The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, August 02, 1893, Image 4

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For the Treatment and Cure o the
Liquor, Morphine and Tobacco Habits
A euro guaranteed or money refunded. Endorsed by the U. S. Government.
' Will not injure the patient either mentally or physically.
Booms 1 and 9, Neville Block, North Platte, Nebraska
To Soend a Haoov Summer
J7 X i
and save Doctor Bills
Hall on A. L. DAVIS and buy one of those NEW
He also carries a complete stock of Screen Wire, Hose,
Nozzles, Lawn Mowers and Rakes, Sprinklers, Hard
ware and Tinware, Acorn Stoves and Ranges. Repair
ing done promptly. WE MAKE THE PRICES.
McGee's Old Stand.
The well-known Eye Expert of 629 Olive St., St. Louis,
i Mn and 30 T. 14th Street. New York, has amxnnted
A. F. STREITZ as aeent for his celebrated Non-
' Changeable Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. These glasses
are the greatest invention ever made in spectacles, and
every pair purchased are guaranteed, so that if at any
time a chance is necessary (no matter how scratched
the lenses), they will furnish the party with a new pair
of Glasses, free of charge.
A. F. STREITZ has a full assortment, and invites
nil who wish to satisfy themselves of the ereit superiority of these
itIsmm over anv and all others now in use, to call and examine them at A. F.
STRKTTZ. Sol Apent for North Platte. Neb. No peddlers supplied. "The Be6t
in the World. None genuine unless stamped Non-Changeable.
'' a Mr v?L' jkv
No. I Atlantic Express Dept 12:30 a. m.
No. 6 Chirawo Express " 6:40 a. h.
Ko.4 Fast Mail 8 55 a.m.
No. 2 Limited " 10:10 A. M.
No. 28-rrelght " a. m.
No. 18-Freight " 6:00 p. M.
Wo. -3-Fnsight ' 4.-05 A. .
No. 7-Pacific Express Dept 355a. m
No. 5 Denrer Express " 1030 p. M
Xo. 3 Fast Mail " 10.M-
No. 1-Limited " 10:00 r. M
No.21-FreiRht " i5
Nn . Xt Frfiffht " 8:10 A. M
N. B. OLDS. Agent, f
Marble Works.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Monuments, Headstones,
Curbing, Building Stone,
And all kinds of Monumental
and Cemetery Work.
Careful attention given to lettering of
very description. Jobbing done on
short notice. Orders solicited and esti
mates freely given.
Land Office at North Platte. Neb. I
July IS. 18U3. "
Notice is hereby eiven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
mnko final proof in support of his claim, and that
said proot win ne made Detore ucgister and
Receiver at North Platte. Neb., on August 25,
1893. viz: Seth P. Peane. who mado H. E. No.
11,580, for the sontheast quarter section 20. town
ship Its north, range 3a west, lie names the fol
lowing Witnesses to prove his continuous
resirienco npon and cultivation of said land, viz:
samuel G- Diehl. Clement 11. Lane and Welman
A. Steama, all of Whittier, Neb., and Cbarles Ii.
Jordan of JSorth Jt'latto, Neo.
260 Register,
Hershey & Co.
1: I
Notice is hereby given that on the
27th day of July, 1893, at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon, at the residence of Henry
Wilkinson, in Osgood precinct, m Lan
coin county, Neb., I will offer to the
i i i at
mgnesi uiuaer ior casn, one Day mare
marked white on left hind foot, ten years
old, weight about 1000 pounds; to be
sold as an estray.
John Hawlky,
Justice of the Peace.
Taken up on or about the 15th of May,
1893, ou section 21, town 13, range 30, in
.Lincoln county, Nebraska, by the under
signea wno mere resides, one mouse
colored mare, weight about 1100, blind
in loft eye, branded with figure 5 on left
The owner can nave same by proving
property ana paying expenses.
Dated July 11, 1893.
285 Owen Jones.
Office over North Platte Notional Bank.
Farm and Spring Wagons,
Buggies, Road Carts,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb
Wire, Etc.
Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth
Front Street Livery Stable,
(One block east of McDonald's Bank.)
First-class Single and Double Rigs
to Hire at Reasonable Rates.
CLGive Me a, Call. J
Insurance !
Agent for best line of Fire,
Life and Accident Co's.
iiiVej md ciftor? Opened
Leave them at S. Adams store and they
will receive prompt attention.
Office: Hlnman Block, Spruce Street.
Assistant Surgeon Union Pacific Railway
ond Member of Pension Board,
Office over Streltz's Drag Btore.
Office: Neville's Block,
and Children a Specialty.
Diseases of Women
it --
Meats at wholesale and
tail. Fish and Game
m . it
season, sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
HaS 200,000 acres of U. P. R. R. land for
sale on the ten year plan. Call and
seo him if you want a bargain.
F. M. HECK, Prop.
Fresh, Salted' anil Smoked
Hmmt Bace, Fresh Sausage, Poul
try, Ecgs, Etc
Cfe Pa4 fer Hides and Furs.
Yr patrMage is respectfully so
Kbtai mmi we will ala to please
j at all times.
TW Scwlng psWc are bow fully alive
to Hm &Mt afc Sbe Cfekajpa. Uifue Pici
Se k. Nrtk- Wgtfr Lue offers the very
hat uiinwriiiifTuwi te the public from
ami fc Ofcrac,OflM-M sl iatenBediate
v.imfM. net emkr 4rms lz V'crkl's F?ir.
tals Wulsd oa Salary or Coinissios
Biography of James G. Blaine,
Br fiAIL 1IA.-MILTON. hi Hterarj- executor,
with the cfMiertion of his famllv, a nd for Mr.
lUalneV cnmplete works, TWKXTY VKABS OF
CONGKES8," andljis later book, "FOUX1CAI.
DISCUSSIONS." One prwpedus for these
three best filing books in the market. A. K. P.
Jordan of Me., took 112 orders from first 110 calls;
Rent's profit $156-10. Sirs. Ballard, otO.. took
norder. 15 eal Russia, in 1 day; profit 26.50.
E. N. Rice, of Mass.. took 27 orders in two days;
profit (17.23. J. Partridge, of Me., took 43 orders
from at calls; profit $75.25. E. A. Palmer, of N
took S3 orders in 3 days, profit Zxclu
le territory given. If you wish to make large
money, write immediately for terms to
World'8 Fair Buildings No. 1.
Height of domo 132 feet. Cost of
building 8300,000. The Chicago, Union
l'acmc and Northwestern line
rates as cheap as tho cheapest and
excelled accommodations to Chi
o change of cars enroute. See
Olds, U. P. agent, Xorth Platte foi
tatlcd information.
Hair Vigor
Restores faded, thin, and gray hair
to its original color, texture, and
abundance ; prevents it from falling
out, checks tendency to baldness,
and promotes a new and vigorous
growth. A clean, safe, elegant, and
economical hair-dressing,
Everywhere Popular
"Nine months aftor Laving the ty
phoid fever, my head was perfectly bald.
I was induced to try Ayer's Hair Vigor,
and before I had used half a bottle, the
hair began to .grow. Two more bottles
brought out as good a head of hair as
ever I had. On my recommendation,
my brother 'William Craig made use of
Ayer's Hair Vigor with the same good
results." Stephen- Craig, 832 Charlotte
St., Philadelphia, Fa.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Uasa.
Sold by Drugg ista Everywhere.
Xatwal iNknie.
In the north tide of Stone mountain,
six miles from the month of Stony creek,
In Scott county, has been discovered a
natural icehouse on a grand scale. One
of the old settlers first discovered it
about I860, but owing to the fact that
the land on which it is situaied could
not be bought he refused to tell its
whereabouts and would only take ice
from it in case of sickness.
He died without revealing the secret
to even bis own family, and but for
party of "sang" diggers entering the re
gion it might have remained a secret
for generations, as it is situated in an
unfrequented part of the mountain.
The ice was only protected from the
rays of the sun by a thick growth of
moss resembling a texture and like moss
that can be seen dangling from the oaks
of Louisiana and Texas. Its formation
was after the fashion of a coal vein, be
ing few .inches thick in some places
while several feet in others. The forma
tion indicates that it had been spread
over the surface in a liquid state and
then congealed. By what process it
freezes or was frozen is a matter of con
jecture at this stage of investigation.
Some think that itwaB formed in the
winter and had been protected since by
a dense growth of moss which covers
it, while the more plausible theory is
that beneath the bed is situated a great
natural laboratory whose function is a
formation of ether, and tho process ot
freezing goes steadily on through the
heat as well as the cold. The growth of
moss resembled the hanging moss around
Hudson bay and indicates a frigid tem
perature. The bed covers one acre, and
if it proves inexhaustible it will be val
uable. Dispatch to Richmond State.
Tate of Itasalaa Scholar.
"Why does Kussia linger in igno-
rancef answered David S. Jordan. ' 'Let
me tell you a story. When I was in
college at Cornell, there came a bright
young Russian to study by the name of
Dabrolohofl This young man was of
quick perceptive powers and deeply in
terested in the progressive practical sci
ences and questions, lie studied very
hard for four years, did much more
work than any single term required
and graduated with the honors of his
class. He removed to New York and
entered into a successful practice of civil
' 'Some time later I learned that he had
gone back to his native land. I heard
no more of this young man outside of a
few scientific articles in some European
magazines for nearly 10 years. While
m airing a tour of Europe I bethought
myself of him and wondered why his
brilliant parts had not long since brought
him into prominence. In Russia I made
inquiries and there learned to my aston
ishment and sorrow that the student had
been suspected of treason, tried and sen
tenced to Siberia, where he had died in
filth and chains." St. Louis Globe-Democrat
The Universal SuSrace la Austria.
The success of the Belgians in wrest
ing universal suffrage from the fears of
the ruling classes seems to have inspired
the Austrian workingmen to labor for a
similar result in a similar way. The suf
frage in Austria is now given to all who
pay a minimum of five florins in direct
taxes. To make it universal is now the
avowed object of the leader of the work
ingman's party, who three weeks after
the Hay day demonstrations in the
prater issued a sort of appeal to the
country and particularly to the labor
ing1 classes on the subject. The design
is to foment an agitation which will
assume huge proportions by the time
parliament meets in the fall, when, it is
hoped, the course of events in Brussels
may be repeated in Vienna, New York
Statistics of Special Seaalom.
There has not been a special session of
congress for 14 years, and the one which
will assemble Aug. 7 will be the twelfth
in the history of the government In the
earlier decades of the century special
sessions were more frequent than they
have been of late, because of threaten
ing crises in our relations with foreign
powers. Jefferson called congress to
gether twice in extraordinary session
during his administration, and Madison
twice also, once to declare our second
war of independence. But the most mo
mentous subject which any special ses
sion was called upon to deal with was
the opening of the rebellion. President
Lincoln convened congress July 4, 186L
Max Mailer Decorated.
The sultan of Turkey has conferred
the Order of the Medjidieh on Professor
Max Muller. This is a merited tribute
to the vast oriental learning and the
deep interest taken by Professor Max
Muller in the various eastern religions,
and in Mohammedanism in particular.
The present sultan, who is a somewhat
mild and melancholy . oriental of con
servative tendencies, has little in com
mon with that section of the official
class in Constantinople who have been
educated abroad and have adopted athe
istic and revolutionary sentiments and
ideas. He is devotedly attached to the
Mussulman faith. London Chronicle.
Kalir the Goald AasescaieBt.
The death of Jay Gould seems to have
opened the eyes of the New York tax
gatherers. The assessment on his per
sonal estate has been raised from $500,
000 to $10,000,000. While Mr. Gould was
alive he could "swear off" bis taxable
after the manner of rich New
World' Fair Traveler Will Have
xne puoiic demand through sei
when traveling. It is old-fashion
-change cars.'' Oa tho through.
vesiiouied trams of tho Chicago.
Pacific & Xorth-Western Line from
Chicago, Omaha and intermediate
there is no change. This is the
and fastest service between the
I TT miaii tvnfc Tmrtannr nnst mnrfmi Jl
A Mertaanr J eke.
"I have recently had a strange experi
ence, said a gentleman yesterday.
What was it? Well, the other day
met a lady acquaintance on the street,
and after the exchange of the' usual
greetings she proceeded to condole with
me over the death of my wife. I was
dumfounded over her pathetic and pro-
ruse symtiatny. when I recovered my
senses, I ventured to enlighten the lady
cy assuring ner tnat my wife was in the
land of. the living, well and hearty. The
lady was astonished to learn that Mrs.
, an intimate friend of my wife, who
had told her, could have been se mis
taken. In less than an hour after cor
recting this error I met another mutna
friend, and she had also been told by
Mrs. that my wife had gone to that
undiscovered country.
"During that afternoon and the day
following a dozen people expressed their
sympathy over my loss, and strange to
say all of them had learned the story
from Mrs. . I of course told my
better half, and we determined to call on
Mrs. for an explanation, It was
early in the evening when in answer to
the ringing of the doorbell Mrs. -
opened the door. She pretended 'to be
startled by my wife's presence and
screamed: 'Why, Mary, can this be you
I thought you were dead.' 1
" 'So I have heard from a dozen sources,'
responded Mary, 'and I want you to ex
" 'Explain? Why, that is easy. You
told me a week ago that if you were alive
you would come out on Wednesday and
spend the day with me. You didn't come
hence I concluded that you were dead
and said so to those acquaintances
"The women kissed, and Mcry called
Mrs. a mean rogue and so termi
nated the mortuary joke, Jn which
failed to discover the humor." Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
The Beat Kind or Kxerelae.
There is no single exercise which com'
bines so many health giving qualities as
riding, it is peculiarly valuable to
children, for it is the most certain and
gentle developer of the back and atom
ach muscles and imparts a tone to the
entire system that cannot possibly be
attained in any other way. Even foot
ball, the hardiest of all games, falls
short of having the same invigorating
effect on the boy. If this be true for
the boy and such it is now generally
admitted to be how much more neces
sary is riding to the young girl who has
no game but lawn tennis, which fails to
exercise the most important parts of her
Few boys and, girls, and almost as few
men and women, think twice of the val
ue of different kinds of exercise to them,
or would know much, about Jt jf they
did think. Any exercise of course, mod
erately taken, is better than none, but
the exerciso which acts upon arms and
legs only is of not one-half the value of
that which acts on tho body, the chest,
stomach and back. When, then, an ex
ercise is found that nets on all, its value
is apparent without further argument
Harper's Young People.
Detecting; a Culprit.
The Rev. Joseph Haven, who preached
m Kochester, JN., t during tne last
quarter of the last century, has been al
ways remembered for his genial spirit
and his inexhaustible humor. One story
told of him has many parallels, but it is
quite as likely to be true in bis case as
in any.
The boy had been guilty of some grave
offense, and yet would not confess It
"I can tell who did it," said the parson,
and accordingly be called together all
the boys suspected and explained to them
that he had confined a rooster under a
kettle in a darkened 'room. CtV.e after
another they must pass in and touch the
kettle. When the guilty boy touched it.he
might expect to hear the rooster crow.
The lads filed in and out again and
were made to display their fingers. All
but those of one lad were sooty. He, the
guilty one, had not ventured to touch
the telltale kettle. Youth's Companion.
Senalblo Treatment of Coraa.
Light shoes, short shoes and clumsy
shoes produce corns by compressing,
cramping and rubbingagainst the joints.
A great many of these' pedal blemishes
are hereditary. In any case it is a good
plan to suppress them. Every medicine
merchant has a variety of "cures," and
nearly all give temporary relief. A
poultice made of vinegar soaked bread
crumbs will cure a little corn in one
night It is not advisable to let a corn
grow. Either rub down the formation
with pumice stone or remove it with a
knife. A little opposition will, discour
age it, provided sensible shoes are worn.
In pedicuring, as in manicuring, the feet
should be soaked in hot water and as
much of the waste material brushed and
rubbed off as possible. New York
Witchcraft In the Nlaeteeath Ceatoiy.
At the Yeovil borough petty sessions
on Tuesday ft redencx Terrell, a bus
driver, was bound over in his own recog
nizance of 10 to keep the peace for six
monthB for having threatened Harriet
Carew on March 24. The defeudanthad
gone to tho complainant, accused .her of
being an "old witch" and asked her to
take a spell off his sister. He said he
would beat her brains out and throw
her over a wall if she would come out of
her house. He also accused her of stay
ing up all night and burning stuff with
which to bewitch people. Since then
people had called "witch" after her in
he streets. Dx racombe Gazette.
Alderman Mack Bridge of Sioux Falls
recently lost a valuable horse that com
mitted suicide. The horse "had been
very sick for about a month, and several
days ago he managed to unlock the door
of his stall, and going to some harness
that was hanging up in the barn put his
bead through a portion of it and threw
himself to the floor and was strangled.
The Mexican government has decreed
deductions of from 5 to 10 per cent in
the salaries of public employees and men
in the army. These deductions, the total
amount of which will exceed $1,000,000,
are to take effect next month and will be
in force to the end of December:
Monte Carlo seems to have prospered
this year more than it ever has done.
The shares are now worth five times
their original value, and plans are being
made for increasing operations. There
were nine suicides last year on the premises.
Timber of the tamarisk or shittim
wood has been found perfectly sound in
the ancient temples of Egypt in connec-
uon wun
stonework which isr1mown to.
; 4,000 years old.
iHe at least
The last words of Marie Antoinette
were: "Lord, enlighten and soften the
hearts of my executioners. Adieu for
ever, my dear children: I go to join
your father." t
I wonder why ft is we are not all kind
er than we are. How easily it is done.
How instantaneously it acts. How in
fallibly it is remembered. Drumniond.
Oxford, England, which is by many re
garded as the greatest university, has 31
colleges and five halls.
A tery Ahemt Booth M. Turpla'a New "War Macklno.
John Malooe. the actor, who is also a M. Turnin, recently released from
lawyer and a bookworm, has been writ- prison after having been unjustly con-
inar of Edwin Booth in The Forum. "His
instinctive ghriniring from anything like
self praise," says ho, "impelled him often
to ascribe to accident the adoption oi
some felicitous detail of illustrative ac
tion or variation of reading. Once
while we were rehearsing 'Hamlet he
told me how he came to adopt the ac
tion of swearing Horatio and Marcellua
npon the cross of his sword.
victed of selling the secret of the manu
facture of his melinite, is reported to
have invented a new war machine of "a
very deadly character. It appears that
it is a very light affair, can be served by
four men and drawn bv two horses. It
shoots four times in a quarter of an
hour and each discharge throws 25,000
projectiles, which kill at 3,500 meters
scattering in every direction ana cover-
'One night, he said, while kneeling dur-1 ins geometrically 22,000 square meters.
inethe srhost's speech with his hands
pressing rather heavily upon the sword
hilt, the point sank into the stage so that
when he fell prone at the exit of the
ghost the sword remained standing.
When he came to the line, 'Never make
known what you have seen tonight,' he
turned to recover the sword. Seeing it
standing with the light shining npon the
cross, the words, Til cross it though it
blast me,' came into his mind, and he
grasped it by the blade and held out the
cross for his companions to swear on.
Thenceforward he adopted that action.
It was this alertness of mind that dis
tinguished him, where another actor,
content with tradition and wedded to
old ways, would have seized it by the
Treatmeat of Obealty.
In a medical article which was recent'
ly reprinted in these columns from the
European edition of The Herald, our for
eign medical correspondent communi
cated approvingly the treatment for re
ducing flesh recommended by M. Dujar-
At this season of the year redundancy
of flesh interferes very much with com
fort The proposed method of curtail
ing surplus fat includes refraining from
drinking between meals and giving up
the use of tea, coffee, cognac and other
liquors, and requires the patient to take
plenty of exercise, to breakfast and dine
early and to make his dinner without
soup. Dry friction and massage every
morning, after a general lotion with a
sponge dipped in hot water, and a des
sertspoonful of a given solution (iodide
of potassium, 15 grams; water, 150
grams) after each meal will complete the
This treatment, which prescribes only
two meals a day, and that they shall be
very light and simple, seems rather he
roic, but ought to be efficacious. New
York Herald.
Ordinary commercial vessels and fishing
boats era bo armed witn this electric
machine without any important change
in their equipment. It is expected to
ttiaVa anv ona of them moro than a
match for tho greatest battleship in ex
istence. It is claimed that the projectiles
of this machine can pierce tho heaviest
armor as easily as a rifle ball pass 33
through an ordinary plank.
If the machine is anything like what
it is reported to bo, all forts and forh
flcations will bo rendered practically
useless. They-can be reduced to a hesp
of ruins in a few hours.
A reporter of The Temps interviewed
M. Turpin tho other day in regard to
the machine. "The reports in the news
papers," he said, "are exact in substance,
but in the way that they are put nobody
can understand anything of my inven
tion. It was during my imprisonment
at Etamps that I devised the tiling, but
the invention is as yet only theoretical,
because I have not been able to experi
ment But at tho same time I
am certain of success. On the other
hand. I have taken out no patent, be
cause by doing so I would immediately
throw my invention to the public, and
that is precisely what I wish to' avoid.
In a short time I hope to be able to pre
sent myself to the ministry, and then J
can exhibit my invention and make ex
periments. I cannot say any more about
it at present"
Belles of Harbaristn.
They are very fortunate young people,
so' far as we can now see, this George,
duke of York, and Princess Mary of
Teck, who have just been married with
all the high ceremonial the most stately
court in Europe could contrive. Th
statesmen, the politicians and the news
papers are predicting that he will yet be j
a king and she a qneen higher still, in
fact, an emperor and an empress.
We hope not. But we do trust they
will both be good citizens of the coming
English republic, which shall go hand
in hand with the United States, France
and all our great galaxy of South Amer
ican repubhes indevelopingthe advance
ment and glory of the peoples.
Kings and queens, emperors and em-
presses, are joining tne extincc mam
moths of the human race. A few of
them are still left, but their fate is sealed.
They are really relics of barbarism.
New York Recorder.
.Electricity and Steam on Kailroads.
There has been a vigorous contest in
the legislature of Connecticut over the
provisions of tho proposed general
statute for the regulation of electric rail
way enterprises. As finally passed, the
bill permits the paralleling of existing
steam railroads, provided the courts can
be convinced that tho public interests
require it in any particular case, which
is perhaps tho -wisest disposition of the
matter that could have been made.
Freight may be transported under sim
ilar conditions.
Our own view of tho matter is that the
steam railroad companies will ultimately
find it for their interest to control all tho
profitable and well located electric lines
and will operate them on a coupon ticket
system as feeders and distributors of
their local passenger trafHc. That this
might be done in many cases, with the
greatest possible advantage to all con
cerned, is obvious upon the most casual
consideration nl
ing Magazine
.he matter. Engineer-
Bargains In Ker Testaments.
It has been often stated that the re
vised version of the Scriptures has been
a failure so far as sale is concerned. But
this, observes the Westminster Gazette,
is not quite accurate. For the Revised
New Testament, the sale of which on its
first appearance was phenomenal, there
is now practically no demand, and the
Oxford University Press is offering pri
vately for charitable distribution its sur
plus stock at very low rate3. For in
stance, if 500 copies are taken, tho six
penny edition can be had for a penny,
the shilling edition for twopence and
the 18 penny edition for threepence each
copy. But this only applies to the New
Testament The sale of the revised ver
sion of the Bible, containing the Old and
New Testament, is now large and has
always been so.
Deaths From Diphtheria.
Nearly one-third of tho 702 deaths in
this city last week we're the result of
three diseases pulmonary consumption,
diarrhea and diphtheria. The mortal
ity from diphtheria in proportion to the
number of cases of it was very high, or
45 deaths to 119 cases. Until 40 years
ago this jpalady was almost unknown
in the United States, but it has latterly
become widely prevalent and is terribly
dangerous, as may bo seen by the rec
ords of mortality. No effective method
of treating it has yet been discovered,
though men of sciencb have striven and
are striving to discover such a method.
It is a contagious disease; it is epidemic.
Wo wish that some member of tho med
ical faculty could find the means of put
ting a stop to its ravages or at least re
ducing the number of its victims.-
York Sun.
for a
I met a kins this afternoon;
He had not on a crown indeed,
A little palm leaf hat vraa all.
And he was barefoot, I'm afraid.
But sure I am he ermine wore
Beneath his faded Jacket's blue.
And sore I am the crest he bora
Within that jacket's pocket too.
For 'twas too stately for an earl
A marquis would not go so grand
Twas possibly a czar petite,
A pope, or something of that kind.
If I must tell you, of a horse
My freckled monarch held the rein.
Doubtless an estimable beast,
But not at all disposed to run.
And such a wagon! "While I live
Dare I presume to see
Another Buck a vehicle
As then transported me!
Two other ragged princes
His royal state partook
Doubtless the first excursion
TLcae sovereigns ever took.
I question if tho royal coach
Round which the footmen wait
Haa the significance on high
Of this barefoot estate!
Youth's Companion.
His FlaintlYe Plea.
had loved her very tenderly and
long time, but she had scorned
He was no worm either, for he
wouM have turned when trod upon, but
sho recked not this. It was enough for
her that she did not care for him. This
is usually enough for any woman; also
for any man when the boot is on the
other foot, for of such is the kingdom
of Cupid. t
His condition had at last become un
bearable to him, and he resolved to win
all or lose all. It was late one evening
when the fateful moment came.
"Will you marry me?" he asked her
in pain, un trimmed English, for he could
trust himself to- nothing in the orna
mental line.
She spurned him scornfully.
"No!" sho replied, with sarcastic, hate
ful, cruel emphasis, "No!
The -word pierced the heart in his bos
om. His lips quivered, and at first he
could not speak.
"Have you no more to saj?" he asked
at last plaintively.
"No, sir," she replied, "What more,
could I say?''
Again he shrank at the cruel thrust.
"I didn't know," he murmured tremu
lously, "but I think you might have said
4No, I thank you.'e"
Then he fled away so weary with dis
asters, trigged with fortune, tliat he
would set liis life on any chance to mend
it or be rid of it. Detroit Free Press.
cures snsmnin
Mra. E. J. KowiU, -ilei.fcc-S, Alas.., says her
mother haa been cured of ScrcJuIa by the ns
of four bottles of ASKSrs-j bavins had
much other treat- jKSi-rj sncn:, and beisg
reduced to quite a IoT7 condi tier, of health, as It
was thought she could not live.
Cured my little boy
taiy scrofula
hi. -raO2
facc. Tor
up all hop,
lien finally
pea red all
a year I had
of his
1 was WS5 induced
A few bo "ttles cured hira, and no
symptoms of tho disease remain.
Mas. T. I. 3lA-niEit5, Mather, ille, Miss.
Out bcofc on Blooi m;l SVin maild ttrc.
swift SrCir:c Co.. Atlanta. Ga.
E. B. WARNER, -Funeral
A full line of first-class funeral
always in stock-
Telegraph orders promptly attended to.
Pure : lee !
Maine's "Nap Party."
xne very latest in juame is a "nap
party." They had one in Bockland tho
other day. The Tribune explains that
for two preceding evenings the guests
had enjoyed around of social gayeties
prolonged to late hours, which rendered
sleep desirable. Quaint invitations
named the "nap" hour as 7 o'clock, and
each guest on arrival was supplied with
a comfortable chair and pillow, "all wa3
quiet and hush," and tho gentle and re
fined snoring which arose from the dim
ly lighted rooms told how gratefully the
opportunity was appreciated. A merry
musical programme followed the period
of somnolence, refreshments were served,
and the company went home at mid
night, presumably ready for another nap
party the next day.
Roses Amid Ituins.
In driving over tho Maino highways
you must have noticed that whenever
you pass the ruins of an abandoned
house or au old cellar -where a house
once stood there is often a big patch of.
cinnamon roses growing wild around the
place. One does not see them often near
homes that are occupied, and their fre
quency around the abandoned places in
dicates that they either wqro greatly in
fashion in former years or else they love
decay and neglect and spring into beiug
in snch places spontaneously. These rose
patches aro just now bright with flowers
and odorous with well, tho writer asked
a lady tho other day what they were
odorous with, and she said "memories."
Father of Forty Girls.
jnoses wiinam, coiorea, Jives on a
farm about five miles east of Fayette-
viiie. ne is bo years oiu, out no one
would take him to be moro than about
50. He was married twice and had born
to him 45 children. By the first wife he
had 23 children 3 boys and 20 girls
and by the second 22 children 2 boys
snd20gir3. He says he has about 40
grandchildren. Galveston News.
How He Saved Them.
When Captain Dutton of the Servia
gave orders to go aueau at lull speed
after the collision with the McC'allum,
he probably thought of the experience of
the Trave about a year ago, when her
bows cut sheer through a vessel which
she struck on tho ocean, and suffered
scarcely any damage. But he builded
batter than ho knew. By his action he
succeeded in saving every soul but one
on board tho ship which ho ran down.
Tho story of the suspension of tho Mc-
Cullum on tho prow of tho Servia long
enough to enable her crew to be rescued
reads like a page from a romance. New
York Tribune.
A Custom That Is Very Old Indeed.
A bride made tho confession to a group
of young women who gathered around
her after the wedding ceremony and the
congratulations had been said and
owned up to having worn a yellow gar
ter for two years, that she had counted
the stars and carried out the various
bits of loro that are propheti' "fa speedy
marriage and happiness ever cfter.
She wore something: old and something: new,
Somctliing borrowed and something blue.
oa ner weaaing nigut, and, moreover,
wore a silver coin a Columbian half
dollar in her shoe. She was showered
with the usual amount of rice when it
came time to get into the carriage and
drive away for the honeymoon trip, and
md old shoes and good wishes enough
sent after her to make the after years
joyous ones it tney all hold good, and.
moreover, when she opens her trunk and
traveling bag and the bridegroom opens
his umbrella enough rice will come to
ight to make their firt rice pudding, and
the shoe strapped o:i the outside of the
trunk will tell its own tale.
It is strange how much enjoyment one
;ets out of such harmless things, but the
custom lasts, and the older it grows the
more rigidly it is adhered to. Buffalo
What She Would On.
Every one has noticed the growing
height of each successive year's bevy of
debutantes, and the younger generations
promise to be quite as tall if not taller
than their predecessors. "Is it possible
you nro only 12?" said a small woman to
a little girl who was more than an inch
taller than herself. "How big yon are!"
"Oh, do you think so?" answered the
child. "Why, my friends consider me
quite short. They are nearly all of thein
taller than I am." "Good gracious!" ex
claimed the little woman in dismay.
"What Brobdingnagians you will all be.
and how will yon get partners? If you
were my child, I would put a brick on
your head!" Chicago Tribune.
-FRO.'. I-
pure Well Water.
announces to tho public that ho is serv
ing pure crystal ice this summer.
Rest in tho market. '
Leave ordors at Streitz's Drug Store.
i i i n ? l
lOiiiraeior ai mm.
127 Sixth St. Cor", of Vine,
Fine Boot and Shoe Maker,
And Denier In
fcrfcrt Fit, Best Y.'ork and Goods an
Represented or .Money Refunded.
To Stop the Discord.
A remarkable discovery has been made
at Carrog, near Llangollen. While a
number of workmen were carting stones
from the bed of the river Dee they dis
covered the remains of an ancient church
which was washed down by a heavy
flood 800 years ago.
The prodigious and conflicting clamor
of pianos in tho main building at tho
World's fair is to cease, and only one
piano will do played at a time in one
portion of tho music section. Each ex
hibitor will havo his 10 or 13 minutes,
and ho will thus mako no discords, as
the other pianos and organs that aro
scheduled for tho same time will bo sep
arated from him by some hundreds of
feet and several partitions.
Murders and suicides by mere children
m r ranee are reported to be very fre
quent. Nine murders of boys and girls
under 10 years of age, committed by
boys under 14, are noted within the past
few months. Suicides are about as nu
SUntcmal-Infj In Midsummer.
Manufacturers are this season receiv
ing larger orders than ever for skates.
One company received two orders in ono
vcek one for 100,000 pairs and another
.or 50,000 pairs. This is the busy season
Tor the manufacturer of skates. Hard
two sisters will mane their appear
ance in London next year. One is 8 feet
high, with hands 82 inches in length, and
the other is not 3 feet high and weighs 81
So UUcrialBatloo Intended.
President Eliot has written a graceful
letter to Mr. James Jeffrey Roche, the
editor of the Boston Pilot, expressing his
regret that there is no Catholic institu
tion in the published list of the colleges
whose graduates will be entitled to enter
the Harvard law school under the new
regulations which will go into effect in
895. President Eliot states that there
was not the slightest intention on the
part of the faculty of the law school to
discriminate against Catholic institutions
of learning.
Bather Unique.
A somewhat notorious 'diplomat and
author has lived apart, by an amicable
arrangement, from his wife for many
years. Jjast year tney chanced to oc
cupy adjoining seats at the theater. Ho
one in that audience who saw the lively
conversation that ensued could guess
that the participants were a married
couple met after a long but wished for
Mosquito Eltcr..
Every summer the question about how
to deal with mosquitoes or mosquito
bites is presented by- many correspond
ents. Perhaps tho following counsel on
the subject from a Massachusetts paper
may be useful:
The best antidote for the bite of a
mosquito undoubtedly is ammonia weak
ened with a little water or salt and wa
ter. Some people go so far as to pres3
the poison out of the bito with soma
email metal instrument like the point of
a watch key before applying the anti
dote. This prevents the painful swell
ing that sometimes occurs. As in other
cases, "one man's meat is another man's
poison," and the same remedy will not
apply to all individuals. Some find cam
Pecuniary Prospects of the Chicago Fair.
If the Columbian company will dis
charge its bonded indebtedness and re
fund to the government the amount of
its donation, it will do marvelously
well. Every effort of the directory ought
to be exerted in that direction. Operat
ing expenses are far in excess of reason.
Struggle has been made and successfully
to a certain extent in the direction of re
duced expenditure on current account,
but tho field is still full of possibilities.
The banker's estimate of a 33 per cent
return to Chicago and tho shareholders,
Chicago being on a footing with all
shareholders, is optimistic. Tho esti
mate takes no account of the fact that
it is the purpose of the Columbian Ex
position company to continue expendi
ture after tho closing of the fair. The
Columbian guard have been assured
that large numbers of them will remain
for a year or more. The whole depart
ment of construction, reduced in num
ber, but still an expensive outfit, will be
continued. As the exposition is now
managed, there will not be a penny ot
return for any shareholder. It is idle to
make other prediction. Chicago Times.
lt virfnooftholawBof thoHtotfnf Nebraska
I her. by offer a reward of Fifty Dollar for Hi
raptmw and conviction of nny iron charged
witli hitrm. tesdingin Lincoln county.
Infiamatbn of the B'addcrcr Non-Retention of Ufin?,scs
Sold t,y A. F. Stri'itz.
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, i
500 Page Hook oa Treatment of Aainal
and Chart Sent free.
A.A.i!.plnnl iMeninirltU, rtlilk Fever.
j).H,-Mrm, i-amencn. Ithenmstlsa.
C.C. Distemper, Nnsal Jliochnrgex.
J.I.llut or (irHbn, Worms.
K.E. CiiHiths, II en vex, Pneuinoala.
F.F. Colic or ISriDci-. Bcilvnehn.
;.(;. niirtciirrinKc. Hemorrhage.
H. II. Urinary and Kidney J) Ueaneiu
I. I.ErnDtive Diic. lUnnco-
J.K. Diseases of Digestion, VaralysW.
Single Bottle (over SO dosesX - - .69
Stable Case, with Specifics. Manual,
Veterinary Core Oil and dedicator, $7.99
Jar Veterinary Care Oil,- - l.tfB
MA by ftnHtrUti; r wat pfrpaid aajwkmud hnf
qmilitj en rrerlpt at price.
liniPHRETS'JIED. CO., Ill A USTfiniua St., Jew Turk.
End of Do SXaapaasant.
De Maupassant was very thoroughly
discussed at the timo he was taken in
sane, and now that he is dead at the age
of 43 there is nothing to add save that
the operation of a creat natural law is
completed. He was a master of con
densation in literary style. His short,
terse sentences aro matchless, bnt most
of his stories are earthly and doubly per
nicious by reason of the masterly skill
with which they are told. No man could
portray snch frightful dramas of pas
sion without entering into the emotions
expressed. His own soul caught every
reflection, and tho strain was too much
for him. "A prematurely wornout nerv
ous system" was the cause-of his death.
His career was only for 12 years, but
ho leaves behind a mass o brilliant filth
that will do harm for many decades.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
Gold InlTalne.
That story of gold mining on En
chanted Ponds township is not by any
means the first that has been heard about
gold find- in tho Moose river valley. As
long ago as 1S-0 a man named Berry
claimed to have found gold in a ledge in
that region m such quantities tnat ne
7- B3mdm- "chopped out pieces with his ax, which
phor most efficacious, and salt and wa iewelers" To be
ter will not avail. Ammonia, uow-",
seems to be generally successful as a
neutralizer of tho mosquito poison.
Where there aro large quantities of the
mosquitoes and no reason for tneir ai
pearanco is apparent it is well to look
about tho premises for something which
attracts them. An uncovered barrel of
rainwater will bring them in hordes.
and damp places and stagnant pools are
i . 1 1 V . - -
SfOis wnere tney aeiigni to cousrc-ai0-
he sold to Ausrusta iewelers." To bo
sure critical persons may say this state
ment is only that he sold the ax to the
Augusta man, not pieces of gold; hut
why not gold in Enchanted township as
well as in Byron, where there is no doubt
about it? It has long been asserted that
thero is gold enough in the sands of
Moosehead lake to pay good wages to
those who will wash them for it. Lewis
ton Journal.
In .TO rear. Tho cn!r caecessfol remedy or
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
nd Prostration, from ow-work or other "j0?
SI per vial, or 5 viala and largo rial powc!r. 'r $5.
Sold hj Irncri, or hdi putmli on nvPt pnm.
jicarimis'aw. to.. in Aii3nniu-s,s:.wioT i.
cnnsFS?1.'! T--I-WfCr -?-r.
Cures Consumption. CoBJii. Cronp.Soro
Throat. SoTd by nil L,nieciti on a jii.irantr.
Far a Lame Side, Back t -n::oft-s Porous
Plaster vrill give pre. 1 5ati-facifaa. 3g cents.
Mrs. T. S. H-wrH-, (;nattJ.nncffri. J enn.. ? n ra :
"ShtM'a Vaalitcr'HA VKJi .Vi' J.rKfcV I
contideril tMDrsiiemeavjnraatmiiiaifiis'iszm.
J ever v.icd." Ycc Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney
trouble it excels. Trice 75 ct3.
Have you Catarrh? Try this Kcmerty. U-wUS
Mllonind Cum YOU. 1'rJCO dl C'R. Tills in
lector f or it3succe9sfultrentn.mti.f urn iahed
t r.- Shiloh'a Remedies are sold br us oa a
guarantee to give satisfaction.
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin
A certain cure for Chronic Soro Eyes,
Tetter, Salt Kheum, Scald Head, Old
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Files. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases havo been cured by
it after all other treatment had failed.
25 cent3 per hex.