THE TRIBUNE. STEVENS & BARE,. Prop's. . TERMS: If paid in Advance, only $1.00 per year. otu"ei ear, if not in Advance, $1.50. oia. Jioauis, in Advance, - - - 75 luree.jjiontns, m Advance, - - .50 I !' !i I ' ; 11 - "i jt " " jj f j 1 5 " n' ' s -t?lllr - s '- 4 " - . . "Vv. t. . . " ' : . . . " v . . " V I : " ; ' -"T "TV -7- A.D, BucrwoBTH,. Jas. Sutherland,'- - i J jy ' President. Cashier. O Sjjjfe, State Bat of MP, -f Advertising Rates on Application. VOL. IV. NORTH PLATTE; NEBRASKA, JULY 28, 1888. NO. 28. U. P. TIME TABLE. GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TISUE. ;y- mu ana .repress lept. 8:15 a. k. Ttf; ?2!!?fndH - iop. at. -cight 825 A. St. u. ii-rjeignt " 7:15 p. M. No. 21 Freight " 10:15 p. m o.onlyst Ogallala, Jnleebnrg and Sidney on GOING EAST. v -Vrend Flyer Dept. 5:45 a. m. No. 2 Mad and Express " 755 p. M. btops only at Plnm Creek, Kearney and Grand TDaily except Sunday. J. U. FebgusOx. Agent- NESBITT & GROIES, Attomeys-at-Law, SORTS PhATTE. NEBR. Onrics oteb Foley's Store. Estray Notice. Taken no on the 23d day of June. A.J). 1688. as h Busy uu eecuon o, ixi rowueuip a uuau, raui 29 west, in Lincoln conntv. Nebraska, tk the an scriber who there resides, one bay horsi branded 46 on left flank. weichL about 800 lbs. Has been handled and is gentle. The owner of said property can have the same uyproYing property any paying expenses. Uated this 28th day of Jane, A. D. 1888. W. 13. VOTAW. $50 REWARD. By virtue of the laws of the State nf Kbroska. I hereby offer a reward of Fifty Dollars for the capture and conviction of any poison charged wiia norse 6teaung in Loncoin county. Sheriff B. I. lilNMAN. T. Fclton Gantt. HINMAN & GANTT, y 0 - at - Will practice in all the courts of the State. Office over the FostofHce. C. M. DUNCAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office: Ottenstein's Block, op stairs. Office hoars from 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m jsesiaence on west Sixth street. NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. A. J. LAPPEUS, M: D., tsloli Notice Timber Culture. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., ? July lid '1888. ( (XMnpuunt having been entered at this oHee by No. 7374 dated Sept. 21st. 18S5, upon tie Boatheiet ouarter section 14. township 11. ranee.&L in Ida coin county, Nebraska, with aview to the cancel lation of said entrv: contestant auecine that said Jacob B. Caster has failed to break or cause to be broken five acres of said tract during tho second year after entry aad has failed to cultivate any portion of said tract daring said .second year and sach tailares exist at tne present tune: tne said Darties are hereby summoned to appear at this olnce on the 1st day ot bept. ltsm, at a o'ciock a m., io respona ana iunuuu leBuiaony concem- inc said alleged failure. YM. SEVILLE, llegister. i-"1 In Uio District b, Coart cf Lincoln Office in Hinnian's Block, Spruce St, Does a general practice. Chronic Dis eases and Diseases of "Womeu a Specialty. Ltiert, Has now associated with him Db.F. L. Cabt, la to of Umaha, who is an expert crown and Dridge worker and a nrstclass operator. NOTICE. In the matter of the Appli cation or John r'. Kvans. Administrator of the Es- j Connfy.Nebraska, tateof Richard Baecombe, Y at the. April Term deceased, for License to thereof 18888, to- sellKeal Jfistate. J witpril ItSS. WhemHS. tho nnnltcation of Joho E. Evans. administrator of the estate of Bichaxl Bascombe deceased, having been presented tO-the District Coart of Lincoln county, Nebraska, and it ap pearing from said application that tho said John E. Erans of the county of Lincoln and state of Nebraska, is the administrator of :the estate of tuchaid Bascombe. deceased, late or. said county and state, and that said John E. Evans has filed in the office of the clerk of this couit a duly cer tified copy of his appointment as each adminis trator, and that the said Bichard Bascombe. at the time of his death, was the ownr of contracts No. 53,994 and 58.995 for the purchcfte of the north east quarter of the southeast qoaner section 25, townshiD 11. ranee SO west, and sottheact Quarter of the southeast quarter section 25, township 14, All work will be guaranteed satisfactory and r rices moderate. Office over Conway Sisters' Millinery Store, range 30 west, and the east hall of the south east quarter and eonthweet quarter of tho NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. I wS'S NebrS: ana uihl it is necessary w ecu 1117 eaiao lor uiu NOTICE TO TEACHERS. Notico is hereby given tliat I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the common schools of this county on the THIRD TUESDAY of every month. R. H. LANCFORD, County Sdtt. Prof. N. KLEIN, I a" Instruction on the Piano. Organ, Violin or any Heed or Brass instrument. Pianos carefully toned. Organs repaired. CRYSTAL ICE 'AW ICE CREAM. Pure Crystal Lake Ice delivered in any part of the city. Ice Cream made to order from pure cieam and delivered. Leave orders with R. A. Douglas. . Wm.EDIS. FOGEL raw GENERAL Msffli and Wagon Work. Horse-Shoeing A Specialty. Shop on West Front Street, west of the Jail, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. payment of debts and charges of tdminiBtration as more fully aDDears by the petition of said John P. Day now on file in ftus court. It is therefore ordered that all parties interested in said estate, to-wit: Mrs. J. B. Xnyeland, Mrs. Lydia Simpkins, Fred Bascombe and Frank Bascombe and the Union Pacific Kf ilway Com pany appear before the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the first day of the next term thereof to show cause why a license should not be jrranted to tho said administrator to sell so much of the said east half of southeast quar ter and southwest quarter of southeast quarter section 24, township 14, range 30 wes;, and north east quarter of southeast quarter , section 25, township 14, range 80 west, and southeast quarter of southeast quarter section 25, townshiD 14. ranee 30 west in Lincoln county. Nebraska, and the contract for tho purchase of the same as 6haU be necessary to pay said debts. It is farther ordered that a certified conv of this order be personally served upon all porsons interested and shall also be published four successive weeks in the Lincoln Counti Tribune, a paper published in said Lincoln .county. t A.true copy.j - - . - - . . Attest: John E. Evans, Clerk of the District Court. Church & Bixleu, Attorneys. The Palace Clothing L. F. SIMON. Manage. Co.. Brief M to fc fc MORROW FLAT. July 23, 1888. A very disastrous hail storm passed over a small portion of the Flats Sunday Jul' 15, doing much damage to the corn crop and also injuring small grain, to some extent John Harden had 70 acres and W. T. Bowen 40 which was almost if not completely destroyed. Miss Mary Hosford is attending the Institute in North Platte. R. Starkey harvested the first wheat on the Flats this season. It was cut by Jas. Crow whose binder will cut considerable grain in this neighborhood this year. John Harden's family are moving to them.. announces to be held at the school house Friday even ing. Qpodtspeakers are expected to be present ad we hope all the Republicans will turti put. Cricket. cv 1 -OTALLON ORACLE. Miss j Mina, Mills, formerly a teacher first -'. "F A Rerjablicaa Meeting is annou 1GBS. are knocking them oul& T We are making Sweeping Redu We r We are in the lead. We are determined to sell. We are Leaders, of Fashioh&M here,svteited atBoy Thompson's the orthe'weekV- Miss N"(ra Whiteside, who has been Visiting her brother R. E. Whiteside, re turned to Omaha last week. We are sorry to lose MiaslYhiteside as she form- eu a vaiueu sou uiguiy appreciaiea aaai tion to our circW.w young people. Mrs. Roy Thompson is on a flying trip to.the mountains. I.J xir tAt t t -mx i-j aa. '.t ir, 11. nnrriugwu aiiempiea 10 nae me festive' broncho last week and the of aero- circus batic ended ' bv a We will save you money, i Sell the "Sweet Orr" Ovei-aUM Have reduced our boys' waisMW MM 7 I W I ite of) sod. ) the creditors of Executor of said Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate Amelia Tingley, Deceased Notice is hereby given, That said deceased will meet the TCntata hpfnra me. Conntv .Tndsre of kiincoln coun ty, Nebraska, at the county court room, in said county, on the 10th day of January, 889, on the Uth day of January, 1889, at one blclqck P. M. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment ,and allow ance. Six months are allowed, tor fireuirora 10 present their claims, and one year fori the Execu tor to settle said Estate from the lOthjdayof July, inis nuura win oo wuuiibueu- m d uuv 1888. ooiiN County tribune cessively, prior to the ary, 1889. J. for four weoJcs suc- 10th diy of Janu- J.O'BOUBKE, CJounty Jadgo. Bismark Saloon Billiard and Pool Hall, J. C. HUPFER, Pbop.. Keeps none but the finest Whiskies,such as ROBINSON COUNTY. TENN. GOON HOLLOW, AT. V. MONARCH, 0. F. C. TAYLOR GUCKENHEIMER RYE. WELSH AND HOMESTEAD Also fine case goods, Brandies, Rum, Gin Etc. St. Louis Bottled Beer and Milwaukee Beer on draft. Corner Sixth and Spruce Streets, NORTH PLATTE. - - NEBRASKA " GUY'S JLACE." FIRST-CLASS Sample :-: Room, teST" Having refitted our rooms throughout, the public is invited to call and see us. ONLY rf . it- Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars ? Kept at the Bar. Agent for the celebrated MBQ UTML OSUl WATER, from Soda Springs, Idaho. Keith's Block, Front Street, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. Notice Of Sale, Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chat tel mortgage dated the 13th day of April, 1888, and duly filed and recorded in uie office of the county clerk of Lincoln county. Nebraska, on the 19th day of April, 1888. and oxecun?d by Charles Leeder to Klenk and Gatward to icare the pay ment of $200.00, and upon which tHre is now due the sum of $200.00; default having leen made in the payment of said Bum. and no tnt or other proceedings at law having been insbtoted to re cover said debt, or any part thereof therefore I will sell the property therein described, viz: One kettle and cauldron, one sausage struter, one lard press, one counter scales, three me&fc racks, one heating stove, one fish box, one lard-can. ono oil can. two writing desks, one neW e"pP block, one rocker, one rocker block, one tunoke house, three screen doors, three cleavers, t" ment saws, one steak knife, one chair, two lamp8 with chan deliers and one book with all running accounts therein, also one front window curtain, at pub lic auction at the North Side Meat Market, in tho city of North Platte in Lincoln counter on the 4th day of Angust,l883 at ono i clock, P.M. of said day. I Dated July 13th, 1888. Klenk & GAtwaed; Mortgagees. By Neseitt & Groans, their Attorneys. Notice. The lease contracts to the following described educational lands in Lincoln County. Nebraska, have been declared forfeited for non-payment of rental and will be subject to lease at' the office of the County Treasurer of said couhf yt on the 4th day of August, 1888, at 10 o'clock of 0aid day and so continue from day to day until losi. viz: Lot 2 in NE qi of NW qr and lot 3in SW qr of NEqrof 16-13-29. . All of 36-16-26. ' Lots 1,2, and 3 in 36-14-34. i All of 16-11-30. All of 36-11-30. All of 16-11.31. . All of 36-13-32. All of 16-16-33. i All of 36-11-31. ' ' All of 16-15-32. 1 8 Yi of 16-13-27. I All of 16-16-32. All of 16-16-31. ) All of 36-16-32. Provided the owner of lease contract to above land may redeem the same by paying delinquents cy and cost of advertising at any tiine before the land is subject to lease and until a ))id or appli cation has been made to lease the same, but said owner will not be allowed to redeem after a bid has been made. A bid or application from the owner of forfeited sale or lease contract will not be considered or received. ; Joseph '.Scott, Com. Pub. Lands and Buildings. C. E. Osgood, County Treasurer, Agent. City Appropriations for 1888. At a regular meeting of the City Council of North Platte, held July 2d, 1888 j the following appropriations were made upon tne taxes to be ROllRctMl fmm nRRnssmonta fnr lKrS Salaries 1 $ 2 400 00 Btreetwork ....... 4 500 00 Water....: A 3 000 00 Incidentals..: i 500 00 Total J $10 400 00 By order of. the Council. E.B.WABNEB. 4w City Clerk. Intend to "see you all Shall mate it interesting," Are selling clothing; at cost. O . . . jt 4 The Palace Clothing Co. L. F. SIMON, Manager. series performances ?n, . the .rrfc , of. -Hewj and a grand 'charge nev "tu'e" prairie by the broncho. A sprained hand Is the result. 'We are glad to see " Occasional" and UJ. H. F." taking up the campaign gaunt let so bravely. May the battle for the right never cease until wrong shall be vanquished. Last Saturday marked the advent of a boy at John Ahlborn's. The boy is doing well and John will survive the shock. The work on the ditch is completed and the machinery removed to south river where work on the bridge will be commenced at once. A side-track is to be put in at the new town site this week. This causes three or four men here to open their eyes in wonder. "When a person, in a moment of indis cretion, commits an act which he after- then stubbornly re- step towards right ing' the wrongVit shows-to say-the least -a boorishness : a lack of courage and manliness painful to behold. He is not a person whom any true man or woman would desire to own as an acquaintance much less as a friend. Lfx. The coUnty seat war m Chase county is assuming a white heat and promises to ex ceed in bitterness that which existed in this county last year. It is said the com missioners favoring Imperial, the present county seat, will refuse to call an election until compelled to do so by the courts. The three towns of Imperial, Manderson and Champion are the leading contestants . -Madrid Neics. ; iwllU-v ; wards,- regrets and,, then 'spII ; fuses; itm take the first ste infT fhBywrnnir.nt chnwc president is Lewis P. Allen, the uncle of Grrover Cleveland , with whom the latter lived when a young man . He don't be lieve in his nephew.'s free trade prin ciples. The Logan Republican Club, of this city, a few days ago received fifty new and handsome uniforms and on Wednes day evening the boys donned their, suits and made a trial march. Last evening they again turned out in full force, pre senting a handsome appearance, and pre ceded by the band marched through the principal streets of the city. Next Mon day evening the club will again meet for drill. The officers elected are CaDt. 8. 1c:;Mullin;st'Lfeutenanra.WGr!? wold; 2d Lieutenant, F. 8. Marsh. The club consists of over 100 members, and fifty more uniforms are to be ordered. PhimiCrccfrPionecri . A prominent physician calb the kiss "aa elegant disseminator, of disease." He says, "fever is spread by it, spare' lung diseases;' He maintains that if the kissing custom were driven out of the land "it would save one-tenth of one per cent, of human lives," which are now sacrificed. Out upon the gnarled and sapless vagabond I Evidently kisses are not for such as he and the old fox says, the grapes are sour. Let khim devote himself to making our women healthy and blooming that kisses may be kisses. This can surely be done by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which is maeical in Its effect, upon all diseases peculiar to females. After,taking it there-will be no more irregularity, no more oacpacne, no more nervous prostration, , no more gen eral debility. All druggists. To regulate the stomach, liver and bowels, Dr Pierce's pellets excel. 25 cents a vial; one a dose. AWARNMIcr The modes of death's approach are various and statistics show conclusively that more per sons die from diseases of the throat and lungs than 'any other. It is probable that everyone, without exception, receives vast numbers of tu bercle germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a BUght tickling sensation in tho throat and if al lowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs, producing consumption and to the head, causing catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death. At the onset yba must act with promt ness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose yoa your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong with your xnroat, ijnngs or isostnls, obtain a bottle of uoscnee s iicrman ayrup. it wul give yoa im mediate relief. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. TOjSco-caat O-ood. 2Totes, XrfOSUa. 33L distttels- Accoants solicited and prompt attention given tO'tlLbaeiaess entrusted to its care. Interest paid oft time deposits. ' zeirim: jiiOJLisrs Made at the Very Lowest Bates of Interest. STATE SCHOOL L.VND PRINCIPAL. To bal July 1,1887., 2523 00 By balance in treas 2528 00 2528 00 2528 00 STATE SCHOOL LAND SALE INTEREST. To bal July 1, 1887 550 40 int col from July 1, 1887 322. 08 By state treas rcpt Dec 19,87 650 00 bnlin treas 222 48 872 48 872 48- COUNTY. OKNTTt AT. TTTVn To bal Jaly 1, 1887 877 81 excess of fees over $2000 limit 170 24 1882 tux collected 1 02 Int 4T 1883 tax collected 05 Int 32 1884 tax collected 1 00 Int.. 1883 tux coUected!," !! 120 56 Int 17 64 1886 tax collected... 1298 35 cow -irora diet crt OT-24.8fv 1 8o oy ac trns to lBMitsto CbC order board of insMrfty' poor master's vouchers. i. , pd to poor on order cmraS, geal fond wts redeemed.. ' cayote scalp wts redemed coanty treasarer's fees., bal in treas .. 2808 94 OTJTSTANDIIfO' TKT)KimmiC8M. To 1887 tax collected., 34 54 uy Dal in treas 31 54 no ATI VTTVT) To balJoly 1,1987 1329 40 18HZ tax collected it Int 05 1883 Uncollected.... ........ 05 Int 02 1884 tex collected 11 Int 03 1885 tax collected 26 . 79 Int 3,92 1886 tax collected 324 13 Int 15 67 1887 tax col si sn By warrants redeemed county treasurer s fees bal in treas 62 50 ' 60 00 -94 25 43 oa 1496 OS 56 86 299 25 W2 22 2808 94 34 54 34 54 TobalJaly 1. 1887. VSS2 tax collected.. Int 1883 tax collected.. Ixifc p 1884 tax collected:. one. 1752 08 BRIDGE FUND. 1527 40 75 97 148 71 1752 0 1885 tax collected 26 79 Int . 3i2 1886 tax collected 32413T Int 15 67 1887 tax collected IT 27 By warrants, redeemed county treasurer's fees., bal in treas 1599.49 ' - 23 v LUMBER S COAL. C. IDDIUG-B, As there is a rumor floating around now to tne enect tnat tne is. us M. has purchased a quarter section of land at Wellfleet, surmises of its meaning are of course in order. A road from McCodk to North Platte may be projected with Wellfleet as a junction. It may be that the B. & M. division is to be moved from Curtis to that point. And again it may be all "wind." Wallace Herald. LUMBER, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, Etc. LIME AND CEMENT, YARD ON E. R. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT, Henry Mehles, who was breaking horses for Doran & Fowler, met with an accident Wednesday that cost him a foot. He was driving a team of colts to a spring wagon, when one of the breast straps broke, letting the tongue down. The coits became unmanageable and he jump ed from the wagon and let them run. "In KiOCk SlOlinffS JjIIIIIDs 1 5un,PnS e sustained what the doctors , t I rfncnriVm nc a nrm nnnnrl PMmmtntitnrl fracture of astragalus and oscalcis of the right foot. He was taken to the post hospital, where Dr. Black assisted by Dr. Field amputated the limb above the ankle yesterday morning. Sidney Tele graph . We are clad to know that the temper ance question will necessarily be discuss ed a great deal in this county soon. It will give politicians a chance to show on which side they stand. Temperance men should keep the subject warm and in the selection of delegates let other matters be secondary. There is no doubt but that the country delegates will be unanimous for sending men to the state convention who will work to make the Republican party of Nebraska espouse the cause of Prohibition. That and the tariff are the only prominent issues be fore the people. The time has come when the party must speak for or against prohibition, and its leaders should see Rock Springs Nut, Pennsylvania Anthracite, Colorado Anthracite AND Colorado Soft c o TREASURER'S STATEMENT. Statement of WM. GBADY, Treasurer of Lincoln LOunty, Menr snowing receipts and disbars e ments of the various funds of the coanty from juiy 1st, vss4, to January stn. its. oX ATJS- IT U HUB. GENERAL FUND. To balance from July 1st, 1887.$2316 54 1882 tax collected 51 Int 23 1883 tax collected 41 Int 14 1884 tax collected 45 Int li 1885 tax collected 67 01 Int 9 78 18S6 tax collected 707 47 Int 33 93 1887 tax collected 86 61 By county treasurer's fees., bal in treas 310 69 2912 50 $3253 19 $3253 19 SINKING FOND. To balance from July f. 1887...$ 335 82 1882 tax collected 02 Int 01 1883 tax collected 07 Int 02 1881 tax collected 08 Int 02 1885 tax collected 1 67 Int 24 1886 tax collected 106 12 Int 5 09 1837 tax collected 4 33 By county treasurer's fees.. bal in treas 19 28 404 23 $453 49 .SCHOOL FUND. To balance in treasury $ 472 63 1882 tax collected ."J. .. 11 Int 05 1883 tax collected 10 Int ,.. 0t 1884 tax collected 11 Int 03 1885 tax collected 13 40 Int 1 9(5 1886 tax collected 141 49 Int 6 79 1887 tax collected 17 32 By county treasurer's fees., bal in treas . $453 49 $654 03 STATE UNIVERSITY FUND. To bal in treas $ 177 80 12 81 611 22 $654 03 1882 tax collected. Int 1883 tax collected Int 1884 tax collected Int 1885 tax collected Int 18S6 tax collected Int 1R87 tax collected By county treasurer's fees., bal in treas 01 02 01 01 04 01 5 03 72 53 OS 2 55 6 50 Si. One 17 V11UIX 1 IF PAID IN" ADVANCE Secure apei -One Year.- 1 HA! HA! THE BEST OF ALL! It did not take five years to discover that the Jewel Grasoline Stove was the only safe gasoline stftfc made, but in 1887, the first year it was introduced in North Platte, FORTY-SIX were sold, more than was sold that ifc comes out oa the riSQt side I nr ji rr .1 i i w , - wauace Jieraia. of all others combined. Wp. havo f,ham wif. Ti oifiioi. r, tiiA , . The prospects for crops in North Ne- pneumatic, and ni the language of the poet, "no pump to get out of or- braska and more especially Dakota conn . . V I M. A 1 . Aar. a fnmnA 1, , ,1 .1 l7 never were DeKer lQaa me present m , 1 , ' """ Prove inaness gas escapes time Farmers have laid the corn aside " U::UT m,re amCan Sn0.W 1C nas. many PJM .of suPe- and now busy in the harvest field, for the ,y over au omers ana prove to you that the Jewel is hnm mA rfltt,fi of the rennfir ftnd harvft9t. er is heard in every direction. There will be a wonderful hay crop and from gen eral appearances it looks as if it was the late going to be a year of prosperity. North Nebraska Eagle. Buffalo has a Harrison and Morton club composed of men who voted for William Henry Harrison in 1840. Its : -Sto-ve : vdZade. They are. all guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction and will consume xess gasoline inan any stove in tne marKet. Uall and examine improved Jewel and be convinced and you will buv no other L. STRICKLE R. $245 82 ' STATE CAPITOL FUND. To bal July 1st, 1837 $ 232 87 1883 tax collected 05 Int 02 18S4 tax collected 06 Int 01 1885 tax collected 6 70 Int 98 1886 tax collected 70 75 Int 3 39 1887 tax collected 12 99 By state treas rcpt Dec 19,87 county treasurer's fees., balance $327 82 STATE REFORM SCHOOL. To bal July 1, 1887 $ 59 21 4 81 241 01 $245 S2 200 00 34 20 93 62 $327 82 1883 tax.. 1884 tax. i 1885 tax. 1886 tax. Int... Int. Int. Int. 1837 tax. By county treasurer's fees, bal in treasury 03 01 03 01 1 68 24 17 69 85 2 17 8 55 73 37 81 92 INSTITUTE FOIt FEEBLE MINDED. To bal July 1, 1887 57 23 1885 tax .... 163 Int 24 1886 tax 17 69 Int 85 1887 tax ". 2 17 By coanty treasurer's fees..' bal in treas 1 81 92 79 86 STATE LIVE STOCK INDEMNITY FUND. To bal July 1, 1887 "45 80 1885 tax 1 34 Int 20 1886 tax 14 15 Int 67 1887 tax 4 33 By county treasurer s fees., bal in treas 8 43 71 43 79 86 6 88 59 61 STATE SCHOOL LAND LEASE INTESEST. To bal July 1, 1887 596 37 int collected from July 1. '87 3342 24 By state treas rcpt,Dec 19,87 3150 00 bal in treas 788 61 1987 92 SOUTH PLATTE BBIDOE FUND. To bal July 1,-1887 3348 77 1883 tax collected 23 Int.. ; 12 1883 tax collected r.. 23 Int 08 1884 tax collected 23 Int 05 1885 tax collected. 25 45 Int 3 72 1886 tax collected 365 41 Int 17 62 1837 tax collected 31 08 By bonds rdm, Nos 22, 23, 21 Com to Kountz Bros treasurer's fee balance 1678 17 75 25 234 50 1987 92 3000 00 4 65 85 25 701 14 3794 04 3794 04 SOUTH PLATTE BRIDGE INTEREST FUND To bal Jnly 1, 1887 0 11 1882 tax collected ll Int i. . aj, 1883 tax collected l() Int :.. ot 1884 tax collected a Int 02 1883 tax collected 98 65 Int 4 78 1887 tax collected . . . . . 6 91 By coupons rdmd Aug 10, 87 exchange on coupons treas fee balance 630 00 22 58 437 57 1090 90 Court House Bonds Principal To bal July 1, 1887 .. 113 25 1883 tax collected 15 Int 05 1S85 tax collected 21 43 Int :. 3 14 1886 tax collected 239 57 Int H59 "1887 tax collected 20 72 By county treasurer's fees., bal in treas 1090 90 411 90 Court House Bonds Interest. To bal Jnly 1. 1887 1380 40 1882 tax collected 19 Int 09 1883 tax collected 15 lot 05 1884 tax collected H . Int 03 1886 tax collected 1340 Int 196 1886 tax collected 197 29 Int 9 56 1887 tax collected 17 27 By coupons redeemed, 24 . . . coanty treasurer's fees.. . bal in treas 55 63 356 27 '111 90 600 00 46 00 974 53 1620 53 1620 53 Nortli Platte Bridce BondH To bal July 1, 1887 50 95 Uy bal in treas 50 95 50 95 50 95 Interest on North Platte Bridge Bonds. Br bal overdwn JulvJ. 1887. ni u To 1886 tax collected 98 65 int 4 78 1887 tax collected 8 64 By coanty treasurer's fee. . 22 20 bal in treas 58 33 112 07 Refundini; Bonds. To bal July 1. 1887 1457 12 By warrants redeemed coupon redeemed, 19 exchange on coupon .... county treasurers fees., bal in treas 1457 12 Refunding Bonds Interest. To 1887 tax collected 13 81 Uy bal in treas 13 81 Jail Bonds Interest. To bal July 1. 18H7 59 6t 1881 tax couected 01 Int 01 1885 tax collected 102 Int 60 By county treasurer's fees .. bal in treasury " 112 07 183 90 570 00 1 00 530 32 171 90 1457 12 13 81 13 81 6! 31 Conntv Poll Fnn.1. To bal July 1. 1887 182 42 138o tax collected 3 00 Int 51 18S6 tax collected 219 00 Int l 39 1887 tax collected 66 00 .By supervisors' receipts.... county treasurer's fees .. bal in treas :.. .. 37 63 91 64 31 . , . . 485 35 Advertising and Penalty VnnA To bal July 1. 1887 101 24 188.T tax collected l ,10 1886 tax collected 63" 40 By county treasurer's fees ... warrants redeemed ' bal in treas ; 165 74 . Estmv Rain. To bal July 1,1887 22 23 ny imi in ireas Teachers' Tnuti?nt Vnml To amt trans from genl f and. . . 62 50 Uy warrants redeemed...... 267 75 29 90 187 70 485 35 19 157 20 8 35 165 74 22 23 62 50 Pines nnrl TiiiHmM To amt of fines from co judge.. " 5 00 uy amt 10 dan aprpnmt 1883 62 50 62 50 00 3938 61 3933 61 Coroner Fund To amt red from cor est of H C Uuan By bal in treas 7.7. 5 00 8 00 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 Continued on 2d page. lkMmSfmmK 1 i! , 'i f - li