STEVENS & BAKE, Editors aud Props WMDNXSDAT, JULY 31, 1889. Picnic Time. Ob, pack a basket fall of lancb, And. take a hammock, too, Aad saeak iato the deep cool grore, And lazy round and woo; Ton there can make your girl beliere That Ted and white are bine. 11 Daring the warm weather the meet Ings of the Oxford League will be held every two weeks instead of weekly as heretofore. Snnday School every Bnnday at 3 P. IT. in the Unitarian Church. Lay ser tesat 4 P. M. subject next Sunday, "Spiritualism." A foot race last Saturday eyening be tween George Hutchings and Frank Sul livan attracted considerable attention. George was an easy winner. Well fleet is improving, three or four houses being in process of construction. The town will soon, begin to put on airs of a city.. -r Am taaitra artacriar waati to kmw if then an ay i r If v. r or 1a a aiaB Chaw Brooks for Gov. Thayer. There is a striking resemblance, and we don't wonder that strangers fall into the mistake. A card from Hev. Adam Stump in forms us that he expects to fill the pulpit the Lutheran church on Sunday : August 4th. The pastor will be warmly greeted by his people after his summer vacation. This office recently received a large supply of envelopes and other stationary, purchased at very low figures, and we J' propose to give our customers the benefit thereof. Order your supplies now, while can get them cheap, for the active fifaH trade that will soon begin. r-rManager Lloyd says we are not Iike . ly to; have a theatrical company for some Generally the season has been bad : feci .shows and many combinations not well "backed have been stranded. Show ma are hopeful that the coming season wM be better The quarter of a mile wash out up west of Big Springs caused delays of about 11 hours. One train narrowly es- toaii6 laid up at this place and the hotels were taxed to their utmost to supply the5 demand for grub. B. 8. Journal. Tuesday was Pioneer day at the Methodist camp at Kearney. The regu lar speech of the evening was made by .J4ge Hamer, but short speeches were made by Judge Church, of this city, and others. Revs. Clifton and Willis of this County were present Gov. Thayer was . present Tuesday evening. ; On Julv 17, the deposits in the First --r" ytjfiKailopal Bank-orthis"-"'-rciK;hedhir highest point ever attained $139,317.65 . According to recent statements, the banks - of North Platte hold about $300,000 on deposit, which with their capital will make over $400,000 actual money in the city. Is not that a very good showing, coeeidering our population ! The eleventh annual re-union of the soldiers and sailors of Nebraska will be held at Kearney, commencing August 12 and closing August 17. The encamp nent bids fair to be one of the greatest ever held in the West, but the old soldiers hereabout are this year taking more in . 4erest in the National Encampment at - Milwaukee. Several farmers have informed The Tribune that hunters from this city have commenced slaughtering prairie chick ess, and furthermore said that they pro fc posed to prosecute anyone they hereafter find violating the game law. It would be well to make an example of a few of these hunters who insist in killing chickens before they are full grown. R. D. Thomson, who returned from Wisconsin last week, reports crops in parts of that state and Illinois very poor, sad that business in the towns he visited seemed to be almost at a standstill. When compared with trade in other places, he thisks the merchants of North Platte Lave little reason to complain. Business is dull everywhere. Our local- mechanics do not take kindly to the scheme of Richards is Co., contractors on the First National Bank building to reduce wages. Our mechan ics should resist the move of the con tractors by every possible means. In taking a contract, bidders should not bank oa a reduced scale of wages. The car pesters and masons local scale is none too high. As has been tne custom for several years past, the members of the Presby terian Sunday-school held a picnic last Thursday afternoon, the ground used be-Jf- ittg on the lands of the Scout's Rest Ranch. From the number of baskets which the wagons conveyed, we are led to believe there was 'no scarcity of pro visions. The afternoon was pleasantly spent by both the young and the old. W. C. Elder, Esq., who has just re turned from a trip southward, we pre same in the vicinity of the home ranch, says the corn in that part of the County ' k booming, the ears are now half as long as your arm, and if they continue grow ing he will not be responsible for their length, sod corn is immense never saw anything like it Small grain already cut, is considerably damaged in shock by the wet weather. Potatoes are as large as three years old goose eggs and still ; growing. - On the occasion of his nineteenth birthday last Friday, John Lonigan gave a dance at the opera house to which were isvited a large number of his young friends. It was a pleasant gathering and everyone attending enjoyed themselves immensely, both in the mazy whirl of the dance and in partaking of the de licious refreshments so bountifully sup plied.. The participant js&tb. halls Wasted. A Apply to oa aoasewoTK. to J. I. NEMrrr f Now that the harvest lis over, we hope our correspondents will' sead la their usaal gist of country news: What has become of pur Garfield andj WhisUer Meads? That, portion of the county should have a letter in The Tribune every week. .The matter in dispute between the county commissioners and C. F. Iddihgs relative to a bill for lumber, etc., was set tled by arbitration, a prospective lawssk being thus avoided. Sam Adams was se lected by Mr. Iddings and G. T. Saeliing by the board to do the work. The stone 'for the foundation of the Third ward school house is on the ground, but the contractor, P. Walsh, has been delayed in commencing the work for the want of stone masons. In spite of this delay the contractor hopes to have the building completed on time. From reports, the farm of the reform school at Kearney must be a valuable in stitution, Supt. Mallalu having refused an offer of $5,000 for the products there of, believing them to be worth $10,000.r ta ts . , .MUlflU t ed,sawW mws. to. es workJIatendays. " He was up Saturday accompanied bv plasterer Wm. Johnson and he Is confident he has a good job. Two freight cars were derailed at the switch in the west end of the yard Sun day morning about 4 o'clock, caused by an accident to the trucks under one of the cars. The wrecker soon placed one car oh the track againT but the other load ed with coal was dumped to one side. The morning east bound passenger train was delayed about an hour. Day boarders wanted at The Ladies1 North Platte sine at the sfteraooa at " TheGaody bsseball dab will cross bMslrwith the fair grouada next Saturday three4 o'clock, Bricklayers have commenced oa the walls of the Meyers building. Thslot being sandwiched by brick walls there will not be mack to do. The total rainfall at this place dttrisg' the moath f July was over six inches. Indicssioas asw point to a dry spell, : badly seeded to islah harvesting and for, hayiag . Hershey Co. sold a steam thresh ing machine last week and It Is now rat tling out the golden grain. There will be three steam threshers at work in the coaaty this fall. " The Andress Circus will be here to morrow (Thursday). Lovers of the saw dust ring anticipate a pleasant entertain ment, this circus being pronounced in ferior to none on the road. H. W. Fogel has just finished a fine delivery wagon for Urbach V Schuff, who will in a day or two make daily rounds of the city supplying Jresh bresa, ,"xs4 rj IASS. WiacoasiaWi siuoa mxJHmymj Miss 'Wupaaj, guest oi asc coat Dr Tmasmaaa?'' of taewee ir dmsir ; ' I TBS Osas Oonttnuad Until October 21st. th i.H r J!rj V rfil ' ' -ir - . ?1 I - I fnrhirtlan All ir. - m ' ' T I f ' ' 3f i i isuus .ot .waaaamamrr - w. . . - "r . ,t& Sha fattaaaaai all1 ',W lO mKMUXW CK; W XOT . . V ' . 1 i2W- - ivM t . iy wiia spent .Saturday K'-swsse irom nua a no depsrtmeat. iware, Ohio, is a C. 1. Iddings. the latter part Tmsioees. trip to Rmkk . fi Mrs evening Omahs. Mrs.,C.. H. from an attack week or so past, Will Nauman; a rSwkh Thursday friends ia THK'IiOKG T&IAXi. Tae 1 Oonttiuad Until October 21st. SffaaaaaaMMaaaaaf ttHtHE&Ktt& aawau-wVV. sf'P'Jf Exchange, one door north of Mr. Grady 's store Apply to 2w Mils'. P. OUare. Saturday evening about fifty t friends of 3Irs. F. W.Lee gave her a birthday snrprjse at the home'of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Upright. She.was made- the recipient of several fine presents: of silverware and table linen . The evening passed off. pleasantly with games, music and refreshments, the guests departing at n seasonable hour wishing Mrs. Lee many happy returns of the day. The bicycle is giving way to the im proved velocipede, a "machine that is much easier to ride and from which it is. impossible to "take a header." Some twenty years ago the velocipede had a brief run, but the power being applied directly to the front wheel, as a means of locomotion on a dirt road, it proved im practicable. In the improved machine the power is multiplied by gearing and the old difficulty thereby removed. There are some pretty mean thieves i?.H8 vain, world. andXincolh. coqatyjs. not exempt from her share. A short time ago Geo. Golvin of O'Fallon pre cinct, had six calves stolen, the entire pro duct of six cows for this year, all he had. We have heard the saying, "honor among thieves," but these fellows appeared to be entirely lacking in this ingredient, or they would have left one or two anyway. No trace of the young animals had been found up to the time of obtaining our information. Wm. McAvoy had a nice lot of tur keys, but recently the officials of the TJ. P. R'y were riding by on a special, when the flock was promenading along the track, and in an instant the flock was knocked out killing the most of them. The aforesaid officials made up a purse of ten dollars to reimburse Mr. McAvoy aud then took the dead turkeys aboard as toothsome flesh for official teeth. When they" go home they will probably tell their wives and sporting friends about killing wild turkeys up on the South Platte. Biff Springs Journal. One time a blind man was riding through the country looking for a fertile farm. The boy who was driving the team would describe the land. Finallj' they came to a cultivated field which had ap parently produced a good crop, but the boy said the weeds were higher than the fence. The blind man said that would do, he would purchase that farm; if the land produced big weeds it would raise good crops. If that gentleman should come to North Platte at the present time' lie would applying the same principle purchase Jialf the city. The council and the street commissiouer had a talk on the subject of weeds two weeks ago, but talk will not kill weeds in a rainy time. We have heard of meu being talked to death, but weeds never. For the looks of the thing a few vigorous days work with the scythe should be indulged in . The reason for the annullment of the marriage of K. C. Barton to Miss Bridges of Ogdensburg, N. Y., as published in the Omaha Republican of July 26, is that previous to the marriage! the woman had entered into a conspiracy with one Hol ism, a man with whom she was in love, .to the effect that she would marry Barton, for whom she did not care a fig; that Hullam should meet the husband and wife at Montreal, where they expected to stop during their wedding journey: that Hullam should there induce Barton to drink; that the liquor should be drugged ; that the stupefied man should then be led or conveyed to a house of prostitu tion; that in this predicament he should be discovered in the most public way possible; that his dishonored bride should leave him in burning indignation and should immediately, bring suit for divorce and alimony; on the money thus obtained Hullam and the divorced woman could live in opulence. For some reason Hul lam did not materialize at Montreal and the conspiracy failed. In the mean time a confidential friend of Hullam's, who. was in-the plot, had weakened and sur rendered to a friend of Barton's a batch etisnt oi -Mrs -Tae thieves who broke open a freight car at this place last week were pursued by deputy sheriff Merriman and were captured on the N.rth river at White Tail bottom. Thev rave the names of George Clark,, of Beaver dry and "Frank Marths, of the same place. They had prellsiinary 'extmtnatioQ yesterday. Where does the smoke come from has $eesf a query on the lips of almost everyperson during the past four days. Although Saturday was cloudless, the sun appeared as a fiery red ball in the heavens all day and Sunday could be called an Indian summer day. In south ern Dakota, Wyoming, Montana in fact through the entire northwest an unusual drouth has prevailed, and forest and prairie fires have been raging for a month. The smoke came from those regions. There will be considerable loss of grain on account of the inability of the harvesting machines to cut it in time. Farmers are censured frequently for the reckless manner in which they sometimes buy reapers, but several in this vicinity say they have lost money this year by not buying. Hershey Sa Co. sold two last week, one being set up on Saturday even ing and started on Sunday. One farmer told a Tribune reporter that he had en gaged a neighbor to cut his grain, but perceiving that the man would not be able to reach his grain in time, hastily came to town, bought a machine, and by running night and day has cnt 140 acres. In this way he saved his own grain and that of several neighbors. P. L. Harper, of the Wallace Security "nk,'-rssiB the -cUythe'eariy-partof the week. While here he received a car load of twenty-one head of fine Oregon horses which he had previously pur chased. They were said by Mr. Burke to have been the smoothest lot of horses thus far received from the west this sea son, several of them being trotting bred from a sire that last fall showed three consecutive mile heats in 2:30 and better. The owner of the latter offered to drive him three heats in 2:25 or better if he would receive the price he desired for the horse. This is remarkably good time when it is remembered that the ani mal weighed 1325 pounds. Becommenned for Commissioner. The people of Myrtle. Whittier, Gar field and Arnold precincts believe that they are entitled to the County Commis sioner who, is to be elected this fall. They have become aware also that they could not secure the nomination of a man unless they were united. Accordingly with the object of agreeing upon some one a meet ing was called, by the committemen of. the four precincts, which convened st Whittier on Saturday the 20th inst. Al though it was a busy time with farmers, there was a fair gathering of representa tive men. Morey Alexander of Garield precinct was chosen chairman and Austin Burdick of Arnold secretary. There were delegates from Arnold, Garfield, Whittier and Myrtle. After discussion, Geo. W. Peterson was endorsed as the choice of the meeting for County Commissioner. PtsOmaha short- eff imBmsaif?";'' ' a. KhflCasjfcJQaamasJfl 1 -iTP"P 'JSmJSHBBBBBBBK m Bf M SttV r.TT..;',Jsaaw. .wi tfmaqBBmBBmBR&weji, SrlSiiSsBBBBBB I ' " " ' . ST ' iW--- Frank Onnsby:waama ly to take the paillliMMftll clerk; with D. Mr Steele 6or nstji .ljoui BMHSMli -mw"mwBr mi fsasasti The South Platte- Bridge. The plank on the South Platte river bridge are pretty well worn out, and for some time there has existed a necessity for a new floor. The bridge tools inad equate to accommodate the large travel on that road. In view of these facts the county commissioners decided to replank the bridge, and at the same time, as the additional cost would not be- very great, widen the structure to sixteen feet, thus avoiding the dead-locks that often occur at night on account of teams being unable to pass each other the roadway being so narrow. Although somewhat in doubt as to the faads available, the board decid ed to wideaBad rebuild, and advertised for bids. On the board's proposition, the following bids were received: J. F. Hinman, $2.80 per lineal foot J. L. Means, 3. 27 per lineal foot. EL D. Thomson, $2.99 per lineal foot. Mr. Thomson filed a supplementary bid, to the effect that if allowed to build on Mr. Means specificatiens, he would make a reduction of about 18 cents per foot, or $3.81 per foot. The financial: question being undevel oped, action 6a the bids was deferred un til sfter the 'July settlement with the treasurer. The board is in a perplexing situation. When asked a year or so ago to vote the necessary fands to rebuild the bridge, they refused. Now the commissioners have to grappel squarely with the pror blem shall they close the bridge or shall they repair It The former seems impos aible. and to do the work without funds mttsirtoaeeffss " - -- mtm ' - s;m;srM way. Mrs. ur. Hsrnsv ta the city r naay, weeks with her E. B. Gibbs. Louie Burke Montana, Saturday home the body af oh the home raack; C. Kelley& spent several' days week closing up; Kelley Is now! a, 'arrivea spend' several Mr. and Mrs Fort Custer, ag, to wing er for burial city. r or tnls city, town .during the affairs. Mr. 1. 1 Cheyenne. J. I. Nesbitt aad faMy arrived at home Monday morniag, hag spent two weeks very pleasantiyyWit,lhevL)ng Pine Chautauqua and othjhices. A. O. Kocken. itfteV several week3 so journ at Carboa, Wyoawag, arrived at home Friday moralajthaving disposed of s car load or so of abws at that place. 3Irs. Geo. A. Newmaa and her cousin Miss Booknau, of Wsslervllle, Neb., left Monday morning to visit Mrs. Newman's father who is veryvaick in Salem City, Oregon. Chas. P. Ross retpraed Tuesday from his surveying expedition up the North Platte river, and speat the week at borne. He will report to. thejssme coaipany for work in the northera isrt'df the State. fizzfe Per il as per- P. H. McEvoywas;bsYsio8ed several days durintr the ws&, 'having a slight "tussel" with malaria It was only a half round, but Mac thums that he would sooner stand up in frnsx.of Sullivan than to face old ma!sii"fWfa-fall round. The manv mends o guson exceedingly regret that she taken her departure from the:ity to manently reside in Avon,IU. Should the fates so order it, that she may return again, numerous friends will extend to her a cordial welcome. Jerre Brittingham one of the regular panel of jurors, made this office a pleas, ant call yesterday. We might omit the word pleasant, but Mr. Brittingham paid one year's subscription, consequently the quality of the visit cannot be x pressed without it. George Patterson is in Fremont for the purpose, we are told, of entering the examination class as & .candidate to the West Point Military Academv. this coo gressional district being, entitled to u scholarship. We hope tq see George suc cessfully pass the examination. J. S. Hoarland and wife and Mrs. L. A. Stevens arrived home Saturday, somewhat faticaed and weatherbeaten ny their Ion? travel, but nevertheless they enjoyed the excursion to the Pacific coast. I n the twenty days they were on the road they traveled oyer six thousand miles. The surveying outfit for the Sioux City Ogden Short Line passed through the city going east, their destination being Plainvlew, Pierce County. The engineers had previously gone forward by rail. After leaving here going-west, the engi neers ran a Has up the north side of the North Platte until they met the east bound party Bear Gerlng not far from the Wyoming line. The road has now made two surveys through Nebraska, one directly west from Plainvlew striking the JNorth natte near we western line or the State and other jdiverging southwest from Plainvlew intersecting 'the Platte oppo site this city. The engineers are un doubtedly ordered back to commence the Kork of locating the. line;, but which route will he .taken is-, of course not known, as that will be determined on the report of the engineers. - The road apparetmy.MS. strong packing peruaps the IUindu Ceaeral and will surely be built State Levy. The county clerk has received notice that the following amounts have been levied on the valuation of Lincoln county to be collected from the. assessment of 1889: General fund five mills, school fund four-eights mill, university fund three-eights mill, reform school fund oae-seventh mill, institute feeble mind I fund, one-eighth mill, total six and one seventh mills. The total valuation is $2,295,682 .54 and the above levy will raise $14,102.02, which is the amount charged to the county by the state. In 1887 the levy was 1 : In 1888, 7 and this year 6 1-7 mills, so It will be seeu there Is a gradual decrease in the state levy. An Wind. - j The flow of natural tjss.ifhich was sup posed to have been- 'struct by well dig gers in Spnnnuth precinct turned out to be wind. The air was forced ont of the well by a tremendous pressure, sufficient to absolutely prevent the workmen from sinking the pipe. After the air had commenced to flow, the work of sinking the well wss resumed, but very slow pro grsss wss mads, bo account of the pres sure. Fiaally a depth of 430 feet was reached, at which polat it was decided to abandon the effort to go deeper, only ten feet havinr been made in that n tim ber of days. ,Bo the tools were taken put W:SS aCaBBasiloal sWssits An adjourned of the District Court commenced Monday, Judge Hamer presiding, expressly to give Jef ferson Long a trial; '.He is to be tried on an iadlctment found in April 1888 the same on which he had a trial in the fall ' m im -m m - 1 or last year, tne jury tailing to- agree. The technical charge against Long is, in substance as' 1 set- forth in the mdlct- ment, that he "did aid, abet, cnaasii, In cite and procure him the said Eraest Meyers, with a blndgesa, with a pistol snd'by burning" to hUl Pi shard Base time. The regular pans! of jurors aad nearly one nundrsd talasmea sammeaesi, ncjai the body af tashesaaty, we pffeseBtinHn whtoh-to ssfesi.afar?.' i" I, The priiiiaSilS Is eead a(ed by J . W. Bixler, wha has always, Wn the leading iptasctsBor oa thpart of the State and specially ipMjaskd in this case by the tt, sssjtolgday county attorney Wilcox. llsfeBec is in the hands of Beach I. .M1amss,'.T . S. Hoagland and Nesbitt & Grimes. : On calling the case, the defendant filed a plea in bar, asking that he be discharg ed on the ground of having once been placed in jeopardy on the same indict ment This was replied to by the pros ecution, which brought out an answer from the defendant's attorneys and gave rise to several collatteral questions, con suming ihe time of the court until nearly 4 o'clock. In the mean time the Defen dant's attorneys had drawn up a paper ob jecting to or challenging tho special venire which had been filed by mistake ... and this was brought to the attention of the court Considerable talk followed, but finally the defense was permitted to withdraw the motion. Everything then seemed to be ready to empanel the jury. The prisoners attor neys announced that they were ready, and the court said he was exceedingly anxious to get the jury of twelve men and allow the others to return to their homes. But the prosecutiou did not appear to be quite ready and proceeded to consult. hile waiting the J udge took occasion to admonish reporters and the pre&i gen erally not to publish anything calculated to interfere with or prejudice the case. promising to give the offender as long a term in jail as is possible. The prosecuting attorneys having finish ed their consultation, a motion for con tinuance was filed. A disposition to ue the motion being manifested by the Defendant's attorneys, the Judie ruled that the question was'not debatable. After examining the statute, the Judge aunounced that he was uot prepared to decide the motion, and a recess was take n until 7:30 p. m. The court convened at 7:30 o'clock, when the court granted the motion for continuance, the time set for the next hearing of the case being October 21. The defendant's attomej's excepted to the continuance, demauding an iuunwliate trial. The cotttiuuance was granted on ;i letter from Geo. H. Tiedemann dated Irondale, Colorado, July 24, 1889, directed to "Dear friend Robert," stating that he. could not come at this terra of court because there was not time to make arrangements and for other reasons H promised to attend at next term if the case was continued. Attoruey Bixler iu his affidavit sets forth the facts that he expects to prove by thewltness Tiedemann and swears that the state can prove the facts by no other witness; that the attorneys for the Sfate have done all iu their, power to procure the attendance of said Tiedemann at this term of court; that they have caused a messenger to go to the state of Colorado to see Tiede raann nd that he has agreed to attend as a witness if the case can be continued sixty days. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Notice is hereby.given that h the lands of the undersigned $s loroiaaen. au persons ss win- De prosecuted to tne Jaw. By theDasy ttouss, 2f "rJ!B, a faVMnmaamai ' y W lO saststOafeassT Lloyd The Oarlssm WhCmm mmd Kangea made utvt iw vhtbtsbi sbtsss ana sizes are far sals by Stkwaxt & Sherxax. ' . CWLat Strickler's and see the Low Sewing: Machine. It will sew w . .... ywo seams at one time with two 4ors of thread, work button holes and do oyer seaming, all withont any attachment and at alow price. Something new in Ladies' Hair Pins Clinton's, the Jeweler. at Pitch forks for twenty-five cts at Stewart & Sherman's. To make room for new stock 1 will sell the best line of cook and Jewel gasoline stoves and baby carriages, at greatly reduced prices. L. Stricklee. Hershey & Co. for Nichols & Threshers. are agents Shepard's The celebrated Diamanta Spectacles and eye glasses, all styles and prices fitted by A. F. Streitz. TO HAY CONTRACTORS. We have a large supply of prime Smoked Meats and Corned Beef very cheap. On account of our largely increased trade, we can sell on very small margin. We are selling more meat than ever. Call on us before purchasing your sup plies, and you will save money. KLENK & GATWARD. FOR SALE. 150 acres of Hay Land 3 miles from North Platte. Price $1,000 cash. Address L. Thoelecke, North Platte, Neb. erthey Go's for :era Whitewater and wagons. Eleak & Gatward have just put ia new steam sausage machinery aad are now prepared to furnish better sausage aad cheaper than say market ia towa. Give them a call when you waat flrst clsss goods. Smokers can always fiad a good cigar at Schmalzried's saaau factory. Hemaa uf sctures his cigars from the best of leaf tobacco. NEW ROAD. The new road is surely comiag and for proof just call st the undertaking rooms of Sam Adams the Locust street under taker and see the low rates oa his goods, which must have come ia oa the sew road or else he could not aaTord to sell at such a reduced rate. Remember his stock of goods is entirely new. Free, hearse to the city burial grounds. Wood binder twine and machine oils at Hershey fc Go's. GENUINE It J - We can at any time supply customers with the choicest cuts of Beef, Pork, Veal and Mutton. Also Hsli, Oysters and vegetables in their season. The finest lino of all kinds of sausage in the city at ail times. UrODBECK & GlRMANX. For choicest Pork call on cuts of Beef. Mutton or Klenk & Gatward. I have just received a fine stock of Dodsoa & Hill's celebrated mixed pickles, both sweet and sour. These are fine goods. V. Von Goetz, Isorth Side Grocery Store. FINE SAUSAGE. The sausace of all kinds manufactured by Klenk & Gatward has achieved a wide reputation for excellence. They ship large quautities to dealers up and down the road. Glauciog over a young lady's Album of this city we saw the following which is worthy nf publication: May the troths in this Album be as pare and refined, As those which should over be the thoughts of your mind; May the words herein written never rise to condemn. Bat may yon when in trouble find a solace in them. May yoa hIbo remember, be they ever so true, Tliat earthly friends change as all other things do; Bat dear Jesus, oar friend, who can not de ceive. Stands waiting and ready oar grief to relieve. Then trust him and love him with all your heart. Keep his commandments nor from them depart; Then in the last moment when the Eummous shall come. The Saviour will take you to his hoarenly home. In Memoriam. Whereas, the Supreme Grand Sire has in His inscrutible wisdom removed from the lodge on earth to the Sovereign Grand Lodge on high our beloved brother Chas. V. Price, P. G. of Walla Walla Lodge No. 56, who died at his home in Nebras ka City, Whereas, it is always well that the vir tue of the departed should be remember ed, that the living may draw therefrom lessons of wisdom ; and Whereas, Brother Charles W. Price was ever a faithful Odd Fellow, a kind and considerate neighbor, a devoted worker in the cause of humanity, it is proper and right that we should recog nize the noble qualities of our departed brother, therefore Resolved, that iu the death of Charles "W. Price this lodge has lost a devoted brother, a faithful co-worker, whose memory we will ever cherish, and whose death has caused a void in our lodge which can not easily be filled. Resolcetl, that the heartfelt sympathies of our brotherhood be and are hereby ex tended to his sorrowing widow and son in their bereavment. Resolved, that an engrossed copy of these resolutions be presented to Sister Price, that they be spread at length on the records of our lodge aud be published in the local papers. Memorial Services. Memorial services will be held by Stephen A. Douglas Post G. A. R. in commemoration of late Comrade William Baskins at the regular meeting of the Post on Saturday evening August 3. The friends of the family are invited to attend. Jem E. Evas a, ' AT COST. I have a few- buggies, fcvr.o seated carnages ana roaa carts, wmcir 1 will close out at cost. .Call , before they are all gone. L. Strickleb. Rock Springs Coal. I am now receiving four cars per week bprings coal and can deliver Send in your' orders. C. F. Iddings. of Rock promptly. LOQK OUT! If you buy ono gallon of Paint, I give a good brush to put it on. This refers to any color you may select. Frank Peale. Rock Springs lump or nut coal. C. F. Iddixgs Choice home-cured Hams and Bacon at Klenk & Gatward's. IF YOU "WANT Nice, fresh, dried fruits, call at Von Goetz North Side Grocery Store, where you will find them and everything else in the grocery line. Money to Loan on Chattels. G. T. Field, Rooms 7 and 8, Land Office Block. TO FAR3IERS. All farmers having Fat Cattle, Calves, Chickens, Sheep or other farm products, suitable for our line of business, will find it to their interest to call on us. The highest market prices paid. BnODBECK & GlRSTANN. The Celebrated McCormick and Deering Harvesters at Hershey & Co's, A large stock of repairs for these ma chines constantly on hand. HORSES FOR SALE. Several head of heavy work horses for sale bv J. R. Bangs. MONEY TO LOAN on Chattels by Wm. Brown, Room 1, Land Office Block. GIVEN AWAY to all cash customers in our Dry Goods nmi. Boot and Shoe Come early to secure) T. J. 4 :4' FOLEY, 'ipl HAY MEN ATTE1TTIG1T ! I am agent for tiw Im Ely Stichn ui Iflfan, And Acme .if - . x. .J T am also asremt for ik' -i' Steel and Chain Mowhs. I keep repairs for tkc S4cl sukI Chain Mower, Chsunpion Mowar and Buckeye Mower. Six drlarat kinds of Hay Eakes from $15 ioflS each. Impfements of all kinds ai bed-rock prices. llepairs for Champion Mowers and Halliday Windmills. Wm. J, PATTERSON. i - - . V lire Sale. Great Bargains in FTJUISriTXJEE. I have on hand an overstock of Children's Carriages, Rattan Rock ers, Easy Chairs and Children?s Chairs that I will sell REGARDLESS OF COST within the next thirty days. All kinds of Upholstered Goods, Lounges, Parlor Suits, Fancy Chairs, Platform Rockers and Di vans at a BIG DISCOUNT. Just received at Hershey & Oo's an assortment of Pine Buggies, Phaetons and Buck boards, which will be sold at low figures, considering qual ity and style. Folding COST. Beds in late Styles AT For Good Meat Call on BltODBECK & GlRMANN . V. VON GOETZ Says that competition is the life of trade, aud that he is alive and has a better class of goods than ever. He is bound to please in quantity, quality and price. The original north side store. The latest out in Ladies' Hair Fins at Clinton's the Jeweler. If you want the best sewing machine in the market, call and see me and get the Genuine Singer. Terms easy. Or if you want a Loan on your farm I can accomo date you without delay. Jas. P. Taylor. Office at Conway & Keith's. No. Platte. GEO. R. HAMMOND, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Oils, Gasoline, Coal Tab, Crude PXTBOIJCnf y Hie a Axls Gxxasx, fioomm Lamm, Etc., JAMES BELTON. 20,000 pounds Barb Wire at coat. 100 kegs Wire Nails at Cost. 10 Gasoline Stoves at cost. Money to Loan ON IMPROVED FARMS AND CHATTELS. Lowest RateSj Jest Terns. NO DELAY.