ittf Mttttt. 'I STEVENS & BARE, Editors ajjdPbops 13 SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1888. J. I. Nesbltt has acrantori tion to deliver the oration as Ansley, Cus- tct vyu., uu me fouixn. Home-grown new potatoes will be in the market in a week or so. The earl v potato raiser is the one who catches the ducats. If the DartV who- borrnwfid Conwsv & Keith's stove lifters will return the same he will receive the thanks of the -firm. We understand the creamery has se- cirea a market in Denver for all its product over and above the home con sumption. The tity schools closesd yesterday ana ine cmiaren will doubtless enjoy tneir summer vacation after ten months of school work. Married. On June 10, 1888, by Rev. Adam Stump, Mr. Wm. Buchanan of Elsie, Neb., and Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Yates of this city. A. J. XMi ot iiraay island came up yesterday morning intending to take this morning's train for Chicago to see the next President nominated. W. J. Patterson will erect a brick building on his lot west of the opera house to be used as a blacksmith shop and will shortly remove from his present stand. The Catholics of this city always give pleasant entertainments and the fair which commences next Tuesday evening will be no exception. We hope to see a large attendance each evening. Children's services in the Lutheran church next Sabbath. Subject for the morning, "Lessons from the Life of Samuel." Children's exercises in the evening. H. M. Grimes has accepted an invi tation to deliver an oration at Buch anan on the fourth. Mr. Grimes' schol arly attainments insures the people a worthy address on that occasion. Bills are out announcing a Democra tic rally at the Court House this evening. We make this anouncement because our Democratic contemporary over on Locust street will say that the meeting is on Sunday evening and we don't want our Democratic friends fooled that way. The attention of contractors is called .to the advertisements inviting bids to build the jail and several bridges. There will be a large amount of public building done this summer, in spite of commenc ing late. Fishing is not so good as it was last year, experts only being able to make a catch. Thacker and Whitlock took a crip up the river Wednesday afternoon and re turned with one pike only. It was quite a nice one, however, weighing two pounds and a quarter. Remember that Conway & Keith have the sole agency for the celebrated Maltese Cross Hose, the same make as has been adopted by the city water works. This is the only perfect Hose manufactured. Merchants should bear in mind that newspapers are always booming the town, but that the advertising columns are the best guide as to whether the town is booming. The advertisements are what the stranger measures the town by. Would it not be well to have Lincoln county represented at the state fair this fall? By a little effort we cam send a collection of grain and vegetables that jwould compare, favorably, with. . it not exceed, those raised in other sections of the state. It had been the intention of the Water Works Company to resume the work of laying mains this week, but heavy rains at Kearney, where the pipe gang is at work, delnyed operations and prevented the arrival of the men. They are expected here this week, when an ef fort will be made to get the mains down by the specified time, July first T. C Patterson has purchased the lots at the Corner of Sixth and Spruce streets, commonly known as the Neary corner, the purchase price being $4,500. This puts the property into a shape that' it can be improved, and we understand it is Mr. Patterson's intention to erect a building thereon this season, if possible. W. S. Cox who killed the gray wolves that had been destroying cattle and colts near Maxwell, has been presented with eleven j-earling heifers by the people and they are not through yet. In addition to this he received a bounty of three dollars for each scalp from the county, the whole reward being about $150. He hunted seven days and killed seven wolves. People who a couple weeks ago com plained of the cold weather are now equally pronounced in their denunciation of the heat. The Tribune weather reg ulator long ago became convinced that he couldn't suit everybody and now deals out such weather as he thinks the good of the people and the country demands. a rmmr man residing not over a thousand miles from North Platte is just .n-n frnm a serious illness which was caused, it is said, by kissing his best nMtc mnmd cheek. A friend at our el bow suggests that any man who fools away his time on his best girl's cheek when her lips are only an inch away de serves to be sick. x tt "MF.vnv hns rented the north -A- V.o rnnm nPXt to the DOSt-OffiCe and will engage again m the jewelry bus iness. Mr. McUivpy'is now m uiwago i ;rr tic Ktnrk. which though not i Jin v nf thfi latest designs and will be sold as low as consistent With v,;BCc nrinpinles. THE TRIBUNE ;.t,.c TU"or enpppsi. m his new business and respectfully asks that he be given a share of the public patronage. Tn ht fow Indies in the citv who are discouraged because leap year is passing swiftly by and Cupid's shaft has not yet nierced them we offer the following verse i There never was a goose so gray, But some day, soon or late, Some honest gander came her way And took her for his mate. Phildrpn's Dav was aDDronriately ob served at the Methodist and Presbyterian churches Sunday, Dotn eainces ueing packed morning and evening. intr Thp, reaneetive rooms were filled with fragrance emenating from the large display of plants and flowers, birds sang otw within the cases which were h.nfrinir on the walls, the children re- .cited nicely, the songs were well rendered 'inri the, audiences were, in a haDDV hu mor. Those who failed to attend missed & very pleasant evening. Indications ooint to a dull summer rvifliic- md -npnnlp, who delight to be en- tortninprl in various wavs are bemoaning iioir fntP. Tt of course depends alto- nnnn the neoDle whether social mtharinorc arp. flW Or freOUCnt. Infor mal evening parties are always pleasant occasions and do not require mucn worK 5n nransrinar fnr thpm- denies STO always jolly and can be gotten up on short no tice; lawn tennis and archery are pleas ant sports and several clubs could be formed in fact there are many availa ble means of amusement if the people are inclined to make use of thenv For Good Meat Call on BRODBECK & GlRMANN . The Ladies of the Baptist Church expect to give a Literary and Ice Cream entertainment Friday evening, June 29th. Services at the Baptist Church June 17th: Morning Subject. "Lessons from the Fall of Jericho"; Evening, "Manli ness." Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Rev. Geo. W. Wainright, state secre tary of the American Bible Society, will preach m the Presbyterian Chnrch Sun day morning. All are invited. JNo ser vices in the evening. June Apportionment of School Money The semi-annual June apportionment ' of interest derived from the permanent cphnnl fund is 953 986 .24. No. of children in the state 298,985 Rate per scholar $?-?66 No. of children in Lincoln county. . ,40 Apportioned to Lincoln county. .$2,129 16 rrt ill 1 fn. hn rilf. Ams money win ue i cuuy "- " ferent school districts as soon as the same can be apportioned by the county super intendent. PEOPLE AlfD O. H. P. Buchanan wm Thurs Thursday the thermometer registered The Fouth. over 85 degrees in the shade at the signal Preparations to observe the day in office, the hottest dav of the period up to North Platte are beinff slowly made. At that time. Yesterday the mercury ran the meeting Monday night it was decided up to at a o ciock. ' to place the celebration under tne auspi Colgate Hoyt. Director f the Oregon ces of the fire department. Committees iiauroaa ana navigation vAimpauy, wiw a party of friends, went west on the Over land Flyer Monday night They occu pied a special car. Remember that Conway fc Keith have the sole agency for the celebrated Maltese Cross Hose, the same make as has been adopted by the city water works. This is the only perfect Hose manufactured McMahon's circus exnibited nere on Tuesday." in soite of reports tnat tne con cern had bit the dust. As a show it was creditable and gave satisfaction to all who attended. There was a good aud ience to see the performances, both af ternoon and evening. The new court house at tfandv was dedicated last week, on which occasion the people of Logan county had quite a celebration. Among the speakers were Judge Hamer, H. M. Grimes, J. S Hoag land, J . W. Bixler and A. u. unurcn The building cost slightly over $6,000 finished complete. The California, Nevada and Utah delegations to the Republican National Convention passed through this city at 5:30 yesterday morning on a special mak- - m i a mg overland nyer time, ine coasiis said to be solid for Blaine. Mr. and Mrs. Harley have been busy a couple weeks soliciting subscribers for a circulating library, navmg tuus lar se cured about ,a hundred names. A. F Streitz will have charge of the library. The plan seems to be a very good one. R D. Thomson of this city was a bidder for the contract of erecting the Keith countv court house. In dollars and cents Mr. T. was slightly the highest bidder, but if the truth could be known we believe he is actually the lowest, for to make arrangements and one to solicit donations were appointed. At a meeting of the committee Thursday evening, a program was outlined and a subcommit tee appointed to perfect it to report next Tuesday evening, at which time there will be a general meeting at tne tourt house. "Dave" never was known to slight a job. The attendance of buyers at the Evans & Waldo horse sale Saturday af ternoon was not very large and their de mands were soon satisfied, when the sale closed. Those sold brought very good prices, one 5 year old mare bringing $185. After the public sale, a number were sold at private sale at fair prices. Most of the colts were well-bred grades, readily at tracting buyers. Remember that Conway & Keith have the sole agency for the celebrated Maltese Cross Hose, the same make as has been adopted by the city water works. This is the only perfect hose manufactured. Fifteen or-twenty Democrats gather ed at the court house Wednesday evening to talk over party matters ana nave a kind of a good time, vre suppose. A few Republicans went in, but an intimation that their presence was not desired, caus ed them to retire. Evidently they are trying to get up an enthusiastic leenng. but the wbole party ooay is so iuu oi malaria they find this a dilhcult job. About 10 o'clock loud huzzihs were heard issuing The School Investigation. The investigation, on the charges pub lished m The Tribuxe last week, into the conduct of the schools under Mr. All wine's management, was resumed this week and completed on Wednesday. Mr. Hoagland appeared before the board and made quite a lengthy statement, besides having previously filed a written state ment, of the" reasons why he believed Messrs. AlLwine and Bverlv should not be re-elected. Mrs. W. 31. Hinman also made an argument in favor of having new teachers. Of the members of the board, 3Ir. Sullivan took a leading part in sustaining the course of the teachers, while 3Ir. Hmman conducted the investi gation. After all parties had been heard, the board proceeded to the election of teachers. Railroad and Telegraph Assessment. The assessment of the railroads and telegraph lines in this county was received from' the State Auditor by the county clerk Thuasday evening. The Western Union Telegraph Company operates the line along the Union Pacific. The tele graph lines along the JN. to U. are sup posed to belong to the road. Tne Western Union Telegraph Co. is assessed as follows : 31.62 milea, 8 wires, S160 $5,091.29 26.82 miles, a wires, $115 3,084.30 26.82 miles, 2 wires, S65 1,743.30 S9.918.S0 679,512.80 at Union Pacific, 58.62 miles of road SU.440 ter mile Nebraska & Colorado It. 11. 46.73 miles at S4.750 ier mile 221,499.10 Total valuation S902.499.10 lotal number of miles of railroad in the county 105.3a ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. Having been formed into a corporate bodr, in accordance with the law, for the purpose of furthering the interests of education, we wish to announce to the citv of JN orth IJlatto and vicinity that in the profundity of our massive intellects we have conceived the brilliant idea of founding a training school for the benefit of our sisters-in-law, nieces, daughters, and intimate friends who may wish to en ter the profession of teaching. This school will be operated on a novel plan, one which needs explanation, but which we believe will give complete satisfaction to those directly interested, and redound to the credit of the originators. We wish to place before the people a few of the many admirable features of this wonder ful scheme. It is our intention to put from the court room, and j onr pet theory into practical operation by something good the supposition is that had been said. In taking the census of sections' 14 and 15 in 10-34 which it was proposed to incorporate as the village of Wallace,.the enumerators got consiaeraoi csulcu, ap parently. One thing that mixed mailers more or less is the fact that in the village there are a number of people at worK who own homesteads quite long distances outside, consequently are not actual resi dents of the territory proposed to be in corporated. By accident they w ere "put on the list" and helped to swell tne ngures to the necessary two hundred. But still there seemed to be a shortage, sma tue intimation is made that hotel registers were searched. When a man wants wet goods he wants 'em bad, and will not al ow little trifles to stand m his way. Election of Teachers. After the Board of Education had heard the arguments of those desiring a change of teachers, a motion was auupieu. iu mu ceed to the election of teachers, the test of course being on the principal. 3Ir. Allwine was elected paincipal by a vote of four to two. For assistant principal the ballot was evenly divided, there being nnlv three votes for Mr. Byerly. So the oloftinn nf an assistant, wnu is uiw usuuutji in the high school, was deferred. The estimates and levy for the ensuing .oar trill nrnhahlv be made at the next J meeting. . ... Following is a complete list ot tue teachers elected, showing the department in which each will work. Principal. H. W. Allwine. Central School. 1st Grammar, Anna 31. Cronen; 2d 'Grammar, Mrs. wia mever: Intermediate, Annie Stolle. First Ward. Principal, Nettie uraves; Assistant, 3Iary E . Sullivan. Kpp.ond Ward. frincipai, urne uie- land: Intermediate, Bertha ihoeiecKe, Primary, Eunice saooit. Third Ward. fnncipai, jiury uonway ; Assistant, Carrie Bowen. Bratt School. Maggie England. Thomas School. Mary Loftus. Has Not Left. A short time ago A. Hibner appeared before the County Commissioners and represented that F. 31. Jennings, assessor fnr Wax UreeK orecmci. naa ieii, ine country, and was not periorming tne work of assessor. As Hibner was on Jennings' bond, and consequently a very . . .ft ft 5 A 3 interested party, tne ooaru appomteu Hibner assessor; but by the time Hibner had got back to the precinct Jennings had returned and commenced the assessment. Hibner of course retired gracefully from that field of duty. Now Jennings writes us and desires the report that he had left the country, contradicted. He says he "never thought of leaving the country, nor does he ex pert to leave it. " And then he fires into us a connundrum, viz, "What is the best remedy to stop tongues from attending to other folks' business?" Dear 3Ir. Jen nings, the experience of ages has demon strated that the cold and clammy hand of Death is the only remedy. The Wallace Saloon Business. The people of Wallace and vicinity have had considerable controversy lately over the question of establishing a salpon in that village. There is quite a num ber who want a saloon, , while a much larger number it appears do not think it would be for the best interests of the vil lage and surrounding country to have one of these institutions, and they protest. The saloon men argue that it will be bet ter to have liquor sold openly rather than surrepticiously. The temperance people think otherwise. While the very thirsty and craving may be able to obtain a small amount of liquor this way, there will not be that temptation to moderate drinkers, young men and boys that a saloon holds out. On the remonstrance were the names of a large number of women, but we think there were none on the petition. After hearing the evidence introduced by both sides, the County Commissioners re jected Sullivan's application. dav. G.W. Peterson of GarflOkopped in on us 3Ionday. , C. S. Guthrie, f ormeriysnag on claim near Nichols, wmmfmhe, city Tuesday. Mrs. W. 31. Holtry andHfeti went to Des 3ioines TMMarBNMC on a visit to relatives. Miss Anderson, of GtoMBwi; Iowa, is in the city, the eueet of her Aer.Mni. W H. Ij. Woodhurst. . vij 3Irs. F. A. Shepard parents in Council there for a couple ; Jas. McDonald: the university at Uaedro! home to-morrow. Elmer Baker and Walter turned the early part of the state university at iii; Mrs. C. W. Price and left Tuesday morning for thev will visit relatives for After seeing his builditfe Ben Holteen left for hia Paul, 3Iinn., the early part Mr. and3Irs. Thoa. Keli Wednesday evening from which city they had been weeks. 31 r. Dodson. local cdkor New Era, came up tke for week to look after his urn of the city. Ed. P. 31ickel, represe tionerv department of the nal Co., paid his reapectf Tuesday. Mrs. Lvnch, whp ,ha Mrs. W. W. Conklin, wentVwaW day's No. 4. It is said that three of the ipung ladies who have been teacWag tne city snhnnla thfi nast vht wuriaortnrenter the bonds of matrimony. "g H. 31. Grimes returned It early part nf thfi wppIc from Bedford. tewa, where he went to see 3Irs. Griaeejad the boy, who are visiting relatives atrmat place ted re Ifrom Herbert V I wuere ced, .In St. week returned in veral ey l the north .i sta- 'Jotir- office tof 3Ion- sale fe ncing the 'Adams and y to . occur of the firm was in the i flourish- placing the pupils of our training school in the schools of our city End furnishing them children upon which to operate. For six hours a day the ltttle ones will be subjects in the hands of the members of this training school. Sletopborically speaking they will be desected and every portion will be minutely examined m or der that our pupils may arrive at a con clusion in regard to the development ot the intellect, and learn that the mind of a little child is more frail, and infinitely more precious, than the embryo ot tne most delicate flower that the Creator caused to bloom, and too valuable for in experienced hands, with their injurious experiments to touch. The projectors of this ingenious plan have formed them selves into an examining committee, and all persons wishing to enter the school must apply to them for a card of admit tance, and must also provide themselves with a certificate -setting forth that they are in some way related to, or a. near friend of, at least one member of the committee, or the principal of the insti tution; but it must be distinctly under stood that, if upon examination, an appli cant displays a peculiar faculty to teach, has the qualification to instruct cognate with herself, the application will be pre emptorily rejected, and the candidate re fused admission within the sacred pre cincts of this intellectual establishment. It is necessary further to set forth, if the managers of this project should at any time discover that any student, through inefficient examina tion, should gain admission, or after be ing admitted, should exhibit an unusual propensity to impart instruction, she will be removed, and her place filled with another whose ideas are more in keeping with Ihose of the founders of the estab lishment. To those who have in the past, and who will continue in the future, to furnish their little ones, as subjects upon which our pupils may conduct ex periments, our most hearty thanks are due, and iu return for the kindness shown, we will use our utmost endeavor, to visit the school as seldom as possible, to take no interest in its success, to have our students display as little energy as possible, and kill out any foreign vegeta tion that might spring up, conducive to the best interests of the schools. We guarantee to you that your children shall make no progress, that they shall grow up stunted in intellect, meagre in knowl edge, deficient in general information, de fective in judgment, imperfect in all that development so desirable to round up and complete a. grand and noble character. In concluding this somewhat lengthy ad vertisement, of this most peculiar institu tion, we briefly refer to the solid financial basisr upon which it stands, differing in every particular from any school of learn ing ever founded, in that those who are to be benefitted, and who .will finally de velop into teachers are paid excellent salaries for their kindness in consenting to enter into training in our remarkable es tablishment. We feel satisfied that the people recognize the great benefit we wish to confer upon our friends and we are proud to know that they will contri bute largely of their means to build up and strengthen in our midst one of the most brilliant schemes ever devised for our benefit. P. Chimera, 3Ianager. V. Reverie. Secretary. cautjtonT All parties indebted to us, are hereby cautioned to pay no bills of indebtedness in our favor, except to either of us, or to the First National Bank in our favor, Respectfully, F. Peale, Sr. Mrs. 31. A. Peai.e NATIONAL CIRCULATING LIBRARY. The books for the above have been placed with the librarian, A. F. Streitz. of the Spruce street Drug Store . It will open for business June 21st, when all who have paid the membership fee can procure catalogues and commence to draw books. Invitations are out ai coming nuptials of Frank 31is's Lola Gillett, the cere iha 9.1 fit 3 S. C. Chase, senior mem of S. C. Chase & Co., Wall citv Thursday. Business is ing condition and bright crej prospects make the people happy. 3Iisses Blanche and Belleluckworth, daughters of Dr. Buckwerth arrived home from Brownell Hall Seminary this week. Miss Belle was' a member of the graduating class. JPC 3Iessrs. Jordon, Willis &iafl Editor Jackson were in the city Safcwlay, their principal business being to oeat the es tablishment of a saloon in tktir promising village. From appearancesltneir labors were not in vain. M J. W, Wilson, of the PaxmniPitot, was a caller at these headquarters luesday. He has about completed thejwork of ar- rancinir the material which &V purchased in this city and after next wek the Pilot, which has heretofore been neiBiea at tuis office will be issued from tblome office S. D. Wads worth and M; att, both former residents;) were married at uoustoa. Wednesday. After a wei New Orleans and other they will return to Council future home . Many Ine: extend them best wishes. I E. H. Shaw of the Ban&ffc Lattie this city, exas, last g tour to rn cities, luffs; their n this city Villace, smvp. -The Tribute a nleasaitcall Thurs dav. Mr. S. represents tKaSiiasiuess is and has been very heavyiif Wallace" this Spring, there being a large scope ot tbicK- ly 'settled country extending, south into Hayes and Chase counties tributary to Wallace as the most accessible railroad point. Thos. O'Neal and Miss Nellie Wulsh were united in marriage ai me oaiuoui; ; harmony his thirst for goro wonltl be forgotten. Wednesday morning, Father Conway i The next time we go a-fishingwe shall use this officiating, and in the evening the happy ; embrocation and will have no other, and will couple took the train for the east, expect- guarantee to use no other afterward. ing to spend about ten days with trends inlllinois. The conlracting parties are J -nell known here, are popular, and have j the best wishes of the people for a pleas- Commencement Exercises. lho commencement exercises of the graduat ing class of 1888 from the high school of this city were held in Lloyd's opera hbose Thursday even ing. Though they were to begin at half past seven, on account of the lateness of some of the members of the Board of Education to pat in an appearance, it was much later before they com menced. At 8:90 the graduates, four in nam ber, Miss Birdie McGaahey, Miss Opal Mc Gaohey, Miss Jennie Carlson and Miss Annie Kramph, were conducted to the stage by Profs. Allwine and Byerly, followed by tho Board of Education and Revs. Hall and Stump. After the male quartette had song "Star of the Evening" in a very pleasing way, Bev. Hall was called upon to open the exercises with prayer. Then followed the salatatory by Miss Carlson whose subject wae "Mi Louise M.' Alcott," a sketch of. the life and works of this admirable woman, displaying depth of thought, delivered in an interesting manner, and appreciated by the audience. Following this was an artistically rendered solo by Miss Benrley, and then came H. Sullivan, Bpeaking for the Board of Educa tion, who in his inimitable way delivered what he termed an hour and thirty minutes' speech, ending with a "prodigious" compliment to the graduating class. At this juncture, and much to the surprise and pleasure of the audience, the fine orotund voice of Hon. John I. Nesbitt was heard, who in a few, but well chosen sentences introduced Major Henderehot who, on coming forward, told a laughable story of the minister (not Mr. Martin) who had the devil in his coat- tail, and he then proceeded to play a selection. on the drum, as only the Major can, accompanied by his son with the fife, "Harmony in Nature" was the subject of Miss Opal McGauhey's choice. This delightful essay was Buthcient to convince tne most skeptical that the had devoted much and careful thought- to the beauties and harmony of the old dame; and the finely selected sentences with her pleas-. ing delivery: thww a oba-iRto;;icr wrking,:at onco attracting 'and holding 'the Jtwatlon of those present. The essay "Should1 our boyf have superior ad vantages to our girls", delivered by Miss Annie Kramph was most excellent, showing that she understood tho nguts to which her sex is en titled and was prepared in a logical manner to champion their cause. The solo "Only a Bream of My Mother" was rendered by Mr. Bare assisted in the chorus by Messrs. Swarthout, Warner and Williams, after which the diplomas were pre sented by Principal Allwine, who in a short but well-timed and feeling address to the members of the class showed his appreciation of them as pupils and how deeply he was interested in their future prosperity. Major Henderehot again ap peared and after giving the audience a specimen of tho way in which he can handle the drum sticks was greeted with rounds of applause. Then fol lowed the valedictory by Miss Birdie McGauhey, her subject being "America our Choice," a poem of more tlian orJinary merit and one which would do credit to a poetess of much greater pre- tensoins than is Miss McGauhey. Well written and nicely delivered, it was an effort of which any young lady should feel justly proud. Mr. Byerly acted as manager of tho exercises, and taking them as a whole they were pleasing and instructive and appreciated by all who attended. Owing to the excess of rains, mosquitoes, never very bad here, are more numerous this year than usual, and the buffalo gnat, ah, we al ways have this little pest in June and July. To protect themselves from tho latter, cowboys for merly used a net made of veiling placed over the hat and fastened around tho neck. Town people generally use oil of pennyroyal, a small quantity of which rubbed on the back of the head, behind 10 ears and over tho eyes favorite feeding grounds of the "beast" forming a very good protection for a short time, but should be ap plied about every hour to bo effectual. Abetter remedy where persons are out all day or nights for protection against both gnats and mosqui toes is a mixture of equal parts of grease and tar rubbed on the face, hands and all exposed parts. The application is said to wash off readily with the use of soap and water, but we imagine tho wearer does not present a very beautiful ap pearance, unless. Eome.harrQless. jcoloringmatter. is used to produco artistic effect. We suggest that the eyehrows, nose, lips and ears might be trimmed with vermilliou, with here and there a stripe of blue, tho whole producing a harmoni ous effect highly pleasing to the eye. By this means the mosquitoes' admiration would be attracted, and while admiring the beautiful 5. J. ftoley, J7ry oodts. REDUCED PRICES On Lawns, Laces and Par asols. French Kid Shoes at reduced prices. Dongola Shoes' forl!dies-aridr chil dren. Goat and Grain Shoes for Misses. Lawns reduced to three cents, Laces, good quality, half price; Dress Goods 5, 10, M, 15, 17i, 20 and 25 cts; 'Ginghams, very best, all colors, 9 cents; Prints, best quality, 6 cents; Prints, second quality, . 5 centsu; ams,,;stai Money to Loan ON IMPROVED FARMS. Lowest Rates, Best Terms. . NO DELAY. SI PATTM. Go to Grady's opposite the postofflc for choice groceries. A . 'i TRY ORMSBY'S ' DOLLAR FLOUR. Rock Springs lump or nut coal, C. P. Iddikgs? Billed Hay. f havo n small, amount of baled hilV which T will deliver at the rate of 85 cents per hundred pounds, by the bale or . j -n T ton. u i. x. jldijitios Gall and get a "Quick UmlZ uasoiine stove , oeiorc idct-jbtb mi gOW!. ant and happy future. Teu wagon loads of hogs came iu from Arnold, Monday afternoon, andAvere pur chased by E. G. West, at five .cents per pound. Gothenburg Independent. Relative to the inquiry made in The Tribune a short time ago, the Chicago Inter-Ocean says : "Memorial .Day should be used instead of-Decoration Day. Decoration Day is not known by the Grand Army. In the South 'Decoration Day' is correct." F. C. Harding is doing all kinds of house and sign painting, kalsomining and paper hanging and would like to do your work. He uses good material ana does his work neat. It will pay you to get his prices before having work doae. If 3rou want to hnd him, inquire fat btreitz's Druse Store. X TO FARMERS. All farmers having Fat Cattle Calves, Chickens, Sheep or other farm products. suitable for our line of business, will find it to their interest to call on us. The highest market prices paid. BRODBECK UIIMfAXX. BUGGIES, PHTON WAGONS. In Every Style and1 in Great Variety. We call especial attention to our stock of Phaitons and Buggies, o which we have inst received a large invoice, f nces are lower this year. and we offer thsm at verv small margins and on time if desired, but we will not refuse to take cash. In Wagons we carry a large stock and supply you with almost any style. JdEKSUEY & CO. Oats, Corn, Bran, Shorts, and a full line of Flour at Gradv's opposite tho postoffice. -Great preparations are beins made for the Loug Pine Chautauqua, which will be in session from July 12th to 21th inclusive jnst in time to permit thoso who participate in the Crete fes tivities to pack their "dunnaso" and get there for the first- day. Rev. Geo. W. Martin of this city is president. Cattlemen are jubilant over tho recent ad vance in prices. At Omaha fat cattle readily brought six cents, while hogs were $5.40. Lin coln county will have a big lot of stock to put put on the market this year. FOR SALE CHEAP. A lot of Champion Hay Stack ers and Sweeps that I will sell almost for nothing. I must sell them as I can't give them my time any longer. Come and buy before they are all gone. Thos. Keliner. Ti'jj Thacker1 s Ice Cream Soda Water. It is delicious. FOR SALE. o-Room House with two lots, one block east of Second ward school house, cheap. For full information apply at the pre mises. U. A. Daughekty. The best quality of Reef, Pork, Mut ton, Lamb, Veal and all kinds of sausage at Ch Alt ley Leedeii's Korth Side tf. Brooklyn Marker. SELLING OUT AT COST. Notice to Hay Makers. Farmers axd Others. As I am going to move my blacksmith shop and stock of agricultural implements to my own residence just westi of Lloyd's opera house, I will . sell aU'my stock of lumber wagons, phajtons, buggies, buck boards and trotting wagons; also a lot of Acme hay stackers and Joaders, hay sweeps of different kinds and hay rakes of six different kinds, also Buckeye mowers, droppers and table rakes, bind ers, plows and harrows, cultivators, sulky plows, five-tooth cultivators, double shov els, corn planters, etc. COME ON FOR BARGAINS. 1 will rent my old stand for a livery and feed stable and with a little altera tion' will make a good one. One en closed shed 20x88 feet, good roof, one shed 16x75 feet and one shed 1.6x65 feet and plenty of carriage house room in front The premises are for rent or sale on easy terms. Apply to Wm. J. Patterson-, un mo premises. Farmers and ranchmen, ask your grocers for x'Extra Fancy," "Royal" and "Climax" Hour, manufactured by the North Platte mills. Every sack war ranted. Allum & Holtry. IF YOU WANT Nice, fresh, dried fruits, call at Von Goetz North Side Grocery store, where you will find them aud everything else in the grocery line. Just received at Guy's Place, five barrels of Hermitage Whisky, of the spring 1831. Yoio can always find a good cigar at TJiack- er's. Austin Powder. W. L. McGee is agent in North Platte for- the Celebrated Austin Powder, and dealerB can get the same at' Omaha and Chicago prices. Sportsmen will also make a note of this. FINE SAUSAGE. The sausage of all kinds manufactured by Klenk & Gatward. has achieved a wide reputation for excellence. They ship large quantities to dealers up and down the road. goods, 6 cents; Velvets, all widths, at cost. . Immense bargains in all departments. Great Attractions, Reduc tions QComplete, Patronage Solicited. T. J. FOLEY. d. n m R JAMES BELTON has now in stock as handsome a line of Furniture as any one could wish to select from. Elegant New Designs in Parlor Furni ture, beautifully upholstered Turkish couches, artistic ta bles and desks, fancy chairs in great variety, bed-room suits in mahogany, cherry, ash, antique oak and walnut. THE BEST FOLDING BEDS i--lU."""lUWXlI'.tV: just as representee 1 HHH 'URanKS Ice Cream Soda Water at TJiacker's. HAIL INSUBANGE! The Patterson Agency issues a Hail Insurance Policy that in case of total loss, pays the whole amount the policy called for; and in case of partial loss a propor tionate amount resardles of the value of the crop, any kind made, amine. No deductions of Farmers, call and ex- Thacker is on hand again ivith the popular drink, Mead. Tiy it. Horses and Cattle for Sale. I have 100 head of she cattle for sale and about 100 head of stock and work horses, mostly mares. Will be sold by the head or by the bunch: Terms easy. Apply at Stoddard's livery stable, this city. 173 A. M. Stoddard. Cheap Coal OIL 150 Test Oil 20 cents. 175 Test Head Light 25 cents. G. R. Hammond. at Choice home-cured Hams and Bacon Klenk & Gatward's. . ART LESSONS. Instructions in Charcoal Drawing, Crayon, Painting from Nature and Life, Lustra, Kensington, and. China. At my rooms, Corner Willow and Fourth Streets". Mrs. Emma Babb. My Motto; : L Will nnt. hn : " C F 0 PLUMBING. If you are thinking of using the splendid deep-well water from the water works, call at JAS. BELTON'S and get prices on plumbing. All work is done by an experienced plumber and guaranteed. I will be glad to meet any or all my debtors for settlement or I shall proceed to litigation. You had better settle or vou will be sorry. Thos. Keliher. 2w Washburn flour at Grady's opposite the postofflce. NOTICE. North Platte, Neb., JUme 7, 1888. I have this day sold all my stock and book accounts to Max Meyer & Co. to whom all payments should be made. An acerit of the above firm will be at my former place of business to receipt for same. L. A. McEvoy. RMSBY. B. I. HnraiAX. T. Fcxtox Gantt. HTNjVIAN & GAOTT, jSLttornoys - at - Xiaw. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Office over tho Postoffice. Bucklin's Arnica Salve. The Best salvo in the world for cuts, braises. Bores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skis eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay re. quired. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction er money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. F. Streitz. North Piatte, Neb., June 7, 1888. The undersigned having bought the stock" and book accounts of L. A. Mc Evoy beg leave to announce that they have placed in charge of the business Charles R. Kelsey who is authorized to receipt for all accounts. All accounts must be settled before July 1st, 1888. Max Meyer & Co. I have just received a fine stock of Dodson & Hill's celebrated mixed pickles, both sweet and sour. These are fine goods. V. Vox Goetz, North Side Grocery Store. For choicest cuts o f Beef. Mutton or Pork call on Klekk & Gatward. We have recently received another large lot of Peerless Steam Cookers. They save their price in very short time by way of saving Gasoline or Coal and are guaranteed to be the best article for the purpose ever invented and will not boil dry without giving the alarm. A large number are now in use in North Platte, and every lady is pleased with them. We are sole agents for them. 3w L. Strickler. BU9GIES AND PHAETONS. We have just received a fine- lot of Buggies and Phaetons, which we will sell on time or for cash. Call at our store rooms and examine them. Hershey & Co. CLEAN UP. Ordinance No. 17 makes it unlawful for any one to throw refuse, manure or filth in the streets or alleys. Clean up, keep it clean and avoid trouble. Sylvester Friend, Chief of Police. BUTTERMILK for sale by the barrel at the creamery. The best cigar in the city is "Irish Girl" at MoEvoy's. Go to Guy's fine cigar. Place for an A No. 1 VEAL CALVES Wanted at Klenk & Gatward's market, from six to ten weeks old. Highest market price paid. WANTED by a lady, a position as cook on a farm or i. tn ii . jj ruuuu. x ur paruuui&ra can or auuresa Geo. T. SnellijiG, North Plattev Neb NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. Sealed bids will be received at the county clerk's office until Saturday, July 7th. 1888, at 2 p. m., for a bridge across the South Platte River on a public road between sections 31 and 32, town 11. range 33 west. Said bridge to be a sin gle (with one turn out) about 2,200 feet long and 8 feet above the river bed. Two piles to each bent and one ice break Dile to each bent. The bents will be twelve feet and the spans 24 feet from center to center of piles. The piles to be white or burr oak, 24 feet Ions and not less than 14 inches across tho larce end and 10 innhmi across small end, driven into the hard pan or until the piles can be driven no further, leaving said piles high enough to frame. The ice break pun ib lj uxj ouiiiu uiiuuiiBioiis except as to iengtn which shall be sixteen feet. The nilinir cans to be 4x14 inches 12 feet long securely bolted. The floor 3 inch pine not more than 8 inches wide and 12 feet long (separate bid for oak floor) with two spikes into each joist. There shall be seven chords or joist 3x12 and 21 feet long and sway braced. The nail posts to be 4x6 inches with 2 bolts toeach joist. The rub mil to be 2x8 inches, the top rail 2x4 inches and cap 2x6 inches. Plans and specifications to accompany each bid. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board. Attest: J. E. Evans. County Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will h received by the board of county commissioners of Lincoln countv ud to Monday. Julv 7th. 1888. for the erection of a wagon bridge across a chan nel of the Platte river on the McCullough road crossing at Maxwell. Each bidder to furnish his own plans and specifications. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board. Attest: John E. Evans, County Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received at tho rnnntv clerk's office at North Platte. Nebraska, until 12 o'clock M. on July 7th, 1888, for the building of a county jail. .Plans ana specifications are on file at th county clerk's office. 'Ine right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the board of county commissioners. J. E. Evans. County Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bid will H received by tho board oE county commissioners of Lincoln county up to noon, July 7th, 18ES, for the erection of a wagon bridge across the Diruwoou vjtos. at a point near its moutn. Brichre to be twelve feet wide with sronH niiin supported by oak piles. Each bidder is expected 10 ionusa ais own pians ana. Bpecincauons. xne ngnt is reserved io reject any or all bids. By order of the board, J.E. Evans, Clerk North Platte, Neb., Jane 14th. 1888. NOTICE TO BOND-BUYE R8. Bids will be received at the county clerk's of fice up to 12 o'clock noon on Monday, July 2d, 1888, for the purchase of 7,000 of O'FalloriPre cinct 6 per cent registered bonds, interest paya ble semi-annually in New York city on each first day of October and April . These bonds are seven in number and of the value of $1000 each. They are authorized by chapter 45, on pages 483. 486 and 487 of tho stat utes of 1887 of the State of Nebraska, and were adopted by the voters of O'Fallon precinct, Lin coln county, at a special election called for that purpose, the whole vote for bonds. beingilOT and! the whole vote against only 10. The first of these bonds is dae-April'. 1st, 1805,. and two on each first day of April thereafter; in. their numerical order, until allare paid.. Present indebtedness 00. Assessed valuation, in, 1887. $1,600,262.10,. Estimated valcon. $9401,310.50. A certified chck of $100 most accompany each' bid. TJtie bonds .are considered first-class security.. J.E. Evans, CoontyClerk North Platte. Neb.. June 12th. 1888. -V it- I, 't ...... . i . ! t. . ..vS! ItiSlxj' -;i J