IRA L. BAKE, Editor ajtd Proprietor SU11SCI1IPTI0X KATES. tt rAin in AiiVAcr - - tl-00 tku anncm IF JiOT PAII IS ADVANCE. 1.30 1'ER ANNUM Entered nt the North PIntte (Kcbrnsta) postoffice as tecond-clns-s matter. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1S01. Thousands of old soldiers with diseases contracted in the service, or with one leg in the grave, hobbled along for years before asking a pen sion. A certain class of patriots are noiv calling them "paupers"' and "pension grabbers," and the' get no credit for making their brave con test to live independent of the na tion's promises when they shoul dered their guns and staked their all in the contest. Inter-Ocean. Nebraska farmers can draw much consolation from the report of the statistician of the agricultural department, which shows that there has been an increase since April, 1890. of 100 per cent, in the value of corn and oats, 30 per cent in wheat and 33 per cent in cattle. And the present prospects are good for these increases to be maintined for twelve months at least. AVe have promise of unusually large crops this year, while reports from Europe indicate a encal shortage in cereal crops, and so great is this likety to be that steps are already being taken by some of the governments across the water to remove the import dutT on grains and food products.-Ex. The sub-treasury scheme antago nizes every wise, honest and safe principle in finance and everv con sideration of security to national and individual credit, and it is en tirely safe to predict that it will never become a policy of this nation while sentiments of honest' and justice and patriotism are recog nized by a majority of the Aineri can people. And among those who hold and sircerely cherish these sentiments are millions of the farm ers and wo king.nen of this country, who will contm le to be, as thev have been in the past, the bulwark of a sound currency and a stable financial system. Ex. One of the propositions of the platform adopted by the Peffer party at Cincinnati is that the government shall loan money on imperishable property at 2 per cent. Of course if such a favor is to be granted no one could expect to have a monopoly of it. Everybody in the United States would be entitled to borrow, provid ed he or she had imperishable prop erty, such as lands aud houses, and perhaps machinery not readily mov ed, to offer as security. And nearly everybody would be likely to bor row, for money would be very un- remunerative that could not earn more than 2 per cent. But, assum ing that a good share of the property owners did not borrow ironi the government, and suppose that the owners of, say only ten thousand millions of dollars worth of real estate asked for loans, where would the money come from? Its issue by the government would mean an addition of so much to the govern ment debt, From being in the best financial situation of any large country on the globe, we would at once sink to the worst. Those borrowers unfortunate in the use of the money would have to be fore closed on, and the government would find itself in the possession of a vast quantity of buildings and lauds, of which, no doubt, the form er owners would be willing to re main as caretakers for an indefinite period. But why prolong a vista more hopelessly absurd and sense less the farther one examines it? New York Press. The statement of Postmaster General Wanamaker regarding his connection with the collapsed Key stone bank of Philadelphia will be ihsfactory to all fair-minded men. is relations with that institution sre solely as a business man, and tes that re knew notliinsr of lition except from published rand had absolutely nothing the couue of the govern- nnes legaramg tne m- gtir aster ge Jeral s state- those lect net !SS any Koni that put assnred recently !zil can be of no wur coaimerce. Kadian and even have been made k?rs who claimed h directly from lhe detection ' i ii .icatei mat some ild find the treaty k if we cannot. To r.adulent importations lian government has been to issue a new order The Nebraska method of assess ing property is always an impene trable mystery to the stranger within our gates. It is the cause of much misunderstanding, and there is no doubt that our credit suffers through our blundering aud unequal system. The agent who is looking for a site for the new gov ernment building at Beatrice is greatly perplexed to find that prop erty charged with an assessment of $2,500 cannot be bought for less than $20,000. A man from the east begins to suspect at once that the owner is attempting to play a gouge game on him, and there is a hesitancy in making the purchase and a good deal of misunderstand ing all around. It is generally ad mitted that it would be better for all interests to raise the standard of valuation. It has not been possible to bring this about as yet but if the tax per cent could be limited hy law to a very low figure it is possible that the assessments would be forced up to the point of actual value in spite of the disinclination of the count- and municipal boards to pay as much into the state treas ur in taxes as their neighbors. The plan seems entirely feasible, aud it could be easily tried by reducing the limit of the levy gradually from time to time until a just and equit able point was reached. State Journal. Not much sympathy need be wasted on the citizens of Louisiana on account of the mafia or any other band of cut-throats. If there is in this or any other land a more con scienceless set of cut-throats, no account of them has so far been re ceived. The fact of the lvnehine of the negro Tump Hampton in Claiborne Parish was given out by the press some days ago but not until May 31 was the true inward ness of the affair known to Governor Nicholls. It seems that Hampton was suspected of hog stealing and a lot jof his neighbors went to his house to lynch him. Hampton was a negro of more than common in telligence, and of good standing in the neighborhood. He told the mob that he had nothing to do with stealing the hogs, and finally told them as they moved on his house, that they must not try to enter his door as he would defend his house with his life. The mob paid no attention to the "nigger" and attempted to batter his door down. Knowing that his life was at stake Hampton shot one of them and would have shot more of them had they not retreated. The next day he was arrested for the killing, and as the sheriff was conveying him to jail the mob again made an attempt to lynch him. The sheriff prevent ed this and got a change of venue to another locality where Hampton was tried and acquitted. He was immediately arrested for hog steal ing and taken back to Caliborne, where his friends induced him to plead guilty as the only means of saving his life. He was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary aud and hurried off before the friends had time to organize a lynching party. A year after, on the day he was liberated, the crow1, swore out a warrant for his arrest and on his arrival at Claiborne he was met by an armed mob who took him from the constable, who doubtless was a party in the scheme and burned to death. The next day nothing could be found of Hampton except a few half burned bones and a pair of handcuffs. How long, Oh! Lord, how long? W. -OUB WALLACE LETTEB. A southern orator says: '"The pathos, sentiment and romance of the war between the states is con centrated and crystallized about the cause of the confederacy. In the north today no name thrills the heart like that of Lee, no name electrifies the people like that of Stonewall Jackson, no sabre glistens like that of Stuart." The southern orator evidently has not been farther north than Delaware, and when he was in the little slate he P 11 V I . T i - mi ieii into a democratic caucus, mere is no thrill or enthusiasm or romance in the names of any of these three leaders whatever of pathos there maT be in their failure to overturn the SOME PACTS T0K H0USEKEEPEES. FROM MRS. G. It. GOLVIX. Vanilla Cookies. Two-thirds tea cupful thick sour cream, one tea cupful sugar, large tablespoon ful butter, one-half te:ispoou soda, one teaspoon baking vanilla extract, one pint flour; roll them and bake in a hot oven.. Koll on by enough dough for each panful at a time would ha, all the better. Excellent Cookies: Three eggs, three cups Hour or more, two cups sugar, one cup butter, one table spoon sour milk one-half teaspooon soda, one teaspoon caraway seed, t pinch ot salt. Koll hard and then dip in graulated sugar and bake in hot oven. Cake makers are born and not made says a writer in the New York Ledger and there seems to be some truth in it. judging from the small number of first-class cake makers we find among intelligent women. rn v i " r- ii . i i o oaKe succesiuuv soineuuii" mora. than a mere rule is required. iJtiles mean that all ingredients shall be in the same condition and of uniform j quantity, else there is no absolute certainity of uniform results. This I is an impossibility, flour and sugar will be more or less damp and fruit varvs in a thousand wavs. Billy Bowlegs Gives the News of the Metropolis of South Lincoln. Rain farmers are hugging themselves with delight, and with good reason. Never in the history of this settlement, so old-timers tell me, have crops made such a marvellous growth as this season. Barring hail, wheat will make a fine crop this year without another drop of rajn. So rain farmers are justified in wrapping their brawny arms around themselves and hugging away in silent ecstacyj Will Nation has accepted a situation with the Buckeye people as traveling agent on this line. Will has struck his gait at last. It is said that Matthew Ilall will some time in the future lead a beautiful, biush ing maiden to the altar, for weal or woe, $10 fees and all. Norman Jackson has hung out his modest little sign board announcing that he is a full fledged "barrister and may be seen in his office at all hours intently going over huge volumes of legal litera ture. His maiden plea will be eagerly listened to by an admiring throng of friends. Miss Dolly Prey is learning to take pictures of Artist Rogers. This undoubt edly accounts for the pleasant, far awav, sort of a yum-yum expression that 'is noticed in all the late pictures of ' the ytaing bloods heioahouts. L. A. VanTilborg, our genial druggist,. iast ween purcnased two coyotes and a badger. All he needs now is a fly-tent aud a tin horn and he'll be a whole side show. .yt Come to Wallace if you are btingry, and you will be well fed and If yon feel that life is not worth living without about three-fingers of Cedar Creek orStoiwaU put your walkers in motion and ride down to the new saloon, that is if you have silver, f..r let it bo known tbatthe county dads have granted Carleton Tay lor a license to sell budge until next May. The A. O. U. W. lodge in this town is in a very prosperous condition. They have twenty-eight members, and expect to initiate flfeen applicants in the oiear future. Frank Hettinger has recently purchased a new sot of veterinary surgeon instru ments. He had to have them, for it seems that horses have kept pace with man- in una e.iruineiy swiu civilization of ours. and require as gentle handling. u i What is the rpafon that every tima the JNortli Platte ball club is defeated the players como home blowing, about.',' rotteu umpiring and yellow nXaXiSiLil uieir opponents ? i ins is getting roonot onmis, and unless 4-Anse" Haley and "Silver" Iveliher can give a Implement Dealers, Are Agents for the Following Well-Known Machinery, &o. WM. DEERING BINDERS, of which we have sold twenty-six this season. A machine that has no equal. DEERE HAY RAKES, Eight, Ten and Twelve Feet. DEERE HAY LOADERS, which takes hay from the swath. are not surpassed by any in material and workmanship. i snout fSOODHULL BUGGIES AND PHOTONS, in grades to suit purchasers. Work and Buggy Harness of all Classes. MiiCHUTE OILS. DAVIS & GATWABD, NORTH PLATTE, - Hinman Block, Front Street. THE OPPORTIM A LEE IE THE STAR. A.T OUE GEEAT - CLOSING-OUT AND FINAL MARK-DOWN We will make a clean sweep of all our Spring and Sum mer Suits, Underwear, Neckwear, Children's Suits and Boys' Suits go at ONE-HALF THEIR ACTUAL VALUE. Straw Hats, Felt Hats, in fact every article in our stock goes at this sale. "We are determined to reduce our stock no matter what the loss. So do not delay but come at once and get first choice. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, WEBER & VOLLMER. union. It is ill-advised, un- rcnuir- friiflifnl ami limrnrrnnfpfl limispticn at consular invoices shall ver- nf fin? L-?n,l if fmi the origin of the goods in all tunitv nresents.that keens the nmf h ses. Inis will nrevent further iieeline of foreign fronds in nn- the protection of the republican treaty of reciprocity. State Jour- nai. An idea of the increased wealth of the country, and the greater iin- i V 1 i tit l ii n jiuiiuncu auacneu 10 worlds rairs now than in 1S7G, ma- be gained irom a statement of the fact that twenty-six state have already appro- u iucu c-, u,vuu 10 secure proper representation at Chicago, as against a total of only $1,217,000 contri buted for that purpose in the first- . . .1 mi fn . i jiaujL'u jrar. j.nere are smi twelve states to hear from, and it is expect ed mat tliey will swell the amount ot state awpropriations in 1S93 to at least $3,500,000. In IS75 Phila delphia voted $1,500,000 for the centennial, while Chicago will con tribute $5,000,000 and the general government, winch onlv expended OU4u,uuua- rinladelphia,has already appropriated $J,o00,000 for the Chicago affair. Altogether it is imniuiitu lmiiu i iic vvoiumuian ex hibit will have about four times as much money devoted to making it a success as had the Centennial, and it must be borne in mind also that since 1S7G the purchasing power of me nouar lias greatly increased. Omaha Republican. and south apart. Eloquence and rhetoric cannot make the great wrong the south attempted right or its traitorous attempt at secession justifiable at the union men of the north. Bee. The Mormons want statehood be cause it would free them from the surveillance and "interference," as they are pleased to term it, of the National Government. The demo cratic part' sees in the scheme two more democratic senators and one additional democratic congressman. Do not be deceived bv the cry that the Jlormon church is not a politi- cal body. Except in the two chief cities in Utah Salt Lake and Ogden it is as compact, well organized and powerful in territorial affairs as the democratic party in Texas. In dianapolis Tribune. Twenty-three big iron furnaces in the lUahoning Valley of Ohio. and Shenango Valley of "J'onnsvlya- nia. winch have been idle since Januarv 1st, have all been nut in blast within a short time, but this fact has been overlooked bv the cal amity editors. This is a nieen of unwelcome information for the free t rad ers. S e wa rd blade. Eggs I are eggs, yes but there is a differ ! ence in size so that one might dis pute one sense of the statement. The successful cake baker must have an instinct for conditions; must know by the looks of the batter when it is just right. Until this branch of education is fully master ed and only practice and close ob servation will assure it. The best rules must be followed and the varying qualities and conditions of the ingredients must be carefully .. fp . . i 1 1 sluuil"u. xu bt'eure success only tne best materials must be used. lietter go without cake than to use in it making strong or rank flavored butter or eggs that are unfit fo table use. .hither will detract from the flavor of the cake and although. heat is a great purifier it does not always remove the taste of inferior materials. This point is the gen eral one on which unexperienced cooks go wrong. So-called cooking butter is not fit for anv kind of cake or is not to anyones taste. If the yolks of the egg's are used they should be beaten to a cream with the butter and sugar. The whites of the eggs (beaten separately) can be added with the flour and milk and then the whole thoroughly mixed. Add baking powder just before the baiter is ready for the tin and then beat very hard for half a niinute;Iine the tins with buttered paper and bake in a moderately hot oven. different- reason for their next defeat, the. public will be inclined to attribute it to 'their own yellow piling. "" ' Now of a truth did Burnett Imagine that his mare was a trotter, and laboring" under that hallucination hitched her to a sulky and hied hiui to the. race track, thinking to distance Frank Smith with ma iuL-ii-m nurse, .inn. uiu jnmes so quickly opened a streak of daylight be tween them that Harry drove home dis "listed and has siuce tried to trade the mare for Charley Ilnyden's blue. Siii is life. Bitter disappointments come to us all. . The Wallace ball club is very quiet these days. But the boys "say that after harvest they will drop n .team into the field that will scoop the country . Decoration Day exercises passed ol smoothly, and the great credit of those in charge. The boys in blue, in command of Samuel Farmer, were out in full force,- but it was noticed that the column rf gray haired old men grows thinner ''ach year. The gallant warriors ot thirty years ago will soon he known! only iu fsong and historv, and the duty of decorat ing the graves of our fallen b":ivo be left to other and younger hands. The veter ans will always live green In the memo ries of the republic. Sam Buckner has been the victim, ot several practical jokes, but this one is the best: It seems that Buck thought -tome one was trying to steal his pups. So ,'the other nijjht the boys made a strawnan aud leaned him up against Sam!s stable door, and then sent Pat Sullivan around to tell Buck that some one was trying to TT"1. HI Hill of Grant, was down between trains Tuesda'. lie says that the prospects for irrigation are 'good. That U. S. engineer Camp bell will soon make a test of the. amount of water in the Platte and run over the line of the proposed canal and if his report is satisfac tory eastern capitalists can be in terested and the enterprise pushed forward to an early completion. Work on the ditches in Banner, Scott's Bluffs, Cheyenne and Duel counties is progressing rapidly and those enterprises will soon be in sured successes. Madrid News. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely ifclo you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Cpest or Lnnjy. Dr. King's New Discorery for onsumptJoD, Congha and Colds Is guar anteed to give relief, or money will be ,paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at A. F. Streitz's Dnur Store. Large size 50c. aud 1,00. 23 The prospect for a large yield of small grain is certainly encouraging. A trip was made by the Observer editor over a portion of Kimball aud Cheyenne bounties and found the country to be assuming a more pros perous condition and the farmers in excellent spirits, imbibed with faith in the agricultural development of the west. With pride they pointed their beautiful fields of waving grain, augering well for a bountiful harvest. The return of confidence in the west means an increase in im migration, and a rapid and speedy Judge Gaslin has been on the bench for 10 years. He is eccentric and unpopular with the bar. but thus far no opponent has been found equal to his defeat. John M. Kagan and R. M. Batty of Hastings, two democrats, are looking longingly at nis wool-sack now, but the chances are two to one that Judge Gaslin will be his own successor. Eastern capitalists loaning money in Kansas now stipulate for pay ment of principal and interest in gold. This is an immediate result ot the Hat foolishness of Peffer and his followers. The danger just now is that other borrowing states besides Kansas will find gold clause in their j mortgages also. JJec. 'BucMien's Arnica SaTve. T... TJ V, - ... . i jic ur-ar oalve in uie world for Cuts Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheu m. Fever Sores. letter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, vurus, uu an oKin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded . Price 23 cents per box. For sale by A. F. Stkkitz. Tim r...i: i .. j-tiuuuiiLii: papers nave a good deal to say about Tom Heed's ress." t Thev No. 3496. EIEST MTIOML North. Platte, BAM, NeU T Authorized Capital, $200,000. Paid in Capital, $50,000. A G EXE HAL BAXKIXG BUSI NESS Tit AX S ACT ED. Sfc Sells Bills of Exchange on all Foreign Countries. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. soiiicirro. i .ti -ii- t it uiuion uotiar seem to forget dollar couutrv. they were gn uie enormous s mi ury. mere is s UflMri enough that the A lodge of the political order, the Knights of Keciprocity, has been honds at 2 per organized at Hastings. The order lias been having a great run in Kansas, where it sprung into being as an offsetfor the farmer s alliance. It i 11 i t i t t neciprocity is an rignr, mat is generally conceded, and is the win ning policy of the republican party; but. no secret political party is need ed to make ft the basis of a counter move against the alliance. Let that order hold a corner on signs, grips, passwords and secret conclaves in politics. The idea is sufficiently repugnant to the American idea of freedom in all things free speech, free press, and untrammeled poli tical action to run its course in due time. The thing for the repub lican party to do is to follow When the credit of the Nation is such that leading banks fioat its cent it is evidence Democratic howl of a month ago about "an empty treasury" and "an exhausted sur plus" were simply windy political shrieks, not founded even on fact. Inter Ocean. SIHLOII'S VITALIZE!! is what vim need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite I'izziness, anu an symptoms of Dvspep sia. I'nce 10 and 75 cents per bottle J50IU Dy J . 1. marker. and is Thacl For lame back. side, or chest: use oaiiou s rorous l'Jaster. Trice 23 cents How to Keep Hams Fresh: So many want to know how to keep hams that are not salted sufficiently before being smoked. Wo had diffi culty last year and although we lost several before removing from the smoke house we saved the best bv packing in dry salt. They did not seem one whit more salt." It pre served them and that is all. To pack hams in wheat is a good plan. We have done so to our satisfaction but 'tis not everyone that has wheat. The salt is just as good and all can have that. Put a large box in the cellar, cover the bottom with salt, then put in the hams and ba con and pour over coarse salt till covered. I ne salt is mst as srrtod i " s is a billion ew years ago ilarmed about in the treas- larPY fin ml no .1 i , . -q- "-..uo .iiiu iml- government is abundantly abie to meet all its obligations and spare a few millions of gold for export to Europe. Ex. Specimen Cases. S. II. Clifford, New Cassel. YVi w-e , . .I uu" -e"r-"!?iii and Rheumatism nib cuomaeu was disordered, his Liver steal his setter pups P,:t excitedly rushed development of the. country. ' The -as aifectedto alannhS cfcr"e into the store and told Luck, wh bounced preSent condition of the country is I,lertfe" nva? was terribly reduced" from his chair, grabbed his shotgun .and ull that could be aked or exnected r. . - II"1 s,rcnth- 'Hiree bottles of r- the two made a wild dash for the back K imball expected. w t mcrs cured him Jj()- a Ti i AYiuiudii uosenei. Edward bnep herd, Harrisbur" III hni door. There, natural as life, was a man - a running sore on his leg of efeht years' leaning up against the stable door, nppar, MERIT MEASURED BY SUCCESS. standing. Used three bottles of Flprfrtn yjm?t , On ently rattling the padlock (ono of the boys had a string fastened to it.) " get away from that door!" said Buck. Xo answer. " anyhow!" Xo answer. "Shoot him," said Pat, "teach him a les son, loo many thieves in this town." "I lhe wonderful popularity of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) is the natural result ot the tests to which the public has put it. The merits of the medicine have remained the same, but the knowledge of thepeo- don't want to kill him," said Beck. They pie with respect to its remarkable finally got him out to tiie man, and then came a tableau, with lurid lights in pro fusion. After Buck had quieted down word was sent to Dr. Lenon that a man had broken his leg and was at Buckner's store, come quick. Wheh Doc. got there ho gracefully set up the cigars and laughed about it. Dr. Glessner, who had also been sent for, made a few caustic re marks and vanished in gloom. Both pro fessional gentleman l)ad retired when the summons reached them. S"ext mominir the truly good people of Wallace were tartlcd to see what was apparently the victim of a lynching match hanging to a ign post. While the city dads were considering the applications of our two druggists for permits recently, an amusing incident occurred which shows how necessary whisky is to people in all walks of life. V. L. Harper stepped into Buckner's, and nervously producing a llask, said, "fill that with brandy, Buck.'- "Can't do it," said the genial druggist. "But I must have it," was the excited answer. Can't curative properties has increased until now there is a demand for it wherever the English language is n r r . spoken, a. a. o. was hrst oltered as a specific for contagious blood poison. For that it was, and is, truly a specific. But it is now re garded, wherever its virtues are known, as a true specific for all forms of blood disease. Whole columns could be filled with testimo nials to this effect. TIIE HEV. GEO. TH AVE II, of Bour bon, Iud., says- "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SIIILOII.S CONSUMP TION CUKE." Sold by J. Q.Thacker WHY WILL VOU cough, when Shi re immediate relie and ?1 Sold by J lnh's Cure will gi Price 1U cts , 30 cts., Q. Thacker. CATAHBII CUBED, health and sweet breath spcured, by bhiloh's Catarrh Bern edy. Price 50 cents. Injector . -T-1 1 I T .... . lree. ror saie Dy ,j. ij. i nacker. IV. . ...1 . . '- - -v.iii omurs ana seven uoxes of Bncklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Sneaker, Catawba. O., had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors s.ud he was incurable. One bottle Elec tric muers ana one tiox Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by F Streit.'s Drug store. iy A I-IXK PRTt'KK FKKK. Wo aro authorized by tho Omaha Weekly World Herald to tako subscrip tions to tho Weekly World-Herald till June ,10, on the following terms: Itiuch person who subscribes this month to the Weekly WorlcMIerahl for one e.-ir mrotigii us and pays 81.00 for thesamo will reccivo frco a beautiful colored copy of tho celebrated paintiw 1 - . . rati r cnneti "iio Kussian Feast." Wo have at our oflice a sample copy of this picture aud shall be glad to show it to any who may call. This offer expires Juno .'50. HAVE YOU SEEN THO FANCY IMPORTS DIALS our Watches? They are thj newest thing out and great sellers. WE ALSO CARRY A Stock of all the Latest Novelties. The Latest Out in Bangle Bracelets. Take a look at them when you go by the window. CLINTON, THE JEWELER, U. P. Watch Examiner. A. F. STREITZ, . Corner Drug Store. HEADQUARTERS FOR een ing our pork and always read with ! interest any ideas on the subiect. i e i u - i J , I uumt; j;eupie &;iv a;iit is not COOa . T. S. C. E. AT MIXXEArOLIS. See that vour tickets read vin fl,r i. i-i i . - ii l- i i swaignc along on lis oia lines ana Union Pacific. To those desiring to visit elusion that the tronhlo w.i uin HSI.UUC1 v luii i uui iw uiwtiiu ji nnpam s. nn.. n innn t no miut.nn f-. . i i. i i . i - , - , - , , . , 1 ' ' ""-"JB iu iyuuiiUIUU. JTUfh. suouiu not Oe 1 - i , mi m . I !i.myf .urn il win leinam lur jear tian Endeavor, July 9th to 12th. the the brine or after. Tt must: 1,p salt- to come the true party of the peo ple. Kearney Hub. "HACKMETACK," a lasting and frag rant perfume. Price 25 cents. Sold by J Q. Thacker. Union Pacific will sell tickets to Minne- ed in clean barrels. When mpnf i apolis from all coupon stations at one once tainted no matter how clean fare for the round trip. Call on or write n, i :l l ! Cia-1 to me for particulars. V rei , uanuot oe usea again. J. u. Fehgcsox, nave uirown away the old bar- Agent Union Pacific System, j rel and pack our pork" in stone jars. help it, the law wont iillon me to sell it. inrl tl.t.t fnfflr. ! . ti T s-. t I .. scuica ii. vr. uiessner next j tried to get it, but after a short interview j with Buck, wrath filled his soul, and he I quickly departed. Application at Van Tilborg's was also fruitless. Mr. Harner really needed the medicine for his little child, who was quite ill. A temporary permit was granted the next day. At a late hour the citizens of Wallace were aroused to a sense of their u$uni j;md .then tint it would not keep '? aJT iMS , w.v., ,tv, mm, v-uiuc iu uie uuu- a -ui in j mv ceieoration . I ia oitv i...n was tilled with enthusiastic citizens i i'"'-"- " . vu ".'a ijwaeu w usiray ex- iJtusca .uiu u rousing ceieoration uuani- niousiy aecjareu. rrograms will he arrangeu mis weeK. Billy Bowlegs. rii-o, lui nil witn Dyspepsia after f in mo.-ir. is nco,l ;,.;., f I Liver Complaint? Shiloh's -ii.,H,OB ! ,, T . , , ."".' "" pu:irnnt..Pd f rnro vnn i.i k,. t n I l,le stoclc so nothing IS Wasted. We - ' V I Lrt-.. U I J I Ji 11 - 1 ;er. irau u ut?ai ot irouoie in K owing . ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, 1 ellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vitall-1 zer is a posmve cure, bold by Thacker. ii ,...i l.. n ii ii is urn lu juuge uj tne auuress just issued by the chairman of the prohibition state central committee that it is the purpose of that orga nization to begin fighting for tiro iiiuitiuu on uvn lines, rirsc an attempt will be made to put th ballot in the Hands ot woman, and then another effort will be made to submit a constitutional amendment dealing with prohibition. It mav require a good 'many years to get around to this point again, but the reformers promise to give us the P 1 1 wearisome or another campaign some time in the misty future. The prospect is rather depressing for the people who feel that they are in danger of living to a green old age. Journal. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by J. Q. Thacker. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker-Mouth, Said by Thacker. SHORT HOENS. Drills, Mod Lc-h i es, TO j am cii i fca Spec fcac 1 es, .Vai 1 1 tors' Supp 1 ics, Machine Oils, Window Gl ass. DEUTSCHE APOTHEKE. NO. PLATTE. HERvSHEY & CO., DEALERS IN fining l(egi!ted Bull? fat 0ale AGRICULTURAL I M P L E M E N TS, F. F. WESTOX, Box North Platte, Xeb. Farm seven miles west. J-anrf Office at North Plntte. Xeb ) , . J"no 16th, 1591. ' f namI wtllcr h fil notic of her in n to ipako final proof in EBpPortoflc- claim nil that .-aid t.roof will lo mL'ln iV. '. .;m-r!.aa nn.1 iUcMver nt North Vhato. :U , ".Vi5 -3. l-'.'l. viz: jlary K. Kavor i-l, ir "if o.'XUl. for tl.e sr.n'h 'l.ulf - onartcranaiohlan-i 2 of fctirn I. l;Cn.l,in "i ran-'f SO. west. 5-h- nmnpu ;, f..n.,-. ' witnesses to proro hor continnons rt-M.-a-c npon and cultivation of saiil land viz- S 1 CHUir.1,,,1 John It. Chapin JanlS? K. of Was PO ' Tnomas totefflon. of 3fi J on" Nesbitt, Register. AND g'ons, Oa,rxIa,g:es, Euugrg-Ies, 'UjO.A.JD cabts, etc. Agents for the Celebrated I y-. iboodhue and ChallenoTR Wind o Agents for Union Sewing Machines. Locust Street, North Platte, - - Nebraska.