ir'r-. Gm()ound 4 J? 7V4H& Celery ttd Coca, ths pwiM H. an! the Mrre Tank. beat For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. - . AM ALTERATIVE. I i aT a m 'J the Wood nnrffri and bo oretonlu jmunng mm impm or : A LAXATIVE. AcnybtitiarelTontlMboweta u cores nimrmi oonattf DtonoteearorolerfcaMt. cm the stamen, aodafck ( A DIURETIC. IntaoompoBKionUMdMrtaadBtort erttm fUnrrtlrnnf tnn If frtalftHlini areoorabtaedacwiUflrallyTrtthothge effective remedies fat dkMMee of the Hdnem ItcanteielledflntMlve m - . qaicKieuei aoaepeeoyi Mrs. Cleveland lias pinned a red handkerchief to the flag that waves from her red top home and the peo ple seem to think that it is a sign I that the establishment is about to be pat up to the highest bidder. Oc c&ssion&llv some Dostea democrat explains that it is her bandanna. Ex. Mft WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO. ZUXUlfUTOir.TO!. r rrapni An "inventive geriious at Pocahon tas hid., grinds cornstalks and prairie grass together and moistens them with water. When this com pound is reduced to a pulp he presses it into blocks twelve inches long and four inches thick. When these are tnorougnly dried they burn readily, and it is claimed give more heat than the same amount of soft coal. G. S. CLINTON, SHOCK'S OOUGH and Consnmption Core is eold by os'ona guarantee. It cures. Bold by Streitz 'BULQH'B VITaLIZEE is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by A. F. 8treitz. ' WATCHES, Clocks, SILYEEWAEE Adolph Sutro, the California many millionaire, who is preparing to maKe a present or his handsome property at cliff house to the city of san Francisco, was poor and un known a few years ago. He con ceived the idea of the Sutro tunnel. succeeded in borrowing enough The Democratic preis has begun to dancejigs on the jtepuDucanpiai- fdrm. They may ne amuacu j their clattering self-made accompa niment, but they cannot shake the platform:-its foundations are too firm to be moved .by such gymnas tics. tu nnl: Tisifc of Mr. Carl jl lie mw . Schurz to Berlin has given the to mention the feet that Herr Leddhin, his. partner in the heroic deed of his youth, the deliverance of the noefr Kinkel from flip fnrfross nf ftnandau. is now a member of the Municipal Council nf TWIin TTfirr Leddhin was balrfirin Snandau. and it was he who in his wagon hurried Kinkel . - . . i - P IT ATiH SAhnw m r.hfi direction 01 nie mt V. IW W M- MecklenburS frontier. t25.00 Reward. The abore reward wfll be paid for any case of rfcnnmatinm nnt. hfl&efited br Ballard's SnOW Liniment. There is no pain it will not subdue, no wound it will not heal. It is the most pene trating liniment known for all pain, for man or beast it stands without parallel, ladies who have backache should never be without it. Price 60 cents. C.W. Price Agent AND lions. WEI John Wanamaker s brother has been giving some reminiscences of the boyhood of the great Philadel- Shia merchant. His first work was one in the clothing store of Bar-! Pine Watch and Clock Repair- cl?y LiPPott, where he received a F I salary of 1.50 a week, all of which inga Specialty. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. Kl" McDonald s .block, bpruce Street. The grasshoppers are reported to be in devastating numbers in south ern Indiana, eating everything green. It seems to be a mystery of no mean nronortions. Where did money to interest capitalists in the they come from? Hitherto the dif- venture. formed a com Dan v with a I ferent invasions have ' been headed capital of $30,000,000, built the tun- from the northwest, and Dakota has nel and is now worth several mil- been the initial pomt of their depre dations. Probably these hoppers are of another nationality. The farmers are told bv the free trade advocates that the protective tariff robs them bv increasing the cost of almost everything they have to buy, but they wilfully or ignor- antly neglect to state in the same connection that nearly everything that the farmers raise is protected by this same tariff. If it increases the cost the farmers ought to be satisfied, because they invariably sell more than they buy. he gave to his mother. His dinner, wnen ne nan anv. consisted or a lass of milk, ach year his salary increased and at the time he was 20 he had saved $200. 1881. 1888. 5 if) W. W. BIRGE, LUMBER, Lath, Shingles, POSTS, LIME, CEMENT, Building Paper, IN ANY DESIRED QUANTITY. Fifth Street, Cor. Locust, Opposite Baptist Church, North Platte, Nebraska. m 0) CD C A WARNING. The modes of death's approach are varions and statistics show conclusively that more per sons die from diseases of the throat and lungs than any other. It is .probable that everyone, with net execution . receivea -vast nntnlwni nf fn I bercle germs into the system and where these I germs rail upon sanaDlesoil they start into Me and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a ! siignt netting sensation m the throat and if al lowed to continue their ravaeee they extend to the longs, producing consnmption and to the bead, cancans catarrh. Mow all this is danserona and if allowed to Droceed will in time canse death. At the onset yon muse act with promt- : ness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose yon your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong with your Throat, Lungs or Nostrils, obtain a bottle of uoscnee s uerman ottod. it will rave von lm I mediate reiier. Their Business Booming:. I'roDaDiy no one thing has caused sucn a gen. era! revival of trade at A. F. Streitz's Drag Store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never dit- appoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis, Croup and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. Yon can test it before bnnncr bv getting a trial bottlo free, laree size SI. Everv bottla warranted. WIDE AWAKE ! m New Ha7en, Conn. Last week gussman reached New Haven from Oalithmift. TTr Tiarl nnf. rppti liia Kfttrer flftrQ Than 13a4VmA hrother for twenty-three years. But w imu A-v,iUlV fate stepped in and prevented the AT THE meeting, ior josepn iiotnscniitt was ounea iusi one aay Derore ms brother arrived at the City of Elms Secretary Endicott has given a large order for army blankets to an English manufacturer whose bid Zach Mulhall. a well-known Tex- was thirty cents lower than his as herder, has started his only son American competitors. By -not pay- in business at an early age. The mg any duty to itselt the govern- son, Logan Mulhall, has reached the ment gets the goods slightly below mature aere of six vears and three cost m this country. American en- months, ard yet he is the sole own- terprises and labor are left in the er of 100 head of cattle that bear lurch, and the price of the blankets his brand, a bunch of horses, a goes out of the country. From this Winchester rifle and revolver, made instance the people can learn the to order, and which he can handle results of "free trade." No doubt well, and dunne this Sonne he has there are many who will argue that every day ridden a line of more than the secretary acted'in the best in three miles around his herd. terests of the country; Some how or other the present-administration Forty-years ago Sussman Roths- seems to be m love with Great Bn- child and his brother Josenh nam p. tarn and everything that is English. to this country from Germany. She may suit Mr. Cleveland and his Sussman went to San Francisco and camnet, out the people do not en- made a fortune, while .To.sp.nh mMfod dorse such a course. Jbx. An am u si n L' storv is told of the Rev. Myron Reed, of Colorado, who two vears ago ran as the Democrat- - . I'll il ic Uongressionai candidate m tnat state. It seems that during the canvass the reverend gentleman was interrupted in the midst of a public oraver bv a man who shouted "Louder!" Reed stopped short, looked at the interrupter and said cooly: "1 wasn't addressing vou, sir. I was addressing the Al mighty." Then he went on with his prayer. Pretty Women. All women look attractive when thoir color and complexion is clear. If your skin is sallow eyes dull, yon are bilious, secure a box of Wil liams' Australian Herb Pills, take as directed. and the feeling of languor will leave you, your eyes brighten, and you are another woman. C, W. Price,Agent. One is always hearing of men and women who go away from home to have a good time; whereas the pro per place for a good time is right in the home. The ways of having them are as many as the sands of the sea; but there is one reliable method for having a "time," ' and that it to do something to please another member of the family rather than yourself. A little ex hibition of unselfish affection, a fa vor extended, a reasonable indul gence granted may start a train of events which will brighten a whole day and make an evening merry. It involves less trouble and far more fun than a picnic. Interior. WILL YOU SUFFER with dyspepsia and liver complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by A. F. Streitz. SLEEPLESS HIGHTS made miserablo by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by Streitz. 0ATAEBH CUBED, health and tweet breath o cured, by Shiloh's Catarrh .Remedy. Nasal In ter free. Sold by Streitz. For lame back, side or chest use Sliiloh's Porns Plasters. Price 23 cents. Sold by Streitz. THAT HACKING COUGH can bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by A. F. Streitz. 0B0UP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Streitz. No. 3490. JflKST J ATIONAIr BAM. INTortli Platte, - INTeb. Authorized Capital, $200,000. Paid in Capital, $50,000. Banking In All Its Branches Transacted Sell Bills of Exchange Direct on Great Britain and Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Austria. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. OOXULDSFOZiroinJOlI SOIjXOXTXD. A.. IT. STREITZ WHOLESALE AJSTD .EETAIL DKTJG-G-IST AND DEALER IN" PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES "Wall "Paper, WINDOW GOlSS AND BEUSHES. Agent for Sherwin & Williams' Mixed Paints and the Diamond Brand Paints. Corner Sixth, and Spruce Streets. HERSHEY & CO., DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF The present administration seems determined to impair the mail i vice. A proviso has been injected in the appropriation hill now pend ing m congress, tnat the cost ot rent, light and heat for any 3rd class nost office shall not exceed 300 per year. As there are many towns and cities in which the items stated cannot he procured for the sum named, the result must be in efficient service and accommoda tions. This recalls the fact that in 1873 when the democracy obtained control of the house of representa tives, they so reduced the appropria tions that some ot the post omces in the country were entirely with- light and fuel, end the Federal courts were without the pecuniary- means of transacting their business duties. And then the democracy went before the country with a flare of trumpets and tinhorns, proclaim ing what they had done in the way of economy. The next year the defi ciencies had all to be made4 up and the result was an expense to the government in excess of what it would cost to have acted honorably and decently in the first place. Democratic economy is a fraud. ttOJJD CARTS, ETC. BLAOKSMITHING, CARRIAGE PAINTING & REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Prices Guaranteed to be the Lowest. Locust Street, North Platte, - - Nebraska. J. Q. THACKER, KEITH'S BLOCK, FRONT STREET, OPPOSITE PACIFIC HOTEL. NOETH PLATTE, -- NEBHASKA. WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and aloncr the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. J. BROEKER Merchant Tailor, o: .ixte: D w Boo k Sloe Store Ballard's Horehoand Syrup. A single bottle of Ballard's Horehond Syrnp keptabont your house for immediate nse will prevent senoos sickness, a large doctor bill, and pernaps oeatn, by the use of three or fonr doses. or coring consnmption its success has b simply wonderful, and for ordinary coturhs.colds. sore throat, cronp. whoonine conkh. sore chest nomorrnaces Its nfranni am enrnriRincr nnrt wnn. derfnl. Every bottle gnanntoed. C. W. Price. agenc Brace Up. Yon are feeling depressed, your appetito - I it i i i poor, you are Dowerea vain ucaaucne, you are fidgetty. nervous, and generally oat of sorts, and want to brace np. Brace op, but not with stimu lants, spring medicines or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave I you in worse condition than before . What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, Freddie Gebhardt and Mrs. Lillie Langtry are to be married in. Sep tember, inis is definite and certain. They liave long beea betrothed, and public rumor has mated them, but Mrs. Langtry will not much before the time mentioned be legally free trom ner present wius band. That I f L V8 'lias n the only reason that Geb- 1 I your vatality, and give renewed health and i ji. j .v -i p i , i your vatality, and giv.e renewed health and i strength. Such a medicine you will find in , Electric Bitters and only 50 cents a bottle at A. F. Streitz's Drug Store. f 5 hardt and the beautiful actress have not been wedded long ere this. Her Husband refused several offers, made through, the law firm of Howe & Hummel; of, a ptrtion of her wealth it he would consent to a separation. ne declined all these propositions. My stock of goods is still large and my spring stock is arriving weekly 1 tiud it necessary to decrease my stock more rapidly to make room for nie luuoiuiug gooas. 1 win tnererore offer my goods at still GREATER REDUCTION UNTIL APRIL Beat these, prices if you can: Men's Railroad Shoes, Warranted, $2.25. Men's Fine Shoes, $1.75. Men's Hand-Sewed Shoes, J.50. Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, 1.00. 1 ' Ladies' Fvne Kid Shoes, 1.50. ' 3 Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, 2.00. Ladies' Combination French ICid Shoes, 3.50. x si CMUta Bojs'and Mikes' Shoes a.toni.hingly 1K prices. A JSfS, call will better convince vou of the Great Baro-ains hAfW fr,o histnnV. nnffprv dm fn fi JLi, ? V rmTef J e?L e srl e ,tnere' i ir,L t-u : . """" "J Tv . r j auu mane me city ner legal resi- lumcui, i,uCici.uie u. you are wise come at once. i men, oy provinces, by mak- dence. That now enables her to where you will get double value for your money. ' ers, by forms, and by types of work, put forward a suit for divorce and , t, , x Juuia' . a 7 ,.? r L - , tms win toacertamtymake her a McDonald's Block, ) (? P' XffXDT T i bPeaklD& of the Austrahan sheep- free woman in August. Any hitch North Platte, Neb. f VI. lUJ3Lli. herder, a recent writer says: As a in the proceedings will be entirely AN EXPLANATION. Whatis this "nervous trouble" witii which so many now seem to bo afflicted? If yoa will re member a few years ago the word Malaria was compdrativoly unknown to-day it is as common as any word in tho English language, yet this word covers only tho meaning of another word used, by our forefathers in times past. So it is with nervous diseases, as they and malaria are in tended to cover what oar grandfathers called biliousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condition of the liver which in performing its functions finding that it cannot dispose of tho bile through the ordi nary channel is compelled to pass it off through tho system, causing nervous troubles, maria, bil ious fever, etc. You who are suffering can well appreciate n cure. Wo recommend Green's An gust Flower. Its cures are marvelous. LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. Spruce Street, next door to Post office. Beick Liyeey Stable, FIRST-CLASS RIGS FURNISHED on short notice and at reasonable rates. Horses boarded- bv the week or month. Careful and competent emnlovps. StaMp House on east Fifth street, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. T) i 17 a r 1 , xroiessor ju. o. morse nas sec a price of 100,000 on his collection of Japanese-potterv, said to be the best in the world, not excepting any and took good care that she should m uauciu. DUh II DUSCOn WaniS it nnf. hnvo fhA ,1t rnnnA KA ouo mul urtTc 111 xui pov,wu, irroies- sor Morse bemg willing to throw off, the $20,000 if the collection re mains at the Hub. It is said to be a marvel of complete and systematic the state of jtaw York on which to obtain a divorce. He is nowa hotel- keeper at an English seaside resort, ana n. is nve vears since ne and ms wife have met. At lensrth Mrs. CURES Headache, Toothache, Earache, NEURALGIA, SORE THROAT, Catarrh. Croup, Frost Bites. Sore Nipples, Caked Breasts, Lame Back, RHEUMATISM Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Ac Sold by Druggists. 50c. and Z1J0Q. HAMLIN'S BLOOD AND LIVER PILLS. Best in the World. Try Them. 25c. SONG BOOK MAILED FREE. Address wizard OIL CO.. 30,000 ACRES Desirable Farmim Land FOR SALE IN CMES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Beet Cough Sjrrap. Tastes good. Use believe Consumi Enquire Doweia, USE rule the bushman drinks tea, for he ! finds this the most wholesome and refreshing drink and the most port able, ut course, on occassions large unexpected, and the couple tare vised that none is possible. ad- A few days ago an entertainment PISO The best Cough Medi cine is Piso's Cuke fob CoifSTJXPTiON. Children take it withomt objection. By all flruggists. 25c On jQQ- TRADE 3JMM quantities of whiskev are consumed, took place at North JBend. the lead- but bushmen, as a class, are temner- mS teature of which was to be sing- five days for that purpose, it purchasers wish 1 mi v 1 . I i i to 6top short of destination on oar lines, agents ITOW'S THE TIME to have your friends como to -0- Kansas and Nebraska -0- as eastern lines will sell tickets and ran SEHI-MTELY LAND HtmiM to all Jiansas md ISehraska points over tho Tjnsrioisr PACIFIC. "The OveblajiD Boutk." Until Jnly 1. 1888. tickets sold for thesa excur sions will bo good thirty days for tho round trip. I 1 - , .1 T1TI 1 uuu can uu useu icu uays kui"K- "en pure mis ers are ready to return, these tickets will bo good L'JIIBUlinV aw. xue nurses on a station are rough looking, but possess great en durance, frequntly carry their riders one hundred and twenty and one hundred and forty miles in a day. Men wear riding breeches, top boots, flannel shirts and' soft felt hats. will stamp tickets good to return from 6uch point. J. S. Tebbetts, E. L. Lomax, G. P. & T. Agent, Ass't G. P. & T. A. OMAHA, NEB. BEST SIX CORD FOR MACHINE OR HAND USE. For sale by T. J. -Pp-LEY The Commercial Travelers' Protective Associa tion, of the United States, has a membership of over sixteen thousand and is probably the strong est association of the kind in the world. Mr, JoJinH. Stone, their Nat'l Sec'y andTreas.,79 Iearborn St., Chicago, in a letter states that he has been severely troubled at time, for the past twenty yeatsr with cramp and bilious colic which would compel him to take to his bed from three to six days. While in St. Louis at their last an nul meeting he procured a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe llemedy and has since need it with the best results. Itiathe cly remedy he ever found that eflected a rapid and complete cure. No one can safely travel without it. Bold by F. H. Long ley. ing and otner varieties or music. The Flail speaks of the feast of rea son as follows: "On Friday after noon it was learned that the broken winded, ring boned, swav backed, sore nosed republican and prohibi tion rack of bones Wolfenbarger was to be run in on the.crowd un der the wing of singers. Disappro bation and disgast knew-- no bounds." 4 Bro. Wolfenbarger does not seem to be meeting with the YNG LAND IN NEBRASKA, ucaifcy cuuuuragemenb ne su ncuiy RANGES 33 to 37, INCLUSIVE, IN Lincoln and Keith Counties, Neb., and lying between the North and South Platte Kivers, on the line of the Union Pacific KaUway. Prices and Terms can be obtained on application at the office of DILLON & COLLINS, E. B. WARNER, ALL COMMUNICATIONS J ME WITH REGARD TO MY INTERESTS I MAY HAVE TOWN LOTS OR OUT- deserves Aas h proceeds with his great and glorious, work. But an occasional-Searifelt tribute like the above will serve toTshow him that warm and trusting hearts still yearn for him, and that the good people of Nebraska appreciate him for all he is worthy It doesn't cost much of an effort, either. Topics. COLORADO OR WYOMING, WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. J. T. CLARKSON, 164 RANDOLPH STREET, CHICAGO. Keeps constantly in stock Metalic and Cloth Draped Caskets, complete line of Trimmings in White and Black, Gloss White Caskets, Wooden Coffins of all sizes, Shrouds and Shaes. Telegraph Orders Promptly Attended to. Open Day and Night. ENBALMING A SPECIALTY. WALL PAPER, Paint and Oil Depot At PEALE'S Odd Fellows' Block, SprucelStreet, Always in stock the most complete assortment of WALL PAPER, wall and ceiling decorations, CORNERS. CENTERS. Binders and all laf.f. noyelties in papers. Every shade of the best brands of READY MIXED paints for houses, barns, wagons and buggies. White lead, oils, glass, putty, brushes, varnishes, kalsomine and complete painters' supplies. -6