...--.--5.S5iSIJjMWBBBMBlBiBB ff ( . - r- - - '-;:' ,...- - TC T "C r. . . . . ... V" ' Tr"f, V ' A. D, HUCKWOBTH, JAS. SUTHERLAND, - .s.. l?Ja President. Cashier. r .. V- ;sfe -jI mu. n.j ni.a ' Jftfl V H IQPIh S ' NORTH PLATTE, NEB. -T H '-T lf rWM JOT HMTaniH I Sl J"-Ji SH l ra CT B-E 1L L ILL. II I. IL IK .KILL XII ll li r. . i . -7-?ii'',5-J NORTH PLATTE' JflEB -.-....-- . 'r K7 , v. THE TKIBUM. STEVENS & BARE, Prop's. TERMS: K paid in Advance, only $ 1.00 per year. One Year, if not in Advance, $1.50. ix JHontns, in Advance, - - - .75 inree Months, in Advance, - - .50 Advertising Rates on Application. YOL. IV. RASKA, JULY 21. 1888. NO. 27. U. P. TIME TABLE. GOnJ WEST MOUNTAIN TIME. 1 U.'l -a t ivi V" fSPte JLept.8:15 A. M. J-J9rDA1'''- " WO p.m. S0-?-!!1 " 8.-25A.M. no. a Freight " 10:15 p. at gp.onlyat Ogallala, Jolesborg and Sidney on Estray Notice. Xaken np on the 23d day of June. A. D. 1RR8. ns b stray on section e, in townsnip u nortu, range 29 west, ih Lincoln connty, NeLraska, by the snb- ecnDer who there resides, one bay horse, branded u on left nanlr. weisht. abont 800 Ins. Has hmn handled and is gentle. ine owner of said property can liavo the same byprovinf? property any paying expenses. Dated this 28th day of June, A. D. 1888. W. ii. VOTAW. No. iNo. No. GOING EAST. 4 UTerlMWl irlvor TVnK S-1S v Mull ami Kmnu r.K t. v StoMonatHom CkyKearney and Grand j TOaOy except Saaday. 0. Ferguson. Agent. KESBITT & GRIMES, Attorneys-at-Law, JWKTH PLATTE, - NEBB. Office otkb Foley's Store. . B. I. HnnuN. T. Fulton Gantt. HINMAN & GANTT, Wul practice in all the courts of the State. Office over the PostoBice. C. M. DUNCAN, M. D. Physician and Sunzaon. OrnoB: Ottenstein's Block, np stairs. Office hoan from 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m iteeioence on west Sixth Street. $50 REWARD. Br virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska. I hereby offer a reward of Fifty Dollars for the capture and conviction of any person charged with horse stealing in Lincoln county. II.' A. tS&hsuli, Sheriff. Notice Timber Culture. U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., ) July 3d, 1888. Complaint ha vine been entered at this office by Mary . Sayr asainst Jacob R. Caster for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. 7374 dated Sept. 21st. 1885. upon the southeast quarter section 14. township 11, range 31, in Lin coln county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancel lation of said entry; contestant alleging that said Jacob II. Custer has failed to break or cause to be broken five acres of said tract during the second year after entry and has failed to cultivate any portion of said tract daring said second year 1 i A. A? A t . ana sacn zauares exist at me present time: mo said parties are hereby summoned to appear at thin office on the 1st day of Sept. 1888, at 9 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concern ing said alleged failure. war. jnevxlle, Jiegister. NOTICE. In the District NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. A. J. LAPPEUS, M: D., Office in Hininan's Block, Spruce St, Does a general practice. Chronic Dis eases and Diseases of Womea a Specialty. m:. geay, LtiSt, Has now associated with him Db. F. L. Cart, late of Omaha, who is an expert crown and bridge worker and a ftretalaas operator. AU work will be guaranteed satisfactory and prices moderate. Office over Conway Sisters' Millinery Store, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the common schools of this county on the THIRD TUESDAY of every nodth. R. H. LANCFORD, County Soft. Prof. N. KLEIN, Instruction on the Piano, Organ, "Violin or any Reed or Brass Instrument. Pianos carefully tuned. Organs repaired. ypRTH PLATTE, - - BRASKA. CRYSTAL ICE AND ICE CREAM. Pure Crystal Lake Ice delivered in any part of the city. Ice Cream made to order from pure cieam and delivered. Leave orders with R. A. Douglas. Wm: EDIS. In the matter of the AppliO cation of John K. Evans, Court of JLoncoln Administrator of the Es- County.Nebraska, tate of Richard Bascombe, Y at the April Term deceased, for License to thereof 18888, to- seU Real Estate. J wit April 1888 Whereas.- the amplication of John E. Evans. administrator of the estate of Richard Bascombe deceased, ha vine been t resented to the District Court of Lincoln county, NebrasKa, ana it ap pearing from said application mat the said John E. Evans of the connty of Lincoln and state of Nebraska, is the administrator of the estate of Richard Bascombe. deceased, late of said county and state, and that said John E. Evans has bled in the office of the clerk of this court a duly cer tified cony of his aoDointment as such adminis trator, and that the said Richard Bascombe, at At a.: j .T j. i r i i uie ume or ins ueaia. was uie owner ol comracis No. 58,994 and 58,995 for the purchase of the north east quarter of the southeast quarter section 25, township 14, range 30 west, and southeast quarter of the southeast quarter section 25, townsnip 14, range 30 west, and the east half of the south east quarter and Eouthwest quarter of the southeast quarter section 24, township 14, range 30 west, situated in Lincoln county. Nebraska. and that it is necessary to sell the same for the payment of debts and charges of administration as more fully appears by the petition of said John P. Day now on filo in this court. It is therefore ordered that all parties interested in said estate, to-wit: Mrs. J. B. Loveland, Mrs. Lydia Simpkins, Fred Bascombe and Frank Bascombe and the Union Pacific ltailwny Com pany appear before the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the first, day of tho next term thereof to show cause why a license should not be granted to the said administrator to sell so much of the said east half of southeast quar ter and southwest quarter of southeast quarter section 24, township 14, range 30 west, and north east quarter of southeast quarter section 25, township 14. range 30 west, and southeast quarter of southeast quarter section 25, township 14, range 30 west in Lincoln county, Nebraska, and the contract for the purchase of the same as shall be necessary to pay said debts. It is further ordered that a certified copy of this order be nersohally served uixm all persons interested and shall also be published four successive weeks in the Lincoln Counti Tribune, a paper published in said Lincoln county. LA true copy.J Al The Palace L. F. SIMON, Mana Me iiit to' IT riiTj. -fi 11 ft It fc 2,4 ttest: Jons E. Evans, Clerk of the District Court. CauncH &Bixleb, Attorneys. MEL OMIT GENEBAL lackmitb and Wagon M. Horse-Shoeing A Specialty. Shop on West Front Street, west of the Jail, NOBTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Bismark Saloon Billiard and Pool Hall, J. C. HTJPFER, Prop.. Keeps none but the finest Vhiskies,such as ROBINSON COUNTY, TENN. ' COON HOLLOW, M. V. MONARCH, 0. F. G. TAYLOR. QUCKENHEIMER RYE. WELSH AND HOMESTEAD Also fine case goods, Brandies, Rum, Gin Etc. St. Louis Bottled Beer and Milwaukee Beer on draft. Corner Sixth and Spruce Streets, NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA "gusHpiace." FIRST-CLASS Sample :-: Room, 'Having refitted our rooms throughout, the puhlic is invited to call and see us. ONLY Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Kept at the Bar. Ageot for the celebrated nolo xiioui Usui nm, from Soda Springs, Idaho. Keith's Block, Frost Street, f NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. Notice Of Attachment. Thomas Brown wUl take notice that on the 2d day of July, 1888, Albin Stolle, a Jnstice of the Peace of Lincoln county, Nebrpska, issued an or der of attachment for the snm of $12.83 and costs in an action pending before him, wherein Philip Kienk is Plaintiff and Thomas Brown is defen dant, that property of the Defendant consisting of money has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 10th day of Jnly, 1888. Philip Kxknk, ByT. R. O'CONNOLLY, his Att'y North Platte, July 10, 1888. 265 Probate Notice- In Uie matter of the estate of Amelia Tingley, Deceased. Notice is hereby given. That the creditors of said deceased will meet the Executor of said Estate before me, County Judge of Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, at the county court room, in said connty, on the 10th day of January, 1889, on the 11th day of January, 1889, at one o'clock P. M. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow ance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the Execu tor to settle said Estate from the 10th day of July, 1888. This notice will be published in the Lin coln County Tribune for four weeks suc cessively, prior to tho 10th day of Janu ary, 1889. J. J. O'Roubke, County Jndge. Notice Of Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chat tel mortgage dated the 13th day of April, 1888, and duly filed and recorded in the office of the connty clerk of Lincoln county. Nebraska, on the 19th day of April, 1888. and executed by Charles Leeder to Klenk and Gntward to secure tho pay ment of $200.00, and upon which there is now due the sum of $200.00; default having been made in the payment of said sum. and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to re cover said debt, or any part thereof, therefore I will sell the property therein described, viz: One kettle and cauldron, one 6ausage staffer, one lard Eress, one counter scales, three meat racKs, one eating stove, one fish box, one lard-can, one oil can. two writing desks, one now shop block, one rocker, one rocker block, one smoke house, three 6cnxn doors, three cleavers, two meat saws, one steak knife, one chair, two lamps with chan deliers and one book with all running accounts therein, also one front window curtain, at pub lic auction at the North Side Meat Market, in the city of North Platte in Lincoln county on the 4th day of August, 1888 at one o'clock, P.M. of said day. ' Dated July 13th, 1888. Klenk & Gatwaiid, Mortgagees. By Nesbitt & Gbimes, their Attorneys. We are making Sweeping Reductions. We are knocking them out;.' i; We are slaughtering goods.v ;t . .. ; We. are in the lead. a j- f We are determined to sdllT 5 We are Leaders of Fashion. - v'5- We will save yon money. Sell the "Sweet Orr" Overalls. Have reduced. our boys' waists 'i Intend to See you all.. n ' .- . tier Shall make it interesting. f Are - selling clothing at cost.' The Palace L. F. SIMON, Manager. 'Ms0: LUMBER IB COAL. C. . IDDI Notice. Tho lease contracts to the following described educational lands in Lincoln Connty, Nebraska, have been declared forfeited for non-payment of rental and will be subject to lease at the office of the County Treasurer of said county, on tho 4th day of August, 1888, at 10 o'clock of said day and bo continue from day to day until leased, viz: Lot 2 in NE qt of NW qr and lot 3 in SW qr of NEqrof 16-13-29. All of 36-16-20. Lots 1, 2, and 3 in SG-14-34. AU of 16-11-80. All of 36-11-30. All of 16-11.31. All of 36-13-32. All of 16-16-33. All of 36-11-31. AU of 16-15-32. S Vt of 16-13-27. AU of 16-162. All of 15-164U. AU of 36-16-32. Provided the owner of lease contract to above land may redeem the same by paying delinquent cy and cost of advertising at any time before the land is subject to lease and until a bid or appli cation has been made to lease the same, but said owner will not be allowed to redeem after a bid has been made. A bid or application from the owner of forfeited sale or lease contract will not be considered or received. Joseph Scott, Com. Pub. Lands and Buildings. i C. E- Osgood, County Treasurer, Agent. City Appropriations for 1886. At a regular meeting of the City Council of North Platte, held July 2d. 1888. the following appropriations were made upon the taxes to be collected from assessments for 188 J : Salaries $ 2 400 00 Street work '4 500 00 Water 3 000 00 Incidentals 500 00 Total Bv older of the Council. iS. li. WARNER, $10 400 00 4w City Clerk. LUMBEE, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, Etc. LIME AND CEMENT. Rock Springs Nut, Eock Springs Lump. Pennsylvania Anthracite, Colorado Anthracite AND Colorado Soft c o YARD ON R. R. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT, HA! HA! THE BEST OF ALL! It did not take five years to discover that the Jewel Grasoline Stove was the only safe gasoline st'dNife made, but in 1887, the first year it was introduced in North Platte, FORTY-SIX were sold, more than was sold of all others combined. We have them with either drop tank or the pneumatic, and in the language of the poet, "no pump to get out of or der or gas forced through the room," but can prove that less gas escapes from it than any stove made and can show it has many points, of supe riority over all others and prove to you that the Jewel is Tiie : Best : Stove : DCad.e. They are all guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction and will consume less gasoline than any stove in the market. Call anil mmino' ftiA lsf improved Jewel and be convinced and you will buv nd'btherr5" 1 COMMI8SIONXB8 PROCEEDINGS. Friday, July 6, 1888. Board met pur suant to adjournment. Present full board and county clerk. It is ordered that the following amounts for improvements on lands be stricken from the list: Lot 4, section 7, tp 13, r 29, $100. S-e qrn e qr sec 10, tp 13, r 29, $20. Lot 2, sec 10, tp 13, r 29, $20. S-e qr of s-e qr sec 12, tp 13, r 29, $300. S-e qr s-w sec 5 tp 14, r 30, $200. S-e qr s-w qr sec 5. tp 14, r 30, $75 . N-e qr n-e qr sec.8, tp 14, r 30, $100. 8-w qr s-w qr sec 9, tp 14, r 30, $200. S-w qr n-w qr sec 18, tp 14, r 30, $40. Lot 3; sec 20, tp 14, r 30 $100. S-w qr s-w qr sec 22. tp 14, r 80 $200. N-w qr s-w qr sec 24, tp 14, r 30 $100. S-w qr-o-W4)rsec 26tpl4T r 80, $300. Lots 1 and 2 sec 8, tp 14, r 30, $25. S e qru-w sec 33, tp 15, r 31, $100. N-w s-e s-e 34, tp 15, r 31, $100. S-e s-e sec 35, tp 15, r 31 $40. S-e s-w sec 4, to 14, r 31, $75. Now comes J. H. Hershey and com plains that the county sold s hf n-w qr sec 18, tp 14, r 32 for tax for the vear 1886, when not proved up until 1887; or dered that tax be refunded. On complaint of T. S. Nowell by F. D. No well the assessments of sections 1, 3, and 11, tn 13. r 23. reduced from 2 to 1 dollar per acre. It appearing that the North Platte Water-works company returned only $1,000 for engine and boiler, and nothing for their other personal property, there fore it is ordered that said waterworks be assessed $5,000 for their other property. It appearing that the North Platte Irri gation and Land Co. made no return of their personal property, and that it is a wealthy corporation be assessed $5,000 on their personal property in addition to $2,812 returned by the assessor of North Platte precinct No. 3. Whereupon the Board concluded their work as a board of equalization and pro ceeded to make the annual levies as re quired by law as follows County general fund 9 mills on the dol " road " 24 " " bridge " 2 Outstanding indebtedness 1 mills on the dollar. Principal on South Platte bridge bonds 1 mills on the dollar. Court house principal, 1 mill. Court house interest three-tenths mills. Funding bonds, interest, seven-tenths mills. North Platte bridge bonds, interest, five-tenths mills. Jail bonds, interest, four-tenths mills. O'Fallon precinct bridge bonds, interest 2 mills. City of North Platte general fund, 10 mills. City of North Platte, water fund, 5 mills. School district City of North Platte 14 mills. School district No 2, " 3, - 4, - 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, to pay 12 mills. 20 " 20 " 7 " 9 6 " 10 " 12 20 " 13 " 14 indebted- Thursday, July 12th. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present full board and county clerk. Commissioners Walker and McAllister having been appointed a committee to inspect the location fcr a bridge across the Birdwood creek, make the following report: That they proceeded in company with the county surveyor to Birdwood Creek, and that they found the most practicable place for said bridge on the township line between townships 14 and 15, range 33; that they found upon meas uring that said bridge would be about 100 feet long; that they marked said location with stakes and mounds. It being necessary for public use it is hereby ordered that a public road be opened, beginning op tho northwest cor- ner of section 6, township 14, range 32, and running thence west on said section line two miles and terminating on the northwest corner of section 2, twp 14, range 32. Comes now bylvanus Wilber and pre sents a petition for a road signed by S. Wilber and thirty others living along said road and it appearing to the board that the public good requires it, the petition is hereby granted and the following sec tion lines are hereby declared a highway, viz: Commencing on southeast corner of section 34, township 9, range 33, thence north on section line to tiie northeast cor ner of section 3, township 9, range 33, t . . mence wesi lour mnes to nortuwest cor ner of section 6, township 9, range 33. The petition of Isaac Lamplugh and others for a road was considered, and the clerk ordered to appoint a commissioner to view and report on the feasibility of said route. Adjourned until to-morrow. ' Friday-. July 13th C. P. Ross, city engineer, is requested to survey and stake out location for jail. The board commenced work on consid eration of bills t t mi - s.u. inomson requested to maue a report in writing to the board the changes he considered necessary for the safety, strength and durability of the jail build ing about to be erected. . , Saturday, July 14th. Petition signed by P. L. Harper and twenty-seven others, citizens of Waltace precinct, praying the board to publish the proceedings of the county commis sioners in the Wallace Herald. Prayer granted and ordered that proceedings be published in said paper,also all other pub lishing in which the people of the south part of the county are interested, provided it will be done at the same rate-as is paid each paper of North Platte. Clerk ordered to advertise the county windmill, tower and tank for sale to the highest bidder. mi .-. . ine commissioner appointed to view and report on the feasibility of a public road for 1. Lamplugh and others, re ported that the route was not practicable. JLi33. 02X G-3.a.ttolS- Accoants solicited and prompt attention given to all .business entrusted to. its care. Interest paid on timo deposits. :fa:r,:m: loicts Made at the Tory Lowest Rates of Interest. "Who would have thought when John Brown was hung at Charleston, Va., that SO years from that time, John S. Wise the son of the man who ordered old "Ossowatomie's" execution Gov. Wise, would be clamoring for a seat in a Re publican National convention. Atchison. Champion. The Milwaukee Sentinel says, regard ing the mugwump vote: "The mug wump of 1884 who Is a free-trader, will, of course, yoto the democratic ticket this year. As Jir. t;urtis remarked many months ago the reform issue is overshad owed by the free trader will support the candidates of the republican party. The mugwump as such disappeared from the scene With the nomination of Harrison. This year he will be a democrat or a re publican." Mr. G. W. Smalley, the able London correspondent of the New York Tribune, summarizes the English view of our Presidential campaign very clearly when he says : "I have not met a single En glishman who does not wish for Mr. Cleveland's election, not one who does not believe that English trade and manu factures will benefit by his triumph." Twenty five years ago it would have been equally difficult to meet an Englishman who did not believe and hope and pray that the wac for the preservation of our Union woijld be a failure. But the re bellion was put down and Mr. Cleveland will be defeated in spite of British opinion." The disposition of some of the demo cratic leaders to appeal to Mr. Randall for help has called attention to a fact which some of the free triders don't know. That is. that Mr. Randall has in his possession letters from the democratic committee, written during the last cam paign, urging him to come to their help and to make protection speeches in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, while about the same time tho committee wrote to Abram S. Hewitt, of New York, who had contemplated entering the campaign, urging him not to proceed to those states to advocate his views upon the tariff. Possibly Mr. Mills may receive letters of that sort before the campaign shall be over. Mr. Randall is not talking for publication to any one, but it is known that in recent private conferences with some of his more intimate friends he has expressed the opinion that Mr Cleveland will most certainly be defeated, and that the party cannot hope to win upon the platform laid down in the house by Mr. Mills and. Ms free-trade allies from the south. Bob Iugersoll told the crowds at Chicago that when the holler was out of the lungs the sense would come to the head. The time has now come for the democratic party. The holler is out of their lungs and the sense has begun to come to their heads, aud with it there are premonitions of defeat. Ex. ness to district 25, 2 mills. School district No 13, - - 25 " " " 15, - - 25 " " " 16, - - 25 17, - - 25 18, - - 25 " " " 19, - - 25 " " " 20, - - 20 " " - " 21, - - 25 " 22, - - 18 u " " 23, - - 18 " 24, - - 25 " " : 25 25 " " 26 25 " " : 27 25 " " 28 24 " " '! 29 15 " ' -30 25 " 31 . 25 - 32 25 " ' - : .34 25 " " 35 25 " " t' , 36 25 " "., 38 25 " " " ' 39 10 " " " 40 25 " " " - 41 20 " " " .42 25 " 43 25 " 44 25 " " 46 18 " " ....: 47 25 " 48 15 " 49 25 " " " 50 25 " u i 51 20 " ' " " 52 25 " " " 53 20 " " 4f. 54 25 " 55 10 " , " " 56 25 " " " 4 bond, interest. " 21 bond, interest. Wednesday, July 11th. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present full board and county clerk. In compliance with the resolution of yesterday the board proceeded in compa ny with the connty surveyor to locate the bridge aboat to be built acrose the Bird woed creek. - - 'tSC if"5'-"!55fia vi ' rs 4. --'yt .?u- , r fE 1U i rX fifcSfe 1 T 'I I JL. STRltKLER. Patented. Lands. The following list of land patents were received by the U. S. Land Office at North Platte last Saturday. These lands are in Lincoln county. Monroe Smith, 6e nw and lots 3, 4 and 5, sec 6, tp. 11, range 26. Charles Swenson, o hf nw qr w hf ne qr 18-11-26. Allen Couse, sw qr 24-11-26. Joseph Solomon, sw qr 14-11-20. George W. Parsons, nw qr 8-11-20. Anna Vosa, n hf se qr and se se and lot 3, 34-12-26. Lucien Stebbins, s hf nw qr and lots 3 and 4, 8-11-26. Irving B. Bostwick, ne hf se qr and w hf se qr and lot 1 4-14-32. Frederick Smith, ne qr se qr w hf se qr ne qr ne qr sw qr 34-13-29. Isaac N. Wells, s hf ne qr and lots 1 and 2 2-11-27. Samuel S. Ballinger, e hf sw qr aud lots 6 and 7, 6-14-31. HenryH. Pell, s hf ne qr and s hf nw qr 34-13-29. Isaac Folk, sw qr 8-11-2G. Eliza J. Richards, nw qr 24-11-20. John Mehlop s hf ne qr and n hf se qr 2-14-31. August Anderson, s hf nw qr and lots 3 and 4, 2-11-27. Olaf Johnson, sw qr 2-11-27. Charles O. Lind, ne qr 12-11-27. unanes ausua, e nt sw qr and lots 5 and 7, 6-11-26. Alexander England, nw qr 8-13-31 . John Carlson, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, 26-12-27 John K Eshleman, n hf ne qr and n hf nw vr 34-13 29. Isaac Lamplugh, so qr 8-14-30. Bridget Connelly, nw qr 24-13-30. The Democratic party is tho queerest political compound on the face of the earth. It is composed of free traders, Copperheads and Confederates; and is frantically supported by every English newspaper, by every English free trader, by English manufacturers, by every American free trader, by every carping mugwump, by nine-tenths of the saloon keepers, brewers and distillers of the United States. Its head, dictator and candidate for the Presidency is the most nollossal Chump this country has ever produced. Its nominee for the Vice Presidency is an old Ohio Copperhead, whose chief distinction lies in the fact that he has a record as an "obstructionist." Its emblem.is an old red bandana. Its history is the aggregated political crimes of the United States for the last seventy five yean. What do intelligent Ameri can workingmen and American patriots think of this unique aggregation. AtcM son Champion. r Si The One-Horse Farmer. The one-horse farmer has a life-long ambition to gain a reputation for wear ing a dirty shirt. He will alarm the neighborhood by getting up two hours before day, then sit around and not go to work till after sun up He will complain of hard times, then tear his pants climbing a fence where a gate ought to be. He will pay 3 for a bridle, then let the calf chew it all to pieces before Sunday. He will get all the neighbors to help in getting a cow out of the bog, then let her die for want of attention. Stock will get in and destroy his crop at a placo in his fence that he has been putting off repairing for six months. lie will sprain his back lifting some thing to show how strong he is. He will talk all day Sunday on what he knows about farming, then ride around the neighborhood Mondav huntinr spod -i 3 potatoes. He will go in his shirt sleeves on a cold day to show how much he can stand, then return homo at night .and occupy two thirds of tho fire place till bed time. ne will ridicule the mechanism of a cotton planter, and then so out and mash his thumb nailing a board on tho fence. Ho will go to town on Saturday and come back with fifty cents worth of cof fee, a paper of pins, a dollar's worth of chewinir tobacco and his hfillv fnll of whisky. Skepticism. By reason of tho state of chronic in credulity in which many men pass their' lives they miss half the good of this world. They seem to think that doubt and unbelief are proofs of wisdom, "and through fear of being deceived reject much that is true aud good. To such minds tho statement that Dr. Pierce's Golden ?.I.edical Discovery is a real and proven cure for all disea5es caused by torpid liver, bad blood or scrofulous hu mors carries with it "its own condemna tion . They do not believe it, apparently because we say so; and yet what more, or less, than this can wo do ? We know the" facts, and if we did not make public the great value of this remedy few would profit by it. We try to do our duty in the matter and it remains for the doubter who needs help to overcome his preju dice and, give it a trial. $500 Reward for an incurable case, of chronic nasal catarrh offered by the man ufacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. P0S DYSPEPSIA, and liver complaint yotf bave a printed ' guarantee on ever? - SMlok'a VitaliaGr. Itl.never; fails to care.ilW ealebyA.F. Btreitz. U.. .V 1 -J . . !g I i fall ' "ifP-" it-:- .