t. THE ONLY Brilliant Durable Economical Arc Diamond Dyes. - They excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None others are just as good. Beware of imitations they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor, weak, crocky colors. 36 colors; zo cents each. Send postal for Dye Book, Sample Card, directions for coloring Photos., making the finest Ink or uluiiig (10 ctt. a quart), etc Sold by Druggists or by WELLS. RICHARDSON CO., Burlington, t Ftar Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. QM, tavcr, Bronze, Copper. Only xo Cents. n . , J CELERY ra'"e S I COMPOUND CURES I PROOFS i "Paine's Celery Com- Neuralgia SSlS "i Mrs. L.A Bkentnek, S San Jacinto, CaL Nervous . . j "After UM115 six hot- PrOStratlOn tics of Paine's Celery Compound. I am cured m of rheumatism." Rheumatism jSS,Tri "It has done me more V I (j nOV good for kidney disease than any other roedi- DiSeaSGS cine." Gbo.Abeott, I . Sioux City, Iowa. "T "Painc's Celery Com- pound has been of great All Liver benefit for torpid liver, ,w" indigestion, and bilious- mnrderS ness." Elizabeth C. O. S. CLINTON, WATCHES . OI00MS9 SILYEEWASE AND Fine Watch and Clock Repair ing a Specialty. Exclusive Watch Examiner for the U P. Ry. McDonald's Block, Spruce Street. DO NOT MIS tie grand opportunity now offered by C. C. Noble to supply your every want in the line o BOOTS and HOES Emms CURES HMdaekf. Ttrttacht, Earacht, NEURALGIA, SORE THROAT, ftlfarrk CfMM. Frtttl Bitot. Sore Nipples, Caktd Brink, Um Back, RHEUMATISM Sprains, Briiisis, Cits, Bums, OM Saras, Ac Sold by Druggists, 50c. ana 97.00. HAMLIN'S SLOOD AND LIVER PILLS. Best in the World. Try Them. Z5c SONO BOOK MAILED FREE. Address wizard oiu vu(, CHICAUUi CHICHUUi n The secretarv of the interior, in his annual report, says the average cost of producing wheat in UaKota is 36 cents per bushel. This will be good news to Dakota farmers, who have been estimating" it at about 49 cents. It is barely possi ble that Mr. Vilas, instead of the Dakota farmers, is mistaken. The New York court of appeals has decided that Cornell university cannot accept the bequest or $1, 500,000 made-intheJennie McGrau Fiske will, for the reason that the university is limited by its charter to the possession ot $b,UUU,UUU ot property. The case will be carried to the United States supreme court. According to Mr. Henrv Gradv the south is confronted by a delem- ma. If it remains solid it will be crushed by a rapidly growing solid north; it it divides it accepts negro domination. Under these circum stances the thing for the south to do is to be honest, obey the laws of the land, and take its chances. The Verdict Unanimous. W.J). Salt, Druggist, Bippas, Ind., testifies: "I can reccommend Electric Bittere as the very best remedy. Every bottlo eold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and ras cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters. Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottlo at A. F, Streitz's Drag Htore. . Now is youy time to make a good strike. From now until DECEMBER FIRST we will offer our stock at 16 per cent below our marked price, fie member we do not mark a fictitious price upon our goods. Our prices are LEGITIMATE AND FAIR. Jnet thinlr nf it! iam awl twn Jhiwl Pap flmif flff iiitiAI. 1,111 in 111 ii. iiiAi.iii.-ii 11 1 11 1 1. 1 1 1 1.1 1 1 i 1 1 1 iii 1 71 11 1 Si 1111 uuuv uuuu ux iui rixiui'vii u.1111 un u wxixx vi a ui vyim U" Do not neglect this grand opportunity. If you do you will regret it after December 1st. These prices are only for cash buyers. Yours ever -willing to please, C. C. NOBLE, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Kilrain and Sullivan have once more nearly completed arrange ments for a passage at fists to the bitter ard blood v end. At least Kilrain seems to be anxious to meet the Boston boy and the big 'un will hardly dare to take water. Eat then lately there seems to be more ways of getting out of a scrimmage than getting into one. LUMBER 11 COAL. LUMBEB, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, Etc. LIME AND CEMENT, Kock Springs Nut, Eock Springs Lump. Pennsylvania Anthracite, Colorado Anthracite AND Colorado Soft 1 0 YARD ON R. R. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT, E. B. WARNER, Keeps constantly in stock Metalic and Cloth Draped Caskets, complete line of Trimmings in White and Black, Gloss White Caskets, Wooden Coffins of all sizes, Shrouds and Shoes. Telegraph Orders Promptly Attended to. Open Day and Night. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. That the-republicans will have a clear majority in the next house of representatives is uow admitted by the Washington Post, which has all along claimed a democratic ma jority. According to the Post's figures the house will stand: Re publicans 166, democrats 159, a Re publican majority of seven. The estimates continue to grow better. Brace Up. You are feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, yon are bothered with headache, yon are tidgetty. nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace np. Brace np, but not with stimu lants, spring medicines or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate yon for an hour, and then leavo you m worse condition than before. What yoa want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vatality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine yoa will find in Electric Bitters and only 50 cents a bottle at A. F. Streitz's Drug Store. 5 Omaha society craves more young men. n- ;c .lnimed that Madison will have electric lights" within sixty days. tv,o Omaha Frances Cleveland club will retire from politics and enter society. fi ir Pppdav. a ciuack physician and prominent democrat at Lin- WOOd, has OCKea-vina uuu& uuu skipped . W. R Thorne of Blue Hill fell from a load of hay last Wednesday and was killed by the wagon pass ing over his head. The annual session of the Nebras ka woman suffrage association will be held in Omaha next Monday and Tuesday. A kecr of beer at Bennington caused a general row last Monday. About twenty-five men possess black eyes and sore mugs. Thos. Carraber, a prominent farmer living near Madison, was seriously injured last Wednesday by being thrown from a load ot hay. A Woman 'Discovery. "Another wonderful discovery has henn mndn and that' too by a ladyln this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven veare 6ho withstood its severest tests, but her i .i ' i i t i vi uu orguus were uuueroiuieu uuu ueam aeemuu imminent. For three months she coughed inces santly and conld not sleep. She bonaht of us a bottle of ir. lung s Kew Uiscovery lor uon sumption and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has Deen miraculously cured, tier name ia Mrs. Luther Lntz." Thus write W. C. Ham- rick & Co.. of Shelby, . U. Wet a free trial Dot tle at A. v. otreitz s4Jrng Store. Beick Liteet Stable, FIRST-CLASS RIGS FURNISHED on short notice and at reasonable rates. Horses boarded by the week or month. Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the Hawley House on east Fifth street, NORTH PLATTE, - jSTEB-RA-SKLA. A New Hand at the Bellows. .Having purchased the Blacksmith and Wagon business of Hershey & Co., I desire to announce that I will continue the business at the "old stand, corner Fifth and Locust streets. All kinds of BLACKSMITHING, HORSE-SHOEING AND REPAIRING, CARRIAGE AND WAGON WORK promptly executed in first-class style. Having the best machinery west of Kearney, my facilities for doing work quickly are unsurpassed. I .reiectfully solicit a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore be atowd.apon my predecessors.. -Pric'Teryiow bukl oannot give credit. Please .do riot ask for it. At least 30,000 ex-confederate soldiers in Virginia voted the repub lican ticket at the late election. This is the most promising sign of the times, and is an indication that the best seutiment of the south is tired of the democratic party, its reactionary politics, and its blind hatred of northern loyalty. For such "rebels" the loyal north has an open heart, tilled with warm and fraternal kindness. Let more of them come! Chicago Journal: In speaking of the operation of the prohibitory liquor law m Rhode Island, the Providence Journal says: "The saloons are quite as open, much more numerous, and a great deal more mischievous than when they were under license and restriction as to character and con duct, and paid a revenue to the city and state." We commend this statement to the irapracticables who wish to substitute prohibition for the Slocum law in Nebraska. Rhode Island was the only state in the union requiring a property qualification for voting At. th recent election an ampndmptif. fn the state constitution was adopted oy a large majority, doing away with this abnoxious restriction. The law now provides that every male citizen above the age of twenty-one, who has resided two years in the state and six months in ihe city where he wishes to vote, is to have the right of suffrage. The new law has enfranchised several thousand citizens, and will material ly swell Little Rhody's voting strength. W hat effect this addition will have on Rhode Island politics remains to be seen. Three-iourths of the DeoDle are tronhlpd with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, in some form or otber, which by nature of the disease has a de pressing influence on the mind or body.'preventr ing them from thinking or acting clearly in any matter of importance. Indigestion, coming np of food after 'eating, dyspepsia, sick headache, acidity of the stomach or any derangement of tho stomach or liver (upon which the whole ac tion of our system depends) are speedily and ef fectively overcome by the use of Green's August Flower. The mo'st stubborn cases have yielded to its influence, as thousands of letters received wiU testify. The immense sale of this medicine is another guarantee of iu merits, (overamil- SS? S 1,011168 801(1 la8t ye"' 8WB n& a- lt pay ?on tl coffer from any of the above diseases when vnn M w prove its worth. It is sold by all druggists and general dealers in all parte of tha woridT I A Ulysses lumberman tried to swallow the "wishbone of a chick en, but it stuck in his crop and a doctor with a long rubber tube and a swab had to be called into action. The bone was removed and now rests in the lumberman's pocket for luck. The Kearney Hub and one or two other state papers are vainly endeavoring to convince their read ers that ex-benatfir Alvin Saunders, and not Senator Manderson, should be elected to the senate this winter. For what reason is not clearlv stated. Surely these papers are not blind to the fact that Mr. Mander son is the choice of the state at large. Do they think Mr. Saunders is any better fitted for the place? And has Senator Manderson ever committed an act unbecoming the station he has so ablv filled in, the past? Ex. Pretty "Women. All women look attractive when their color and complexion is clear. If your skin is sallow eyes dull, you are bilious, secure a box of Wil liams' Australian Herb Pills, take as directed, and the feeling of languor will leave you, your eyes brighten, and you are another woman. C, W. rnce.Agent. Martin & Nauman BUTCHEES, AND DEALERS IX FRESH M m MEATS, HAMS", BACON, SAUSAGE AND FISH. Highest Price Paid for Fat Stock. Sixth Street, between Spruce and Pine, NORTH PLATTE, - - NEB. UNDERTAKING. I hereby announce that I have "opened out a large stock of Under taker's Supplies, such as Metallic . and Cloth Draped CASKETS, Woc-derr Caskets, And Burial Oases. Also a fine stock of Shrouds, Lin ings, Trimmings, 'etc. In connec tion I have one of the finest hearses in the west. Prompt attention to all calls in city or country, r rices reasonable. Room on Locust St., opposite Hershey & Co. SAML ADAMS, Prop. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. BestComrhSyruD. Tastes rood. 1 in time. Mom uyarngsMts. believe Consumi . H. Dowell, mirer. Eden- PISO The best Cough Medi cine is Piso's Cube fob Coksumptiox. Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c. BCttttS WWJfc aui glim Women have generally been sup posed to regard cremation unfavor ably, according to the Epoch, which says that the idea is unfounded. Our .contemporary pnonsnes a col lection ot letters trom sucn nocea ladies as Laura C. Holloway, Celia Thaxter, Edna Dean Proctor and others, declaring in favor of burn ing the dead, both upon sanitary and sentimental grounds. If those letters express the general senti ment upon the subject among American women, the time sanc tioned custom of burying the dead will eventually be superseded by the furnace and the vase for ashes. Journal. Bernard Meyer, of Omaha, re cently felt a slight pain under his left shoulder. The pain soon be came intense and a doctor was sought. An examination of the spot revealed a hard substance, which on being extracted, proved to be a needle in good condition. Meyer had no recollection of a needle having entered his body, but his mother says that it occurred when he was an infant, fifty-four years ago. The Paddock, a magnificent new hotel at Beatrice costing about 150,000 and erected by U. S. Sen ator A. S. Paddock, is about com pleted and has been leased to an eastern man for a long term of years. Beatrice is to be congratu lated on the fact of its being the home of Senator Paddock, whose spirit of enterprise is made mani fest in the erection of this modern hotel. $25.00 Reward. The above reward will ba paid for any cusu of rheumatism not benefited by Ballard's Snow Liniment. There is no pain it will not subdue, no wound it will not heal. It is the most pene trating liniment known for all pain, for man or beast it stands without parallel. Ladies who have backacho should never be without it. Price 50 cents. C. W. Prico Agent. FOR J3ALE. A. Fine Farm at a Bargain. I have for sale for a short time one of tho best quarter sections of improved land in Lincoln Co. at about half its value. 40 acres nnder cultivation, good frame house of 6 rooms and largo cellar costing $1400, 100 acre in pasture under 3-wire fence, good frame barn, loft holds 5 tons hoy, good out-buildings, sheds, corral, ic. The improvements have cost over S2100. This fine farm will be sold for $2,200, the pur chaser to assume an incumbrance of $800 having 3 yrs to rnn. Time will bo given on part paym't. For full particulars inquire of or address L. A. STEVENS, North Platte, Neb. II I m s Leading r. OMAHA REPUBLICAN II DAILY EDITION, 85 Cents per Month, Ten Dollars per Yr. WEEKLY EDITION, To January 1st, 1890, One Dollar. This reliable and fearless journal has chal lenged the admiration of the country in the cam paign just closed. It was tho representative Republican daily of Nebraska, and is one of the leading newspapers of tho country. In the future as in the past The Kepubucaji will continue to excel in everything. It prints all the Lews. It is bright, clean, energetic and newsy. The Republican appeals to its friends in eve ry voting precinct to give thoir person assistance in extending its circulation. Send for sample coppies. Mail list of names, rouse clubs. It is the People's Paper. The Weekly Republican materially 1m Droved for 1831) published every Thursday, con tains all the news of the week in condensed form. It is tho best and cheapest weekly news paper published anywhere. AH remittances should bo addressed to The Omaha Republican Co., OMAHA, NEB KGUY,SPUCKM FIRST-CLASS Sample :-: Boom, Having refitted our rooms throughout, the public is invited to call and see us. ONLY Choice Wines, Liquors and Kept at the Bar. Agent for the celebrated IDAKHA NATURAL MINERAL WATEB, from Soda Springs, Idaho . Keith's Block, Front Street, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA " . ' JOHN ANDERSON, MY JO. John Anderson, my jo John, When first I was your wife. On ever' washing day, John, I wearied of my life. It made you cross to see, John, Your shirts not white as snow, I washed them with our home-made soap, John Anderson, my jo. Ah! many a quarrel then, John, Had you and I thegither, But now all that is changed, John, We'll never have anither; For washed with Ivory Soap, Johnf Your shirts are white as snow; And now I smile on washing day, John Anderson, my jo. A WORD OF WARNING: There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the ' Ivory1 they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkablTqliaHties of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. Copyright 1SSC, by Procter & Gamble. EED PEONT GROCERY STORE NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! N. B. Olds presents his compliments to the people o North Platte and vicinity and begs leave to inform them that he has opened an entire new stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Feed and Produce. Buys all kinds of country pro duce. A share of public patronage is solicited. North Locust St., north side of track. North Platte, Nebraska HERSHEY & CO., DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ) -AND- Bismark Saloon Billiard and Pool Hall, J. C. HUPFER, Prop... Keeps none but the finest Whiskies.such as ROBINSON COUNTY, TENN. GOON HOLLOW, . M. V. MONARCH, O. F. G. TAYLOR. GUCKENHEIMBR RYE. WELSH AND HOMESTEAD Also lino case goods, Brandies, Rum, Gin Etc. St. Louis Bottled Beer and 3ttlwauk.ee Beer on draft. Corner Sixth and Spruce Streets, NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA TXTsigroxisi, Ca,rrla,g:es, IQ-uigrgaes, lELO-A-ID CARTS, ETC. Agents for the Celebrated Goodhue and Challenge Wind Mills. Agents for Union Sewing Machines. Locust Street, North Platte, - - Nebraska. J. Q. TH ACKER, DRUGGIST. KEITH'S BLOCK, FRONT STREET, OPPOSITE PACIFIC HOTEL. NOETH PLATTE, - NEBEASKA WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. E. J. BROEKE R, Merchant Tailor, i E A. 3?JE 3E1. A3NTI) T3 T A.T1 LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, einbracinsr all the new desisrns. kent on lmnd nnd mndpfn nrW PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE Spruce Street, next door to Post office. Registered Jersey Cattle. Small choice herd of the most noted Cutter families, and prominent prize winers for sale at a bargain. JNO. W. WATT - - - MOOREFIELD, NEB. 30,000 ACRES Desirable Farmini Land FOR SALE IN RANGES 33 to 37, INCLUSIVE, IN Lincoln and Keith Counties, Neb., and lying between the Ncrth and South Platte Rivers, on the line of - the Union Pacific Railway. Prices and Terms can be obtained on application at the office of; DILLON & COLLINS,