-3? J i 3r-r-r---? . . . , pgr t. - . -. iXJJV E. B. WARNER. uuu lull vmipm! , t MJW " , - " ' ' " ' ' - - ' :the tribune. -BARE & MOULDEN, Prop's. TERMS: :lf3aid in Advance, only $1.00 per year. OnoYear, if not in Advance, $1.50. Six Months, in. Advisee, - - - -75 Three Months, in Advance, - - .50 Advertising Rates on Application. YOL. YL NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA; AUGUST 20, 1890. NO 82. Funeral Director. AND EMBALMER. A full line of first-class funeral supplies always in stock: East Sixth street, next door to First Na tional Bank, - NORTH. PLATTE, - NEBBRSKA. Telegraph orders promptly attended to. OUT EM W -.- GOODS SOLO AT 25 PEE CENT BELOW REGULAR PRICE. To made room for winter goods we will offer everything in our store such as Clothing, Boots and Shoes m Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, :;,uat such prices as will defy competition Now, bargain seekers, is your time and we will show you GOODS and PRICES. MODEL CLOTHING HOUSE, M. EINSTEEN & CO. A. D. Buckworth, C. F. Iddlngs, President. Vice Pres't. Saml. Goozee, Asst. Cashier. J. E. Evans, Cashier North Platte National Bankj NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. $75,000.00. PAID UP CAPITAL; E. W. Hammond, C. F. Iddixgs, M. C. Lindsay, DIRECTORS: M. Oberst, A. F. Streitz, H. Otten, O. M. Carter, J. E. Evans, A. D. Buckworth. A General Banking Business Transacted. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Choice Farm Loans Negotiated. Immediate and Careful Attention Given the Interest of our Customers. T. Q. THICKER, TJGGIS T.p NEARY BLOCK. SPRUCE STREET, NOETH PLATTE, NEBEASKA, WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. LUMBER II COAL. c. LUMBEE, Lath., SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, Etc. LIME AND CEMENT. Rock Springs Nut, Rock Springs Lump. Pennsylvania Anthracite, Colorado Anthracite AND Colorado Soft COAL. YARD ON R. R. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT, The Patterson Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. All Kinds of Repairing, Blacksmithing, Etc. ALL KINDS OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Cultivators, Corn Planters, Plows and Harrows, Hay Stackers, Hay Loaders, Hay Sweeps, Hay Rakes, Lumber and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Phaetons, Carts, Potato Planters, the Improved Red, White and Blue Mowers. Repairs ordered for all kinds of machinery EVERYTHING AT BED-ROCK PRICES. -A.T THE ZFA-TTEIRSOlsr -A-G-EIsrOY, IEBRASKA HEWS. A bank has been organized at Culbert son. The assessed valuation of Buffalo county is $3,653,452. Emmet H. Dorr died suddenly and alone at his home in York. It looks as though Beatrice was to get that union depot very soon. The corn crop in Nebraska is a ques tion of dollars, not of bushels. Greeley Center has been selected as the county seat of Greeley county.. Unadilla is to have a weekly paper. C N. Davis will be editor and proprietor. Jefferson will have fairly good crops and farmers expect to realize large prices. Humboldt voters defeated the proposi tion'to bond the town to build water works. The new flouring mills at Lexington are completed and have begun operations. The shipment of range cattle has com menced In the northwestern part of the state. In the law-abiding town of Fremont people are arrested and fined for stealing swill. The shingle social and lemon squeeze are raging at York, the Athens of Ne braska. Crawford's business men are making an effort to rid the town of the lawless element. An informal application has been made for the establishment of a pension board at Central City. The full term of the North Nebraska Conference seminary at Central City be gins September 17. By raising quite a liberal donation, Kearney has practically secured the United Brethren college Kenrney is to have a packing house, an enterprising citizen having decided that he has a surplus of cash. The board of trade at Omaha has peti tioned congress against the adoption of the Torry bankrupt bill . Tracklaying on the Kearney and Black Hills railway has been completed to Watertown, South Dakota. The corn crop is almost a failure itr Dundy, county, and alredto.cira. is pselllBg; at,70 cents peJbuhl;, . .,' t thf Des Moines (In.) base-ball club, and capital city sports are jubilant. Drs. Clary, "Waller and A. N.Jackson have been recommended as the board of pension examiners for Chadron. The second story of the school house is completed and Clearwater now has as fine a ball us there is in the county. The old soldiers of Brownville met Saturday to make final arrangements preparatory to organizing a G. A. R. post. Hastings grocers have adopted the e&rly closing plan, following the example of merchants in many other Nebraska cities. Two large herds of horses, numbering 1,200 head, are being driven across Wy oming from Idaho for the Nebraska market. Twenty-seveu counties in Nebraska, three in Colorado and three in Kansas have already agreed to make county ex hibits at the state fair. The local sports of Norfolk were caught by a travelling race horse. They bet their pile on the home horse, but the other fellow had the winning nag. The Kearney Typographical Union has instituted a boycott against the Courier of that city because the proprietor of the paper refused to recognize the union. The Long Pine Chautauqua designated Thursday as G. A. R. day. Addresses were made by prominent men and all old soldiers admitted free during the day. The Logan Valley agricultural society will hold its sixth annual fair at Wake field, September 3, 4 and 5. Two thous and dollars in premiums will be given. Charges and specifications in the cases of Col . L. Kautz. eighth inf antrv. and Gen. Brooks have been submitted by Gen. Schofield to the secretary of war for his action. For every six bushels of wheat scat tered on the ground Daniel Fowler, liv ing near Valentine, received in return eighty bushels which may be consid ered a fair increase. Hogs are coming into Culbertson at a rapid rate. The farmers are becoming frightened at the prospect of a failure of the corn crop and are trying to save all the corn nossible. H. Gund & Co., of Campbell, com menced loading 50,000 bushels of corn on the 27th ult, which filled abont seventy- five cars and required three special trains to carry it to Chicago. A draft horse and colt show will be given at Farrish grove on or about Wed nesday, September 3, by the Table Rock, Pleasant View, Clear Creek. Pawnee City and Humboldt horsemen. A pack of coons which had been com mitting depredations in a small way near Harrison was run into a hole in the ground and a number of them, big and ittle, were found and killed. At Kearney a petition is being circu ited praying the governor to pardon Bridgeman, who was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary for burglary. He has served nearly one year. The Bay State company of North Bend; has sold its property to Swift & Co. of Omaha and Chicaeo.w.Tnertransier is; quite an important one and includes a large amount of real estate. . . rX After landing twoj thieves in a the penir teuliary Sheriff Hanna of Cherry county stopped long enough in Omaha to let an; other relieve him of $119. The thief eu tered his sleeping-room:to do the job. The - Eden musee management of Omaha has leased the ancient arms relics belonging to Max Jaenschs of Fremont, which were recently shipped from Europe and will exhibit them at Denver. According to the WiIsonvilIe Review it is so dry in that vicinity- that .farmers soak their hogs in water to make them hold swill. The creek bottom is warped out of shape and will have to be sprin kled. The last bad brealq made by a Third district man was tp offer a resolution censuring Stephen A. Dorsey of star route fame. He thpught.the star router and Hon. George W. JB. Dorsey were one and the same. According to the Beemer Times a pros perous farmer lives near that place who don't believe that the.ofarmers' alliance will be the means ot securing him 1 cent per bushel more for his.com or make his hogs any fatter. The interstate temperance league, com prising the states of Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota, will hold a meeting in Lincoln September 9th. Ex-Governor Larrabee, of Iowa, will be one of the speakers. Fred Ainswortb, the .young man who forged the names of his . employers to a check for $1000, was captured at Omaha and now languishes in the Kearney jail; He had spent all the money except $40. He acknowledged his suilt. A The school board of Crawford opened bids r on their new school building last Saturday but as in thebestjmfttion of the boardthey were all tqp ighthey were rejected. B. S. CJooley 'was engaged as superintendent ,of construction and the board will proceed atncwith the erec tion 'of rtbe building. ' "Workmen on the streets sfj-Wakefield , uncart nea tfc;sKeJeU)ns qraoour iweive numam j beings aimoH-Bjnire, ooui aauiis andchildrerij hljlestinhabant molmTciew to'th'e'find.'and opinll tis vary as to whether, the skeletons are those of Mormon immigrants, Indians, or earl' California pilgrims. Logan county wants the K. & B. H. railway. A meeting was held at Gandy to devise some means to induce the man agers to continue their road on westward from Callaway this fall. As yet no steps have been taken in that direction and it is thought that a stage line will have to answer the purpose for several mo uths at least. r A cowboy named Mills, of Horse Creek, Wyo., met Miss Clark of Ashford, Friday for the first time. Little Cupid played havoc from the start and the fol lowing night Miss Clark stole out of the house, and mounting a broncho held at the donr bv her Jovpr, rode- awav toward, Wyoming, bhe was afraid her parents would object to tli match. The Western Printing company of Omaha failed for about $30,000, on, Wed nesday, says the Kearney Ifeio Era. The principal creditors are wholesale paper firms .and type foundries. As long as paper was not paid for this company es tablished a reputation for doing cheap printing. But the end c;ime when pay ment, was demanded. i of Such will be the fate of all printers who are at present cutting prices in order to do ''cheap job work." The State Journal announces that Mrs. Maria Brown, of Kearney, was released from the penitentiary last week. Mrs. Brown was sentenced in 1883 to ten years imprisonment for manslaughter, she having killed Irwin J. Somers, who boarded with her. Mrs. Brown always claimed that Somers' had made an as sault on her, and that she shot him to save her honor. "No other explanation was 6ver offerod. Mrs. Brown's good conduct at the penitentiary has set her free at the end of seven years and one month. A Remarkable Case, from Illinois. "I suffered for five years with mercu rial rheumatism, which jvas the result of potash and mercurial treatment by physi cians for constitutional blood poison. They not only failed to cure me but made me a physical wreck andiny life a bur den. 1 then commenced taking Swift's Specific (S. S. S.), and after using a few bottles .was entirely cured of the rheuma tism, which the doctors . brought on by their remedies, and the blood poison which they failed to cure: I cheerfully commend S. S . S. to any one similarly afflicted." . John H. Lyles, Sorento, Illinois. No Trace Left. Mr. and? Mrs. Litell.of Huntinburg, Ind., say: "That about one year ago, their little girl was entirely cured of an annoying eruption of the skin and a local blood disorder, by the use of three bottles of S. S. S. There is no trace of the skin disease left, and the blood has been in perfect order ever since, and the general health of the child was never as good as now. They will take pleasure In answer ing any letters regarding the child's case." Treatese, on blood, and skin diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga., GEHEBAL HEWS. The Treasury department on Tuesday purchased $896,000 four per cent bonds. Captain Healy of the United States steamer Bear reports a scarcity of, seal in Alaskan waters. Timothy Harrington leaves London shortly for America to assist in reorgan izing the Irish league. The railway ticket agents of the United States held a meeting in Denver last week. A large number were present. Governor Prince, of New Mexico, has asked the Washington authorities for troops to suppress "white cap" outrages. Stanley expects to get $2,000 a night for his lectures in this country, ne will have his wife with him to draw the de sired audiences. Michael Davitt has visited Irelaud to examine the reports of a threatened fam ine. He says the potato crop is a failure and thousands will suffer. Down in Louisiana they fear that yel low fever will visit them, and the state board of health has ordered a quarantine against people from Cuba. The Citizens' Alliance, a supplement to the Farmers' Alliance, formed a state or ganization at Topeka, Kan., Tuesday last. It now has 10,000 members Every passenger conductor on the Louisville, St, James and Texas road has been replaced by promoting a freight con ductor. No explanation is given. The suffrage question is the main issue before the constitutional convention in Mississippi. It is believed that the Aus tralian system of voting will be adopted-. The Farmers' Alliance iu the Fourth Kansas district has nominated John G. Otis, of Shawnee count', for congress Harrison Kelly now represents that dis trict. The Treasury department has sent five million dollars in new treasury notes to NewYork to be used in purchasing silver. They are of the denominations of $1,000 and '$100. The Chicago & St. Paul road has an nounced that it will, move the headquar ters of its freight department to Kansas City. The change-is expected to take place about Oct. 1'. The St. Paul Daily Hiews asks the churches to su?pendthewsinglng zifthe hymn, "I would not live alway, I ask not to stay," until after the recount of the population of the city is finished. General Sir Frederick Middleton, who looted furs in the Northwest rebellion, declares that he has been sacrificed by the government to save the French vote. Ho sailed for England last week . The Treasury department has purchased this month 800,000 ounces of silver under the old law, and will purchase during the remaiuder of the month 2,780,000 ounces, the amount required under tho new law. The senate committee on postofilces and postroads have ordered the anti lottery mail bill reported to the senate with a recommendation that it pass. The vote on this action was practically unanimous. Over two thousand five hundred me chanics struck at Pittsburg, Pa., for nine hours a day labor and ten hours pay. Several firms have acceded to their de mauds and the strike will probably be of short duration. Three convicts escaped from the Cal ifornia pen at St. Quentin, and when three miles distant entrenched them selves behind a hastily constructed breastwork and stood a siege of eighteen hours before they surrendered. Reports from South Dakota state that the yield of wheat is all the way from five to twenty-five bushels per acre. Rain is needed all over the state and a few localities report that it is now too late to benefit any crop but grass. Governor Merriam of Minnesota has sent a company of state militia to Clo quette where a strike among the em ployes of a lumber company has become threatening. The strikers numbering 400 men have possession of the town. Hume Clay of Paris, Ky., has disap peared after forging the name of his grandfather, Matthew Hume, for many thousnnds of dollars. The banks in Paris, Winchester and Lexington are the suf ferers. He is 27 years old and conuected with some of the best people in Kentucky. Lookout for the Little Ones. Summer brings not only its discomforts but its attending perils to thousands of toilers, their wives and little ones, and statistics show that a large proportion of these children die from what is known as summer complaints, diarrhoea, cholen infautum and dysentery. Now, as doubtless every evil has its remedy, so every disease has its cure, and no fact is better established by the experience of thousands than that these diseases of children are perfectly cured by Hum phreys' mild, pleasant and harmless Specifics Nos. Four. Six. Nurses declare they are and have saved hundreds of Humphreys' Specifics way into nearly every perfectly Five and infallible children. have found their household. They are celled for not only by the mother pre scribing for her ailing child, because they are mild and efficacious, but by old and young throughout the land in -whom a continued experience of their results, has developed a confidence enjoyed by no other medicine. Bostoo, Mass., Traveller. RENNIE'S GREAT Dry Goods and Carpet House. JUST KECEIYED, mm of mm w dress goods, Silks, and Other Fabrics, for Fall, in Latest Styles. We have no old goods to offer you at a sacrifice, but $7000 in new goods at a lower price than our competitors offer you their old goods. H. C. Kennie left for the East on Saturday, where he will select an elegant line of Pattern Novelties, and also a choice line of China and Cut Glass Ware, which will be found on the Second Floor; also, the Carpet and Cloak Departments on the Second Floor. Eif s u i! m: m cm? isn floors. LEGAL NOTICES. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of an execution issued by W. O Elder, clerk of the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a judgment rendered in the coanty court by George T. Snolling, county judge, in favor of H. D. Rhea and assigned to Charles F. Iddings, against Thomas Kelliher. a transcript of which was filed in the office of the clerk of the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, I have levied upon the following real estate of Thomas Kelliher, to-wit: All of lot one, block 80, in tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, and 1 will on the 6th day of September. 1890, at one o'clock of said day, at tho front door of tho court house of paid county, in North Platte, Bell said real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy eaid execu tion, the amount due thereon in the aggregate being the sum of $45.00 and $7.15 costs and ac cruing costs. Dated North Platte, Neb.. Aug. 5th, 1890. --.- D.A.-BAKjin, Sheriff; Grimes & Wilcox. Atty. fqr C. F. Iddings. 303 In the Matter of the Estate ) Or RlOHABD IiASCOMBE, DC- CEASED, J Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of A. H. Church: one of the judges of tho district court of Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, made on the 13th day of August, 1890, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will bo sold at the front door of the court house in North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 20th day of September, 1890, at two o'clock P. M. of 6aid day, at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing real estate, to-wit: The east half of the southeast quarter and tho southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 24, in township 14 north, of range 30 west, and the cast half of tho southeast quarter of section 25, in township 14 north, of range 30 west Said sale will remain open ono hour. Dated North Platte, Neb.. Aug. 13th. 1390. John E. Evans, Administrator of tho Estate of Richurd Bas combe. Deceased. 315 In the Matteh of the 1 Estate of Lewis Vln the District Court Compton, Deceased. ) of Lincoln Co., Neb. Tlus canso came on for hearing upon tho petition of Martin Van Brocklin, ad ministrator of the estate of Lewis ConiBton. de ceased, praying for license to sell the southeast quarter of tho northwest quarter and the cast half of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 30, township 11 north, range 29 west, or a sutneiene amount of the same to bring 600.00 for the payment of debts allowed against said estate and the cost of administration, there not being sufficient personal property to pay said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear beforo me at North Platte, Nebraskn, on the 13th day of September, 1890, at one o'clock p. m., to show causo why a license should not be granted to said administrator to sell so much of the above described real estate of said deceased as 6hall bo necessary to pay 6aid debts and expenses. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published in the Lincoln County Tmbdne for four successive weeks beforo the date fixed for said hearing. Dated this 12th day of August, 1890. A- H. Chohch, 324 Ono of the Judges of the District Court. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up on the 23th day of July, 1890, as a Btray on section 15, town 12, range 30, in Lincoln county, by the subscriber who there resides, one sorrel mare, heavy with foal, left hind foot white, blazed face, weight about 1500, no brand. The owner of property can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. Dated August 1st. 1890. 300 War. Babbitt. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up on the 1st day of July, 1890, as a stray on section 13, town 12, range 32, in Lincoln county, by tho subscriber, who there resides, ono bay horse, three years old, branded J M C on left shoulder. The owner can have tho samo by proving prop erty and paying expenses. Dated July 30th. 1890. 306 Aund Schluteb. STRAYED. Strayed, onTuesday night, August 6, from the Bratt ranch, four miles southeast of North Platte, ono sorrel marc, six jearsold, weight 1200 pound , collar marks on shoulders; one dark iron gray celding, six years old, weight 900, roman nose and short tail; two brown gelding mules, nine years old, about 17 hands high, galded necks. No brands on any of the above animals. Anyone giving information leading to their recovery will be liberally rewarded. 2 Wm. FORSYTHE, North Platte, Neb. GKIMES & WILCOX, Attorneys-at-Law, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBB. Office over North Platte National Bank. Attorney-at-Law, Office: Neville Block, Sixth Stkeet, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. D ENTIS TRY A. B. AYBES, D. D. S.,' Has located at North Platte to stay. Of fice over Brown's Clothing Store. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED LAND OFFICE NOTICES. Land Office at North Platte, Nebr., ) Aug. 4, 1890. J Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at North Platte, Neb., on October 2, 1890. viz: Bernard Winkenwerder, H. E. No. 5056fortheS.E.qrSec.l4,T.13, K. 33 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles Bamett,.Heinrich Pohl meier. Nicholas Huxol, John Reed, all of Fair view, Nebraska. John I. NESBttT. 308 Register. Land Office at North Platte. Nebr.. ? July 10, 1890 ' S Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make, final proof in support, of his claim, and that said proof will bo made befom li?frist- and Receiver nt North' Platte, Nebr:, on Sept. IS, 1890,' viz: Alexander Johnson, H. E. No. 7711, for the S. JS. quarter Sec. 34, T. 13 N., R. 33 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon antl cultivation of, said land, viz: John Johnson, Alvah B. Clayton. Benjamin W. Jones and John Gunderson, all of North Platte, Nebraska. 276 John I. Nesbitt, Register. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., July 22, 1890. y Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at North Platte, Nebr., on Aug. 27th, 1890. vix: George H. Sisson, H. E. No. 3964 for the northeast quarter Section 20, Township 14, Han go 32 West. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence npon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Columbus C. Wctzell, Augustus B. Murphy, Henry H. Cook, Thomas Anderson, all of Hershey, Nebr. John I. Nes bitt, Register Land Office at North Platte, Nebr. ) July 24th, 1890. ) Notico is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before tho Register and Re ceiver at North Platte. Neb., on October 9th, 1890, viz: Frederick J. Diener, Homestead Entry east quarter and the southeast quarter of the northmofth nnnrtop nnrt info O anrl 9 4? town 12, range 29 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Harden, of Watts. Neb.. Chris Rernp, of North Platte, Neb., James L. Pell, of Watts, Neb., and Henry T. Johnson, ot North Platte, Neb. 296 Johj; I. Nesbitt, Register. Land Office at North Platte. Neb., ) August 13th, 1890. S Notico is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notico of his intention to make finaljjroof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at North Platte, Neb., on October 21st, 1890, viz: John F, Reed onH.E. No. 6083 for the southwest quarter of section 12, township' 13, range 33 west He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Elijah A Stone, Alfred J. Beatty, Eli Etchison and John Delay, all of North Platte, Neb. 326 John I. Nesbitt, Register. Land Offico at North Platte, Neb., i August 12th, 1890. f Notico is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at North Platte, Neb., on October 21st, 1890, viz: John Beaton, who made H. E. No. 8201 for the northeast quarter of section 8, town 12 north, range 29 wast. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Geo. C. Campbell, Mrs. Christopher Haner and Samuel Porter of Morrow Precinct. Lincoln county. Neb., and Edward Meyers, of Mylander Precinct, Lincoln county. Neb. 320 John I. Nesbitt, Register. Land Office at North Platte. Neb., August 13th, 1890. f Notico is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his iatention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at North Platte, Neb., on October 22d. 1890, viz: John W. Bageott, on H. E. No. 4287 for tho northwest quarter of section 21 township 13 north, range 31 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous res idence upon and cultivation of said land, viz George G. Ensign, George T. Snelling. Archi bald It.Adamson and Wm. McMichael. all of North Platte, Neb. 3-6 John I. Nesbitt, Register. Academy 4 Select School OF THE Holy Child Jesus, Lincoln, ITe"b This institution, conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, from Sharon Hill. Phila delphia, Pa., will open as a boarding and select day school for young ladies on Monday, Sept. 8th, 1890. Parents will find in this Academy all the fea tures of a secluded and refined home for their daughters. A thorough, useful and accom plished education is imparted, and particular care is bestowed on the moral improvement of the pupils. Difference of religion no obstacle to the ad mission of pupils. For particulars address, REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR, Convent of the Holy Child Jesus. LINCOLN, NEB.