Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, December 08, 1888, Image 2

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fit Uw.
STEVENS &BARE, Editors and Pbops.
The people expect congress to
enact some measures that will be
beneficial to the country. Get
down- to work during the balance
of this" session, and let politic
Will the prohibition question
be submitted, is a question the leg
islature will have to decide this
winter. The opponents of the
measure have made up their minds
that submission cannot be pre
vented much longer, and the sooner
it is done, the better will their
chances be to defeat the proposi
tion. We invite attention to the tros
, pectus of the Omaha Republican
t:fl elsewhere in these columns. The
Republican has always been good
I rvbut we believe it is better now than
fever. It is especially strong edi
; 'tonally, and during the late cam-
vpaign no paper west of Chicago did
better or more valiant work for the
party. Every Republican in Lin
coln county should take it.
The yellow fever has about
abated in Florida. During the
epidemic there were 4,7CD cases at
Jacksonville and 411 deaths, accord
dng to telegraph reports. If the
tabove figures are correct, the dis-
ease was not virulent as usual or
I the mode of treating is more suc
cessful. At Memphis a few years
ago, our recollection is that about
I every fourth person stricken with
? the disease died.
It ' ,
v Congress commenced its session
on Monday, the President's mes
sage being delivered in the after
noon. Unlike the one of a year
; ago, this document is quite lengthy.
... i touching on all questions of public-
i i mi r t
interest;. nrs;; part is a remark
able departure from the usual style
of state papers, partaking more of
the character or a warning and a
lecture. Mr. Cleveland's position
on monopolies and trusts is good,
f and we hope congress will stop
.wrangling over petty affairs long
enough to pass proper laws govern
ing these subjects, if they can be
regulated by laws. In spite of the
'fact that he is going out of office,
many passages in Mr. Cleveland's
message are intended to make po
: litical capital, and may give rise to
measures for that purpose, thus
preventing needed legislation. He
j is not an old man, and possibly the
"1 presidential bee is still buzzing in
, nis bonnet. As his tariff message
-fwj! of a year ago made him the inevi
f table candidate of his party, he ap
parently hopes to make himself the
leader four years hence. Mr. Cleve
land is a politician, not a statesman.
A fellow of rather low order of
mind vents his spleen in the Tele
graph, his rhapsody being called
out first by a news item in The
. Tribune and afterwards by an edi
torial squ:b. Whether the item of
news is correct or not, we have no
means at hand to determine, but
as he does not controvert the state
ment we presume it is. The fellow
h is over-zealous. In his anxiety to
cast odium on the editor of The
Tribune, the whole burden of his
: . song, he insults 494,000 laboring
men about two-thirds of the order
who have withdrawn from the
V Knights of Labor, when he says
that their motives in joining the
f. order were mercinary, and who,
t. "after having their curiosity satis
fied and finding they could not use
it for their individual interests left
in disgust" and thpt the order k;has
lost none of its usefjl members."
The 256,000 have purged out the
"vicious element," the 494,000. The
order of Knights of Labor was or
ganized for a good purpose to ad
vance and protect the interests of
the masses of laboring men. But
if the charges that have been made
and are unrefuted are true, the or
der has fallen into the hands of
managers who are apparently more
intent on protecting their own sel
fish interests than those of'the
laboring men. No other inference
can be drawn from the proceedings
of the Indianapolis assembly. Pow
derly dictated the election of officers,
and he has almost autocratic con
trol. That this proves The Tri
bune's somewhat inelegant aphar
isra is a logical conclusion from
past events.
Dakota will make two good states
and there ought to be little delay
in having them admitted. In pop
ulation, wealth and all that goes to
make up established society, such
as should be the basis of statehood,
Dakota has been fully up to the
highest standard 'for years. Five
years ago she had outgrown the
machinery for territorial govern
imejtt, and ever since her citizens
Have been suffering from the cramp
ing and narrow tendencies of a
government which they could have
small control. The courts were in
efficient to enforce the laws, and
enterprise was ruined or retarded
thereby. Immigration was checked
because the American prefers to
make his home where he can have
a voice in the government under
which he lives, and it is "but a
meager, if any, voice that the dwell
er in a territory has in the execu
tion of the laws under which he
must live. If South., Dakota had
been admitted to statehood four
.years ago there is little doubt- but
that its population, would have now
been equal to the present popula
tion of the whole . territory. Inter
It is estimated that last year the
south lost by forest fires nearly
$7,500,000. The total number of
acres burned over according to the
New Orleans Times-Democrat, was
more than double the whole area
of land under cultivation in. Louisi
ana, or considerably over 6,0u0,000
acres. And what makes it worse,
it seems that the destruction of
most of this timber was due to care
less ecs or reckleness. The Times
Democrat reports that ciicnlars ad
dressed to leading lumbermen,
asking them what were the causes
of tne fires, establish the fact that
"the fires were nearly all due to
'possum and coon hunting and the
turpentine business." Following
the 'possum and the soon is doubt
le:s a charming pastime, and of
course the turpentine business is
not to be -unnecessarily interferred
with. But there is such a thing as
possums, coons and turpentine
costing too much. Tne forestry
congress, which is now in session at
Atlanta, may be expected to devise
measures calculated to protect the
forests of the south from these and
other evils that threaten them.
Last Monday morning Mr. Thos.
Finlon was driving out with his
team and wagon and seeing some
cattle on his place he thought he
would go out and run them off.
He drove his team over near where
the cattle were and got out of the
wagon to drive them off. A steer
with one sharp horn concluded he
wouldn't go and showed fight. Mr.
Finlon took off his cap to scare him
but instead of being scared the
steer ran at him knocking
him down and in. the scuf
fle he ran his horn into Mr.
Finlon's cheek making a very ugly
wound. He finally succeeded in
getting to his wagon which was
the only thing that saved him from
getting killed. Dr. Harris was
called and dressed the wound. Tom
says he thought his cheek was
pretty hard, but it wasn't a circum
stance to the old steer's horn.
Paxton Pilot.
A writer in Vick's Magazine tells
how to water flowers without either
wetting or soiling the surroundings.
She says: "I cut out strips of tin,
which is supplied by tin cans, and
bend them into the form of cones,
varying from one to two and one-
half inches at the mouth, and m
length being two-thirds the depth
of the pots, the larger size of course
being for the larger pots. I plant
these cones, one in a pot, at the
side a little distant from the end,
with the seam turned toward the
root of the plant, and the top sunk
to the level of the earth. It is an
easy matter to introduce water from
the nozzle of a sprinkler, with no
danger of slopping and the earth
is not hardened as it is where mois
ture is applied extensively."
A couple of true lovers have been
found in Knoxville, Tenn., and
their married life ought to be a
h?.ppy oue. Joshua Sbipe and
Margaret Douglass were lovers
thirty-five years ago and became
engaged, but the mother of the
girl and the sister ot Mr. bhipe
both objected to a union of the
families, and the youug couple
waited waited for thirty-hve years
until one bf the irreconcilable ob
jectors should be removed, which
was done the other day by the death
of Miss Sipe the aged sister. Mrs.
Douglass then withdrew her objec
tion, and the couple were married.
The Chattanooga Commercial
says that the Southern States are
making rapid progress in the de
velopment of diversified industries,
in building cotton mills, wood
working establishments of all kinds
and that this winter will see greater
activitv in the industrial develop
ments than was ever before known
in the south. Quite true. The
south sees that the Mills bill was
not its best friend, and she has
more confidence in the protective
policy of the party she calls her op
ponent than in that she has been
wont to call her friend. One of
the best evidences of the south's
indorsement of political doctrines
is the enthusiasm with which she
goes to work under them. Inter
Major Burke, of the New Or
leans Times-Democrat, admits that
he is a protectionist, and hes al
ways been since he saw the confed
eracy go to pieces for want of me
chanical arts and mechanics. Ma
jor Burke is one of the progressive
men of the south, and is now doing
for Honduras what the south has
refused ,to allow such men to do
for .her--establishing schools for
mechanical training that will give
the country a race of men able to
earn their own living, and not de
pend upon the work and skill of
John L. Sullivan is twe'nty-niue
years of age. It is said that he has
made and spent 300,000 in the
last three years, and now, with an
impaired constitution and a weak
ened right arm, he once more faces
the problem of life.
Haepi Home Blood Pubikikk is the people's
popular medicine for purifying the blood; pro
venting or coring dyspepsia, biliousness, head
ache, boils and all fevers and malarial diseases.
Price 50 cents and one dollar per bottle.
TJnelo am- Condition Powder will care dis-v
tempers, coughs, colds, fevera and most of the
diseases to which horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and
poultry are subject. Sold by aU druggists.
Commissioners Proceedings.
Monday, Dec. 3.
The Board met pursuant to ad
journment, the full board being
The petition of Wni. Beatty and
sixty-three others, freeholders of
Bfady precinct, praying the com
missioners to call a special election
to vote on the proposition of issu
ing 18,000 in precinct bonds for
the purpose of aiding in the con
struction of a wagon bridge to be
built across the Platte river south
of Brady Island station, a sufficient
bond being fi'.ed to secure tne coun
ty agaiust loss, therefore ordered
that a rpecial election be called as
in said petition requested.
The plans of R. D. Thomson for
steps for jail are considered and
adopted, and the contract to build
said steps for jail is awarded to J.
F. Hinman for 8185.
The bond of Wm. Beatty and J.
Abercrombie as security for the
special election to be held in Brady
preciuct is hereby approved.
Bill of Sophy Anderson for care
and board of Emma Anderson to
Thursday, Dec. 6th, is herebv al
lowed for $io:
The governor of Nevada, in his
Thanksgiving proclamation, stirred
up the Democrats of that state
wonderfully, and all about nothing.
The governor merely remarked in
that document that "with malice
toward none and charity for all,
we ought to be thankful that the
issues of the late political contro
versy have ended so favorably for
the future happiness and prosperity -of
our people. The style is a lit
tle unusual, but there's nothing
wrong ubout that.
Eilem's Extract of Tax and Wild Chkbky
is a 6afe, reliable and pleasant remedy for coughs
colds, bronchitis, asthma and aU throat troubles;
will relieve and benefit consumption. Try it
and be convinced. Every bottle warranted; price
59c and $1 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Pre
pared by the Emmert Proprietary Co., Chicago.
Bishop William Taylor, the
Methodist Bishop for Africa, sailed
Saturday by the Cunard steamer
Gallia for Liverpool. From Liver
pool he will sail for his mission
field on the Congo. A large num
ber of friends from different Meth
odist churches were at the pier to
see him off. Two weeks later a
party of missionaries, who are to
join Bishop Taylor's forces in
Africa, will sail.
Db. Jaqtos' Gebhax Worm Cakes destroy
worms and remove thorn from the system. Safe,
pleasant and effective.
Uncle Sam's bone and nerve liniment will re
lieve sprains, bruises, neuralgia and rheumatism.
Sold by nil druggists.
The Bay State Live Stock Co
has offered" to Scotts Bluff's county
to furnish the books and a burglar
proof safe for the county if the
county seat is located at Mitchell.
Gering has made the magnificent
offer of placing a bridge across the
river and have deposited in the
bank Si 5,000 bonds fordoing the
same, if they are accorded the honor
of being the county seat. Kim
ball Observer
Last Saturday a foreman painter
on the Manhattan bridge, which
crosses the Harlem river above
High bridge, fell to the shallow
beneath, 145 feet. Emerging from
the mud and water unhurt, he
walked back to his place on the
bridge. He turned twice in the
descent, speculated upon his chances
as he fell, and finally plunged to
the shoulders in the mud.
Mr. Elwood Lee, who has been
engaged in coal mining for the
past five years in Tennessee, in
forms us that he' has discovered
what old miners term coal blossom
in the hills near or on the Aufdeu
garten ranch. He thinks without
doubt coal can be found there in
good quality. This is indeed good
news and we hope that Mr. Aufden
garden or some one else will not let
much time pass before sinking a
prospecting shaft. Paxton Pilot.
It is estimated that from five to
six million pounds of turkey and a
million quarts of cranberries were
consumed in New York City Thurs
day. Eilert's Daylight Liver Pills are a boon to
sufferers from sick headache, soar stomach, tor
pid liver and indigestion. Sugar-coated, pleas
ant to take and warranted to go through by day
light Mothers will find Dr. Winchell's Teething Sy
rup just the medicine to have in the house for
the children; it will care coughs, colds, sore
throat and regulate the bowels. Try it
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies: A- marvel of purity,
strength and wholesomeneas. More economical
than the ordinary kind and cannot be sold in
competition with the multitude of low test, short
weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only
cans. nOTAii iJAJusa jtuwum v.. w "
a i. : T.incoln and
tx. beam lau aviaj 11 . ,
slammed the buggy up against a
traveling man' cheek. The buggy
was smashed' to splinters.
The endorsement of German Syrnp is nnpar
allelled. WewiU publish 1000 testimonials re
ceived during the last six. Months. Bead them.
Tr bti jm Mfc.
Bllll,l,i N. May 31, '88.
G. ,G,. Qa W Mr: -1 am frequently
trooMai'wilk MwOtUBr on remedy
that wM rriiii tWi"r ia your Boschee's
GemapftmJ t.MW.ffJ ifc for more than
' iVmiir 'K'-'B'i Sostant household com
mniwi f ldkfMMvfM irrhTin here procured
itfijtfit'MlMiiifai.WsayBhe has sold a
great mm hpMp itf very popular remedy
tatfciftaaetieB. Krm- person who has used it,
speaks j:ihe hifbt ' Items of its merits. I do
not 'IcMir jef a afaeease it has not cured. I
first wed k im ;TfieW-where I lived before
coitrfag ken. I adv everyone to use it, as it is
cttteialf the sees eaafk medicine I hare ever
knew. I 'km feiei aearly all of them at dif-faaatQaMs.
Proprietor Grist Mill.
Do not turn your cows out until the
herder calls for them. I shall certainly
enforce the ordinance and impound every
animal found running at large in the city
limits. The Town Lot Co's addition is in
the city limits. Thin notice applies to
horses as well as cows.
Syl Friend,
Chief of Police.
IMPORTANT. Every voter should
know that the Union Pacific,' the Over
land Route, and the Chicago & North
western Ry., commenced Sunday, Octo
ber 14th to run Pullman and Wagner
Vestibuled Palace Sleepers through from
Denver to Chicago via Omaha and
Council Bluffs. The principal line from
Denver to Chicago. m
Know All Men By These Presents.
That the Uuion Pacific, "the Overland
Route," and the Chicago, Milwaukee, &
St. Paul" Ry., commencing Sunday, Octo
ber 2ath, will run Pullman PalacH Sleep
ers through daily from Denver to Chicago
via Omaha and Council Bluffs.
25 Per fa
J 'I i'
Street, New York.
M MX rr I INI I t
1 y
We have too many goods, therefore we will
sell during the month of December every
thing in our store consisting of
Mens and Boys'
in suits and overcoats.
Ki Tilling
Hats and Caps, Trunks and
Valises at
Jiseount for Cash.
Now is your time to buy 2oods at actual
manufacturers' prices.
M. EINSTEEN & CO., Props.
iolM&y Clothing
Having renewed our stock throughout
we are better prepared to fill your
wants than ever. Our line of
Christmas Mufflers and Handkerchiefs
in silk surpasses all former efforts. Do
not delay but come at once in order to
. have the choice of our large and.ele
gant line. Our stock of
will be sold at one-half former price.
for men and boys go at prices so low
that you cannot help but buy. It is
our intention to reduce our stock
while the season is on.
I. beg leave to announce I have received my fall line of Cloaks in Plushee
Astrachans, Boucle and Diagonal Cloths. Also an elegant line of Jack
ets in all the leading shades and will sell them lower than any house ia
town by twenty-hve per cent.
An elegant Plush Coat, 0 inches long, nicely
lined and genuine seal ornaments for $25, worth
$27.50; others for $25, worth $32.50.
I will have on exhibition and for sale a
$0,000 Sioei? of Diamonds
which will be sold very low. This will be the largest and
finest stock ever brought to the city.
Short Plush Wraps, with half' sleeves for $20
worth $25; with Jacket sleeves $25, worth $80.
$8.25 to $20, in the very latest styles. Many
of these goods at actual cost, as I have fresh ar
rivals daily.
Je Ipter Oeeai?
v Is Published Every Day of the Year, and is the
Price, exclusive of Sunday, by mail, postpaid $8.00 per year
Price, Sunday included, by mail, postpaid 10.00 per year
Is published on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and besides tho news condensed from tho contains many ipeciil features of great value to those so situated that they can not
secure the Daily every day. The Monday issue contains the sermons printed in Tho Daily
later Oceaa of tho same date.
Is the Most Popular Family Newspaper published West of the Alleghany Moant
mlns. It owes its popularity to the fact that it is the BEST EDITED and has tho HIGH
EST LITERARY CHARACTER of any Western Publication. It is CLEAN and
BRIGHT, and is the able exponent of IDEAS and PKIN'CUVLES dear to the American
people. While it is broad in its philanthropy, it is FOR AMERICA AGAINST THE
WORLD, and broadly claims that tho best service that can be dono FOR MANKIND IS
REPUBLIC. Conscientious service in this patriotic lino of duty has given it an unusual
old upon the American people. Besides, no paper excels it as a disseminator of news.
NEWS OF THE WORLD is found condensed in its columns, and the very best
stories and literaryproductions THAT MONEY CAN PURCHASE are regularly found
in its columns. AmoM the special family features are the departments THIS
whole, it is"A MODEL AMERICAN NEWSPAPER,' and richly deserves what it has,
THE LARGEST CIRCULATION of any publication of the kind in America. It is the
best paper for the home and for the workshop.
The price of The Weekly is ". $1.00 per year
The price of The Semi-weekly is , $2.00 per year
For the aecoasiodation of its patrons the management of THE INTER OCEAN has
Bade arrangements to club both these editions with THAT BRILUANT AND SUC
One of the best Literary Monthlies in America, and which compares favorably with any of
the older Magazines la illustrations and literary matter. THE PRICE OF THE MAGA
MAGAZINE, beta one year, for THREE DOLLARS. Both publications for the price
both one year, for FOUR DOLLARS.
In the political campaign that ended in the election of HARRISON and MORTON
and THE TRIUMPH OF PROTECTION PRINCIPLES, no paper had more influence
than THE INTER OCEAN. Ithas been first, last, and always Republican, and durinz
the campsln came to be recognised as the LEADING REPUBLICAN PAPER OF THE
WEST It win maintain this position, and will give special attention to ROTernmental and
political affairs.
Remittances may be made at our risk, eitherby draft, express, postoffice order, express
ers,w misters letter. Address
The finest line ever shown in this city and the exclusive sale of them,
DeBegis, Diagonal Stripes, Twills, Combination Suitings, (only one
dress of each) also the Celebrated French Broadcloths, the latest mate
rial for suitings, in all colors, Mahogany, Moss Green, Navy Blue, Gray
Black and trimmings in Silk Braids, Girdles, etc., to match. Our 40
inch Ladies' Cloth at 45 cents, all-wool. Single width goods at cost.
Canton Flannels from 10 to 25 cents, Best Calico 15 yards for $1.00;
Comfort Calico 10 cents, worth 12. Everything cheaper than any
house in this city at
Ho. 3496.
N or tli Platte, - Neb.
Authorized Capital, $200,000. Paid in Capital, $50,000.
Banking In All Its Branches Transacted
Sell Bills of Exchange Direct on Great Britain and Ireland, Switzer
land, France, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark,
Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Austria.
TVall Paper,
Agent for Sherwin & Williams' Mixed Paints and the Diamond
Brand Paints. ;
: i