Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, July 31, 1889, Image 4

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'Star Boot & Shoe Store
We Handle all the Best Brands of
Boots, Shoes, Slippers, jte
T I-iO-t" 3Ea,xgrirLS for Casli..
Our Stock is the Largest in Western Nebraska and no one
can fail to be suited.
When in need of anything in our line.
. - Proprietor-
Martin & Nauman
Highest Prico Paid for Fat Stock.
Sixth Street, between SpnicoIanG Tine,
' H. MacLEAN,
Fine Boot and Shoe Maker,
And Dealer In
1 hereby announce that I have
opened out a large stock o Under
taker's Supplies, such as
Metallic and Cloth Draped j
Perfect Fit, Best Work and Goods
Represented or Money Refuuded.
30,000 ACRES
During tfe pftsfc week the peonle
of Gothenburg phave subscribed
nearly" ten thousand dollars as a
bonus for the. construction of a
canal and resesYoir at tliis place,
which with "the five thousand dol
lars bonds voted last spring makes
the entire subsidy nearly fifteen
thousand "dollars. J7 den t.
Shut's Extkaot or Tab;axd Wild Chcbk
is anfe, rriiable and plawnt remedy for ooaebs
eoW, broMhitk, uthaa aad aU thrct troabfes;
-mU nlim and, benefit ooaaumptuxi. Try it
jrtbe oeaTfeoed. Erwy bottle warranted; price
Ocl per bottle. Sold by aU droggiBto Pre
'M9d by the Eamert Proprietary Co., Chicago.
The Canadian Anthracite Coal
company has sold 7,500 acres of
coal lands in, British Columbia to
3P English syndicate for $300,000.
TfiSksale was negotiated by F. Wey
erhau&gr, the lumber king, uow in
!EuropeNmong the owners were,j
W. A. Ruataf Eau Claire, L. S.
Tainter, of MemNPinee, -Wis., and
F. B. Clarke, of Staul.
ahiloh's Vitaliier is what you need forSCoMti-J
wuto ui ujoimwu. race iu ana yd cents
bottie. For Bale by A. P. Streitz.
An old grave has been discovered
at St. Helena, Cedar county, which
contains the remains of fifteen peo
ple, one; of whom was a man whose
skull was crushed, and the others
being women and children. There
is much speculation in regard to
the matter, some thinking that the
remains are those of a party which
were massacred bv the Indians.
The endorsement of German Syrap is nnpar
ollelled. We will publish 1000 testimonials ro
ceiwjd dnrinp tho last six months. Head them.
May save yoni life.
Russell Harrison is in England
hobnobbing with royalty. Here is
a fine opening for democratic
scribblers to make political capital.
Russell had no business to dine
with the queen. He should have
stuck by the free lunch counters
and thus showed his patriotism.
No true American would desert the
high stool restauraut even for a
-WW7 . m
square meal at Windsor cast e.
Far mini Land
Wooden Caskets,
And Burial Cases.
Also a fine stock of Shrouds, Lin
. ings, Trimmings, etc. In connec
- I have one, of the finest hearses
i the west. Prompt attention to
X all calls in city or country. Prices
reasonable. Room on Locust St.,
opposite He'rshey & Co.
These Lands lie between the Norch
and South Platte Rivers, iti Ranges
83 to 37 inclusive, ou the line of the
Union Pacific Railway.
Prices, terms and full informa
tion can be obtained on application
at the oflice of
North Patte, : :Nebraska.
tileeplese nights, made miserable by tliRt terri
bio cough. Shiloh's Core is the .Remedy for yon.
For sale by A. P. Streitz.
Catarrh cored, health and sweet breath se
cured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50
cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by A. F.
Will you snffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Com
plaint? Shiloh's Vitnlizer is guaranteed to enra
you. For sale by A. F. Steitz.
Tlxix-ci Door 3XToirtlx
oT Fostoffice.
Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Brashes, Window Glass.
Fine Brandies, Wines, Whiskies and Cigars.
! The best and strongest. Scientifically constructed. A positive and
: . unfailing cure for many diseases in which medicine fails. Liver,
stomach and kidney diseases, dieases of the blood, catarrh,
skin diseases, lung troubles, rheumatism, female com
plaints, paralysis, nervous debility, seminal
weakness, unpotency, itc.
A Permanent Wall Coating, adapted for Solid "Wall Relief work;
Also tor Plain Work.
Your orders solicited . Prompt attention given.
P. H. McEvoy,
Carries in stock a fine line of
The Denver & South Park road
was sold on Thursday at United
States master's sale, under foreclo
sure of a mortgsige held by the
Farmers' Loan and Trust company,'
for 1, '500.000. The road was pur
chased by Messrs. Tapp;i, Hoi lister
& Fnland, representing I lie old
stockholders, for S3,000,'(X)0. It is
understood the road will be under
the management of the Union Pa
cific. Uncle. Sam's Condition Powder will euro dif
temtJcrB, coushs, colds, fevers and most of tlio
diseases to which horses, cattle, Flieej). hogs and
poultry are subject. Sold by all drusjnslH.
Dn. Javues' German Worm ('akes destroy
worms and remove them from the system. S-ift.
pleasant and effective
A Georgia inventor has built, a
sewing machine on automatic prm
cinles. ft works with a snrinir
winch is wound up with a pump
handle attachment and then runs,
regulated by an easily worked
brake, until it needs rewinding.
Patents have been taken in this
country and in Europe and the
machine will be turned out by a
Georgian manufactory. It is said
to be just what the women of the
country, tired of the treadle, have
been praying for all these weary
ThereijsvasVa winlS4qrm Saturday
evening WhicMurnoose things
bottom-iside-UD.. It "traveled, in
slightly spntheasfc s-direction, Jt
passed- over Cheyenne about one
o'clock in the afternoon, reaching
this place at six. Bntthere is an
hour s difference Jbejjvaeii the time
at Cheyenne and the time at Grant.
The storm therefore traveled be
tween the two rjl&cts in four hours,
a distance of twoAuhdred miles, or
at the ratoffiftirniites an, hour.
wranc jnierjyise,, -
That HackinK CoMi cam be eo quickly cored
by Shiloh's Core. We suaraBtee it. For sale
by A. F. Streitz.
Mothers will find Dr. WinchelTs Teething Sy-
mpjost the medidne to have in the houso for
the children; it will care coughs, colds, sore
throat and regulate the bowels. Try it.
Jndge Gaslin has gone to Europe
and the evil doers of his district, to
whom he is a terror: will have full
sway for a while. When he gets
back, however, he will make up for
lose time ana alter a little rest
anv murderers or horse thieves that
" "U t . -Il l- ill
raav we-asvaiunff; nis attention win
be disnosed ofifJVshort order. He
won't need more tfeau, an huor's
time to send a. man to tfien or
the gallows. Fairbury Gazette,
Eii-KitT's Datuoht Liteb 1'iLi-s are a boon to
sufferers fronfjsick-headsche, soar stomach, tor
pid liver and indigestion. Sugar-coated, pleas
ant to take tmd warrane4 to go through by day
light. Here is the worst , mixed up man
we ever saw. Will some one kind
ly tell who .he-is, what he is, and
where he is: "I married a widotv
who had a daughter, my father vis
ited our home frequently, fell in
love with and married my step
daughter, thus my father was my
son-ir.-law, and she my mother be
cause she married my father. She
had a son. he was of course my
brother and at the same time my
grandchild, for he was the son of
my wife's daughter. My wife was
my grandmother because she was
my mother's mother. I was my
wife's husband and grandchild at
the same time, and lis the husband
of a ner-soiiVraudmother is his
grand rat her, I was my own
Uncle Sam's bone and nerve liniment will re
lievo sprains, '.-.ruitce, neuralgia and rheumatism.
Sold by all druKsists.
For lame buck, side or chest, uso Shiloh's
Porous Wa&UT, Prico 25 cents. For sale by A.
F. Streitz.
It is a
dull day
Their Business 80001111?.
Probably no one tiling has caused such a Ken
cm! revival of trade at A. F. Streitz's Drug
Store ns their giving away to their customers of
so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is
simply enormous in this very valuablo article
from the fact that it always enres and never dis
appoints. Coughs, (Tolds, Asthma, llronchitis,
Croup and nil throat and lung diseases quickly
cured. Yon can test it before buying by getting
atrial hot tic free, large size 81. Every bottlo
warranted. 3
when a new com
of some kind is
not brought, to light in this land of
liberty, but the story told in the
dispatches this morning is unusual
ly startling. The scheme is a rail
way consolidation on the most gi
ganf.ic scale ever seriously discussed
in this country. American and
English capitalists are to furnish
at least $700,000,000, so the story
goes, and will ,combine the leading
trauscontiueu roas of North
America into one vast system, con
necting at Boston with a line of
steamers for Europe. As the Cana
dian roads are to be included in the
combine, one result will be a cor
rection of the low rates across the
dominion that are now causing the
railway managers of this country
so much anxiety. Lincoln Journal.
The distressing, feeling of weariness, and ex
haustion withouteffort, which makes life a burden
to so many people, is due to poverty of the blood
and feeblo vitality. If you aro sufiering from
such feelings, Bludbildor is just what you need
and will bo of the greatest benefit to yon. It
purifies and enriches the, blood, imparts tone and
visor to the whole system, aids digestion and
overcomes all morbid tendencies and nervous
affections caused by a depressed state of tho
blood, strengthens and builds up the system,
while it eradicates disease. It is pleasant to
take and the dose is small. Try it and be cured
Price $1.00. Sold by A . 1'. Streitz.
The Sidney State Bank Defalcation.
Last week the citizens of Sidney
who are depositors of the defunct
State bank were (riven to underr
stand that the only barrier between
them and the thousands of dollars
thev had deposited in the bank in
the full belief that thev were de
positing with Frank 1J. Johnson,
was the lack of a statement of the
bank's condition. After considera
ble delay this was obtained. The
committee who undertook the task
were engaged almost three days
and finished their work Saturday
noon. The result of their labor
was a document of half a dozen
large, closely written pages. It
contained the names of over 200
The figures of importance are as
follows: Resource, overdrafts, $28,
428.61; cash ou hand, $60461;
notes. 24,515.15; real estate, $10,
126; a total of $63,674.27. The
liabilities of the bank are $70,120.
72, mostly representing deposits.
This leaves a shortage that cannot
be accounted for of $6,446.45. In
addition to the resources above are
the bank fixtures, some creamery
shares, 'horses on the ranch and 160
afires of landV-ri pumpkin creek,
theiueof"all being in the-.neig.h-
borhood of4,000. Of the resources
ineny accounts and notes are worth
less. The committee have esti
mated that the actual shortage
between thirtv-five and forty thous
and dollars so that without the
promised assistance of Johnson the
bank would realize in tne neig
borhood 50 cents on the dollar for
the depositors.
Morgan s personal overdrafts was
shown by the statement to be $13,-
6S9.2o. The figures above given
are official. The committee's opin
ion concerning the value of much
All 11 f
or tne paper wnicn represents re
sources is without doubt correct.-
HArry Home Blood Pdhiwer is the people's
popular medicine for purifying the blood; pre-
ache, boils and. all fevers and malarial diseases.
I'nco rM cents ana one dollar per Dottle.
Bucklin's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter.
chanrxxl hands, chilblains, corns and aU skin
eruptions, and positively rrrspiles or no pay re
quired. It is guarantc, give satisfaction or
monoy refunded. Pric cents per box. For
sale by A. x. Streitz.
Special attention given to repairing
and engraving.
One door north of postoffice., ,
Last Monday Mr. Jesse Osborn
came to this place and had entry
papers made for the purpose of
making homestead tiling on the
southeast quarter of section 6, town
12, range 36, placing the papers in
a book along with eight dollars and
fifty cents in money he put the
same in the inside pocket of his
vest. He boarded the evening
train for the purpose of going to
the land office at North Platte and
make his filing. The car he en
tered was vacant and he laid down
and went to sleep, as he had been
hard at work and was very tired.
Before the train arrived at the
Platte he was awakened by three
men, two of them had him by the
arms and the other was going
through his pockets. Thev got h
book and ran out of the car. The
old man made a search but did not
succeed in finding the robbers, on
t i i
tne tram, tie savs ne round a
brakeman and told him of his loss
'but he did not seem to care and did
nothing to assist him in detecting
the robbers. Mr. Osborn thinking
that the robbers would throw the
papers out of the car, walked from
North Platte back to Paxtoh hop
ing that he would hnd them along
the road, but he did .not succeed in
finding them. Mr. Osborn had
nineteen dollars in his bootleg
which the robbers did not get, he
having taken the precaution to
place the same there for the pur-
Eose of using the sum to pay for
is filing. Pi7o.
Consumption is on the Increase.
From recent statistics it aoDears that Con
sumption is on the increase throughout the wes
tern states. The principal cause, it is stated,
is due to neglect of common coughs and colds.
It is the duty of all persons, whether of delicate
or robost health to nave a remedy at hand at all
times in readiness, and a cough or cold may be
broken up before it becomes seated- HAL
LAfiD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP will euro any
couch except in last stages, of consumption. A
sticn in time saves nine. Always keep it in your
home. A. K. Btbutz, Agent.
July 1st was the date fixed for
t i " " i rat i Ail
tne going into eirect ot tne new
banking law!m Nebraska and that
wise piece of state legislation is
now therefore operative. Its pro
visions have been framed for the
purDose of putting a stop to wild
cat banking and the effect of the
law will be to bring all private and
stale banks, under regulations simi
lar to those provided by congress
for the government of National
banks. lhe leading feature of the
new law is that which declares that
all institutions doing a banking
business m tne state must nave a
paid up capital proportioned to the
size of the town or city in which
they are situated. ' 'The capital
must be: In, towns ,6f less than
1,000 population, $5,000; in towns
from 1,000 to 1,500 population,
810,000; jh. towns from .1,500 to 2,
000 population7$.l5',000; in towns
from 2,000 to 3,000 population,
820,000; in towns from 3,000 to 5,
000 population, $25,000; in towns
from 5,000 to 10,000 population,
$30,000; in towns of over 10,000
population, 50,000. The feature
of the bill alone has already been,
the cause of closing one bank in
Omaha and a number throughout
the State and in every case the
community has beeu benefitted by
the weeding out of these weak
banks, for a weakjbank is a menace
to any community and the longer
it lingers the more dangerous does
it become. American Bdnker.
Brace Up.
You are feeling depressed, your appetite is
oor, yon are bothered with headache, you are
lidgetty. nervous, and generally out of sorts, and
want to brace np. Bnce np. bnt not with stimu
lants, spring medicines or, .bitters, which have
for their basis-Very cheap, .bad whiskey, and
which stimulate you for ah hoar, and then leavo
yon in worse condition than before. What' yon
want is an alterative that will purify yonr blood,
start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore
yonr vatolity, and give renewed health and
Btrength. Bach s medicine you will find in
Electric Bitters and only 50 cents a bottle at A
F. Streitz's Drug Store. , 5
A recent dicision by Judge
Philips, of Kansns City, establishes
the fact that a note can be legally
endorsed by telegragh .
CrouD. WhooDinsr Coach
mediately relieved Dy Shiloh's Cure.
Bronclutis im-
Foraale br
A. F. Streitz.-.
Shiloh's Coash and consumntion Care "is sold
br as on a snarantee. lt cures ConsuniDfcion:
For sale by A. F. Streitz.
A petition signed by more than fifty resident
freeholders of Nichols precinct,ni Lincoln comity.
Nebraska, having been filed in the oflice of the
county clerk of said Lincoln county on the 7th
day of June, 1SS9, asking the Board of County
uommisiouers oi earn Lincoln county to call a
special election in said Nichols precinct and sub
mit thereat to the vote of the electors ef said pre
cinct a proposition to vote bends in said Nichols
precinct for the purpose hereinafter set forth:
and said petitioners having given a good and suf
ficient bond, for the payment of the expenses of
such election In the event that said proposition
sninnuicu inereat suau laii to receive a two-tnirdg
majority of all the votes cast at said election ;
It is therefore ordered, and notice is hereby
given that on Saturday, the thirteenth day of
July A. D. 18.S9, at the voting places hereinafter
named, in said Nichols precinct, there will be a
special election held for the purpose of voting on
the -proposition of issuing bonds ef said Nichols
precinct for the purpose of aiding in the construe
non oi one wagon ormge in inc saia iicnois pre
cinct, Lincoln county, Nebraska, across the South
Platte River on a public highway upon the half
section line running north and south through sec
tions 2" and 31, township 14 north, range 32 west,
at wnicn special election the following proposi
tion win ne siiommcu 10 ine voters ot said pre
cinct, to-wii: .
Shall the iJoard of County Commissioners of
Lincoln County, State of Nebraska, issue Seven
Thousand Dollars ($7,000) in Nichols Precinct
Bridge Bonds in denominations of One Thousaud
uouars i?i,uaij cacii, oearmg interest at six per
cent per annum, principal and interest payable
at tiie -eorasKa cuue mscai Agency in tne City
oi -(!W aoru;
Said bonds to bear date of September 1. 18S9:
The interest on said bonds to be payable on the
first day of 3Iarcb, IKK), and on the first day of
fecpieinoer, ibuu, and on tne nrst day or March
and on the first day of September of each and
every year inereaitcr until all or the interest on
said bonds shall have been paid;
Said bonds to be numbered consecutively from
one (1) to seven (7) inclusive;
Number one (1) to be dne and payable on the
first day of September A. D. 1006; numbers two
CI) and three (3) to become due aud payable on
the first day of September A. D. 1907; numbers
four (1) and five (o) to become dne and payable
on the first day of September A. 1). 1903; numbers
six (0) and seven (7) to become due and payable
on the first day of September A. D. 1909:
And shall the said Board of Coanty Commis
sioners levy a tax in the year 1889 and in each
and every year thereafter sufficient to pay the in
terest on said bonds as the same shall become
due, and sutlicient to pay five per cent of the prin
cipal of said bonds each year as provided by law,
until sufficient 'has beeu levied to pay allot the
interest on said bonds and to pay the principal of
the same as provided by law;
Said bonds to be issued for the purpose of aid
ing in the construction of one wagon bridge in
the said Nichols precinct as hereinbefore set forth;
Said election will be open at eight (8) o'clock in
the m iniing and will continue open until six (ti)
o'clock in the afternoon of said thirteenth day of
July, 1889, and all of the electors in said Nichols
precinct residing north of the South Platte River
will vote on the aforesaid proposition at the
school house in School District Number Eleven
(11) one mile north of Nichols Station in said
Nichols precinct, and all of the electors in said
Nichols precinct residing south of the South Platte
River will vote on the af6fcsaid proposition at the
Mills school house in School District Number
Twenty-six (26) in said Nichols precinct.
Those voting in favor of said proposition shall
have written or printed upon their ballots:
"For issuing Seven Thousand Dollars (?7,000)
in Nichols Precinct Bridge Bonds and for levying
a tax in the year 1889 aud in each and every year
tnercaiter sumcieni to pay tne interest ou said
bonds as the same shall become due and five per
cent oi tne principal as proviuca oy law, until all
of the interest and -principal has been paid on
the same."
Those voting against said proposition shall have
written or printed upon their ballots:
"Against issuing Seven Thousand Dollirs
(7.000 in Nichols Precinct Bridge Bonds and
against levying a tax in the year 1889 and in each
and every year tnercaiter sufficient to pay the in
terest on said bonds as the same shall become due
and five per cent of the principal as provided by
law, until all of the interest and principal has been
paid on th&samc.
Dated North Platte, Neb., June 8th, 1889.
Lester Walkek,
M. OuEnaT,
County Commissioners Lincoln County Neb.
J. E. Evans,
County Clerk.
By C. P. Dick,
seal Deputy.
Notice is hereby given that the aforesaid propo
sition to issue $7,000 of the Nichols Precinct
Bridge Bonds, and to levy a .tax annually to pay
tne interest and principal of the same was adop
ted at the election named therein, a vote of ver
three-fifths of the voters voting on said proposi
tion, to-wit: By a vote of 33 for said nrooosition
and a vote of only 2 against said proiwsltion an
appears by a canvass of the vote of said precinct
on said proposition.
jjatca duty 10, vstsv.
TO preserve the richness of color or delicacy of lint of your sum
mer dresses, make suds of hot water and Ivory Soap, aiiow to
cool until lukewarm, then wash your dresses in the solution. Ordi
nary soaps contain too much alkali, which in a short time bleacher
trie color and-destrmS& fesfrJLSff
says, "The Ivory Soap can not injure the most delicate fabric."
There are many while soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the ' Ivory' ;"
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities
of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting if.
Copyright 1836, by Procter & Gamble.
& CO.,
T7s7"a,grorLS, Carrlaes, ZBmgrgles,
Agents for the Celebrated
and Challenge Wind Mills.
Agents for Union Sewing Machines.
Locust Street,
North Platte, - Nebraska.
National Building, Loan
Showing the cost and profit to he derived by the borrower of 1,000 in
five years. Ine borrower having been a shareholder six months, and
holding thirteen shares, has made application for a loan, aud his applica
tion has been accepted and approved.
He receives in cash
He has onid in admission fee on thirteen shares at S2.0O nor share
He has paid six monthly installments at CO cents per share, amounting to
Si.80 per month
He has pnid two quarterly installments of 25 cents per share, amounting to
S3.25 each
Now ho pnys on the last Saturday of each month a monthly installment of
bU cents a share
Also his interest nt live per cent per annum on $1,000, payable monthly
Also lus premium nt hve per cent per annum on l,uw payamc
monthly ,
As all protective installments are returnable, total monthly payment cven-
tually. exceDt such times ns there may be n quarterly installment
In four and one-half years (or 51 months) thebalaaco of tho unexpired
time of nve years, ho will nave paid ns installments, interest nnu premium
Also add the remainder of quarterly installments, eighteen nt $".' each...
To amount invested, aside from protective installments, which are return
able owing to the return protective installment plan adopleu oy tne
The certificate of shares having matured is worth 1,300, which will pay tlin
loan ana leave n surplus of 5300, thus eventually tho borrower lias uaa
the uso of $1,000 since six months after becoming a shareholder, and
has cleared a handsome profit of -
an .00
SSDRU Or Or I fig T?J
L. McAllister,
3L Obekst,
County Com.
County Clerk.
Complaint is made that cows are turn
ed out before the herder calls for them.
Once more I give notice that all cows
found on the streets and not in charge of
a herder, will be impounded. This is a
fair warning. Save costs and trouble.
2mo Chief of Police
Property owners and others are request
ed to remove at once all refuse from the
alleys bordering on their lots in com
pliance with ordinance relating thereto.
. SYii. Friend,
Street Commissioner.
Orders from tho country and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway Solicited.
Merchant Tailor,
enihracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order.
Spruce Street, next door to Post office.
on short notice and at reasonable rates. Horses hoarded by the week or
month. Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the Hawley
House on east rifctk street,
4 JU