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About Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1890)
' ; . -i ill . - 1 it rf fe".jiaaaaaaaaaaaH i 3- THE TRIBUNE. STEVENS & BAEEi Prop's. TERMS: If paid in Advance, only $1.00 per year. One Year, if not in Advance, $1.50. Six Months, in Advance, - - . - . .75 Three Months, in Advance, m - - .50 Advertising Rates on Application. 3. J:' E. B. Funeral " Director AND EMBACMXR. I A full line of first-ckw f wmtsI nppliea always la i YOL. VI. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 26, L890. NO. 7. GREAT Mil m With the first of January we will sell everything in heavy goods such as VEECOAT - SUITS For Men, Boys and Children, Winter Underwear, AT ACTUAL COST FOR. CASH IN HAND Model Clothing Store, M. EINSTEEN & Co. Leaders of Fashion and Low Prices. No. 3498. - FIEST NATIONAL BANK, JST6i?tli Platte, - Neb. -i 1 1 1 1 i Banking In Ail- Its Branches Transacted Sell Bills" of Exchange Direct on Great Britain and Ireland, Svitzer land, France, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Austria. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. . ' C1' CORRESPONTDENOE SOLICITED. MAKE or BREAK. RENNIE3S "ROASTER." Six thousand dollars in Dry Goods just opened at REN NIE'S consisting of the choicest line ever shown ; in "Western Nebraska, iA-T. -:- COST- Freight Added. 5000 yards best Unbleached Muslin at 6i cents. 5000 yards best Check Ginghams at V cents. 5000 yards best Dxess Ginghams at 10 cents. 1000 yards-special job Table Oilcloth at 20 cents. 5000 yards of Sateens at 10 cents, worth 15. 2000 yards Carpets, best all-wool 2ply--at 60-cents, not 62 but 60 cents. ' . German Blue Calico at 9i cents. ' r LAND PATENTS. The following patents to lands in Xin coin county were -received at the TJ. S land office Feb'y 18th. The owners can have the same bv calling at the land office: W. B. Votaw, s hf sw qr sec 28, e hf se qr 29-10-29. Emma R Reynolds, ne qr sec 23-10-84. Walter W Votaw, ne qr sec 8-9-29. J J n Schrader, ne qr sec 26-10-31. Herbert F Bundy, sw qr sec 32-10-29. Adam Stolle, nw qr sec 25-9-29. William Miller, e hf nw qr and lots 1 and 2 sec 18-14-32. Chas K . Briggs, ne qr sec 31 9-27. Flora E Bishop, s hf ne qr and lots 1 and 2, sec 5-9-29. Ella B. Frank se qr sec 35 9-29. Jacob E. Boas, n hf ne qr se qr ne qr sec 34-9-27. Joachin Johannes w hf ne qr sec 33-10 i. Alvin B. VanLoan se qr sec 35-9-31. 50 Booming Ogalalla. Qn last Mondaj' Messrs. L.- R. Britton and W, E. Smyth e of. the Kearney Enter prise and Col. Patterson and Mr." Howard of Kearney visited Ogalalla for the pur pose or interviewing our business men relative to putting a branch office of the Enterprise at this plaoe or rather of establishing an office here. They were much pleased with our outlook and left with our citizens a proposition to come and give Osralalla a substantial boom. We feel certain that our people will raise the amount or at least a sufficient amount to induce them to come and if they do, it will be an important step towards the prosperity of Ogalalla and Kieth county . Iteflector. Anent the subject, the Paxton Pilot throws some light on the project as fol lows: "Wo understand that the Enter prise asks a subsidy of .$1,000 cash in hand, 2,000 in guaranteed paper, and about 100 choice town lots, making a grand total of about 13,000. If the re quired amount is raised, we believe it is the intention of the Enterprise to pur chase the old Reflector plant." The following interesting information concerning the army canteen is given by the Sidney Tclelgrapli: "The idea of a cantee?!i5feinauguration in the army belWo the Twenty-first 0, when the at Van- 1 Cash is What We Want and we will give $1.50 in goods for every silver dollar. Call and be convinced. This sale begins at once. RENNIE'S. Opposite Postoffice, KENNIE S, J. Q. THICKER, pllDRTT Gr Or I IS TP-iiM NEARY BLOCK, SPRUCE STREET, ISTOHTIT PLATTE, - nSTEBR-ASK-A-. WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. . S exclusive nfiintry and originated in regimental- headquarters wei cuufrnued-wnTioTlt interruption for five years, when the headquarters of the Twenty-first infantry were transferred to Fort Sidney . The canteen was re-opened here and the sale of beer was authorized, thus making it in all respects what it is to-daj It will be seen that the canteen was in operation .at the headquarters of the Twenty-first infantry for nearly ten years before it was recognized by the war department. Legal objections of all sorts were raised, and it is due to General Mor row to say that the answering of all such objections devolved upon him. Every objection was successfully met, and step by step the canteen won the confidence of the officers and men. The Fort Sidney canteen has been a blessing to the garri son and has not, in the opinion of the Tele graph, been an injury to the town of Sidney, the larger part of the articles used in the canteen being purchased from merchants in town. neaa ana one arm, wnue august was crushed between the falling mass and a bank of earth, and when found had api parently been dead for several hours. Arthur was taken out in a condition which gives hopes for his recovery- He said. that his brother spoke after the accident, ana ne neara sounas 01 suaocation some ten minutes afterwards, as tie still settling earth smothered him to dearth. The bids for printing the annual report of the state board of agriculture for 1889 were as follows: State Journal company, 4.74 per page; Ackernian Bros. & Heintz, 7 per page; Freniont Tribune, 7 per page; Lincoln paper1company, 6 .per page; Henry Gibsou $5.80. The contract was awarded to ihjairJaur.tml) company. The Bertrand Herald has; dropped the use of the pronoun 'we' wmTa dull thud, and substitutes 'I? "It is much more honest to say 'I,' when P is'intended than to hide behind a fictitiouaplurality," is the reason given for the new departure. Brother Brown should take a few lessons in rhetoric. The use of the pronoun 'we' in editorial is neither ungrammatical nor dishonest. It is merely a. trope, wherein the sentiments of the reader's of the paper aro assumed to coincide with those of the editor. The editorial use of the. pronoun 'I' reveals an amount of egotism that soon becomes painful to the average reader. Elmwood Record. State Journal: Seventeen years ago the price of corn was as low- as it is to day. It was burned by farmers all over Nebraska and Kansas, and thousands of bushels went to waste othe grouud. Sixteen years ago the farmers were buy ing corn at 7o cents or a Dusnei. While there is little probnbility that such a bound in prices will occur in the next twelve months, the experience should not be entirely wasted. Corn cannot go much lower, and will probably be much higher. Wisdom dictates a . hoarding of the present crop in Nebraska, except in cases wnere me larmer is nosoiuteiy A little inconvenience in holding a few. hundred bushels may bring a rich reward within six 0?-tvelve months. An alliance man of Cashing, who was a delegate to the meeting of the state alli ance held at Grand Island, writes to the St; Paul Phonograph to deny the report that the alliance at that meeting endorsed Van Wock for governor. He says: "I was there from beginning to end of that meeting and Van Wyck's name (or any one else connected with office) was never mentioned." This is important if. true, says the Fremont Tribune. It leaves the field clear ,for eighty-four other aspirants to the governorship. . . Mr. W. H. Baldridge, druggist, Escon dido. California, says: "Chamberlain's Coush Remedv is the best selling medi cine I handle. In fact I self moreof it than all other cou&h medicines combined. lEvery'orie, who has used it speaks in.glow- lng terms'of its efficiency." js ot sataDy A. F. Streitz and Dr. Longley. The senate has ratified the British extra dition. Extradition is not to be had for political offenses, nor shall any person surrendered by either party be tried for any other offense than the one extradited. The treaty does not apply to any crimes committed before its ratification. The discussion lasted two hours, ana two changes of importance were adopted by the senate. The word "voluntary" -was inserted before the word "manslaughter," thus limiting the degree of that crime made extraditable. The paragraph relat ing to the crime of obtaining money or bonds by false pretenses, was substantially modified, if not stricken out. With these changes the treaty is said to have met the approval of the Democratic senators, and and the vote in its favor is understood to have been practically unanimous. An entire generation 0f Democrats came ana went Deto a Democrat was elected governor in Iota, sad- now it looks as a a second worjrf pi, beto he waugura' lot orJr vJhe sikeiO affairpLwded u -or up en- NEBRASKA NEWS. At the last term of the district court in Broken Bow a case was tried in which a man named Bogg was the plaintiff, and it is regarded as a singular coin cidence that his attorney was named Bacon. While digging a cellar on his farm near Ansley, George Kaelin resurrected a human skeleton in a very good state of preservation. The body had been buried in a sitting position, and faced the north. A number of flint arrow heads were found with the skeleton. A Bohemian wedding was celebrated one night last week, near Pague, by a dance that lasted until morning. The bride, a daughter of James Hromas, dropped dead upon reaching the home of her parents, a short distance from where the dance was held. Heart disease is assigned as the cause. 31. J. Kinsey of Hastings was held up at Grand Island by two gamblers and robbed of his watch and $24 in money. During the struggle Kinsey was stabbed in several places and pounded on the head with brass knuckles. He was taken to the hospital where he lies in a precarious condition. His assailants were caught and lodged in jail. A strange case of insanity, is reported at Peru by a physician of that village. The unfortunate victim is the wife of a farmer living south of that town. She labors under the impresssion that she is Jesus and must save the world. Religious excitement is believed to be the causa of her derangement. Because the people of Ord did not see fit to make an effort to secure a certain school enterprise the Blizzard says: "We would like to see the -fire rain down from heaven in Ord like it did on Sodom and Gomorrah, just to see if there was enter prise enough in the people of Ord to get a 'mosey' on them enough to get away from the fire . While at work in a quary near Pleasant Hill August Friday and his brother Arthur were caught by a cave in of broken earth weighing several tons. Arthur was under the mass excepting his will be mTTSItV could" BTit t a little ? He was legally elocted, and titled to the place. Philadelphia Record: When Editor Medill, of the Chicago Tribune, gets into one of his fine philosophical moods he cries out for tariff reform more lustily than any free trader in the Cobden Club. But when election . time comes arouud Editor Medill becomes again a tractable wheel-horse of the G O. P. The country is full of men like this Chicago editor. The Blaine Democrat gives the follow ing opinion of the alliance: "The farm ers' alliance is an institution intended to bring out the best methods of conducting business and administering the govern ment. It aims to bring about reforms by which exact justice is done alike to the farmer, laborer or capitalist. It would discourage none except the extortioner. It is non-partisan and it is all right. Let all join." The Harny Peak Mining, Milling and Manufacturing company will be prepared by May 1, 1891, to place upon the market from the Black Hills all the tin required for consumption in the United States. An idea of the enormous proportions of the company's plant can be had from the fact that it will furnish employment to from 7,000 to 9,000 men and will require a railroad eighty miles in length to form a circuit of the different mines within its territory. The Dakota legislature has passed a joint resolution admitting that destitution exists in many parts of the state. The res olution declares that under the state constitution the state and county are powerless to render aid, and all assistance must come from outside sources. The whole matter is placed in the hands of Governor Mellette, who will issue an appeal for aid. The action of the house is regarded as a complete endorsement of Governor Mellette's begcing errand. Five Strong Points of S. S. S. 1st. It is entirely vegetable, contains no minerals or poison of any kind, and builds up the system from the first dose. 2d. It cures Cancer of the Skin. No other remedy or treatment was ever known to cure it. 3d. It cures hereditary Blood Taint, even in the third and fourth generations . No other remedy has ever done it. 4th. It has never failed to eradicate Scrofula (or King's Evil) in all its forms from the system. 5th. It cures contagious Blood Poison in all its stages by eliminating the horri ble virus from the system, thus giving re lief from all consequences of this bane of the human family. "My. blood had been so out of order during the summer of 18S3that I virtually had no health at all. I had no appetite ; nothing I ate agreed with ms. I was feeble, puny, and always feeling bad. I had tried various remedies without re 8 eiving any benefit, until at lengh I com menced on Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) That medicine increased my weight from 155 pounds to 177 pounds in a few months, and made me as well and healthy as any man now living. S. S. S. is un doubtedly the greatest blood purifier to day on the American continent John Bellow, No. 449 North State St., Chicago, 111." Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. M. rz m I j Perhaps the readers of The Tribune would liko to know n what respect Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better than any other. We will tell you. When this Remedjr is taken as directed, as "soon as a cold has been contracted, and before it has become settled in the system, it will counteract the efiect of the cold and greatly lessen it's severity, if not effectu ally cure the cold in two days time and it is the onlv remedy that will do this. It act3 in perfect harmony with nature and aids nature inrelievia. the lungs, open ins: thegacretlons. liauefvlnif.Jthe mucus 'Sfiacausing it's expulsion from' the air cells of the lungs and restoring the systeln" to a strong and healthy condition. No other remedy in the market possesses these remarkable properties. No other will cure a cold as quickly or leave the system in as sound a condition. 50 cent and one dollar bottles for sale by A. F. 1 Streitz and Dr. Loneiej. irnoffiefbrnaamanireccives lvard. C.J. Davis of Uhadfon ceived notice of his apppointment as assistant Indian farmer at Wounded Knee district. It will be his duty to ride a cir cuit along Wounded Knee Creek, says the Chadron Advocate. At frequent in tervals he will stop to show Old-Nibs-Ashamed-of-His-Pants how to steer a breaking plow or inform Young-Woman-Afraid of a Corset of the most civilized method to break a pup of sucking eggs. In these pleasant pastoral pursuits Mr. Davis will spend his time and Chadron people may be sure of a welcome when they visit Wounded Knee. The editor of the Beatrice Express writes as follows : "The old soldiers of Nebraska know that in Senator Mander son they have in congress not only an able but a zealous and steadfast friend. Not only do the soldiers of Nebraska know this, but the soldiers of the whole country, and they rely with absolute con fidence upon him as their friend and champion. Since he has been a member of the' senate every measure looking to the betterment of the condition of the veterans has received his earnest support, and to him more, probably than any other living man is due the credit for what has been accomplished. A soldier himself lie knows what sacrifices were made and what hardships undergone by the men who preserved the union. It is a proud distinction to be called 'the soldiers' champion,' and General Mander- son has earned it by his unselfish devo tion to the interests of the veterans. There are many homes in Nebraska where this sentiment will receive grate ful affirmation," POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel o pnrit strength and wholesdmenesa. More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the mnltitndo of low test.short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Botai. Baking Powder Co., 106 Wal Streot, New York. East Sixth, street, aextfaorto TiratNa- JXUKTM -tUiA-rUff, - a MtMBKoMLA . Telegraph Orders promptly aMMdedto. LAND OFFICE NOTICES. Land Office at Horta Fiatte, Keb., Jw. set, lm. f n&med settler baa filed aotioe of kis iateatioa to make final proor fiLraapport ocUa eJamaad that said Droof will ba'aaaofl bef ore Ttnafntfir aad Beceiver at North Platte, Neb., oa Mareall, ISM, m: j trr is., vnjnr, liunmw ninrrx nKiun for the northeast quarter of aeetfon jg. towa 14 N., range 82 W. He nuaes the following wit nesses to prove his continooaa reaideBee npoa aad cultivation of said lead, vis: J. H. Henaer. Jasper McWilli&ms. BoyTaoapaoa aad Ofaarlea McAllister, an or U'rauoa, iseb. 48 Wx. Nxvnxx, Register. ? Land Offlce at Nortb Platte, Neb r'ebraary. 15, ISM. f Notice, is hereby given that tke faUowiag named settler has filed notice of hie iateatiea to make final proof in rapport of hie elaiat aad that said proof will be made before the Hagjetee aad Keceiver of U. 8. Land OSes at Norte Platte. Neb., on April 12th, 1880, rii: QaetavF. Meyer who made Homestead Entry No. 85K for, the southeast quarter sectiba 8, towa 13 Nraage 31 -W. He names the following witneaaee to prove aeentiauoaa residence a bob aad ealtivatiea of fcaidland, vizr Eeraaiu Beer, Max Beer, Adolph 'Sherry and Andreas Haha. all of North Platte, Jteb. ... 66 Wm. Nsnxxx. Begiater, NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT. In U. P. TIME TABLE. OOINQ EAST. No. 6 Chicago Express Dept5." a. 31. No. 4 Limited Fast Mail " 8:55 A. M. No. 2 Atlantic Express " 8:05 r. M. No. 22-Freight a 3:15 A M. GOINO WEST MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 1 Pacific Exoress Dept 5:15 A. M. No. 3 Limited Fast Mail " 2:05 a. m. No. 5 Denver Express " 9:10 p. M. No. 23-Freight " 7:50 a. m. J. U. Ferguson. Agent. NESBITT & ORIMES, Attorneys-at-Law, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBB. Office ovee Foley's Stoke. :d entis thy A. B. AYRES, D. D. S., Has located at North Platte to May. Of - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED John Gilpins Ride. It is evident from the speed attained by John Gilpin's horse that he was well cared for, and all owners of live stock should exercise caution and care by hav ing a reliable remedy at hand. Veteri nary Carbolisalve cures cuts, wounds, bruises, collar and saddle galls, sores, mange, thrush, scratches, inflamationsand all abrasions of the skin and diseases of the feet of horses and cattle quicker than any other remedy, and is the only prepa ration that invariably renews the hair in its original color. It is endorsed by Jay Eye See's driver and by prominent horse men generally. Large cans 1.00; Small cans 50 cts. Sold by all druggists. If you want the best sewing machine in the market, call and see me and get the Genuine Singer. Terms easy. Or if you want a Loan on your farm I can accomo date you without delay. Jas. P. Taylok. Office at Conway & Keith's. No. Platte. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Property owners and others are request ed to remove at once all refuse from the alleys bordering on their lots in com pliance with ordinance relating thereto. Syi,. Friend, Street Commissioner. LOOK OUT! If you buy one gallon of Paint, I give a good brush to put it on. This refers to any color you may select. Frank Peale, NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP opposite Idding's lumber and coal yard Horse shoeing a specialty. I do all gen eral iron work, wagon and carriage repairing. I solicit a share of the public patronage . W . J. Loftcs . C. M. DUNCKr,M. D. - Physician and Suretetyi v. Ottensts-Block,jup stairs! ircnvu to .us f- ra., z to a ana v - nesiaexf: oa n;t4,.)wapff? CH PLANTS, . . Doctor McNEIL SMITH, Graduate of tho Royal Colleges of Phsicians and Hnrgeons, Edinburgh, I- Office lo y p. m V -Notiee to Noa- Jteeideat Defea-daats. M TSIOIAlXr. Office and Residence, Wellfleet, - Nebraska. Superintendent's Notice. Until further notice I shall be found in the Superintendent's office in North Platte every Saturday, and during all of the last week of each month. Examina tions on third Saturday of each month. MARY E. IIOSFORD, County Supt. NOTICE TO CATTLE OWNERS. Do not turn your cows out until the herder calls for them. I shall certainly enforce the ordinance and impound every animal found running at large in the city limits. The Town Lot Co's addition is in the city limits . This notice applies to horses as well as cows. Syl Friend, Chief of Police. S50 REWARD. By virtno of the laws of tho State of Nebraska, I hereby offer a reward of Fifty Dollars for the captmo and conviction of any person charged with horse etealing in Lincoln county. D. A. BAKER, Sheriff. A. P. CARLSON, Merchant Tailor. Full line of piece goods always on hand and made to order. Only first-class workmen employed. Shop on Spruce Street over Hans Gertler & Co. In tho District Court of Lincoln county, Nob, Mary J. Neary, Tne rirt Na tional Bank of North Platte, A. P. Carlson, Benjamin llol teen and Charles F. Ormsby administrator of the estate of Mary J. Ormsby deceased, Notice. Plaintiffs, vs. , , Peter JIcMahan, jrngdalena Schwartz and lizzie Perry, Defendants. The above named defendants, Peter Mcllahan and Mogdalena Schwartz will take notice that on the 23th day of January, 1890, tho above named plaintiffs filed their petition in tho district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska against said defend ants, the object and prayer of which aro to havo two certain mortgago deeds which were executed and delivered to defendants, Peter McMahan and SIngdalena Schwartz whereby in one of said Mort gage deeds lot 5, block 1(XJ, in the city of North Platte, Nebraska, was on tho 21st day of February 1871 conveyed by C. M. Miller and A. J. Miller to eaid Magdalena Schwartz to secure, the payment of a certain promissory note in said mortgago de scribed as being due on tho 22d day of May 1871. And in the other said mortgage deed said lot 5 in block 103, was on the 27th day of February, 1870 conveyed by William Schwartz and Magdalena Schwartz to said defendant Peter McMahan, to se cure the payment of a certain promissory note in said mortgage described as being due on the 7th day of February 1871, declared null and void and a cloud upon the title of plaintiffs to said proper ty, and plaintiffs in said action pray that such cloud on their title be removed, and for such other relief as may be just and equitable. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 10th day of March 1890. Mart. J. Neabt, Fikst National Bake, A. P. Carlson, Benjamin HOLTEEN AND CHAS. F. ORMSBY Administrator. Plaintiffs. By J. S. Hoagland, Their Att'y Dated January 2ith, 1890. the District Court of Lin cola. Cevaty, Ne braska. The Mutual Building and Loan) Association or Norm Plane, Nebraska, Plaintiff, V8. Matthias Hook,Margaret Hook, I Joseph Mayer and Jane Butcher, T)fnn1antii- Joseph Mayer will take notice that on the 9th day of January, 1890, The Mutual Building and Loan Association or Nortn Platte, Nebraska, plaintiff herein, filed its. petition in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by ike de fendants to the plaintiff upon block seventy-foar (74) in the original town of. North Platte, Nebras ka, to secure the payment of a certain bond dated the 25th day of June, 1887, for the sum of twelve hundred dollars; by the terms of said bond there is due upon the same twelve doUars on eack and every month after its date, and upon failure to pay said monthly dues for three months, the entire principal sum of said bond to become due; that the monthly payments which Mcame duo Sept. 23th 188!), Oct. 26th, 18S9, Nov. 23d, 1889 and Dec 28th, 18S9 are still unpaid, and aa provided by said bond and mortgage, the plaintiff elects to declare the entire sum of said bond to be due, $1,200.00. There Is now due upon said bond and mortgage the sum of $1,200.00 with interest from Aug. 28th 1889. For which sum with interest at 7 per cent from August 28th 1889 plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required, to pay the same or that said promises be sold to satisfy the amount found due. Joseph Mayer claims some interest in said prem ises; the nature and extent of said Interest la to plaintiff unknown. You are required to answer eaid petition on or be fore the 7th day of April 1890. Dated Feb. 15th 1890. THE MUTUAL BUILDING I AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION OF NORTH PLATTE, NEB. By Nksbitt it Gram, W Its Att'y s. - In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Ne- oraeKB. Anglo-American Mortgage &) xrosc uo.., Plaintiff, ys, Herbert Ames, L. W. Talleya, Traetee, aad HarryfGlse. Defcadwifci. I To Herbert Ames and Harry Glass, noo-real lent deiMdaats. a v .- ov- in ana wr rasiLlii lonntv. tion ot the above named the defendants abovu named aha f orecloMnm nf a mortgage dated August 1st, '1888, to secure pay ment of promissory notes in the a am of $90, mado by Herbert Ames Uthe plaintiff on the southwest quarter of sectioiM, township 9 north, of range 27 west of 6th P.flL", in Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, upon which mortgage there is now dno $90 with interest, $10 taxes, $21 interest paid on prior mortgage, 5 attorneys' tees pro vided by said mortgage and costs. You are also notified that there is on file in the office of the clerk of said court the cross-petition in said cause of L. W. Tnlleys, trustee, claiming against tho plaintiff and his co-defendants the foreclosure of a trust deed given by said Herbert Ames to said Tnlleys, trustee, to secure the pay ment of a conpon bond in the sum of 1600.00, dated August 1st, 1888, to the order of Clarence K. He?se. upon which there is now duo the sum of $621 with interest at ten per cent per annum from August 1st, 1889; eaid trust deed conveys for tho pnrpose above stated tho property above described; said cross-petition also claims $60 attorneys' fees, provided in said bond and trust deed, $2.55 for extending abstract of title and costs of suit. Ypa are required to appear and answer said petition and cross petition on or before Monday the 31st day of March, 1890. Dated February 12, 1890. ANGLO-AilEMCAX MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., &1 L. W. TULLEYS, Trustee. . In the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska. Albert C. Burnham, Lysander") W, Tnlleys and James N, Hrown ico-partners as Born hnm, Tnlleys and Company, Plaintiffs, vs. Zenas Logue, Alice M. Logue, L. W. Tnlleys. Trustee, Wil liam Whitcomb and John P. Hillman, Defendants. OVv Vnnna Trmn A K T T TlTMi: Whitcomb and John P, Hillman, non-resident defendants. You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of tho clerk of the district court in and for Lincoln county, Neb., the petition of the above named plaintiffs claiming of tho de fendants above named the foreclosure of a mort gage dated Jnly 2, 1888, to secure the payment of promissory notes in the sum of $60, made by Zenas Logue and wife to the plaintiffs on tho east half of the southwest quarter and lota 3 and 4 of section 30, township 9 north.of range 34 west, of 6th P. M., in Lincoln county, Nobraska,upon which mortgage thero is now due $60 with inter est, $ taxes, $14.00 interest paid on prior mortgage, $ attorneys fees provided by said mortgago and costs. Yoa are also notified that there is on filo in the office of the clerk of said court the cross-petition in said cause of L. W. Tnlleys, trustee, claiming against the. plain tiffs and his co-defendants the foreclosure of a trust deed given by said Zenas Logue and wife to said Tnlleys, trustee, to secure the payment of a coupon bond in the sum of $400, dated July 2. 1888, to tho order of Clarence K. Hesse, upon which there is now duo tho snm of $411.00, with interest at ton per cent from July 2, 18S9; said trust deed conveys for the purpose above stated the Dron- erty above described; said cross-petition also claims $40 attorneys' fees, provided in said bond and trust deed, S285 for extending abstracts of title and costs of suit. Yon are required to appear and answer said petition and cross-petition on or before Monday the 31at dny of March. 1890, Dated February 12, 1890. BURNHAM, TULLEYS AND COMPANY. S Ij. W. TULLEYS, Trustee. UNDERTAKING. Notice to Non- iKsident Defendant. I hereby announce that I havo opened out a large stock of Undertaker's supplies B&cli as Metallic and Cloth Draped CASKETS, Wooden Caskets, - And Burial Cases. Al!" & 8t(?k f Shrouds, Linings. Trim mings, itc. In connection I have one of tne nnest hearses in the west. Prompt attention to calls in the city or conn try. Rooms on West Fifth St. SAML. ADAMS, Prop. 1 j, . I i .X