-f- - Ike itiktte. STEVENS & BARE, Editors and Pbops SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1888. 41 fit I " J t- 1 I 83 Th McEvoy stock of goods are beine: packed, preparatory to shipment to Omaha Motxuy. Father Walsh, of Plum Creek, has i tfce city this "week assisting the risers at ine uainouc lairr T facilitate the hauling of freight a "keue.Vtrack has been put in at the freight depot. The D. Cash herd will be sold under mortgage at Van Doran's livery stable to morrow aiternoon, tne sale commencing at two o'clock. Wallace, Grant, Paxton, Gothenburg aad other surrounding villages are mak ing preparations to celebrate the Nata Day in a patriotic manner. Iavitations have been issued announc ing the coming marriage of Fred W Bobbing to Miss Clara J. Federhoof o thia city, the ceremony to occur Thurs day, JaTjr 5th. Elsewhere will be found tho profes sional card of Hinman & Gantt, to which the attention of those having legal busi neas is invited . Both gentlemen are law yers of high reputation. Arraaitements are being made for itfiag two pic nlcs. one on Tuesday of est week and the other on the Fourth of Jatr Borice's rrove will Mehablv-bee iecUd"a;ihe placed holdlag both. " ' A large crowd both Republicans and Democrats, surrounded The Tribune eager were were bulletin board yesterday afternoon, to read the' official ballots which posted a few minutes after they i --. The ram Tuesday was most refresh intr and timely. While crops were not suffering for the want of rain, it came in time to prevent any such contingency and keep everything booming. The rain was general, extendiug over a very large 'scope of the country, from 150 miles west of tMcaM oil miles wide tnat we Know ot ;, BA; Cary returned the middle of the wec, from a hying visit to the .f acme - coaet.' vleking Portland, thence south to jjsz- k mm jtmcisco. ana men nome oy way oi 'aVneeily -all gtfne. 'Like else, be was glad when he ht of the grass-covered plains ouror-i vei-day -deliberation,- tior tae Jieita .uomty court M .let to W. B, KeCartney for Ifr. McC. k an exoouaty treas- tiow in tne lumasr ouainees ait " Those who have seen the specifications Incline to the Mac will wish-he. had never job. r e that He pn5.was jaaisled on the aret pare of last r mat tne coumy teacners . Would open June 16th, as the self evident The Institute will work -on the 16th of July, the people d North Platte will oe toaeo present all teachers m. the Mrs. S. L. Saxon of Memphis Tenn. a lidfrt extended reputationin the lect nre JeW, will speak in Unitarian Hall to wiau only this (Saturday) evening. On 8 jay evening she will address a pnhiic aweting at the opera house on the nhiect ot social purity. On Monday nienfatthe same place she will speak on "Later J its relation to the ballot" Mrs. laboring in the interest of worn- -z .-z- vm. 5T. A. ace was not incorporated as a after all, the action of the com- being rescinded after learning there wae a want of the required popula tion. The board having placed the license at $1,060, the place will not have a saloon either. As a matter of fact there is no necessity for the latter and the peo nle as a whole will prosper much better without it. But the temperance people should now make an effort to suppress the illegal traffic in liquor, said to be car ried on there to a certain extent. J. W. Byram, expecting soon to resign from the service, a short time since sent in an application for transfer to some eastern station, and last week received notice that he had been transfered to Cleveland, Ohio. He expects the gentle man who supercedes him to-day. Dur ing his short residence here Mr. Byram has made an excellent impression on our people, who all wish him good luck at his new post of duty and abundant success in the profession he has chosen, the law. Just as we warned its readers, along came the Ncbraskian Sunday and said there would be a Democratic meeting at the Court House "this evening," giving besides a very elaborate programme. Thinking-possibly our information may have been inaccurate, we went up to at tend the rally, but all was dark and silent in and about the stately building. The UTebraikiari's readers should subscribe for The Tribune. We promise to give them reliable news, and some good poli tics too, if they care to read it. In the early days of the county the people of Brady Island were wont to cel ebrate the Fourth under their own vine and fig tree, metaphorically speaking, but of late years no celebration has been held there. On the occasion of the com ing Fourth they propose to revive the old custom and Celebrate at home. They will have a picnic and a good time gener ally. R H. Langford of this city has re ceived and accepted an invitation to de liver the oration. We know tho people will have a good time. The Tribune will be there in spirit. For the information of those contem plating taking city water and others we publish below the rates fixed by Ordinance for lawn sprinkling and house purposes: yearly rates. Residence, 1 family, 1 to 6 rooms, $6.00; each additional room. 1.00. .Sprinkling gardens, lawns, etc., first 50 yards per yard 4 cents ; each additional square yard; 2 cents. Springliag in front of business houses, irst year free; after first year 12 cents per front foot Horse, including carriage washing, $2.00 In snrmkline the hose is limited to inch and the nozzle to one-eigntn incn. The entertainment given by Maj. Hendershot assisted by some of our home talent, for the benefit of S. A. Douglas Post, last Friday evening, was well at tended, tha amount realized after paying expenses being $50. The programme was quite varied, consisting of drumming, songs, recitations, &c. The recitations, "Karl, the Martyr," by Mrs. L. F. Simon Vkginius" by Miss Arta Cody, exceptionally good. Mrs. Simon neienr voice, is a good elocutionist actress, combinations that are sure to n recitation a success. The piano aelo hy Miss Allie Dickey and the singing by Miss Bentley were also highly appre- Hendershot of course is a good but music from that inatru becomes monotonous if not ac- discordant. On the whole, barring the entertainment was a pieas- ncacially to the young folks in The members ot tne irost linrikp to those who kindly assist - hmniplr?ng It a success, The Paxton Pilot says a number of North Platte people will celebrate the Fourth in that village. Two or three new houses sprang' into existence this week in the west end, but we have not learned the owners' names. The board of education should have held a meetiBg Wednesday evening to levy the annual tax. but a quorum was not present Work on North Platte's first brick block for the the season of 1888 is now in progress. Other buildings will probably begin shortly. The Board of Education held a meet ing on Friday evening of last week and re-elected J. H. Byerly to the position of assistant principal. A gentleman up from Vroman yes terda3r reports crops in the east end of the county looking exceptionally well, and the farmers are correspondingly happy. The Ladies of the Baptist "Church have changed the date of their Literary and Ice Cream entertainment from June 29th to Wednesday evening July 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sullivan celebrat ed their fifteenth wedding anniversary Tuesday evening by giving a reception to a large n umber of their friends. The at tendants had a most happy evening. The workmen find it comparatively easy laying water pipes now to what it was a month ago. If the rain will let them have a fair field, they will soon finish the work, but hardly by the first of Julv. The rain Tuesday -measu inches of solid, water, as recow government signal Mti&Mltiti beautiful shower, the winbVlbefck- There were some fears of hail, but so we have heard of none. Rve harvest will commence a little late this year, about the first of July, while winter wheat will be ready for the reaper a few days later. Mr. Thoelecke has a fine lot of the latter which promises a heavy yield. The contractor commenced digging for the water mains Monday and opened up a quarter of a mile of ditch in short order, when along came the rain and fill ed it level full with water. Those ditch fellows probably think this is the most rainy country in"North America What has become of the semi-annual statement of the city's financial condition that the council is required to have pub lished? We haven't heard anything about it since a comuittee was appointed to man some investigations on tnat jia ture. The nennle would likePto know where the city stands financially J - r Airer ma nigu scnuui wmmeuuemem exercises had closed on Thursday evening - MM -S -.11 or jesrcweeK, tne graauaunsfwgpj htetTPrbiTTUlwinet fold sen and. fancy asKier as a, tOKeaiiOf the esteem which U'e class" held I Ifor" the instructors; 'ft J H Mr. Marsh, right-of-way agent for PEOPLE AND EVENTS Mrs. J. S..Hoagland left Wednesday for Iowa on a visit to friends. Will Woodhurst returned Monday night from a brief business trip to Omaha Mrs. TTirk Baldwin left Sunday for t visit: with her tiarants at Reedsville, Wis consin. Mrs. Wm. Whitlock. wife of the well known engineer, left Sunday morning for Nevada. Al Davis of Wellfleet wa s in town Sat urday rivini? this emporium of news a W C" C7 brief call. Rav a. W. Martin has accented an in vitation to deliver an oration at Paxton on theFonrth. Mrs. J. W. Hinirstonwentto Omaha Fri dv fiveninc to "attend the funeral of j her mother. Claus Johnson, of Gaslin precinct was in town yesterday and paid his respects to The Tribune office. Miss Joe- Krier, local editress of the Plum Creek Pioneee, was in attendance at the Adams-Gillett wedding. Saml. (roozee sDent several days in' Lincoln this week attending a session of the Masonic Grand Lodge. Mrs. J. G. Newbold of Henry county, Iowa, mother of Mrs. B. Buchanan, is in the city on a short visit to her relatives. Charles McDonald went to Philadelphia this week to brinff home his' eon George who has peen attending school in tnat city. g , Mrs.i.JL! earl At :i- lit I expects; to" leave the The Anain A hasty addition of thf ; as returned to uie wmm following .valuations of i property in the diferent fore the board is through, amount will likely be number of omisslene of 1 have been discoi 'books ms the i personal Be the as a !roperty PBEOINCT S. North Platte No. 1 North Platte No. 2 tforth Platte No. 8 Birdwood Brady Buchanan Cottonwood Deer Creek Fairview Fox Creek Garfield Gaslin Hall McPherson Medicine Miller Morrow Mylander Nichols Nowell O'Fallon Osgood Peckham Somerset Spannnth Sunshine Vroman Walker Wallace Well Wnittier Willow...; Union Total. ats7i . 1H7 479 MS" 1 ao.Jit- , 5 418 I S141 6 478. - 7 ' 47f saw 212 11 Mt aft 5 Ml 2f44 5" SOB 10 787 JbSv saw 6S9B 5 est 3 SIS 3 758 5 811 4 714 2 884 14 7S4r 1 SSI 6 814, WBTAL. 'm f!55 757 81498 1118185. cm rMt 24 rS7 997 ,26 962 27 679 28 556 85 935 36 365 17 636 90 472 23 3S0 SI 048 S5 296 IS 701 22 892 423 551 .15 736 18 270 .36 023 . 11299 I r?17 481 37 621 15 651 ,S2 567j IS 168 :i64 490 70 612 9 918 967 far, &the!Gttsntflv the B. &3C. road west of Holdrege; was in the city Thursday in company with an attorney of Curtis. Mr. Marsh was' of the oninion that ms roao. wouia ouua.no "feeders" this season.. This puts id isieepj the rumor that the B.&M. would buua a stub from Curtis to North Platte5 this year. From all over the, county come flat tering, reports relative to crop prospects, especially since tne ram ot Tuesday, ana farmers as a rule are in high spirits. At no time since farming began in this coun ty have the prospects been so bright as at present. With good crops this season the Lincoln county farmers will fly high next year, lor it will give tnem a gooa stare The Neary property on the corner of Spruce and. Sixth streets purchased by Mr. Patterson last week has .been trans- ered to the Tirst National Hank, which will nroceed to erect j.tw?sry;brickH i)l6ctthereon "immediately. Mr. Patter son, who is now in Unicago, will bring plans and specifications with him . The building will be a very fine one, the cor ner fronting on Spruce and Sixth, being especially arranged for the bank. The bungling operator at Chicago who converted "bull" into "ball" in the Bull Team's congratulatory dispatch to Thurston, ought to be cremated for being an ignoramus. "Who has not heard of our Bull Team ? An operator who does not know the difference between a bull team and a ball team should nut be em ployed by the company. He is not a his torian and is totally unfit for the high po sition he fillSi Let him be turned out to read up in the history of his country. The Catholic fair opened Tuesday evening, the attendance not being very large on account of the storm, but since then the hall has been crowded every night. The stalls for the sale of goods are well patronized, wmie aunng tne lat ter part of the evening the refreshment and ice cream tables are crowded". To tho young folks, however, the great at traction is the dance, the floor being filled at every number. For an all-round en joyable evening, the Catholic fair is the place to go everytlme. John Angstman was brought over from "Wellfleet last Friday, having been arrested for selling liquors in that village without a license. At the preliminary hearing Saturday Judge O'Rourke held him to the district court in the sum of $200. He was allowed to go on his own recognizance to procure the necessary bondsmen, this being necessitated by the bad condition of the jail. John was formerly in charge of the brewery at this place. It's quite likely he will not be heard of again. A number of gentlemen about town got to feeling pretty good Saturday night and before dawn eight or nine of them landed in the cooler. One or two of the most boisterous escaped however. Judge Snelling was called upon to visit the bas tile Sunday morning to take the recogniz ance of such as could give the necessary security ,but the majority of them had to re main in the dungeon until Monday morn ing, when some were fined, others assigned to work on the streets, and one old tramp was given a resonable time to leave the city. There's nothing like having a good time. Jaat week from a.visit to Denver." understand that Mr Langd'oh and. family' nut duuiuj mvc VI LXiai Ultjr. ;ii P. H. McEveV returned Saturday nieh from Chicago -where he spenjBeyemltfaj& buying a stock ofs..gWs.wHfjbS;. John Ry lander, the staunch Republican'' of Walker precinct, was in the. city Moo;; dav. and according to His usual custom- brought The Tribune ahew suiisVriberlH Among those who .went to Chic from this city to witness: the working the great Republican Convention Wi T. C. Patterson. T. D. Cotton, Sam Doran and Bell! Slvder. Sff C. E..BsbcockiOf Omaha, state agent eM me unaerwnters Agency, nas ,ve 8nending several davs in the city ; tl week. Mr.B. is a decidedly jovial gelhV. i - r " t ' -vr Tieman.ana nas many menus mixture Platte., Miss Arta Codywlll- entertain a largra partyro? mends at yelcome yigwa ebration Norm: the T.jPiGanlt 24 by Mh ted. iSnk:-'li? ft LlnnflnnnaHI3Cft The Telegraph is anxious to have the license for circuses and transient traders increased. In some cases we admit the license taxes are too" low, especially in that of transient traders, but they are pro bably as high as can be enforced. Prohi bition does not prohibit, always. In this State a man has a right to carry on a legitimate business in any town, and can not be prohibited by excessive taxation. Where the prohibition point is reached is a matter for courts to decide. Put the tax as near this point as can be guessed and transients will not be likely to test it in court The man Greenwood, who turned his daughter out of doors some four weeks ago only twenty-four hours after her con finement, was in town .yesterday trying to get a lawyer to prosecute the Omaha Bee and we believe certain persons for sland er and libel. It strikes us as being rather difficult to libel or slander the. old man under the circumstances . He committed a most inhuman and criminal act. No matter how unclean, the man who would turn his daughter or any other woman out of doors at such a time is deserving of more severe -punishment than the sim ple condemnation of the community. The affair has passed over and the moth er and the child have survived, strange as it may seem. 'The less Greenwood agi tates the subject the better for him. T. -I.Neeeltt will deliver an address be fore the Lohr Tine Chautauqua Assemigl'j As an orator Mr. Nesbitt is gaining a-J state reputation, ranking with Nebraska's best sneakers. ; A jLittle son of Engineer Harry Fikes in attempting to perform on the trapeze; kwt'his grip and fell to the ground sus-; tabling a fracture of the .collar bone. Drv Donaldson has charge of the patient and will bring him around all right. The commissioners have beetf in ses-' sion during the week as a board of equali zation. The assessor's books are receiving a careful examination. Some of them are in bad shape. Every year it becomes more and more manifest that a different system of ascertaining theyvalue of pro perty and the owners should be adopted. Besides the valuations being too low, its almost impossible to hae them any where near uniform in two .different counties. As - gaekgft before -us makes stron: remarks. beCause'air "ireaessor make8"fiis' cattle average as low as $4.50. What would the editlutnmk if he should see a whole herd valueTi at $3 per head? The proper way perhaps would be to have a county assessor, with power to ap point deputies.. In this way with proper restrictions and safegaurds, something near uniform valuations in all the coun ties might be agreed upon. The most brilliant party of this year was given by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Iddings at their palatial home on Monday evening of this week. In the soft mellow light of the gas jets in time to music rendered by a violinist and a harpist, graceful ladies attired in rich costumes guided by gentle manly partners glided over the velvet laid floors presenting a scene of beauty as well as happiness. The host and hostess were in their most entertaining mood, the guests were bent on fully enjoying the regal hospitality offered and if there was anything to mar the pleasure of the even ing it was not visible to the most scrutin izing eye. At a proper time refreshments were served and while these were being partaken, many sallies of wit and merry peals of laughter resounded through the parlors giving evidence that tho party was by no means a dull one. After this refreshment of the inner man the dance was again on and continued until after midnight when the guests departed. It was a very successful affair md Mr. and Mrs. Iddings had every reason to believe that their efforts to pleasantly entertain their friends had been highly successful. On Thursday evening at five o'clock Frank H. Adams, of Plum Creek, and Miss Lola Gillett were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's mother in this city, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Martin in the presence of about seventy-five friends of the contracting parties. Immediately after the cere mony a rich collation was served and at eight o'clock the happy couple in com pany with a number of friends took the train for Plum Creek, which for the pre sent will be the home of -Mr. and Mrs. Adams. The bride needs no introduction at our hands, she has been reared from childhood in the city and has always been greatly admired for her pleasant manners, unassuming ways, and general ladylike deportment. She has ever been popular with her large circle of friends and ac quaintances and richly deserves the pop ularity which has been bestowed upon her. Mr. Adams is quite well known to our citizens, having at one time acted as clerk at the Hinman House. At present he holds a lucrative position in Wolbach's store in Plum Creek. He is a gentleman worthy" of the love his accomplished young wife has bestowed upon him and he will well care for and protect her through the many years to come. The couple received many handsome tokens of esteem from their friends and have the best wishes of our entire community: May peace, happiness and fortune attend them through life. mul dev. 71ftW bratiooe: arrani tain the : to hell xnvcqnncu Me E. F. Stephens of the Ctete Nur series, gives it as his experience tnat wherever wild fruits nourish there also will tame fruits do well TT ai f it i i upou- cnis tneory, wnicn is un doubtedly reasonable, the hills and canyons south of the Platte river are well adapted to the successfu S rowing of tame fruit, for nowhere oes wild fruits yield more jabund- antly or a better quality. There's wealth - in the canyons and hills south of the Platte Rev. Dr. bexton, Synodical Missionary of the Presbyterian church in "Ne braska, organized a church at this place last Sunday with the follow ing membership and officers: Mr. and Mrs. John Ralston sr., Miss Lizzie Ralston and John Ralston, S9 457 hr, Mr. and Mrs. John Harkness and Miss Agnes Harkness and John 'Rasmussan. Elders John Ras- mussen and John Harkness. Trus tees John Ralston, sr., John Rals ton, ir.and John J. Allen. Treas urer Miss Lizzie Ralston. Rev. kj. n. uravenstem will be cue pas tor of the new organization and will probably arrange for services every Sunday, it is tnought ar rangements for a church building will be made before the season is over. Gothenburg Independent. . v GRANT COUNTY NEWS. John Mayer, the Wirtumburg boy, is located thirty miles north west of North Platte and in the race for agricultural honors he will not be last as he overtops all ordi- nary grangers xrom iNurtu riane zo the northern line of Grant county. His orchard is in a flourishing con dition and he has eighty acres un der cultivation this, his first, year. Richard Brown, of Nichols, is at erent present rusticating and superin tending improvements on his cattle ranch at Cottonwood. Bowling Green is the home of H. C. Roberts, two miles north of Cottonwood and in the center of a fertile valley. The latter being considered dry, was passed by pre vious settlers, but on digging water was found.-at a depth of three feet. A man by the name of Sheldon was shot and killed by a man named Robinson in the northern part of Grant county a few days ago. Cause not known. The -ball at George Swiggert's on the night of June 6th was a brilliant affair, the free range ele ment attending in force. Though Swiggert is a free range man, he quoted scripture extensively from the days o Cain and Abel to this day to prove the superiority of the granger. y. ii music campus lepen- tfof Pipe (for the will be (there grand Ti GREAT CAMPAIGN Money to Loan ON STILL GOES ON AT T- T. FOLEY'S. Ing ind she, rere A portrait of Gen. Sheridan bv ,Mrs. Darragh is on exhibition in Philadelphia, It is a gift of Mr. Ghilds to West Point which already owns Mrs. Darragh's excellent por trait of lirant. Obituary. About a quarter past 12 o'clock Mon day morning, June 18th, after a long and painful illness, Rachel Urbach breathed her last at her home in this city. She was born in New York City, April 28th, 18C1. In 1884 she was married to Mr. Samuel Urbach of this city, and. resided here a couple years. Believing that the atmosphere near the sea'coast would be more beneficial to her health, with her husband she returned to New York, but the change did not produce the desired result and they returned to their home last fall, where our invigorating climate greatly prolonged life. Mrs. Urbach was highly esteemed by her acquaintances as a lady of pure heart and gentle manners. She leaves one child, a daughter, about three years old. , The body was taken to Omaha for .interment. side walks and bri Petition presented by asking for a side-walk oi Willow street berinning corner of 8th street running adaJgytothe intersection of 3d street. CHMerney instructed to draw ordinance .accordingly. Contract for doing city puMishinf the ensuing year let to the three North Platte papers at one legal rate, .SMne' ;third to each paper. 4 1, y The following bills were allow on the poll fund. Levi Allison, labor, 16 00 S. O Fogel, " c 75 E. Chambers, - . . 6 80 E. B. Warner, freight, 1 60 9 .l 5Q ,-10 00 3-00 v4 40 i.vsa oo t "3 75 Jk!3 50 John Heed, labor, M. Grady, Frank Kelly, " O. M. Kelly, " . S. Friend, labor with team, Walter Covell, labor, H. W. Foster, " Chas. Adams. " S. Friend, labor with toans; vi'jj840 Sam Carlson, labor,. "fiif'25 Bill of James Belton .for furniture for hose houses was upon motion approved and ordered placed on file. Adjourned. 'Card Of Thanks. I desire to return my thanks to the peo ple who so kindly assisted me during the long illness of my wife, and especially to Rev. Adam Stump. Death is certain to come to all, but I trust none of them may be compelled to contemplate It through long months of suffering and watchful care. S. Urbach. FOR SALE. Store building 24x60, good cellar, shelving, counters, and well. Enquire at this office or of A. H. Davis, at Wellffe"e Nebraska. T h:ivA lust received a fine stock of 'Dcnlson & Hill's celebrated mixed pickles, both sweet and sour. These are fine goods. V. Von Goetz, North Side Grocery Store. FOR SALE. , Champion Mower repairs by ' Thos. Keliuer. Notice Probate of Will. Amelia Tikgley Deceased. la County Conrt, Lincoln County, Nebraska, f The State of Nebraska, to the heirs and next of kin of the said Amelia Tragley, deceased: Take notice, that upon filing of a written in strument purporting to be the last will and tes tament of Amelia Tingley for probate and allow ance, it is ordered that said matter be set for hearing the 10th day of July, 1888, before said county court at the hour of one o'clock p. m , af which time any person interested may appear and contest the same; and notice of this pro ceeding is ordered published three weeks suc cessively in the Lincoln Cousro Tbtbune, a weekly newspaper published in this state. In "testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my band and the seal of the county court at North Platte this 16th day of June, a. d. 1888. ? J. J. O'RotTBKEs. : 233 County Judge. SI. One Mar $1. IF PAID IN ADVANCE i fx Will Secure' tjig paper1 I One Year.-7v I lot of Champion Hay Stack- ers, and .Sweeps that I will sell almost for nothing. I must sell them as I can't give them my time any longer. Come and. buy before they are all gone. Thos. Keliner. Washburn flour at Grady's opposite the postoffice. NOTICE. North Platte, Neb., June 7, 1883. I have this day sold all my stock and book accounts to Max Meyer & Co. to whom all- payments should be made. An ascent of the above firm will be at my former place of business to receipt for same. L. A. McEvov. ' Nouth Pxatte, Neb., June 7, 1888. The undersigned having bought the stock and book accounts of L. A. Mc Evoy beg leave to announce that they have placed in charge of the business Charles R. Kelsey who is authorized to receipt for all accounts. All accounts must be settled before J uly 1st, 1888. Max Mevek & Co. For choicest Pork call on cuts of Beef. Mutton or Klenk &"Gatward. We have recently received another large lot of Peerless Steam Cookers. They save 'their price in very short time by way of saving Gasoline or Coal and are guaranteed to be the best article for the purpose ever invented and will not boil dry without giving the alarm. A large number are now In use in North Platte, and every lady is pleased with them'. TVe are sole agents for them. 3w L. Stiuckleb. Try Thacker's Ice Cream Soda Water. It is delicious. FOR SALE. u-Room House with two lots, one block east of Second ward school house, cheap. For full information apply at the pre mises. TJ. A. Daugherty. Just received at Guy's Place, five barrels of Hermitage Whisky, of the spring 1881. Yoio can always find ciar at Thack- aood er's. .Austin Powder. W. L. McGee is auent in North Platte ior.the Celebrated Austin Powder, and . dealers can get the same at umana and Chicago prices. Sportsmen will also make a note of this. FINE SAUSAGE. The sausage of all kinds manufactured by Klenk & Gatward has achieved a wide reputation for excellence. They ship large quantities to dealers up and down the road. Go to Guy's fine cigar. Place for an A No. 1 Look at some the Great Bargains offered'f or the next Ten Days. 11 yards Dress Gingham $1 00 17 yards Standard Gingham . . 1 00 12 yards Best Prints . 75 10 yards Good Prints 50 Ten-cent Lawns reduced to 3 cents. 100 doz. 50-cent Corsets reduced 25 cents. to 100 dozen Ladies' Hose worth 20 cents, 3 pair for 25 cents. 100 dozen Ladies' Hose worth 25 cents, 3 pair for 25 cents. K) Gents' Half Hose worth 20 cents, 3 pair for 25 cents. 200 dozen Ladies' Hem-stitched Handkerchiefs worth 25 cents each, 3 pair for 25 cents. 50 dozen Gents' White Shirts worth $1.25; will close out at ninety-five cents each. at 25 pair Swiss Lace Curtains, regu lar price 10, will go for 6. All Dress Goods, White Goods, Lawn, Laces and Embroideries at less than cost. PARASOLS AT HALF PRICE. T. J. FOLEY. Remember that Conway & Keith have the sole agency for the celebrated Maltese Cross Hose, the same make as has been adopted by the city water works. This is the only perfect Hose manufactured. F. C. Harding is doing all kinds of house and sign painting, kalsomining ana paper hanging and would like to da your work. He uses good material and does his work neat It will pay you to get his prices before having work done, if you want to find him, inquire at Streitz's Drug Store. Rock Springs lump or nut coal. C. F. Iddings Remember that Conway & Keith have' tk sol afacy for the calibrated Maltese has been t w. tured. i Eli Ti H Li m JAMBS BELTON has now stock as handsome a line of Furniture as any one could wish to select from. Elegant New Designs in Parlor Furni-1 ture, beautifully upholstered Turkish couches, artistic ta bles and desks, fancy chairs in great variety, bed-room suits in mahogany, cherry, ash, antique oak and walnut. THE BEST FOLDING BEDS in the market. PLUMBING. If you are thinking of using the splendid deep-well water from the water works, call at JAS. BELTON'S and get prices on plumbing. All work is done by an experienced plumber and guaranteed. I will be glad to meet any or all my debtors for settlement or I shall proceed to litigation. You had better settle or you will be sorry. Tuos. Kelihek. BU9GIES AND PHAETONS. We have iust received a fine lot of Buggies and Phaetons, which we will sell on time or for cash. Call at our store rooms and examine them. Hebsiiey & Co. , CLEAN UP. Ordinance No. 17 makes it unlawful for any one to throw refuse, manure or filth in the streets or alleys. Clean up, keep it clean and avoid trouble. Sylvester Friend, Chief of Police. BUTTERMILK for sale by tiie barrel at the creamery. The best cigar in Girl" at aicEvoy's. the city is "Irish VEAL CALVES Wanted at Klenk & Gatward's from six to ten weeks old. market price paid. market, Highest WANTED by a lady, a position as cook on a farm or ranch. J? or particulars call or address Geo. T. Snelling, North Platte, Neb IMPROVED FARMS. tat Rates, Best Terms. NO DELAY. 1 pa Oats, Corn, Bran, Shorts, and a full line of Flour at Grady's opposite the postoffice. SELLING OUT AT COST. Notice to Hay Makers, Farmers and Others. As I am going to move my blacksmith shop and stock of agricultural implements to my own residence just west of Lloyd's opera house, I will sell all my stock of lumber wagons, phaetons, huggles, buck boards and trotting wagons ; also a lot of Acme hay stackers and loaders, hay sweeps of different kinds and hay rakes of six different kinds, also Buckeye mowers, droppers and table rakes, bind ers, plows and harrows, cultivators, sulky plows, afive-tooth cultivators, double shov els, corn Dlanters, etc. COME ON FOR BARGAINS. I will rent my old stand for a livery and feed stable and with a little altera- tion will make a good one. One en closed shed 20x88 feet, good roof, one shed 16x75 feet and one shed 16x65 feet and plenty of carriage house room in front. The premises are for rent or sale on easy terms. Apply to Wm. J. Patterson, On the premises. TO FARMERS. All farmers having Fat Cattle. Calves, Chickens, Sheep or othpr farm products, suitable for our line of business, will find it to their interest to call on us. The highest market prices paid. BRODBECK & GlRMANN. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, .WAGONS. In Every Style and in Great Variety. We call especial attention, to our stock o Phsetons and Buggies, of which we have just received a large, invoice. Piices are lower this year, and we offer tham at very small margins and on time if desired, but we will not refuse to take cash. In Wagons we carry a. targe stock and supply you with almost any style. HERSHEY & CO. CAUTION. All parties indebted to us, are hereby cautioned to pay no bills of indebtedness in our favor, except to either of us, or to the First National Bank in our favor, Respectfully, F. Peale, Sr., Mrs. M. A. Peale. For Good Meat Call on BRODBECK & GlRMANN. sjiTR5u,lpposite thlProsWlHcs!' for choice groceries. Remember that Conway & Keith have the sole agency for the celebrated Maltese Cross Hose, the same make as has been adopted by the city water works. This is the only perfect Hose manufactured. TRY ORMSBY'S DOLLAR FLOUR. The best quality of Beef. Pork, Mut ton, Lamb, Veal and all kinds of sausage at Charley Leeder's North Side tf. Brooklyn Market Farmers and ranchmen, ask your grocers for I'Extra Fancy," "Royal" and "Climax" dour, manufactured by the North Platte mills. Every sack war ranted. Allum & Holtry. Baled Hay. I have a small amount of baled hay Which I will deliver at the rate of 35 cents per hundred pounds, by the bale or ton. tf C. F. Iddings. Call and get a "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stove before they are all gone. Conway & Keith. Try that Hermitage, spring 1881, at Guy's Place. Guy guarantees it to be just as represented. Ice Cream Soda Water at Thaclier's. HAIL INSURANCE! The Patterson Agency issues a Hail Insurance Policy that in case of total loss, pays the whole amount the policy called for; and in case of partial loss a propor tionate amount of the crop, any kind made, amine. reijardles of the value No deductions of Farmers, call and ex- Thaclier is on hand again ivith the popular drinh, Mead. Tiy it. IF YOU WANT Nice, fresh, dried fruits, call at Von Goetz North Side Grocery store, where you will find them and everything else in the grocery line. Cheap Coal OIL 150 Test Oil 20 cents. 175 Test Head Light 25 cents, G. R. Hammond. Choice home-cured Hams and Bacon at Klenk & Gatward's. ART LESSONS. Instructions in Charcoal Drawing, Crayon, Pointing from Nature and Life, Lustra, Kensington, and China. At my rooms, Corner Willow and Fourth Streets . Mrs. Emma Babb. My Motto; j i I 'Will not -be Undersold, j C F. ORMSBY. : Bucklin's Arnica Salve. Tho best salve in tho world for cats, braises, sores, ulcers, 6alt rheam, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skis eruptions, and positively cares piles or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money .refunded. Frico 23 cents per box. For. salobyA.F.Streitz. irr-