-VS. . . . . . - -III f 1-1 Wm Mltmt. Referred to the STEVENS &BARE, Editors asd Props. SATURDAY, JUNE 23. 1888. THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION. The Republican Convention met m Chicago on Tuesday, John M. Thurston of Nebraska being selected as temporary cbairman. Un Wed- piece of goods that will make him nesday the convention was perma- a pair 0f pants that his one dollar an nour, out some democrats al-1 Ditch Company: lecre it was an hour and a half. This county attorney. i'b Yaloa and WA ImnJ if AulOUmeU IOr TO-mOITOW. " -uiw cmava if kA uuu 1U ik VUS lllOW I -- j Q4-1-, 1 p il --f . - uuuc xuuu lie ux Liie campuim. ne sdokc i t a i. , j. j: I ri iT somewhat on the tariff miMitinn. I "EViil Knnr T. w-, UlCUUi -1- Ull UVUU pi VJVliLr. I XI, V il and illustrated how the tariff raised P. E. Sullivan granted permia-1 smith , the nrice of ffoods. A. B and fl sion to withdraw, deposit and pa-tsmitlrs are big manufacturers; foey have a pmthe'matter of his application; ' LattfJ 1 , 3 a ii lor iiQuor; license. ano. jpa I large surplus of goods, for which vL 0firpd Pifiru n aaVfirK trainS there is no sale. D is a poor man forbridee across Birdwood:Vcreek fivejrn1 who has one dollar. He sees, a also across Platte river atlOTallons. pled. iCorekeeper at wjm WpllflHS-r. Jiri last week. Jpi VA,:iJ'r;jiLocke made a fl?iife lMiii trip to Curtis last no black- Some good 'well here. the nar car came in the laborers. The 6u returning in about 5intti;tie.engine crip- nrnwrPlntto nvpr at If 1' H'lnns nled. "SFMrvH were aeiavea one Board then continued work of ex- hour. rWfr I Tl it 'v lis. i ''; araination and equalization. It. WHi n left here last nentlv organized, with M. M. Estee will W w h;ofctrav ft. fff .,u" M"ou a.uu u,mtV ',nru w w of California cnairman. liiursday j is advanced fiffcv ner cent ad va- I fWl afternoon the nominating speeches were commenced and concluded that evening, when the convention adjourned until 10 o'clock Friday morning, at which hour the ballot ing commenced . Three were taken, when the convention adjourned un- is advanced nfty per cent ad va lorem and it takes a dollar, and a half to buy the goods. The poor man pan't buy, for he only has one aonar. m tne timenenas accu mulated the other half dollar the tariff is again advanced, the price increases and he is still unable to ted constable in North Platte Pre cinct No. 1 to fill vacancy.- Adjourned until to-morrow, June 14th. Board was in session as a board of. equalization of assessment. June loth. It was decided by the board to take water from the water " works company for use of court house and -jsji-.S Stunner. 'KOWSLL PBECINCT. iNot rhaviBf geen anytning in The TuiBifin from out this way for a loaf tiate I will try and give you' what Utile jjewtj(there is flying. - We fcada'ifna raiii on Tuesday, the 19tk. -This will almost insure a crop of small irrain. xvye, iwDai and oate were sown til 7 o clock. .Lhe nlatform waslVtuxr nf7;fViDfnn;nr. tiiA. i: il-A r,r"J"v"" , b----5 vard.workof nuttinfi- insvstem to ye puuueu uy jay urumg B surplus and no sales. Why this let to lowest bidder. i i quite eite-trtly thi year and near- jwkrs.,. muv uuu uuu avuvuuu uo niibu The Tribune went to press. Below is a table showing raising the tariff increased the price Lot 4, block 133, belonging to lj all nloaioek'&ie; the three ballots: Allison Depew Fitler Gresham. . . . Harrison.... ! when there was a surplus and man- ( Masonic Lodge stricken from ufacturers anxinns fo saII . was nnf I tax list. the In galls. Phelps . Husk . . Lincoln 1st. 2d. .84 116 72 ' '75 . 99 99 2tt 114 108 79 95 13 28 16 , 25 18 25 20 229 249 33 32 2 3 .. ' 3 3d J22 88 90 v J.23 94 5 16 244 35 8 explained. Everybody knows that goods cannot be advanced that way; yet it is an argument the Democrats use, Derhans for th want of something better. Mr. Neville was called on for The assessment of Susan Prickett of Cottonwood precinct ' appearinc: erroneous was stricken from the list. It appearing to the board that the merchandise in. the store lately : occupied by McEyov is not assessed. therefore ordered that said merchan- j dise and accounts be assessed at Harvesting;' will soon be the or der ofXthe 4fJ- -Htrshey & Co. have sold atreral binders .in this Crri -ie boakwavjl. .and, most fields show a poid., The gophers were never so bad as tH'ey are this spring. 'C. ) " There "is jtm& crop 'jthat never to fail out i-this way: dry speech, but he begged to be excused $500. weatedoit effect'lit"; John De- on account of a sore throat. He C. A. Patterson, irenfiral merpbanf lay has some of it: it is a boy. Irv. jnade a few remarks, linwovor riir at Wallace not heincr assessftd. if: i qostwicfciMhe father of a bounc- - - 'Oil ItA ordered tnat ne oe assessed at $ The Kansas protest against Mr. Thurston's election as temporary chairman "was in bad taste, and was the onljr motion that received a hiss in the convention. Kansas people', are noted for their intelli gence, but their delegation must have been somewhat -cranky. In common with those alt over the state, the Republicans of Lin- 1 & 1 coin County are brim full of en- iiig as uis opinion -mac tne mam issue during the campaign would be the tariff. He did not discuss the question, however, but he took occasion to say that he believed Cleveland was a very great and good man. He was under obligations to Cleveland, he said, and we can naturally see how easy it is for him to imagine Cleveland both great and good. Mr. Bullard was then called for. He was a Democrat because after the war a lot of dirty, worthless carpetbaggers had gone south and attempted to live. He thought that and the bloody shirt was mg young m Good judges say The assessment of Luke Haley in is iMyomage of her pa, and Uottonwood precinct appearing to Mil;9wMj m be erroneous, the same is stricken from the list. June 16th. The board continued in session as aboard of equalization. Monday, June 18th. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment the full board being present. JNow comes W.H. Dudlev and Amog& are the Mrs. Germany this p: more KepQ itv and friendliness among farmers They as a rule do not indulge in much visiting. This may not be true in some localities, but the ex ceptions are few. Lack of 'of time is generally the excuse, but is rather a 'flimsy one. It is often urged by people who can always nnd a wnoie day s time wnen circus comes around, who attend auction sale in the neighborhood and run after every stump orator who conies into their vicinity.- ain't no visitor" is a remark often heard among country folks and some appear to regard this feature as a sign of virtue and a streak of goodness. But we have social na tures that ought not be starved and the cultivation of a neighborly spirit is .a public and patriotic duty, Corn needs cultivation and so does the farmer. Fred Kade of Mylander Precinct is going to build a new room and when finished there is going to be some lively times, for Mrs. Kade has promised to . give a dance in honor of her new room. S031E One. HUH r JHflPG tpM if A .tr-9" - s mam " snnn? r o arrivals this mA brothers of Thy come from claims m insures two from Now- ell precHMtrtiuaftU. Noti( aput f or a ratification mil V nf thm lirial Vnnui tn MVtn complains that the' assessor of day, the!3NL ;Ti boys have de O'Fallon precinct assessed him too elded to-pjlofa of apise no mat- high, and that he made a sworn- terhoj(ipiBlid,;( tfrfii-t North natce ton lopi CBeHMhem. turn to the county clerk, which is approved. Clerk instructed to notify W. F. Marsh to file guarantee that jail can be built for less than $8,000 as per ms plans. n : Tl .,;c 4- vol-,' fv the nominations made at Chicago " I? 4- be MuM in bM for 4U1. UlC cailirav uooiuio iiiwjuiu iect quite freelv. He differed with June 19th Mr. Neville as tarthe issues of the L Assessment ot JN. O. Meyers m nnmnn;. i at, 41. a rbomerset precmcUon. merchandise ue queswoiis prominently ais- from list. Thueston's speech,, is the best cussed the tariff, the pension and June 20th. that has been made in the conven- the "bloody shirt". He differed ine ionowing are notined to ap- tion. Hold yourselves fiT readiness! A meeting will be called for that pur pose as soon as the news is received. mWLACLE. Crops arfloekiag' lalendid after the.ram;M ,H.?Wa4lav and Jno. The plumbing for M TJ$&lm 1 ?e, efly included in hid for potatebJ or foar of the far mers haw;wuiiM an acre or two of watiMMMiM We are most happy to; for a la claim las amount ward hi tte prospects are good 1 - J m r --r -ti . .1 naar tivtA etintir wliir 4-Vin noonMOMAnl' I WISneS. An almost faultless literaryl rrom mr. Seville m another respect "7 T J J. -t ' Perso: . i . n iuiiiiimi w i a l tu r unnnin nir 1 BBS. production, it is a happy combina- -be was not nnder obhgations to C "2rf TTZZJC "Q" X J R - i i - t mi tv . i : ww- v i. . - j. . tionof eloquence and sound sense. Cleveland. j.ne democratic na- Cruzen, C. G. Griswold. W. W. Provoca aife-l-yf. x ii.; i. i. l nr' rri r, I finnnl pnnvonfi'nn Viatrinrr orlnnt-ail n l-filialiv D T. TSn-mm A Tf n-.,r.. i OUT - j nv 111 IS II HMiKIIV tlllll 11. Ill I L 11 III n- I vuuivu.ivu uwtxuk auuyuiu.a rnUMUi M. JLI. -Q.J LL. J1 UZiClI. I i . J ' . . - I , .. .i . . . .. t. . I r t tt t" fir t- v t.' chnreh ton is at once recognized by tne na- lesuiuuuu tuab terriwruu omces - - s. -7, " V, "V " o' Ti and a tion as one of the great leaders of snonm De nuea by rodents of the chlX,' TmSK it 1 I TOQnonhvn rnrrirnnai? ho nma n l. ' . " cue parry. are proud of the this- great state atfi.om v,f 0 1 ' f I ' honor accorded the Republican national convention. should be filled by residents of the 1 t - 1 i r i creiu,UB wwuiap- Meyers, 0. H. Holland, Amanda piicant tor an omce in the territory Shinkle, A. H. Davis, Sallie A. m wbich ne lived, tie didn't cet Davis. Barbara berneke. 1. Smith fellow from South & Son Co., John Benkoosky, Anton a Platte. soar, b ground Our Berneke. JO' A rjarnlirin Airl Sfill Tin lrkvwl P1an Thft first nreoifferitial standard bear- h;i t..- n 1. , , Assessment of M. C: Keith re- r iiaiiu, uuu ma vuiue wuuiu oe neara jnoii aqac: - firofthp nartv the honored guest L.-' ... ?uc o11?.??65 on personalty m r j o uunuij iub cuuiuai&ru aavocanncr 1 Mnrth Hiaffo n i fn smon ui tne aeiegauou aim uuu ul ita eecfi0n. iT-.. - , . i ; 1 cmzens me wioiwrary cuwnuau oj. By thig tinie nearl nalf th At- at il rt. ; ... I . me uonvenwon, iu occupies i- alienee had left and the 4iratifica- tion of honor and prominence, lo tion" closed iri a doleful' manner. crown the work we must now com mence to roll up the 50,000 majority. A petit) iJiruw rHKOO; faiflift iiaur" on it kthat toU iallura QKlSU 1 MJfiup on his .Tnere is any will: extended to- aar anoant of good Mart prosperity. fcjr apt to "build tae slightest acMuif to report' start with a taree stores ; operated from North -aspirations come to the Georgia's Chautauqua, in the su- burbs.ot Atlanta, proposes to excel even th'e beautiful mother by the lake. All will be ready for the season beginning in July. A feat ure will be a week for Southern lit erary people" of note, in which such ?ersons as Miss Amelia itives,. 'homas Kelson Page, Richard Mal com Johnson, Eli Sheppard, William H. Hayne, Joel Chandler Harris, arid others will participate. Each author will deliver an original lect ure or read a selection from his or her works. A nother week will be devoted to Presidents and teachers of the State universities of the South; a third week to all the teach ers of the Southern States, and so on for the whole two months. It is intended to be a literary reunion such as the South has never seen. The educational idea will not be lost sight of, and twenty or thirty teach ers, tie best that money can get, will be, employed to teach the tyo months1 normal school, which it is believed 10,000 Southern teachers will attend. CONWAY NORTH PLATTE, & KEITH, - - NEBRASKA 1 fiS. Ml ikw Conway Keith's HARDWARE Sole Agency of the Celebrated Maltese gross" r COMMISSIONERS PEOCBEDINGS. June 11th. It commg to the notice of the board that overseers of roads are While it was a foregone conclu sion that Cleveland would be nom inated, now that the deed is con-1 doing unnecessary work, therefore road overseers have an idea! circulated in the iact relative to call ing an eleetoeti to vote for a bridge across t llbrUi river about two M.Egan cited to appear before m"es. T'SKOTTO1 -creek' the board. ncJce-ipl jou. are not Lnf. 1 Wnnir iq Wallow c the pnlyiw8 who have noticed the by consent of owner from $5 to $16 spicious actions of the unmarried A.JP. Singer appointed overseer 5l Jii &OWIB 0uura e maKing of road district 28: themsalyta conspicuous by the way iney aro Mxmg up ana putting tne r.Aimu r.nmenAan best foXtr.iorward eTerytime. "In kummofiwl flicrrnaf. ia -nlainlv VlSlhlfi I the ClerJC IS the,sprinp'the young man's fancy ligKtlv- tcrrri8 to thoughts of love." .;it: -vs a utue out oi season tor iLL'Z -I i 11 a -1.-- 1 Republican Eatification at Lincoln. The adjourned meeting of the Republican state league of clubs will meet in Lincoln June 28th, at 4:30 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of ratifying the Chicago nomina tions for president and vice presi dent. This will"be the first state ratifi cation in the union, and it is ex pected that a grand Republican rally will be the result. We are now endeavoring to se cure the attendance of Hon. John J. Ingalls. His presence alond will insure a magnificent success. Prom inent men froni other states will be present and address the convention. Delegates can secure return fare at one-third regular rate by taking receipt for payment of fare in go ing to the convention. Brad. D. Slaughter, Secy. CARBOLIZED HOSE The same as has been adopted by the 5 . water works. . We are also sole agents for the CI REPUBLICAN RALLY. The Republican club of Nowell directed to notifV all precinct will hold a ratification ral- mittens," jefr we heard about several ,m, tr,A pmir,tr,aT,P vrv Dftm- roa overseers to connnetnemselves Vr "w Vuuoc Ui. ! "Ti j i -r fha nnii t-n-rr j i. in no. iti nn ninnriav otroninn una nnvs wtnia nnr ft in asm. san -i- , ,i i I vcul auu ivwi wus. ul inpir i r : " i .uxus,, uu i - - -.-r;. : - ourat. on uui puau tucj resnective distriets. Tf m 20th, at half past seven o'clock, - sm. mt ww m n eaten many a tough crow, and they is necessary the road overseers to speakers will be in attendance endured this unsavorv bird for four make plans and estimates nf mV tome everybody, have a good time. a. .i i ii nanooDsnr trT U il land lipln sfarf. fllO Vinll vnlKnrr fliaf years. Alter tne convention tne i .."'J LUC auuou or tne i ,7 , r iu'"u6 u"uu i:- a i,!. mua Doara. me consideration of the w vicrorym iwernoer. rr- bndge at O'Fallons occupied the at- campaign is open but they have no tention of the board. tale concerning rthem1 (the mittens.) IiYiT. heart for the work. Many will i.;vote the Republican ticket. Two prominent Democrats in this city iSCw have so declared if the Republicans nominate man to suit them. Thousands will abstain from vot- By order of the Sm D. Robb, Sec. Adjourned until to-morrow.8 . June 12th. The board met pursuant to law as a board of equalization. Pres ent full board and county clerk. Xow comes J. H. Jordan and riwcul MxuLcau uKuuist me mcor- :n i. rpu W f nnmfinn nf Wollono n . -il , t, xvxi Uio jcai. i" J xi. snowiner tnat the nAnsnc rafhmi . . , . , K "fa ""fe" " -j ii.. fi ii.- j j..Ti. I naa thirty-nine names of nrsnns' i. -ii .i at vi wn0 dld not -eside within the boun- Ljqw votes thev will noil m New York :a n . day night " f- xu pxuiiusea village or WW on w;.,uiAa W nil PPP "hArafnm tkn i I 7 - ' " ' i;vi. uu.v, u. tbtari. JToSr - ZZZ. S " stand of. grain. NICHOLS, The rain will make the crops. It could not have come at a better time. A few more such rains this summer and the lrnsration ditch die this ve some one is this neighborhood. and the forty thousand fraudulent X "SS-.??0118 Henry Cooper left here Wednes- mg. GAST.TN. We have bad a great many south winds the past week and they have Ex. Com. blown myriads of black potato bugs over nere. Everybody has been complaining about jlry "weather but we had a lovely rain Tuesday afternoon and every one looks as nappy as can be. Cultivators are flying around in all directions. , There plight to be more sociabil- W R0YAL?S!?dmeS lie . . :-4 WORTH OF POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. strength and wholcsomeness. More economical A marvel ot purity , Mom ficnnnmira than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition witn tho mrutitnuo of lo' weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. hoy.l uakinq i'owdek Uo. Street, New York. City. Closing Out Sale ! THE DEMOCRATIC "RATIFICATION." After two weeks of effort the Democrats finally gave notice that there would be a grand rally at the court house Saturday evening last. UUU. US JclUIjca 101 n 3 r Li. I - - .-i.l . - - - - . theorgini.ation of tte rife if iSrSTT. P.S MaTOff- bOUSht the Stock Of L. A. MfiEvOV Luia luuaiitv j ' v j Wallace being done through ld L?." Tm ? representations, is hereby recon- Dui? BrJwn moA sidered and rescinded. Now comes Isaiah JBaum and nrpspnf.fi Vna nofifinn dr.wa U.. T The band was out to arouse and in- ferring and twenty-Jeven others enthusiasm, but only two or asking for a road as follows- from Cottonwood ranch. He says everything is looking fine up there. OHORT. LOWES'l spire entuusiasm, out only two or asking for a road as follows: Corn- three dozen of the faithful could mencmg on south line of county MEDICINE PBECINCT. WrcTrPlVRlZT. Tnnp Ifif.n "E!irQi.r be induced to come out and ratify. running north nine miles be- thing is in good shape. Crops m -11 I . 1 ,i .. I tween ranerps 32 anil S3 Hv1omu LnnJ i l n r t y tween ranges 32 and 33. Ordered good so far, but small. grain is be- ginning to snow the want of rain. It. H. Langfordjand son gave us that said petition be granted, it ap pearing to the board that it is for heart to rejoice the public good that said section a call of two davs. looking ahainft. lockets. 2UI1S. aminiinitioil rP cnnli n moT I lino lm mada a Tli 1,-V I XT i i o " 19 . I 7 ' ' ' wj. auuu. u UJUXX I uxauw a puwun UlCUlTilV. I LIIH lnffiniSrS fir T.np ronnlinvo nnH I , l n raHfV a,f The application of P. E. Sullivan schools. tObaCCOIlOtlOnS, Organs, Sate, Talk about icycles; the meeting was an iceburg. The fact is the Democrats have no over the' nomination as Cleveland, nr Thev have resntnh for Tbnrman I for liqnqr Kcense in Wallace pre- John W. Hinion of North Platte A I ninnf io hamhvwi4Al 11 -1 l , .... Like all ' Americans they honor I r' J ?Tn. n!re ?,e.veral yi81tmS t-.r, i . n , o. jiuo. jiuu-garei tne lavis ramines. ability, but they are tired of this Struthers and complains that she is Whistler.onr nnfprl aMf ii i ,i i - i . I . . l r. ugvui, luau-uursmp, especially wnen tne cnuueuuaiy asaessea ior personal Has resumed his position and will man is only a big pile of obesity. t153 LOOO na h, wnicn Beach T Hinman. f h nrerlpnf. wrngfound to be the case it is or- -i l I ria-rori hv tho hn fha( aU 1 I 1 ' l i r - ... of the club, occupied tbe chair, i UiTlZ SSSTSSS: !SS5 6t ll,r 7 T. i. : Le ii.. i-r .lwI5wuo uuiuu uusuiess icaiit tuc vrxxxy ncuiuuiat 1x1 i i rum LUK iisl- I Iaw i ' i ui isn. i k xuc uuuu-ut JLravia irotter lor l lnr tut hnn was kwL-an loi- luau uvcraeei ior jaimwooa nre- wppIt anH imA ..- i AAV we now offer it for sale at the PRICES ; r ever offered in this city. Watches, Rings, cigars cases as we was the house who, had a smile on his face, a slight relief to the funeral aspect of the affair. Jfaj. tRisse was the first speaker, cinct. road disfcrinf. Kn 97 i lAMlr lwi.:i xi.- t l j " . , Ao-ubtur i nxtuc me imrMjnuer was under ar- approyed. t . Ut We don't want a dmn - ril I I.l I mm . . I ... x. u. roiev annears netnre f.hP Imm if. '-'.til ' 1X1011 about three-quarters of j board in betialf of the Irration jlawi show and fixtures must go at any price. shall close out everything by June 25th. fiail narlv and 2ret some bargains. Anv go east next week. 4 ' T . . ! i j. -n i i -t Attorney J red H. JJentley arrived gUOJLlb juuaiaj oiou vvijjl ue xt?i5xvt;u uutu June 25th by paying 15 per cent down, bal ance cash at that time. Parties owing ac- r ij coujits will please call at the store at once and? settle, 0. R. KELSEY, Agent, i ' for Max Meyer & Bro. is carried on according to New and Elegant Goods, THE STOCK OF THE Star Clothing House1 must be reduced within co short time. . The stock has been sold to WEBER $ VOLLMEB a at great sacrifice. H. Ottenhas the privilege of reducing the stock for a time. Whatever can be sold at. wholesale cost ivill go. FIjYE clothing, hats, caps, boots SHOES, FUBNISHIjYG GOODS, ' will q'o eheav. cheav. cheap, for they must go - m ' y 0 s m 0 quick. This is no cheap stock but positively the best stock west of Omaha. It is complete in all particulars and we will sell goods at almost half the price that out competitors ask. I am deter mined that the goods shall go with a rush, so doji'twait. I maintain on the counters ivhail assert' on paper and all goods warranted as rep- resented. Call anci see me at-the STAR CLOTH- IJtfG HOUSE. M. OTTEN