BAKE & MOULDEN, Eds. and Pkops. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1890. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Governor, L. D. RICHARDS, of Gage. For Lieutenant Governor. T. J. MAJORS, of Nemaha. For Secretary of State, J. C. ALLEN, of Red Willow. For Auditor, THOS. H. BENTON, of Lancaster. For Treasurer, J. E. HILL, of Gage. For Attorney-General, , hvnwiv.n WARTING8. of 8aline, Fr Commissioner of Pnblic Lands andBldgs., GEO. It. HUfllFIilUSX, ol UJBier. For Superintendent of Public Instruction, A. K. GODDY, of Webster. REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL AND REP RESENTATIVE CONVENTION. Thin will ha hnA nt the conrt house in North Platte, Neb., on Sept 16th, 1890, at 7 o'clock P. M., a Republican convention for the purpose or putting in nomination nnaS.nin. IfkVi Rjannnmnl District. One Representative. 54th Representative Dis trict. . . The Counties will be entitled to the number of votes set opposite their names: so .. 8 . 9 . 2 . 2 1 SO. OOCWTT Dawson Lincoln Logan Thomas Hooker Grant 2 McPherson 1 Keith 3 It is recommended that no proxies be admitted. but that the delegates present cast the fuU vote of tne County. . J. E. Etans. Chairman Senatorial Committee. OOTJNTT Perkins 5 Arthur 1 Deuel Cheyenne 6 Kimball 1 Banner 3 Scott's Bluffs 3 John Boyle O'Reilly, the Irish patriot, poet and editor, is dead. He was an example of what a poor boy can make of himself provided he" has the ambition and mental capacity. General Clarkson, assistant postmaster general, has tendered his resignation to President Harri son, to take effect September 1st. Mr. Clarkson proved very efficient in performing the duties of his office, as several thousand Demo cratic fourth-class ex-postmasters can testify. The Gothenburg News is now published as a tri-weekly, and is issued on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. A weekly edition of the paper will also be issued. The new venture is indicative of enterprise, but will probably deplete the office treasury to an uncomfortable ex tent. Mr. Boyd, the Democratic nomi nee for governor, is possessed of a bar'l of good proportions, which doubtless was the cause of his being chosen as the candidate of his party. By investing his surplus in the vain endeavor to be elected governor he will relieve the finan cial wants of Democratic "heelers" throughout thestate. Secretary of War Proctor has consented to make a few speeches in Nebraska this fall in favor of his friend, L. D. Richards, the Re publican candidate for governor, while the Democrats have secured the services of Roger Q. Mills, the freetnde Texan. A few speeches from Mills will insure Republican success in Nebraska this fall. The Republican congressional convention of this district, for the Duroose of nominating a candidate for congress, will be held at Colum bus, Platte county, on Sentem- ber 17. The sentiment of the committeemen was slightly in favor of Dorsey, nineteen voting for a late convention and fourteen for an early one. Congressman Dorsev was in favor of a late con- vention. The Kearney Enterprise has taken another fop, and is now making war against the prohibi- tory amendment, uan it oe possi ble that the anti-prohibs had the biggest bar'l? Opinions with a price attached do not usually carry much weight with voters, especially when the. fact is known. The Enterprise appears to be making an heroic effort to prolong: its ex- t istanee The Nebraska City Budget pub lishes a long interview with ex- Senator Van Wyck, in which he gives it out that he will not accept the nomination recently tendered him bv the independent partv of the First district. He could not discover any possible chance of being elected, and is of the opinion that Congressman Connell will be re-elected by a large majority. This is the most sensible conclu sion that the ex-senator has arrived at for a long time. In one paragraph of the platform the Democrats laud Grover Cleve land, while in another they favor "placing the silver dollar on its former footing with gold coin in our coinage law, with equal legal tender qualities." The latter of these paragraphs annuels the for mer, and vice versa. Silver has had no worse enemy in this country than Grover Cleveland, but then the Nebraska Democrats had to keep up appearances, and they in serted the silver clause in their platform in the hope that they would win a few votes therebv. Mr. Patrick Henry once sagely observed that "it was natural for man -to indulge in the illusions of hope." He did not, at the time, have the Nebraska Democracy in mind, but they have for many years furnished an exemplification of Mr. Henry's observation. There has been a general turning of hands, and a spending of boodle, and' a consumption of "spiritious influence." The file is to be gnawed again this fall, and will be followed by the usual bath of the ambitious children of destiny in the bottom of the tureen. John Sherman, it is said, stil clings to the hope that he will ye be president, lie will be oy years old in 1892, yet we have had two presidents William Henry Harri son and James Buchanan of greater age than that. Sherman has retained his mental faculties remarkably well, and the Repub licans might do worse than to make him president. The Kearney Hub savs that the congressional situation in the third i s district is sucn as to give every assurance or the election of the Republican candidate, no matter which of the present aspirants may be nominated. Thompson, the democratic candidate, is utterly un known and can not by any possi bihty cut much of a figure in the campaign. The alliance candidate, Mr. Kemm, is as little known, and the strength lving in what he rep i f .it t t resents is onset oy a piamiy appar ent lack or ability tor the position. A good Republican nomination in sures Republican success. The Australian ballot system is steadily growing in favor in the United States, and probably will ultimately be adopted by all of the states. Republicans would be 1 3 1 LI I I pieasea to see tnar, system in gen eral operation m all the states at the present time, while Democrats favor its adoption in Republican states only. It might destroy the ii - .ueraocraiic majorities m two or three states, therefore it does not receive much encouragement from that partv. The Democrats favor the law for Nebraska but are de cidedly opposed to it being adopted m JNew lork. Gen. W. G. Veazey,o Vermont, was chosen commander-in-chief of the G. A. R. at the national en campment held in Boston last week. General Veazev is at pres- I Af1t ent one or tne inter-state commerce commissioners, and has been judge of the supreme court of Vermont. His army record is first-class,he hav ing enlisted as a private and grad ually rose to a brigadier general ship. He was one of the comman ders at Gettysburg and made the famous flank assault upon Pickett's division and then upon Wilcox's division in the celebrated, attack made by Pickett on the afternoon of the third day of that battle. Keith county is entitled to the State Senator and it will be a hard job to find a better man for the office than Hon. M. A. Daugherty. He has one of the very cleanest political records . He is a staunch Republican and has always stuck ciose to tne party, but been oppos ed to all monopolies, and worked for the interest of the people. He is now engaged in stock farming in this county and is in a position to Know wnat tne people or tnis sec-: tion need. It is to the interest of every Republican voter in this dis trict to urge the nomination of Mr. Daugherty. Paxton Repub lican. A the presumptuous gentleman by name of E. M. Day, whose postoffice address is given as Oga- lalla, has issued a call for a meeting or the JKepublican central commit tee of the Thirtieth Senatorial dis trict, the meeting to be held at Ogalalla next Saturday. While Mr. Day signs himself "chairman," he has no authority whatever to call a meeting of the committee. Mr. J. E. Evans, of this city, is chairman of that committee, and presided over the meeting held in this city last Saturday, which it is safe to say will be the only one held by the committee for the pur pose of selecting a date for holding the conventions, Mr. Day is sug gestive of the proverbial govern ment mule. As an illustration of the evident desire of the Southern Democrats to have an honest ballot, we . cite the reader's attention to those Ala bama bourbons who have written a letter to Judge McDuffie, a south ern congressman, threatening him with assassination for favoring the Federal election bill. This bill is designed to correct some of the evils which exist in the south, hence the ire of those bourbons. Another illustration of the fairness of the southern Democrats is fur nished by the action of patrons of a public school at Fayette, Ala., in keeping their children at home be cause the teacher of the school had voted the Republican .ticket at the election a few days previous. Just such tactics as the above on the part of the Democrats in the south serve to keep Northern capital form being invested in those states. Poor old "outraged" South! Uncle Jerry Rusk, secretary of agriculture, has some ideas on reciprocity, and embodies them in a circular on "Agricultural Depres sion Its Causes and Remedies." This is what he says: "Accompany ing this principle of protection to the American farmer is that of re ciprocity, which should invariably be applied when that of protection is relaxed. If there are products grown to better advantage in other countries, remission of duty on which would seem to be in the in terest of a large proportion of our population, such remission should be accorded only as the result or reciprocal concession in the way of remission of duties by other coun tries on products more readily grown here. Many of those coun tries which would be specially benefited by a remission of the duty on sugar by our government would afford an excellent market for our bread-stuff and dairy and meat products were it not for the high duties imposed thereon by them. In this way, and in this way only, can our farmers be adequately protected, new markets being thus thrown open to them for those products which they can most easily and cheaply produce. THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. The state convention of the Ne braska Democrats was held at Omaha last Thursday, the conven tion assembling at seven o'clock T p. m. and remaining in session throughout the night. Hon. Wm. Neville, of North Platte, and Wm. G. Hastings, of Crete, were placed in nomination for temporary chair man, and Mr. JNeviIle received 266 votes and Mr. Hastings 273. Th.e temporary organization was made permanent, and the convention ;at: once proceeded to the nomination of candidates for state offices. Hon. uanies ju. uoyo, or umaha, was nominated for governor; Dr. Alex ander Bear, of Madison county, lieutenant governor; Frank Spragtie, of Rushville, secretary of state: R. d. Wahlquist, of Hastings, auditor or puoiic accounts; w. u. Lushing, of Cass county, state treasurer: Judge Higgins, of Hall county, at- attorney general; Jacob Bigler, of Chase county, commissioner of pub lic lands and buildings; C. C. Rake- straw, ol Nebraska City, superin tendent of public instruction. There were numerous candidates for the offices, but all the nominations were made on the first ballot except that for auditor of public accounts. which required two. The platform adopted is the same old story with one addition. The convention soloranly resolved that it was opposed to the inter ference with "personal rights," and therefore condemned the prohibi tory amendment. neighborhood news. C. C. Hawkins returned from New York, Wednesday morning accompanied by Samuel Chafen, Jr. London, Eng., and Lawrence Rath- bone, New York. Mr. Chafen will take charge of the hotel and other buildings in Wellfleet. Wellfleet Standard. Congressman Dorsey writes to a gentleman at Niobrara that the President will issue his proclama tion in a few davs formally open ing the"Nebraska strip of the Sioux reservation, declaring it a part of the state of Nebraska. The strip comprises about 7UU,uuu acre3 ot excellent land. The petition asking for a mail route from Norih Platte to Omegas ii i i! i-j x j.1 loi W win ue luiwniucu w tun fjusiuume department by next mail. The petition bears the signatures of the leading business men of North Platte, obtained by the postmaster of that city. With the endorse ment of our congressman and senators the route should b e estab lished and in operation. McPherson News. The trial of W. H. Miles before Judge Latham on Monday resulted in his being placed under $500 bonds to keep the peace and to appear at the next term of the district court. This is another case t t i i tt in wnicn liquor nas broken up a once happy family. Those who are acquainted with Mr. Miles all say hat he was one ol the very best of men to his family when not under the influence of intoxicants. Stock- ville Faber. Southern and eastern Perkins county was blessed with very heavy rains Monday and Tuesday even ings. About four inches cf water fell and the ground is thoroughly saturated. While too late to luake good corn crop, there will be sufficient fodder and corn to keep stock through. Strange enough, north-western Perkins received nothing but a slight sprinkle of rain on either occasion. Madrid News. A A. Stewart, of Grand Island, was arrested at Omaha by Deputy Marshal Hepfinger and Postal In spector Spooner on a charge of offering through the mails to sell "nmnn rtrrAo nnminaf. ing letters are in possession of the authorities, among them a reply to decoy letter sent by Inspector Spooner. Stewart was formerly ... . . . . ri engineer at the Commercial hotel,1 Grand Island. He has. been doing thriving business for several months. t Pursuant to call there was a rail road meeting held in the opera hall Monday afternoon. VV. Gmn was made chairman of the meeting and A. A. Sawyer secretary. Owing to the short time the meeting had been advertised, there was not a very large attendance. Every man in the house, however, expressed his willingness to vote a thirty-five thousand dollar county bond and precinct bonds if necessary, to aid in the construction of a road up this valley, providing the road-bed would be graded this fall, thereby furnishing employment for many Logan county farmers whose crops will be short. Gandy Pioneer. If the 'Scribners have sold 150, 000 copies of Stanley's book, and if they paid $40,000 for it, they have made a net profit of about $400,000. A' young Russian noble, the Baroness Laonbanowski, is going to ride -from St. Petersburg to Odessa, 1,500 miles, to win a bet and to5 break tBe record which was J set some years ago by the Austrain ArchduchessMaria Theresa. The' Leary .raft, now safely har bored at: JNew 1 xork, was made up or seventeen sections towed in a continuous string about ten feet apart. . .Each section comprised about 560 logs 70 feet long. Three sections were lost on the way. The towing charges from New, Bruns wick are about $12,500. Ifclost of the timbers will be used as piles in filling up the Astor property on the shores or the Harlem rCiver. Mrs. Harriet rseecher otowe, ac cording to a current magazine (IWvincott's) article, found the originals of Topsy and Ulack bam among the freed house servants of .j. ... two southern families living in Cincinnati. The writer, who was a member of one, of the families, declares that she has often seen Mrs. Stowe sitting a whole summer ii it it arcernoon out watcmner tne vonnor j-j j 0 blacks playing with the children of their employer. A fat man in New York has proven the lalsity or the old rule that one must sink or swim. He tumbled ihto the bay the other night and floated about for an hour and a half before he was picked up. He didn t know how to swim and was too fat to sink.QThe sailors who picked him up had to tow him to the vessel and use a derrick to hoist him on board. He weighed 300 pounds. To such as he the sea nad no terrors except tnat or a ducking. The present Pope never leaves his own: roftras until they have been . n-lt i tt t swept ann-uusteownicn is done as soon as hejrises. He then closes all the doors :and windows and takes the keys away with him. This has caused the rumor that he is conceal ing some treasure, but the real truth of the matter is that he wishes to prevent the recurrence of the troubles which arose in the time of Pio Nono, when a- regular trade" wasfkept up in scraps of paper and other objects found in his rooms. Miss Charlotte Robinson, a decor ative artist of London, had the good fortune to make a set of doy lies for the Queen and some Wat tau screens for the Princess of Wales. Immediately Miss Robin son's work became the fashion, and now she receives any price she chooses to ask for her work, and is getting rich with very little work. The Wind Xake canal, one of the most gigantic drainage enterprises ever, undertaken in the northwest and the langest ever attemned in W-isconsinrljrtiow completed. Less lhanitwo yeal'S- have'been necessary iq jro wie3 wane .wnereoy ntteen miles of canal has been due and a vast tract of country drained. Over 13,000 :acres has. been assessed and the costs' over $40,000, The main; canal from Muskego lake to Wind lake and thence to Rochester is nearly nine miles long, while the east branch, from Wind Lake south through Goose Lake, is six miles in length. Muskego lake is drained almost dry,'JWind lake greatly low ered, and Goose lake is now only a pond hole. The east branch is nearly dry, and in the main canal there is only about two feet of water, the. banks Ioomiug up from six to eight feet on each side. In marshes where' hay could scarcely be mowed byhand machines, mow ers are now used 'effectively. The land reclaimed which has hitherto been valueless is now worth in the neighborhood of 500,000. Ten acres of the farm of Thomas Habon, late representative in the legislature, eight miles north of Waldron, Ind., have been destroyed for farming purposes, and great holes have bean blown in the earth. The course of Flat Rock Creek has been turned up stream. Birds, snakes, rabbits, and fish were killed, while the fish, were thoroughly cooked in the heated waters. All this was caused by the upheaval of the waters. A log fire was blazing in the midst of the ten acres, when, without warning, the earth belched forth its flame; great trees were hurled skyward, and all the waters of Flat Rock' were converted to foam and steam. A vast pocket of natural gas burst forth, and the scene was beautiful to behold. The 'gas took fire and blazed fiercely up above the trees, and at times many j feet high, and continued all one day and night. Three thousand spectators viewed the phenomenon. The fire was extinguished but gas is still escaping. Some claim that other agencies save that of gas are the cause of the phenomenon, but the general conviction is that no other agency could have pro duced the effect on the water. One of the marvelous effects upon the water is that not Rock's flood has cavern since the great caverns current and a a gone gara is created: drop of Flat below the upheaval. The have taken in the wild, foaming Nia- Parnoll is a close reader of Amer ican newspapers and American literaturo generally Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland, is also an omnivorous reader of American newspapers, and recently said: "I liko the sunn of the American writers." . They say that there will bo little corn in Saline county. Kansas, this year, but the farmers will receive for their wheat and their partial corn crop $140,000 more then they received tor both wheat and corn last year. There seems to be a gold lining to the cloud that is hanging over the asrricultural interests of the west this season. CO- WEEKLY WEATHER CROP BULLETIN Of the Nebraska Weather Service operating "With the U. S. Sigrnal Service. For week endingr August 15, 1890. The temperature and sunshine of the past week have been about the normal. The rainfall has been be low the average, but refresl showers during the week have caused a eeneral improvement of the crops. The following are the rainfalls reported: Oakdale 0.21, Tekamah 0.25, Omaha 0.26, Weston 0.33. David City 0.22, Crete 0.34, Howe 0.19, Fairbury 0.38, Minden 0.22, Marquette 1.11, Ravenna 0.56, Sar gent 1.04, North Loup 1.27, Long Pine 1.00, Valentine 0.14, North Platte 0.76, Culbertson 0.43, Hay Springs 0.93. observers' remarks. Antelope Corn crop is about ruined; rain would not help it much now. Brown Getting rather dry but corn promises a good crop. Pota toes much iujured by potato-bugs and the crop will be short. Buffalo Potatoes nearly a total fuilure; corn and oats about one fourth of a crop. Burt Oats below the average. Cass Fine rain will help corn and potatoes much. Cedar Corn needs rain and late potatoes will suffer without it. Cuming Wheat will average about 1Q to 18 bushels per acre; oats 30 and corn prospects for 35. Potatoes a half crop; flax good, and hay fair. Custer Frequent showers are re viving the pastures; grass growing rapidly, and corn turning green. h illmore Rains have helped the late corn and potatoes a little; corn will be about a half crop. Jefferson Corn and potatoes doing moderately well; grass good yet. Kearney With light showers and heavy dews the corn crop has advanced in prospect to at least a half crop and is daily improvincr Wheat threshing out far better than expected aud. of the best quality in eight years. in era an a more ram needed; corn improving; also grass; apples better; no potatoes. Saunders Pastures getting short; com will be about a two thirds crop in north half and less than a half crop in south half with out any more rain. Sheridan The rains the past week have helped some fields of coru ana late potatoes. Valley The late rains have im proved pastures and corn. G. D. bWEZEY, Director. G. A. Lovelaxd, Sisr. Corps Ass't. Happy Hoosiers. Wm. Tiramons, Postmaster of Idaville, Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for ine than all other medicines conbined, for that bad feelim; arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of the same place, says : "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me leel like a new man." J. v. Gardner i uaraware raercnanr, same town, savs: iiiiectric iJuters is just the thincr for 1 -tt T . 1 . man wuo is an run aown ana aon't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50c. bottle, at A. F. Streitz's drug store. EST RAY NOTICE. Taken ud by tho subscriber on his land in Vm. man precinct in .Lincoln county, ruebraska on the 2nd day of July, 1890. a dark bay mare sup posed to be 8 years old. Said mare is marked with a cross on left shoulder, has three white specks on left hip. a white star in forehead. black mane and tail, mane roached. tail and fore. top cut off snuare, had a leather halter with a short piece of rope attached. If. HITTXE, Vroman P. 0., Neb, CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby riven that by virtue of a chat tel mortgage, dated December 2d, 1887, and dnly filed in the office of tho county clerk of Keith county on the 5th day of December, 1887, and in the office of the county clerk of Lincoln county. Nebraska, on the 2d day of July, 1890, and ex ecuted Dy awan l'. Johnson to Hershev & Co. to secure tho payment of the sum of $293.00 and upon which there is now due tho sum of S107.50. Default havinc been made in the oavment of said sum and no suit or other proceeding at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore I wiU seU the follow ing property therein described, viz: One sorrel mare with white spot in forehead. weight about 1,100 pounds, left hind foot white, scar on right fore foot, age about years; ono white mare with dark points. age about 3 years, and weight about 800 pounds, ana colt by her side; ono white faced bay horse colt. 2 years old: one vearline maro colt, at public auction at the place of busines of Uershey & Co., in North Platte, Nebr., on the mo. oay or August, im), at 1 o'clock P, m. of said day. GnniES & Wilcox, Attorneys for alortcratrefls. North Platte, Nebraska, July 25th, 1890. 329 CATTLE FOR SALE. Seventy head consisting of cows, vearline steers and heifers and this years' calves. For full particulars call on E. F, Mtkbs, on section 2, town 11, range 29, Mylander Pre cinct. 3w Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE ATTEND THES Grand Clean-up Sale I I I I I 1 I CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Underwear, Neckwear, in fact every article, cut in two! We make this sacrifice in order to make room for one of the largest and most elegant stocks of Clothing, Furnish ing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes ever brought- to North Platte. We have a very large line of Boys' and Children's Suits Which we will almost give away in order to close out our remaining Spring stock. Come early in order to get goods at HALF PKICE, for we know two or three weeks will close them out at the prices which we name. The Star Clothing House, WEBER & VOLLMER. No. 3496. FIEST NATIONAL BAM, North. Platte, - INTeb Authorized Capital, $200,000. Paid in Capital, $50,000. A TrENEBAL BANKING- i NESS TRANSACTED. Sells Bills of Exchange on sill Foreign Countries. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. JOS. F. FILLION, Steam and Gas Fitting. Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper and Galvanized Iron Cor nice. Tin and Iron Roofings. ESTIMATES FTJH1TISHED. Repairing of Kinds will receive Prompt Attention. Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth, 3ST"ortli Platte, - Nebraska. ZEITIEI GLASSES -A3STJD SPECTACLES. .All Kinds of Repairing. TT- I?. "Watch. Examiner. McDonald's Block, Spruce Street. I ' IF1- STEEITZ. DRUGGIST and OPTICIAN, -:AND -:- DEALER -:- Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window GlassBrnshes. AGENT FOR SHERWIN & WILLIAMS' MIXED PAINTS. 83?Corner of Sixth and Spruce Streets, - - North Platte, Nebraska..