The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, December 30, 1891, Image 4

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jfc 3fe 3ft
Our stock is complete, consisting of
Musical Instruments of Every Description,
We will guarantee our prices to be as low as the lowest.
Call in and look at our stock before purchasing.
North Platte National Bank,
3?aid up Capital,
All "business intrusted to us handled promptly, carefully, and at lowest rates.
Closing Out
I will close out my entire stoch of Boots and
Shoes at a GREAT SACRIFICE. Wishing
to quit the business I will give bargains
on all goods in stoch. Some of the best
rfoods made in this couniry will be
- Our goods are all the very best. No shoddy in
stoch. Call in for Bargains, for you never bought
Good Goods for such prices.
I offer at a bargain the entire stoch and fix-
tjures to any one desiring to engage in the Boot
and Shoe trade. The reason for selling is that
other enterprises engage my attention. Call
for bargains at
Often s Boot & Shoe Store
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Headstones, Curbing, "Building Stone,
And all kinds of
Careful attention given to lettering of every description. Jobbing done
on short notice. Orders solicited and estimates freely given.
7"a,grm.s, Carriages, ZEB-cigIes,
Agents for the Celebrated
Goodhue and Challenge Wind Mills
Agents for Union Sewing Machines.
Locust Street,
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
1 Merchant Tailor,
embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order.
Spruce Street, between Fifth and Sixth.
Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public
is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment.
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar.
Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables
and competent attendants will supply all your wants.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
liniment '
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
! j-.-o-ists and dealers have it -
Bob Sims and "Four Companion n
on the Same Tree.
Shvedta, Miss., Dec. 28. Thursday
morning a large body of determined
men followed Sims and three of his gang
to. Sims' home, surrounding the
Firing by the citizens and also "by the
by the gang from Sims' house continued
nntil 3 p. m. Christmas day.
After consultations between the
sheriff and Sims, the latter agreed to
surrender on condition that they be pro
tected and carried to the Butler jail.
The sheriff promised the best protection
he could give under the circumstances.
Sims selected twenty-five men, and the
sheriff twenty-five, and with them
started to Butler.
About one mile from Sims' house a
body of men, from one to two hundred
6trong, took the Sims band from the
guard and hanged them all to one tree,
Suns expressed fears that he would
never reach the lail dead or alive.
When he was placed in the buggy for
tne ratal nae ne retasea to be blindfold
ed. He held out his hand and asked
them to feel of his pulse to see if he was
frightened, and said he was going to
Young Savage said: "If you think
enough of me to bury me, put me by the
side of Sims. We are fighting for the
same cause." lhey died cursing.
The women were turned loose. The
names of the Simsites hung are Bob
Sims, Tom Savage, and Con Savage and
ins two grown sons.
Thus ends the defiance of the United
States, the state of Alabama, and, in
fact, all laws, by the notorious Bob
Sims and four of his followers.
Garza's Gang.
San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 28. The
forces of the Garza revolutionists in
northern Mexico and along the Texas
side of the Bio Grande border are rap
idly increasing. According to present
indications the numerous detachments
are moving toward Camarago, Mex.,
where they will concentrate and then
proceed in a body toward the interior.
There was another engagement Satur
day night between Garza's followers
and a regiment of Mexican troops at
the San Ignacius ranch, near Carrizo,
Tex. The fight was at long .range, the
Mexican troops being located on their
side of the river, while the revolutionists
were on Texas soil. One of the govern
ment soldiers was killed and a number
on both sides badly wounded. The rev
olutionists were making their way to
ward Camarago. About two hundred,
being in detachments, were some dis
tance from the border, when discovered
and attacked by the Mexican troons.
The revolutionists retreated, keeping up
a running nre anu escaped across tne
river into Texas, making a bold stand on
this side. Owing to the lack of neces-
sarr protection by the United States
troops the movement of the revolution
ists and their bold violation of the Unit
ed States neutrality laws was not known
to the authorities until late bunuay
The first news of the engagement to
reach here came m a dispatch to Dr,
Plutarch Irnelas, the Mexican consul,
from the Mexican consul at .Laredo.
mere has been no otnciai word re
ceived at department headquarters here
from Captain Jb rancis 1. Haruie, of the
Third cavalry, but a reliable report
reached this point troni Laredo that ne
and his command are in pursuit of 200
revolutionists who had been camping
and receiving recruits near Encinal,
Tex. Captain John G. Bourke, of the
Third cavalry, who is in command of
Fort Ringgold, has not been heard from
for two days and no orders from the su
perior orhcers located nere have been
able to reach him, which leads to the be
lief here that tho telegraph wires have
been cut between Rio Grande City and
Brownsville, or that he is surrounded by
tho revolutionists.
Factional Fight in the Grand Army.
Caxtox, O., Dec. 26. The trouble
that has been brewing in Grand Army
and Women's Relief corps circles here
for some time has broken out in full,
and a bitter factional fight is the result.
The fight is between Ada F. Clarke, past
department president of Ohio, and
Emma Coons, late treasurer of the de
partment of Ohio. Scores of prominent
workers in Grand Army organizations
in thi3 state will be drawn into the fight.
Charges of misappropriation of funds
and counter charges of a serious nature,
implicating a prominent member of tho
G. A. R., have been made, and an inves
tigation is now in progress. Libel suits
are threatened.
Chief of tho Chcrokees.
Tahlequ.ui, I. T., Dec. 26. C. S.
Harris has been elected principal chief
of the Cherokee Nation, to succeed J. B.
Mayes, who died last week. Harris has
been prominent in Cherokee politics for
the past twelve years, having served in
the senate and as a delegate to Washing
ton, and was only recently elected treas
urer of the Cherokee .Nation. Stephen
Tehee was elected second chief.
Union Stockyards, i
Chicago, Dec. 26. f
CATTLE Estimate rpvintn 1 .vn
Natives. S4.10fl6.40: cows nn-1 Imlln si T.t3 snt
Texans. Sl.00ifc3.25: western 1kca s "rva'ftn
Firm. ' ' vu""'
HOGS-Estimated reepi,-is. 12iwn 1iAn,1
Heavy, 83.G5a3.95; medium, .3.50a3.85; light,
S3.403.70. Strong. fc w
SHEEP-Natives, $4.9035.20; westerns, $3.90
64.90; Texans. $3.7504.70.
Omaha Live Stock.
Union Stock Yards, i
Omaha, Dec. 20.
CATTLE-Eatimated receipts, 1,300 head,
300 to LffJOlbs.. S3.2Kfc5.75i l int n i am n,
$3.0O4.O0: 900 to 1,100 lbs.. S2.5033.75- choicra
cows, common cows. 3I.0Q&1.6');
pood feeders, $2.503 00; common feeders. JS2 01
2.50. Market 10c stronger than Thursday.
iOUS intimated receipts. 2,11 head. Light,
83.55Ib3.7U: mixed. S3.6(Vfn3 70: hoaw. amr?
3.75. Market 10c to 15c higher t'aan ThursdaT.
.fob. core throat. Saturate a
flannel bandage with Chamberlain's
rain Halm and bind it on the throat.
It will cure any ordinary case in one
nights time. Mr. VV. J3. Fuller,
the leading merchant at Greencastle,
Iowa, says: "Chamberlain s Pain
oaim is a good one. It cured me
of a violent sore throat. I have
sold a number of bottles for rheum
atism and always with good results."
50 cent bottles for sale by A. F.
Streitz, Druggist.
Jeremiah Bradshaw, father of
Col. Baadshaw, who resides in
Walker precinct, died ten days aso
at the advanced age of eighty-four
years. The deceased, along with.'
four sons, participated in the rebell
ion, being members of the Fourth
Iowa Infantrv.
Some Foolish People
Al.ow a cough to-run until it gets be
yond the reace ofjnedicine. They often
say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most
cases it wears them away. Could they be
induced to trv the successful medicine
called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a
positive guarantee to cure, they would
immediately see the excellent effect after
taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1.00.
Irial size free. At all Druggists.
Articles of incorporation of the
Farnam grain and stock company
have been filed with the clerk of
Dawson county. The capital is
placed at $3,000 divided into shares
of $10 each. T. JtL Dawson, is presi
dent of the company and S. F.
Parker secretary.
More serious sickness is produced
by allowing the bowels to remain
in a torpid or partially constipated
condition than trom any other cause.
r i t
in many instances aiseases are pro-
duced, rrom which people never
wholly recover. Dyspepsia, piles
and nervous disorders are three of
the most common and most serious.
They are caused by neglecting the
bowels, and can be prevented be an
occasional dose of St. Patrick's Pills,
which always produce a pleasant
cathartic c-fxect, and not only physic
but cleanse the whole system and
regulate the liver and bowels. 25
cents per box, for sale bv A. F.
Streitz, Druggist.
For the twelve months prior to
October 1, 1S90, when the preseut
tariff law went into effect, the value
of imported manufactures "of
wool was 55,972,031
Secretary of War Elkins is in "Washington.
Hnssflll Sase. Jr.. is very ill and he Is
gradually sinking.
The French chamber of deputies has
tflxed the tariff on petroleum at 12 francs.
Bone Bros., drv Koods dealers of Gains-
rille. Tex., failad for $30,000; assets,
The attack of influenza from which the
ikinir of Sweden Is suffenne. is a severe
Herr Janssen, the eminent historian and
member of the Center party in the men
state, died.
The new commercial treaties have passed
the third reading in the lower house of tha
Hungarian diet.
Diphtheria raging in Deer Creek. His.
Six children in one family have died in
the last two days.
Two brothers, John and Nicholas Raad,
were killed by an engine on the Lake
(Shore at Chicago.
Burglars robbed the safe in the postof-
iice at Lewisburg, Tenn.. securing $500 in
stamps and money.
The Roumanian chamber has been dis
solved. The elections for new members
will be held on Feb. 24.
Mr. Balfour and W. T. Jackson will
visit Ireland for the purpose of investigat
ing tne fishery industry.
Daring the recent severe gales along
(the Baltic sixteen fishermen were drowned,
mostly in tne iTiscne-Uanr.
Milwaukee's committee is hard at work
and will spare no pains to capture thl
Democratic national convention.
The creditors of the Chicago branch of
the firm of S. V. White hare compromised
by accepting 50 cents on the dollar.
George M. Laughlin of Pittsburg, Pa.,
Las been arrested at Jefferson City, Ma,
(for attempting to pass forged checks.
The Madrid Epoch confirms the an
nouncement that a loan of $50,000,000 hat
been arranged to be issned by the 30th.
Professor C. C. Schackford died from la
jzrippe at Brooklyn. Mass. He was for
(merly president of Somerrille university.
New York customs officers have made a
m'ts ttnntlia f tt oliin V1 o notnfinmi I
which had been smuggled into the coun- j jj
The wall of a building at Newport, Eng-
iland, fell, and two adjacent cottages wen
completely crushed. Ten persons were se
verely injured,
Collector Samuel "Warmcastle of th
Twenty-third district, Pennsylvania, in
ternal revenue service, has been removed
from office by the president.
Hon. A. R. Sharpe, a leading lawyer ol
southern Pennsylvania and a prominent
neuuuiiuui uuu uraou Army man, uieu
it Carlisle, Pa., aged 66 years.
itev. he oast lan Messmer has been ap
pointed bishop .if the Green Bay, Mich.
diocese to fill the vacancy caused by thi
elevation of Archbishop Katzer.
At amor, Idaho, the premature ex
Idosion of a blast in the Last Chance mine
resulted intho death fo Foreman Quack- invNnl "T-? - it
inbush and Patrick Ouinn. & laborer. S LtULCL & -S-.-'Xi. CO OUi.
Joe Patterson, who killed his wife and
TThcn Charlemagne and his "Knights of
the Round Table " were making war on tho
Saracens, in Ainca. it Irequentiy happened
that Kniguts od either slue would ugnt in
single combat for the honor of their re
spective armies. The Saracens had been,
for many years, the scourgo the dreaded
invaders of Europe, and all waged war
acainst this common enemv
But in these days tho worst scourgo that
threatens U3, is that dread invader, Con
Consumption fastens its bold upon its vic
tims while they are unconscious or its ap
proach. Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery has cured thousands of cases of this
most fatal of maladies. But it must lie
taken before the disease is too for advanced
in order to be effective. If taken in time.
and given a fair trial, it will cure, or money
paid lor it win oe reiunded.
For Weak Lungs. Spitting of Blood, Short
ness of Breath. Bronchitis, Asthma, severe
Coughs, and kindred affections, it is on une
qual ed remedy
For all diseases that ariso from a torpid
liver and impure blood, nothing can take tho
place of Dr Tierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery Nothing will, after you havo seen what
it does, it prevents and cures oy removing
the cause. Jt invigorates the liver. puriSes
tho blood, sharpens the appetite improves
digestion, and builds up both strength and
flesh, when reduced below the standard of
Sold by druggists, evorywhera.
Take it to our agent, C. Weinsrand.
Anything laundried from a hand
kerchief to a fine lace curtain.
iiatmdry leaves Tuesday and is i
returned the following Saturday.
For the twelve months prior to .Oct.
1, 1891, the value of the same class
of floods imported here was
The demand being equal in the
same year American manufacturers
sot the benefit of this difference in
trade, and sold an additional 20,
000,000 worth of goods. Figuring
three pounds of wool to the dollar
of value shows that over 01,000,000
pounds were required b7 this addi
tional manufacture, and as wool im
ports increased cnlv about 30,000,
000 pounds in the second year, for
which figures are given, the balance
of 31.000,000 pounds must liave
been supplied by domestic wool
growers. Thus protection helps
both manufacturers nnd csrricul-
turists. New York Press.
tists tell us now that
the best and safest wav to cure dis
eases of the blood and skin is to
force out through the skin the mi
crobes or germs which produce dis
ease. Iu this matter, Swift'6
bpecihe has been about sixtv years
in advance or medical science, as it
has for that length of time been
curing blood and skin diseases, bv
nating the germ3 and poison
through the pores or the skin. b.
o., dees this effectually, safely
and quickly. It is entirely a veget
able compound, and harmless to the
most delicate child.
Mr. YV. C. Curtis, editor of the
Mecklenburg News, at Boydton,.
Va., says that he has been entirely
relieved from an abscess which
formed in his throat, and caused
intense pain, almost choking him.
He could not swallow solid foodTand
was in a most painful condition. He
says that he took only three bottles
and that it effected a complete cure.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis
ease mailed free.
The Swift Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
quickly cured by Shilob's cure. "We
guarantee it. Sold by J. Q. Thackcr.
CATARRn CURED, health and sweet
breath secured, by Uhiloh s Catarrh Rem
edy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector
free, b sr sale by J . IJ. '1 hacker.
Does it Contain Ammonia?
The charge is being made that the Royal Baking
Powder contains ammonia. We would have supposed that
the emphatic condemnation of ammonia baking powders
by the most eminent physicians throughout the land, and
the fact of the three leading chemists of Minnesota mak
ing their report to the Senate Committee recently showing
that bread baked with the "Royal" contained ammonia
and the hostility now being manifested by the public
against all ammonia and alum baking powders would have
driven them permanently from the market.
In view of the fact that Baking Powder has become
an indispensable article in every kitchen, it is gratifying
to know that there are brands in the market to which no
suspicion of any kind has ever attached. Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder is a pure cream of tartar
free from every taint of ammonia, alum or other
vtwo white men in Bosier, La., being pur
sued too closely by a sheriff's posse, and
peeing no way of escaping, killed himself.
A temporary injunction has been issued
1. Mnnf vnli n
bidding it to remove or interfere with
tickers of the Gold and Stock Telegraph
An unknown assassin fired upon w. M.
ixyeu oi ueiton. ity., through an open
iloor and killed him. Thirty-four buck
shot penetrated the body; No clue to the
Burglars broke into tho parsonage of
St. Michael's Catholic church at Holidays-
.burg, Pa., and being discovered by iathei
.John Hein, attempted to kill the reverend
The Brussels Catholic Mission has
Chinese advices that 1,000 native Christ
ians were massacred during the recent
disturbance in northern China. The Bel
gians all escaped.
Kimball & Camp, who failed at Council
Bluffs some time ago for 1800,000, have
been put under arrest. The complainants
jare eastern stockholders and the charge
ugamst them is embezzlement.
The condition of Cyrus W. Field is con
sidered more hopeful than it has been for
some time. He is able to sit up and take
a little nourishment. The family now
have no fears of immediate danger.
Alonzo Morton was caught in the shaft
ing of the Babcock company's works in
Nashville, Tenn., and whirled around at
a terrible'rate. Nearly every bone in his
body was broken and death was instanta
Mr. Stickler, one of the world's fair com
missioners from Germany, has landed in
Hoboken, and has in his possession what
is said to be the sword carried by Christo
pher Columbus, at the time of his discov
ery of America.
The Western Stone company of Chicaco
has purchased the stock and quarries of
the Joliet btone company and the Cres
cent Stone compay. Tho consolidation
makes the largest concern of the kind in
the United States.
A traveling man has broncht suit
against the manager of a Minneapolis
opera house to recover the price paidior a
ticket to an entertainment in the build
ing. His view of the stage had been shut
off by two big hats.
William C. Ireland, formerly deputy
portmaster at Philadelphia and chief clerk
in the third assistant postmaster general's
office during General Grant's administra
tion, diedht Garfield hospital, Washing
ton, of cancer, aged 58 years.
George Dunnway of Lebanon.Tenn., has
been found guilty of murder in the first
degree, of rape, and of shooting with in
tent to kill. He was according sentenced
to two life terms and two terms of eight
and ten years in the penitentiary.
Daniel Vaughn, a negro who had been
arrested for petty larceny at Springfield,
Ills., broke away from Officer Brown, who
was taking him to jail, and ran. The offi
cer fired, the bullet striking the fugitive
in the back of the head, killing him in
The lower house of the South Carolina
legislature voted to resubmit the bill mak
ing an appropriation for the world's fair.
It isso near the end of the session that it
f s believed the bill is practical! y killed,
and private subscriptions must be de
pended upon to secure representation at
A free fight occurred in a tavern about
ten miles from Macclena, Fla., in which
pistols and knives were freely used. Wheu
the smoke of the battle cleared away,
James Sweat was found dead and five
other men seriously wounded. The fight
happened during the progress of a dance.
Whisky was at the bottom of the row.
No one knows who killed Swent and no
arrests have been made.
A full line of first-class funeral supplies
always m stock.
East Sixth street, next door to First Na
tional Bank,
Telegraph orders promptly attended to.
Land Ofik-e at North Platte. Neb. )
November 1J. 1891. 1"
Notice is hereby ci von that tho followitur-nampd
settler hns filed noticoof his intention to mnke
nnal proof in fnpport of his claim, nnd that tuml
proof will bo mnda before Kt-stster and Keceiver
at North Platt. Nob., on January 6. 1892. viz:
Benjamin A. Dikeman. who icurio II. K. Ifo. CG!5
for the southeast quarter section 20. township lo
north, mntjo went. He names the following j
witnesses to Drove his continuous residence mcn
and cultivation of, said land, viz: John S. Hn jnes.
William noi-crin, CU-mont Khccocsand billa? J .
Bill.isen, all of Birdwcod, neb.
4t30 JOHN 1. iNESErrr, licgir-tcr.
By virtue of an order of uslo issued hy W. C.
Elder, clork of tho district court of Lincoln county.
Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered
in said court in lavor or warren 31. liaier and
against W. T. Chndwick, et. at, I have levied upon
the following real e.otalo as the property of said W.
T. Cnadwlck, et. al., to-wlt: Lots one (I), t;vo (2),
tnreo () and lour (I), In blocx one
hundred and thlrty-eiijht (lis), in tho city of
North Platte, Neb., a3 shown by tho pints on
file in connty clerk's office of said county;
and I will on Si'urday, the 2Sd day of January,
1WCJ, ct one o'clock p. rn. of s.'iid day, at
the front door of tho court houre in said county.
In J.orih rlctle, sell said real etae at public auc
tion to the hichest bidder for cash to satisfy said
order or sale, tno amount due incrcon in thenenre-
Rato beiiiK the cam of $1,607.25 and ? 10.43 costs and
accrninv Interest unit costs.
Dated December 22d, 1S01.
Tkk State of Nejiraska, )
Lincoln County, )
At a county conrt, hold at tho county court room
in anil lor snld county, ueccmber 21st, A. D. ISfJl.
Preseut, J..K. btocKton, county judge.
In tho matter of tho estate of James B. Gavin.
On readies and filimr tho petition of Peter B.
Gavin praying final settlement and allowance of
his account, filed on the 21st day of December,
ISfll. and for his discharge as administrator of said
Obdebed. mat Jan.. iztn, a. v. lbv' at one
o'clock p. ra., is assisued for hearing said petition.
when all persons interested In said matter may ap
pear at a county court to be field ln'and lor said
county, and show cause -nhy Iho prayer of peti
tioner should not be ernnted; and that notice of
tho pendency of saiil petition and the hearing
thereof, be Klven to all persons interested in raid
matter, by publishing a copy of this order in The
North Platts TnmuxE a weeily newspaper
printed in Fid county, for tnreo successive weeis,
prior to said day or neariu;?.
j. i. Stockton, uonniy jntigo.
30-3 (A true copy.)
Hog cholera is diminishing the farmers'
herds south of Talmage.
Parties in the east are sending for sam
pies of the products of Sioux county.
The butchers of Norfolk have formed an
alliance, offensive and defensive. After
Jan. 1, they will trust no man. It will be
cash or no meat.
Mattie Bolen,- colored, quarreled with
her husband at Lincoln over the disposi-
sion of f I and stabbed him in the neck
with a pocket knife.
Garden seeds raised in the vicinity of
Waterloo have achieved a world-wide rep
utation and the industry promises to be a
great one next year.
Seventy-five car-loads of lumber have
been sent from Rushville to Pine Ridge
agency this fall to b used mostly in
school buildings at different points on the
Nick Fox, a South Omaha packing
house laborer, shot bis wife and then cut
his own throat. Both will die. Fox bears
a bad reputation and had frequently
beaten his wife.
A boy of 20 and a girl of 14, living is
the country near Belvidere, went to town
and wanted some one to marry them
The girl's irate father and brother, to
gether with the family dog, pursued them
and caught up to them in the court house
square. Tne would-be benedit was not
long in sizing up the situation and tooktc
the woods.
The suit of Herman Diers against Sher
iff James P. Mallon for $20,000 damages
for false imprisonment is being tried at
Fremont. The trial is the outgrowth ol
the Pulsif er murder at Crowell in Decem
ber, 1889, when Diers was arrested on su
picioa of being implicated in the killing
Diers has also begun action against Frank
Pulsifer, brother of the murdered man,
for like amount. I
As now proposed, the Nebraska bnildine
at the world's fair will be 18 by 120 feet in
size and two stories high, and cost 115,000.
The first floor is to contain an exhibit hall
three office rooms, a large reception room
and gents' toilet room. The second flooi
to be suitably arranged for educational ex
hibit, art exhibit, reading room, ladies re
ception and toilet room; the large recep
tion room to occupy about one-third tht
floor space of the second story.
Shot the Vigilantes' Captain.
Spencer, Heb., Dec. 27. Dunne a
altercation over adverse rights to a trad
of government land near Butte City, C
L. Dodge, known as the captain of th
vigilantes, who aided in ridding thii
part of the state of horse thieves a fe
fl 1
years ago, was snoc ana mstanuy Kiiiet.
X ttt?-,-, Tt - . , -
uv ijeurce wmanson. j.c is ciaimet
that Dodge was tho aggressor. "Wilkin
son gave nimseii up to tne snenir oi
Holt county and is now in jail at O'Neill
Resisting a Tax Levy.
Ojiaih, Dec. 24. The Union Pacifk,
obtained a temporary injunction restrain,
ing the city of Omaha from collecting
taxes on property of the road. The pe
tition alleges that tho property has al
ready been returned for assessment tc
the state auditor, and the collection ol
taxes by the city would be a double as
A Tragedy at Scribner, Neb.
Scribner, Neb., Dec. 27. Charles
Behrendt, while drunk, disemboweled
his brother Julius with a butcher knifo
Julius is still alive, but bis death is mo
mentarily expected. Tho murderer es-
Nebraska's Big Distillery Burned.
Nebraska City, Dec. 26. The Ne
braska distillery was destroyed by fir&
Loss, 100,000; fully insured.
iWlY M YOI WHi? j
SB r kaew that a lltU CMffhX
Is a amBcczwas talac f S
Will Stop a Coasa at
m a m m m
ana vrare ue wont vara :
: twelve kr. A. SS Ceet-tattle
iaBay tan you $100 la Doctor's:
Sbills-aBay aare your life. AMK.I
: putt" ViVk'VK"""'" :
:Dr. Acker's English Pilli;
8aU.pIcaiaat,rvarlte.wUhtMlleft. .
S W. H. nOOZKR CO., M We Bttadwar. N.Y. S
Fine Boot and Shoe Maker,
And Dealer In
Perfect Fit, Best Work and Goods a
Represented or Money Refunded.
Br virtno of an order ol palo issued by W. C.
Elder, clerk of the district court of Lincoln county.
Nebraska, nnon a decree of foreclosure of n raort-
Kftze roDiierea in said court in laror oi cunnes
McDonald and against nensant u. luuls, et. ci.. 1
have levied upon the following real estate as the
property of said Pleasant G. Ends, et. al., to-wit:
Tho en-it half of the northwest quarter nnd tho
southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of
section twelve (12), in township nine (9), north of
range thirty-one (31) west of the sixth principal
meridian in uncom county, MeorssKa: nnd i win
on Saturday, the 23d day of January, 18W, at eleven
o'clock a. m. of said day. ct tho front door of the
court house in said county, in North Platte, Ne
braska, sell said real estate at public auction to the
highest bidder for each to satii-fy said order of sale,
the amount due thereon in the aggregato being the
sura oi and s.' costs and accruing
imeruM mm cusus
Dfctcd December 22, IS91.
505 D. A. BAKER.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re
ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia,
Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the
purity of this ideal powder has never been ques
By unncciCB order of sale i.tif hv w r.
x.iuer, cierx oi mo district court of Lincoln county,
Nebra-kn, upon n docree of foreclosure of n mort
gage rendered In sold court in favor of Cyrus L.
Eastman nnd against James V. Elder, et. al., 1
nave levied ujKin tho following real estate as the
property oi said James W. Elder, et. n1 tn-wltf
ine east half of the southeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and lot
ouo yi) oi section nve (a), township nlno (3), north
of range thirty (30). west of the sixth nrlncinal
meridian in Lincoln county, Nebraska, containing
one nunured ami sixty acre, more or less; and I
Will on Saturday, tho 23d day of January, 1692, nt
two o'clock p. m. of raid day, at the front door of
the court house in said county, in North Platte.
Nebraska, sell said real estato at nubile auction to
the highest bidder for cnh to satisfy said order of
&alo, the amount due thereon in the aggregate be
ing the sum of $627.00 and $32.83 costs and accruing
interest and costs.
Dated December 22d, 1KS1.
0O5 D. A. BAKER,
By virtue of on order of saio issued bv TV. C.
Elder, clerk of the district court oi Lincoln county,
Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure of . mort
gage rendered in said court in favor of The Eastern
Banking Company and against Charles Lesnik, et,
al., I have levied upon the following real estate as
the property of raid Charles Lesnik, et. el, to-wit:
Tho northeast quarter of section twenty-six (20),
townsliip nine (f) north, range thirty (30), west of
the sixth principal meridian in Lincoln county,
Nebraska, and I will on Saturday, the 23d day of
January, lh02, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at
the front door of the court house in said county, in
North Platte. Nebraska, sell said real estate nt
of I public auction to the highest bidder for cash to
I nn 1-1 J NUU UlUCt U1C UUlUUijl UI.D IUC1WU
in the aggregate being the sum of $.3.40 and 116.88
costs and accruing lnterc-st and cocis.
Lincoln's Pace antl the Artists.
Lincoln's features were the despair of
every artist who undertook his portrait.
The writer saw nearly a dozen, one after
another, soon after tho first nomination
.to the presidency, attempt the task.
Theypnt into their pictures the large,
rugged features, and strong, prominent
lines; they made measurements to ob
lain exact proportions; they "petrified"
some single-look, but the picture re
mained hard and cold. Even before
these paintings were finished it was
plain to see that they were unsatisfac
tory to the artists themselves, and much
more so to the intimate friends of the
man this was not he who smiled, spoke.
laughed, charmed. The picture was to
the man as the grain of sand to the
mountain, as the dead to the living.
Graphic art was powerless before a
face that moved through a thousand
delicate gradations of line and contour,
light and shade, sparkle of the eye and
nf the lin. in the loner sramut of
expression from grave to gay, and back I
again from the rollicking jollity
laughter to that serious, far away look
luai. "" i"-"!'"' I n.llT.n.U.'M 10QI
the awful panorama of war. J. G. Nic- oo5 v. A. baxet..
olay in Centun'. sueritr.
Rnmors That the Manafacturore
Seek to Have It Raised.
St. Louis, Dec. 24. An afternoon pa
per prints a long article to the effect that
the meeting of the Tinned Plate Manu
facturers' association, which is toht
held in January, was called for the pur
pose of preparing a bill to be presented
to congress increasing tho import duty
on tin 1 cent per pound. It is alleged
mat as tne tana now stanus tne clutv
insufficient to afford adequate protection
as it leaves an opening for old established
tinned plate factories in the old world tc
deluge the American market at a tun
when such action would be decided!
detrimental to tne lntlustry,
Conductors Will Fight Against Ttniids.
xiAxsAS uity, Lec. 24. me order is
sued some time ago by General Managei
Morrill, of the St. Louis and San Fran
cisco, to the effect that the conductors
will on and after Jan. 1 have to rive a
$500 bond for the faithful Tierfonnance
or tneir duties is meeting with strennou
opposition, and there are fears that
trouble will ensue. On beinsr madeac
quamted with the order the
conductors held a meeting and ap
pointed a committee to call on uenera
Manager Morrill to protest, but the
latter wired the committee that ho
would not receive them. The trip was
abandoned, but the Order of Railroad
Conductors, it is said, will name
strong ticket. It is said that the Alton
has issued a similar order. Genera
.manager Mornu said tnat the issuance
of the order had been contemplated foi
a long time, but it had not yet been is
sued, and how the matter became public
he was at a loss to understand. "The
Atchison conductors are required to rive
bond, and tne r nsco Having come undei
the banta J? e management it must foL
low that the conductors on that road
sliold give similar security.'
The State TVon
Colorado, Tex., Dec. 24. The famous
"Block 97" case, the state of Texas ts,
Bacon & Graves, which involves the
title to a whole block of land in Scurry
county of over 373,000 acres, was de
cided in the district court in favor of the
state. The defendants gave notice of
Speaker Crisp's Selection of Chairmen
"Washington, Dec. 24. Following are
the chairmanships of the most important
committees as arranged by Speaker
J udiciary Unlber tson.
Interstate and Foreign Commerce
K. Q. Mills.
Banking and Currency Bacon.
Coinage. Weights and Measures
Rivers and Harbors Blanchard.
Merchant Marine and Fisheries Fow
Elections OTarrell.
Ways and Means Springer.
Appropriations Holman.
Agriculture Hatch.
Military Affairs Outhwaite.
Naval Affairs Herbert.
Postoffices and Postroads Hender
son, (N. C).
Public Lands McRae.
Indian Affairs Peer.
Railways and Canals Catchings.
House Rnles.
Washington, Dec. 28. The house
committee on rules has made little or
no progress with the important work of
preparing a new code of rules for the
guidance of the house. Speaker Crisp
has been entirely too ill to rive anv at
tention to the matter, and Mr. McMillan
is out of the city. The house will
therefore continue at work under the
rules of the congress over which Mr.
Carlisle presided, for at least two and
probably three weeks after the holiday
recess is over. It is not expected that
this will work to any disadvantage as
no important business is expected to
come before the house until some of the
committees have considered the bills re
ferred to them and some reports have
been placed upon the calendar. In the
meantime, however, Representative
Catchings is engaged in collecting
data for the consideration of tne com- !
niittee in relation to the advijabilitv of
1,000 Conulne Tylor Curtain Desks f 21 and
334 Net Spot Cash.
Tko. 40T Antique OaX Standard Tyler Betks,
4rt.Cln. lonstiy3ft.Cln.hlch. ilico and Dust
l'roof. Zinc Bottom under dnwers; patent: Braes
lined Curtain; Polished Oai; Writing Tabic: (5 Tum
bler lock; one lect securing all drawers: 8 henry
cardboard FlllngBoxcs; Cupboard In end; Paneled
Finished Back; Extension Ana Slides: "WcliEat
200 las. XrIcc,F..15.atFaciory.SSJi JScfc.
Also 1,000 Antique Ash Desks.
2So. 400S. Same as above, except made of Solid
Antique Ash. good as oaS. TVelsht JtOO
FrlceF.O.S. a Factory. Sil Aet. Snipped
from onr India r.npolls factory direct. MaScarA sol
solely by the TYLER DESKCO., St. Loulo, Rio.
irapazoCstalojracorita&lc Coaaten.DoV. f.c , tl colcrs
Land Attorney and Loan Agt.
Money constantly on hnnd to close iRrin loans
nt fnTOPst rates ciren in Western Nebraska.
All kinds of business before United States Land
OfUco attended to.
Merchant .
Full Hue of piece goods always on
hand and made to order.
Only first-class workmen employed.
Shop on Sprnco Street over Hans fiertler&Co.
placing tho appropriation bills once
more within the solo jurisdiction C the
ccmmittoA on apjiropjfatvong,
Horae Shoeing a Specialty.
Shop on Locust St., North J'latte.Xeb.
Da. Hoiphretb' Sreanca are scientifically and
carefully prepared prescriptions ; used lor many
wun Eucccss,anaxor over
ile. Every single Spo
dlsease named.
These Specincs cure tritnouc druggiEg; purg
ing or reducing the system, and are In fact ami
deed the sovereign remedies of theWorld.
list or r-RracnMi. hos. cures. ituceb.
1 Kevers, congestion, uuiammauon .. .Ufa
Worn 8; worm .rever, worm uoiic. .ya
Orylnir CoIic,orTcethlnsof Infants ,-iS
illarrkea, oitniiarenorAomo....
Dysentery GriplnBUlousCollc..
Cholera Morbus, Vomiting.
8 Neuralgia, TootbachcKoceache...
9 Headaches. Sick Headache. Vertigo
7 CoRjrhs. Cold. Bronchitis...
If nianeaaia. Bilious Stomach.
11 Suppressed or Palatal Periods- ,rS
l'i Whlt
13 Croa
14 Halt RhcHis, Erysipelas. Erup
13 KheaatiniB. lineumatle l"alns
18 Fever and Agae, Chills. Malaria.... .5
17 Piles, Blind or bleedln? 5
19 Catarrh, Innuenza, Cold in me Head
lit WhoeBlnar Coach, Violent Coushs.
24 General lleMIUy.l'hyslcalWeskneaB ..?
tif Kidney Disease 5
US Nerroas Debility
30 llrtnary Weakaess, vrettinsBed. ..J
34 Diseases of taeUeart,PalpltaUoal.
Sold by Druinrtets, or sent postpaid, on receipt
or price. Da. HcwnBsrs' iuxcai, (i pages)
richly bound In cloth and gold, mailed free.
Cor. William and John Streets, New York.
Billiard : Hall;
J. C. HUPFERf-ftop.
The Casino is supplied with am
ple billiard and pool tables and is
a pleasant orderly resort at all times.
Lf lors and Cigars
of the finest stock and brands will
be found at the bar.
Neville Block, North Plattj.
Tit virtnn nf ihn laws of the State of Nebraska.
I hereby offer a reward of Fifty Dollars for the
enptnre and conviction of any person. charged
with horse stealing in Lincoln connty.
An old Dhrsician. retired from nracticB.
laving httd placed in Kis hands by an
Bast India missionary the formula of a.
simple vegetable remedy for the speedy
and permanent cure of Consumption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, nnd all
throat and and Lung Affections, also a
positive and radical cure for .Nervous
Debility and all Nervous Complaints
after having tested its wonderful cura
tive powers in thousands of .cases, has
felt it his duty to mako it known to his
suffering fellows. Actuated by this
motive and a desire to relieve human
suffering, I will send free of charge, to
all who desire it, this German,
renen, or Jiinghsh, with full directions
for preparing and using. Sent by mail
by addressing with stamp, naming, this
paper. W. A. iNorxs,
powers' Ulock, Kochester, N.T