I 5 - STEVENS & BARE.Editoks akdPbops SATURDAY. JULY 28, 1888. J. S. Hoagland came in from the west Thursday evening. G-. T. Fields and L, F. Simon leave for Chicago tomorrow morning. Squire Elder of Medicine made The Tribune a call Wednesday. Mesdames Ferguson and Babb went to Colorado Springs Monday morning. Miss Came Bowen went to Omnha Wednesday eyening on a visit to friends. Mrs. Hall of Cozad, spent Saturday and Sunday in the city, the guest of her sistar, Mrs. E. R. Griffin. "Mrs. F.E. Gray and mother returned tliis week from a several weeks' visit with friends in Alabama. Mrs. O.O. Carnahan leaves to-morrow for an extended visit with friends in Pennsylvania and New York. Our assistant editors are busy har vesting, hence our correspondence is somewhat scanty this week. An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Loveland died in this city Tuesday and was interred on the following day. B. F. Hilton, a young desciple of the type-setting art, gave us a call early in the week, being here on a visit to friends. Mrs. Wm. Milliard, whohas ben "tgpwding several weeks with friends in this city, left for her home in Omaha Wednesday evening. Seventy-five teachers attended the Cheyenne county teachers institute, in dicating the rapid development of that Fairbush, Smith, Hoaton and Case were in from Birdwood Wednesday for lumber with which to build a school house. After an absence of several weeks Will Lyofl has returned to the city and will be found handling the "razer" in Ralph States1 shop. Misses Bertha Thoelecke and Allie Dickie returned home Tuesday after visiting friends and relatives in Sidney and Cheyenne for several weeks. Quite a number of people who have takes water from the company are offer ing their windmills for sale. There are chances to buy these at bargains. J. S. Scoonover, of Birdwood precinct, killed a buffalo wolf Monday at a dis tance of 180 yards. John is one of the best marksmen in the country. The old building adjoining Foley's warehouse on the west which was erected in 1867 was torn down this week. One by one the old laudmarksare removed. Miss Carrie Belton, who had been at attendingthe Conservatory of Music at Boston, returned home on Friday even ing of last week, warmly welcomed by many friends. Frank Clark left for Silver Creek, N. Y., Thursday, and after visiting friends in that vicinity will enter a business col lege in "Buffalo. May success attend you , Frank. N. W. McGee returned from Iowa Monday, in which state he had been for a couple" weeks on business. When he left the farmers of Iowa were busy har vesting their crop J. D. Jackson and family started for Van Couver, Washington Ter., Sunday norning, expecting to make that place their future home. Their friends wish . them prosperity in their new home. MaJ. Risse arrived at home Tuesday evening after several weeks visit at his former home in Illinois, near Quincy. That part of the Sucker State is in a pros perous condition. M. L. Mead of the Madrid Nctcs and S. B. Brierly, county attorney of Perkins county, were in the city Wednesday. Mr. Mead is confident of the future greatness of 3Iadrid, which will seen be the county seat Frequently advertisers complain that their notices are placed in an obscure corner and are not read, but we have had forcible reminders this week that people do read the ndvertisments no matter where placed. There are a number of places where the weeds have made a rather rank growth this year, in a few cases almost covering the side walks. A few mo ments work with the scythe would re move them, and make a great improve ment in the appearance of the streets. We publish this week Mr. Grady's annual statement as county treasurer. This was completed shortly after Mr. Grday'sterm expired, but the commission ers did not pass upon it until a short time ago. It shows the condition of the coun ty treasury on the 5th of January last, also the standing of all the school dis tricts on that date. Omaha commission men are looking about the country pretty sharply for feed ing steers. From indications they will rpmmand a good figure this fall. One thing, most of the farmers in this county will be able to feed their own steers, which will be more profitable, especially to those living some distance from the railroad . The Vincent Theatrical Company clos ed its three-day season at Lloyd's opera house Saturday night. The members were well up in their parts, all acting well in fact the troupe had more the ap pearance of an ofd fashioned stock com pany than a modern combination of speci alists. The company had but recently start ed out from Chicago on the summer tour, jmd the extreme hot weather encountered in Missouri rivef towns, bad caused light receipts, but Mr. V. expected to more than make this up in the mountain towns, where the nights are cool and refreshing. The Company expects to play at Kearney during the soldiers' encampment in Sep tember and will be in this city during the county fair in October. The water mains are now all laid, and the company has applied several teats of high pressure to detect leaks and test the pipe. Monday being a rainy day aad no lawn sprinklers running, was improved for this purpose. 160 pounds prearare ana over was applied ana Kepi, oa for several hours, resulting in three breaks which were at once repaired. Everything is now ready for the final test Ten deep wells are completed and all tho connections made. By the 4th of August it is believed that the test can be made, but the date will depend upon the ability of Capt Walker to get here. As sooa. as word can be received from him the day will be announced. The teachers sociable at the court bowe Tuesday evening was a pleasant affair, .albeit there were not quite so many preseat as might have been. To attract the attention of the people the band play ed several popular airs in front of the betfdiar early in the evening, a compli wejtMghlv'appreciatedby the teachers. Swpt. Langford made a brief address wc'sosing the teachers, which was very fcly responded to by Prof. N. E. Leads. This constituted the formal fea ture .of the entertainment, the other be. leg free and pleasant sociability. Re frechicnts in the shape of ice cream and cake "were served and enioved by all pre- K, resulting in material assistance w i leathers in defraying expenses of the for Chicago A.A.De fm mm xe w - r Niche Is, is tr-tre acre Wester Ne w T. C. Pattersoi Thursday morning . H. V.Temnle.?- vore & Son, tailort, f -ej. jh. Diannard, said to have th field of corn in the, comatj. It rains twicn - braska ordinarily, fee efteaei- if tkegro mg crops require M. ' . The Presbyterian flislsjriisiil tr'1 a picnic at Lamplugb.'g kke Thejsday, and a general gooa UMM SFSS CMTJSSSMt. Mrs. Andersonef 04ewee4,-iowa, has been in the citr ski wrt.Stfca Mst nf her daughter Mrs. W:.H. C Weethurst. McEvoy is a lover of the betatif I and has engaged a very fcejiitonisn ledy to oc cupy a position in his jewelry store. Modest as she appears she does sot shrink from the gaze of hvadreds who stop to admire her. Sam K. Dyer, who has beea stationed for a year past in a despatches' office in ine uity ot Mexico, is in the -city the guest of his brother J. M. Oyer of the Telegraph. The eclipse of the moon last Sunday night was not a success in North Platte, the atmosphere beiag thick with moisture while light clouds alsaost ob scared the satellite. The mooa casse ia contact with the shadow about 9 o'clock iaad left it about 12. The eclipse was total . In response to iaforaal invitations six or eight married cbaples gathered at the McGee residence 1 Saturday eiteueg and spent several hours very pleta tiy. On this, as all other occasievfi, Mr,. mt Mrs. McGee proved, thjsjejelvee i ceMent 'en tertainers and " the .gaests IM .a" large sociable time. i From the New Yerk World, we learn that our own and oaiy .Baffslo Bill will soon break camp 6a Statea Iskad and move his aggregaaoa to 'Philadelphia. It was the intentioa to reataiaat State n Island only four weeks, hat the attend ance has been so large that they coaclud ed to stay longer. . A newspaper under the maaageaient of either a man of steatod aeaeisinties or depraved appetites is a Cflaasity to every home it enters. Perakleae ;toaghts are encouraged in the aiiasls 'iv its readers, whose standard of laoralny oaaaot fail to be lowered. No newspaper shoald be published that caaaot be read aload in the family circle, yet in two of our ex changes, one published at North Platte and the other at Hayef Centre, have with in two weeks appeared, articles of such disgusting vileness as to aserit the con demnation of all respectable joarhals. Wallace Herald. r The people of North Platte are resting tinder a cloud. NnusH the paper that we may see the thing if ritegawac vileness. The appointment of J. Ft Wellisgton, editor of the Democrat, as potriaMster at Sidney is meeting with coasiderable ob jection among tue ora 'stem-wiBaers. Only a few years ago it is alleged hp was the publisher of Republic newspapers in different places in this state, and they very naturally and we tnink very proper ly believe he has not been ia the party long enough to becosae naturalized. The land office notice has been a tempting bait to many weak-kneed so-called Re publican publishers, and many have been caught therewith ; but it should not fol low that a postofflce is attached to the hook. The old war-horses should see that carpetbaggers serve a reasonable probation, before befog rewarded with the fat things of the party. J. I. Nesbitt arrived konae from the Long Pine Chautauqua Wednesday morn -ins." The subject upoa which Mr. Nesbitt spoke was "The Iiviag Issues in Politics," a difficult sabject to haadle be fore do critical an aaaleaee, bat' his ire marks appear to have beea well received, giving general satisfactioa. The W. C. T. U. was represented, by a strong, ag gressive delegation, and it can readily be seen that in treating living issues in politics the temperance question could not be ignored. Only a few days before a prominent speaker had incurred the displeasure of the ladies, something that so gallant a man as Mr. Nesbitt did not want to do; and yet he felt hat it was necessary to express his hilsest convic tions, formed after mature deliberation of the manner in which the question should be handled. In many respect; his views are original, and in accord with The Tri bune's idea of handling the i-nbject. We shall take pleasure in laying his address before our readers at aa early day. North Platte Camp, Modern Woodmen of America, was duly organized Wednes day evening with twenty-aiae members, Deputy Head Counsel Jaates Ramplin officiating: After the rites; of adoption were administered aa electiak -isf eficers was held which resulted as fisllews: Ven erable Consul J. H. Fickaara't; Worthy Adviser; I. L. Bare; PastOeasul, John Hawley; Excellent Baaker, larthar Mc Namara; Secretary, C A. 'McDoaald; Escort, Joseph Morsch ; Delegate, W. T. Wilcox; Alternate. O. O. Caraaaan; Watchman, G. E. Freaea ; Seswry, Joseph Hershey; Managers, J:TD.Jalcer, W. H. C. Wood hurst and Joha Soreasoa. It was decided to leave the charter open un til Tuesday, allowing those who wish to become charter members an opportunity to do so. Counsel Raatpliv is highly pleased with the success he has met with in our city and thinks there is ao reason why this camp should not be one of the largest and best in the order. TJae mem bers composing the North Plsltte camp are active wide awake youag men, and are among the "finest" of the towsu It is thought the membership caa be increased to fifty inside of thirty days. j There is said to be a burglar may be two or more in the city. Oae certainly entered the house of Eagiaeejr Cruzen Sunday night and created ojmeidtrable disturbance in the faasily, Mr. Orazen beinir absent. He dkrat of value. Rut it's not blcasnam to have one's sleep broken br a haagliBghurglsr. This bold and bloody reporter dbaT; want to be disturbed that way. Heiiaiag ine how he would feel; his knefes 'would shake and his teeth would charier with cold, of course. "Who woaW't stiver da a dark, cold night, with nothiig hat light and airy garments to protect hk precious person? with a great big aarglar perhaps standing ready to fell yoa to the earth with a bludgeon or plaage his hloedy datrtrPT into vour heart at the first opDor- tunitv. The reporter doat like cold weather; it often makes him shake with out the assistance of a burglar. No, he would much prefer that hargLirs, if come they must, would cobm in the day tine, when its-warm and light aad you can see what is going on. We woald then "be ing, one that they woald carry;, with them ana rememoer in aicer years. d AnartawBt tf the TJaion Pacific, "The Overland ReateV' httiesaed a neat little nhamnblet, pocket, sue, en titled 'National Platform Boofr r istatain the Democratic, Reiiaalicaa aad Prbfcib tion Platforms, together wiehffce aaskteses of acceptance of Grover. Clev-Jlaad, Benja- mm xiarrison ana vHimuai x; atsu tabulated tables shswinr The plarnlity vote, the electoral ani am aaalTs of the vote as cast for Cloveliaael asiA Blaine in 1884. . 1 a This book is just what is ateoed at this time and should be la the haai of every voter. It plainly sets fertk what ,esch party has to offer and every reader can draw his own comparkei-J8eat to any address on applicatie. AAaeiss J. S. Tebbets, General Pasisa,y:Aie)t,TJaion Pacific Railway, OmJT- , i ' i ir The TJ. S. Court Bill. The bill designating places for holding United States courts in Nebraska passed on Tuesday. The points selected are only four Omaha, Lincoln Hastings and Norfork. These are all in the east ern part of the State, Hastings, the place farthest west, being nearly one hundred miles east of a line drawn north and south through the center. Kearney is omitted and is now of course ever out of the race. This adjustment leaves North Platte in excellent shape to be designated as one of the points for holding court when the next adjustment takes place, which can; not be long, as the western part of the State is rapidly increasing in population. Newcomers. F. A Shepard received word Tuesday that his wife, who is visiting in Council Bluffs, had presented him with a girl baby. Frank of course"is happy over the advent of the heiress. An heir was born to the house of Foley Monda)r and The Tkibune trusts he may attain the prominence in business and social circles that his father now en joys. Mr. and Jlrs. BenC. Clinton were made happy Sunday night by the appearance of a baby at their home. A little stranger put in an appearance at the residence of Denny Monyhan Sun dar and was kindly cared for by the parents. Fell from the Third Story Window. E. E. Bebout of Wellfleet was stopping at the Hawley House Sunday night, hav ing a room on the third floor. Previous to going to sleep the remark had been. made that tnarwould not be a pleasant place in case of a cyclone, and it is sup posed he was somewhat nervous on the subject About midnight when the wind suddenly came up, he rushed frantically from the bed to the window in a half wakened condition and jumped, striking on the railing around the porch of the second story, and then fell over to the ground. Three ribs were broken on the right side, and he was considerably in jured and bruised in other places about the body. Dr. Loagley was called and dressed the wounds. For some time it was feared the injuries would prove fatal, but as late as Thursday evening he had made such improvement that recov ery was considered quite certain. Mr. Bebout has a claim near Wellfleet and has a number of relatives in that vicinity. North Platte Water. Some time since, by request. Mr. Gibbs forwarded to Omaha two jugs of water, one from the Water Works Company and one from the TJ. P. well. On Monday the following letter was received showing the constituents of each sample : Omaha, July 21, 1888. E . B. Gibbs, Foreman, Jorth Platte. Dear Sir : Below please find analysis of the samples of water furnished by you from the North Platte Water Works Co. grains. Carbonates of lime and magnesia, 7.21 Sulpates of lime, magnesia and the alkalies and chloride of sodium, 10.70 Total solids to one gallon, 17 91 FROM U. P. RY. AVEMj AT KO- PLATTE . Carbonates of lime and magnesia, 8.78 Sulphates of lime and magnesia and the alkali, chiefly chloride of so dium :.. 12.94 Total solids to one gallon, 21.72 Difference. 3.89 Per cent in favor of Water Co.; 021.5 plus. The Institute. The Lincoln county teachers institute came to a close Thursday, one day earlier than at first expected, on account of it being necessary for Prof. Leach to start for Furnas county. However the msti . tute put in the full ten days of work, a session having been held last Saturday. In all there were forty-live teachers in attendance, most of whom attended the entire time. A "marked feature of the institute was a disposition to work. No gathering of teachers in this county ever manifested, a greater desire to learn. Af ter the first day's session they were con vinced that they had an instructor of ex perience and learning, who could impart to them valuable knowledge relative to their profession. Mr. Leach was ably assisted by Miss Hosford, who generally conducted the class in physiology . Supt. Langford was also instructor in a number of studies. There was tmt one session per day, commencing at 8 o'clock in the morning and continuing until 1, the afternoons by this means being devoted to study. On Thursday forenoon after recess, the time was devoted to the closing exercises.- Prof. Leach delivered a very able address on "The Wants of the Country Schools," his conclusions being based upon twelve years experience as a teacher in those schools. He was followed by Mr. Nes bitt, who as a former teacher and County Superintendent, spoke as one having knowledge of the subject under consideration. He was followed by by Rev. Adam Stump, who also has knowl edge in educational matters. Then Messrs. Sullivan, Evans and Stevens were called upon in the order named, but they being novitiates in the cause, what they said could not be taken as law. Mr. Sullivan's humor put the institute in a happy mood, but being limited to five minutes he could not do himself jus tice. Prof. Leach has been engaged to con duct the institute next year. It will be held during the last week in August, just preceding the beginning of the fall terms of school. . The institute unanimously adopted the following , RESOLUTIONS OF THANKS. Whereas, wb, the teachers of Lincoln County, having attended the County Nor mal Institute and wishing to express our appreciation of the same, do Jlfsolcc: That we sincerely, thank Mr. Leach, our conductor. Mr. Langford, our County Superintendent, and Miss Hosford for their thorough instruction, their uniform kindness "and courtesy, and their evident sympathy with all edu cational work. That we express our unanimous desire to have Mr. Leach return next year. That we appreciate the interest in our work shown by those kindly visiting the institute, and especially we thank Mr. Sullivan, a member of the city Board of Education, for his frequent presence among us. That we express to the County Com missioners our appreciation of their in terest in educational work as attested by their appropriation of necessary funds. That we sincerely thank the people of North Platte for their courtesy, and for their attendance at our sociable, and we extend thanks to the Band for the music kindly fnrnished upon that occasion. Mart E. Hosford, Eunice Babbitt, Mina M. Mills, y Committee. Maggie England, i Cora L. Shoup, J Co. Supt Langford will deliver a lec ture before the Frontier county teachers institute on Wednesday, Aug. 1st. On his return he will proceed to Gandy, having been engaged to conduct the two week's institute in Logan county. The infant population of the city is in creasing very rapidly several births oc curing this week. This desire, on the part of our gentlemen, to do something for their country is very creditable. Lata! '4- L& L jajBSBSBSBK. . BJBSL. 1 fccSJaWK ?fllaWWaallf MsSal af sev- They loe far .a dear at Newi Cum r;tfceseene be- Hi Tears dropped.a erax nunarea at were those of syi friend, a sister, a In the Methodlet-c berland, in frontef hind which was p light , in a casket ia beauty, lay the asaj mains of Mrs. Iiav Shelly, aged. 34 woras ot a dev Wife." ' The deceased, sr. taesav af .Christian principle and mc4heriy:kraad Madness, died in the house of 'heriVJetaer;' John Shelly, on the 'island eepoiHe Golds boro bearing the naae ef the family for several gensratkys . I .Before the dew upon the I- 'Jajrass;. , which had been divested of. iar'veiiaaat love liness by a summer aw,-had 'dkafpeared, her many frienda f sthiisa1 to. Mr her the last sad rite. It was''a;settawfat ace yet full of love andsyaHMaa. 'Saeh was the life of the deceaseC 1.08iSoustdn, of the Church of G,'at .Qrittinero, be gan the services' the aMaaaea ia 4 a me - e-SWatsawes and TeaMet-vaJee but jgglMss re- moriamat once buaaifal aad leaching.' The remains were ' thea tahsa i to New Cumberland. 'Here tlw afcaiily; large concourse of friends k was aajpaveated by persons from t , ca: aad other places. Rev. Cronce. assisted bv ReV. Houston, officiated in the chareh at.that mg the words Him and be at come to thee.",. larly affecting ton spoke in hi The remains taken to Mt. OHeat nuiaff armr thyself 'eaaasaaaavaaaaaaBBaBaaaaajaiMES'' -' eafaaaaaaaasaasr-ajec aflKrlaaB:. ' aace, us- with Mad will rticu- Hous- eased viewed were there interred. ' 4irV, The deceased lesesjseted' husband and little daugbterjef aasat'irelyaars of age. Mr. Sutherlaadf.iras-fecsserly of Sidney, Nebraska, haal-rareseat is a prominent banker 6fawaVPItte: of the same state.' The ' pewnarers. eight in number on accoeat;of jfce casket heing a matallic one were if Bear Daraa, D. L. Kunkle. Ed. K. Frackr Baatwl McFad den, E. L Yinger Jekp' Fank, "George Good andL. M. LsadiifeofiGoMsaoro. The death of Mrs. iBatherlsai .recalls the historic relations of tta f easily, as as-, sociated with the pastajf that section of the state. The isl k'aa heirloom and' it is remarkable frosa the fact that it has passed from oae geaeratioa to another without going out of the' family, the pa pers of one hundred aeid fifty years ago being in possession ofitae preseat occu pant, John Shelly, whirls aow in his fif- imm jou men nder of the ,'isCthat the occupant onaer with four times, is ties and a grandson f lsiana. .a singular i: founder, his soaanaV' were each calleoyjeai nis wives, ne Deinr ma; Dunea in one ot taecepeieries on the island, which were' tbe resting place for the dead for several miles around. The island consists "of 240 acres and is al most two miles in length. Mr. Shelly's father was known as Major, having been elected to that honor, and tije sword and knife he carried as well as the sash he wore in the service, are still in the posses sion of the family. The connection is largo and well-known. t Mrs. Shelly was Miss Agnes May, a daughter of the late Barney May, of this city. Her only rela tives living are Mrs. Agnes "Kemp, and Hon. Alexander 'Ramsey, who are first cousins. The late ex-Mayor Herman was a cousin of Mr. Shelly. The present family consisted of seven children, only four of whom are now living, Latimere S, j John M., Charles R., and, Herman J! The house on the island is a large and commo dious one and the farm is the most pro ductive and valuable in this section. The bright little daughter of Jhe deceased ; Mrs. Sutherland wfllr remain "with the grand-parents.; Among those present from this city yesterday were Mrs. John M. Major, Mrs. Dr. John Fager, Mrs. Sies, Mrs. M. B. Cowden and several others. City Council Proceedings. At the adjourned session oft the city council Monday evening 'the following business was transacted: On petition of numerous residents thereon, First street was ordered grad ed from Oak to Spruce under the super vision of street commissioner Friend. Superintendent Barnes of the water works, representing that it was not desir able to use the fire hydrants for the pur pose of taking water to sprinkle the streets, after discussion it was decided to put in a hydrant for that purpose on Lo cust street, between Front and the rail way tracks. After a discussion of the subject of telephones for the fire department, Supt. Barnes was requested .to procure two non electric phone's for trial; the city to pay for one and the wate wjikji company for fh'e other. , jw'v The city clerk was instructed to inform the water works company , that the city is in need of the drinking feaatains the company was to put up, and to request that they be erected without delay. Mayor Ormsby stated that there was need of a board of health: provided for by the ordinance on that su eject. After discussion, the Mayor appointed Drs. Donaldson, McCabe and Laaeeus to act with the mayor and presideet of the coun cil as members of the. board. The nom inations were coafirmed. " Then the council- "tackled" business that they had little relish for the con sideration of bijls. All j" of the accounts against the city were read, 'examined and most of them allowed. This occupied the time until nearly atldaight, when the members sought their yosy scare homes conscious of haviag doae, a good night's work. Jj, ' FOR SALE Foar goed lots with residence, barn, etc. da east Sixth .street. Iaqalre af Vv tf .UuJ; Stewart. Isaac J., jiutoeB;bf Mr. and Mrs. M. C, Hrrinoi iied at Ster ling Colo., .WedneMay The re mains were brought borne and in terred in the 'Cath&ic Cemetery Friday. In. their lots the parents have the sympathy of many friends. Our sympathy extended to 0. P. Iddings who is st preatnt enter taining two large and elegfent styes on one of his eyes. ''They, are not becoming to a geritltatan of Mr. Iddings1 make-up; txjsieleY they are very painful. We invite attention of horse men and those who desire a fine horse, to Jno. W. Watt's card. In a pri vate note Mr. !Wgtt,ij6rms us that his horses are. all of the most noted trotting families, aad are registered in Wallace Anitas Trotting Register. - NOTICE m$pkpERS. bealed bito will te'irtaived at the city clerk's ofice -luifcil-i noon of August 6th 1888, fofeljfce building or crossings' andculverte for the city of North Platte laccordinsr to plans and specification on file at the citv clerk s oflice. The Council reserves the right to Ifeiect any or au oius. - ' By order, of the Coakcil. E. B. Wiiw;Cifcy Clerk. July oitn, iocs, m- 1 Ned Wheeler, the ever talkative barber, is absent in Iowa this week. A brother of lleceiver Treacy was in town Thursday representing the Fireman s Magazine. The managing editor of the Omaha Republican Mr. Cadet Tay lor, spent a day or two in town' this week. Walter Covell is apparently mak ing a succes 'of fanning on the North side. On Tuesday he brought in a stalk of corn raised on the sod which was about as tall as a small tree. Rock Springs lump or nut coal.. C. F. Iddings Lightning struck the German Methodist church in Grand Island Sunday morning, damaging the building to the amount or Ijlo0. Fortunately no one was seriously injured, although ths Sunday school was in session it the time. Washburn flour at Grady's opposite the postofflce. T havfl inst received a fine stock of Dodson & Hill's celebrated mixed pickles, both sweet and sour. These are fine goods. V. Von Goetz, J orth Side Grocery Store. For choicest cuts of Beef. Mutton or Pork call on Klenk & Gatward. FOR SALE. Store building 24x60, good cellar, shelving, counters, and well. "Enquire at this office or of A. H. Davis, at Wellfleet, Nebraska. FOR SALE. Champion Mower repairs by Tuos. Keliher. Remember that Conway & Keith have the sole agency for the celebrated Maltese Cross Hose, the same make as has been adopted by the city water works. This is the only perfect hose manufactured. You can always find a good cigar at Thack-er's. Austin Powder. W.L. McGee is agent in North Platte for the Celebrated Austin Powder, and dealers can get the same at Omaha and Chicago prices. Sportsmen will also make a note of this. FINE SAUSAGE. The sausage of all kinds manufactured by Elenk & Gatward has achieved a wide reputation for excellence. They ship large quantities to dealers up and down the road. Go to Guy's Place for an A No. 1 fine cisjar, Remember that Conway & Keith have' the sole agency for the celebrated Maltese Cross Hose, the same make as has been adopted by the city water works. This is the only perfect Hose manufactured. Cheap Coal Oil. 150 Test Oil 20 cents. 175 Test Head Light 25 cents. G. R. Hammond. Call and get a -'Quick Meal" Gasoline Stove before they are all rrn Conway & Keith. Try that Hermitage, sprinir 1881. at Guy's Place. Guy guarantees it to be just as represented. Ice Cream Soda Water at Tl hacker1 s. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, WAGONS. In Every Style and in Great Variety. We call especial attention to our stock of Phaetons and Buggies, of which we have just received a large invoice, ruces are lower tms year, and we offer tham at very small margins and on time if desired, but we will not refuse to take cash. In Wagons we carry a large stock and supply you with almost any style. ATTENTION. AH accouuts due Kate Wood & Co. must be settled by August 1st or they will be placed in the hands of an attorney. Choice home-cured Hams and Bacon at Klenk & Gatward's. "Rtttnpmhur thnt flnnwav & Keith have the sole agency for the celebrated Maltese Cross Hose, the same make as has been adopted by the city water works. This is the only perfect Hose manufactured. Ifvou want the best flour for the money buy "Extra Fancy." Second-Hand Wagons,) GFA vSecond-Hand Mowers, cheap Good binder twine and machine oil. McCorjiick, ) Harvesters Deering AND Osrorne ) .Mowers. and repairs for the same. HERSHEY & Co. Walter A. Wood and Empire Binders and Mowers. Binding twine and Machine Oils, at Strickler's. 500 DOZEN! Spring Chickens wanted without delay. Bring them right along now, while the price is high. Don't wait. B. F. Humes Vienna Bakery and Lunch Counter. For thirty days or during the Campaign I will sell more Hardware, Stoves, Furni ture and Implements for cash than any other house in the city. L. Strtckler. Oats, Corn, Bran, Shorts, and a full line of Flour at Grady's opposite the postofflce. TO FAR3IERS. All farmers having Fat Cattle. Calves, Chickens, Sheep or other farm products, suitable for our line of business, will find it to their interest to call on us. The highest market prices paid. BRODBECK & UIRMAJflT. Bucklin's Arnica Salve. The best Ealve ia the world for cats, bnriees, sores, ulcers, Bait rhenm, ferer sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cores piles or no pay re. quired. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents pec box. For sale by A. F. Strcitz. Money to Loan ON IMPROVED FARMS. Lowest Rates; Best Terns. NO DELAY. no: . c. ?nsoi. Thacker is on hand again iuith the popular drink, Mead. Tin it. Fill lJL 1 rrn in. JAMES BELTON has now in stock as handsome a line of Furniture as any one could wish to select from. Elegant New Designs in Parlor Furni ture, beautifully upholstered Turkish couches, artistic ta bles and desks, fancy chairs in great variety, bed-room suits in mahogany, cherry, ash, antique oak and walnut. THE BEST FOLDING BEDS in the market. PLUMBING. If you are thinking of using the splendid deep-well water from the water works, call at JAS. BELTON'S and get prices on plumbing. All wdrk is done by an experienced plumber and . guaranteed. Try Thacker's Ice Cream Soda Water. It is delicious. HAIL INSURANCE! The Patterson Agency issues a Hail Insurance Policy that in case of total loss, pays the whole "amount the policy called for; and in case of -partial loss a propor tionate amount jregardles of the value of the crop. No deductions of any kind made. Farmers, call and examine. Hose and Lawn Mowers at the Front Street Hardware Store. IDANHO MINERAL WATER. Send in orders to Guy's Place for family supplies of Idanho Mineral water, the finest table water in the market. Guy A. Laing. HE GREAT P. A IIP A TO J STILL GOES OX AT T- T- POLETS. Look at some theGreat Bargains offered for the iiext Ten Days. - 11 yards Dress Gingham SI 00 17 yards Standard Gingham . . 1 0O 12 yards Best Prints 75 10 yards Good Prints. ." 50 Ten-cent Lawns reduced to 3 cents. 100 doz. 50-cent Corsets reduced to 25 cents. 100 dozen Ladies' Hose worth 20 cents, 3 pair for 25 cents. 100 dozen Ladies' Hose worth 25 cents, 3 pair for 25 cents. 200 Gents' Half Hose worth 20 cents, 3 pair for 25 cents. 200 dozen Ladies' Hem-stitched Handkerchiefs worth 25 cents each, 3 pair for 25 cents. 50 dozen Gents' White Shirts worth Si .25; will close out at at ninety-five cents each. 25 pair Swiss Lace Curtains, regu-. lar price 10, will go for S6. All Dress Goods, White Goods, Lawn, Laces and Embroideries at less than cost. PARASOLS AT HALF PRICE. T. J. FOLEY. VEAL CALVES Wanted at Klenk & Gatward's market, from six to ten weeks old. Highest market price paid. ' Nice, fresh, dried fruits, call at Von Goetz North Side Grocery store, where you will find them and everything else in the grocery line. SPRING CHICKENS WANTED. I want one hundred dozen soring chick ens immediately. The highest market price paid at the Vienna iaKery ana Kes taurant on Front Street. B. F. Humes. SELLING OUT AT COST. Notice to Hay Makers, "Farmers axd Others. As I am going to more my blacksmith shop and stock of agricultural implements to my own residence just west of Lloyd's opera house, I will sell all my stock of lumber wagons, phaetons buggies, buck boards and trotting wagons; also a lot of Acme hay stackers and loaders, hay sweeps of different kinds and hayrakes of six different kinds, also Buckeye mowers, droppers and table rakes," bind ers, plows and harrows, cultivators, sulky plows, five-tooth cultivators, doable shov els, corn planters, etc COME ON FOR BARGAINS. I will rent my old stand for a livery and feed stable and with a little altera tion will make a good one: One en closed shed 20x88 feet, good" roof, one shed 16x75 feet and one shed 16x65 feet and plenty of carriage house room in front. The premises are for rent or sale on easy terms. Apply to Wm. J. Patterson, On the premises. Go to Grady's opposite the postofflce for choice groceries. NOTICE NO BIDDERS. Sealed bids will be received at the of fice of the City Clerk of 'North Platte, until 12 o'clock noon of July 30th. 1888. for the furnishing of all material and the building of a bridge on Walnut street be tween blocks 7 and 8, Peniston's Addition to the City of North Platte, according to plans ana specifications now on file at the office of City Clerk: 7 . The Council reserves-the rishtto reiect any or all bids. By order of the Council! ' v E. B. Warner, n 3w , City Clerk. A fine line of Antique. Red Oak and Walnut Bedroom s'uits and Velvet and Carpet Lounges will be found at verv low prices at Stricklers. For Good Meat Call on BRODBECK & GlRMANN. TAKE NOTICE. That all parties found hunting, fishine or trespassing on our lands will be pun ished to tb'e full extent of the law. Dillon, Collins & Co. AN EXPLANATION. What is this "nerrons trouble" with which ao many now seem to be afflicted? It you will re member a few years ago the word Malaria was comporatively nnlalown to-day it is'as common as any word in the English language, yet this word covers only the meaning of another word nsied by oar forefathers in times past. So it is with nerrons diseases, as they and malaria are in tended to cover what our grandfathers called biliousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condition of the liver which in performing its functions finding that it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordi nary channel is compelled to pass it off through the system, causing nervous troubles, maria, bil ious fever, etc. You who are suffering can well appreciate a cure. Wo recommend Green's Au gust Flower. Its cures are marvelous. Notice of Attachment. Thomas Brown will take notice that on the 2d day of July, 1888, Albin Stolle, a justice of the. peace oi jincoin county, neDrasKa. lesuea an order or attachment for the sum of $1ZSS and costs in an action pending before him wherein Philip Klenk is plaintiff and. Thomas Brown is defendant, that property of the defendant con sisting of money has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 10th day of July, 1888. North Platto, J nly 10, 1888. Philip Klenk, 2t-5 by T. R. O'Coksolly. his Atty . North Platte. Neb.. July 26th, 1888. UOOSTY JUDGE'S (JITICE. -"NOTICE-TO CREDITORS. The sheriff of Lincoln county having this day filed in my office an inventory, duly verified, of the creditors, the residence of each, and the sum owing to each, and of all the property, both real andpersonal, of Clinton G. Griswold, assignor, of Wallace, Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the creditors of said Clinton G. Griswold held at my office in North Platte, Ne braska, on August 4th, 1888, at one o'clock p. in., for the purpose of choosing1 an assignee to suc ceed the sheriff of said county in such trust. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court this 26th day of July, 1888. l- S. J. J. O'Hourke, 28-U County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of two executions issued by J. E. Evans, clerk of the district court of Lincoln office of said clerk of two judgments rendered byJohn Hawley, justice of the peace, in favor of "The McCormick Harvestine Machinn Ho.." against lavid Cash, I have levied upon the fol lowing real estate as the property of the said David Cash, to-wit: Lots two and three both in section six (6), township thirteen (13) range twenty-nine (29), in Lincoln county, Nebraska, and I will on the 28th day of August, 1888, at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the court house of said county, in North Platte, sell in separate lots 6aid real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said executions, the amount due thereon in tha aggregate being the sum of $127.30 and $3.00 cob ia ana accruing costs. Dated north Platto, July 25. 1888. " D. A. Bakeb, Sheriff, 28-4 J. W. MEBBTMAjf , Deputy . NOTICE. In District Court of Lincoln Conntv. Ne braska. Linda Lewis, Harry Lewis. lo Harrv Lewis nnn.rrwidont defendant: You are hereby notified that on thn Zid dv of July. 1888, Linda Lewis filed a petition against yon in the district court of Lincoln county for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, upon the ground that the defendant for more than five years past nas oeen a namtual drunkard and has been guilty of extreme cruelty toward plaintiff by stnkintr and beatinc her and rail In c h or vita and vulgar names, and being of sufficient ability io groviue soiiaoie maintenance lor plaintin. has wantonly. ctoasIv and cranllv mfnoArl anH neglected to do sotail without any just cause or provocation on piainuiis pan:, x on are required to answer said petition on or before MnnrUr September 10th, 1888. . Linda Lewis, By Nesbitt & Garaxs, 28-4 herAttys. NOTICE CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given thatr by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated Dec. 12tb, 1887 made and executed by Thomas Mc Laughlin to First National Bank of In- dianola, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certain promissory- not9 for the sum of one hundred and forty-three and forty hundredths Dollars, made by the said Thomas McLaughlin and bearing even date therewith; default having been made in the payment of said note, I will on the the 18th day of August, 1888 at 1 o'clock P. M. in frontof the Court House in North PJatte, Nebraska, offer at public sale to the highest bidder 'the following property described in said chattel mort gage, to-wit: Oue Cream Colored 3Iare 4 years old, One Buckskin Mare 5 years old with colt by her side, One Buckskin Mare. 3 years old, One Bay Mare 7 years old, One Brown Mare 9 years old; or so much thereof as may be necessary to sat isfy said sum due, interest and costs. J'o. J. Samcorjt, 283 Cashier. Mini Bred Horses Standard Bred Mares in. foal to Fashionably Bred Stallions. A few clioice young mares and geldings, broken to harness, and suitable for track or road. Jno. W. Watt, Farnam, Neb. A. lb; ll ' I -it- !- .rs, ,:ii