Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, December 08, 1888, Image 1

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If paid in Advance, only $1.00 per year.
One Year, if not in Advance, $1.50.
Six Months, in Advance, - - - ..75
, ThreeMonths, in Advance, - - ...50
Advertising Bates on Application.
No. 1 Mailasd Express Dept. 720 a. ax.
No jjJ-Oredand Flyer 653 p. m.
No- 2S-JFreht 5:40 a.m.
5 i?"""?"1 ' 825 P. 31
No. 27 Freint " hl0 p. r
No. 4 Overland Flyer
No, 2 Midland Express
No. 28-FreiAt......
J. C,
...Dept. 7.-00"a. 3L
... aao p.m.
.... " 1:40 P.M.
Febousox. Agent.
. j, t Attorneys-at-Law,
President. Cashier
MhM Noil Platte
NO. 47.
Office: ovzb Foxbt's Stobe.
B. I. Hixmax. T. FcIjTOX Gantt.
Attorneys - at - Law.
Will practice in all the courts of the State.
Office over the Postoffice.
Phvstctan and Surgeon.
Office: OtteMtein's Block. ur stairs. Office
hoars from 9 to 12 a. in., 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m
Residence on West Sixth Street.
Office in Hinnian's Block, Spruce St.,
Does a general practice. Chronic Dis
eases and Diseases of Womea a Specialty
Notice is hereby siren that I trill examine all
persons who may desire to offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the common Bchools of
this county on the -THIRD TUESDAY of every
month. .-v
Countv Soft.
By virtue bf an order of sale issued Ly the clerk
of the district court of Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, npon a judgment rendered in said courtfin
favor of O. II. P. Buchanan against Charles L.
Lightner, I have levied upon the followiug real
estate as the property of the said Charles li.
r Lightner. to-wit: The east half of tho southwest
quarter and tne northwest quarter oithetouth
west quarter and tho southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter of rection"ll, township 9,
range 29, and 1 will on the 21th day of Decem
ber, 1888, at two o'clock p. m. of said day, at the
fiont door of the court house of said connty, in
North Platte, Pell said real estate at public auc
tion to the highest bidder fnr cash to satisfy said
order of sale, tho amount duo thereon in the ag
gregate being the sum of S322.50 and S18.5S costs
and accruing costs.
D. A. Bakeu,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Jleb.
Nesbitt & Gbimes,
153 Attys. for Plaintiff.
Prof. N. KLEIN,
Instruction on the Piano, Organ, Violin or any
Reed or Brass Instrument.
Pianos carefully toned. Organs repaired.
Has now associated with him Db. F. L. Cast,
late of Omaha, who is an expert crown and
- bridge .worker first-class operator.
All work will be guaranteed satisfactory and
prices moderate.
Office over Conway Sisters' Millinery Store,
Estimates on Work Furnished.
Shop Corner Cottonwood and Third Sts
east of Catholic church.
Mrs. Ell's House, Second Street.
I have just removed from Chicago
and solicit the patronage of ladies
who appreciate perfect work in
my line.
Florist and Gardener,
Br virtue of two executions issued by tho clerk
of the district court of Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, upon transcripts of judgments rendered in
justice court by John Hawley, justice of tho
peace in and foi Lincoln county, Nebraska, and
nledinomce of said clerk, in favor of 3lcCor
mick Harvesting Machine Co. and again&t David
Cash, 1 have levied upon the following described
real estate, .to-wit: Lot three is J, section six lb j,
township thirteen 13) range twonty-ninu 231
west, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, and I will on
the 2tth day of December. 1888. at one o'clock r-
m. of said day. at the front door of the court
nouse of said -county, in north rlatte. sell said
.real estate'at public auction to the highest bid
der ior casn to satisfy said executions, tiie
amount due thereon in the aggregate being the
sum of $135,35 and $51.10 costs and accruing
D. A Baker,
445 Deputy:
By-virtaeof n -edet ef:iwle?isaadby John
E. Evans, clerk of the' district court offLtneoln
county, Nebraska, upon decree of f ofeclosure
and judgment Tendered in said court "in favor of
the Central Nebraska Loan and Trust Company
against George T. Pickett, I have levied upon
tho following real estate described in said order
as the property of said George T. Pickett, to-wit:
the northwest quarter of section twenty-four,
town nine, range thirty-one, in Lincoln county,
Nebraska, and I will on the 2fith day of Decem
ber, 18S8, at two o'clock p. m. of said day, at tho
east front door of the conrt house of said coun
ty, in North Platte, sell said real estate at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy
said order of sale, the amount due thereon in the
aggregate being tho sum of four hundred and
runty 33-100 dollars and twenty-two 25-100 dol
lars costs and accruing costs.
North Platto. Neb., Nov. 23d, 18S3.
D. A. Bakeb,
155 Sheriff Lincoln County, Neb.
We Knew it Would Come !
-a ,
Still our mammoth stock speechless as it may seem, is
an exception to this rule. The dumb speak louder than
the man blessed with speech; even so in our case. The
prices on our goods at tne ijrenuiue uiosmg uut
Spannuth Squibs.
The Aveather nowadays was never
equalled in June or Jul-.
Corn is nearly all gathered and those
who do not now take advantage of the
fine weather will gather it planting time.
The county suryeyor has been in this
township, (13-26) for the last two weeks
and some of the .settlers find their houses
on land belonging to some on else.
John Bateman and Squire Prietauer
have been down to Brady several times
after Bronchos. They succeeded in get
ting home two. John lias his hands full
nowadays handling them.
Several of our.enterprising farmers had
wind mills erected on their places this
fall. It will only be a question of time
when all the farms are ornamented with
a tower and wheel.
F. C. Spanuuth has bought a farm in
eastern Nebraska and some time next
summer will move there.
"We are now one solid Brady Island
precinct and before long will have to vote
for or against bridge bonds. I will soon
let your readers know which war the
homesteaders ought to vote.
r armers are hauling their corn down
on the bottom where they get twenty
cents a bushel from the ranchmen. In
Gothenburg they ;ire payins 1G to l&cts.
X Y Z.
Mr. Bacon of the Curtis ranch reports
Vo stopped over night last week with
JMr. John Wilcor, living south-east of
Paxton 10 miles. Mr. Wilcox has
raised this year on his homestead, about
four thousand 'bushels of as fine corn as
can be raised in any country on earth.
Two years ago he replowed his land
plowing it from 12 to 14 inches deep.
Last year he planted his corn with a lister
-7 1.? .JI li rm .
auu cumvaieu is weu. ine result Tvas
OTer 60 bushels of corn per am. Pilot.
It is the opinion of county attorney
Brierh that tho supreme court will not
compel the commissioners to place a
lower valuation on the Lincoln Land
Go's property in this county. They have
already reduced it as a board of equaliza
tion until it is slightly lower than the
original assessment made by the various
assessors and a further reduction is not
at all probable. Madrid JVeics.
Last Saturday afternoon a novel light
occured in Wallace. The combatants
were a badger owned by Sam Albro and
John Nation's bulldog Victor. Tho
light lasted about an hour and was wit
nessed by an immense crowd . A heavy
loose skin and fur encase the badger's
small body, which makes it diiDcult for
the dog to bite it in a vital part. The
bulldog grabbed it by the skin of its neck
and held its nose and mouth in the dust
till 3Ir. Badger was pretty well tuckered
Aecounts solicited and prompt attention given
to all business entrusted to its care. Intercut
paid on time deposits.
JIado at tho Very Lowest Bates of Interest.
company is necessarily under a disadvan
tage as compassed with its unfettered
rivals. The question between it and the
government, tho report says, aro to bo
passed upon and determined by a bodr
of men coming from different parts of
the country, actuated it may be in some
instances by honest prejudice founded
upon imperfect knowledge or distorted
representation of the facts, or not infre
quently by a conviction that some meas
ure should be adopted against the corpor
ation even at the risk of diminishing its
ability to respond. That body of men
meets only at intervals and its attention
Is generally engrossed with other and
more important subjects upon which leg
islation is urgently demanded. These
and other elements of uncertainty embar
rass the movements of tho company and'
paralyze its freedom of action. It is a
important to the government as to the
company, says the report, that all neces
sary liberty should be given the man
agers of the corporation to develop-the -
resources upon which the solvency of th
road must depend. It is not possible, it
says, that railway companies situated on
tho Union Pacific, shall remain any con
siderable length of time in the samo con
dition. It must improve or deteriorate.
The government directors assume that
some settlement should now be made and
commend the conclusion of the majority
out. when the doe- wrs iWI-irwl vmnar
45,000 bushels of corn as the nroduct of Considerable money was watered on tho. I report of the commission appointed un-
their ranch this season besides millet and j battle. Herald. j der the act of March 8, 18S7, as sound,
. -vt. - I .1 . ? l 1 . i
umomy. vnat ao our eastern menus T hew n vmm.r ..iri nut rr rmm
By virtue of an order of sale issued by tho clerk
of the district court of Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, upon judgment rendered in said court in
favor of Nebraska Farm Loan & Trust ComDan?
against Michael L. Freese, 1 have levied upon
the following real estate as the wrouortF of said
Michael L. Freese, to-wit: The southeast quarter
of section 32, town 10, range SO, in Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, and I wiU upon tho 21th day of
December, 1888. at two o'clock p. m. of said day.
at the front door of tho court house of said coun
ty, in Ncth Platte, sell said real estate at Dublic
auction to the hichest bidder for cash to satisfy
said order of sal?, tho amount due in the aggre
gate being tho sum of SGiG.OO and S20.G0 costs
and accruing costs.
JJ. A. 15AKEC,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Neb.
Nesbitt & Gkimes,
435 Attys. fqr Plaintiff.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk
of tho district court of Lincoln county.Nebmska,
upon judgment rendered in said court in favor
of Wm. B. Conklin against Patrick Rnddy and
Mary ituddy, bis wife, 1 bavo levied upon the
following real estate as the property of 6aid
Pnttnnlr KnfMvnnd said IMarv Rnililv. histrifp. tn
wit: Lots one (1) and two (2). block forty-five (45)
in the City of North Platte, Nebraska, and I will
the 24th day of December, 1888, at two o'clock p.
m. of said day, at tho front door of the court
house of said county,in North 1 said real
estate at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said order of sale, tno amount duo
thereon in the aceregate being the snm oL sib.00
and $16.68 costs and accruing costs.
Sheriff of liincoln Count-, Neb
Nesbitt & (JnraiES,
455 Attys. for Plaintiff.
Bv virtue of an order of sale iss'ued by tho clerk
of the .District Court of Lincoln Connty. Ne
braska, upon judgment rendered in said court
in favor of C. F. Iddmgs against ThoodoroF.
Barnes. 1 have levied upon the foUowmg real
estate as tho property of Theodore V. Barnes, to-wit:-The
northeast quarter section twenty-seven.
township fourteen, range thirty-three, ana i
will on the id day ot January, it. at one
o'clock o. m. of said day. at the front door of
the court of said county m North Platte, sell
said real estate. at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash to satisfy said order of sale; the
amount due thereon in the aggregate being the
sum of $210.30 and $9.83 costs and accruing
1). A. UAKEB,
, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Neb
Nesbitt & Gbimem,
465 Attys for Plaintiff,
has more voice and volume than the most able force of
talented salesmen. The prices have no speech yet they
are heard far above our own voices. Our success since
the inauguration of our closing out sale is simply marvel
ous. We are selling more goods now than we ever, an
ticipated. We will pledge, ourselves to give you more
goods for $1.00 than any house in town. Everything, in
our entire stock to be sold at
Can furnish all kinds of fruit and
shade trees, forest trees, and seed
lings for tree claims at lowest
Slices. Also all kinds of plants and
owers. Estimates and designs
given for laying out new grounds.
Yards kept by contract.
iiM aad Wagon Work.
Horse-Shoeing A Specialty.
Shop on West Front Street, west
of the Jail,
Pine; Boot and Shoe Maker,
And Dealer In
Perfect JPlt, Best Work and Goods,
Repneeated or Money Refunded.
In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Ne
Mns. Henbv A. Sleight
Theodore PuiLLirs - NOTICE.
and j .
J. E. Seeley. I
To Theodoro Phillips:
You are hereby notified that,
on the 21st day of November, 1SSS, plaintiff
herein filed her petition against you in tho Dis
trict Court cf Lincoln County, Nebraska, tho
object and prayer of which is to foreclose a cer
tain mortgage executed by you to said plaintiff
on the south half of tho southeast quarter and
the south half of tho southwest quarttr of section
13, Township No. 9, ltange No. 31, to secure the
payment of ono certain note of $f)00.00, dated
May lath, 1886, and due in five years from date,
which by terms of said mortgage, tho said note
is now due and payable for the amonnt of $500
and interest from date.
Plaintiff prays for a decree foreclosing said
mortgage and that said land may be sold to sat
isfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the 31st day of December. 1S8&
Dated Nov. 19th, 1888.
Mrs. IIesbt A. Slughi
By S. K. Smith,
455 her attorney.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk
of the District Court of Lincoln counts-, Ne
braska, upon judgment render-id in said court
in favor of Emma Johnson -against Gustave
Johnson, I have levied upon the following real
estate as the property of said Gustave Jolinson,
to-wit: Tho west half of tho southeast quarter
J4 and tho south half U of the northpast
quarter Pi of section twenty-six 26 in town
ship twelve 12, range twenty-cven -7 west,
lots three 3 and four 4 section twenty-five,
25, township twelve 12, rasge twentysaven
27 west; tho southwest quarter of tho south
west quarter of section twenty-five, township
twelve north of range twenty-seven west; the
southeast quarter of tho southwest qnarter of
section twenty-five, in township twelve north,
of range 27 west, and I will on the 21th day of
December, 1888, at one o'clock p. ra. of said
day, at the front door of the court house of said
county, in North Platte, sell Baid real estate at
public auction to tho highest bidder for cah to
satisfy said order of sale, the amount due there
on in the aggregate being the sum of $lo00.00
and $5.00 cost and accruing costs.
D. A. BAkeb.
Sheriff of Lincoln Connty, Neb.
. Nesbitt & Gbimes,
455 Attys for Plaintiff.
First-class hay for sale. All or
ders left at McDonalds store will
be promptly filled.
" $50 REWARD
By virtue of tho laws of the State of Nebraska,
I hereby offer a reward of Fifty Dollars for the
capture and conviction of any person charged
with horse stealing in Lincoln county.
Aeici&l Wholesale (Jbsi -
This sale continues until January 1st. when we will close
our doors upon you forevermore. Don't delay but come
and assist in carrying off the goods cheaper than you
think of buying them.
L. F. SIMON, Manager.
think of Western Nebraska. This is no
chimera but a fact as solid as the corn
itself. Emti Star.
3Ir. Henry Wills, of Upper Russell,
bad a very close call for his life on Satur
day last. As lie was alighting from a
wasron with a shut yun in his hand, the
gun was accidentally discharged, the
lead tearing out tho front of both his ove r
and under coat, and clipping a small piece
from the rim of his hat. But fortunately
he was uninjured. Stoekzille Faber.
Messrs. Padgett, Gordon, Reynolds and !
Fleming shipped a car of broom corn to
Chicago this week, the fruits of their own
toil. This is the country in which to
raise this article, and considering the
beautiful fall weather it is no trouble to
cure it in good shape. It was fine brush,
good color, and will no doubt bring the
ton. price in. market. Wallace Mttil.,
George Hulse of 0-30 met with a very
serious accident Monday. While boring
a well his hand was canght and crushed
All stamped goods are warranted.
We keep no shoddv goods.' Our
prices are always the
Call and see us at the'
Boot and Shoe Store.
Ottenstein's Block, )
North Platte, Neb., J
H. 0TTEN, Prop
in the gearing of the machiuery. The
tlesh of the arm was lacerated nearly to
the elbow. Doctors Porter and Wells
went down at night and amputated the
first and second fingers with half the palm
of the hand. It is thought it may bo uec
cessary to amputate the arm half way
between the elbow aud wrist. Mr. Hulse
is a very poor man and the accident is a
grave misfortune. Grant Enterprise.
Xext season we look to see Central
Wyoming's greatest boom at Bessemer
provided the B. & M. strike is ended.
Said town would be enjoying a healthy
boom this winter had it not been for that
strike. When the strike was inaugurated
the B . & M. road ceased to make any
further extensions until it should be
ended. For that reason the Wyoming
Central has delayed going to Bessemer
uutil next year, not being compelled to
forge ahead in order to keep in the lead
of the B. & 31 . tho past season. But we
firmly believe that both roads will event
ually build to Bessemer, and in all proba
bility a third road will do likewise.
Glenrock, (Wyo.) Graphic.
Tho proposition to tap the Dismal river
near its mouth and bring its waters
through a canal to Broken Bow has been
discussed in all its bearings and the plan
has been decided to be entirely practic
able, and it is only a question of funds to
build the canal. Engineer Mathews, who
has a thorough practical knowledge of
the topography of the country over which
the canal would have to run estimates
tho probable cost at $150,000, and if this
is not an underestimate the necessary
amount can be raised with but little dif
ficult'. Steps have been taken to incor
porate a company for the purpose- of
prosecuting the work, and competent - en
gineers have been employed to make a
preliminary survey. Broken Bow Statesman.
, wno is destined to make her mark. Some
; one gave her live cents one day. She
j went to a dry goods store, bought a 'ard
I of calico, made it into :i snnhnnnrt find
sold the bonnet for -10 cents. She invest
ed the 40 cents in more calico, made more
bonnets, sold them, reinvested, mado
other garments, and pretty soon had $10.
With the 10 she bought a lot of potatoes,
planted them, paid for their cultivation,
harvesting and marketing and came out
with a clear profit of .$40. Let the young
men of this vicinity look out for this girl,
that 40 is still growing. It may run
into the millions some of these daysv and
once the young mau litis embarked in that
enterprise, no more will be heard of
"Marriage a Failure." Sidney Telegraph.
In driving throagh the country last
Sunday we were surprised and pleased to
notice that long piles of yell ow cora orBa-
I ment almost every farmer's yard in the
country. We read somewhere that it is
very foolish for farmers to leave corn ex
posed to the damaging effects of the ele
ments; that enough corn is ruined and
wasted to pay for cribs ; that cribs will
have to be built sooner or later anyhow
and now is the accepted time. But it i
seems that our tillers of the soil have
been getting along famously without
much valuable advice from the Herald
and we have concluded to allow them to
use their own judgement in taking care
of the crop of 'SS. Wallace Herald.
The ofKce of sheriff has been declared
vacant on account of the removal of Mart
Depriest, former sheriff, from the county,
and John li. Kiser the heretofore efficient
deputy is appointed sheriff. The business
w ill go right on as heretofore, for John
has already been the high sheriff for
these many moons . .. .Our new court
house is now enclosed and in the hands
of plasterer J. K. Allen. The architect
Mr. Ritenhouse, of Hastings, places a
very high compliment to tho builders of
this edifice. He says there is not another
public building over the many of which
he has had supervision that is so well and
so thoroughly built as tho Keith county
court house. This is certainly a very
high complement not only to contractor
W. B. 3rcCartney but to the builder of
the foundation 31 r. J. II. 3IcGinley, the
builder of the massive and great amount
of brick work, 3lr. L. B. Rector, and the
extensive woodwork, 3Icssrs. 3IcCartney
& Cooney. llefleclor.
judicious and practicable, and they
earnestly hope the- will meet with the
approval of-congress. By adopting these
conclusions they are of the opinion that
the government will secure its claim be
yond any reasonable risk. Its lien, they
assert will be. placed in such shape as to
make enforcement possible iu case of de
fault in the payment of interest, and
even year in the future will make the
ultimate payment of the principal more
In concluding their report the govern
ment directors say that so far as they
hare been able to ascertain, the Union
Pacific company has been in the past
year managed with fidelity and intelli
gence. Everything has been dona that
could reasonably be expected to keen the
road in the line of improvements and to
satisfy tho just requirments of the government.
The-report-is sigiied-byrATfGHaskellSSEfti
A. Hannah, F. R. Coudert, Franklin -'
3IcVeigh aud F. W, Savage, government
Tho Union Pacific.
Wasuinotox, Dec. 1. The
ment directors of the Union Pacific Rail
road company, in their annual report to
the secretary of the interior, under date
of November 19, 1833, say they have ss
suraed as a premise, now beyond the
scope of discussion, the necessity of an
adjustment between the government and
the railroad company for the payment of
the funds heretofore advanced as a sub-
A farmer living a few miles south of j sid- for building the road. These
Curtis, sold himself for a hog a few days moneys will be due, say3 the report, by
ago. Inasmuch as the human hog had j the terms of the agreement between the
no bristles on his back, it was impossible parties, in a few years, and it is manifest
to market him again, and the purchaser tltat the road is not now aud will not bo
is therefore the loser. The particulars, j then in a condition to satisfy its obliga
as given us, arc these: The farmer came j lion. It is equally manifest that should
to Curtis with a load of hogs and sold ' an adjustment not be effected, the goyern
them to S. 31'. Craven, having them first j ment will be compelled to take posses
weighed at one of our lumber yards, j sion of the road and to operate it, a result
When tho hogs were weighed the farmer j so full of dangers, embarrassments and
remained on tho load, but after unloading i dilhculties that it should not be allowed
to enter into discussion except as a last
and unavoidable solution of a problem
not otherwise to be solved. The govern
ment directors are still of the opinion
that it would be better for the United
States to lose every dollar of its debt and
execute a release to the company than to
undertake the duties of a common carrier
of goods and passengers, thereby estab
lishing a precedent which would surely
create mischief far beyond the benefits to
be reaped from so hazardous an experi
ment. It must be clear too, says tho report,
that every year that is allowed to pass
without the liquidation and settlement of
the debt, increases to a serious extent tho
difficulties of the situation. The debtor
have the
the hogs, and going back to
empty wagon weighed, a different person
manipulated the scales and the farmer
quietly stepped off the wagon, thus mak
ing tho load appear to weigh mote than
it actually did. It was only when3Ir.
Craven sold the hogs to Tj'ra kelson, a
few days later, that a shortage of 236
pounds was discovered, causing a loss of
$10.88 to Mr. Craven. Nebraska has laws
to prevent swine from running at large,
and it als has laws to prevent human
hogs, of the above description, from prac
ticing their games of swindling. A pen,
especially designed for such persons, has
been built at Lincoln, Neb., and the peo
ple should see that they are confined
therein. -Curtis Courier.
Don't givo up, ni poor, sick friend ;
While there's life there's hoge, 'tis said :
Sicker persons often mend; :
Time to give up when your dead.
Purer, richer blood you need ;
Strength aud tone your system give :
This advice be wise and heed
Take the G. 31. D. and live-
Those letters stand for "Golden Medi
cal Discovery" (Dr. Pierce's), the great
building-up, purifying, and disease-expelling
remedy of the age.
Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit, and dis
gust everybody with your offensive
breath, but use Dr. Sago's Catarrh Rem
edy and end it.
Ballard's Horeliound Syrup.
A single bottle ot Ifcillard's Horchond Syrim
kept about your house for immediate nso -will
prevent serious sickness, n large doctor bill, and
perhaps death, by tho uso of three or four doee?.
For curing consumption its success has been
simply wonderful, and for ordinary coughs.colds.
sore throat, croup, whooping cough, tore client
hemorrhages its effects aro surprising and won
derful. Every bottle guaranteed. C. W. Price,
Statk of Nebraska,
Lixcoln County, ji
To all persons interested in ths ente of Detey
D. Keeler, deceased.
Whereas, GifTord (i. Keeler filed his petition
duly verified in tho county court o Lincoln
county, on tho '.23d day of November. 1S88, pray
ing for the appointment of an administrator of
tho estate of Betsey D. Keeler, deceased,
lato of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
wherefore I Iiave set Monday, December
17th, 18SS, at ono o'clock p. in. at the
county court room in North Platte. Neb., as the
time and plnco for hearing said petition, and all
persona interested in said estate aro notified to
appear and show cause, if any there be, why an
administrator should not bo appointed.
Given under my liand and the seal of tho coun
ty court of Lincoln connty, this 30th day of No
vember. 1883.
103 County Judgv-
Notice is hereby given that by virtuo of two
chattel mortgages dated on the 2d day of June.
1883, and 1st day of October, 1888, and duly filed
and recorded in tho officci of tho county clerk of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, on October 13th. 1888,
and one executed, by Ernst tiranmann to G. M.
Bigelow and tho other to tho Nebraska and Iowa.
Insurance Company, of Omalia, Nebraska, to
secure tho payment of tho snm of $33.50 and
upon which there is now duo the 6nm of $33.50;
default having been mado in the payment of said
sum and no suit or other proceeding at law hav
ing been instituted to recover said debt or any
part thereof, therefore 1 will sell tho property
therein described, viz: All tho crop of wheat,
oate and corn now growing and situated on the
following described real estate situated in tho
county of Lincoln, state of Nebraska, to-wit:
northeast and southeast ;uartcrs of sections V.
and 10, town 9, raago 0, idso one seven-year-old
gray horse, at public auction at the postoSico in
Wellileet, in Lincoln county, on the '!d day of
December, 1388, at one o'clock p. in. of said day.
Dated Nov. Jthf 1S33.
Ry Nesbitt & Getoxs,
1M his Attys.
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