Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, August 11, 1888, Image 3

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    ' ' I - I T i - - 1 !
lite Wrote.
STEVENS 1; BABE, Editoks akd Props
Kelly went to Ogden Thursday
religious and
TOTulton Gantt left for St Paul, Minn.,
X Holzmac, of Gothenburg, was in
mm cny yesterany.
M lat Myrtle Wilkenson is home from a
vmi with mends in Adams county.
TO RENT. The Mrs. Breternitz house
on west Fourth street. Apply on the
Mmb Laura 3Iceown, of Frankfort,
lowa, is tne guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. w.
H.y. Hilhker went to Chicago Wed-
nesday to meet Mrs. H. who is returning
i rota ine east.
Unitarian Sail will be
for the free distribution of
lecellaneous literature.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
nteart on Saturday morning of last week
jar. o. Dears tne Honor meekly.
Tie weather of the past few days has
beea eeol and pleasant. As a poducer of
caaagaDie weather Nebraska stands pre-
muni and alone.
Mrs. J. A. Bent, nee Effie Doueherty, a
feiam school teacher of this city, arrived
ijincoin monaay evening ana is tne
f her sister, Mrs. J. M. Kay;
Mr. McEvoy and his jeweler started
dew the road the early part of the week
with a stock of goods which they dispos
ed of to the soldier boys of the Eighth
JKeguaent . f
Judge Bixler is earning an enviable
reputation as a crack shot by shooting a
la Buffalo Bill, that is, by standiac with
his back to the target and taking aim by
meaas oi 8 mirror.
Bock Springs lump or nut coal.
C. F. Iddikgs
Joaa W. Watt of Moorefield, one of
.uncom county's nne norse nreeaers, was
in the city Thursday and made The
Tribune a brief call.
A couple weeks since we promised to
give a synopsis of Mr. Nesbitt's speech
before the Lone: Pine Chautauqua, but
teo many business engagements have pre
vented Mr. N. from preparing it. The
publication may be indefinitely postponed.
A public picnic, to which all respecta
ble people are invited, will be held at
Laaiplugh's lake to-morrow. The com-
Hteo insures the public that no disorder
ly er drunken individuals will be allowed
e the grounds.
Mr. Markel, an official of the, O. B. and
N. Co., passed through on a special
Tmareday enroute east. The run from
Sfdaey here, 123 miles, was made in two
hears and thirty-one minutes, including
two Heps.
J. H. McShane, secretary of the Omaha
Fair and -Exposition Association, has
placed The Tribune under obligations
for a complimentary ticket to the fair in
Offtake Sept. 3d to 8th inclusive. The
Omaha Exposition this year promises to
be better than ever before. A great
mtmj North Platte people will attend.
Harvest is here, and threshing is under
fall headway. All wheat threshed thus
.far has averaged twenty-five bushels to
tlie acre. Considerable oats have been
threeaed and some brought to town yes-
tartar tested forty-five pounds to the
baeael. Wallace Herald.
Unitarian Hall will be open every Sun
day from 3 to 4 p. m . for reading and for
library purposes.
Mrs. J. F. Wilson returned Monday
evening from a visit with friends in
G. T. Field returned 'from Chicago
Tuesday morning where he had been at
tending the wedding of a friend.
Mayors and trustees of surrounding
towns have been invited to attend the
water works test in this city to-day .
Miss Callie McDonald went down to
Omaha Wednesday morning on a visit to
ner uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. $oya.
The first load of new oats came in Wed
nesday. It was purchased by Mr. Stod
dard the livery man at 90 cents per
I. A. Fort has been appointed by the
county commissioners to survey and locate
the new cross-country road to Wallace.
it will save nearly ten miles or travel.
The contract for furnishing iron for the
jail was awarded to the Fremont Foun
dry Company, an institution that is said
to be able to turn out first-class work,
The malarial season has come and the
phsician now wears his face wreathed in
smiles. The prescription clerk also rolls
up his sleeves in anticipation of the rush.
The railroad companies have been
gathering statistics relative to the forth-
coming corn crop of Nebraska. The re
ports are of the most flattering character.
Never in the history of the state has there
been such a crop.
The directors held quite a long session
Saturday and completed the premium
list or the JairJN ItwM be printed and;
circulated as soon as tne printer can get
them out One thousand copies will be
Mrs. Graves, of Council Bluffs, arrived
in town Wednesday evenine. spent the
night with her daughter Mrs. Eells and
Thursday morning in company with her
son B. L. Graves left for the Ogden Hot
Springs. They will be .absent several
Henry Bebout, of town 10, range 34,
was a caller Wednesday and reported to
the agricultural editor that crops in that
section could scarcely be excelled.
Wheat will run twenty-five bushels to
the acre, oats thirty to forty and corn pro
mises to yield abundantly.
During a severe wind storm Saturday
evening, F. D. Nowell's hay shed at
Hendy sidetrack was blown down. The
building was 106 feet long 28 wide, 25 in
height with sides and ends weatherboard-
ed. The loss is about $400, partially cov
ered by a policy in a cyclone insurance
On Monday last a number of U. P. con-
ductors running between Omaha and this
city were "let out," the charge being that
they were too anxious to become million
aires bv means not strictly legitimate.
Among the number were Messrs. Blakely,
Suitor, Morehouse, Fairbrass, Winkle-
man, Keeshin and Tnthill. The boys are
well known in this citv and their friends
regret to see them step down and - out on
such charges.
-The Eighth Cavalrv enroute from
the Mexican border in Texas to Fort
Meade, Dakota, under command of Col.
Mizner, camped near the city to-day.
The regiment is about 600 strong, in sol
diers, with u lull band, teamsters, etc.
..There were several patches of hail in
the storm Sunday night, but we have
heard of none in this county. At Ogalal
la there was considerable hail,- extending
south into Perkins, doing much damage.
The storm was also severe in Custer coun
ty. The rain along the Platte in Dawson
couaty was very heaw, making roads al-
atoet impassable and interfering with
harvest work. The rain here was light.
uaiet oi jroiice .criena naa quite a
time running in some vags Wednesday af-
teraoon. He arrested one at the Nebraska
Howe and was taking him to the cooler.
All went well until opposite the First
NatioaalBank when the vag gave the
oBcer a tremendous oiow on tne nose
aad left eye. Although considerably
staggered, oyi soon got a grip on the
fellow's throat and speedily brought him
to Mbm. He was landed in the bastlle
rather unceremoniously. A couple of
the fellow's pals were then rounded ud.
Tharaday morning. Thursday morning
Jadge Snelling gave the combative gent
tea days on tne street: ue refuses to
work, but under the gentle influence of
coercion it is likely he will yield. The
others were riven an hour to leave the
When toe fast east bound ireignt on
the Barlington reached Benkleman last
Tharaday the train men put four tramps
eff the train and pounded them badly,
rearing one man's nose and nearly sever -lag
am ear from another. The tramps re
ported that one ot tneir number was
thrown from the train at Park's station,
tea aules west, when the train was run-
ab)g thirty miles an hour. The matter
was investigated and the man's body
foaad in the weeds beside the track. The
am lived a short time after being kicked
froea the cars. He said ne begged the
traia men not to throw him off, but two
of them kicked him until he fell. The
coroaer is investigating. There is intens e
feeliac against the brakeman, who are
geaerally regarded as wilful murderers.
ttrarU Sentinel.
A destructive nails torm passed oyer
Keith county from north-west to south
eaet Sunday afternoon, accompanied by
heavy wind and rain partially destroying
the corn crop and within the line of the
heikrtorm a few fields were totally de
stroyed. The path of the storm was
aboet a mile in width. In Ogalalla 350
to 400 window lirhts were broken. The
farstsrs in the vicinity of town who have
lest aearly, all, if not all their corp are
C. C. Zeilinger, H, C. Fleharty, E. M.
Day, R H. Austin, G. B. Gardner, S. F.
Harter, H. B. Jackett, L. D. Hanna, E.
M. Searle, Dr. Ketner, J. H. McGinley,
Joha Ekstein and Mr. Hickox. Mr. G.
T. Scott the Blue Creek merchant, in
forsM us that the crop in the valley of the
North river between the bridge and Blue
creek is destoyed. A general rain has
faUea throughout the county.. Ogalalla
A special to the State Journal dated
Nerth Platte, Aug. 8th says: '-Special.
Crump of the United. States land
ent is creating quite '-a stir among
tae merchants in uneyenne county Dy
easing aU the cedar posts found piled
ae) hi the towns along the railroad. He
aetfcles each merchant to -appear at the
reeetrers office at JNortn riatte and pay
r fsvernmeat 10. cents each for all the,
peaas in their possession, and f or all they
have sold during the past two years. Poor
haaassteaders on their claims during the
past two winters .who had no means with
which ta purchase flour and -groceries for
their families would .cut poets from the
vScra cedars in the canyons, haul them to
towa and trade them'for'flour and grocer
ies, aad now the merchants, have to- pay-
Tor them's second, time by depositing
iato Uncle Sam's -overldwing" .treasury
aha fall value of the posts. Such is life
hfr ehe far west uader aemo,raticjadinin-
augmenting the number to nearly 700.
For some time past they have been sta
tioned along the Bio Grande river guard
ing the frontier
It has come to the knowledge of the
board of county commissioners, so the
record reads, that ''liquor is being unlaw
fully sold in Wallace," and the county
attorney is ordered to prosecute all per-
hsons engaged "4a- Soeh aalawf al traffic:"
Ave should think a more proper way to
proceed would be lor some one to make
a complaint. As a majority of the peo
ple of Wallace do not want a -licensed sa
loon, they should promptly stop illegal
The Seventh-Day Adventists will hold
a camp,meeting at Grand Island Septem
ber 11th to 19th. From a letter received
from Eld. Nettleton the arrangements
for a good time appear to be quite com
plete, and we know from experience that
tne Adventists .know now to carry on a
meeting of this class, being second only
to tne Methodists and united uretnern.
We trust the wicked people of Grand
Island will be convinced of the error of
their ways.
It gives us pleasure to call attention to
the advertisement of the Star Clothing
House, an old institution, but under new
management, Joseph Weber, jr., and
Will A. Vollmer succeeding Mr. Otten
as proprietors. The house has an en
viable reputation throughout IVest Ne
braska for carrying fine goods, and under
the new management we are confident
will lose none of the popularity and con
fidence of the people. Mr. Weber has
not been with us long and Is not so well
known, but Will Volmer a has been in the
house for over two years. Both are en
ergetic young men.
ay a circular irom Air. ladings we are
reminded that it is time to lay in our
winter's supply of coal, a subject the con
templation of which does not have a cool
ing effect in these dog days. Pennsyl
vania anthracite coal for August delivery
is offered for $14, Colorado anthracite
$12.50. These prices will very likely be
advanced in beptemoer or later, and. con
sumers can make interest on the invest
ment by purchasing now. As the mines
are exclusively in the hands of monopo
lists, there is no telling what the Barons
will do. Before spring the price will
likely advance to $18 for Pennsylvania.
Church & Bixler were engaged in an
important case at Sidney last week and
as usual came on victorious, a man by
the name of Henry W. Elliott, who had
been operating under several assumed
names, was an trial for horse stealing. It
was evident mat ne was a memoer of a
gang that had been doing a -wholesale
business in the line, having ranches here
and there and stables at several places.
Four or five lawyers were engaged in the
defense and the prisoner had a large
number of witnesses from different parts
of the country. The trial lasted several
days. The jury brought in a verdict of
guilty, the sentence oi tne court being
ior nve years in ine penitentiary, it is
believed this will break up the gang.
greatly to the satisfaction of horse men.
He was prosecuted by Wyoming parties.
The news of the death of Gen. Sheri-
Joe Casey is building an addition to his
houee oa west Fourth street.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hammond started
on a trip to Ogden and Salt Lake the
early part oi the week.
Work on the O'Fallon bridge is being
viroroaslv pushed. It will likely be
ready for crossing before the time speci
fied in the contract.
We have heard reports of a serious hall
storm on the Medicine near Wellfieet
Sunday .night, but have been unable to
gather any particulars.
The semi-aoaual statement of treas
urer Osgood appears in our columns to
day, the publication of which amterially
cuts down our reading matter.-
A heavy thunder storm prevailed
over the country north and northwest of
.tne city rnursday nignt, bnt as yet we
have heard of no damsge resulting.
M. T. Allum started west Wednesday
morning, intending to transact business
in the towns between here and Denver
and then join Mrs. A, who is visiting
friends In the mountain part or tne state.
Black's ten cent circus is billed to ap
pear in this city Monday and Tuesday.
We know nothing of the merits of the
concern, but it's a mighty poor show if it
Is not worth a dime to see.
City Engineer Boss has been engaged
to survey a new town site on Mr. Dud
ley's land at the north end of the new
bridge a short distance west of O'Fallon
station. The railroad company has al
ready put in a side track at that point.
The Tribune regrets to chronicle the
serious illaess of Mrs.- T. J. Foley, her
condition the past few days being critical.
lesterday afternoon the physicians in at-
tendance considered ner somewhat better.
It is sincerely wished by all that she may
Chas. P. Boss has had a photograph
made of the central portion of the large
map he recently made for the board of
trade. It shows North Platte and sur
rounding country as far south as the
South river and almost to the JNorth river.
It appears, to be very accurate. 4
The busy harvest season has prevented
some of our correspondents sending in
their usual contributions, but we hope
they will now give us some particulars of
the harvest. We believe .Lincoln county
can beat any part of the State raising
grain, and want the outside world to know
A Bepublican caucus was held at Dr.
Bnckworth's office Wednesday evening,
the object being to select delegates to the
county convention Over thirty mem
bers of the party were present, and the
proceedings were harmonious. The fol
lowing delegates were named, and their
selection confirmed at the primaries
Thursday: First ward, Messrs. Hawley,
Stamp, Warner, Besack, Humes and Hun
tington; Second ward, Oberst, Robinson,
Van Doran, Jvocken, Iddmgs. Thomson
and Small wood; Third ward, Snyder,
McCIellan and Peterson. The conven
tion assembles to-day at 2 p . m.
Commenting on our notice of Mr. Nes
bitt's speech at Long Pine, the Wallace
Herald is curious to learn The Tribune's
idea of handling the prohibition question.
If we should travel eighty miles to pro
test against the issuance of a saloon li
cense and succeeded in our mission, we
would be equally zealous In making com
plaint against those who were unlawfully
engaged in selling liquor in our village.
The Herald complains of drunken and
disorderly conduct in Wallace, yet there
are no saloons there. One of The Tri
bune's "ideas of handling the subject"
would be to promptly prosecute those en
caged in tne illegal trauc. A nne oia
couple hundred dollars occasionally
would soon make the business odious in
the estimation even of its most ardent
promoters. To say that a village should
not have a saloon is right and proper, but
for those who thus shut out the saloon to
sit Idly down and see the law flagrantly
violated, Is, to say the least, not the way
to handle the subject.
The Curtis Courier speaks In high
terms of Supt Langford's address before
the Frontier County institute. As a
speaker, Mr. Langford. possesses powers
that are fast attracting attention. His
subject on the occasion was "The True
Basis of Civil Liberty." The Courier
says the speaker "carefully and succently
brought together an array of clear cut
and convincing facts having a tendency
not only to fully convince the hearer of
his own earnest belief confirmed by bis
zeal, but also to show that he was master
of the subject under discussion. Forty-
five minutes of a rapid extemporaneous
grouping of seed thoughts only .sufficed
to place the subject in outline before his
hearers, but judging the future fruits of
the address by the many intelligent faces
that reflected the spirit of that bond of
ethical culture which marks the band of
teachers assembled, we are led to believe
that the echoing notes of the address will
continue to bear fruit till the full ripe
fruition of our teachers mission is an ac
complished fact"
John Neary was quite seriously hurt
last Saturday evening and will be laid up
for a day. or two. iie .was putting a roof
of corrugated iron da a building on his
farm when tne strong wina mat came ud
lust oeiore nigni uitea one or tne sneets
striking him in tne isce and causing aim
I to fall to the ground, some ten or twelve
feet. Being a heavy man. he was badly
bruised and snocxea, aaa one no was
broken. Under the. care of Dr. McCabe
he is recovering. ft.
Test of Water- Works. 11
The official tost ef the. .capacity of the
water works wiu ae;mao zau aiteraooa
commencing at .2 JO.1 The test will be
"the power and caidty,6f said . machin
ery to throw with either pump, from the
line of mains three simultaneous fire
streams, or together six fire steams
through two hundred.feet of two and one
half inch rubber hose and a one inch ring
nozzle to a height of oae hundred feet or
one hundred and twrty-nve feet horizon
tal in still air,, in or at any location in said
city, for a period of two consecutive
At a meeting of the members of the
council yesterday forenoon the following
points were selected irom which to throw
tne streams: one at tne east nydrant on
Third street; one at the west hydrant on
Third street: three distributed between
those two points, and one at the dead end
on Locust street in the Third ward. There
will be a number of visitors present to
witness the test, among them several of.
fleers from the 8th cavalry who are prac
tical engineers.
W. A Paxton Is at J. H. Hershey's
You caa now And the Chicago Dally
Nevos at the post ake. It contains , all
tne news in a oriei, condensed rorm and
is valuable to the workingman who has
but little time to read. The price puts it
within the reach of all. One cent per
One of the section-men boarded
flyer at No. Platte a few nights ago,
tending to get off at O'Fallen. As
conductor would not let him off he drop
ped his purchases gently (?)to the ground
here and went on to Ogalalla, coming
back the next morning.
Frank Flock an old resident of this
place is working for' Mrs. Veach during
rhis small portion of Paradise, recently
known as "Lovers Betreat," "Cupid's
Bower" & etc. has become deserted, or
nearly so. All the fair ones have flown,
with the exception of two, and most of the
boys can find nothing to do. on Sunday
unless they shoulder their poles and hie
them away to the river where they sit
thinking of the "Happy days gone by"
and come home with; a sun-burned neck
and no fish. We notice a,-few however
who are at the post office pretty regular
and we begin to thmhvthrfclMngs are not.
quite so bad as they seem-T
We are glad to welcome J'rrimrose" as
she enters the charmed circle and pro
duces her tab and pencil and announces
herself ready to report any item of in
terest May she succeed.
Republican Bally in Morrow Precinct.
Our first Republican Rally was
held at G. M. Bobbitt's Friday ere
Aug. 3. It was largely attended,
fall of enthusiasm, and long to be
remembered, able speakers were
present from North Platte, Mr.
Geo. E. French taking the leading
part Mr. W. T. Bowen chairman
of the Republican Club of this pre-
cinct mane a lew remarks ana men
introduced Geo. E. French who in
his able manner told why he was
Republican and urged upon the
young men the necessity of starting
out aright in their political career.
Mr. F. is certainly a fine speaker
and has won many friends in this
vicinity. He was followed by Mr.
Goodson, and then Mr. Murphy was
loudly called for, but declined to
take the stand. R. F. Forrest was
next introduced and spoke quite
extendedly on the Tariff and The
Mills Bill. Mr. Rhea was next
called. His talk was full of en
thusiasm and we are sure if all the
ReDublicans were as zealous as
he victory would surely be theirs.
Mr. French then made a few closing
remarks, after which a paper was
circulated to obtain signers to the
young men's Republican club, which
was signed by nearly every voter m
the precinct. But the best part
was yet to come, so thought tne
. i ii mi "XT it mt i i
young ioiKs. ine iNorsn riatte
orchestra was on hand and they
tripped the light fantastic until the
wee small hours of the morning.
We think that a vote of thanks
from every person in this neighbor
hood should be tendered to Mr. and
Mrs. B. for their hospitality.
Several parties were present from
North Platte among which we
noticed Mrs. Dickey and daughter
Allie,Mr. Lewis Thoelecke and Miss
Bertha. Cbicket.
Money to Loan
Wn art now, building' extensive
sheds' and in the future shall
carry a stock or irom uu to ouu
of th Bbbt Pennsylvania
Hakd aki) Western Soft Coals.
Best Terns
Tliacker is on hand
again with the popular
drink, Mead. , Try it.
ftatAMarajl AalaTMaTaJ
fmp wOrwJi
Lowest Pricss.
M Me Luntaer Co., -
D. 0. CARNAHAN, - Manager.
fjoanty, upon ue transcript oi a j
iered in the county conrt or wid Lou
:v and duly filed in said District
The motion prevailed.
dent appointed the coainii
snch committee.
For the past ten days country produce
has been in rood supply, with perhaps
tne possible exception of eggs, several
hundred dozen havincr been imported
from Omaha. Our merchants are now
paying the following prices: Dalrv but
ter 15 a 20; eggs 16: potatoes SOcts:
chickens 2.75 per doz; cabbage 75 cts per
dozen ; oats 90 cents per hundred. Good,
plump, smooth tomatoes are in demand,
but poor ones are hardly saleable. The
supply of green corn has exceeded the
demand, bnt nice sweet corn will find
ready buyers. Summer apples are sold
at ia.00 per bushel, there being plenty in
themarket California peaches are 15
cents per pound, and grapes 20. A good
many Texas water melons have been im
ported, but they are either too rich for the
common blood or the price is too high
50 cents being asked and they do not
sell verv raDidlv. The home raised arti
cle will be m the market in two weeks.
New hay sells on the street at $5.00 per
ton by the load. Not much wheat has
yet been brought in, but the price for No.
2 is 52 cents. The price of wheat is like
ly to fluctuate considerably during the
season, but this market will very likely
be governed by the price of flour.
Messrs. Foley, Patterson and Conklin
of the delegation sent to Washington last
week in the interest of the U. S. court
bill arrived home Wednesday night, Mr.
Nesbitt improving the opportunity to
L08T. r
On train No. 1, Thursday morning last
between North Platte and OlFallon or on
public road between O'Fallon; and Nich
ols a ladies silk: purse containing a gold
thimble and two return tickets, O'Fallon
to North Platte. If found please leave
at First National Sank at North Platte
and receive reward.
Four rooms to rent over. Foley's store .
Enquire of T.'tf. Foley.
: , JT
dan was received in this city with pro- visit relatives near Cleveland, Ohio. Thev
found sorrow by all old soldiers of the
late, rebellion. While the General was
not like Logan aad some others so per
sonally popular witn private soldiers,
standing more upon his military dignity,
he was nevertheless respected by the men
because of his fighting and soldierly
qualities. He was in the western army
up to the fall of 1863, aad the writer fre
quently saw JiimV before he occupied a
higher position than a division command
er. While he was imperious aad a strict
disciplinarian, he had, the reputatioaat
that time of looking carefully after the
comfort of his men. He was a soldier
of the West Point school, obeying orders
from higher authority without question,
and requiring as prompt and unquestioned
ooeuience vo jus own. rr iui - a strong
l a 9 -r . -
sen-wui ana comoaave, no learaea irom
did not arrive in Washington in time to
do any good, the conference committee
having already acted on the measure.
All that was expected to be accomplished
however was done by the Senate, and
North Platte will standi a better chance
in any future adjustment. The belief
prevails that the president will veto the
Mil, vary stroag pressure to tnat ead be
ing broarht to bear, If It can reach him.
Judges Lmndy and Brewer have opposed
the measure all the way through, and the
railroads have used all their influence
against it. The judges don't want to
visit any points outside of the large cities
aad the railroads claim that their ex
penses will be largely increased. The
fact of tae matter is, it will do the judges
gooa w cone in comact witn tne people,
and tae axBense8 of litigation would be
Chicken. Feed.
Ask ycur grocer for North Platte 31111
Screenings, the best and cheapest chicken
feed. , - it)
to the meeting of the Republican Clubs
oi tne state at Lincoln, Neb., August vm.
iteduced Kates via the Union Pacific,
"The Overland Route." 2w
The Union Pacific. HThe Overland
Route," will sell tickets from all points in
the state to the G. A. R. Re-TJnlon to be
held at Norfolk. Neb.. Auzust 27th to
September 1st, at one fare for the round
trip. Tickets good going August 27th,
2oth, and z9thYretnrnmgrfood until Sep
tember 3d, Inclusive. g " 3w
experience ro control nis impulsive nature larcalT reduced to the nennln. ThA law
and thus became fitted for Ufhar com- should be approved. If the judges are
mand, . Tha.nation will never nave a bet-1 too old to travel, thev should rim n
tar or more patriotic soldier. I younger aad more vigorous men.
Furnished rooms to real corner Sixth
and Pine streets. Inquire of Mrs. Ross.
To Farmersf
The North Platte StUl aW Elevator Com
pany will pay "the hlgaet: raarket price
for all kinds of wheat; Fifty thousand
bushels wanted immediately. The pres
ent price for No. 2 is fiSfcents.
Washburn flour aiGradv's onnosite
the postofflce. J! i
I have just received, a find stock of
Dodson & Hill's celebrated mixed pickles,
both sweet and sour 2. These are fine
goods, V.V6Goktjj,
North Side Grocery Store.
For choicest cuts of Beef, Mutton or
Pork call on Klto & Gatwakd.
Bv rirtoe of an execution issued by J. E.
KvanR, clerk of the District Conrt of Lincoln
nagment ren-
coin conn-
Court of
Wid Lincoln county in favor of Spooner R.
dowell acminfit Patrick Walsh. 1 have levied
upon the foUowing real estate as tne property ot
ratncK waisn, to-wii: ijot onfp-UJ in block ono
mnimii and forty-one (ill) in tito City of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, aad I iwill.on.
court; house
11 said real, es-
the amounHl p.lthereon beine
or M5t.V5 wiv ,ir cent interest
from JanuaiapnnutB and S3.20 costs
m accruing costs. VHV.-'n
North Platte, Neb.. An);:
D. A. Bakeb.
S6w5 Sheriff of Lincoln Co,
tato to the highest bidder fmsh, to satisfy
ncuuua. uio HmouuvilLC
City Council Proceedings.
Our qity lesislature held a regular ses
sion Monday evening, all the members
being present except His Honor Mayor
Ormsby. Councilman Walsh presided;
A petition was presented from the bar-.
bers of the city asking the passage of an
ordinance prohibiting barber shops from
opening on Sunday and making the fine
for a violation of the same $25.00.
Koche moved that the request be grant
ed and that the attorney be instructed to
draw an ordinance, provided the petition
ers pay the cost of publication, and the
motion prevailed. x .
A nAW hill fnr an . nrm norma fnr clAa
walk- nn Mania "-"-' I I fin UrT"r"' -
passea nnaer suspension or iwea 7 of said eounty, in North Platfc; sell
rne diu or a.. . urooKs rnrwe Min
ing of cuWertB, sluice 'boxes, CMetings,
etc., was read and laid on table aaul aext
regular meeting. a.
Un motion the Town Lot Co. was re
quested to grade Fifth street;according to
tne agreement entered into ima said com
pany, and the city guarantee!- to fill ap
the low places after such gaailac.
Alter considerable discaeefoa relative
to grading streets on the. north aide.
Roche moved and it was carried that
Pine and Chestnut streets be graded be
tween seventh and eighth under the sup
ervision of the street commissioner and
that bridges or sluice boxes be built
across the sloughs.
ladings moved that a committee be aiv-
pointed to investigate the building of Pat
O'Hare residence on East Sixth street
and if necessary the council, hold a
special meeting to take action in the
- -t jr-
; vflM a
Roche moved that the public test of the
water works take place on r Saturday
August 11 at 2:30 p. m., and that" the
clerk be instructed to notify the water
works company, and have the notice pub
The motion was adopted.
The following bills were allowed on
the general fund. :
B. F. Hilton, labor on streets $2 25
R. E. Moyeiy labor on street!...... 9 00
Albert JUage, labor on streets.. .... l ou
Then the Council adjourned.
Store building 24x60. good cellar,
shelving, counters, and well. Enquire at
this office or of A. H. Davis, at Welitleet,
Champion Mower repairs by
Tnos. Keliher.
Remember that Conway & Keith have
the sole agency for the celebrated Maltese
Cross Hose, the same make as has been
adopted by the city water works. This Is
the only perfect hose manufactured.
.Yocanlivdys find
Austin Powder.
W. L. McGee is agent in North Platte
for the Celebrated Austin Powder,
and dealers can get the same at Omaha
and Chicago prices. Sportsmen will also
make a note of this.
The sausage of all kinds manufactured
by Klenk & Gatward has achieved a wide
reputation for excellence. They ship
large quantities to dealers up and down
the road.
Go to Guy's Place for an A No. 1
fine cigar.
Remember that Conway & Keith have
the sole agency for the celebrated Maltese
Cross Hose, the same make as has been
adopted by the city water works. This
is the only perfect Hose manufactured.
Cheap Coal Oil.
150 Test Oil 20 cents.
175 Test Head Light 25 cents.
G. R: Hahhond.
Call and get a "Quick Meal"
Gasoline Stove before they are all
Conway & Keith.
Try that Hermitage, spring 1881, at
Guy's Place. Guy guarantees it to be'
just as represented.
Ice Cream Soda Water
at TJiacher's.
Jn Every Style and in Great
We call especial attention to our
stock of Phsetons and Buggies, of
wnicn we nave juse received a large
invoice, f nces are lower tnis year.
and we 4 offer thsm at very small
margins and on time if desired, but
we will not refuse to take cash. In
Wagons we carry a large stock and
supply you with almost any style.
MJUKSrUUl & uu.
JAMES BELTON has now in
stock as handsome a line of
Furniture as any one could
wish to select from. Elegant
New Designs in Parlor Furni
ture, beautifully upholstered
Turkish couches, artistic ta
bles and desks, fancv chairs
in great variety, bed-room
suits in mahogany, cherry,
ash, antique oak and walnut.
in the market.
If you art thinking1 of uiinf
the tplehdid dM5wllwaUr
from the watr works, cil at
JAS. BELTON'S and git
prices on plumbing. All" work
is done by an experienced
plumber and guaranteed.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder rarer varies. A marvel of parity,
strength and wholeeomeness. More economical
than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in
competition with the mnltitade of low test, short
weight, slam or phosphate powders. Sold only
in cans. koya tsxsaa rowDX- jo.. iu wau
Street, New York.
The person who borrowed our
stove lifters will please return
tne same ana receive our nearty
thanks. Conway & Keith.
FOR SALE. Fonr rood lots w ith
residence, barn, etc. on east Sixth street.
Inquire of
tf A. Stewart.
A fine line of Antique. Red Oak and
Walnut Bedroom suits and Velvet , and
Carpet Lounges will be found at vervrlow
prices at Stricklers.
That all parties found hunting, fishincr
or trespassing on our lands will be pun
ished to the full extent of the law.
Dillon, Collins & Co.
Try Thacheis Ice
Cream Soda Water. It
is delicious.
The Patterson Agency issues a Hail
Insurance Policy that in case oF total loss,
pays the whole amount the policy called
for; and in case of partial loss a propor
tionate amount recardles of ,the value
-of- the crop. lid" deductions of
aBy kind made: Farmers: call' and ex
Hose and Lawn .Mowers
Street Hardware Store.
at the Front
For Good Meat Call on
Bkodbeck & GnoiANN.
Send in orders to Guy's Place for
family supplies of Idanho Mineral water,
the finest table water in the market.
Guy A. Laing.
Look at some, the Great Bargains
offejr& fdfeth3inexfc Ten Days.
Do not turn your cows out until the
herder calls for them. I shall certainly
enforce the ordinance and impound every
animal found running at large in the city
units. Tne Town .Lot (Jo's addition is in
taait-r Bar-ftr. ni aettca applies to
aavara as wau.aaaaffi.
CMaf of Peifca.
Go to Grady's oppaiMa ta aoatoSca
for dtoica'ptocariaa.
Wafer A. Woa aad Eaipira Biarfara
and Mowers. Binding twine-aad Maeaiaa
Oils, at
For thirty days or during the Campaign
I will sell more Hardware, Stoves, Furni
ture and Implements for cash than any
other house in the city.
L. Strickler.
Oats, Corn, Bran, Shorts, and a full
lino of Flour at Grady's opposite the
All farmers having Fat Cattle. Calves,
Chickens, Sheep or other farm products,
suitable for our line of business, will fifed
it to their interest to- cait' on us. The
highest market prices paid.
Bkodbeck & Gibxanx.
Bucklin's Arnica. Salve.
The best salro in the world for cuts, braises,
sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter,
chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skia
eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded. Trico 25 coats per box. For
sale by A. F. Strcitz.
500 DOZEN!
Spring Chickens wanted without delay.
Bring them right along now, while the
price is high. Don't wait.
B. F. Humes
Vienna Bakery and Lunch Counter.
11 yards Dress Gingham. . . ! .$1 00
1.7 yards Standard Gingham . . 1' 00
12 yards Best Prints 75
10 yards Good Prints 50
Ten-cent Lawns reduced to 3 cents.
100 doz. 50-cent Corsets reduced
25 cents.
dozen Ladies' Hose worth 20
cents, 3 pair for 25 cents.
dozen Ladies' Hose worth 25
cents, 3 pair for 25 cents.
Gents' Half Hose worth 20
cents, 3 pair for 25 cents.
200 dozen Ladies' Hem-stitched
Handkerchiefs worth 25 cents
each, 3 pair for 25 cents.
50 dozen Gents' White Shirts
worth $1.25; will close out at
at ninety-five cents each.
25 pair Swiss Lace Curtains,
lar price 10, will go for 6.
All accouuts due Kate Wood & Co.
must be settled by August 1st or they will
be placed in the hands of an attorney.
Choice home-cured Hams and Bacon
Klenk & Gatward's.
All Dress Goods, White Goods.
Lawn, Laces and Embroideries
at less than cost.
Wanted at Klenk & Gatward's market,
from six to ten weeks old. Highest
market price paid.
ift?ou want
Nice, fresh, dried fruits, call at Von
Goetz North Side Grocery store, where
you will find them and everything else in
the grocery line.
I want one hundred dozen spring chick
ens immediately. The' highest market
price paid at the Vienna Bakery and Res
taurant on Front Street.
Notice to Hay,4 Makers, FabJccks
and, Others.
As I am going to move my blacksmith
shop and stock of agricultaral ixaalaBftests
to my owm residence just wert of Lloyd's
o-ru howe, I will sell ' all my stock of
lumber wagons, phsetoas, buggies, buck
boards aad trotting wagons; also a lot .of
Acme hay stackers and loaders, hay
sweeps of different kinds and hay rakes
of six different kinds, also Buckeye
mowers, droppers and table rakes, bind
ers, plows and harrows, cultivators, amlky
plows, five-tooth cultivators, double afcov
els, corn planters, etc.
1 will rent my old stand for a livery
and feed stable and with a littla altera
tion will make a good one. One en
closed shed 20x88 fret, good roof, one
shed 16x75 feet and one shed 16x65 feet
and plenty of carriage house room in
front. The premises are for rent or sale
on easy terms. Apply to
Wsr. J. Patterson,
On the premises.
Remember that Conway & Keith have
the sole agency for the celebrated Maltese
Cross Hose, the same make as has been
adopted by the city water works. This
is the only pebsect Hose manufactured.
If you want the best- flour for the
money buy "Extra Fancy."
Secondhand Wagons, ) g-Second-Hand
Mowers, j cheap
GooJ? binder twine and machine oil.
Mccormick, ) Harvesters
Osrokne ) Mowers.
and repairs for the same.
Or cattle wintered on North Brady Island.
Grass will make about 110 tons of hay. Brash.
pasture of about 260 acres. Water plenty.
Come and see for yourself.
29tf Maxwzll, Nm
House, Sign
ani Carriage
Kalsomining &c. DECORATIVE
PAPER HANGING done in the
latest style, promptly to order, at
reasonable prices. We guarantee
to use good material and give satis
faction on all work. It will pay
you to call on us at shop upstairs
in.Hershey & Co's building, or leare
orders at Streitz's drug store.