internally, and.madeia Ohio, by F. J. Cheuey Co. 1 .-lis free Hf-Sold Jy Druggists, price bottle. If salt costs one cent a pouad 15 cents, what would a hoe be a had been, fed on Bailer's Coaditiaiv dtrs ? For eale by F, n. Lonele r.M I iZMZ: nTr . l 9w9 mm . ?5'aHorehouncl Syrup. iiILI , ,ni.SI De the best Couch ZJLZU "V. , lure,Q 10 the wh"-e wide -- Tmm auia ta an vi 1117 m j i J,"0.." ft.1 cu- ut-r. rri iinmimrtii.1.. JJore Throat, Bore Chesk PnPu. ruacuuis. Asthma. uodjoi, ana all ai ana jjunos. vp nnEffU,i.. IllTT I nrv9.. TT.- - v.,muvv.iu OIHIT -jLT-mmim i ( C ; "l"-' -ue wiioie lace ?.e globe; Insunnort of iMa f,.ro prefer to everv indiviiln-.i s . rf ii useau ana to every drnptrist evereold it. such uie. r or dale bv A V StrnSt, Croun. r y aiseases of la the matter ot tho Estate of John L- McAllis ter, deceased. Notice In hereby oiven that the creditor of said deceasred will meet the administrator ot said estate before me. County Judge of Lincoln county, Ne braska, at the county court room in (aid county. on the 27th day of April. ISM, on the 26th day of May, inst, ana on the ziia day or June. 1M)I. at I o'clock p. m. Mch day, for the purpose of present ing weir claims ior examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims and one year for the adminis trator to settle aald estate from the 27th day of December, 1893. This notice will be published in the North Piatte Tbibuxk newspaper for four weeks successlTely on and after December 27th, 1SR.- JAMES X. RAT, 511 County Judge. FROM NORTH CAROLINA. "We-uns want you-uns to no tbat we una tuck three bottles ur nailer's Sas prilla and got clar cured of biles. We nns lire at Hill's Korners, Norf Caralln, an we-uns don't keer if you-uns no we nns did hev biles. For sale bv F. II. Longley. BjS!g!Sie PROTECT YOUR EYES. aPECTACLESV 1TP TT TJTD G nTTDTrD fl The well-known Eyo Expert of G29 Olive St., St Louis, Mo., and 30 E. 14th Streot, New York, han appointed A. F. STREITZ as agent for his celebrated Non Changeable Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. These glasses are the greatest invention ever rundo in spectacles, and every pair purchased are guaranteed, so that if at any time a chnngo is necessary (no matter how scratched the lenses), thoy will furnish tho party with n new pair of Glasses, free of charge A. F. STREITZ has a full assortment, and invitMi all who wish to satisfy themselves of tho gret superiority of these glasses over any and all others now in use, to call and examine the'm at A. F. STREITZ, Sole Agent for North Platte, Neb. No peddlers supplied. "Tho Best in the World. None genuine unless stamped Non-Changeable. EYE BLISS PS I fWWTwjrtrajS J. F. HINMAN DEALER IN Farm : Implements, WAGONS, BUGGIES, Windmills, Harness. Etc. JOS. F. FILLION, Steam and Gas Fitting. Cesspool and Sewerage a Special.tr. Copper and GaWanized Iron Cor nice. Tin and Iron Roofings. Estimates furnished. Renairinz of all kinds receive uromnfc attention. Locust Street, Between. Fifth and Sixth, North 3Platte, - Nebraska1;