Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, August 06, 1890, Image 4

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A man who is res tine easily be
neath the sDreadinc branches of his
own obscurity should not mistake
the buzzing of the flies for a call to
go forth and run tor omce.
"Oh. if, T had taken this medicine
early in life what years of suffering
it would have saved me!" was the
touchincr exclamation of one who
had been cured of rheumatism by
the use of Ayers Sarsapanlla.
Scores of such cases are on record.
Eight cotton factories, sixteen
banks, and various other enterprises
have been started in South Carolina
within a year. Corporations char
tered between October, 1888, and
October, 1889, number eighty-two,
with an aggregate capital of 41,
000,000. The Goubet, a submarine air-tight
boat built on a plan which enables
it to dive down straight in deep
water, is interesting French naval
authorities. Her performances are
said to eclipse those of the Gymncte,
which dives on a gradual plane and
betrays its presence by disturbing
the water. The most remarkable
feature of the Goubet is that it can
be steered in any direction and at
most surprising angles, all at great
The Silver bill provides that the
Treasury may purchase as much
as 4,500,000 ounces of silver a
month at the market price, and pay
for them in silver certificates based
on this market value. Silver dol
lars of 412 grains weight each are
to be coined and held for the re
demption of these certificates on
presentation. The ratio of 16 to 1
means that about 16 times as many
grains of silver are put into a silver
dollar as grains of gold into a gold
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by A. F. Streitz.
The newest thing in baby car-
is a contrivance that by
means of various appliances may
be formed into a sled, a cradle, and
a go-cart. The cradle, instead of
being provided with rockers, hangs
from the ceiling by a spiral spring,
and the spring itself plays an im
portant part in the adjustment of
the sunshade that -goes with the
carriage when it is used in its nor
mal character. The maker boasts
that the whole contrivance is al
most simple enough to be adjusted
to its various uses by the infant
occupant himself.
The editor of the Scotia Herald
visited several neighboring towns
last week and says that he "saw
many things that appeared strange
and wonderful to his bucolic eyes.
But the most graceful and enchant
ing scene that met our gaze was a
lady in Grand Island riding a bare
backed bicycle. She rode as does
the Indian maiden ride her pony,
and we followed her several miles
up and down the hot streets, hoping
to see the fair 'cycler dismount in
some shape or other. But, alas! we
did not succeed. She may be riding
yet, for all we know, and we're awful
glad we're back in Scotia."
That distention of the stomach
which many people feel after eat
ing, may be due to improper masti
cation of the food; but, in most
cases, it indicates a weakness of the
digestive organs, the best remedy
for which is one of Ayer's Pills, to
be taken after dinner.
The Indian idea appears to have
a considerable following in Gotham.
The New York World says: "It
has been estimated by an employe
of the United States Bureau of
Labor that there are 27,000 married
men in the city of New York who
are supported by their wives, less
than 7,000 of whom are in menial
service. The modistes are in the
maiority. This includes dress
makers and milliners, many of
whom own property, some being
very wealthy and all well-to-do.
The boarding house keepers rank
next in number. This does not
include the fashionable young men
who marry wealth and drive swell
turnouts and summer at the beach
at their wives' expense.
"Boycott" is a new name for the
old treasonable effort to "rule or
ruin," by the slavery-spoiled white
minority in the Southeast. When
Calhoun made the tariff the pretext
for rebellion it was "nullification."
When the slaveocracy had acquired
the power to precipitate war it was
"secession." And now it is the
"boycott," a great "come down," it
is true, from the proud old times of
the "chivalry," but all three words
spell the same ugly, traitorous and
detestable thing. The Fed
eral election bill is the peculiar test
of Republicanism to-day, just as
much as the enforcement of the
tarifE in South Carolina was the test
of President Jackson's courage and
fidelity. N. Y. Mail and Express.
People troubled with constipation
should be very careful what kind of a
laxative they use, as so many medicines
are put up to sell which are absolutely
without merit or value, and which, if
taken, will get your bowels in such a state
that you will be compelled to keep on
using phvsic the year around in order to
enjoy any health. Beggs' Liver Pills
will do more-to keep a family in good
health than "any other pills on the market,
as they are put up with the utmost care,
and are guaranteed to give satisfaction.
A. Y. Streitz, Druggist.
The largest fruit farm in West
Virginia is the ttecker farm near
TT 1 T7 . T4- nninrnr. IITiTi
apricot trees, 37,000 peach trees,
3,000 plum trees, 5,000 miscella
neous fruit trees, and dD,0U0 grape
some smart cities are springing
up in the northern belt of states.
Butte, Mon,, sticks its head above
the census flood with 22,008 people,
probably the most prosperous min
ing camp in the world, not except
ing the diamond held at Airaberly,
A continual coughing is annoying to
persons sitting near you in any kind of a
Catherine : besides, it is of great damage
to the throat and lungs, and is exceedingly
dangerous at this season of the year.
One-half bottle of Beggs' Cherry Cough
Syrup will relieve any ordinary cough,
and this remedy costs no more than the
inferior grades that are thrown on the
market to sell at enormous profits. A. F.
Streitz Druggist.
It may be a surprise to many to
learn that statistics prove the sea to
be safer to live on than land. The
death rate of sailors in the British
merchant marine is under 12 per
thousand; the loss of life by ship
wreck is about a quarter of this; in
fact, there are more lives lost among
miners from accident than among
sailors, and many more among rail
way employes.
The Otoe county farmers' and
laborers' convention resolved that
they did not want Colonel Van
Wyck for governor. " Give us
something fresh " was the war cry
of the convention. This is the un
kindest cut of all. Colonel Van
Wyck appears to be the fifth can
didate for governor of Nebraska
this summer who has been bottled
up by his own county convention.
If this thing is not stopped patriot
ism will play out. State Journal.
If the farmers' organization
should accomplish nothing more it
has proved to be one of the greatest
schools of political economy ever
known, and is doing more to set
people to thinking for themselves
instead of allowing others to think
for them than any other society in
existence. Go where you may you
will find the masses talking intel
ligently upon subjects that a few
years ago they were wholly igno
rant of. They no longer look to
party bosses for their opinions, but
study for themselves. Exchange.
Mr. John Carpenter, ot Goodland, Ind.,
says: "I tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for
diarrhoea and severe cramps, and pains
in the stomach and bowels with the best
results. In the worst cases I never had
to give more than the third dose to effect
a cure. In most cases one dose will do.
Besides its other good qualities it is
pleasant to take." 25 and 50 cent bottles
for sale by A. F. Streitz .
It is hard io please Democratic
organs. Twenty-five years ago "the
immense public debt would never
be paid." Later they groaned be
cause it was being "paid too rapid
ly." Last year they united in a
prolonged groan about "the evil of
a great surplus in the Treasury."
Now they are combining in the
whine over "the certain . deficit."
In the meantime the part which
saved the Nation and inaugurated
all its prosperity is at the helm and
the public will feel safe. Inter
A tramp who was rubbing a
Woodward avenue lamp-post the
other day, says the Detroit Free
Press, struck a pedestrian for a
dime, saying lie wanted to get a Dite
to eat.
"Why don't you try some of these
houses around here?" he was asked.
"I've tried all but that one on
this block, and the people are either
away or down on the purfesh."
"But why don't yon try that one?"
"I'm no fool, mister. I may not
be purty, but I've got some common
"Well, follow the street sprinkler
and you can't go wrong. When it
leaves a dry spot in front of a man's
house, you just keep away from that
man. That's where they tie ropes
around the children's bodies just
before feeding time'
Happy Hoosiers.
"Win. Timmons, Postmaster of Idaville,
Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done
more for me than all other medicines
conbined, for that bad feeling arising
from Kidney and Liver trouble." John
Leslie, farmer and stockman, of the same
place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be
the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made
me feel like a new man." J. TV. Gardner,
hardware merchant, same town, says:
"Electric Bitters is just the thing for a
man who is all run down and don't care
whether he lives or dies ; he found new
strength, good appetite and felt just like
he had a new lease on life. Only 50c. a
bottle, at A. F. Streitz's drug store.
The Russian government has
ordered the application of the edicts
of 1882 against the Jews. These
edicts have hitherto been held in
abeyance. According to these, Jews
must henceforth reside in certain
towns only. None will be permit
ted to own land or hire it for agri
cultural purposes. The order in
cludes within its scope towns and
hundreds of villages that have large
Jewish populations. No Jew will
be allowed to hold shares in or work
mines. The law limiting the resi
dence of Jews to sixteen provinces
will be enforced. No Hebrew will
be allowed to enter the army, prac
tice medicine or law, or to be an
engineer, or to enter any of the
other professions. They will also
be debarred from holding posts
under the government. The en
forcement of the edicts will result
in the expulsion of over one million
Jews from the country.
A manufacturer of one of the
standard typewriters on the market
says that there are 75,000 women
and 25,000 men making a living in
una country oy thrumming the keys
uj. wnung macmnes.
Miss Sallie Hollie, a Virginia girl,
has undertaken the education of the
colored girls of her state. She pro-
r i ii t ;
puses to esbauiisn small schools
throughout Virginia where the col
ored girl can learn enough in two
years to start squarely with the
There has just been finished and
placed in the cathedral of (Jharkov,
Russia, a clock of solid silver, weigh-
ing uuu pounds, it is in memory
of the Czar's escape from death in
the railroad accident at Borki, and
is so arranged that upon Oct. 17 in
each year the anniversary of that
event it will nnsr a peal of bells.
We observe that the Hon. Roger
(juarles Mills, the Hon. Grover
Cleveland, and perhaps a few other
scholastic statesmen whose intellects
move ponderously and whose wits
are in February when it is already
July, labor under the mistaken idea
that what they call tariff relorm is
still a living issue. New York Sun.
Senator Plumb, of Kansas, sub
scribes and pays for- 200 news-
T" 1 ( A
papers, it is the way he has ot
keeping plumb with public senti
ment. A great many politicians
who have been made from the
ground up by the newspapers do
not seem to know the fact, and in
fact, the newspapers don't care to
brag of their work.
A large number of entertainments
have been arranged for Prince
George, the second son of the Prince
of Wales, who was expected to ar
rive this week at Newport on H. R.
Thrush, of which he is command-
er. it now appears that they were
entirely unauthorized, and the prob
ability is that the rnnce s ship will
not come to Newport. This will
be a sad blow to the toadies:
As a general liniment for sprains and
bruises or for rheumatism, lame back,
deep seated or muscular pains, Cham
berlain's Pain Balm is unrivalled. For
sale by A. F. Streitz,
Why should not the farmers go
into polities? They are the most
important contingent in every State
or the broad land. The tact is, the
farmers in the West have always
been in politics, and know more as
class about polities than two-
thirds of the people who are talking
about them. .Nobody can doubt
but that our State Legislature and
Congress would act with more wis
dom if they had more sound-headed
old farmers and fewer windy ora
tors. There is no danger from the
farmers. Inter Ocean.
Stranger If a man falls down
-ii-i i ii
an open coal noie, can ne sue tne
owner of the premises for damages?
Lawyer Certainly, sir, big dam
ages and get them, too. Give me
the particulars.
"Well, as mv brother was pass
ing your house this morning he fell
through a coal hole and broke his
''Hem! Did he use ordinary vig
ilance to prevent such an accident?
Did he look at his reet as he walk
ed? Did he stop and examine the
condition of the pavement before
entering upon it? Answer me
that, sir.
"Stop? Why, no"
"Ah, ha! I thought so. Guilty
of cairainal negligence. He might
have fallen on one of my own
family under that coal hole might
have killed us all, sir. As it is I
shall sue him for damages for muss
ing up my coal bin."
4 1 1 1 1 f t
a nunarea ana nrty passengers
on the little steamer that plies in
Niagara river above the falls, had a
b& quarter of an hour or more the
other day. The steamer had to
cross below Green Island instead "of
above it on account of low water.
When it was amid stream, at the
nearest point to the cataract, the
engine suddenly "gave out, and the
boat started down stream. An
anchor was hastily thrown out, but
the vessel had such a headway that
it dragged quite a distance. Finally
when it caught in the rocks the jerk
smashed the bulkhead to which the
chain was attached, and the steamer
went on. Fortunately the chain
twisted jp so that it caught in the
bulwarks and stopped the boat.
Then they fixed the engine and got
up steam and after a struggle- of
fifteen minutes with the rapids ac
cumulated headway enough to over
come the current, and safely landed.
The passengers were all scared out
of a yeaa's growth at least. And
well they might be, for it was a
close shave. There was but a hair's
breadth between them and eternity.
During the epidemic of flux in this
county last summer, I had hard work to
keep a supply of Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand.
People often came ten or twelve miles
in tne night to get a bottle of the Rem
edy. I have been selling patent medi
cines for the last ten years and find that
it has given better satisfaction in cases of
diarrhoea and flux, than any other medi
cine I have ever handled.
J. H. Benhajt, Drugeist,
Golconda, Pope Jo., III.
Over five hundred bottles of this Rem
edy were sold in that county during the
epidemic referred to. It was a perfect
success and was the only remedy that did
cure the wor9t cases. Dozens of persons
there will certify that it saved their lives.
In four other epidemics of bowel com
plaint this Remedy has been equally
successful. 25 and 50 cent bottles for
sale by A, F. Streitz.
The sugar palace in Grand Island
is m-ocressincr ranidlv. The fifty
men employed are already making
it look like a hne structure, it win
be completedby the 25th of August
and ODeneothe 1st of beptemoer,
the commencement of the G. A. R.
Here, in the verv midst of the
lawn -tennis season, comes the Lon
don Lancet with a warning to the
gentler sex not to become wrapped
up in the seductive pastime under
penalty of "unequal development
T 1- 1 1
ana lateral spinal curvature, aue
to the continuous use of one arm
This warning, however, may have
no terrors for the ambidexterous
girl, if there be any such.
ii aoes seem singular that so manv
'people will let their skin become yellow,
aars antt greasy, (unally resulting in
blotches and skin eruptions, as well as
general dryingup of the blood, causing
wrinkles and premature old age), when
tnis can be remedied at so little expense.
Two bottles of Beggs' Blood Purifier and
Blood Maker will renew and purify the
Diooa tnrougneut the whole system, leav
ing the skin clear and free from all erup
tions. A. F. Streitz Druereist.
An American railroad engineer
just up from Buenos Ayres explains
wnat is meant oy the cedula system,
under which the farmer of the
Argentine Confederation has mort
gaged his eye teeth for the next
fourteen generations: "The cedula
is exactly the same scheme which
Senator Stanford has advocated for
adoption by the United States gov
ernment, when he introduced his
bill providing for government loans
to farmers, though of course it
would not be attended with the same
danger in the United States, with
its surplus remedy, as it has been in
the Argentine. It is a mortgage
bond authorized by the state and
secured by mortgage on improved
and unimproved lands at the rate of
50 per cent of their nominal value.
the interest on the bonds being
guaranteed by the government.
The moment the scheme was under
stood it became a craze with the
farming classes to borrow monev on
their farms. The craze broke out
in 1881, and to-day there is not a
farm m the entire republic that is
not plastered over with cedulas.
Within the last eight years over
$415,000,000 has been issued in
paper on this class of securities.
For the last two years interest has
defaulted everywhere, and the as
sured value of the lands mortgaged
has been found to be over 50 per
cent above the market value."
Last Monday was the dav set for
the trial of the case of the State of
Nebraska, vs. Phillip H. Suiter
Joseph Suiter and iiobert Shim-
niins, before Henry Brown, justice
of the peflgfs, the charge being the
theft of six, head ot cattle. Squire
Brown being sick and unable to at
tend, seut the papers in the case to
Jay Smith, justice of the peace, re
questing him to hear the case. At
an earlv hour a crowd of people be
gan to gather at the court house,
all anxious to hear the case. The
state was represented by H. M.
Grimes, of North Platte, and J. E.
Morrison, of Gandy, and the de
fense by McSay and Hogeboom, of
Gaudy. The case was called by
'Squire Smith and before any ac
i i i ii
won was raiten, tne prosecution
raised the question of the conrt
being legally qualified as a iustice
. e mi r
or cne poace. rnis was not con
troverted by the defense beyond the
tact that if the court did not have
power to try the case it could make
no legal disposition of it whetever.
Mr. Smith was elected as justice of
the peace m Umega precinct at the
election last fall, that precinct be
ing organized in this county bv
Logau county to which this county
was attached, which precinct is now
included in JUast Mcrherson pre
cmct. It was contended that the
organization of the county compell
ed the division of the county into
precincts and the election of pre
cinct as well as county omcers, and
tnat the term of the office held by
Mr. Smith in Omega precinct ex-
T "It I
pirea witn county organization.
Two justices were elected in East
McPherson precinct at the election
called by the special county com
missioners but only one qualified.
The commissioners appointed
another partj in place of the one
who failed to qualify who in turn
failed to qualify. The board made
no further appointment presuming
that under he constitution Mr.
Smith could fill the position until a
successor was qualified. Mr. Smith
decided to have nothing to do with
the. case under the circumstances,
and the papers in the case were re
turned to J ustice Brown. The case
will be tried before Mr. Brown at
some date to be agreed upon but at
present unknown. It was quite a
disappointment to the crowd, but
sufficient notice of the date of trial
will "be given to give all another
chance: McPherson News.
Martin & Nauman 'o Df 0 CU C.
TurmmTTflDC! UUC11 d DUUL a OllUC OtUlC
We have added to our stock
Highest Price Paid for Fat Stock.
Sixth Street, between Spruce and Tine,
Pure Ice!
'Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, PlainQeld, 111.,
makes the statement that she caught cold,
which settled on her lung3; she was
treated for a month Jby her family physi
cian, bufgrew worse. He told her that
she was a hopeless victim of consumption
and that no medicine could cure her. Her
druggist suggested Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption ; she bought a
bottle and to her delight found herself
benefitted from the first dose. She con
tinued its use and after taking ten bottles,
tound herself sound and well, now does
her own housework and is as well as she
ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great
Discovery at Str6itz's drue store, laree
bottles 50c. and $1.00.
Five hundred thousand dollars in
cold were ordered for sliinment to
Europe July 30.
Cut from Lake filled
by Irrigating.
T J- TV 1" 1 J. T '
jjuvvsbiviarKt)irnue. Also handle the REYNOLDS BROS- LADIES'
IRRIGATIONS SHOES and Burt & Mears Men's Shoes.
UM, We are exclusive agents for the
Red School House Children's Shoes,,
The Best Shoes Made for Boys and Girls.
We have the largest stock of Boots and Shoes west of Omaha. All
goods warranted as represented. We keep no inferior, shoddy goods.
If you want to buy good goods cheap call at
Otten's Boot and Shoe Store, North Platte, Nebraska.
I have accented the agency for the HUFFER
.rUMf and will tarnish complete pumping
plants. 1ms
Steam Vacuum Pump
is operated by steam boilers and is without pis
tons or any parts to wear oat. Will pamp from
50 to 5,000 GALLONS Per MDTUTE.
With live steam will raise 60,000 gallons o wa
ter a) feet nigh witn one Dasnei ot coal.
No Steam Pressure Required,
EzceDt on a lift above that made by the at
mosphere, which is about thirty feet at 8ea level,
Will pamp dirty or jjritty water equally well, or
forty to sixty per cent sand or gravel. JLhey
can be boneht and nnt in nosition ready for
work cheaper than any other pamp of the same
lilting capacity. There is no loss ot power to
overcome friction. No skilled labor required
to ran them. They cost no more than an ordi
nary water richt and can be o Derated at nomi
nal expense.
This pamp can be 6een at my ranch two
miles south or North Platte.
TTva.gfon.s, Carriages, Buigrgles,
Agents for the Celebrated
- Goodhue and Challenge Wind Mills.
Agents for Union Sewing Machines.
Locust Street,
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
North Platte, Neb.
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs,
300 Page Bosk on Treatment of Aiiinals
and Chart Sent Free.
cubes c FeTers,CencestieB8lBffannatieB
A. A.? Spinal Itf entagitis, Milk Fever.
B. B. Strains, Iiameaeas. Rfceaaatiaa.
C. C. Distemper, Nasal Discharges.
D. D. Bets er Grabs, Warns.
.C Ceagbs, Heaves, FaeaaiaBla.
F. F.Celic er Gripes, Bellyache.
G. G. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages.
H. H. Urinary and Kidney Diseases
I. I.Eraptive Diseases, Mange.
J.K.Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis.
Single Bottle (over 50 doeesX - - .60
Stable Case, with specifics. Manual,
Veterinary Cure Oil and Medicator, 87.00
Jar Veterinary Care Oil, - - 1.00
Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere
and in any quantity on Receipt of Price.
IkVffH TTAWDAflimrrfl .ml.
In n39 30 years. The only successful remedy for
Nervous Debility, vital Weakness,
and Prostration, from over-work or other causes.
91 per vial, or 5 rials and large vial powder, for 95.
Soldbx DnuaaisTS, orsent postpaid on receiptof
pric.-Haottij,UclMCo.,loaifBM8lM.,JUX. ,
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyesi
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
it after all other treatment had failed.
It is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes.
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry,
Watch Berairins and Ene-ravine-.
Carlson Block. Spruce treet.
Beick Liyeet Stable,
To3T 3D. "W Besack,
011 short notice and at reasonable rates. Horses boarded bv the week or
mth. Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the Hawley
House on east Fifth street,
Merchant Tailor,
It is astonishing how lightly most
people regard certain organic derange
ments, so long as the pain or inconveni
ence caused thereby is not excessive.
This is particularly true of the bowels,
which, next to the stomach, are the
most abused portion of the body. Tho
wonder is they continue for so many
years to perform their important, office
with anything like regularity, consider
ing how little attention is paid to their
special demands.
One of the most common ailments 13
constipation, which very frequently , be
comes chronic for want of proper treat
ment. As a general rule, when a per
son wakes up to the consciousness that
he needs something "loosening," he
takes the first thing at hand, if it only
promises a speedy effect. The evil of
such indiscreet medication i3 that while
the dose may cause a prompt and ener
getic movement, the operation is liable
to be followed by another, and perhaps
longer, period of constipation. If this
again is remedied by a similar treat
ment, it is sure to be succeeded by still
more stubborn inactivity tho final re
sult being a permanent weakness of
tho bowels in the form of chronic and
confirmed constipation.
Now what is needed byway of physic,
in any protracted interruption of tho
regular operations of the bowels, is
simply a gentle aperient to bring about
a movement, leaving the rest to cool
ing drinks and relaxing food. For this
purpose, there is no better opening med
icine than Ayer's Pills. Being purely
vegetable in their composition, and en
tirely free from calomel or any other
harsh, drastic purgative, their use is
unattended with those injurious effects
which follow the taking of ordinary
cathartics. On the contrary, Ayer's
Pills arc calculated to strengthen as
well as regulate the bowels and stomach,
and also to stimulate the liver, the slug
gishness of which is often the real cause
of constipation.
Ayer's Pills, being sugar-coated, are
easily taken and are, therefore, admira
bly .adapted for use either at home or
abroad. They are recommended by lead
ing physicians all over the world, and,
in countless households, are the only
medicine considered absolutely indis
pensable. They are, without doubt, th
most popular pills ever made.
embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order.
Spruce Street, next door to Post office.
Florist and Gardener,
Can furnish all kinds of fruit and
shade trees, forest trees, and seed
lings for tree claims at lowest
prices. Also all kinds of plants and
flowers. Estimates and designs
given for laying out new grounds.
Yards kept by contract.
Sample :-: Boom,
Full line of piece goods always on
hand and made to order.
Only first-class workmen employed.
Shop on Hpruce Street over Hans Gertler fc Co.
Having: refitted our rooms
throughout, the public is invited to
call and see us.
Choice ;! Wines, i! Liquors :! and ;! Cigars
Kept at the Bar.
Agent for the celebrated
idakba .uvm mm mm
from Soda Springs, Idaho.
Keith's Block, Front Street,
J. O. Ferguson, Agent.