Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, September 18, 1889, Image 5

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    Star Boot & Shoe Store
We Handle all the Best Brands of
Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Sie.
X-iO"w 3Ea,rglns for Cstslb.-
Our Stock is the Largest in Western Nebraska and no one
can fail to be suited.
When in need of anything in our line.
OTTEIT, - Proprietor.
TTiirci Door KTox'tlx
of Fostoffice.
Tuesday at Manhattan, Kansas,
William P. Higinbotham, president
of the Blue Valley Bank, was con
victed of grand larceny, the prose
eution resulting from the suspen
sion of the hank last January,
when the ledger showed a deficit of
is a Bafe, reliable and pleasant remedy for concha
colds, bronchi tie, asthma and all throat troubles;
will relieve and benefit consumption. Try it
and be convinced. Every bottle -warranted; price
V)c and $1 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Pre
pared by the Emmert Proprietary Co., Chicago.
There is a rush for home on the
part of American tourists. Some
200 of them couldn't get berths on
Saturday, and had to wait over in
London, Liverpool, and Glasgow.
The big London strike has tied up
the Wilson steamers.
Hafpt floHs Blood Pubifleu is the people's
popular medicine for purifying the blood; pre"
venting or curing dyspepsia, biliousness, head,
nche, boils and all fevers and malarial diseases.
Price 50 cents and one dollar per bottle.
George Schroeder & Co., of Oma
ha, and McCambridge, Schroeder &
Co., of Fremont, Nebraska, com
mission merchants and cold storage
men, gave chattel mortgages to the
First National Bank of Omaha, for
$22,050.58 to secure their notes for
that amount. Their failure is- due
to speculation in butter.
The endorsement of German Syrup i3 nnpar
allellod. Wo will publish 1000 testimonials re
ceived during the la3t six months, ltcndthcm
May save youi life.
W. L. Scott, the great coal mine
owner, has no pennies to add to the
wages of miners, but in the next
Democratic campaign the Nationnl
comimrtee will call on him to
"whock up" 50,000 and he will
likely do it. He is amoug the great
Democratic leaders and Grover
"ii l il i f l
oieveiana s njnit-nana man.
Queen Victoria was much nleased cxecute' ,88UC ana acmer me
wriilp in Wales with the mnqif of The form in which the above and foregoing
wniie m wares wjvu iub music or. itionehall De 8abmitted shall be by ballot.
the Welshmen. Due especially unon which ballot ehall be printed or written, or
liked their singing and their man- rt. or wmum ine word8 rolIowln'
irmlafinn Of the hart). Atone din- "For Railroad -Bonds and Tax, Yes" or "For
ner eight harps played dunng the And if two-thirds of the votes cast thall have
i,nnni,0; t nf thorn wpro hrnthprc i inereou uits wuruo -iur ruiiruwi oonu ana iax,yes '
banquet, oix or tnem were protners, tnc gaid proposition ehall be declared adopted and
Under the leadership OI tneir iatner, if more than one-third of the votes cast shall have
i n ii i j i Liiuruuu iuu nuiuo rui ruiirimu ihiiihh nnn t:t
mhA nwnanrnrt m Til 1 1 nam if. ii is- i i 11 f.t si e v ; rz .
W I III flllllCOJ IjU AAA -.w
tnme. with a can antique form, blue
robes and a red girdle. One Sun
day a few choristers were brought
" mm 111
thirtv-hve miles to sing at tne
Queen's nrivate service, On the
" i . , -i
whole, Victoria was much pleased
with her visit.
no." the said proposition shall be declared lost.
at Land Office
I at Court
3 at Hoso
Undo Sam's bone and nerve liniment will re
lieve sprains, brnieee, neuralgia and rheumatism.
boia oy an uruggisis.
The wedding of Emmons Blaine
and Miss McCormic, at Richfield
Springs, September 20, will take
place at noon, in the Presbyterian
Church, where Dr. S. N. V. Holmes
officiate, assisted by the-faniilv min
ister from Chicago. The invita
tions for the important event will
be general, but only a limited nam
1 1 1 1 11 ll IT
npr wi no nsKeci to tne jvennina-
breakfast to be given immediately
after the ceremony, at Clayton
Lodge, the heautitul cottage where
Mrs. Mc Connie and family have
i ft
spent tneir summers ior seven or
seasons past.
A Safe Investment,
is onu which is guaranteed to bring you satis
fatcory results, or in case of failure a return of
purchase price. On this sofa plan you can buy
from our advertised druggist a bottlo of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is
guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when
used for any affection of the throat, lungs or
chest, euch as consumption, lnliammation of tho
Jungs, uronchitis, asthma, whooping cough,
croup, eta. It is pleasant and agreeablo to taste,
perfectly safe, and can always be depended
upon. Trial boles free at A. F. Streits's drug
store. i
Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Window Glass.
Fine Brandies, Wines, Whiskies and Cigars.
The best and strongest. Scientifically constructed. A positive and
unfailing cure for many diseases in which medicine fails. Liver,
stomach and kidney diseases, dieases of the blood, cataiTh,
skin diseases, lung troubles, rheumatism, female com
plaints, paralysis, nervous debility, seminal
weakness, impotency, itc.
A Permanent Wall Coating, adapted for Solid Wall Relief work;
Also for Plain Work.
Your orders solicited. Prompt attentiou given.
Merit Wins.
We desire to say to our citizevts that for yearn
we have been selling Dr. King's Now Discovery
for Consumption, Dr. King's Now Life Tills,
Bucklen's Arnica Salve und Electric Hitters anil
nave never nanoieu reincmes mat sea as well, v.r
that have given such universal satisfaction. Wo
do not hesitate to guamntoo them every time,
and wo stand ready to refund tho purchase prico
if aitisfactory results do not follow their us.
These remedies havo won their great popnlarif
purely on their merits. A. F. Strcitz. druggist. 1
Something over
iel Burns, an
Last summer New York dumped
large quantities of fresh fruit inro
the bay, that an excess of some- i
thing that the world craves should
not knock the bottom out of mark
et prices. San Francisco is now do
ing the same thing. One day last
week dealers dumped 5.000 melons
into the bay. Most sank shortly.
Boatmen harvested the rest.
Uncle Sam's Condition Powder will cure dis
tempers, coughs, colds, fevers and most of the
diseases to which horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and
poultry are subject, bold by all druggists.
worms and remove them from tho system. Safe,
pleasant ana eltective.
a year asro Dan-
adopted son of Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Burns, ran a nail in
one of his eyes and shortly after
the accident was sent to Omaha for
treatment, but the treatment failed
to eiCect a cure and he retruned last
wee!:, ai most totally blind in both
eyed. During his stay at Omaha
he was in the care of the Sisters of
Charity, and being a bright child
natu.-iltv, he has learned to talk the
ucrniiiii language qune nuentiy, as
learn the blind alphabet.
one so young in years his aflflic-
unc. Gothenburg Inde-
1 1
woil as
r or
Said election to be held at the f alio wine
in said couuty, viz:
In North Platte Precinct Norl
In North Platte Precinct No. 2 at Court
In North Platte Precinct No.
In Nichols Precinct nil voters residing north
of South Platte river vote at District Number
Eleven School House, all electors residinc south
of South Platto River at Mills school hoose Dis
trict Twenty-six,
In Sunshine Precinct at residence of Charles
In JFairviow Precinct at ExcAlsinr cMinnl
In Morrow Precinct at Bateman school
In Miller Precinct at school house, district
no. ay.
In Osgood Precinct at tho Bratt school
In Mylander Precinct at the Log school
In Cottonwood Precinct at school house, Dis-
(net no.
In Walker Precinct at school houso in District
No.3 5,
In Deer Creek Precinct at Deer Creek school
In i ox Creek Precinct at school house, Dist.
No. 12.
in uucnanan irccmcr at Mr. uusseii s resi
In Mcdicino Precinct at Davis' store in Well-
In Somerset Precinct at B. & M. depot
In Willow Precinct at tho Keeler school
In Dickens Precinct at school house, district
No. 60.
In Wallace Precinct, at Fred Bentloy's law of-
nce, town or Wallace
In Well Precinct at the school houso in dis
trict -n.
In Birdwood Precinct, electors residing north
of NorUi Platto river at Bratt's ranch, section 2,
town It. rango 33; electors residing south of
tho North Platto river at U. P. denor. O'Fnllon
In Hall Precinct at tho Hall school houso.
In Maxwell Precinct at tho school houso dis
trict No. 7,
In Rrady Island Precinct electors residing
north of tho Platto river and on the islands of
said river, at Uio Union Pacific dnnot nt' Hrnd v
isjanu suiuon; electors residing eoutn of Platte
river at juarcott school houso on section 10,.l
iown ii, niugo s.t.
In Garfield nrecinct at West school Iionsn in,
In Whittier nrecinct at residence of D. E.
In Myrtle nrecinct at school house, district
-o. 2v,
In Harrison nrecinct. electors residing in
town 10, range 2o, at school house on section 7,
town lti, ranee 26; electors residing in town 15,
ranco 20. nt Kilmer nostoffice.
Tho noils at said election shall hn nnpnwl nt
eigiu o ciock in me morning and shall continue
open until six o'clock in th nftrrnoon nf suiifl
day ami said, election shall bo conducted in tho
manner provided by law.
By order of the Board ot County Commission
ers of Lincoln County, tliis 3d day of September.
A, D. 1S89.
-Lestkr Walker,
J. L. McAllister,
M. Obeest.
County Commission era
Aiicsu.J. ii. 15VANS, county Clerk.
By C. P. Dick. Deputy.
HAT is meant by ' free alkali,' Doctor? I see it mentioned
in the advertisements of Ivory Soap."
.... .... , -ii.
" Free Alkali,' Madam, is the alkali whicn is not comDinea wun
the fats or oils of which the soap is made, due to the ignorance or
carelessness of the soap maker. Soaps in which 'free alkali' is
present are decidedly injurious to both the clothing and the skin
when habitually used. I have seen reports of analysis made of the
Ivory Soap by men eminent in our profession, and all pronounce it
to contain no 'free alkali,' to be made with great care and of ma
terials of the best quality, carefully selected, so I -unhesitatingly rec
ommend it for every purpose about the house for which good soap
is required.''1
There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory ;
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of
the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it.
Copyright 1836, by Procter & Gamble.
is a sad
The now vegetable tonic-nltcrntivo and blood
purifier is in tho shapo of a pleaeant syrup, and
contains in a concentrated form tho most
valuable vegetable curatives, which havo been
developed by modern medical and scientific
research. It acts directly upon tho blood,
through it imparting vigor to tho entire system
Dn. Jaoues' Germas Worm Cakes destroy ywd eradicating disease, and is nnequaled ns a
ometPiing fTew for Jadies
The Most Elegant Shoe Ever Made.
Manufacturers of MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FINE SHOES.
We are prepared to supply a lone-felt want, and for this shoe we
FECT FITTING SHOE MADE. It fits on the foot like a glove on
the hand. It is not cumbersome like the button shoe that has four or
five thicknesses of leather over the instep, but tbs- shoe has but one
thickness and presents a seamless, glove-fitting front, comfortable to the
foot and pleasing to the eye.
This shoe differs materially from the "old side lace. That had from
18 to 24 eyelets, double cord, and pulled on sideways, while this shoe has
but eight eyelets, pulls on straight and is held in place by a low gore,
inserted on each side'of the shoe, which is covered and protected by the
top, and is adjusted to the ankle by lacing on the inside, giving to the
foot a very slim and small appearing form. This shoe cannot break in
the back, and neither are you inconvenienced by constantly re-sewing
buttons or repairing button holes. This shoe is being placed in all good
towns, and its success and popularity are assured. We feel confident if
you will trv a pair of these shoes you will not be satisfied with any others.
Would" be pleased to have you call and make a personal inspection
of this shoe aud think it will interest you.
Yours Respectfully.
P. H. McEvoy,
Carries in stock a fine line of
Special attention given to repairing
Near Loudon, N. H., on Tuesday,
Joel S. Ordway, aged 80, was rob
bed of 80,500 by two confidence
men at the point of a revolver.
Ordway had drawn the money from
the bank to show that he was able
to support his title to his farm,
which he wanted to sell, and for
the purchase of which one of the
swindlers pretended to be
BtTCklin's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,,
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever soros. tetter,
chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin
eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay re
quired. It is Ruaroniccd to civo satisfaction or
money refunded. Trice 25 cents por box. Foi
sale by A. F. Streitz.
M. Barbedienne, the famous
bronze founder of Paris exhibits a
clock valued at 70,000. Tt is a
bell tower of the richest Italian
style, made of chiseled copper,
adorned with mosaics and paint
ings, with columns and panels of
euro far Scrofulous, Cancerous and other humors,
whether constitutional or otherwise, Catarih,
Ithcumntisrc. Dyspepsia, Dropsy, sick and
nervous headache, female weakness, and all
blood, liver and kidney diseases. Prico 1. Sold
by A. 8. Strcifc.
1 11 1 t 1
rea maroie, ana witn
niches modeled by
Eudes and Noel. It
twelve feet high.
i i i i
statuettes in
the sculptors
stands' about
Ballard's Snow Liniment.
Tlua wonderful remedy is guaranteed to cure
Neuralgia. It is a positivo cure. It will cure
Rheumatism no matter of how long standing. It
will cure the dull aching pain in tho small of the
lack. It will cure nil sprains and bruises. It
will instantly take out tho firo from a scald or
burn, and stop all pain. It is tho most, pene
trating liniment in the world. It is good for all
inflamation. It is guaranteed to do all claimed
for it or money refunded. A. F. Streity, Agent.
In his letter announcing his can
didacy for Congress Mr. John L.
bulhvan says: "I will have no
trouble about getting a hearing in
Congress or in making people pay
attention to what I say." There is
not a doubt of it. He" would be the
Democratic leader from" the open
session. No lfian pver receives
John's strongest arguments with
out feeling impressed with them.
Ask Jake Kilrain. Inter Ocean.
Marvelous Success.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup has been a marvel
ous success from its inception. There is no
cough it will not relieve. It is guaranteed to re
lieve all throat and lunir ailments nnH fnr irnnn
sore throat, whooping cough, and all coughs its
action is very remarkable. Ask for BALLARD'S
HOREHOUND 8YRDP and take no other kind,
and you will not bo disappointed. A. F. Streitz.
Agent. i
The article of incorporation and
plat of the survey of the M. R. N.
P. & D. R. R. company were filed
with J. J Brown, county clerk. I
Tuesday Sept. 3d. The question of
voting aia to tne com pan v will be
submitted to a vote bv townshins
through which the survev passes.
The surveyed file enters the county
plat on the northwest cornor of
the southwest quarter of section six
township seventeen ranse twentv-
five and runs through the countv
easterly passing through Arnold,
Broken Bow, Westerville and Lee
Park, passing out of the countv on
the east of the southeast quarter of
section twenty-five township seven
teen range seventeen. Broken
Bow Republican.
Eii.kbt's Dayugut LivkU Pills are a boon to
Enflereis from sick headache, sour stomach, tor
pid liver and indigestion. Sugar-coated, pleas
ant to take and warranted to go through by daylight.
Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of
Lincoln county m the State of Nebraska that a
special election will be held at the places of voting
in sain uonnty or Lincoln and btate of .Nebraska
hereinafter closiimated on the 5th day of October,
1SS9, for the purpose of voting upon the following
Shall the County Commissioners of the County
of Lincoln and State of Nebraska, issue and give
to the Missouri Itivcr. North Hatte and Denver
Railway Company, a corporation duly organized
and existing under the laws of the State of
Nebraska, or the assigns of said Missouri River,
North Platte aud Denver Railway Company the
coupon bonds of said Lincoln County, to the
amount of One Hundred Fifty Thousand
Dollars to aid in the construction of a railroad
into the said County of Lincoln, upon the line of
survey as shown by the plat filed by said Missouri
Itivcr. North Platte and Denver Railway Com
pany in the Clerks office of Lincoln County. State
of Nebraska, on the 2d day of September, iSyfl.
Said bonds to be issued in the sum of One
Thousand ($1,U0) Dollars each, to be made pay
able to bearer, to be dated on the first dav of July,
A. D., 1S!0, and to be numbered One (1) t One
Hundred and Fifty (lo0) inclusive.
Number One (1) to Fifteen (13) inclusive, to
become due and payable on the first day of .Tulv,
A. D. mil.
Numbers Sixteen (10) to Thirty (30) inclusive,
to become due and payable on the first day of July,
A. D. 1912.
Numbers Thirty-one (31) to Forty-five (15)
inclusive, to become due and payable on the first
day or July, A. D. 1013
Numbers Forty-six (40) to Sixty (GO) inclusive,
to become due and payable on the first day of
July, A. D. 1914.
Numbers Sixty-one (Gl) to Seventy-five (75) in
clusive, to becomo due and payable on the first
day of July, A. D. 1915.
Numbers Seventy-six (7G) to Ninety (90) in
elusive, to become due and payable on the first
day of July, A. D. 1910.
Numbers Ninety-one (91) to One Hundred and
Five (105) inclusive, to become due and payable
on the first day of July, A. D. 1917.
Numbers One Hundred and Six (100) to One
Hundred and Twenty (120) inclusive, to become
due and payable on the first day of July, A. D.
Numbers One Hundred and Twenty-one. l'Jl to
One Hundred and Thirty-five 135J inclusive to
become due and payable on the First day of July,
A. I). 1919.
Nnmbers One Hundred and Thirty-six 130J to
Oue Hundred and Fifty 150J inclusive to become
due and payable on the First day of July A. D.
All or said bonds to bear interest at the rate of
Five 5J per cent per annum payable annually on
the First day of July in each year upon coupons
thereto attached, both interest and principal to
be payable at the fiscal agency of the State ot
Nebraska in the City otNcw York.
And shall the said County Commissioners ot
the said County ot Lincoln cause to be levied
upon the taxable nronertv of said countv a tax
annually sutlicient for the payment of the interest
on me saui coupon bonds as it becomes due.
And after the expiration of twenty years from
the date of said bonds and each year thereafter,
shall the said County Commissioners or the
said Lincoln County cause to be levied upon the
taxable property ot sai'l county a tax sutlicient
to pay said bonds as they become due and paya
ble. Provided, however, that said County or Lincoln
shall only be liable to pay interest on said bonds
from the time said railway" company or its as
signs shall be entitled to receive said bonds as
hereinafter provided; and provided further that
the said bonds shall be issued to the said llailway
Company or its assigns in the manner and on the
consideration following, to-wit:
Said Missouri River, North Platte and Denver
Railroad Company or its assigns shall construct,
maintain and operate or cause to be constructed,
maintained and operated, a first-class railmad or
uniform gauge into said County or Lincoln, on
the line ot survey as shown by the said plat ot
survey filed by said railwav comnanv in the Clerks
office ot said county and shall establish and
maintain passenger and freight depots at the towns
of North Platte and Wallace in said County of
Lincoln, on their said line of survey and at such
other places thereon as such Company 6r its
assigns shall deem necessary.
And shall commence work on said road, in the
said Lincoln County, on or before the first day of
January, A. D. 1891. And that said Railway
Company or its assigns shall be entitled to and
receive all of said bonds when said road is graded,
tied and ironed to the said town of Wallace and
completed ready for the running of trains, and
trains running thereon on or before the first day
of January, A. D. 1892.
And in case of the failuic to commence the
work on said road, in said Lincoln County, on or
before the first day of January, A. D. 1891, and the
failure to complete said road to the said town of
Wallace, on or before the said first day of January,
A. D. 1892, neither said company or any ot its
assigns shall be entitled to any portion or said
Said bonds shall be executed and issued by the
proper officers ot said County and delivered to said
Company, or its assigns within thirty days after
the completion or said railroad to said townot
V allace, as aforesaid.
m And it two-thirds or the votes cast at said elec
tion shall be in favor of the proposition hereby
submitted then said County Commissioners of
Lincoln County, shall be authorized to execute,
issue and deliver said coupon bonds as herein
will be prosecuted to the full extent of
the law.
8w Paxton & Heiisiiey.
Property owners and others are reoupst-
cd to remove at once all refuse from the
alleys bordering on their lots in com
pliance with ordinance relating thereto.
Street Commissioner.
To whom it may concern :
The commissioner appointed to locate a rnwl
commencing at the intersection of the section linn
between sections 8 and 9, town 11, range 33, and
the south bank of the North Platte rivci. thnnrn
easterly about one half mile te the south end of
Birdwood bridge over the North Platte river, has
reported in favor of the establishment thereof,
and all objections thereto er claims for flnmnwH i
must be filed in the county clerk's office on or
before noon Monday. thc2Sth dav of October. 1RP
or such roaA will be established witnout reference
thereto. J. E. Evans, County Clerk.
Ry C. Dick, Dcpnty.
T77"a,g:ori.s, Ca,rrla,gres, B-u-grgles,
Agents for the Celebrated
Goodhue and Challenge Wind Mills.
Agents for Union Sewing Machines.
Locust Street,
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
The National Building,
By virtue of order of snln i.snMl hv W. n V1A
Neb., upon a judgment rendered in said Court in
iavor oi wm. .;. uoguo against JLucien Stebbins.
Elizabeth Stebbins nnd Patrick Walsh, I have
levied on tho south forty-four (.44) feet of lot one
f 1) nnd two (2). in hlonlc nnmher nnn l.nnrl-l
and seventeen (1171. inthn oitv of Xnrtu Pintto
Lincoln county. Neb., and 1 will, on the 2ith dav
of bcDtember. 18S9. nt 1 o'clock in tho nftnn
of said day, nt the front door of the Court house
of said county, in North Platte, snl!
cstnto at public nution to tho hfphnst. hirlrfnf
cash: to satisfy said nrrlor nf snlo tho nmAnnto
tlue, costs, and accruing costs.
D. A. Baker,
i. Sheriff of Lincoln County, Nebraska
State of Neukaska, J
Lincoln- County, f 66
In the District Court thereor or the Tenth Ju
dicial District. A
The N cbraska Loan and Trust Co.,
Plaintiff, '
George M. Uobbitt, Anna L. Bob
bin, his wife; II. It. Gttman and
Thomas Killiher. Defendants.
The above named defendants, Thomas Killiher
and II. It. Ottman, and each of them, arc hcrby
notified that the above named plaintiff has filed
in the above named court its petition against
them and the other defendants above named,
the object and prayer of which petition arc to
foreclose a mortgage bearing date October first,
18S6, executed by the defendants, George M.
Bobbitt and Anna L. Bobbitt. his wif tho
plaintiff, on the north-west quarter (J4) of section
twenty-four (24) in township twelve (12) north,
range thirty (30) west of the sixth principrl mcri-
uian. in Lincoln county, Nebraska, and to have said
real estate appraised and sold to satisfy and dis-
cnarge me ueut wun interest ami costs which said
mortgage was given to secure. The said defendants
Thomas Killiher and II. It. Ottman are further
notihcu mat tney are required to appear and
answer said petition on or before Monday, the
Htli clay or Uctobcr, 1SS9.
Tun Nebraska Loan and Tkust Co.
"l."d By John M. Hag an, its Att'y
Showing the cost and profit to be derived by the borrower of Sl,000 in
five years. The borrower having heen a shareholder six months, and
holding thirteen shares, has made anDlication for a loan, and his nnnlinn.
. , , - - J J-J-.-W-
tion nas been accepted and approved.
He has paid in admission fee on thirteen shares at $2,00 per share
He has paid six monthly installments at GO cents per share, amounting to
$7.80 per month
Ho has paid two quarterly installments of 2T) cents per share, nmonnting to
$3.25 each
Now he pays on the last Saturday of each month a monthly installment of
GO cents a shore
Al6o his interest at livo per cent per annum on $1,000, payabie monthly "
Also his premium nt five Der cent ner annnm on Si nnn nnvnhlr.
monthly ........ ....
As all protectivo installments are returnable, total monthly payment evenl
tnally, except such times as there may be a quarterly installment
In fonr and one-half years (or 54 months) tho balance of tho unexpired
time of nve years, ho will havo paid as installments, interest and pre
mium Also add the remainder of quarterly instaUments! eighteen at"$2Teach!."
lo amount invested, aside from protective instaUments, which are return
able owing to the return protectivo installment plan adopted by tho
The certificate of shares having nVaYnVed'is" worth $V,3b5rwhicli whY nay the
loan and leaven surplus of $300, thus eventually tho borrower has had
tne use of S1,000 since six months after becoming a shareholder, and
has cleared a handsome profit of
Hi DRU G G I S T. !
Orders from the country and along the line' of the Union
Pacific Railway Solicited.
it. jr. broekerT
Merchant Tailor,
TJy virtue of an order of sale issued by W. (3.
Elder, clerk of the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure
rendered in said court in favor of Edward L.
Pearso against John Campbell, CarroU C. Haw
kins nnd Joseph D. Hawkins, et. ol., I have
levied npon tho following reul estate of Joseph
D. Hawkins to-wit: Ijot one (1) and the north
east quarter of tho northwest quarter and the
northwest quarter of tho northeast quarter of
section nineteen (19) and tho south-
cast quarter of tho southwest quarter of
section .eighteen (18) all in township nine (9)
north, 61 range twenty-nine west, and I will on
Saturday, tho 21st day of September, 1889, at ono
o'clock of said day, nt tho front door of tho
court houso of said county, in North Platte, sell
said real estate at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash to satisfy said order of sale, the
amount duo thereon in the aggregato being tho
snm of $488.85 with ten per cent interest thereon
from October 9th, 1888, and $32.59 costs and ac
cruing costs.
North Platto, Neb.. Aug. 19, 1889.
325 D. A. Baker, Sheriff.
Tho new vegetable Tonic-Alterative and
Blood Purifier acts upon tbo blood and
through that upon all tho organs and
tissues, and Its vitalizing and enriching
effect reaches every part of tho body and
imparts healthy life and vigor to all Its
functions, hence its great valuo as a
Spring Medicine
For expelling tho humors which rankle In
the Bystcm at this season of tho year. It
tones the stomach, creates an appetite, pro
motes healthy digestion, regulates tho bow
els, renews and enriches tho blood and
builds up the system whilo it eradicates
disease. Bludbllder cures Dyspepsia, Indi
gestion, Costiveness, Heartburn, 8ick Head
ache, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Boils, Scrofula,
and diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys. OD. short notice and at reasonable rafpq TT t. j ii
.Pleasant to take and tho dose Is smalL' mnn n , "SSS6 J?!. He? 0arded by the
trice fl; six for fa. Prepared only oy J.
W. Colo & Co., Black River Falls .Wis.
Sold Toy A. 1
embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order '
ojituue ocreec, next door to Fost office.
Liveey Stable
Toy P. TXT. Besac?,
streitz. 1 jSTOHTH PLATTE.