Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, September 01, 1889, Image 4

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    m r
Star Boot & Shoe Store
We Handle all the Best Brands of
Boots, Shoes, Slippers, te.
Low iwdCaorglri.s for CsusEi-
Our Stock is the Largest in Western Nebraska and no one
can fail to be suited.
When in need of anything in our line.
OTTEN, . - IEx6prietor.
TThl-rci. Door CToxrtlx of
' '
Patent Medicines, Paints, 0ils,T3rushes, Window Glass.
Pine Brandies, Wines, Whiskies, and Cigars.
The best and strongest. Scientifically constructed. A. positive and
uti failing cure for many diseases in which medicine fails. Liver,
stomach and kidney diseases, dieases of the blood, catarrh,
skin diseases, lung troubles, rheumatism, female com
plaints, paralysis, nervous debility, seminal
weakness, impotency, etc.
A Permanent Wall Coating, adapted for Solid Wall Relief work:
N Also for Plain Work.
Your orders solicited. Prompt attention given.
Something fJew for ladies
The Most Elegant Shoe Ever Made.
Manufacturers of MEN'S
Wo nn nmtijirpil tn snnnlv a lonsr-felt want, and for this shoe we
FECT FITTING SHOE MADE. It fits on the foot like a glove on
the baud. It is not cumbersome like the button shoe that has four or
five thicknesses of leather over the instep, but tb' shoe has but one
thickness and presents a seamless, glove-fitting front, comfortable to the
foot and pleasing to the eye.
This sboe differs materially from the "old side lace. That had from
18 to 24 eyelets, double cord, and pulled on sideways, while this shoe has
but eight eyelets, pulls on straight and is held in place by a low gore,
inserted on each side of the shoe, which is covered and protected by the
top, and is adjusted to the ankle by lacing on the inside, giving to the
foot a very slim and small appearing form. This shoe cannot break in
the back, and neither are you inconvenienced by constantly re-sewing
buttons or repairing button holes. This shoe is being placed in all good
towns, and its success and popularity are assured. We feel confident if
you willftrv a pair of these shoes you will not be satisfied with any others.
Would" be pleased to have you call and make a personal inspection
of this shoe aud think it will interest you.
Yours Respectfully. s
c. c. NOBLE,
Victoria Morosim, the danghter
of the millionaire, who married her
father's coachman several years
ago and started on the stage,, has
done satisfactory penance tor her
social sin, and is again with her
father as a modest but attractive
belle of Saratoga.
Eilebt'b Extbaot of Tab and Wild Chxbr
is a B&fe, reliable and pleasant remedy for coughs
colds, bronchitis, asthma and all throat troublea;
will relieve and benefit consumption. Try it
and be convinced. Every bottle warranted; price
10c and $1 Per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Pre
pared by the Emmert Proprietary Co., Chicago.
Ha ppt Howe Blood Puxikikk is the people's
popular medicine for purifying the blood; pre'
Tenting or curing dyspepsia, buionsness, head
ache, boils and all fevers and malarial diseases.
Price 50 cents and one dollar per bottle.
Four tramps were sold out to ser
vice at public auction in Moberly,
Mo. Two bought $2 each for four
months1 service, one 75 cents, and
the other could not find a purchas
er. The Missouri tramp is proba
ble a more industrious individual at
the dinner table than in the field,
and the people know it.
Uncle Sam's (Condition Powder will core dis
tempers, coughs, colds, fevers and most of the
diseases to which horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and
poultry are subject. Sold by all druggists.
Dr. Jaques' Gebman Wobm Cakes destroy
worms and remove them from the system. Safe,
pleasant and effective.
General Sherman has received by
express a clam weighing twelve
pounds and measnring over a foot
across the shell, preserved in alco
hol. It was sent from Olympia,
W. T., as a voucher for the truth
of his tales about the wonders of
the Pacific coast.
After a' hundred 'years in Edin
burgh, the famous firm of Messers.
A. and C. Black are about to move
their headquarters from the Scot
tish capital to London. The houses
of Blackwood and Chambers re
mained in the North, but each had
a branch establishment in London .
The Boston girls are not emigrat
ing to Washington Territory and
Idaho to find hushands. They pro
pose to marry in the old way after
an old-fashioned courtship or not
mary at all. The Boston girls are
sensible. JThg girl that jumps into
a grab-bag to find a husband doesn't
discover her mistake until the
string is drawn and she made fast
to a life of misery.
Merit Wins;
We desire to say to our citizeas that for years
we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills,
Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters and
have never handled remedies that sell as well, or
that have given such universal satisfaction. We
do'not hesitate to guarantee them every time,
and we stand ready to refund the purchase price
if satisfactory molts do not follow
These remedies have won their great
purely on their merits. A. F. Streitz,
Mothers wUl find Dr. WincheU's Teething Sy
rup just the medicine to have in the house for
the children; it will care coughs, colds,
throat and regulate the bowels. Try it.
their use
druggist. 1
Eilkbt's Daylight Liver Pills ore a boon to
sufferers from sick headache, eour stomnch, tor
pid liver and indigestion. Sugar-coated, pleas
ant to take and warranted to go through by dav-light.
John Twohic. aed sivf.v.
a i o j i
four miles west of Jackson in Da
kota county was badly hurt a few
days ago by being struck with a
hay-fork while stacking hay. He
fell a distance of twelve feet, break
ing his breast bone, several ribs
1 111 WT
ana a collar none, ills recovery
Uncle Sam's bone and nervo liniment -will re
lieve sprains, broiees, ncuralgin nnd rheumatism.
Sold by all druggists.
Toads about the size of
beans obstructed the railroad track
last week near Utica. They cover
ed the rails for about seventy-five
feet and in some places were three
or four inches deep. It is supposed
the heavy storm a few hours previ
ous was responsible for the phenomenon.
P. H. McEvoy,
Carries in stock a fine line of
Special attention given to repairing
Ballard's Snow Liniment.
This wonderful remedy is guaranteed to euro,
Neuralgia. It is a positivo cure. It will chre
iliieuniatism no matter of how Jong standing. It
back. It will cure nil sprains and bruises. It
will instantly take out the firoirom a scald or
burnt and stop all painitis the most pene-
umuig j raiment rauieworia. it is good lor all
inftamat;on. It is guaranteed to do all claimed
Jor it or money refunded . A. F. Stfeity, "Agent.
The late Mr. Thaw, of Pittsburg,
Pa., had 81,000,000 invested in the
In man steamship line, 83,500,000
in a 10,000-acre farm, and 1,000,
000 in Pennsylvania Railroad stock.
He also has a large amount of
money invested in other enterprises.
It is said that he spent 200,000 a
year in charity.
Bucklin's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises,
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter.
chnppou hands, chilblains, corns and all skin
eruptions, ana positively
quired. It is guarante
money refunded. Prir
sale by A. F. Streitz.
A Philadelphion named Hum
phrey, who has been enioviner the
delights at Bar Harbor, has a high
appreciation of the honesty of the
colored servants on board the boat
running down, to Boston. Mr.
Humphrev left his purse, contain
ing $260, under his pillow, and it
was found by a servant and for
warded to him.
The endorsement of Herman nrrnn is unpar-
allelled. We will publish 1000 testimonials re
ceived during the last six months. Read them
May save youi life.
August 20th, 1889.
The board met pursuant to ad-
Commissioners Walker, McAllis
ter and.Oberst and I. A. Fort, sur
veyor, proceeded to Brady Island
precinct and there measured the
site of the proposed new bridge,
finding the same to be 4427 feet in
several stations, and of the whole
2187 feet" will require ice breaks
and 2240 feet is over small
channels and small tow-heads and
will not require ice breaks.
The board -then idionrned to
meet August 21st.
August 21st, 1889.
The board met pursuant to ad
journ men 1.
Present full board and
Bill of Thomas Drummond, wit
ness, allowed.
A committee of the city council
of North Platte presented to the
board a proposition to hire an ac
countant to ascertain the amount
due the city and county from the
present and preceding county treas
urers.' It was decided that the citv
council would hire and pay Samuel
Goozee and that the board of coun
tv commissioneVs would hire Butler
Buchanan and that the two shall
work jointly in an examination of
treasurers' accounts.
A large part of the day was spent
m an examination of the roads in
Willow precinct and the plans of
the Brady Island bridge.
the boaird adjourned to meet
August 22d.
- i August 22d, 1889.
In addition to the unequaled Din
ing Car bemce between Council
Bluffs and Denver the Union Pacific,
"The Overland Route," will on Sun
day, August 18th, and daily there
after, run Dining Cars between
Council Bluffs and Portland, Ore.,
on ''The Overland Flyer," leaving
Council Bluffs at 7:55 p. ra., Omaha
8:15 p. m.
These cars are models of excel
lence, and the best meals the mar
ket affords will be furnished at 75
To whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at the intersection of the section line
between sections 8 and 9,-town 14, range 33, and
the south bank of the North Platte rivei, thence
easterly about one half milo te the south end of
Birdwood bridge over the North Platte river, has
reported in favor of the establishment thereof,
and all objections thereto er claims for damages
must oe mea in me county cierK's omce on or
before noon Monday, the 28th day of October, 1889,
or such road will be established witnout reference
thereto. J. E. Evaxs, County Clerk.
By C. Dick, Deputy.
By virtuo of order of sale issued by W. C. Elder
t-ieric or tne .District ttourt of iancoln County,
Neb., npon a judgment rendered in said Court in
favor of Wm. C. Eogue against Lucicn Stebbins.
Elizabeth Stebbins and Patrick Walsh, I have
levied on the south forty-four (44) feet of lot one
(1) and two (2). in block number one hundred
and seventeen (117), in the city of , North Platte,
Lincoln county. Neb., and I will, on the 25th day
of September, 1889:'nt 1 o'clock in the afternoon
of said day, at the front door of the Court house
ot saia county, in North Platte, sell said real
estate at public aution to tiie highest bidder for
casn; to satisfy said order of sale, the amounts
tonus, uuu accruing costs.
D. A- Baktch.
323. Sheriff of Lincoln County, Nebraska'
"Some people think 'tis only made
For cleansing goods of heavy grade,
For washing down the walls or stairs.
The bureau, tables and the chairs ;
But folks do well to change their mind ;
'Tis not to things like these confined,
And not alone the kitchen maid
And laundress prize its friendly aid;
I find it just the nicest thing
For toilet use and barbertng.
The slightest touches will suffice
To make a foamy lather rise,
That holds the beard till smoothly laid,.
However dull may be the blade.
In short, the talc is ever new
That tells what Ivory Soap will do."
To whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed lo view and lo
cate a roaa petitioned tor Dy Josephus Hubartt.
John (t. buley, W, D. Robinson nnd others, de-
6criDed as touows, to-wit:
commencing at the southeast corner section
town lo, range 31 west, thence west 47.80
chains, north 68 degrees 30 minutes west. 34.23
chains, north 22 chains, north 15 degrees 45 min-
n.oiT uimiuH, noixu mins. w.
15.28 chains, north 69 degs. W. 15.98 chains.
BouuiiMoegs. .y.;jy cnains, south 55 degs. W.
i4,yu cnains, north s5 degs. 30 mins. W. 58
cnains, norm l degs. w. 40 chains, north 20 dgs.
30 mms. K. 11.50 chains, north 13.07 chains, north
15 dogs. W. 16.42 chains, northTUO chains, north
20 degs. 30 mins- W. 23 chains, north 65 degs. 30
mins. w. chains, north 47 degs. W. 5.25
chains, north la degs. la mms. W. (! chains, north
o aecs. w. 43 chains, norths ripra. snmin v..
demitv UJi)P chains- nrth 50 degs. W. 8.80 chains, north
uepuny 30 dega w 1473 chains, north 63 degs. W. 35.90
cnains, north degs. 3U mins. W. 2H.83 chains,
north 29 degs. 30 mins. W. 16.91 chains and ter
minating at 2.97 chains west of southeast corner
section 3, town lb, range 31.
Havmir reDorted in favor of thp AsfnhKqhmnnf.
thereof, all objections thereto or claims for dam
ages mnst do nied in the
TL t-!i L. t. J 1. k ( nnA iUa ' lunru'' "
i ncic are iiidny wime soaps) eacn represeuieu iu uc juji guuu o mo "j i
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities
of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it.
Copyright 1886, by Procter & Gamble.
-AND 4 , . . .
county clerk's officn on
the 11th day of October. 18S9.
bo established without rofer-
met pursuant to 'adjourn-
will.cure the dull aching pain in tho small of Jhe Mieut. A
Present commissioners Walker,
McAllister and Obersfrand deputy
Bill ' of S. Jiang, witness, .$11,
There being on file the written
or before noon of
or such road will
enco thereto.
Dated this 10th day of Aug., 18S9.
J. E. Evans, (To. Clerk.
32 1 By 0. P. Dick, Deputy.
Bids will be received at the ennntv nlorW's of
fice at North Platte. Neb., ud to 2 n. m. on Sat
urday. 8ert. 7th. 1889. for tho nnrehnun nf 18 (Ml
of Brady Island Precinct 6 per cent Registered j
Bonds, interest payable semi-annually in New j
loric i,ity, on each hrst day of February and
August of each year.
These bonds are cichteen in nnmhar. Ami nf !
tne vaiuno ot si,ouo each. They are authorized
by Chapter 45. on Daces 185. 4fifi nnil JOT of tho
Statutes of 1887. of the State of Nehraslrn. nnd
were adopted by the voters of Brady Island Pre-
ciucr. ujncom couniv. rCD.. at a fmecini men
tion called for that nurnose. the xrholn vnf a fnr
bonds being 171 and tho vote against only
The first two of these bonds is dn Anensfc 1st.
1fA1 , . 1 , i a. .nui
Present indebtedness of the Precinct, 000.
Assessed valuation. S296.424.2B. TCstimntrtl
valuation. $1,482,121.20.
.A certined check of 100 must accompany each
These bonds are considered first-class security.
J. E. Evans, County Clerk.
North Piatte. Neb., Aug. 23, 1889. 332
Ta-goris, Cstxristgres, ZBuigrgfles,
Agents for the Celebrated
Goodhue and Challenge Wind Mills.
Agents for Union Sewing Machines.
Locust Street,
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
The National Building, Loan
c s piles or no pay re
vive satisfaction oi
cents per box. For
y virtue ot an oruer ox. sale issued hr
Elder, clerk of tho district court of Lincoln
county. Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure
rendered m said court in favor of Edward L.
Fearse acninst John Campbell. CarroU fi. Hnw-
i i j a i Kins una tioeepn u. nawiuns, et. ai., l nave
Consent and waiver of damages of levied upon the T following real estate of Joseph
.1. N. n hmm t.hP nwnpr nt nnH M'-.iwwuins io-wii: uos one anu tnenortn-
Showing the cost and profit to be derived bj the borrower of 1,000 in
hve years. The borrower having been a shareholder six months, and
holding thirteen sharesv.has made application . for;a loan, and his applica-;
tion nas peen aceeptea ana approvea.
the Cincinnati
i rr
Says Haistead in
Commercial: "In
the race between the Teutonic and
the City of New York, it should
not impair judgement, but may in
fluence sentiment, to know that
the In man Line is backed by Amer
ican capital, and that the splendid
ships City of Paris and City of
New York are substantially owned
in Philadelphia."
on s
Marvelous Success.
Ballard's Horehonnd Syrup has been a marvel-
success from its inception. There is no
cough it will not relieve. It is guaranteed to re
lieve all throat nnd lung ailments and for croup,
sore throat, whoopiBg cough, and all coughs its
action is very remarkable. Ask for BALLARD'S
HOREnOUND SYRUP and tako no other kind.
and you will not be disappointed. A. F. Streitz,
Agent. f,
Justice Field isa small man, ow-
ing to uis snort legs. His tront
is impressive. His forehead is high,
running back into polished bald
ness; his remaining hair is bushy
aud silvery, Harrisons complection
now. He is a very dignified man
by nature.
The Century Dictionary has cost
the Century Company over $500,-
000. It has taken nearly seven
years of the timeof some of the best
experts and specialists in the coun
try, a an annual expense or not
very niucn less than ?1UU,UUU.
A Safe Investment,
is one which is guaranteed to brim; vou sat is-
fatcory results, or in case of failure a return of
purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy
from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr.
Kine's New Discovery for Consumption. It is
guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when
used for any affection of the throat. Itinera or
chest, such as consumption, inflammation of the
lungs, broncmtis, asthma, whooping cough,
croup, etc It is pleasant and agreeable to taste ,
perfectly sate, and can always be depended
upon. Trial boles free at A. F. Streitz s drug
store. I
and engraving.
At Farmersburg, Ind., a local
judge, during the progress of a sen
sational trial recently, hired a hall
and charged an admission fee of ten
cents from each spectator to the
trial. Even the attorney for the
defense in the case was refused ad
uiisssion to the court until he had
paid his fee.
hereby affected, road 107 is extend
ed northwardly so as to intersect
with road No. 11.
It is ordered that the county
treasurer transter all moneys now
on hand in the South Platte bridge
tund and in thebouth Platte bridge
interest fund, other than sufficient
to pay outstanding South Platte
bridge bonds and interest, to the
cash fund, and the treasurer shall
1- -11 V Ol
uimj uppiy .in moneys nereaiter re
ceived in said funds to the said cash
fund.. .
Ihe board adiourned to Aug. 23.
Aug. 3d, 1889
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present Commissioners
Walker, McAllister and Oberst and
deputy county clerk Dick.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the county
clerk for the $18,000 of Brady
Island, precinr-t bridge bonds, which
will be opened and sale made
thereon at 2 o'clock p. m. on Satur
day, Sept. 7th, 1889, the hoard re
serving the right to reject any or
all bids. The clerk is directed to
advertise the same two weeks.
Plans and specifications for Brady
Island bridge presented by R. D.
Thomson-are adopted.
In the afternoon the commis
sioners yiewed the lines of several
proposed roads leading northward
from the city of North Platte and
returning adjourned to meet Aug.
24th. .
1 Aug. 24,1889.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present Commissioners
Walker, McAllister and Oberst and
deputy clerk Dick.
Bill of R. D. Thomson for bridge
material allowed on cash fund 500
Bill of E. W. Hunt, institute, al
lowed cash fund S100.
Bill of Smith Clark, coal, $337.50
Ordered by the board that 20
per month be appropriated out of
the general fund toward the support
of the seven orphan children now
m charge of Mrs. W. C. Ritner in
the city of North Platte.
The commissioners after having
allowed the line of road No. 42
from the southeast corner of sec
tion 22, town 14, range 30 east to
the hills and there to connect with
the Garfield road, ordered that the
grader be put to work on same as
soon as may be.
Ordered .to dispense with a jani
tor at the court house after Sept.
4th next.
Adjourned to meet. Sept. 7, 1889.
east quarter of the northwest quarter and the
northwest quarter of tho northeast quarter of
section nineteen (19) and the south
east Quarter of the southwest onartor of
ecction eighteen (18) all in township nine (9)
north, of range twenty-nine west, and I wiU on
Saturday, tho 21st day ox September, 1889, at one
o'clock of said day, at tho front door of the
court house of said county, in North Platte, sell
said real estate at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash to satisfy said order of sale, the,
amount due thereon in the aggregate beintr the
sum of $188.83 with ten per cent interest thereon
irom uctober utn, lSi, und saia9 costs and ac
cruing coets.
North Platte. Neb.. An. 19. 1889.
325 D. A. Baker. Sheriff.
In the matter of the application of"!
John uawicy, executor of the !
Estate of Lucy Hawley, deceased, f
to sell or mortiracod real estate, i
Whereas tho applicationof JolinHawley.Executor
of the Estate of Lucy Hawley, deceased, having
oeen presented io me uiscnct uourc or ljincoin
County. Nebraska, and it appearing from euA
application that tho said John Hawley, of the
County ot Liincoin, nnd State ot Nebraska, is
the Executor of the Estate of Lucy Hawley, de
ceased, late of said county and state, and that
the said John Hawley has filed in tho office of
the clerk of this court a duly certined copy of
his appointment as such executor and that the
said Lucy Hawley at the time of her death was
the owner of Lot Two (2) in Block One Hundred
and Thirty-Three (133) in the tJity ot North
Platte. Nebraska, and that it is accessary to seU
as more fully appears by tho petition of said
John Hawley now on nlo in this court, itas
ordered that all persons interested in said real
estate, to-wit: Lizzie Hawley, Emma Hawley,
annie Hawley, Willie nawiey. n. jm. wicnois.
First National Bank of North Platte. JohnStolle
and Stewart h Sherman, appear before tho Dis
trict Court cf Lincoln county. Nebraska, on
October 21st, 1889, of tho May adjourned term of
said court at 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause why
a license should not bo granted to the said John
Hawley to sell on mortgage so inncn ot saia rem
estate, to-wit: Lot Two (2) in Block One Hun
dred and Thirty-Three (133) in said City of
North Platte. Nebraska, as shall bo necessary to
pay ssid debts, A copy of this order shall be
personally served noon all persons interested in
said estate and shall also be published four suc
cessive weeks in the Lincoln county tbibdne.
a newspaper oi general circulation puoiisneu in
Lincoln county, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska,
I. W. C. Elder, clerk of the district court
in nnd for Lincoln county, Nebraska, do hereby
certify that the forccoinir is a true transcript of
the order entered of record July 30th, 1889, at tho
adjourned May term of said district court upon
the application of John Hawley, executor of the
estate of Lucy Hawley, deceased, as recorded in
my office. Journal C, Page
In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my
hand and the seal of said district court this 9th
day of August, 1889.
321 ' Clerk of the District Court.
He receives in cash
He has paid in admission fee on thirteen shares at $2,00 per share
He has paid six monthly installments at 60 cents per share, amounting to
$7.80 per month
He has paid two quarterly installments of 23 cents per share, amounting to
$3.25 each
Now he pays on tho last Saturday of each month a monthly installment of
CO cents a share
Also his interest at five per cent per annum on $1,000, payable monthly. . . .
Also his premium at five per cent per annum on $1,000 payables
As all protective installments are returnable, total monthly payment even
tually, except such times as there may be a Quarterly installment
In four and one-half years (or 54 months) the balance of the unexpired
time ot nvo years, he will nave paid as installments, interest and premium
Also add the remainder of o uarterlv installments, eighteen at $3.25 each . . .
To amount invested, aside from protective installments, which are return-
aoie owing to the return protective installment plan adopted Dy the
The certificate of shares having matured is worth $1,300, wliich will pay the
loan and leave a surplus of $300, thus eventually the borrower has had
the use of S 1,000 since six months alter becoming a shareholder, and
has clear
l handsome profit of.
4. IBS
Orders from the
country and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway Solicited.
Merchant Tailor,
and Irritating
Eruptions and
every form of
Bkin and blood
disease, from a commonPimple to the worst
case of Scrofula, can bo cured by tho use of
Bladbilder, the new vegetable Blood Purl
fier, Internally, and Cole' CarbolIfalvef
tho Great Skin Remedy, externally.
Is a concentrated vegetable extract and
possesses wonderful tonic, alterative and
blood puriyimj qualities. It renews and
enriches tho blood and through it reaches
every part of tho body, imparts life and
vigor to all its' functions and strengthens
and builds up tho system, it is tne nest
known remedy for all Scrofulous Complaints,
Enmvelas, Eczema. BoOs, Tumors, Mercu
rial Poisoning and Constitutional Disorders,
Blotches, Pimples and Eruptions of the Skin,
Rheumatism, and all diseases caused by an
impoverished or corrupted condition of the
blood. Small doses and pleasant to take.
Price $1; Six for $5. Prepared only by J.
W. Cole & Co.. Black Itiv r Falls, Wis.
Sold toy -A F. flltareitxs.
embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order.
Spruce Street, next door to Post office.
Beick Livery Stable, ,
on short notice and at reasonable rates. Horses boarded hv the week or
month. Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the Hawley
House on east Fifth street,